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Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) :: Lesson Plan - 3

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Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is an approach to rehabilitation that aims to
provide comprehensive support and services to individuals with disabilities or
impairments within their own communities. It recognizes that rehabilitation should
not be limited to clinical settings but should extend to the individual's social
environment, promoting their inclusion and participation in all aspects of community
life. CBR involves collaboration among individuals with disabilities, their families,
communities, and various stakeholders to create a supportive and accessible
environment. Here are some key aspects of community-based rehabilitation:

1. Holistic Approach: CBR takes a holistic approach to rehabilitation, addressing

the physical, functional, cognitive, emotional, and social needs of individuals
with disabilities. It recognizes that rehabilitation encompasses not only
medical interventions but also social, economic, and environmental factors
that influence a person's well-being and inclusion in society.
2. Empowerment and Participation: CBR emphasizes the empowerment and
active participation of individuals with disabilities in decision-making
processes and the planning and implementation of their own rehabilitation. It
aims to enable individuals to take control of their lives, set their goals, and
actively engage in activities that enhance their independence and well-being.
3. Community Inclusion and Accessibility: CBR focuses on creating inclusive
communities that provide equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities
to participate in all aspects of community life. It involves making physical
environments, public spaces, transportation, and communication accessible
and barrier-free. This includes providing ramps, accessible toilets, sign
language interpretation, and other accommodations to ensure equal access
and participation for all community members.
4. Capacity Building and Training: CBR emphasizes capacity building within
communities to enhance their ability to support individuals with disabilities. It
involves training community members, healthcare professionals, educators,
and service providers on disability awareness, inclusive practices, and specific
skills related to rehabilitation. This helps to develop a network of
knowledgeable individuals who can provide ongoing support and services to
individuals with disabilities.
5. Collaboration and Networking: CBR encourages collaboration and networking
among various stakeholders, including individuals with disabilities, their
families, community organizations, healthcare providers, government
agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This collaboration
helps to pool resources, expertise, and support, creating a comprehensive and
sustainable system of care and rehabilitation within the community.
6. Early Intervention and Prevention: CBR emphasizes early intervention and
prevention strategies to address disabilities and impairments at the earliest
possible stage. By identifying and intervening early, it aims to minimize the
impact of disabilities, promote optimal development, and prevent secondary
7. Community-Based Services: CBR promotes the delivery of rehabilitation
services within the community, reducing the need for individuals to travel to
specialized centers or hospitals. Services provided within the community
include rehabilitation therapies, assistive devices and technologies, education
and vocational training, counseling and psychosocial support, and support for
independent living. By delivering services locally, CBR increases accessibility,
reduces barriers to care, and ensures continuity of support.
8. Advocacy and Policy Development: CBR advocates for the rights, needs, and
inclusion of individuals with disabilities at the community, national, and
international levels. It aims to influence policies, legislation, and social norms
to create an enabling environment for individuals with disabilities. This
includes promoting inclusive education, employment opportunities,
accessibility standards, and social protection measures.
9. Monitoring and Evaluation: CBR emphasizes the importance of monitoring
and evaluating the impact of interventions and services provided. This helps to
assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, identify areas for
improvement, and ensure that the needs of individuals with disabilities are
being met. Monitoring and evaluation also contribute to evidence-based
practices and the dissemination of best practices in community-based
10. Sustainable Development: CBR aligns with the principles of sustainable
development, promoting social inclusion, equity, and the well-being of
individuals with disabilities within the broader context of community
development. By integrating rehabilitation into community structures and
resources, CBR contributes to sustainable and long-term support for
individuals with disabilities.

