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#14 Road To Promotion

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Road to Promotion
Business English
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:

• identify phrases related to “get promoted” correctly;

• identify direct and indirect speech.
• recognize reported speech statement using ‘future tense’
• use the learned words and idiomatic expression related to promotion appropriately; and
• practice pronouncing words with the correct pronunciation and stressing.

2 Business English - Road to Promotion

Warm Up
Continue the word with another word started with the last letter of the previous word. Mention as
many words as possible.

n… o rest if you need to meet a deadline

how to get job promotion?

i would say you’ll be taken more job seriously.
Additionally, try to always show up on time, and stay late occasionally if you need to meet a deadline.
You should also try to make yourself valuable by doing more than what’s expected of you.

Business English - Road to Promotion
A job promotion is when an employee is elevated to a higher rank, position, or role within a
business or organization because of their exceptional performance. Job promotions are usually
accompanied by increased responsibilities or a higher salary. They can raise an employee’s
standing in the professional hierarchy and allow them to climb the corporate ladder.
Some new roles may require the promoted employee
Mention to work longer hours or adapt a new skill set. In some
ways to get cases, career advancement opportunities are only

promoted available after establishing seniority at the company.

at work! In other companies, seniority, exceptional skill, and

taking on extra responsibilities are typically the
benchmarks for promotion.

Business English - Road to Promotion
Vocabulary Build Up
Match the following words with their meaning

1. Allow (…) a. (adj) added to an existing or usual amount or number;

2. Available (…) b. (v) give (someone) permission to do something.
3. Climb (…) c. (v) grow in scale, value, or power.
d. (n) a group or collection of things that belong together or
4. Case (…) resemble one another or are usually found together
5. Extra (…) e. (n) an instance of a particular situation; an example of
something occurring.
6. Set (…) f. (adj) able to be used or obtained

How are these words related to our topic?

Business English - Road to Promotion
Vocabulary Build Up – Answer Key
Check your answers below.

1. Allow (b) a. (adj) added to an existing or usual amount or number;

2. Available (f) b. (v) give (someone) permission to do something.
3. Climb (c) c. (v) grow in scale, value, or power.
d. (n) a group or collection of things that belong together or
4. Case (e) resemble one another or are usually found together
5. Extra (a) e. (n) an instance of a particular situation; an example of
something occurring.
6. Set (d) f. (adj) able to be used or obtained

How are these words related to our topic?

i think these words are the cause of impact, in example im gonna take 2 words here.. you should do the case or job
extra to get a job promotion

Business English - Road to Promotion
Have Your Say 1. yes, if i'm doing well in my role job or do the job properly i think i'm deserved to be promoted
2. i think i should wait until i proven myself in my current role before demanding a better one, it's more like a
manner i dont want to be arrogant and asking for promotion like that i guess
3. identify the skills and experience
Let’s talk it out. maybe i don't really know what to prepare for promotion but i would say you should analyze your current
performance, evaluate the job requirements, obtain feedback, meet ur spv / supervisor?

• Do you ever want to get promoted? Why and why not?

• Do you think an employee should ask for a promotion or
wait for the company to offer a promotion? Why?
• What do you think an employee should do to prepare for
promotion? Explain your answer.
• Is a pay raise a promotion? Why and why not?
• Between a raise and promotion, which would you prefer
and why?
4.i think it's quite different, a promotion is usually a change in job title and or job responsibilities
a raise is just what it sound likee more money
5.i have no problem with both, i want to get promotion in job to increase my knowledge,
expand the network and also being okay with raise or to have more money hahahhhaa

Business English - Road to Promotion
Vocabulary Build Up
Fill in the blanks with the words in the box to form habits of employees that get promoted.

Don’t Be Afraid to …...

….. with the Right People

Keep….. Be an ….. employee

….. Your Success

Always Be a …..
Make yourself …..

Be goal- ….. take charge indispensable team player oriented

document network engaged learning

Business English - Road to Promotion
Vocabulary Build Up – Answer Key
Check your answers below.

Don’t Be Afraid to take charge

Network with the right people

Keep learning Be an engaged

Your Success
Always be Make yourself
a team player indispensable

Be goal-oriented take charge indispensable team player oriented

document network engaged learning

Business English - Road to Promotion
Watch the video and note down the key points. Then discuss the questions.

• According to Adriana Girdler, what is the first

thing to know before you ask for a promotion?
• With which of her points do you think you agree
and why?
• Which of those key points she explained do you
think are applicable and not applicable for you
and why?
Click the picture to watch the video.

