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Estimation of the Pitzer Parameters for 1−1, 2−1, 3−1, 4−1,

and 2−2 Single Electrolytes at 25 °C
Marcus C. Simoes, Kevin J. Hughes,* Derek B. Ingham, Lin Ma, and Mohamed Pourkashanian
Energy Engineering Group, Energy-2050, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN,
United Kingdom

ABSTRACT: The Pitzer model is one of the most important thermodynamic

models to predict the behavior of aqueous electrolyte solutions, especially at high
ionic strengths. However, most of the parameters in the Pitzer equations have to
be obtained experimentally, and this represents an important drawback to this
model. Therefore, in order to make the Pitzer equations less dependent on
experimental data and more dependent on the properties of the solution, new
equations that correlate the Pitzer equations with the properties of the solution
have been successfully developed for 1−1, 2−1, 3−1, 4−1, and 2−2 electrolytes.
In particular, these equations were developed for two cases: (i) considers the
original Pitzer equations and (ii) considers some simplifications to the Pitzer
equation (assuming CφMX, B(2)MX, and α2 = 0). In particular, for case (ii), the second
virial coefficients B(0) (1)
MX and BMX of the Pitzer equations were re-estimated using
published experimental data of the osmotic coefficient obtained from the
literature. As a conclusion, both the simplified and the original Pitzer equations presented a very good match with this published
experimental data for the osmotic coefficients. Additionally, the second virial coefficients B(0) (1)
MX and BMX for both cases were
successfully correlated with the ionic radius and the ionic charge, and this is confirmed by the very high coefficients of
determination achieved (R2 > 0.96). However, these new equations are valid only to cases in which no significant ion association
occurs, which is also the basic premise of the original Pitzer model.

The Pitzer model is a semiempirical model that is very im-
by Weian et al.4 to calculate the second virial parameters were
not the ones available in the literature, but rather values
portant for the understanding of the behavior of ions dissolved adjusted to fit the experimental data for the osmotic and activity
in water. This model was first described by the chemist Kenneth coefficient. Consequently, this model cannot be easily extended
Pitzer, and it characterizes interactions among the ions and the to different electrolytes, since the values of the ionic radii found
solvent through linear combinations of parameters involving by Weian et al.4 do not coincide with the tabulated values of
a Virial expansion of the excess Gibbs free energy.1 Moreover, ionic radii and hydrated radii available in the literature, e.g.,
this model is very efficient at predicting the behavior of the Marcus.5
electrolyte solutions ranging from infinitely diluted solutions to Another attempt to correlate the virial coefficients in the
very concentrated ones, up to a molality of 6 mol/kg.2 On the Pitzer equation with the properties of the solution was made by
other hand, the Pitzer model is largely empirical, and the virial Rosenberg et al.3 They estimated the second and third virial
parameters representing short-range interactions cannot be coefficients for RaBr2, RaCl2, and RaSO4 as a function of the
directly correlated to the properties of the solution and thus hydrated radii of the ions using a linear regression involving
cannot be extrapolated for different cases. In fact, this is an chlorides of magnesium, calcium, barium, and strontium, which
important drawback of the Pitzer model since in many cases the belong to the same group of the periodic table as the radium
experiments required to obtain the parameters in the Pitzer ion. Despite a very clear linear trend between the parameter
equations are very difficult to perform, e.g., experiments involving B(0)
MX and the hydrated radii of the ions being achieved, the
radioactive species.3 Therefore, finding a way to correlate the parameters B(1)MX and CMX presented a poor linear correla-
Virial terms in the Pitzer equation with the properties of the tion. However, this was considered a reasonable approach by
solution is highly important. Rosenberg et al.3 due to the unavoidable lack of experimental
Some attempts at describing the dependence of the second data.
virial coefficients on the properties of the solution, especially Finally, Zareen et al.6 used the dielectric constants of the
with regards to the ionic radii, can be found in the literature. water at different temperatures as well as the ionic radii to esti-
Weian et al.4 reformed the Pitzer osmotic equation in order to mate the activity coefficients of salt mixtures by a Monte Carlo
obtain relationships between the second virial parameters and
the ionic radii, and the equations obtained could satisfactorily Received: March 17, 2016
predict the parameters B(0) (1)
MX and BMX in the Pitzer equations for Accepted: June 13, 2016
some 1−1 electrolytes. However, the values of ionic radii used

© XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236

J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

simulation procedure. The good agreement with experimental φ

BMX (0)
= BMX (1)
+ BMX exp( −α1I1/2) + BMX
exp( −α2I1/2)
data achieved reinforces the strong connection between the (3)
ionic radii and the activity coefficients of the species for
concentrated solutions, which indicates that the second virial I = 0.5(mM z M + mX z X2) (4)
parameters of the Pitzer equations may also have a strong con-
nection with the ionic radii of the species. ν = νM + νX (5)
In terms of the properties of the solution, it is important to For all the electrolytes, except 2−2 electrolytes: 9
note that diluted solutions (in this study, diluted solutions
refers to the maximum ionic strength that can be covered by α1 = 2 and α2 = 0 (6)
the Debye−Huckel model, i.e., approximately 0.01 molal) For the 2−2 electrolytes: 8
behave differently from concentrated solutions. While the
diluted solutions can be well explained by the Debye−Huckel α1 = 1.4 and α2 = 12 (7)
theory, which assumes that ions are geometrical points that Simplifying the Pitzer Equation for the Osmotic
have no volume of exclusion and these ions do not come into Coefficient. The correlation of the Pitzer parameters with
contact with each other,7 concentrated solutions require a more the properties of the solution is not a simple task, since this
complex analysis, and this can be attributed to the fact that the equation requires a large number of parameters (B(0) (1)
point ion assumption is no longer valid. This is because ions φ
BMX, CMX, α1, and α2) to be determined in order to accurately
can now come into contact with each other, and the cloud of represent the behavior of the various electrolytes in aqueous
orbiting electrons surrounding their nuclei creates a harsh solutions. Thus, the elimination of the parameters that do not
repulsive core that does not allow overlapping.7 On top of significantly impact on the precision of the Pitzer equation would
this, other properties of the solution become more and more be very convenient and useful, since this simplification would
relevant as the solution shifts from diluted to concentrated, allow the estimation of the activity and osmotic coefficients in a
such as the effect of the hydration by the shell of water mole- much simpler way. In this context, there are three parameters that
cules surrounding the ions, the ion pairing, the geometry of appear to be the most promising candidates to set to zero, namely,
the ion that is not always spherical, the dispersion forces, the φ
MX, CMX, and α2, for the following reasons:
the parameters B(2)
predominance of repulsive or attractive short-range forces, the (1) The parameters B(2)MX and α2 are only required for 2−2
structure maker and structure breaker character of a particular electrolytes, and they represent corrections for the anomalous
ion, etc. Considering all of these important properties, the behavior of these 2−2 electrolytes considering concentrations
second virial coefficients can be interpreted as a result of lesser than 0.1 M.8 Moreover, Pitzer10 stated that the omission
the combination of all of these properties together, but the of B(2)
MX introduce systematic errors at high concentrations.
weighting of each property to the final numerical value of the Therefore, this approximation would be suitable only when
virial coefficients may vary from case to case. Nevertheless, it is intermediate molalities are the range of interest. This maximum
evident that the size of the ions may have a distinguishable molality to which this approximation is valid is evaluated in the
importance, since all the relevant properties of the solution discussion section.
mentioned are to some degree linked to the dimension of the (2) The effect of the third virial coefficient CφMX is small and
ion, e.g., hydration, ion pairing, and dispersion forces. sometimes negligible according to Pitzer et al.,9 and for this
Therefore, this study aims to find the correlations between reason eliminating this coefficient appears also to be a promis-
the Pitzer equation parameters and the properties of the ing option to be analyzed.
solution, as well as the understanding of the physical meaning For the condition CφMX, B(2)
MX, and α2 all zero, eq 1 can be sim-
of these interaction parameters. To achieve this, two cases plified as follows:
are analyzed, in the first case considering the original Pitzer
equation for the osmotic coefficient and in the second case by ⎛ν ν ⎞
φMX − 1 = |z Mz X|f φ + 2m⎜ M X ⎟
considering some simplifications to this equation. For the ⎝ ν ⎠
simplified case, the second virial coefficients B(0) (1)
MX and BMX were (0) (1)
re-estimated using the available published data on the osmotic × (BMX + BMX exp( −α1I1/2)) (8)

