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A Research paper
Presented to the faculty of
Agay National High School
Purok-3, Pob.1, R.T.R

In Partial fulfillment
For subject

Practical Research I

Kianne G. Dedelis
Alfea faith B. Capati
Kharen S. Remoluna

James Paul B. Velasco


June, 2023

Nowadays, many students are addicted to online mobile games. This is one of the problem
of the study about being addicted to mobile gaming. The increasing popularity of mobile gaming
among middle adolescents, it is important to understand its potential impact on cognitive
development. A middle adolescent is a critical period of cognitive development, characterized by
significant changes in executive function, attention, and decision-making skills. Mobile gaming
may have both positive and negative effects on these cognitive processes depending on the type
of game and the frequency of playing.

Despite the growing interest in the effects of mobile gaming on cognitive development,
much of this research been focused on younger children or adults, leaving a gap in our
understanding of its impact on middle adolescents. Therefore, this study aims to envisage the
relationship between mobile gaming and cognitive among middle adolescents.

The negative effects of online games to every grade 9 to 10 students. Mobile Legends may
effect a dangerous distraction. The first negative effect of Mobile Legends gaming is the
potential for distraction when another more important activity may loss of productivity
distractions, etc.

This study can inform parents, educators, and game developers on the potential benefits
and risk of mobile gaming for this age group.
1.2: Statement of the problem
This study aims to know the different problems about the mobile games in Grade 9 to 10
students of Agay National High School are encountering in terms of decision-making using
these questions;

1.) What are the most popular Mobile games played by middle adolescents in Agay National
High school?
2.) What are the positive and negative effects of mobile gaming on the cognitive
development in G-9 and G-10?
3.) What is the frequency and duration of mobile gaming among G-9 to G-10 students in

1.3: Hypothesis
This study design to assess the hypothesis that most likely the students who play mobile
legends get affected in their academic performances than those who do not play mobile games.
1.4: Conceptual and Theoretical framework
Conceptual framework

Level of addiction on playing Mobile Legend among Junior High School student The
framework above is showing the difference among female and male students in Junior High
School students in terms of the level of addiction on playing Mobile Legend.

Theoretical framework

This research explored from flow theory that is frequently applied to online gaming
addiction in an effort to understand the behavior ( Wan and Chiou,2006 ). Flow theory is based
around having the best experience while involved some activity. In order to achieve this "flow
use there are a number of things that the experience must provide immediate feedback on
performance, be challenging but not so much as to overcome the individuals skills, immerse the
individual and of course be interesting in general.

The objectives of games are clear. They provide immediate feedback through
travelling on other reward systerns. On the other hand, certain people find mobile games to be
extremely Interesting and immersive. However, Wan and Chic (2006) found that the frequency
of this flow state was actually negatively correlated with addictive tendencies. It is not entirely
clear what the interaction between the flow state and video gameling addiction is studies are
conflicted on the strengths and even the existence of this relationship. In the said theory their
were difference of level of addiction between the non addicts. While level of addiction for some
players has its significant difference along with some factors affecting their addiction In the
theory, their are some related parts and articles in the said theory were related to our research
1.5: Definition of term
The following terms where conceptually and operationally defined:

 Addiction

-An unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something.

 Online games

-Game that can be run from an internet browser and requires the internet connection.

-Is a person who plays a game or games, typically participants in a computer or role-
playing game.

 Mobile Legend

-A 5v5 game, it is popular among Asian countries and others.

-A game where the developers support and promote account.

-Is a 5v5 MOBA showdown against real human opponents. You can choose your favorite
heroes and build the perfect team with your comrades in arms, 10 seconds matchmaking 10-20
minute battles.
1.6: Significance of the study
The study will help the students have an insight on the impact of Mobile legend games
towards their junior high performance.

To the Readers -It will give information about how online gaming affects the student’s
academic performance.

To the Parents -It will serve as basis to help share with other parents the information
about certain games or ideas to help each other in parenting. Also it will help them understand
the behavior and study habit of their children when they're engaged into such activity.

To the Teacher -It will provide additional knowledge on what strategy to use to educate
students about the well-known impact of online gaming to student’s academic performance and
decision making.

