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Course Reflection

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Provide the following instructions to students in ePNU:

As a student in the PhD MathEd program of the LiSQup project, you are expected to create and maintain an
ePortfolio. This is part of the requirements for all the courses that you will take in your PNU journey. The
ePortfolio must showcase your growth and development in the program. You will use Google Sites through your
PNU account to create your ePortfolio. The said application is included in PNU's Google Workspace and you
can use it for free as long as you sign-in using your PNU account.

To know more about how to use Google Sites, you can watch this YouTube video:

The Advantages of an ePortfolio: An e-Portfolio offers more possibilities than a paper portfolio when collecting
and presenting artefacts, composing documents, and it can be used for various purposes. The e-Portfolio that
students will create for the MA Science and Math program will serve as a teaching & learning portfolio,
presentation portfolio, and research portfolio. It should:
 communicate and showcase skills, experiences, and learning;
 contain diverse artifact - documents and media;
 showcases ab overview of one’s study, research, and areas of competencies;
 present strategies and process of achievements goals;
 promotes self-awareness and self-responsibility; and
 contextualize artifacts to communicate profile and show they can do; demonstrate what they have
learned from the courses they have taken and how to apply it in the teaching and learning environment.

What can be added to the ePortfolio:

 Files of various formats (text, pictures, video, etc.)
 Evidence related to the course taken, program of study, etc.
 Writing samples (which might include several drafts to show development and improvement)
 Project prepared for class or extracurricular activities
 Evidence of creativity and performance
 Evidence of extracurricular or co-curricular activities, including examples of leadership
 Evaluations, analysis, and recommendations
 Reflections and insights
 Research endeavors

You can learn more about ePortfolios in Education in this webinar by SEAMEO-AUS:

You are given the freedom to design and arrange your own ePortfolio. You may also add any relevant artifacts,
description, or narration that you deem necessary to enrich the content.

At this point, it is expected that you have already added the required components in your ePortfolio from your
previous courses. For this course, your ePortfolio will be marked based on the inclusion of the course artifacts,
lesson reflections, and your response to the following questions (adapted from Future Focused Learning,
Math Ed 807
 Now that the course is over, what are
your thoughts about this course in
general? Are they mostly positive or negative?
 What are some of the most interesting discoveries that you have made while taking the course?
 What are some of your challenging moments and what made them so?
 What were some of your most powerful learning moments and what made them so?
 What is the most important think you learned personally?
 What most got in the ways of your progress if anything?
 How well did you and your classmates communicate overall?
 What help did you give and receive during the course?
 What is your greatest strength in Probability? What is your biggest area for improvement?
 What would you do differently if you are to study the same course again?
 What moments were you most proud of your efforts?
 Can you confidently teach probability or combinatorics after the course?
 How will you use what you have learned in the future?

Additionally, kindly assess your participation and engagement in the course by rating the following statements
(adapted from Yan, Z. (2020). Developing a Short Form of the Self-Assessment Practices Scale. Frontiers in
Education, 4(153).). Use the scale below:
 5 - Always
 4 - Often
 3 - Sometimes
 2 - Seldom
 1 - Never
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. I check whether I have fully understood the course content by going
back to previous exercises.
2. I check whether I have mastered the course by doing extra exercises.
3. I ask questions in my head to check whether I have understood the
course contents.
4. I keep track of my progress by recording my performance.
5. I check my work or solution against the answers in the textbook or on a
6. I ask my classmates to evaluate my contributions to group work tasks.
7. I consult my teacher to tell me how to improve my learning.
8. I ask my classmates to tell me how to improve my learning.
9. When I perform exercises, I look at what I got wrong or did poorly on to
guide me as to what I should learn next.
10. As I study, I think about whether the way I am studying is really helping
me learn.
11. Any areas I am unsure of after finishing my work, I go over again.
12. I reflect on my weaknesses when I discuss study-related issues.
13. I think about how much sense the comments of other people regarding
my work make to me.
14. I pay attention to my assessment results in order to identify what I can
do better next time.

Math Ed 807

15. I seek out the reasons for mistakes I made

after getting back marked work.

