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School Of Computer Applications
Odd Semester Academic Session 2021-22 Day-To-Day Schedule (W.E.F. Jul. 26, 2021) [I]

10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00

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11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00


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Aditya Sagar

1. Web App Development

Using OpenSource System 4. Software Engineering

2.Mobile Application Development 5. Open Elective

(Organizational Behaviour)

(Fundamental of E Commerce / Green Computing)

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Aditya Sagar
School of Computer Applications Bachelor
of Computer Applications
Evaluation Scheme (w. e. f. Academic Session 2019-20)

Evaluation Scheme
Course Cour Hours
Course Title Credits
Serial Category se Course
Number Cod Total
1. C Web Application
BCA3501 Development Using 3 1 0 40 60 100 4
Open Source System
2. C Mobile Application
BCA3502 Development 3 1 0 40 60 100 4
3. GE Generic Elective 3 1 0 40 60 100 4
A. BCA3511 Fundamental of E ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

B. BCA3513 Green Computing ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

4. C BCA3504 Software Engineering 3 1 0 40 60 100 4

5. OE Open Elective 3 1 0 40 60 100 4
A. OE31101 Environmental Issues ” ” ” ” ” ” ”
of IT & e-Waste

B. OE31102 Digital Governance ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

6. C Web Application
Development Using
BCA3551 Open Source System 0 0 4 40 60 100 2
7. C Mobile Application
BCA3552 Development Lab 0 0 4 40 60 100 2
8. GP3501 General Proficiency - - - 100 - 100 1
Total 15 5 8 - 800 25

Course Objective:
1. To focus on the process of Web Development.
2. To build sound concepts of several languages used in Web Technology.
3. To create a dynamic, interactive website quickly, confidently and successfully.

Learning Outcome: Students who have successfully completed this course will have understanding of
the following concepts:
1. Gradually build a static website using HTML, DHTML and CSS.
2. Move this skill upward by creating some degree of user interactivity using JavaScript.
3. Server side data processing by creating pages using server side technologies like JSP.
4. Will have an idea of Open Source Technologies.

Course Contents:

Module Course Topics Credits
Introduction to Open Source System and HTML: Introduction to Open sources :
Need of Open Sources, Advantages of Open Sources, Application of Open
Sources; Examples of Various Open source operating systems ,Open Source
Database ,Open Source Programming Languages; Various Open Source HTML
Editors; Comparison Chart between different Free and Open Source HTML

Introduction to HTML5: HTML tags and its attributes; Text Formatting tags;
I 8 Hours 1
Marquee tag, Block and inline elements; Various types of Lists: Ordered,
Unordered, Definition lists; Table tags; Methods to Create Tables, Attributes of
table tag, Colspan and Rowspan; Frame tags and its Attributes; Formtag: Creation
of Forms, Textbox,
Radio Button, Hidden, etc; Image, Anchor Tag; Links to External Documents:
Inter-page and Intra-page linking.

DHTML and CSS: Dynamic HTML; Features of DHTML ;CSS (Cascading Style
Sheet): Font Attributes, Color and Background Attributes Text Attributes, Border,
Margin related Attributes, List Attributes; Types of Style Sheet-Inline, External
II 8 Hours 1
and Embedded; CSSP (Cascading Style Sheet Positioning); Document Object
Model; JSSS (JavaScript assisted Style Sheet); Browser objects;
DHTML Events.

Java Script: Introduction to Javascript: Advantages of Javascript, Difference

between Javascript and Jscript; Basic Programming Techniques: Data Types and
Literal, Creating Variables and Javascript Array; Operators and Expressions in
javascript: Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators, Comparison Operators, String
Operators, Conditional Operators; Javascript Programming Constructs:
Conditional checking, Loops;
Functions in Javascript: Built in Functions and User Defined Functions; Dialog
Boxes: Alert Dialog Box, Confirm Dialog Box, Prompt Dialog Box; Javascript
III Document Object Model (DOM): Object hierarchy in DOM, Event Handling; 8 Hours 1
Form Object: Form Object’s Methods and Properties, Text Element, Button
Element, etc; Other Built in Objects in Javascript, String, Math and Date Object;
Writing Client Side Validations from HTML Form Elements.

Server Side Technology using JSP: Introduction to open source web servers and
its examples; Introduction to JSP; Advantages of JSP; JSP Features; JSP
IV Architecture; JSP Life Cycle; JSP Tags; Implicit objects in JSP: Request, 8 Hours 1
Response, Out, Session, etc; Using HTML forms with JSP; Introduction to AJAX:
AJAX Advantages and Disadvantages.

