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Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

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Review article

The effects of positive psychology interventions on well-being and distress

in patients with cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and
K.J.M. Tönis a, *, J.T. Kraiss a, G.C.M. Linssen b, E.T. Bohlmeijer a
Department of Psychology, Health, and Technology, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Department of Cardiology, Ziekenhuisgroep Twente, Almelo, Hengelo, the Netherlands


Keywords: Objective: Positive psychology interventions (PPIs) have been found to be effective for psychiatric and somatic
Cardiovascular disease disorders. However, a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining the effectiveness of PPIs for
Positive psychology intervention patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) is lacking. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to syn­
thesize studies examining the effectiveness of PPIs and to examine their effects on mental well-being and distress
Systematic review
using meta-analyses.
Mental well-being
Distress Methods: This study was preregistered on OSF ( A systematic search was performed in
PsycINFO, PubMed and Scopus. Studies were included if they examined the effectiveness of PPIs on well-being
for patients with CVD. Quality assessment was based on the Cochrane tool for assessing risk of bias. Three-level
mixed-effects meta-regression models were used to analyze effect sizes of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
Results: Twenty studies with 1222 participants were included, of which 15 were RCTs. Included studies showed
high variability in study and intervention characteristics. Meta-analyses showed significant effects for mental
well-being (β = 0.33) and distress (β = 0.34) at post-intervention and the effects were still significant at follow-
up. Five of the 15 RCTs were classified as having fair quality, while the remaining had low quality.
Conclusion: These results suggest that PPIs are effective in improving well-being and distress in patients with CVD
and could therefore be a valuable addition for clinical practice. However, there is a need for more rigorous
studies that are adequately powered and that help us understand what PPIs are most effective for which patient.

1. Introduction review on depression rates in patients undergoing a coronary artery

bypass surgery estimated that 30 to 40% of those patients experience a
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a combination of blood vessel depression (either minor, major or a dysthymia) [15]. In a similar vein,
and heart diseases [1,2]. CVDs represented almost one third of world­ about one fifth of CVD patients experience anxiety [6]. A meta-
wide deaths in 2019 [2] and have a lifetime risk of almost 55% for men regression on anxiety disorders in patients with a coronary heart dis­
and 38% for women [3]. CVDs are associated with high societal burden, ease showed a prevalence of 15.5% for any anxiety disorder and 8.0%
with an estimated annual cost of 169 billion euro in 2006 in the Euro­ for generalized anxiety disorder [16].
pean Union [4] and over 350 billion dollar in 2014–2015 in the United Reducing distress in patients with CVD is vital because depression
States [5]. and anxiety are associated with poorer health outcomes in patients with
CVDs do not only lead to high societal burden and have an impact on CVD. A large prospective longitudinal cohort study among 2325 patients
physical health, but also have consequences for mental health. Anxiety with (chronic) ischemic heart disease showed a significant association
and depression are common in patients with CVD [6–9]. Major depres­ between distress and mortality [7]. Depression is associated with higher
sive disorder is found in approximately one fifth of CVD patients mortality in patients with CVD [8,17–19], rehospitalisation [19,20],
[8,10–13] and even more experience depressive symptoms [14]. A more days spent in hospital [20], visits to the emergency department

* Corresponding author at: Universiteit Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, Cubicus C138, Postbus 217, 7500 AE Enschede, the
E-mail address: (K.J.M. Tönis).
Received 16 December 2022; Received in revised form 28 March 2023; Accepted 2 April 2023
Available online 17 April 2023
0022-3999/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