Additionally, rate the following PPST indicators in terms of level of accomplishment in terms of teaching
 5 - Very large extent
 4 - Large extent
 3 - Neutral
 2 - Little extent
 1 - Very little extent
PPST Indicators
5 4 3 2 1
I am able to…
1.1.2 apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
1.3.3 promote effective strategies in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the
teaching and learning process.
1.4.2 use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy.
1.7.2 use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication
strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement, and
4.1.2 plan, manage, and implement developmentally sequenced teaching
and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching
4.2.2 set achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned with
learning competencies.
4.5.2 select, develop, organize, and use appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.
7.3.2 participate in professional networks to share knowledge and to
enhance practice.
7.4.2 develop a personal professional improvement plan based reflection of
one’s practice and ongoing professional learning.

Math Ed 807

You ePortfolio will be evaluated using the

following rubric.

Grading Rubric for ePortfolio

Criteria 4 - Exemplary 3 - Proficient 2 - Emerging 1 - Unsatisfactory

Selection of All artifacts and work Most artifacts and Some of the The artifacts and
Artifacts samples are clearly and work samples are artifacts and work work samples do not
(20%) directly related to the related to the samples are relate to the purpose
purpose of the purpose of the related to the of the ePortfolio.
ePortfolio. A wide ePortfolio. purpose of the
variety of artifacts is ePortfolio.

Descriptions All artifacts are Most of the artifacts Some of the The artifacts and
(20%) accompanied by a are accompanied by artifacts are work samples do not
caption that clearly a caption that clearly accompanied by a relate to the purpose
explains the importance explains the caption that clearly of the ePortfolio.
of the item. importance of the explains the
item. importance of the

Reflection All reflections clearly Most of the A few of the The reflections do not
(20%) explain how the artifact reflections explain reflections explain explain growth or
demonstrates your growth and include growth and include include goals for
growth, competencies, goals for continued goals for continued learning.
accomplishments, and learning. continued
include goals for learning.
continued learning (long
and short term).

Navigation The navigation links are The navigation links The navigation The navigation links
(10%) intuitive. The various generally function links are are confusing, and it
parts of the portfolio are well, but it is not somewhat is difficult to locate
labeled, clearly always clear how to confusing, and it is artifacts and move to
organized and allow the locate an artifact or often unclear how related pages or a
reader to easily locate move to related to locate an different section.
an artifact and move to pages or different artifact or move to There are significant
related pages or a sections. Most of the  related pages or a problems with pages
different section. All pages connect to different section. connecting to
pages connect to the the navigation Some of the pages preceding pages or
navigation menu, and all menu. Most of the connect to the the navigation menu.
external links connect to external links navigation menu, Many of the external
the appropriate website connect to the but in other places links do not connect
or file. appropriate website the links do not to the appropriate
or file. connect to website or file.
preceding pages
or to the
navigation menu.
Some of the
external links do
not connect to the

Math Ed 807

website or file.

Effort (20%) A great deal of effort An acceptable effort Minimal effort was No effort was put
was put forth and the was put forth and put forth and the forth; The student
student made the the student showed student was not required a great deal
project a priority. a desire to complete committed to of peer or teacher
the project completing the support.
successfully. project.

Layout and The ePortfolio is easy to Overall, the portfolio The portfolio is The portfolio is
Design (10%) read. Design features, is easy to read. somewhat difficult difficult to read.
such as font and size, Design features, to read. Formatting is
titles, subtitles, page such as font and Formatting is awkward and design
headings, and size, titles, subtitles, awkward and features detract from
paragraphs enhance the page headings, and design features the content. Most of
portfolio. The pages are paragraphs enhance detract from the the pages are not
well-balanced and the portfolio. On the content. Some of balanced or appear
pictures and majority of pages, the pages are not cluttered and
backgrounds do not content is well- balanced and backgrounds are
detract from the content. balanced and backgrounds are overdone and are
pictures and overdone and are distracting or do not
backgrounds, distracting or do compliment the
overall, do not not compliment content.
detract from the the content.
content. Only minor
changes are needed
to enhance the

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