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o Nouns / Word Formation / Articles

We use the: We do not use the:

• with nouns which are unique. the moon, the • with proper nouns. Paul comes from London.
Acropolis, the earth, the sun, the Eiffel Tower, • with the names of sports, games, activities,
etc. days, months, holidays, colours, drinks,
• names of cinemas (The Odeon), hotels meals and languages (not followed by the
(The Ritz), theatres (The Lyceum), museums word 'language'). She plays tennis well. She
(The Louvre), newspapers/magazines likes blue. We speak French. BUT The Latin
(The Telegraph BUT Newsweek), ships language is hardly used now.
(The Bounty), organisations (The UN), • with the names of countries (Portugal), BUT
galleries (The National Gallery). the Netherlands, (the) Sudan, (the) Vatican City,
• with names of rivers (the Mississippi), seas cities (Lisbon) , streets (Regent Street, BUT the
(the Red Sea), groups of islands/states High Street, the Strand, the Bristol road, the A4,
(the Virgin Islands, the USA), mountain ranges the M1 motorway), squares (Constitution
(the Alps), deserts (the Gobi desert), oceans Square), bridges (London Bridge BUT the
(the Pacific), canals (the Panama Canal) and Bridge of Sighs, the Forth Bridge, the Severn
names or nouns with 'of' (the Tomb of the Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge), parks
Kings, the Garden of Eden) (Regent's Park), stations (Waterloo Station),
Note: the equator, the North/South Pole, the individual mountains (Everest), islands
north of England, the South/West/North/East (Malta) , lakes (Lake Ontario), continents (Asia)
• with the names of musical instruments and • with possessive adjectives. This isn 't your
dances. the guitar, the waltz bag.
• with the names of families (the Simpsons), • two-word names when the first word is the
nationalities ending in -sh, -ch or -ese name of a person or place. Charles de Gaulle
(the Welsh, the Dutch, the Chinese, etc.). Other Airport, Buckingham Palace BUT the White
plural nationalities are used with or without House, (because the first word 'White' is not the
'the' ((the) South Africans, (the) Swiss, etc.}. name of a person or place)
• with titles (the Pope, the Duke of Norfolk, the • with names of cafes, restaurants, shops,
Queen). BUT 'The' is omitted before titles banks and hotels which have the name of
with proper names. Queen Alexandra their founder and end in -s or -'so Selfricjges,
• with adjectives used as plural nouns (the Barclays Bank, Harry's Cafe BUT the Black Swan
old, the injured, the unemployed, the sick, the (restaurant) (because 'Black Swan' is not a name
privileged, the deaf, etc.) and the superlative of a person or place)
degree of adjectives/adverbs (the worst). • with the words: bed, church, college, court,
She's the most sensible girl in the class. hospital, prison, school, university, when we
Note: 'most' used as a determiner followed refer to the purpose for which they exist.
by a noun does not take 'the'. Most children John went to university. (He is a student.) BUT
like animals. BUT Of all European cities Rome His mother went to the university to see him last
has the most beautiful fountains. week. (She went to the university as a visitor.)
• with the words: station, shop, cinema, cafe, • work (= place of work) never takes 'the'.
library, city, village, etc. She went to the She is at work.
library to return some books. • with the words: home, Father/Mother when
• with the words: morning, afternoon, we talk about our own home/parents.
evening, night. Mother is at home.
"11 be at work in the morning. BUT at night, at • with by + means of transport: by bus/by
noon, at midnight, by day/night, at 4 car/by train/by plane, etc BUT in the car, on
o'clock, etc. the bus/train, etc. He travelled by train. BUT
• with historical references/events. the French He left on the 6 o'clock train yesterday.
Revolution, the Dark Ages, the Thirty Years ' War • with the names of illnesses. He's got
BUT World War I) diabetes. BUT flu/the flu, measles/the
• with the words: only, last, first (used as measles, mumps/the mumps.
adjectives). He was the only person to disagree.

Nouns / Word Formation / Articles
Fill in the where necessary and answer the questions, as in the example.