Business English - Road to Promotion
Listening Activity
Listen to the recording before answering the questions.
1. The man has worked for his company for _______ years.
a. Four
b. Five
c. Three

2. Why is the man up for a promotion?

Audio 1
a. He has increased product sales.
b. He has developed some new products.
c. He has opened several new stores.

3. I’ve ___________ a good working relationship with my colleagues.

a. Create
b. Establish
c. Develop

4. I helped my department increase sales by ___________ %

a. 100
b. 300
c. 200

Business English - Road to Promotion
Listening Activity – Answer Key
Check your answers below.
1. The man has worked for his company for _______ years.
a. Four
b. Five
c. Three

2. Why is the man up for a promotion?

Audio 1
a. He has increased product sales.
b. He has developed some new products.
c. He has opened several new stores.

3. I’ve ___________ a good working relationship with my colleagues.

a. Create
b. Establish
c. Develop

4. I helped my department increase sales by ___________ %

a. 100
b. 300
c. 200

Business English - Road to Promotion
Discussion Points
Read and discuss these mistakes.
16 Mistakes Employees Make When Trying To Get A Promotion
1. Asking for too much at once. 10. Not having a recent significant achievement or
2. Believing that promotions are based on merit alone. milestone that supports your request.
3. Neglecting your long-term goals. 11. Using the request to “test” your employer.
4. Trying too hard. 12. Acting inappropriately.
5. Thinking a promotion will “fix” everything. 13. Being unclear about your own directives.
6. Overshooting your target. 14. Not having your facts about job responsibilities and
7. Not making it a win-win. the match with your credentials.
8. Wrong place, wrong time. 15. Lack of persistence.
9. Asking for a promotion or raise simply based on 16. Jumping ship prematurely.
length of time employed.

• Which of the mistakes in the list do you find in your office? What do you think about it?
• What do you think employees should do to avoid the mistakes mentioned?

Business English - Road to Promotion
Grammar Brush Up
Let’s review your knowledge on reported speech (perfect continuous tense).

She said:' I've been doing this for three years’.

She said she __________________ that for three years.

They said, “We have been waiting here for a long time.”
They said that _________________ there for a long time.

He said, “We haven’t been playing golf lately.”

He said that golf lately.

14 Business English - Road to Promotion

Grammar Brush Up – Answer Key
Check your answers below.

She said:' I've been doing this for three years’.

She said she had been doing that for three years.

They said, “We have been waiting here for a long time.”
They said that they had been waiting there for a long time.

He said, “We haven’t been playing golf lately.”

He said that they had been playing golf lately.

15 Business English - Road to Promotion

Grammar Point
Study the following explanation about reported speech: future with ‘will’
Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this,
we can use direct speech or indirect speech. In indirect speech, we often use a
tense which is 'further back' in the past. This is called 'backshift’. We also may
need to change other words that were used, for example pronouns.

Direct speech Indirect speech

will + verb → would + verb

Direct speech Indirect speech
“We have been watching the cricket match for She said (that) they had been watching the cricket
two hours". match for two hours.
"They have been launching the new product I said (that) they had been launching the new
since march". product since march.

16 Business English - Road to Promotion

Grammar Exercise
Reported Statements: Future with ‘will’
Change the following sentences from direct speech into indirect speech.

1. “I'll go to the cinema later.”

She said ________________________________________________________
2. “We'll meet the clients at six.”
She said ________________________________________________________
3. “She’ll be late.”
She said ________________________________________________________
4. “Lucy will definitely come.”
She said ________________________________________________________
5. “I will come early.”
She told us _____________________________________________________

17 Business English - Road to Promotion

Grammar Exercise – Answer Key
Reported Statements: Future with ‘will’
Change the following sentences from direct speech into indirect speech.

1. “I'll go to the cinema later.”

She said she would go to the cinema later.
2. “We'll meet the clients at six.”
She said they would meet the clients at six.
3. “I’ll be late.”
She said she would be late.
4. “Lucy will definitely come.”
She said Lucy would definitely come.
5. “I will come early.”
She told us she would come early.