Suggested Readings:

1. Xavier, C, “Web Technology and Design”, New Age International Publications.

2. Bayross Ivan,”HTML, DHTML. JavaScript, and PHP”, BPB Publications, 4thEdition, 2001.
3. Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate, “Web Technologies”, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Ramesh Bangia, “Internet and Web Design”, New Age International.
5. Bhave, “Programming with Java”, Pearson Education.
6. Ullman, “PHP for the Web: Visual Quick Start Guide”, Pearson Education.
7. Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeak, Joe Fawcett, “Professional Ajax, 2nd Edition”, Wrox.
8. James Lee, Brent Ware, “Open Source Web Development with LAMP”, Pearson Education.
9. Wesley J. Chun, “Core Python Programming”, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Suggested Readings:
Course Objectives:
1. Pradeep
1. The capabilities andKothari, “Android
limitations Application
of mobile platformsDevelopment (With KitKat
that affect application support)” Black
development and deployment
2. The technology Dreamtech
trends impacting mobile application development
2. Barry Burd,
3. The characterization “Android
and Application
architecture Development
of mobile applications(All-In-One for Dummies)”, Second
4. The techniques for John Wileyand
deploying & Sons
testing mobile applications, and for enhancing their performance and scalability
Learning Outcome
1. Model and manage mobile application development using a range of methods.
2. Advantages and limitations of development frameworks.
3. Designing and develop mobile applications using a chosen application development framework
4. Develop enterprise-level mobile solutions.

Course Contents:

Module Course Topics Credits

Android Development: Overview: Overview of the Android Operating System

Development tools, Deploying application packages, Step-by-step application
development Android version: Platform version: Android 10.0, 5.0 Lollipop, 4.4
Kit-Kat, Framework API level: SDK compatibility, each platform version has an 8
I 1
API level; NDK API level: API level for native headers Hours

Tools for application development: Android SDK: Provides the Java framework
classes, Compiles to java byte code, Class framework is updated with every OS
release Android NDK: C/C++ tool chain for compiling to machine code, Android
platform tools, adb (android debug bridge): runs and debugs apps from your dev
Android developer tools: Eclipse plug-in for Android, Android studio (doesn’t
II yet fully support all NDK features) 1
Application packages: .apk files: compressed files, class byte code, resources
(icons, sounds, etc.), Binary native files; All .apks are signed: Default
development key is created by SDK, When updating an application, signature are

Installing an application, Android Menu, Adaptor, Layout Manager, View: From

your local computer using adb; AndroidManifest.xml: Package Name /
version, Required SDK and target,SDK Application/Activities, Permissions; Android
Activity: Provides user interaction:, Callbacks for life-cycle 8
III management: onCreate(), onResume(), onPause(); An application can have multiple Hours 1
activities: Needs one launcher activity, Use onCreate() to create UI; Android Menu: Option
Menu, Context Menu, Popup Menu; Adaptor: Array, Array list, Base adaptor; Layout
Manager: Relative layout, Linear layout, Table layout, Grid layout, Frame layout, Constraint
layout; Views: Grid view, Web view, Scroll view, Search view,
Table view, Dynamic view.

Android service, Data Storage, Content Provider, Android Notification,

Multimedia, Speech API, Telephone API, Location API: Android service: API,
Android started service, Android bound service, Android service life cycle,
Android service example; Data Storage: Shared preferences, Internal storage,
External storage; Content Provider: Content provider fundamental, Contact
content provider, Other built-in content Provider, Creating custom content
provider, Understanding content URI, Content Resolver, Sharing Information
from custom content provider; Android Notification: Notification API, Creating
notification builder, Setting notification properties, Attaching actions, Issuing
IV notification, Notification compat.Builder class, Android Notification class; 1
Multimedia: Wallpaper, Live wallpaper, Multimedia API, Playing audio, Creating
audio, Playing video, Alarm manager, Gallery; Speech API: Text to speech API,
Text to Speech example, Managing speed and pitch; Telephone API: Telephone
manager, Get call state, Call state Broadcast receiver, Simple caller Talker,
Making phone call, Sending mails, sms; Location API: Location API
fundamental, Example of android: Location API, Working with Google API.