[20] and clinical heart failure symptoms (e.g. sleep disturbance, [21]). positive affect and satisfaction with life) was included as outcome
In addition, anxiety is positively associated with mortality [22,23] and measure. To get a complete overview of existing PPIs for CVD patients,
hospitalisation [24]. A variety of psychological interventions is avail­ different study designs were included in the systematic review,
able for this patient group, such as mindfulness interventions [25] and including RCTs, quasi-experimental and uncontrolled designs.
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) [26]. Although psychological in­ Records were excluded if they (1) were not published in a peer-
terventions have a significant effect on anxiety, depression and stress, no reviewed journal or the article itself was not full peer-reviewed (e.g.
significant effects were found for mortality in coronary heart disease the letter to the editor of [39]), (2) were not in English, (3) focused on
patients [27]. prevention of those at risk for a CVD, (4) included physical exercise as
Besides these findings related to distress, studies suggest that well- intervention, (5) were qualitative studies or case studies, (6) published a
being related processes have beneficial effects for patients with CVD. secondary analysis such as [40] or cross-trial publication such as [41],
In a meta-analysis, [28] found a prospective link between positive (7) were published before 1998, as 1998 is seen as the start year of the
psychology constructs (e.g., well-being, optimism and positive affect) positive psychology [30] or (8) evaluated the effects of the intervention
and a reduction in the risk of mortality and rehospitalization. The on non-psychological outcomes, such as biomarkers, such as [42].
relationship between positive psychological states such as optimism and
cardiovascular outcomes seem to be independent from negative ones 2.2. Search strategy
such as depression [29]. This suggests that promoting well-being related
outcomes can have positive effects on physical health related outcomes A systematic search for literature was carried out in PsycINFO,
in patients with CVD. PubMed and Scopus on March 29, 2022. The search string consisted of
Whereas traditional psychology primarily focuses on reducing terms related to positive psychology interventions, cardiovascular dis­
dysfunctional behavior, cognition and emotion-regulation positive eases, mental well-being related outcomes and study design. The first,
psychology aims to strengthen positive individual and social functioning second and fourth author were consulted on the search string before the
to promote flourishing [30]. Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs) search was carried out. The search was limited to title/abstract
aim to foster positive behaviors, feelings and cognitions with activities (PubMed) and article/abstract/keywords (Scopus). Results were limited
targeting for example optimism, altruism, gratitude, character strength to English reports published between 1998 and 2022 (PubMed, Scopus)
use [29,31,32]. PPIs not only have positive effects on mental well-being, in academic journals (PsycINFO). The search string can be found in
but also on depression and anxiety in general (non-clinical) samples Appendix A. Previous (systematic) reviews and meta-analyses on this
[31,32]. Recently, [33] performed a large meta-analysis of PPIs and topic were cross-checked [29,34–36,43,44].
found moderate effects for stress, anxiety, depression, quality of life, and
well-being, with CVDs do not only lead to high societal burden and have 2.3. Study selection
an impact on physical health, but also have consequences for the mental
health of patients. A meta-analysis of PPIs targeted at patients with so­ The records retrieved from the electronic database searches were
matic and psychiatric disorders was performed [34] and found that PPIs uploaded to Endnote ( Duplicates were removed
significantly improved well-being, and reduced anxiety and depression. with the duplicate finder of Endnote and manually by the first author
In addition, [35] conducted a meta-analysis of PPIs in medically ill pa­ (KT). Then the remaining records were independently screened to find
tients (e.g., chronic pain, cancer, and heart disease), but focused only on potentially eligible papers based on the title and abstract and if needed
anxiety as outcome. They found a significant moderate effect on anxiety full texts were screened. The first author (KT) and a group of five trained
at post-test, which could be maintained until follow-up. Recently, a bachelor psychology students who divided the records independently
systematic review and meta-analysis was performed on psychological screened all records. Afterwards, the reports selected as relevant by the
interventions for patients with a coronary artery disease [36]. They first author and the reports selected as relevant by the group of students
included three multicomponent PPIs and 16 CBT studies and found that were compared in terms of eligibility, finally resulting in the included
interventions were effective in improving anxiety, depression and stress. papers. Any disagreements concerning eligibility of papers between the
To the knowledge of the authors, no comprehensive systematic re­ first author and the group of students were discussed with the second
view and meta-analysis of PPIs for patients with all types of CVD has and fourth author until consensus was reached.
been conducted. One previous meta-analysis examined the effectiveness
of PPIs in CVD [36]. However, they only included studies for patients 2.4. Data extraction
with coronary artery disease, limiting the scope of their review in terms
of type of CVD. Therefore, it remains unclear to what extent PPIs are The extraction of data was conducted by the first author (KT). Data
effective in improving well-being and distress in patients with CVD. The was collected on 1) population characteristics, including gender, age,
present systematic review and meta-analysis aims to fill this gap in type of disorder, and sample size (at allocation); 2) study characteristics,
literature by synthesizing studies examining the effectiveness of PPIs in including study design, (control) conditions, outcome measures and
CVD patients. In addition, a meta-analysis will be conducted across used questionnaires, assessment points (pre, post, and/or follow up),
included randomized controlled trials to determine whether PPIs are and retention rate; 3) intervention characteristics: type of PPI, delivery
indeed effective in improving well-being and distress. mode, duration (in weeks) and the duration of a session (in minutes),
number of sessions, guidance of a therapist (or no guidance); and 4) data
2. Method to collect effect sizes (either mean and standard deviations pre-, post-
and at follow-up) or the effect size mentioned in the paper. Data
The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- extraction was cross-checked by the second author. The authors of 12
Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [37] was used for conducting this sys­ papers were contacted for additional data needed to calculate an effect
tematic review. This study was pre-registered on OSF registries [38]. size. Reminders were sent if authors did not respond to our initial
request. Eventually, three authors provided the requested data.
2.1. Eligibility criteria
2.5. Quality assessment
The following inclusion criteria were used: the study (1) included
patients with a CVD, (2) examined the effectiveness of a PPI, an inter­ The methodological quality of included RCTs was assessed based on
vention that is aimed at increasing mental well-being and positive be­ the Cochrane collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias [45]. Since
haviors, feelings and cognitions [32], and (3) mental well-being (e.g. not all items of this quality assessment are applicable for psychological

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

studies, only a selection of these items was used for the current study, aggregated effect sizes. This increases the precision and power of the
following [46]. This is in accordance with previous meta-analyses on the pooled effect [59–62]. All models were also performed with outliers
effects of (positive) psychological interventions [34,46,47]. This resul­ excluded to check for robustness of the findings. An effect size was seen
ted in the following eight criteria: (1) randomization, (2) description of as outlier if the 95% confidence interval of the individual effect size fell
drop-outs, (3) intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses, (4) the presence of within the 95% confidence interval of the pooled estimate.
qualified professionals, (5) sample size was based on a power-analysis or Cochran’s Q statistic was used to determine heterogeneity of effect
at least 64 per group, (6) integrity of the treatment, (7) comparability of sizes. A significant Cochran’s Q indicates heterogeneity [45]. I2 statistic
the baseline and/or corrections to imbalance baseline were made, and was used to calculate the degree of heterogeneity. I2 values express the
(8) an adequate description of inclusion and/or exclusion criteria. See percentage of the sum of variance across all included effect sizes [63].
Table B1 in Appendix B for the criteria including a description for each The smaller the percentage (I2 value), the smaller the heterogeneity (i.e.,
item. 25% is classified as low, 50% as moderate, and 75% as high) [63]. I2
Each criterion was independently scored as absent (0) or present (1) values were reported separately for level 2 (within-study heterogeneity)
by two authors (KT and JK). Uncertainties were discussed until and level 3 (between-study heterogeneity). Due to the relatively small
consensus was reached. The percentage of items scored as present (1) number of included RCTs (n = 14), moderator analyses were not
was calculated over all criteria of a study to determine its (methodo­ performed.
logical) quality. The quality of a study was classified as lower (<70% of Risk for publication bias was tested by visual inspection of funnel
the criteria were scored as present), fair (at least 70%, but smaller than plots, statistical analyses of asymmetry of the funnel plots and precision
100%) or good (100%). Percentages instead of sum scores were used, effect test and precision-effect estimate with standard error (PET-PEESE)
because not all criteria were applicable for all studies, since there is no [58,64]. Funnel plots are scatter plots of effect sizes against the standard
guidance in self-help interventions and therewith the criterion on error. Symmetrical funnel plots indicate low risk for publication bias
(guidance of a) qualified professional is not applicable. If this was the [58]. Asymmetry of the funnel plot was statistically tested by including
case, those items were scored with not applicable (NA), and the per­ the inverse of the sample size as a covariate in the models. An indicator
centage of present (1) was calculated based on the remaining items that of asymmetry of a funnel plot is a significant relationship between the
were actually scored. effect size and the inverse of the sample size [65]. PET-PEESE was used
as additional indicator for publication bias, which represents a com­
2.6. Outcome measures bined approach. In the PET model, the standard error of the effect sizes is
included as potential covariate, and in the PEESE model the squared
The primary outcome of the meta-analysis was mental well-being at standard error is used as covariate [46]. The model’s intercept can be
post-intervention and (if applicable) at follow-up. The secondary interpreted as the true effect after correcting for small-study effects [58].
outcome was distress (i.e. depression, anxiety and stress). These If the PET model’s intercept is significantly larger than zero, the PEESE
outcome measures were not further specified in, for example, depression model’s intercept should be used [58].
or positive affect, because of the relatively small number of studies
included. 3. Results