Community-based rehabilitation recognizes the importance of the community as a

supportive and inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities. It promotes
collaboration, empowerment, and equal participation, ultimately aiming to create a
society where individuals with disabilities can live with dignity, independence, and full

This publication focuses on understanding community-based rehabilitation (CBR). It does not

try to define CBR, as it has become apparent in recent years that CBR defies definition. This is
because its simplicity and complexity have led to confusion about what CBR means. The
simplicity of CBR has to do with its history of starting with the delivery of primary
rehabilitation therapy to people with disabilities in their communities(1). The complexity of
CBR is the result of the current concept that CBR programmes should be multi-sectoral (or
multi-disciplinary) so that they can provide assistance in all of the areas which are central to
improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities. This complexity recognizes the
need for close coordination, collaboration and cooperation between governmental and
non-governmental organizations of all types and at all levels.
The basic concept inherent in the multi-sectoral approach to CBR is the decentralization of
responsibility and resources, both human and financial, to community-level organizations. In
this approach, governmental and non-governmental institutional and outreach rehabilitation
services must support community initiatives and organizations.
For the multi-sectoral approach to CBR to be successfully translated into action, both
governmental and non-governmental service capacities need to be improved in most
countries of the Asian and Pacific region. Of special importance is improvement of the
capacity and skills for facilitating community involvement. Such improvement and related
activities must be closely coordinated to ensure the optimum use of scarce resources. In
accordance with the multi-sectoral concept, systems are developed, at the community level
and among governmental and non-governmental organizations, that interact and reach out
to each other.
Another factor for the success of the multi-sectoral approach is the empowerment of the
community to assume responsibility for ensuring that all its members, including those with
disabilities, achieve equal access to all of the resources that are available to that community,
and that they are enabled to participate fully in the social, economic and political life of the
community. This approach ensures that what is done in the name of CBR actually fits into the
reality of the community and is owned by the community.


The starting point for understanding CBR is the following approach agreed to in 1994 by ILO,
UNESCO and WHO(2):
Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is a strategy within community development for
the rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities and social integration of all people with
disabilities. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of disabled people
themselves, their families and communities, and the appropriate health, education,
vocational and social services.
This approach to CBR is multi-sectoral and includes all governmental and non-governmental
services that provide assistance to communities. Many of the services which can provide
opportunities for and assistance to people with disabilities are not traditionally considered
relevant to CBR programmes and people with disabilities. Examples include community
development organizations, agricultural extension services, and water and sanitation
In the ILO-UNESCO-WHO approach to CBR, the phrase "within community development" is
understood to be the following strategy recommended by the United Nations(3):
... the utilization, [in an integrated programme](4), of approaches and techniques which
rely on local communities as units of action and which attempt to combine outside
assistance with organized local self-determination and effort, and which correspondingly
seek to stimulate local initiative and leadership as the primary instrument of change.
In the CBR context, community means: (a) a group of people with common interests who
interact with each other on a regular basis; and/or (b) a geographical, social or government
administrative unit.

The development and implementation of CBR programmes should be based on the following
1. People with disabilities must be included in CBR programmes at all stages and
levels, including initial programme design and implementation. In order to give
significance to their involvement, they must have distinct decision-making roles.
2. The primary objective of CBR programme activities is the improvement of the
quality of life of people with disabilities.
3. One focus of CBR programme activities is working with the community to create
positive attitudes towards people with disabilities and to motivate community
members to support and participate in CBR activities.
4. The other focus of CBR programmes is providing assistance for people with all types
of disabilities (physical, sensory, psychological and mental); for people of all ages,
including older people; for people affected by leprosy; for people affected by
epilepsy; and for other people who may be identified by the community as needing
special assistance.
5. All activities in CBR programmes must be sensitive to the situation of girls and
women. This is because in many communities throughout the Asian and Pacific
region women are not treated equally. When they are disabled, the problems that
they face in life are doubled. Furthermore, women are usually the primary family
care-givers for all people with disabilities.
6. CBR programmes must be flexible so that they can operate at the local level and
within the context of local conditions. There should not be only one model of CBR
because different social and economic contexts and different needs of individual
communities will require different solutions. Flexible, local programmes will ensure
community involvement and result in a variety of programme models which are
appropriate for different places.
7. CBR programmes must coordinate service delivery at the local level. Community
members seldom understand the different roles and specializations that are part of
providing assistance to people with disabilities. They tend only to see the problem
of disability and only to want access to "one window" for help. They may focus only
on where to go and who to see about a specific "problem", rather than
understanding the totality of what constitutes a fulfilling life for a community
member who has a disability.