18 Business English - Road to Promotion

Practice the following conversation talking about asking for a promotion
LISA : "Hey James, I'm thinking about asking the boss for a promotion."
JAMES : "Lisa, you definitely deserve a promotion. You are too qualified for this job."
LISA : "Really? You think so?"
JAMES : "You have a lot of experience and you're very good with people. You should be a manager."
LISA : "That's the position I was going to ask for, but I was worried."
JAMES : "What are you worried about?"
LISA : "I don't have a college degree. You have to have a college degree for that position."
JAMES : "But you have lots of experience. You have more experience than some of the current managers."
LISA : "I know, but degrees are important too."
JAMES : "I know they are. Did you ever think about going back to school and getting your degree?"
LISA : "I have, but I am so busy these days. I don't have time to work and study."
JAMES : "I understand. When I'm not at work, I'm spending time with my family. Life is so busy these days for many people."
LISA : "That's true. I'm not married yet, but I take care of my elderly parents."
JAMES : "That's a lot of work too."
LISA : "Yeah. Well, thanks for your support. I'll let you know what happens."

Business English - Road to Promotion
Speaking Exercise
Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer.
1. Why does James think that Lisa should get a promotion? 3. What is Lisa worried about?
a. She's very good with people a. Not being qualified
b. She's too qualified for her current job b. Not having a college degree
c. She has a lot of experience c. Not having enough experience
d. All of the above d. The boss doesn't like her

2. What position does Lisa want? 4. Who does Lisa take care of?
a. President a. Her elderly parents
b. Director b. Her children
c. Assistant manager c. Her grandparents
d. Manager d. Her dog

Business English - Road to Promotion
Speaking Exercise – Answer Key
Check your answers below.
1. Why does James think that Lisa should get a promotion? 3. What is Lisa worried about?
a. She's very good with people a. Not being qualified
b. She's too qualified for her current job b. Not having a college degree
c. She has a lot of experience c. Not having enough experience
d. All of the above d. The boss doesn't like her

2. What position does Lisa want? 4. Who does Lisa take care of?
a. President a. Her elderly parents
b. Director b. Her children
c. Assistant manager c. Her grandparents
d. Manager d. Her dog

Business English - Road to Promotion
Idiomatic Expressions
Read the description below and use the idioms in your own sentences.
A dead end job - A job that has no chance of promotion or advancement.
She left the company because she was very ambitious but in a dead end job.

Jack / Jill of all trades - A person that is competent with many skills but is not outstanding in any particular
She can turn her hand to anything, she's a real Jill of all trades.

To work your fingers to the bone - To work really hard.

She kept the family together by working her fingers to the bone.

Think outside the box - to think in a creative way that is different from usual.
We need to come up with a really good advertising campaign. Let’s try to think outside the box.

Business English - Road to Promotion
Speaking Drill
Take turn with your classmates to answer the following questions.

• Which of the following things would have a big or minimal impact on your work performance?
▪ Praise
i think the big impact on my work performance is good colleagues to get a promotion opportunities
because it is usefull to develop our skills and prepare ourself to get the best result
▪ Commission the minimal impact i think idk it is right or nah, autonomy?
idk because we usually do research before we applying to a company i think we
▪ Autonomy dont have a problem about the location bcs we already know it

▪ Good colleagues 2. Team-building days away from the office, regular informal meetings and other ideas which get employees away from their desks and talking
to each other
3. Basic items often included in hiring package right?
▪ A hard-working boss Bonuses; profit sharing, Medical, disability and life insurance, Paid vacations, Free meals, Use of a company car, Pensions and stock options,
Child care, Gratuity.
▪ Working for a company with a good reputation
▪ Promotion opportunities
• What could make your workplace a better place to spend time?
• What kinds of perks or fringe benefits does your company offer?
• How would you rate the communication in your workplace? How can it be improved?
• Based on your satisfaction at work, would you recommend to a friend or family member to apply for a job there?
currently i dont work in a company but i would say (as example) to join this course called Generasi Gigih is also be counted?
idk but i would recommend it because in here we can get various learning in hardskills and softskills and i think it is really
usefull for our future and career preparation

Business English - Road to Promotion
Pronunciation Drill
Say these words with correct pronunciation.

words pronunciation
indispensable ˌindəˈspensəb(ə)l
document ˈdäkyəˌment
oriented ˈôrēˌəntəd
engaged inˈɡājd,enˈɡājd
directive dəˈrektiv
milestone ˈmīlˌstōn

Business English - Road to Promotion
Learning Reflection
Think of today’s lesson and answer the following questions.

• What do you think of this topic?

• Is there a new thing you learn today?
What is it?
• What is the most interesting part of
this lesson?
• what do you think we will learn next?

Business English - Road to Promotion
Thank you.
the kloe theme.


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