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PDS Stopaq Outerwrap HTPE V1EN

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Product properties Stopaq product
Product Information Colour Black
Thickness 0.5 mm ± 10%
Product description: Stopaq Outerwrap HTPE is a flexible Temperature range Service: -35°C to +95°C
mechanical protection tape made of polyethylene, fitted with a butyl Substrate during -35°C to +70°C
rubber adhesive. application:
Peel strength layer Tested according ISO 21809-3:
Stopaq® Outerwrap HTPE is used for mechanical protection of corrosion to layer  @ +23°C: ≥ 0.4 N/mm
preventing coating systems, such as Stopaq® Wrappingband. The  @ +95°C: ≥ 0.04 N/mm
Outerwrap has high puncture and ageing resistance. It is well suited for Peel strength to Tested @ +23°C (ISO 21809-3):
underground (on-shore) and submerged (off-shore) applications. The plant coatings  PP: ≥ 1.0 N/mm
heavy-duty adhesive layer provides high adhesion strength to the outer
surface of the Stopaq® Wrappingband as well as to its own backing. The  FBE: ≥ 1.0 N/mm
Tested @ +95°C (ISO 21809-3):
Outerwrap has a good resistance to impacts and abrasion as well as
resistance against the influences from alkalis and acids.  PP: ≥ 0.03 N/mm
 FBE: ≥ 0.03 N/mm
Features: Peel strength to Hot water immersion: 100 days @ +95°C
 Easy to apply plant coatings after Tested @ +23°C (ISO 21809-3):
 Cold applied hot water  PP: ≥ 0.8 N/mm
 Good conformability
immersion test  FBE: ≥ 1.0 N/mm
 Good adhesion to Stopaq® Wrappingband as well as to its own Tensile strength ≥ 6 N/mm
backing Elongation > 300 %
 Excellent impact resistance
 Wide service temperature range Properties of coating system comprising Stopaq
Wrappingband CZH(T) and Stopaq Outerwrap HTPE
Benefits: Thickness 3.0 mm ± 10%
 Very well suited for hand application Self-healing effect Artificial defect Ø 6 mm:
 Easy to stretch and to apply  @ +23ºC and @ +95ºC: no holidays, self-
 Excellent mechanical protection of Stopaq® corrosion prevention healing completed within 24 hours
products Impact resistance Tested with 15 J (ISO 21809-3):
 Resists impacts and indentations which may occur during construction  @ +23ºC and @ +95ºC: no holidays
of pipelines Indentation Tested with 10 N/mm² pressure (ISO 21809-3):
 Very high resistance to ageing, even when exposed to maximum or resistance  @ +23ºC and @ +95ºC: no holidays
minimum temperature for longer periods of time Cathodic Tested @ +23ºC and @ +95ºC (ISO 21809-3):
 No curing time disbondment  Disbondment 0 mm
resistance  No holidays

General order information

Application examples
Product Stopaq® Outerwrap HTPE is available in rolls of
various widths and lengths:
On- and Offshore field joints: Mechanical protection of Stopaq®
50mm x 30m
corrosion preventing coating systems applied on carbon steel girth-weld
75mm x 30m
joints of on- and off-shore pipelines.
100mm x 30m
150mm x 30m
Piping and Vessels: Mechanical protection of Stopaq® corrosion
preventing coating systems applied on carbon steel pipeline structures Packaging Coiled on cardboard cores. Packed in
and reservoirs. cardboard boxes.
Handling Handle with care. Keep boxes upright.
Elbows, Bends, Tees, Reducers and Flanges: Mechanical protection Storage Store indoor, clean and dry, away from direct
of Stopaq® preventing coating systems applied on carbon steel pipe sunlight in a cool place below +40°C.

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Application instruction: Preparation Post application instructions

Tools and Scissors, knife and measuring tape. Visual inspection The applied Stopaq® Outerwrap HTPE must look
equipment smooth and tight and should be shaped around
High humidity Stopaq® Outerwrap HTPE can be applied in a all details and into corners
humid atmosphere. The surface of the substrate Bringing into Bringing into service is possible immediately
however, should be free from condensing water service after completion of the coating application. The
which can be reached by keeping the areas coated with Stopaq® materials should not
temperature at least 3°C above dew point. be exposed to loads, e.g. from supports, lifting
Work area and The substrate surface should be dry, clean and equipment, etc.
substrate protected against negative weather influences.
Tape conditions Stopaq® Outerwrap HTPE should be dry and
have a temperature between +10ºC to +30ºC for
the ease of handling and shaping.

Application instruction – Circumferential pipe wrapping on

top of Stopaq Wrappingband
General Outerwrap HTPE should be applied with tension
by pulling the roll of material gently.
Wrapping direction Horizontal pipelines should be wrapped
circumferentially from left-to-right or from right-
to-left. Pipelines positioned with an angle
deviating from horizontal should be wrapped
from bottom to top (e.g. with risers).
Spiral wrapping Start wrapping Outerwrap HTPE with one full
circumferential wrap perpendicular to the pipe,
leaving 3 mm of the previously applied Stopaq®
Wrappingband visible at the boundary.

After the first circumferential wrap, consecutive

wraps should have an overlap of ≥ 50%, which
can be created by slanted and spiral application ®
of Outerwrap HTPE. Stopaq information and warranty
Documentation Extensive information is available on our web-
Be careful not to create any air enclosures and site. Application instructions, “Stopaq® Technical
avoid tenting and bridging. Standard” and other documentation can be
obtained from our head office, from our local
Continue slanted wrapping until reaching the distributor or by email to
boundary of the area to be coated, leaving 3 mm Certified staff The application of Stopaq® coating systems
of the previously applied Stopaq® Wrappingband should always be carried out by certified
visible at the boundary. personnel.

End wrapping with one full circumferential wrap

perpendicular to the pipe. End with a quarter
circumferential wrap of Outerwrap HTPE without
tension. In case of wrapping on horizontal pipes,
the tape end should face downwards ending at 3
o’clock position. Cut off with a slight angle, the
sharp edge pointing towards the area covered STOPAQ B.V.
with Outerwrap HTPE. Gasselterstraat 20
9503 JB Stadskanaal
P.O. Box 285
Consecutive rolls When more than one roll of Outerwrap HTPE is 9500 AG Stadskanaal
needed to continue wrapping, an overlap on the The Netherlands
end of the previously applied Outerwrap HTPE T: +31 (0) 599 696 170
should be created of at least 10 cm. F: +31 (0) 599 696 177
Specific coating See specific Stopaq coating instructions for e.g. E:
applications I:
offshore girth welds, pipe wrapping, etc.

DISCLAIMER: To the best of our knowledge, the technical data contained herein is true and accurate on the date of publication and is subject to change without prior notice. User must contact Stopaq
B.V. to verify correctness before specifying and ordering. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. We do not accept any responsibility for coverage, performance or injuries resulting from use.
Liability, if any, is replacement of products. No other warranty or guarantee of any kind is made by Stopaq B.V., express or implied, statutory, by operation of law, or otherwise, including merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose. Stopaq® is a registered trademark of Stopaq B.V.

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