Re-estimating the Second Virial Coefficients in the
Pitzer Equation for the Osmotic Coefficient. The re-
THERMODYNAMIC MODEL AND estimation of the second virial coefficients of the Pitzer equa-
SIMPLIFICATIONS TO THE PITZER EQUATIONS tions is important because it allows the estimation of the impact
The Pitzer Model. The Pitzer model was developed in of eliminating the parameters B(2) MX, CMX, and α2 in the accuracy
order to incorporate the effect of short-range forces between of the Pitzer model. In contrast to Pitzer et al.,9 who estimated
pairs of ions as well as the dependence of these forces on the the second virial coefficients based mainly on the experimental
ionic strength.1 The Pitzer equation for the osmotic coefficient data of the osmotic and activity coefficients recommended by
of single electrolytes can be expressed as follows:1 Robson and Stokes,11−15 which were obtained in the 1960s, this
study also includes newer published data for the osmotic coef-
⎛ν ν ⎞ φ ⎡ (ν ν )3/2 ⎤
φMX − 1 = |z Mz X|f φ + 2m⎜ M X ⎟BMX + 2m2⎢ M X ⎥CMX
φ ficients, e.g., refs 16−23 as well as data from some secondary
⎝ ν ⎠ ⎢⎣ ν ⎥⎦ sources, such as Goldberg et al.24−27 and Hamer et al.28 These
(1) sources are secondary sources in the sense that their work
includes tables of recommended values rather than experi-
where the terms fφ and BφMX are given as follows:8 mental data. Particularly, these secondary sources were used
⎡ I ⎤ because these authors performed a very rigorous selection of
f φ = −Aφ⎢ ⎥ consistent experimental data for the osmotic coefficient from
⎣ 1 + 1.2 I ⎦ (2) the literature, including several sources and different measurement
B DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236
J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article
Table 1. Re-estimated Second Virial Coefficients B(0)
ca and Bca for 1−1, 2−1, 3−1, 4−1, 1−2, and 2−2 Electrolytes at 25 °C

original Pitzer equation, with CφMX, B(2)

MX, and α2 ≠ 0 (data from the
simplified Pitzer equation, with CφMX, B(2)
MX, and α2 = 0 literature)

