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SS 2 Biology 2ND Ca Test

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SS 2 BIOLOGY 2ND CA TEST (A) It does not reflect the size of the

NOV 2021
(B) It is too cumbersome
1. When a red blood cell is placed inside (C) It leads to the death of the
an isotonic solution, it organism
(A) Undergoes plasmolysis (D) Ecologists are scared of using it
(B) Undergoes hemolysis 8. Quadrat sampling method is not
(C) Remains intact suitable for which of these organisms
(D) Undergoes endocytosis (A) Butterfly
2. In Which of these plants are the leaves (B) Caterpillar
modifies for storage (C) Ants
(A) Black pepper (D) Snails
(B) Onion 9. Direct census is not suitable for
(C) Cactus sampling which of these organisms
(D) Pumpkin (A) Cashew trees
3. Ecological niche can best be described (B) Maize plants
as (C) Honey bees
(A) The position of an organism in a (D) Cattle
food chain 10. Lithosphere refers to
(B) The interaction of an organism in (A) The part of the earth that contains
the ecosystem life
(C) The particular space in the habitat (B) The water bodies where life can be
occupied by an organism found
(D) All of the above (C) The air space of the earth where life
4. Which of these tissue is the odd one out can be found
(A) Epidermis (D) That part of the earth’s crust where
(B) Skin life can be found
(C) Xylem
(D) Chitinous tissue
5. Which of these is NOT a member of a ESSAY
fresh water community ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS
(A) Mud skipper 1. Make a food web with the
(B) Pond skater following list of organisms
(C) Tadpole Monkey, parrot, mahogany
(D) Leech tree, ants, lizards, banana trees,
6. Which of these organisms have the pigeons, cats, python, hawk,
highest biomass caterpillars, parrots, berries and
(A) Tiger toads.
(B) Chicken 2. (a) Make two food chains with
(C) Mango tree the list of organisms provided
(D) Cedar tree above.
7. The major limitation of representing a (b) what type of habitat will
food chain with the pyramid of biomass likely support the list of the
is that organisms listed above.

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