The components of a CBR programme should include:

1. Creating a positive attitude towards people with disabilities: this component of
CBR programmes is essential to ensure equalization of opportunities for people
with disabilities within their own community. Positive attitudes among community
members can be created by involving them in the process of programme design and
implementation, and by transferring knowledge about disability issues to
community members.
2. Provision of functional rehabilitation services: often people with disabilities
require assistance to overcome or minimize the effects of their functional
limitations (disabilities). In communities where professional services are not
accessible or available, CBR workers should be trained to provide primary
rehabilitation therapy in the following areas of rehabilitation:
o Medical
o Eye care service
o Hearing services
o Physiotherapy
o Occupational therapy
o Orientation and mobility training
o Speech therapy
o Psychological counselling
o Orthotics and prosthetics
o Other devices

3. Provision of education and training opportunities: people with disabilities must

have equal access to educational opportunities and to training that will enable
them to make the best use of the opportunities that occur in their lives. In
communities where professional services are not accessible or available, CBR
workers should be trained to provide basic levels of service in the following areas:
o Early childhood intervention and referral, especially to medical
rehabilitation services
o Education in regular schools
o Non-formal education where regular schooling is not available
o Special education in regular or special schools
o Sign language training
o Braille training
o Training in daily living skills
4. Creation of micro and macro income-generation opportunities: people with
disabilities need access to micro and macro income-generation activities, including
obtaining financial credit through existing systems, wherever possible. In slums and
rural areas, income-generation activities should focus on locally appropriate
vocational skills. Training in these skills is best conducted by community members
who, with minimal assistance, can easily transfer their skills and knowledge to
people with disabilities.
5. Provision of care facilities: often, people with extensive disabilities are in need of
assistance. When they have no families or their families are incapable of caring for
them, in order for them to survive, long-term care facilities must be provided in the
community where they can get the assistance that they need. Moreover, day-care
facilities may be needed to provide respite for families who either work or need
time off for other activities.
6. Prevention of the causes of disabilities: many types of disability can be prevented
by relatively simple measures. Proper nutrition is one of the more significant ways
of preventing disabilities. Another important area of disability prevention is the
detection of disability in young children and intervention early in their
development, to minimize the effect of impairment. There are many other areas of
disability prevention that are also important. These include activities to decrease
the number of accidents in the home, on the road and at work, as well as other
initiatives to encourage people to pursue healthy lifestyles over the course of their
7. Management, monitoring and evaluation: the effectiveness and efficiency of all
CBR programme components, both in the community and in the area of service
delivery outside the community, depend on effective management practices. The
impact of programme activities must be measured on a regular basis. People must
be trained in effective management practices. Data must be collected, reviewed
and evaluated to ensure that programme objectives are met. In this way, the
success or failure of a CBR programme can be honestly measured.


