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Tablet Coating

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Devesh Kumar Singh

Sr. General Manager
• Definition
• Principles
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• Types of tablet coating
• Equipment used in tablet coating
• Defects of tablet coating
• Advances in tablet coating
• Applications
• References
Tablet coating:
It is the application of a coating composition to a
moving bed of tablets with the concurrent use of heated air to
facilitate evaporation of the solvent.
The distribution of the coating is accomplished by the
movement of tablets either perpendicular or vertical to the
application of the coating composition.
Principles of tablet coating:
1. To mask the taste, odour, or colour of the drug.
2. To provide physical and chemical protection for the drug.
3. To control the release of the drug from the tablet.
4. To protect the drug from the gastric environment of the
stomach with an acid-resistant enteric coating.
5. To incorporate another drug or formula adjuvant in the
coating to avoid chemical incompatibilities or to provide
sequential drug release.

6. To improve the pharmaceutical elegance by use of special

colours and contrasting printing.
Advantages of tablet coating:
✓ Enhance permeability, mask unpleasant taste, odour and
colour of the API.
✓ Increase the stability.
✓ Increase the mechanical integrity.
✓ Enhance the elegance.
✓ Modify the drug release profile.
✓ Avoid the side effects.
✓ Reduces friction and increases packaging rate.
Disadvantages of tablet coating:
✓ Relatively high cost.

✓ Time consuming process.

✓ Requires the expertise of highly skilled technician.

Types of tablet coating:
1. Sugar coating
2. Film coating
3. Enteric coating
4. Press coating
5. Specialized coatings
a) Compressed coating
b) Electrostatic coating
c) Dip coating
d) Vacuum film coating
It is a multistep process.
➢ In suitable sugar–coating equipment, the tablet cores are
successively treated with aqueous sucrose solutions.
➢ Water evaporates from the syrup leaving thick film.
➢ Sugar coats are often shiny and highly coloured.
✓ Constituent raw materials are widely accepted.
✓ No complex equipment are required.
✓ For high humidity climates, it offers stability advantage over film
coated tablets.

✓ Time consuming process.
✓ Logo or break lines not possible.
✓ 30-50% weight increase due to coating material.
Sugar coating process involves following steps:
✓ Sealing
✓ Subcoating
✓ Smoothing
✓ Colouring
✓ Polishing
✓ Printing
✓Application of one or more coats of water impermeable polymer
such as shellac, cellulose acetate phthalate and polyvinyl acetate
✓The main purpose of sealing is to prevent the penetration of moisture
in to the tablet core.
✓The lengthening of tablet disintegration and dissolution times may
occur with the usage of shellac as a sealant due to polymerization of

✓ By adding bulking agents such calcium carbonate or talc in
combination with sucrose solution.
✓ Used in order to round of the tablet edges.
✓ It tyically increases the tablet weight by 20%
✓By the application of the thick sucrose syrup, it removes the rough
surfaces formed during the sub coating.

✓ It increases the tablet weight by 30%

✓It usually consists of thin sucrose syrup containing the requisite
coloring material (water soluble dyes or water insoluble pigments)
✓Water insoluble pigments along with the opacifier such as titanium
dioxide develop desired colour more rapidly, thus resulting in thinner
color coat.
After coloring step, the tablet surfaces are smooth but with
dull appearance, to achieve glossy finish, waxes are used.
Ex: Bees wax, Carnauba wax.

For sugar coated tablets, edible ink is used for printing
different identification marks such as manufacturer logo, product
name, dosage strength etc.
It involves spraying a solution of polymer along with the
plasticizer and pigments on a rotated, mixed tablet bed forms a thin
uniform film on the tablet surface.

latex particles dispersed

in aqueous phase

formation of thin film with

water evaporation through

continuous film
Mechanism of film formation:
In the wet state, the polymer is present as a no. of discrete particles,
and these have to come together in close contact, deform, coalesce
and ultimately fuse together to form a discrete film. During
processing, the substrate surface will be wetted with the diluted
dispersion. Under the prevailing processing conditions, water will
be lost as water vapour and the polymer particles will increase in
proximity to each other, a process which is greatly assisted by the
capillary action of the film of water surrounding the particles.
Complete coalescence occurs when the adjacent particles are able to
mutually diffuse into one another.
Film forming ingredients:

✓ Polymers

✓ Plasticizers

✓ Colorants

✓ Solvents

✓ Opacifier
A film former is capable of producing smooth thin films
reproducible under the prescribed coating conditions.

Ex : Cellulose derivatives - HPMC, MC, HPC

Vinyl derivatives - PVP
Phthalate esters - CAP

Affords flexibility and elasticity to the coat and thus
provide durability.