Suggested Readings:

1. Pradeep Kothari, “Android Application Development (With KitKat support)” Black Book, Dreamtech Press

2. Barry Burd, “Android Application Development (All-In-One for Dummies)”, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Course Objective: In this course, students will study
OR Course Objective:

1. The fundamentals of the business and economic motivations for e- 1. The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the role of ICTs and their impact on the global carbon footprint, This
Commerce as well as the needs and desires of individuals.
includes how to estimate the carbon footprint of the ICT operations of an organization and access ways to reduce the carbon footprint by changes to
2. The underlying computation, information and communication
policies for procurement of ICT, changes to ICT operations and revising business processes.
environments that encompass and enable e-Commerce transactions.
2. To study about existing green computing strategies, fundamental challenges in achieving green operations of computing units and directions to solve
3. The evolving role of new highly portable, place-aware, always-with-your
personal devices in e-Commerce, i.e., M-commerce. some of them.
3. This course empowers students to reduce the energy use, waste, and other environmental impacts of Information Technology (IT) systems while
Learning Outcome: After successful completion of this course, the students would be able to: reducing life cycle costs, thereby improving competitive advantage. Students learn how to measure computer power usage, minimize power usage,
procure sustainable hardware, design green data centers, recycle computer equipment, configure computers to minimize power, use virtualization
1. Understand the nature and trends in e-Commerce and Mobilecommerce. to reduce the number of servers, and other green technologies.
2. Recognize the business impact and potential ofe-Commerce.
Learning Outcome: After successful completion of this course, the students would be able to:
3. Explain the technologies required to make e-Commerceviable.
4. Discuss the current drivers and inhibitors facing the business world in 1. Assess enterprise-wide and personal computing and computing related energy consumption.
adopting and using e-Commerce.
2. Acquire expertise for improving the energy efficiency of personal computers by reducing the power consumption requirements.
5. Explain the economic consequences of e-Commerce.
3. Choose the best sustainable hardware for their applications.
4. Evaluate the regulatory and governance issues surrounding IT.
Course Contents: 5. Recognize the necessity for long-term sustainability in IT.
6. Formulate plans for reducing IT heating and cooling requirements.
7. Execute a virtualization plan.
Module Course Topics Total Credits
Hours Course Contents:
Introduction of E-Commerce: Introduction to Electronic Total
Module Course Topics Credits
Commerce: E-commerce, Traditional Commerce vs. E- Hours
8 Hours 1 Politics, Science and Business of Sustainability: The Basics of Green
I commerce, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-commerce,
Impact of E-commerce, Classification of E-commerce, Computing: The Energy Problem, Types of IT Energy Wastes, Reducing Energy
Applications of E- commerce, Limitations of E-commerce, Waste, Problem of E-waste; Legal Mandates for Green IT: Regulations in the
I 8 Hours 1
Electronic Commerce Business Models: Native Content United States, Regulations in India, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
based Model, Transplanted Content Model, Native
Transaction Model, Transplanted Transaction Models. Technical Strategy and Planning–Emerging Technology Monitoring: Energy
E-Commerce Framework and Business Security: Usage: Energy Problems (Power Supplies), Monitoring Energy Usage, Reducing
Architectural Framework of Electronic Commerce: Energy Usage, Low Power Computers and Components; Cooling: Cooling Costs,
II Network Infrastructure, Information Distribution 1 Reducing Cooling Costs; Energy Saving Initiatives: The Challenges of Energy 8 Hours
8 Hours II 1
Technology, Networked Multimedia Content Publishing Efficiencies,
Technology, Security and Encryption, Payment Services, Energy Star, 80Plus Program, Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool
(EPEAT); Document
Business Service Infrastructure, Public Policy and Legal
Management: The Problem with Paper, Reducing Paper Usage, Electronic
Infrastructure, Securing the Business on Internet: Document Management.
Vulnerability of Information on Internet: Security Policy,
IT Asset Disposal (E-Waste Management): WEEE – The scale of the problem;
Procedures and Practices, Site Security, Protecting the Materials Used in Manufacturing Electrical and Electronic Products; Legislative
Network, Firewalls. Influences on Electronic Recycling: Producer Responsibility Legislation, The
Electronic Commerce Network Security & Payment III WEEE Directive, The RoHS Directive; Treatment Option for WEEE; Logistics of 8 Hours 1
System: Securing N e t w o r k Transaction: WEEE; Barriers to Recycling of WEEE.
Transaction S e c u r i t y , Cryptology, Digital Signatures,
III E l e c t r o n i c Mail Security, and Security P r o t o c o l s for Business/IS Strategy and Planning: Virtualization: Basics of Virtualization,
Web Commerce, Electronic Payment System. 8 Hours 1 Types of Virtualization; Improving Data Centre Energy Efficiency: Energy
Introduction to Payment Systems: Online Payment Consumption, Power Requirement of Equipment, Power Requirement for
Systems, Pre-Paid Electronic Payment Systems, Postpaid IV Cooling the Equipment’s; Green IT Department: The First Step – 5S, The Seven 8 Hours 1
Mobile Commerce: Introduction and Applications: Wastes, Drawing a Process map.
Mobile Commerce, Benefits of Mobile Commerce, 8 Hours 1
IV Impediments in Mobile Commerce, Mobile Commerce
Payment Systems, Mobile Commerce Applications, Case Suggested Readings:
Study: Future of Ecommerce in India, Flipkart: Journey of 1. Toby J. Velete, Anthony T. Velete, Robert Elsenpeter - Green IT: Reduce Your Information System’s Environmental Impact While
E- Commerce Start-Up Adding to the Bottom Line; McGraw-Hill.
2. Lawrence Webber, Michale Wallace - Green Tech: How to plan and Implement Sustainable IT Solutions; AMACOM (American
Suggested Readings: Management Association)
3. R E Hester, R M Harrison – Electronic Waste Management; RSC Publishing
1. Bharat Bhaskar, “Electronic Commerce: Framework, Technologies & Applications”, TMH 4. John Lamb - The Greening of IT: How Companies Can Make a Difference for the Environment; IBM Press
2. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew Winston, “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Addison- Wesley 5. Marty Poniatowski - Foundation of Green IT; Prentice Hall
3. Bajaj and Nag, “E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business”, Tata McGraw Hill 6. Bhuvan Unhelkar - Green IT Strategies and Applications; CRC Press
4. P. Loshin, John Vacca, “Electronic Commerce”, Firewall Media, New Delh 7. Carl H. Speshock - Empowering Green Initiatives with IT; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. P. T. Joseph, “E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
8. Bill Tomlinson - Greening through IT; The MIT Press
Course Objective:
1. To present the fundamental concepts of Software Engineering.
2. To make the students aware regarding the importance of various phases in Software Development.
3. To make the students learn about the various methods to deal with different stages of SDLC.
4. The subject also deals the topics like CASE Tools and SPM.
Learning Outcome: After successful completion of this course, the students would be able to:
1. Develop the understanding of Development Life Cycle.
2. Preparation of SRS, High Level, Low Level Design and Test Cases.
3. Aware about the various types of project management activities.
4. Know how to ensure quality during software development life cycle.
Course Contents:
Module Course Topics Credits
Software Engineering Models: Introduction to Software Engineering;
Introduction to Software; Types of software; Scope and necessity of Software
Engineering; Software Components and Software Characteristics; Software
I Life Cycle Models: Classical Water Fall Model, Iterative Water Fall Model, 8 1
Prototype Model, Evolutionary Model, Spiral Model; Hours
Comparison of different Life Cycle Models.