To the Researchers -This study will provide baseline data needed for future researchers
and studies related to this one.

To the Future Researchers -The ideas presented can be used as reference data in
conducting new researches rather in testing the validity of other related findings.

1.7: Scope and limitation of the study

The study covers Agay NHS teacher education program selected students. This
study was limited to Mobile Legend Game. The researcher will gather information about the
impact of the selected online games on students’ academic performance.

A survey will be conducted about the evaluation of the respondents regarding in the
study of the impact of these Mobile legend game on students' academic performance in AGAY
NHS teacher education program students at Agay NHS Purok-3, Pob.1, R.T.R, Agusan Del

This chapter highlights some related rate and studies that are relevant to this topic. It
contains different sources that the researcher gains from books, journals, magazines, internet and
other electronic sources.

Related Literature

According to JL Wang, JR Sheng, HZ Wang - Frontiers in public health, As a new type of

addictive behaviors and distinct from traditional internet game addiction on desktop computers,
mobile game addiction has attracted researchers’ attention due to its possible negative effects on
mental health issues.

However, very few studies have particularly examined the relationship between mobile
game addiction and mental health outcomes, due to a lack of specified instrument for measuring
this new type of behavioral addiction.

In this study, we examined the relationship between mobile game addition and social
anxiety, depression, and loneliness among adolescents. We found that mobile game addiction
was positively associated with social anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

A further analysis on gender difference in the paths from mobile game addiction to these
mental health outcomes was examined, and results revealed that male adolescents tend to report
more social anxiety, depression, and loneliness when they use mobile game addictively. We also
discussed limitations and implications for mental health practice.

Middle adolescence, which generally refers to the ages of 12 to 15, is a crucial stage of
development characterized by rapid physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. During this
period, young people begin to assert their independence, form their own identities, and navigate
complex social relationships. adolescents, offering them a virtual space to socialize with peers,
explore new identities, and engage in online gaming has become increasingly popular among
middle challenging and rewarding activities.

This chapter outlines the methodology employed to investigate the impact of mobile
gaming on cognitive development among middle adolescents in grade 9 to 10 at Agay National
High School. The chapter describes the research design, participant selection and data collection
methods utilized in the study.

Research Design
A mixed-methods approach was employed to gather comprehensive data on the
relationship between mobile gaming and cognitive development. This approach combined
quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to provide a holistic understanding of the

Participant Selection
The participants of this study were selected from the population of students enrolled
in grade 9 to 10 at Agay National High School. The sampling technique employed was random
sampling, ensuring equal opportunities for all students in this grade to participate. Informed
concert was obtained from both the students and their parents or guardians prior to their
inclusion in the study.

Data Collection Methods

Quantitative Surveys:
A structured questionnaire was developed to gather quantitative data on mobile
gaming habits, cognitive abilities, academic performance, and demographic information. The
survey consisted of validated scales and standardized measures related to cognitive development.
The surveys were administered in a classroom setting under the supervision of the research team.

Qualitative Interviews:
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a subset of participants to gather in-
depth qualitative data. The interviews aimed to explore the participants' experiences, perceptions,
and attitudes towards mobile gaming and its impact on cognitive development. The interviews
were audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis.
Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations were prioritized throughout the research process. Informed
consent was obtained from all participants and their parents or guardians. Confidentiality and
anonymity were maintained during data collection, analysis, and reporting. The study adhered to
ethical guidelines and regulations set forth by the relevant institutional review boards and
research ethics committees.

It is essential to acknowledge certain limitations of the study. These may include the
reliance on self-report measures, the potential for recall bias, and the generalizability of the
findings to other contexts beyond Agay National High School. These limitations were mitigated
through careful design, rigorous data collection procedures, and an acknowledgment of the
study's specific scope.

The methodology employed in this study enabled a comprehensive exploration of
the impact of mobile gaming on cognitive development among middle adolescents. The
combination of quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews provided a rich understanding of
the phenomenon. The data collected and analyzed will serve as the foundation for the subsequent
chapters, where the findings and implications of the study will be presented and discussed.

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