2.7. Meta-analyses 3.1. Study selection

For the systematic review, both RCTs and non-RCTs (quasi experi­ The search resulted in 2425 records (Fig. 1). An automatic search for
mental studies and non- controlled trials) were included. In the meta- duplicates resulted in the removal of 214 records, and 74 were manually
analysis, only RCTs were included. Therefore, studies without a con­ removed duplicates. 2137 records were screened based on title and/or
trol group [48–50] or without randomization [51,52] were not part of abstract during the first phase. The full texts of 56 studies were
the meta-analysis. The data provided in the paper of [53] was not suf­ reviewed, resulting in the inclusion of 19 reports that met the inclusion
ficient enough to be used in the meta-analyses and had therefore be criteria. Additionally, checking the included articles in other meta-
excluded from the meta-analysis. Therefore, the data of 14 RCTs was analyses and (systematic) reviews [29,34–36,43,44] resulted in the in­
included in the meta-analyses. In line with recommendations, meta- clusion of one additional article. This resulted in a final inclusion of 20
analyses were not specifically corrected for multiplicity testing [54]. studies.
Effect size calculation, meta-analyses and publication bias analyses More than half of the studies were performed in the United States (k
were conducted in R [55] by using the packages metafor [56], dmetar, = 12), followed by Iran (k = 6), Spain (k = 1), and United Kingdom (k =
and esc [57]. If reported in the article or provided upon request, the 1). The first study was published in 2011 [66] and the most recent
standardized between- group difference in means and corresponding studies were published in 2022 [67], [68]. These and other character­
standard errors were calculated based on means and standard de­ istics can be found in Table 1 (study characteristics) and Table 2 (pop­
viations. If this data was not available, the reported effect sizes were ulation and intervention characteristics).
directly extracted, and p-values were used to calculate the standard error
for each effect size. All effect sizes were calculated based on the ITT 3.2. Study characteristics
principle. If ITT data was not available, effect sizes were calculated
based on per-protocol analyses. The sampling variance for each effect 15 of the 20 studies were RCTs, three studies did not include a
size was calculated as the square root of the standard error of the effect control condition [48–50] and two had a quasi-experimental design
size [58]. [51,52]. In three studies, the PPI was compared with two control con­
Four separate meta-analyses were performed, for post-test and ditions [66], [67], [69]. PPIs were compared to treatment as usual
follow-up for well-being and distress. Three-level mixed-effects meta- (TAU) (e.g. [70]), CBT [67], patient education programs (e.g. [71]) or
regression models implemented in the metafor package [56] were waitlist (e.g. [72]). A variety of mental well-being related outcomes (e.g.
used for all four meta-analyses. A three-level model was chosen, which optimism, positive affect, happiness) and distress (e.g. depression and
accounts for effect sizes (level 3) nested within studies (level 2), while at anxiety) were included. A summary of study characteristics can be found
the same time modelling between-study effects. One advantage of this in Table 1.
approach is that statistical dependence can be modeled without knowing
correlations between dependent effect sizes. Another advantage is that
all individual effect sizes will be included in the analyses instead of

K.J.M. Tönis et al.
Identification of studies via databases and registers Identification of studies via other methods

Records removed before

Records identified from:

Records identified from: screening:

In meta-analysis and
PsycINFO (n = 891) Duplicate records removed with
Systematic reviews included
PubMed (n = 1084) Endnote (n = 214)
studies (n = 2)
Scopus (n = 450) Duplicate records removed
Cross-checking reference list
manually (n = 74)
of included articles (n = 0)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 2137) (n = 2081)

Reports sought for retrieval Reports sought for retrieval



Reports not retrieved (n = 1 )

(n = 56) (n = 2) Reports not retrieved
(n = 0)

Reports assessed for eligibility Reports excluded (n = 36): Reports assessed for eligibility
Commentary (n = 1) Reports excluded:
(n = 55) (n = 2)
Not a PPI (n = 31) Not peer reviewed (n = 1)
Erratum (n = 1)
Summary article (n = 1)
Protocol (n = 1)
Biomarkers as outcome (n = 1)

Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

Secondary analysis (n= 1)

Studies included in review

(n = 20)

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the search and selection of articles.

