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Read Me First - The Very Basics of Liquor Distillation - Beginner's Talk Discussions On StillDragon® Community Forum

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Read Me First - The Very Basics of Liquor Distillation

5 May 2015 04:25AM edited May 2015 in Beginner's Talk

One of the daunting aspects of starting in the hobby of liquor distillation is the probability of
information overload. When you begin to read on the subject, you'll find massive amounts of
information, but some is true, some is absolute hogwash, some has no relation at all to what you
want to do, some is exactly what you need to know, and it's almost impossible to tell the differences.
To make matters worse, much of the information you need must be read after other information you
also need to understand that first thing you read.

This post, and the documents it's linked to, is hopefully a seed crystal to a collection of ordered,
peer-vetted information that will allow you to break out of information overload, and get on with
successful distillation. As we see weaknesses and omission in this collection, we'll amend and add as

If you start reading here, and read the material linked to by this post, you will get the information the
new distiller needs, in roughly the order you need it. Most importantly, this information will be devoid
of the myth, fallacies, and general bad information that abounds about distillation. It is my hope that
it will be harder to displace good information with bad information in your mind, than to fill a vacuum
with bad information.
Each paragraph in this post will describe a document that contains a solidly accurate description of a
single concept, and a then supplies a link to that document. The first document describes the most
basic principles of distillation, and is a good place to start. The Basics of Distillation Welcome!

Because the potstill uses the basic principles of distilling in the simplest and most easily described Be part of our community &
manner, it makes sense to describe the function and operation of a potstill next. Get that explanation join our international next
here. An Overview of Potstilling generation forum now!

In An Overview of Potstilling, you learned how to run your potstill, and divide the output into Sign In Register
fractions, each of which will be a bit different from the fraction before and the fraction after.
Separating these fractions into good and bad is called "making the cuts", and is explained simply in
ZBob's Making the Cuts, and in much more detail with good graphics in Kiwi's Novice Guide for Cuts. Recent Discussions

The next logical step is to understand exactly what the potstill will do for you, so that you can predict Unanswered 0

generally what will happen during a potstill run. That's covered in Understanding and Predicting
Potstill Runs. Categories

At this point it's probably time to deal with one of the most pernicious pieces of phony still lore out All Categories 2.4K
there, what I call the "Magic Boiling Principle". When you hear talk from potstillers who "can't control Introduction 156
their potstill temperature", or who have a magic plan to "control the wash temperature so only the
ethanol boils off", they are subscribing to this widespread (and completely fallacious) theory. Find it Beginner's Talk 277

debunked at Magic Boiling Myth. Configuration 376

With all this talk about how distilling is done, you're probably wondering what kind of stuff you need Usage 140
to put in your still's boiler to get started. We'll start that discussion in What Can I Put in My Still?
General 819

I know I've been tossing about words like "ferment" and "fermentable" and "fermentation" without Accessories 148
really telling you much about what they mean, and I plan to correct that right away, but you'll have to
learn about the micro-organism that makes fermentation work, yeast. It's all right here in Recipes 201

Understanding Fermentation and the Yeast That makes it Possible. Cookbook 19

When hobby distillers wish to make neutral or flavorless liquor, they will frequently start by making SD Australia & NZ 119
and fermenting a sugar wash, but it's easy to throw some sugar and yeast in a fermenter and create
SD Europe 79
something that doesn't ferment well, or at all. In How to design a Sugar wash you'll learn how to
design a healthy sugar fermentation. SD North America 74

By now you should have a pretty fair grasp of the distillation theory, at least for potstilling (We'll be Classified Ads 91

getting to reflux still after a bit), and you should be ready to try some hands-on stuff. Fortunately, my Distillers Pub 232
old friend Mason Jar Dixon, the Rye Junkie, has written exactly what you need to actually start making
some liquor, and another old friend, Pint-O-Shine has preserved it on his Artisan Distiller web site.
In this Discussion
Read Mason's An Introduction To Beginning Distilling.
Moonshine May 2015
So far, everything we've discussed uses a potstill, but you've probably heard people talking about
reflux stills, too. For a discussion about the difference, and how they might be used differently, take a
look at The Difference Between Potstills and Reflux Stills.

With all this good knowledge and experience under your belt, you're in good shape to profit from
Tony Ackland's Home Distillation of Alcohol. This site is an encyclopedic collection of principles,
experiences, recipes, designs, calculators, and much more, and is in large part drawn from the New
Zealand distillation movement, which laid the groundwork for the technical modern hobby distiller. If
there is one single location the new distiller should read and re-read, this is it.

Now that you've been introduced to the basics, and a bit more, it's time to get really serious and start
exploring Harry Jackson's The Alcohol Library (may be currently offline) If it isn't in here somewhere,
you probably don't need it, but there's just way too much in here for a newby's first bite.

Zymurgy Bob, a simple potstiller

my book, Making Fine Spirits

Tagged: distillation, beginning distiller, beginning, beginners guide, basics


5 May 2015 06:45AM edited May 2015

For in deep reading I'd like to recommend @zymurgybob's famous book, which is definitely worth the

Making Fine Spirits - by Zymurgy Bob

Making Fine Spirits is a book for the rankest beginning potstiller who is interested in learning to make
naturally-flavored “brown” spirits, whiskeys (and also whiskeys), brandies, and rums. It will guide him (and
her, if she’s interested) through the questions that need to be answered, and the decisions that need to be
made to start the new distiller on the way to creating that first amber drop of ambrosia.

You’ll learn distillation lore, which dangers are real, and which are bogus. You’ll learn how to build a small
but useful coffeepot still in a day, without soldering, and the next day you’ll learn how to make a
respectable brandy from the cheapest grocery store wine in that still.

You’ll build on your experiences with the coffeepot still to construct a 5-gallon potstill, and then a 15-
gallon potstill.

Making Fine Spirits is also a book for the advanced potstiller as well. You’ll design and ferment washes,
and distill them while making the cuts to get only the finest spirit, and you’ll pick the appropriate aging
chemistry to enhance even further the quality and complexity of what you’ve made.

And after you’ve done all that, you’ll realize that your spirits have become as good as, or most commonly,
better than, what you are used to drinking. At that point, you’ll start buying the odd very-high-end spirit,
just to see what they did and plot to copy it. At that point you can truly say you are making fine spirits.

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