Software Requirement Analysis and Project Planning: Requirements

Analysis; Feasibility Study: Software Requirements Specification (SRS),
Characteristics of SRS, Components of SRS; IEEE Standards for SRS; Project
II 8 1
Planning; Software Cost Estimation: Basic COCOMO model,
Intermediate COCOMO model, Complete COCOMO model.

Software Analysis & Design: Characteristics of good software design;

Cohesion and Coupling; Software design approaches; Function-Oriented
Software design: Structured Analysis, Data Flow Diagrams, Structured
III Design; Object-Oriented Software design: Key concepts of Object-Oriented 8 1
Software design, Hours
Object-Oriented Vs. Function-Oriented Software design, Graphical
Representation of Object-Oriented design.
Coding, Testing and Maintenance: Introduction to Software Coding: Coding
Standards and Guidelines, Code Walk- through, Code Inspections;
Software Testing: Unit Testing; Black Box Testing; White Box Testing;
Integration Testing; System Testing; User Acceptance Testing; Roll out of
IV Software & Deployment Issues; Software Maintenance; Need for 8 Hours 1
Maintenance; Types of Software Maintenance: Corrective Maintenance,
Adaptive Maintenance, Perfective Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance.
Software Quality Assurance (SQA); Software Reliability & Reliability
Suggested Readings:
1. R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach”, McGraw Hill.
2. Rajib Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, PHI Publication.
3. Pankaj Jalote, “Software Engineering”, Wiley.
4. Carlo Ghezzi, M. Jarayeri, D. Manodrioli, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, PHI Publication.
5. Ian Somerville, “Software Engineering”, Addison Wesley.
6. Kassem Saleh, “Software Engineering”, Cengage Learning
Course Objective:
To familiarize students with:
1. Topics and concepts in the field of Organizational Behaviour,
2. Practical implications of various theories of human behaviour at work,
3. Specific topics such as leadership, motivation, personality, perception, etc.
Course Contents:
Module Course Topics Credits

