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English9 Q3 M4

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English Grade 9
Quarter 3 Module 4
Interpreting Message Conveyed in
the Material Viewed

I. Interpreting Message Conveyed in the Material Viewed (EN9VC-IIIA-1.2/2.2)

This self-learning module was crafted with a simplified arrangement that complicated
concepts to be easier to understand in such a manner that you can work on it independently.
The lessons embedded here are offshoot from the competencies embedded in the prescribed
Most Essential Learning Competencies. Hence, you may use our existing textbook in Grade 9, A
Journey through Anglo-American Literature. You may also refer to the cited references here or you look
for other learning resources for you to successfully get through each phase of this module.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Define meaning and message interpretation;
2. Interpret message conveyed in the material viewed

II. Concept Notes

As a key concept in media literacy, it is important to understand that individuals interpret
messages differently based on their prior experience, knowledge and values. The creation of
meaning is a process of interaction between the reader and the text.
What is message interpretation?
Message interpretation is conceptualized as “the meaning attributed by a target to a specific
message (or set of messages) within a communication context, including how the receiver of the
message interprets the source’s relational intent” (Edwards, 1998, p. 54).
Message interpretation recognizes that meaning plays a central role in communication by
examining the various interpretations that individuals can make about messages.

What is meaning?

Meaning is the thing one intends to convey. It is the significance that the sender (source) and
the receiver (viewer) each attach to a message.
Here are dimensions of meaning which link to message interpretation.
1. Psychological context - includes the moods and feelings of each receiver

2. Cultural context- the set of beliefs, values, and attitudes that belong to a specific culture
and are brought by each receiver into an encounter

3. Content aspect- the information in a message and is typically expressed verbally or


4. Denotation- the dictionary definition or literal meaning of a sign or symbol

5. Connotation- includes emotional reactions or any additional associations for the symbol
or representation, such as sexual connotations or ideological meanings

II. Learning Tasks
Learning Task 1. Promoting Advocacy
Instructions: Study the poster below. Then, complete the table by answering on a separate

1. What is the poster all about?

2. Who are invited to the conference?
3. What is the main objective of the said
4. What benefits do the participants
have if they join the conference?
5. What is in the poster that would make
you accept the invitation to join the

Learning Task 2 Interpret Me!
Instructions: Look closely at the picture below. Then, answer the questions on a separate

1. What are you reminded of by this illustration?

2. What messages does this illustration convey?
3. What could be the social issue depicted in the illustration?
4. Why is bullying a social issue?
5. As a student, what action will you take to minimize bullying?

Learning Task 3 Engage Commercial Video

Instructions: Watch a video from an inspiring TV commercial. Create a slogan that

depicts the message conveyed by the video. Let the rubrics be your guide in performing the
task. Place your output on a short bond paper.

4 3 2 1
Craftmanship The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of neatness. attractive though messy.
of neatness. Well- Good it may be a bit
constructed and construction and messy.
not messy. not very messy.
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is creative
exceptionally and a good Slogan is creative The slogan does
creative. A lot of amount of and some not reflect any
thought and effort thought was put thought was put degree of
was used to make into decorating it. into decorating it. creativity.
the banner.
Originality Exceptional use Good use of new Average use of No use of new
of new ideas and ideas and new ideas and ideas and
originality to originality to originality to originality to
create slogan. create slogan. create slogan. create slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more
grammatical grammatical grammatical than 2
mistakes on the mistake on the mistakes on the grammatical
poster. poster. poster. mistakes on the

III. Reflection
Instructions: Think back the tasks you have just finished and complete the following on your

1. My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn…

2. It made me realize…
3. I, therefore, commit to…

IV. References
A Journey through Anglo-American Literature-Grade 9. Philippines: Department of Education-
Instructional Council Secretariat. 2014.
Edwards, Renee. Listening and Message Interpretation. The Intel Journal of Listening. Department
of Communication Studies, Louisiana State University. February 8, 2011.”Communication Process”. Accessed December 5, 2020.
es/verderber14e/ch1/Chapter_Outline.pdf”Rubrics on Slogan Making”. Accessed December 5, 2020. “Bullying” Accessed December 5, 2020. “ “Poster” Accessed December 5, 2020. “Inspiring TV Commercial. Accessed December 5, 2020.

V. Answer Key

Compiled by: Jocelyn T. Deguiñon

Edited by : Anicee H. Tauro

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