PSMPL 7 Sep 22
PSMPL 7 Sep 22
PSMPL 7 Sep 22
Primary: pH & Ortho-Phosphate reserves are low. the rest of the parameters are fine Primary: To increase Ortho-Phosphates, add 2 kg 3DT-426, and add 1 kg ST-40
Secondary: Conductivity and TDS are extremely high. Resultantly, chlorides are also extremely Secondary: Operate blowdown to reduce TDS. after fresh makeup, add 1 kg 3DT-426 & 1 kg ST-
high.Ortho-Phosphate reserves are low 40
Induction Furnace: Ortho-Phosphate reserves are low. the rest of the parameters are in Induction Furnace: Add 2 kg 3DT-426 to increase Ortho phosphate reserves.
Rolling Mill: Add 1 kg 3DT-426 & 0.5 kg ST-40.
Rolling Mill: Parameters have improved from previous results. TDS are high which needs to be
addressed. Rolling Mill TMT: Operate blowdown and drain 50% of the existing water to bring TDS to
acceptable limits. add 1 kg 3DT-426.
Rolling Mill TMT: Conductivity and TDS are extremely high. Resultantly, chlorides are also
extremely high.Ortho-Phosphate reserves are low. iron is also high NOTE: Please note that makeup water in cooling towers must be 95% RO permeate and 5% well
water to keep alkalinity of the system in control to have adequate pH in cooling towers