Introduction to Organization Behavior :

I Concept and nature of Organizational behavior, Contributing disciplines to the 8 1

field of 0.B, OB Models, Need to understand human behavior, Challenges and Hours
Opportunities. Ability & Values. Attitudes Formation, Theories And
Personality: determinants and traits.
Interpersonal Behavior and Motivation :

Learning Theories and reinforcement schedules. Perception Process and errors.

II Interpersonal Behavior: Johari Window, Transactional Analysi ego states, types 8 1
of transactions, life positions, applications of T.A Motivating and Leading Hours
Nature and Importance of motivation, Types of motivation. Theories of
motivation: Maslow, Herzberg, X, Y and Z Leadership Leadership: meaning
and importance. Traits of a leader, Leadership Styles Likert's Systems of
Management, Tannenbaum and Schmidt Model and Managerial Grid.

Introduction to Principles Management :

III Concept, nature, process and significance of management Managerial levels, 8 1

skills, functions and roles Management Vs. Administration. Coordination an Hours
essence of management. Development of management. thought, classical, neo-
classical, behavioral, systems and contingency approaches
Planning and Organizing :

Planning Nature, scope and objectives of planning. Types of plans, Planning

process, Business forecasting MBO Decision Making: Concept, types, process
IV and techniques. 8 1
Organizing Concept, nature, process and significance. Principles of un Hours
organization: Span of Control, Departmentation& Types of organization.
Authority, Responsibility, Delegation and Decentralization Formal and
Informal Organization.

Suggested Readings:
1. Prasad, L.M. Organizational Behaviour. Sultan Chand and Sons 2003.
2. Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2001 Delhi,2003
3. Luthuns Fred, Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
4. Chabbra T.N. and Singh B.P., Organization Behaviour, Sultan Chand and Sons
5. Stoner, Freeman and Chilbert Jr., Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
6. Gupta, C.B., Management Concepts and Practices, Sultan Chand and Sons, New 2003 Delhi,2003.

Module Course Topics Credits

1. Implementation of various tags in Open Source System HTML editors
2. Implementation of List Tags in HTML.
3. Implementation of Table Tag in HTML.
4. Implementation of Frame Tag in HTML.
I 5. Implementation of Form Tags in HTML. 1
6. Implementation of CSS (Inline, External and Embedded) in DHTML.
7. Implementation of Class Concept in DHTML.
8. Implementation of DHTML Events.

1. Implementation of basic variables in JavaScript.

2. Implementation of User Defined Functions in JavaScript.
3. Implementation of inbuilt functions in JavaScript.
4. Implementation of Form validation in JavaScript.
5. Implementation of Basic Features of JSP.
II 6. Implementation of Various Events and methods of Request and Response 1
Object in JSP.
7. Implementation of Database Access through HTML Forms in JSP.
8. Implementation of JAVA API in JSP.
9. Using LAMP Stack for web applications
10. Using Tomcat Server for Servlets and JSPs


Module Course Topics Credits

1. Develop an application that uses GUI components, Font and Colours
2. Develop an application that uses Layout Managers and event listeners.
3. Develop a native calculator application.
4. Write a mobile application that creates alarm clock.
I 5. Write an application that draws basic graphical primitives on the screen. 1
6. Develop an application that makes use of databases.
7. Develop an application that makes use of Notification Manager

1. Implement an application that uses Multi-threading

2. Develop a native application that uses GPS location information
3. Implement an application that writes data to the SD card.
4. Implement an application that creates an alert upon receiving a message
5. Write a mobile application that makes use of RSS feed
II 6. Develop a mobile application to send an email. 1
7. Develop a Mobile application for simple needs (Mini Project)
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Aditya Sagar

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