1 Is .. -;- . Rome .. the. capital of Italy? I 6 Does . .. . Pope live in ...... Vatican City?
® Yes B No A Yes B No
2 Is .. . .. Sicily in .... Mediterran ean Sea? I 7 Is Leonardo da Vinci Airport in Milan?
A Yes B No A Yes B No
3 Is .... .. Lake Garda largest lake in 8 Is . Bridge of Sighs in ....... Venice?
....... Italy? A Yes B No
A Yes B No 9 Wh ich famous landmark can you see on ...... .
4 Where are ....... Alps? Italian five cent eu ro coin?
A In .... .. central Italy A the Colosseum B the Trevi Fountain
B In ....... northern Italy. 10 ••..... Tarantella is a famous dance from
5 Wh ich ancient language does ..•.... Italian .... " south of Italy.
language come from? A True B False
A Latin B Greek

23 Fill in the gaps with the and one of the adjectives from the list.

• deaf • unemployed • d isabled • privileged • young • injured

After the fire , . were taken to I 4 The new town hall has been desig ned to give
hospital by ambulance. wheelchair access for ...... .
2 The government prom ised that it would try to 5 Sign language is used by ............ to
find jobs for . .... . I
help them commun icate.
3 Jack is one of ........ . .. few who have : 6 ....... often know far more about

been given a company car. computers than their parents.

Fill in the where necessary.

Dear Sarah,
How have you been? My fami ly and I have just returned from a five-day holiday in
1) .... -:-.... Spain. It was great! We travelled by 2) ••.•••.•• pl ane and arrived at
3) ......... ai rport in 4) ......... M adrid on 5) ......... Sunday. The next day we went
sightseeing and visited 6) .••••.••• Prado Mu seum and 7) •.•••••.• Escorial Palace w here
8) ••••••••• King of Spain lives. Of all European cities I think Madrid is 9) . •. most
beautiful ! We stayed there for 10) • • two days and then spent three days touring
some of 11) ••••.•• Spanish islands. I liked 12) . • •••• Spanish peop le very much but I
found it very difficult to understand 13) ... .. language. I had taken 14) ........ .
Spani sh lessons at school but most of 15) •. " " ••. locals spoke far too quickly! I really
loved 16) .••••••.• food though; especially 17) .••.••••. paella, a dish made w ith
seafood and rice. All in all, we had a fantastic holiday and we have decided to come back
to Spain again 18) •••.••••. next summer. M aybe you can come with us? All t he best,

o Nouns / Word Formation / Articles

25 Underline the correct item.

Peter likes to drink coffee / the coffee in the morning.

2 Jim enjoys listening to radio / the radio in the evenings.
3 Teenagers / The teenagers usually like playing video games.
4 I would love to travel to Australia / the Australia.
5 Roald Amundsen was the first person to reach the South Pole/South Pole.
6 James plays basketball / the basketball twice a week.
7 You cut the cake / cake and I'll pour tea / the tea.
8 Children / The children have gone to the playground .
9 Life / The life was very different 100 years ago.
10 Nathan is learning to play violin / the violin.
11 Look at dogs / the dogs! They are chasing a cat.
12 Queen Victoria / The Queen Victoria ruled for 63 years.

26 Fill in: a, an or the where necessary.

A: Did you see .. tbe. . rugby game on 6 A: Where were you this morning, Phil?
Saturday? B: I was reading in ........ library.
B: No, but I read about it. What ........ pity 7 A: Do you buy the paper everyday?
Australia lost! B: Not everyday; I get ...•.•.. Telegraph
2 A: Have you ever visited ..•.... Berlin? twice . . . . .. . week.
B: Yes, I spent a weekend there last spring. 8 A: I read that ........ Duke of Kent visited
We stayed at ........ Regent Hotel. ........ organic farm somewhere near
3 A: Is ........ blue bicycle yours? ........ Durham.
B: Yes, it's ......•. mine. B: Yes, I heard about that.

4 A: Do you know anything about . . . . . .. Malta? 9 A: Stephanie speaks ........ German very
B: Well , it's .. .... . island in ...... .. well.
Mediterranean Sea, near ........ Italy. B: Yes, she studied it at ..•....• university.

5 A: How was your trip to ........ Cardiff? 10 A: Have you ever seen ........ live shark?
B: It was great. . . .... Welsh are such nice B: Yes. It was at ........ city aquarium last
people. summer.

Underline the correct item.

Are you trying to organise 1) some / perfect party? If so, you've come to 2) the / -
right place! At PartyTown we sell a huge variety of decorations for 3) many / much
different types of parties. We also have a great 4) number / deal of invitations available.
We believe that 5) an / some invitation should not just be a 6) sheet / bit of paper
stuffed into an envelope! All our invitations are made from 7) a / the best materials and
are designed by 8) the / - highly skilled artists. We cater for any occasion you can name,
9) child's / children's parties being our specialty. So come to PartyTown today. It's
10) the / a only party shop you'll need to visit!


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