Ex: PEG, Diethyl phthalate, Coconut oil

Plasticizers are of two types:

Internal plasticizer:
Chemical modification of the polymer alters;
Degree of substitution

Type of substitution

External plasticizer:
They are non-volatile or other polymers, which when
combine with the primary polymeric film former alters;

Tensile strength
Adhesion properties of resulting film
These provide an elegant appearance. They may be soluble
in the solvent systems or suspended as insoluble powders.
Ex: Iron oxide pigment, Titanium dioxide.

Opaquant –extenders:
These are fine inorganic powders used in coating solution
formulation to increase film coverage.

Ex: Silicates- Aluminium silicate

Carbonates - Magnesium carbonate
Sulfates - Calcium sulfate

Oxides - Magnesium oxide

Volatile organic solvents may be used to allow spreadability
of the coat components over the tablets and allow rapid evaporation.
But they are expensive, show environmental hazards and solvent
residues in the formulation so limited use.
Aqueous vehicles are safer, but slower evaporation which
may effect drug stability.
Ex: Water, Methanol, Ethanol, Isopropyl alcohol, Chloroform,
Acetone, Methyl ethyl ketone and Methylene chloride.
Comparision of Coating

Film coating Sugar coating

Tablet appearance: Tablet appearance:
✓ Retains shape of original ✓Rounded with high degree of
core. polish.
✓Small weight increase of 2- ✓ Larger weight increase 30-50%
3% due to coating material. due to coating material.
✓ logo or ‘break lines’ ✓Logo or ‘break lines’ are not
possible. possible.

Process: Process:
✓ Can be automated. ✓ Difficult to be automated.
e.g. Accela Cota e.g. Traditional coating pan
✓ Easy training operation ✓ Considerable training operation
✓ Single stage process required.
✓Easily adaptable for ✓ Multistage process.
controlled release allows for ✓Not able to be used for
functional coatings. controlled release apart from
enteric coating.
The technique involved in enteric coating is protection of
the tablet core from disintegration in the acidic environment of the
stomach by employing pH sensitive polymer, which swell or
solubilize in response to an increase in pH to release the drug.

✓ To mask taste or odour.
✓ Protection from local irritation of the stomach mucosa.
✓ Release of active ingredient in specific target site.
✓ Protection of active ingredients from acidic environment of the
Enteric Coating
Examples of Enteric coated products:

Enteric Coated Aspirin. Eg. Micropirin

75mg EC tablets.

Enteric Coated Peppermint oil. Eg.


It involves the compaction of granular materials around

preformed tablet core using specially designed tablet equipment.
Compression coating is a dry process.

It is mainly used to separate chemically incompatible

Most coating processes use one of the 3 general types of
1. The Standard coating pan
2. The Perforated coating pan
3. The Fluidized bed coater
It consists of a circular metal pan mounted somewhat
angularly on a stand. The pan is 8 to 60 inches in diameter and is
rotated on its horizontal axis by a motor. The heated air is directed
into the pan and onto the tablet bed surface, and is exhausted by
means of ducts positioned through the front of the pan.
A significant improvement in the particle movement & drying
efficiency of the standard coating pan is achieved by the;

Pellegrini pan
Immersion sword systems
Immersion tube systems
Conventional pans

tube system

sword system

pan system
Pellegrini pan:
The side walls of this pan are shaped with a pronounced
taper, which increases the efficiency of particle movement by
forcing the cores into an additional lateral movement. This results
in a composite core movement yielding improved exposure of the
core to the coating material.
Immersion Sword System:
• With the immersion sword system, drying air is introduced
through a perforated metal sword device that is immersed in the
tablet bed.
• The drying air flows upward from the sword through the bed.
Since the air is more intimately mixed with the wetted tablets, a
more efficient drying environment is provided.
Immersion Tube System
• In this type of system, the immersed tube delivers the heated air
and a spray nozzle is built in the tip of the tube. During this
operation , the coating solution is applied simultaneously with the
heated air from the immersed tube.
• The drying air flows upward through the tablet bed and is
exhausted by a conventional duct.
It consists of a perforated drum that is rotated on its
horizontal axis in an enclosed housing.
In Accela-Cota and Hi-Coater systems, drying air is directed
into the drum, is passed through the tablet bed, and is exhausted
through perforations in the drum.