Note. Adapted from [37].
K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

Table 1
Study characteristics.
Author(s) and year of Study
publication characteristics

Design Control condition (n) Outcome measures Questionnaires Assessment Retention rate PPI-
points* condition

Randomized Controlled Trials

Carroll et al. (2020) RCT Heart Healthy Education QoL QOLI Pre/Post 72.7%
[75] (10) Happiness Happiness Follow-up (9
thermometer months)
Celano et al. (2020) Randomized pilot MI-alone (15) Positive affect PANAS Pre/Post 100%
[69] trial Optimism LOT-R Follow-up (24
TAU (15) Depression HADS-D weeks)
Anxiety HADS-A
Cullen et al. (2018) Pilot RCT TAU (13) Emotional DASS-21 Pre/Post 71.4%
[73] distress AHI Follow-up (20
Well-being weeks)
Ghodsbin et al. RCT ? (45) Spiritual WB SWBS Pre/Post 84.4%
(2015) [76] Follow-up (11
Huffman et al. Randomized Active control: relaxation Depression CES-D Pre/Post ?
(2011) [66] exploratory trial response (7) Happiness SHS
Attentional control: Positive affect CESD-H
recollection (7) Anxiety HADS-A
Huffman et al. Pilot RCT MI (23) Positive affect PANAS Pre/post 83%
(2019) [77] Anxiety HADS-A Follow-up (24
Depression HADS-D weeks)
Optimism LOT-R
Mohammadi et al. RCT Education (30) Positive affect PANAS Pre/Post 96.8%
(2018) [71] Negative affect PANAS Follow-up (16
Optimism Hope Happiness LOT-R AHS OHI SWLS weeks)
Life-satisfaction Anxiety HADS-A HADS-D HADS-T
Depression Psychological
Nikrahan, Suarez Pilot RCT Waitlist (14) Happiness Depression OHI BDI-II SWLS Pre/Post Seligman PPI:
et al. (2016) [78] Life-satisfaction Hope DHS Follow-up (15 76.9%
weeks) Lyubomirksy PPI:
Fordyce: 66.7%
Nikrahan et al. Pilot RCT Attention-matched (20): Psychological well-being Ryff’s PWBS Pre/Post 100%
(2019) [72] Patient Education Depression Follow-up (15
Positive affect BDI-II weeks)
Negative affect PANAS
Optimism PANAS
Peterson et al. (2012) RCT Patient Education (118) Social support Stress MOS SSS PSS Pre ?
[53] Depression Positive affect CES-D PANAS PANAS Follow-up (12
Negative affect months)
Redwine et al. Pilot RCT TAU (36) Gratitude GQ-6 Pre/Post 70.6%
(2016) [70]
Sadlonova et al. Pilot RCT TAU (28) Depression Optimism BDI-II LOT-R OHI GHQ-28 Pre/Post 100%
(2022) [67] CBT (31) Happiness Follow-up (15
Psychological distress weeks)
Sanjuán et al. (2016) RCT Cardiac Rehabilitation Depression Positive affect SCL-90-R PANAS Pre/Post 87.7%
[79] Programme/Waitlist for Negative affect PANAS
IV (51)
Terrill et al. (2018) Pilot Waitlist (4) Depression PROMIS-DS-F Pre/Post 90.9%
[74] QoL OPQOL Follow up (20
Resilience CD-RISC weeks)
Social SRI
Terrill et al. (2022) Pilot RCT Waitlist (28) Depression PROMIS-D-SF Pre/Post 90%
[68] Follow up (20

Non Randomized Controlled Trials

Carrillo et al. (2021) Uncontrolled pilot – Happiness NA Pre/post 76.5%
[48] study Optimism Follow-up (8
Depression weeks)
Celano, Albanese, Randomized – Positive affect PANAS Pre/post 88%
et al. factorial trial Optimism LOT-R Follow-up (16
(2018) [49] weeks)
(continued on next page)

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

Table 1 (continued )
Author(s) and year of Study
publication characteristics

Design Control condition (n) Outcome measures Questionnaires Assessment Retention rate PPI-
points* condition

Depression HADS-D
Anxiety HADS-A
Celano, Freedman Uncontrolled pilot – Positive affect PANAS Pre/post 81.8%
et al. study Optimism LOT-R
(2018) [50] Depression HADS-D
Anxiety HADS-A
Elham et al. (2015) Quasi-experimental TAU (33) Anxiety STAI Pre/Post NA
[51] Spiritual WB SWBS
Huffman et al. Non-randomized TAU (25) Positive affect PANAS Pre/post 87%
(2016) [52] pilot study Anxiety HADS-A
Depression HADS-D
Distress HADS-T
Optimism LOT-R

Note. AHI = Authentic Happiness Inventory; AHS = Adult Hope Scale; BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory-II; CBT = Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; CD-ISC = Connor
Davidson Resilience Scale; CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies (D = Depression Scale, H = Happiness); DASS-21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scales short form;
DHS = Dispositional Hope Scale; GHQ-28 = General Health Questionnaire 28 items; GQ-6 = six-item Gratitude Questionnaire; HADS = Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale (D = Depression Scale, A = Anxiety Scale, T = Total); LOT-R = Life Orientation Test - Revised; MI = Motivational Interviewing; MOS SF 12 MCS =
Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 12 Mental Component Score; MOS NA = Not Available, SSS = Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey; OHI = Oxford
Happiness Inventory; OPQDL = Older People’s Quality of Life Questionnaire; PANAS = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PSS = Perceived Stress Scale; PROMIS-
DS-F = Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Depression Short Form; PWBS = Psychological Well-being Brief Scale; QoL = Quality of Life;
QOLI = Qualtiy of Life Inventory; RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial; SHS = Subjective Happiness Scale; SCL-90-R = Symptoms Checklist Revised); SRI = Social
Relationships Index; STAI = Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory; SWLS = Satisfaction With Life Scale; SWBS = Spiritual Well-being Scale; TAU = Treatment As
Usual; WB = Well-being.
Weeks or months calculated from baseline.

