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Aircraft Stability and Control Question

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1. Define stability
2. State three modes of stability
3. Define static stability
4. Define dynamic stability
5. Difference between static stability and dynamic stability
6. What is meant by 'degree of freedom'
7. State two conditions for static longitudinal stability and indicate them
with a Plot
8. The statically stable aircraft may be dynamically stable or unstable.
Similarly dynamically stable aircraft may be statically stable or
unstable". Are both statement true
9. Write the types of axis components in aircraft
10. What is coordinate transformation
11. Tail volume ratio
1. Derive the axis component of entire airplane
2. Derive the force and moment equation act in an aircraft
3. Explain the basic concepts of static and dynamic stability with
4. Explain the longitudinal static stability in detail
5. Explain the conditions of longitudinal static stability
6. Derive the equation for overall contribution of aircraft pitching
moment about c.g
7. Derive contribution of wing of aircraft pitching moment
8. Derive the contribution of tail of aircraft pitching moment
9. Explain the contribution of fuselage of aircraft pitching moment
10. Define centre of gravity, aerodynamic centre, centre of pressure


1. Why does an airplane require vertical tail?

2. What is porpoising oscillation?
3. Explain 'snaking mode'.
4. Define neutral point?
5. Define static margin?
6. Define elevator power?
7. What is control effectiveness
8. What is stick fixed
9. What is stick free
10. Difference between stick fixed vs. stick free
11. What is hinge moment?
1. Derive the equation for elevator free factor
2. Derive the hinge moment coeffient of elevator
3. Derive the equation for the control effectiveness of elevator
4. Explain stick force per g in detail
5. Explain the term stick force gradient
6. Explain the power effects in jet and propeller engine
7. Derive the neutral point equation for stick free condition
8. What is aerodynamic balancing? Explain any 3 in detail
9. A wing body model is tested in a subsonic wind tunnel. The lift is found
to be zero at a geometric angle of attack α = -1.5° . At α = 5° the C L
is measured as 0.52, the moment coefficient about the CG are
measured as -0.01 and 0.05 for α = 1 and 7.88° respectively. The
C.G. is located at 0.35 C. Calculate the location of the aerodynamic
centre and the value CM.
10. Show that elevator angle for trim is given by:


1. What is stability derivatives

2. Mention the types of stability derivatives
3. What is mean by freeing the stick
4. Write the effects of freeing the stick
5. Write the types of maneuvers
6. What are the types of disturbance faced by aircraft
7. Define phugoid motion
8. What is control surface flutter


1. Write the equations of stability derivatives relevant to longitudinal

2. Write the equations of stability stability derivatives of lateral stability
3. Discuss various stability derivatives relevant to longitudinal stability
4. What are the effects caused during pull up and pull down maneuvers
5. Derive the equation of motion of rigid aircraft
6. Derive the various stability derivatives relevant to lateral dynamics.
1. What is dihedral
2. Define dihedral effect
3. What is side slip
4. Difference between dihedral and anhedral
5. What is One Engine Inoperative condition
6. What is frise aileron
7. What is Rudder locks
8. What is Dutch roll
9. What is Spiral divergence
10. What is auto rotation

1. Describe Dihedral effect and aileron reversal.

2. Discuss about adverse yaw and crosswind landings
3. Write short notes on :
a. One Engine Inoperative condition
b. Spin recovery

4. Write short notes on : Rudder locks and Dutch roll approximation

5. Discuss about Slip stream rotation of nose mounted propellers

6. Write short notes on:

a. Autorotation
b. Dutch roll
c. Spiral divergence
7. What are the various requirement of rudder?
8. Explain
a. Rubber lock and Dorsal fin.
b. Rubber fixed directional static stability.
9. Determine the neutral point during flight test
10. Difference between frise aileron and differential aileron
11. Explain in detail about routh discriminant
12. An airplane W/s = 3000 N/m2, V = 450 kmph flying at 6 km
has the characteristic equation in longitudinal mode of the form
(λ2 + λ + 6) (3 λ 2 + λ + 1) = 0. Find the period and time to dump
and comment whether oscillation can be ignored.
13. Rudder requirement in directional control
1. What is the role of modern control theory
2. Define space modeling
3. What is autopilot
4. What is stability augmentation system
5. What is purpose of SAS
6. Define inertia coupling
7. State the terms controllability and absorbability in auto pilot
8. What is the purpose of feedback system
9. What are basic instruments present in autopilot system
10. What is closed loop and open loop system
1. What is the role of modern control theory towards the advancement of
aerospace industry
2. Explain in detail about Auto pilot system design in detail
3. Discuss the contribution of modern control theory in development of
auto pilot
4. Explain in detail about stability augmentation system
5. Discuss the problem in designing the auto pilot system
6. Explain about flexibility effects in aircraft
7. Discuss the application of classical control theory in development of
auto pilot design
8. Explain in detail about basic instrument in Auto pilot system
9. Explain the need for SAS in auto pilot system

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