The initiative to start CBR programmes and to facilitate their development may come from
any one of the following groups. However, the effectiveness of CBR and the long-term
development and sustainability of any CBR initiative will require the coordination,
involvement and collaboration of all seven groups. The seven groups and their suggested
roles are as follows:
1. People with disabilities: People with disabilities can and should contribute to all
levels of CBR programmes in every position within a programme. They know what
the effects of local conditions are on themselves. They are likely to have a good
understanding of those effects on their peers with disabilities. They also know what
impairment really means in the context of their family, community and nation. This
knowledge enables them to be very effective members of a CBR team. They can be
more effective than non-disabled people as role models for and counsellors of
other people with disabilities. People with disabilities have an important role in
community education. As community educators, they serve as living examples of
people with disabilities who make a significant contribution, provided that they are
given the opportunity and the right type of assistance. CBR programmes should also
facilitate the development of self-help organizations of people with disabilities at
the community level.
2. Families of people with disabilities: families have the primary responsibility for
caring for all of their members. They are the first line of support and assistance for
people with disabilities at the local level. As such, families must be included in CBR
programme activities. Where the individual with a disability is not able, for
whatever reason, to speak for himself or herself, a family member should represent
him or her and should be considered a legitimate member of disabled people's
organizations. Members of families with experience in caring for people with
disabilities are the people who most often initiate CBR programmes and are, or
prove to be, the most effective contributors at all levels.
3. Communities: community members should be involved in CBR programmes at all
levels because they already know the local environmental conditions, the local
economy, the local political situation and how to work with them. They also know
about the accessibility, availability and effectiveness of locally available
rehabilitation services; who in the community cares enough about other people to
become a programme leader or worker; and, which community members have the
knowledge and skills for training others in micro-economic activities. They are the
people most likely to want to live, work and stay in the community. Community
involvement usually requires the agreement and approval, both formal and
informal, of the community leaders.
4. Governments (local, regional, national): governments have the most important
role in the development and sustainability of CBR programmes. Their cooperation,
support and involvement are essential if CBR is to cover the total population and be
sustainable. They should implement and coordinate the development of the entire
programme structure, including the development of the referral system, as well as
the activities within the community. They also should provide resources for
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community activities. Finally, they
should ensure that discriminatory legislation is changed and that the rights of
people with disabilities are guaranteed and protected.
5. Non-governmental organizations, local, regional, national and international
organizations: NGOs, including organizations of people with disabilities, are often
able to provide resources and skills to facilitate the development of new
programmes, especially in areas where none exist. They can develop new
approaches to CBR and provide training programmes for government employees,
CBR workers, people with disabilities, families, and community members. NGOs are
effective in facilitating the development of community members as CBR programme
leaders. They are often best able to provide long-term care facilities for those
people with extensive disabilities whose families cannot or will not look after them.
6. Medical professionals, allied health science professionals, educators, social
scientists and other professionals: professionals are often in a position where they
can, as trainers and educators, facilitate the development of new programmes by
making their knowledge and skills accessible to community members and CBR
programme workers. They can also ensure that they support community efforts by
making themselves available and accessible on a referral basis. When they are in
government service, they can advocate and promote the development of CBR
programmes as an effective way to provide local-level services quickly.
7. The private sector (business and industry): the private sector has a social
obligation to return some of the benefits of its operations to the communities that
support it. In the past, this support has largely taken the form of charity. Charity
occurs when donors "give" whatever they feel is needed or appropriate to people
with disabilities. This approach to assisting people with disabilities is no longer
appropriate and needs to be changed. Supporting CBR programme activities
eliminates the need for charity. CBR support is a much more appropriate way of
directing resources to communities and people with disabilities. By supporting CBR
programmes, the private sector receives credit for its social involvement while
being guaranteed that its support is put to effective and efficient use. Who but
trained, knowledgeable community members would know what is most needed by
the people of their own community?


In recent years a multi-sectoral (or multi-disciplinary) concept of CBR has evolved. That
concept emphasizes working with and through the community to create positive attitudes
towards people with disabilities, to provide assistance to people with disabilities and to
make the necessary changes to the environment and service delivery systems.
In response to this conceptual change, CBR is now defined as a community development
programme that has seven different components:
(i) Creation of a positive attitude towards people with disabilities;
(ii) Provision of rehabilitation services;
(iii) Provision of education and training opportunities;
(iv) Creation of micro and macro income-generation opportunities;
(v) Provision of care facilities;
(vi) Prevention of the causes of disabilities;
(vii) Monitoring and evaluation.
The resources, skills and initiatives to start and sustain CBR programmes require the
cooperation and collaboration of seven relevant sectors:
(i) People with disabilities
(ii) Families of people with disabilities;
(iii) Communities;
(iv) Governments (local, regional, national, international);
(v) NGOs, local, regional, national and international organizations, and organizations of
people with disabilities;
(vi) Medical professionals, allied health science professionals, educators, social scientists
and other professionals;
(vii) The private sector (business and industry).

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