The Driacoater introduces drying air through hollow

perforated ribs located on the inside periphery of the drum. As the
coating pan rotates, the ribs dip into the tablet bed, and drying air
passes up through and fluidizes the tablet bed. Exhaust is from the
back of the pan.
In Glatt coater, drying air can be directed from inside the
drum through the tablet bed and out an exhaust duct. Drying air can
be directed in the reverse manner up through the drum perforations
for partial fluidization of the tablet bed. Several airflow
configurations are possible.
In all four of these perforated pan systems, the coating
solution is applied to the surface of the rotating bed of tablets
through spraying nozzles that are positioned inside the drum.
Perforated pan coaters are the efficient drying systems with
high coating capacity, and can be completely automated for both
sugar coating and film coating processes.
Perforated Coating Pans

Accela cota Hi-coater

system system

Dria Coater Pan


These are high efficient drying systems. Fluidization of the

tablet mass is achieved in a columnar chamber by the upward flow of
drying air. The airflow is controlled so that more air enters the center
of the column, causing the tablets to rise in the center. The movement
of tablets is upward through the center of the chamber. They then fall
towards the chamber wall and move downward to re-enter the air
stream at the bottom of the chamber. In some units, a smaller column
is used to direct tablet movement within the main column. Coating
solutions are continuously applied from a spray nozzle located at the
bottom of the chamber or are sprayed onto the top of the cascading
tablet bed by nozzles located in the upper region of the chamber.
Principle of operation:
With fluid bed coating, particles are fluidized and the coating
fluid is sprayed on and dried. Small droplets and a low viscosity of the
spray medium ensure an even product coating.
Process advantages:
✓ Uniform, continuous product coating.
✓Aqueous or organic coatings can be applied. Coating and drying
takes place in one machine.
✓In terms of Total Containment, the coating process and the filling
and emptying of the machine can be carried out in complete isolation
and without product spreading into the environment.
✓When using organic solvents, the process machines can also be
made inert and used with a solvent recovery system.
Tablet Coating Defects:
Picking and sticking:
This occurs when the coating removes a
piece of the tablet from the core. It is caused by
over-wetting the tablets, by under-drying, or by
poor tablet quality

This occurs if internal stresses in the
film exceeds the tensile strength of the film.
The tensile strength of the film can be
increased by using high molecular weight
polymers or polymer blends.
This is observed when coating is applied by
spray. Some of the tablets may dry too rapidly
before reaching the tablet bed and deposits on tablet
Surface roughness also increases with
pigment concentration and polymer concentration in
the coating solution.

Orange peel effect:

Inadequate spreading of coating
solution before drying causes a bumpy or
orange peel effect on the tablet.
Specialized coatings
1. Dip coating

2. Laminated coating

3. Vaccum film coating

4. Electrostatic coating
1. Dip coating:
➢ In this, cores to be coated are held in a suitable device. eg:


➢ Dipped into coating solution and then dried taking care to

prevent adherence to one another.
➢ For obtaining more perfect or heavier coats the dipping and
drying steps may be repeated several times one after another.
➢ The sophisticated devices comprise tiny suction tubes, which

hold the individual tablets apart until drying is accomplished.

2. Laminated coating:
➢ Laminated coating provides multiple layers for incorporation
of medicament; for example
➢ Repeat-action tablet, here a portion of the drug is kept in
outer lamella or coating.
➢ Enteric tablet, here one drug could be made available for
gastric absorption while another for release in intestine.
➢ Buccal-swallow tablet, this could first be administered
sublingually, and upon a signal, such as release of flavour from
the inner core, the same may be swallowed as a normal peroral
3. Vaccum film coating:
➢This employs a specially designed baffled pan, which is water-
jacketed and could be sealed to achieve vacuum.
➢Tablets are placed in the sealed pan, the vacuum is applied and the
coating material is introduced through airless hydraulic spray system,
since the pan is completely sealed.

➢ Organic solvents could be effectively used with minimal

environmental or safety concern
4. Electrostatic coating:
➢ Electrostatic coating is employed for applying films of electro-
conductive materials.
➢ In this, an ionic charge is imparted to the core and an opposite
charge to the coating material. This technology ensures thin,
continuous and electronically perfected film to the surface.
Applications of tablet coating:
In Therapy:
✓ Avoid activation of drug in stomach.
✓ Avoid irritation of oesophagus and stomach.
✓ Avoid bad taste.
✓ Improve drug effectiveness.
✓ Prolong dosing interval.
✓ Improve patient compliance.

In Technology:
✓ To reduce the influence of moisture.
✓ To avoid dust formation.
✓ To improve drug stability.
✓ To prolong shelf-life.
✓To reduce friction and increase the production rate in high speed
packaging systems.

In Marketing:
✓ Improve product identity.
✓ Improve appearance and acceptability.

➢ Coating is done to give not only for esthetic appeal and to

control bioavailability of the drug but also for various other

➢ There are various techniques for applying coating and depend
on the need of formulator.
➢ Film coating is mostly used and has now shifted to aqueous
based systems due to environmental and economical reasons.

➢ An extensive array of equipment is used in modern

pharmaceutical coating operations.

23.06.2023 by Devesh Kumar Singh 49

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