3.3. Population characteristics 3.4. Quality of the studies

1222 participants were included, 692 in the PPI conditions (range The quality of the RCTs can be found in Table S1 in the supple­
7–128 participants) and 530 in the control conditions (range 4–118) as mentary material. The lowest score was 37.5% [66] and the highest
can be found in Table 2. Sample sizes tended to be small, with only two score was 87.5% [53,72]. Five of the 15 RCTs scored 70% or above and
studies including >65 participants [49,53]. The average age of the can therefore be classified as having fair quality [53,67,68,72,74], the
participants ranged from 52.6 to 70.8 years (M = 60.7). In eleven other ten studies as having lower quality. A description of the inclusion
studies, the majority of the participants was male (range 52–95.2%). and exclusion criteria was given in all RCTs, and was therefore the cri­
Three studies included post-stroke patients [68,73,74], the other studies terion with the highest score across studies. Including a sufficient
included patients with a cardiac condition (k = 17). Cardiac conditions number of at least 64 participants per condition or conducting a power
included acute coronary syndrome (n = 4), coronary artery disease (n = analysis (and meeting the calculated number) was only met in one study
3), heart failure (n = 3), coronary heart disease (n = 2), and others (n = [53].
Intervention characteristics. 3.5. Meta-analyses
An overview of different PPIs included in the 20 studies can be found
in Table 2. Three studies were part of the development (from pilot For well-being, 27 comparisons from 11 studies were analysed at
testing to evaluating) process of a PPI called Positive Emotions after post-intervention, and 23 comparisons from 8 studies at follow-up. For
Acute Cardiac Events (PEACE) [49,52,77]. An overview of this six-year distress, 25 comparisons from 9 studies were analysed at post-
development process can be found in [80]. Two interventions were intervention, whereas 21 comparisons from 7 studies were analysed at
similar, but more intensive [69] or two weeks shorter [50]. Three follow- up. A summary of the three-level mixed-effects models can be
studies involved single component interventions: positive thinking [76], found in Table 3.
optimism [71] and gratitude [70]. Nine studies involved a multicom­ For well-being, a significant effect was found at post-intervention (β
ponent intervention [53,66–68,72–75,79]. A multicomponent PPI in­ = 0.33, 95% CI: 0.19 to 0.47, p < 0.001) and at follow-up (β = 0.34, 95%
cludes a variety of activities such as acts of kindness, practicing gratitude CI: 0.02 to 0.65, p = 0.037). Significant heterogeneity in effect sizes at
or meaningfulness that target at multiple mental well-being related post-intervention was found for mental well-being (Q = 52.85, df = 26,
components [81]. One study was described as a spiritual/religious p = 0.001). Heterogeneity at level 2 (τ2 (level 2)) was zero and 0.04 at
intervention [51], one as a text message intervention with partly well- level 3 (τ2 (level 3)). The I2 was 52.74% at level 2 and 0.00% at level 3,
being related messages (e.g. doing novel things to increase life satis­ indicating that just over half of the variance is explained by within-study
faction, [48] and the last study involved three different multicomponent differences, no variance is explained by between-study differences and
PPIs [78]. The duration of the intervention varied from three days [51] 47.26% is explained by sampling error. One outlier was detected for
to 12 weeks (the PEACE intervention, e.g. [77]. The number of sessions post-test and three for follow-up. After excluding outliers, the pooled
varied between three [51] and 28 (text messages, [48]) with a varied effects were slightly smaller, but still significant for post-test (β = 0.29,
session duration of (median) 25 minutes [73] to 120 minutes [71]. 14 95% CI: 0.17 to 0.42, p < 0.001) and follow-up (β = 0.27, 95% CI: 0.05
PPIs were performed under the guidance of a therapist, for one study it to 0.48, p = 0.017). The forest plot of included studies can be found in
was not described whether there was guidance [76], the remaining five Fig. 2. The forest plot of included studies at follow-up can be found in the
involved a text message intervention [48], self-administered interven­ Supplementary Material (Fig. S1).
tion [68], [74], (gratitude) dairy [70], and a workbook combined with For distress, significant effects were found at post-intervention (β =
positive affect inducing telephone calls [53]. − 0.31, 95% CI: − 0.45 to − 0.16, p < 0.001) and at follow-up (β = − 0.48,

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

Table 2
Population and Intervention characteristics.
Author(s) and Population characteristics Intervention characteristics
year of

Country Type of Gender Age (M Type of PPI (n): Theoretical Delivery Duration Duration of Number Guidance
CVD (% [SD]) background mode in weeks a session of of a
Male) (in sessions therapist

Randomized Controlled Trials

Carroll et al. USA** ICD* 62% 62 (9) Quality of Life Therapy (11): In-person or 12 M = 56 12 Yes
(2020) [75] Happiness, quality of life and phone based (SD = 6)
life satisfaction, combined with
attention for relapse prevention
and promotion of health
Celano et al. USA** HF 73% 70.8 PPI + MI (15): See Celano, Phone based 12 ? 12 Yes
(2020) [69] (10.3) Freedman et al. (2018)
Cullen et al. United Stroke 63% Median: PoPsTAR (14): PERMA Face-to-face 8 25–43 8 Yes
(2018) [73] Kingdom 57 framework of Seligman and Full (one-to-one)
Life conceptualization.
Ghodsbin et al. Iran CAD 44.6% 60.2 (6.9) Positive Thinking (45): Face-to-face 7 75 7 Unclear
(2015) [76] IV 58.1 Religion, relaxation, positive
(9.1) CC thinking
Huffman et al. USA** ACS or NA NA PPI (9): gratitude, optimism and Phone based 8 ? 8 Yes
(2011) [66] CHF altruism
Huffman et al. USA** ACS 77% 60.8 PEACE-IV PPI + MI (24) See Phone based 12 30–45 12 Yes
(2019) [77] (10.7) Huffman et al. (2016)
Mohammadi Iran CHD 77% 52.6 (5.4) Optimism IV (31): optimism Group based 8 120 8 Yes
et al. (2018) training
Nikrahan, Iran CAD 76.3% 56.6 (8.7) Seligman PPI (13): enhancing Group based 6 90 6 Yes
Suarez et al. meaningfulness, engagement
(2016) [78] and a pleasant life.
Lyubomirsky PPI (13):
enhancing gratitude, optimism,
spirituality and coping
Fordyce PPI (15): positive
emotion-based cognitive
behavioral activities
Nikrahan et al. Iran CAD 55% 58.6 (5.9) Well-being IV (20) targets at Group based 8 90 8 Yes
(2019) [72] eudaimonic well-being (self-
acceptance, autonomy,
personal growth, positive
relationships, environmental
mastery and purpose in life)
Peterson et al. USA PCI 69.8% 62.1 (11) Positive affect and self- ? ? ? ? ?
(2012) [53] IV affirmation combined with
64.4 (11) patient education (124)
Redwine et al. USA** HF 95.2% 66.2 (7.6) Gratitude journaling IV (37) Diary 8 – – No
(2016) [70] (IV)
Sadlonova Iran CHD 86.9% 57.6 (8.3) PPI (25): based on the Group based 8 90 8 Yes
et al. (2022) Lyubomrisky PPI (see Nikrahan
[67] et al., 2019): enhancing
spirituality, forgivingness,
gratitude, optimism,
mindfulness, altruïsm (acts of
kindness), savoring, positive
feelings and developing coping
Sanjuán et al. Spain** Cardiac 82.4% 54.4 (9.1) Programme to Improve Well- Group based 6 60 4 Yes
(2016) [79] being (57)
Terrill et al. USA** Stroke 45% 56 (18.1) PPI with partner (7): Self- 8 – – No
(2018) [74] multicomponent approach with administered
the following exercises AoK,
gratitude, fostering
relationships, savoring, positive
focus, spirituality and work
towards a goal
Terrill et al. USA** Stroke 58.8% 53.4 PPI with partner, ReStoreD Self- 8 – – No
(2022) [68] (16.1) (20): multicomponent approach administered
with the following exercises

(continued on next page)

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

Table 2 (continued )
Author(s) and Population characteristics Intervention characteristics
year of

Country Type of Gender Age (M Type of PPI (n): Theoretical Delivery Duration Duration of Number Guidance
CVD (% [SD]) background mode in weeks a session of of a
Male) (in sessions therapist

AoK, gratitude, strengthen

relationships, savoring, positive
focus, find meaning and achieve
a goal

Non Randomized Controlled Trials

Carrillo et al. USA** ACS 67.7% 67.9 (8.7) Text message IV (17): daily Phone based 4 ? 28 No
(2021) [48] well-being and health behavior
adherence promoting Messages
Celano, USA** ACS 41% 63.1 PEACE-III (See Huffman et al., Phone based 8 ? 8 Yes
Albanese (12.0) 2016) optimizing with Booster
et al. (2018) session Weekly/daily PPI
[49] exercises, and with/without MI
Celano, USA** HF 60% 67.1 PPI (11): goal-setting (on Phone based 10 ? 10 Yes
Freedman (10.8) physical activity, medication
et al. (2018) adherence and diet) combined
[50] with PPI that targets gratitude,
meaning and strengths.
Elham et al. Iran CVD 59.1% 68.9 (8.3) Spiritual/religious IV (33): Face-to-face ≥ 3 days 60–90 ≥3 Yes
(2015) [51] multicomponent approach with
the following topics hope,
spirituality and religion,
strengthening relationships,
generosity, and relaxation.
Huffman et al. USA** ACS 52% 60.4 PEACE-II (23): positive Phone based 8 ? 8 Yes
(2016) [52] (11.7) emotions (3 good things),
strengths, gratitude, meaningful
activities, recalling success, and
kindness (AoK).

Note. ACS = Acute Coronary Syndrome; AoK = Acts of Kindness; CAD = Caronary Artery Disease; CC = Control Condition; CHF = Congestive Heart Failure; CHD =
Coronary Heart Disease; CVD = Cardiovascular Disease; HF = Heart Failure; IV = Intervention; ICD = Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator; LKM = Loving Kindness
Meditation; M = Mean; MI = Motivational Interviewing; PCI = Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; PPI = Positive Psychology Intervention; SD = Standard Deviation;
TAU = Treatment As Usual; USA = United States of America.
Included participants had a ICD because of a systolic left ventricular dysfunction.
The country the study was conducted in was not mentioned in the paper, therefore the country mentioned in the table is based on the author’s affiliation.

Table 3
Three-level random-effects meta-analysis of the effects of the Positive Psychology Interventions on distress and well-being at post-intervention and follow-up.
Outcome K Nstudies β (95% CI) τ2 (level 2) τ2 (level 3) I2 (level 2) I2 (level 3) Q (df)

Distress 25 9 − 0.31*** (− 0.45;-0.16) 0.00 0.03 25.52 0 33.48 (24)
Well-being 27 11 0.33*** (0.19;0.47) 0.00 0.04 52.74 0 52.85 (26)**

Distress 21 7 − 0.48** (− 0.78; − 0.19) 0.07 0.05 27.3 32.84 51.64 (20)**
Well-being 23 8 0.34* (0.02;0.65) 0.03 0.30 82.74 8.84 90.05 (22)**

CI = Confidence Interval, df = Degrees of freedom, K = Number of included effect sizes, NStudies = Number of studies, significance levels:
p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001.

95% CI: − 0.78 to − 0.19, p = 0.002). Non-significant heterogeneity in 3.6. Publication bias
effect sizes at post-intervention was found for distress (Q = 33.48, df =
24, p = 0.094). After excluding outliers (one for post-test and two for No indication asymmetry of included effect sizes was found through
follow-up), the pooled effects were, again, slightly smaller, but still visual inspection of the funnel plots for well-being (Fig. S3 in the Sup­
significant for post-test (β = − 0.29, 95% CI: − 0.44 to − 0.14, p < 0.001) plementary Material) and distress (Fig. S4 in the Supplementary Mate­
and follow-up (β = − 0.40, 95% CI: − 0.67 to − 0.14, p = 0.005). The rial). The inverse of sample size was not significantly related to in this
forest plot of included studies can be found in Fig. 3. The forest plot of study observed effect sizes for both distress (p = 0.65) and well-being (p
included studies at follow-up can be found in the Supplementary Ma­ = 0.50) at post-test. These findings show that the funnel plot for both
terial (Fig. S2). well-being and distress were symmetrical, which indicates the absence
of publication bias.

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

Fig. 2. Forest plot of included studies on well-being at post-intervention.

Fig. 3. Forest plot of included studies on distress at post-intervention.

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

For both well-being and distress at post-test, the PET intercept was characteristics of the included PPIs, participants and performed studies.
not significantly different from zero (p > 0.10), therefore the PET A large number of the studied interventions were multicomponent PPIs,
intercept was used instead of the PEESE. The PET intercept for well- interventions that comprise multiple (positive psychology) exercises
being (β0 = 0.08, p = 0.81) was smaller than the effect size found in [82]. Based on a large meta-analyses was concluded that interventions
the primary meta-analysis. The PET intercept for distress (β0 = − 0.42, p with multiple (positive psychology) exercises had a larger effect on
= 0.18) was somewhat larger than the effect size found in the meta- stress, depression and mental well-being than single component in­
analysis. terventions [33]. One of these multicomponent PPIs was the PEACE
intervention. The Positive Emotions after Acute Cardiac Events (PEACE)
4. Discussion intervention was developed and improved during four phases, as dis­
cussed by [80]. In addition, three single component interventions were
PPIs aim to promote mental health and are proven to have a signif­ included in this study, these interventions targeted at positive thinking,
icant effect on mental well- being and depression [32]. A recent large optimism and gratitude.
meta-analysis showed that clinical groups can benefit more from PPIs
than non-clinical participants [33]. Although several PPIs have been 4.2. Strengths and limitations
developed for patients with CVDs, a systematic review and meta-
analysis is lacking. The current meta-analyses of 14 RCTs revealed sig­ One strength of this meta-analysis and systematic review was the
nificant effects for mental well-being and distress at post-intervention pre-registration of the protocol. This protocol was based on best practice
and follow-up compared to control conditions. These findings suggest recommendations as well as guidelines. The performance of the sys­
that PPIs are effective in populations with CVDs in improving mental tematic review and meta-analysis were based on this protocol. However,
well-being and distress. there were also several limitations. Firstly, the relatively small number
of studies resulted in the decision to use composite measures for distress
4.1. Main findings and well-being to increase the power. Therefore, no conclusions on the
effect of the interventions on specific aspects of well-being or distress
The post-test effect size for mental well-being of 0.33 was slightly can be drawn and more studies are needed to draw conclusions on the
larger than the effect size of. effectiveness of PPIs on mental well-being related outcome measures.
0.28 found by [34] in a clinical sample with both somatic and psy­ Resilience is recommended to be included as outcome measure, since
chiatric disorders, but smaller than the effect size of 0.57 found by [33] resilience contributes to a quicker recovery [83,84]. Secondly, due to
in clinical samples. This finding was not in line with the finding of [36] the relatively small amount of studies, it was not possible to test for
who found no significant effects on happiness based on two studies in moderators or differentiate between the different types of CVDs.
their meta-analysis in a sample of CAD patients. The results based on 14 Thirdly, only RCTs published in peer-reviewed journals were included in
studies show that the currently studied PPIs do have a significant effect this study. While this decision was made to ensure a certain quality of
on mental well-being. The follow-up effect size found of 0.34 for mental included studies, it also means that gray literature was not included,
well-being was slightly smaller than the effect size of 0.41 found by [34]. possibly leading to increased risk for findings suffering from publication
This finding was not in line with the lack of a significant effect on pos­ bias. Fourthly, this study focused on mental health related outcomes and
itive affect found by [36]. The differences with the findings of [36] can therefore did not include physical health related outcomes. However,
be due to comparison in outcome measure that was made. Effects on [69] found positive effects of a PPI combined with motivational inter­
happiness [36] were compared with effects on mental well-being in the viewing on medication adherence and physical activity. In addition,
current study, they also based their result on only two comparisons and [53] found a significant increase in physical activity that sustained at 12
the results of the current meta-analysis were based on a larger number of months follow-up. Therefore, it is recommended to include physical
comparisons [36]. In addition, the differences with [33] can be due to health related outcomes in future studies to understand the effect of PPIs
the inclusion of a combination of mental (16.4%) and physical (13.5%) on physical health of CVD patients.
problems in comparison to patients with a CVD in the current meta-
analysis. 4.3. Implications
A significant effect size of − 0.31 was also found for distress at post-
intervention, indicating that PPIs were not only effective in increasing Although the current systematic review and meta-analysis focused
well-being, but also in alleviating distress. This was comparable with the on PPIs for patients with CVDs including heart and vessel conditions, the
effect size for depression, but smaller than the effect size for anxiety by majority of interventions in the included studies were targeted at pa­
[34]. In contrast, they found a lack of a significant effect on stress based tients with cardiac conditions. This indicates that studied interventions
on five comparisons [34]. Our results are similar to the effects found by for patients with vessel disorders (e.g. a stroke) are still relatively scarce
[36], who also found significant effects on depression and anxiety at and the effects of PPIs for this type of CVD should be interpreted with
post-intervention. The effect size found in the current study for distress caution. In addition, the number of studies that targeted at a specific
was smaller than that for depression, anxiety and stress at post-test in the type of CVD was low. This indicates that there is space for high quality
meta-analysis of [33]. The largest differences with the findings of [33] studies that target at specific types of CVD as well as on vessel disorders
were the number of included comparisons and the inclusion of a broader to answer the question which CVD patient will benefit the most from
group of participants. The effect size found at follow-up for distress was which intervention. In addition, studies included in this review used a
larger than the effect size at post-intervention. This shows that the effect variety of delivery modes, including self-help, individual and group in­
can be sustained and might even be higher in the longer term. However, terventions. Group sessions can contribute to a community feeling and
this must be interpreted with precaution considering the relatively low give the opportunity to share experiences, but have a limited opportu­
number of effect sizes and heterogeneity of population characteristics. nity for personalization. Due to the relatively small number of studies in
This effect size is larger than the effect sizes for depression or anxiety this meta-analysis, we could not examine delivery mode as moderator
found by [34]. In contrast to the non- significant effect on stress directly for the effectiveness of interventions. Further research is needed to be
after the intervention, significant effects at follow-up were found for able to get insight in the most effective delivery mode. Timing of the
depression, anxiety and stress by [36]. These findings indicate that, intervention is another interesting point to consider in future research.
although PPIs are primarily meant to increase mental well-being [32], Some interventions included in our review targeted hospitalized pa­
they can also effectively decrease distress in CVD patients. tients before discharge [51,66], while other included patients that were
Besides the meta-analysis, a systematic review was performed on the physically stable for at least three months [75]. This raises the question

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

what could be the most optimal timing of PPIs for patients with CVDs effects on mental well-being and distress at post-test and follow-up,
and further research is needed to see what is the most optimal timing in showing that PPIs are effective in increasing mental well-being and
this context. Answers to these questions may contribute to the effec­ distress in CVD patients in the short and long term. However, the results
tiveness of PPIs for patients with CVD. These insights can also contribute also show that larger and high quality studies are mostly lacking.
to a personalized approach in terms of development and delivery of Therefore, considering the promising findings of this meta-analysis, it is
interventions and can contribute to an optimal implementation of PPIs suggested to conduct more rigorous studies that are adequately pow­
in the care offered to CVD patients. In addition, the large majority of ered, examine the effects of PPIs for different types of PPIs, and that help
studies were performed in the United Stated (60%) and Iran (30%). This us understand what PPIs are most effective for which patient. This will
shows a lack of studies performed in other cultural contexts, such as help to widen the evidence-base of this field and deliver the optimal
Europe. intervention to improve the mental health of CVD patients.
In addition, the relatively large contribution from studies performed
in non-Western countries such as Iran in the current meta-analysis can Funding
influence the found effect size, since effect sizes found in those countries
are comparably large [85]. This work was funded by Ziekenhuisgroep Twente.
Further, the quality of the included RCTs was relatively low, with the
fast majority scoring low on an adequate sample size to have enough Registration
power to detect significant effects, baseline similarity or intention-to-
treat analysis. The majority of smaller studies indicate that the studies Open Science Framework (
on PPIs for patients with a CVD is still a relatively small research field,
with space for larger, more thorough and higher quality studies.
Declaration of Competing Interest
5. Conclusion
The third author (G.C.M. Linssen) works as cardiologist for the
This study shows that the use of PPIs to support the mental health of funder (Ziekenhuisgroep Twente), but declares that this had no influ­
CVD patients is still at an early point. Meta-analyses revealed significant ence on the work presented in the paper.

Appendix A. Search string

(“well-being” OR well being OR wellbeing OR happiness OR happy OR “life satisfaction” OR “satisfaction with life” OR “positive psych*” OR
“positive emotion*” OR “positive feeling*” OR “positive cognition” OR “positive behavio*” OR compassion OR optimism OR gratitude OR kindness OR
strengths) AND (“positive psychology” OR intervention* OR therap* OR training* OR exercise OR program* OR treatment*) AND (“cardiovascular
disease” OR cvd OR heart AND disease OR heart AND infarct OR heart AND attack* OR angina OR aortic OR peripheral OR coronary* OR cere­
brovascular* OR arterial OR “deep vein thrombosis” OR “pulmonary embolism*” OR chd OR stroke OR tia OR “transient ischaemic attack” OR
infarct*) AND (effect* OR effic* OR outcome* OR evaluat*) AND (random* OR RCT* OR control* OR non-random* OR pilot*)

Appendix B. Quality assessment

Table B1
Criteria Present (1) Absent (0)

Randomization The way participants were randomized is adequately described in the A description of the way participants were randomized lacks (i.e. mentioning
text. that participants were randomly assigned to a condition, without mentioning
how randomization will take place is scored as absent).
Drop-out description 1) The numbers and reasons for drop- out were described (either in A description of drop-outs in terms of numbers and reasons for drop-out was
text and/or in flow-chart) lacking.
2) An analysis of drop-outs was performed
3) There were no drop-outs
Intention-to- treat (ITT) In case there were drop-outs, an ITT analysis was performed. In case there were drop-outs it is unclear whether an ITT analysis was
analysis performed, or the analysis was based upon completers.
Qualified professionals The professional(s) that guided the intervention was trained or A description of the training or experience of those that guided the intervention
experienced in guiding the intervention, or was a health professional/ lacks.
schooled psychologist or
Power analysis or n ≥ 1) The sample size per condition was at least 64. This number is based The sample size did not reach the calculated power or the minimum of 64
64 per condition upon a moderate effect (0.5), t-test, two- sided, α = 0.05 and power participants per condition.
of 0.8.
2) The authors performed an adequate
3) power analysis and met this number of participants per condition.
Treatment integrity Treatment integrity was reported and checked through: Reporting or checking of treatment integrity lacks.

1) Supervision of those that guided the intervention

2) Intervention sessions recordings
3) Systematic screening through a logbook
4) Protocol adherence
Baseline compara-bility Baseline comparability = the absence of significant differences 1) Baseline comparability assessment lacks.
between conditions/groups at the start of the study (baseline) on 2) In case there was a baseline imbalance it was not adjusted for.
outcome measures.
(continued on next page)

K.J.M. Tönis et al. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 170 (2023) 111328

Table B1 (continued )
Criteria Present (1) Absent (0)

1) Baseline comparability was assessed and explicitly reported

whether conditions significantly differed or not AND
2) In case of baseline imbalance, appropriate covariates were used to
correct for this baseline imbalance.
Inclusion and exclusion An adequate description of the inclusion or exclusion criteria was An adequate description of inclusion or exclusion criteria lacks.
criteria given.

Appendix C. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

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