cation anion
standard maximum standard maximum (kosm. (kosm.
deviation reference molality deviation molality or or
electrolyte B(0)
MX B(1)
MX (δ) of φMX (mol·kg−1)
MX B(1)
MX B(2)
MX CφMX (δ) reference (mol·kg−1) rM (Å) rX (Å) chao.) chao.)
1−1 Electrolytes
AgNO3 −0.0576 −0.1489 0.010 28 5.00 −0.0856 0.0025 0.00 0.0059 0.001 9 6.00 1.15 1.79 c c
CsBr 0.0276 0.0195 0.003 28 5.00 0.0279 0.0139 0.00 0.0000 0.002 9 5.00 1.7 1.96 c c
CsCl 0.0307 0.0717 0.004 28 8.50 0.0300 0.0558 0.00 0.0004 0.002 9 5.00 1.7 1.81 c c
CsF 0.1138 0.3346 0.004 28 3.50 0.1306 0.2570 0.00 −0.0043 0.002 9 3.50 1.7 1.33 c k
CsI 0.0121 0.1124 0.002 28 3.00 0.0244 0.0262 0.00 −0.0037 0.001 9 3.00 1.7 2.2 c c
CsNO2 0.0203 0.1518 0.006 39 5.00 0.0427 0.0600 0.00 −0.0051 0.004 9 6.00 1.7 1.92 c c
CsNO3 −0.0741 −0.0794 0.003 28 1.50 −0.0758 −0.0669 0.00 0.0000 0.002 9 1.40 1.7 1.79 c c
CsOH 0.1313 0.4219 0.001 28 1.20 0.1500 0.3000 0.00 0.0000 9 1.20 1.7 1.33 c k
HBr 0.2180 0.2692 0.004 28 3.00 0.1960 0.3564 0.00 0.0083 9 3.00 0.3 1.96 k c
HCl 0.1788 0.2936 0.006 28 8.00 0.1775 0.2945 0.00 0.0008 9 6.00 0.3 1.81 k c
HClO4 0.2133 0.0306 0.017 28 5.50 0.1747 0.2931 0.00 0.0082 0.002 9 5.50 0.3 2.25 k c
HI 0.2373 0.4291 0.004 28 4.00 0.2362 0.3920 0.00 0.0011 9 3.00 0.3 2.2 k c
HNO3 0.0995 0.4008 0.006 28 3.50 0.1119 0.3206 0.00 0.0010 0.001 9 3.00 0.3 1.79 k c
KBr 0.0485 0.2805 0.003 28 5.50 0.0569 0.2212 0.00 −0.0018 0.001 9 5.50 1.38 1.96 c c
KBrO3 −0.1221 0.2435 0.002 28 0.50 −0.1290 0.2565 0.00 0.0000 0.001 9 0.50 1.38 1.91 c c
KCl 0.0451 0.2268 0.001 28 4.84 0.0484 0.2122 0.00 −0.0008 0.0005 9 4.80 1.38 1.81 c c
KClO3 −0.0946 0.2485 0.0003 28 0.70 −0.0960 0.2481 0.00 0.0000 0.001 9 0.70 1.38 2 c c
KF 0.0842 0.2052 0.014 28 14.00 0.0809 0.2021 0.00 0.0009 0.001 9 2.00 1.38 1.33 c k
KH2PO4 −0.0685 −0.1035 0.003 28 1.80 −0.0678 −0.1042 0.00 0.0000 0.003 9 1.80 1.38 2.38 c c
KHCO3 −0.0188 0.0730 0.001 16 1.00 −0.0220 0.0900 0.00 0.0000 16 1.00 1.38 1.85 c c
KI 0.0573 0.3689 0.005 28 4.50 0.0746 0.2517 0.00 −0.0041 0.005 9 4.50 1.38 2.2 c c
KNO2 0.0087 0.0967 0.003 39 6.00 0.0151 0.0150 0.00 0.0007 0.003 9 5.00 1.38 1.92 c c
KNO3 −0.0592 −0.0451 0.006 28 3.50 −0.0816 0.0494 0.00 0.0066 0.006 9 3.50 1.38 1.79 c c
KOH 0.1457 0.1971 0.025 28 14.00 0.1298 0.3200 0.00 0.0041 9 5.50 1.38 1.33 c k
KSCN 0.0303 0.3086 0.003 28 5.00 0.0416 0.2302 0.00 −0.0025 0.001 9 5.00 1.38 2.13 c c
LiBr 0.1998 0.2022 0.018 28 7.00 0.1748 0.2547 0.00 0.0053 0.002 9 2.50 0.69 1.96 k c
LiBrO3 0.0882 0.2541 0.002 20 5.00 0.0893 0.2157 0.00 0.0000 0.001 10 5.00 0.69 1.91 k c
LiCl 0.1667 0.2465 0.032 28 13.00 0.1494 0.3074 0.00 0.0036 0.001 9 6.00 0.69 1.81 k c
LiClO3 0.1526 0.3131 0.008 20 4.20 0.1705 0.2294 0.00 −0.00524 0.002 10 4.20 0.69 2 k c
LiClO4 0.1950 0.4307 0.007 28 4.50 0.1973 0.3996 0.00 0.0008 0.002 9 3.50 0.69 2.25 k c
LiI 0.1990 0.4795 0.013 28 3.00 0.2104 0.3730 0.00 0.0000 0.006 9 1.40 0.69 2.2 k c
LiNO2 0.1075 0.3906 0.017 39 6.00 0.1336 0.3250 0.00 −0.0053 0.003 9 6.00 0.69 1.92 k c
LiNO3 0.1153 0.4488 0.011 28 5.50 0.1420 0.2780 0.00 −0.0055 0.001 9 6.00 0.69 1.79 k c
LiOH 0.0457 −0.1257 0.005 28 3.00 0.0150 0.1400 0.00 0.0000 9 4.00 0.69 1.33 k k
NaBr 0.1005 0.2720 0.010 28 9.00 0.0973 0.2791 0.00 0.0012 0.001 9 4.00 1.02 1.96 c c
NaBrO3 −0.0046 0.1201 0.006 28 2.50 −0.0205 0.1910 0.00 0.0059 0.001 9 2.50 1.02 1.91 c c
NaCl 0.0798 0.2677 0.008 28 6.14 0.0765 0.2664 0.00 0.0013 0.001 9 6.00 1.02 1.81 c c
NaClO3 0.0257 0.2373 0.002 28 3.50 0.0249 0.2455 0.00 0.0004 0.001 9 3.50 1.02 2 c c
NaClO4 0.0505 0.2952 0.004 28 6.00 0.0554 0.2755 0.00 −0.0012 0.001 9 6.00 1.02 2.25 c c
NaF 0.0197 0.2237 0.0004 28 0.983 0.0215 0.2107 0.00 0.0000 0.001 9 1.00 1.02 1.33 c k
NaH2PO4 −0.0246 −0.1126 0.009 28 3.50 −0.0533 0.0396 0.00 0.0080 0.003 9 6.00 1.02 2.38 c c
NaHCO3 0.0290 0.0380 0.000 34 1.00 0.0277 0.0411 0.00 0.0000 34 1.00 1.02 1.85 c c
NaI 0.1259 0.3038 0.009 28 11.00 0.1195 0.3439 0.00 0.0018 0.001 9 3.50 1.02 2.2 c c
NaNO2 0.0478 0.1776 0.003 39 3.00 0.0641 0.1015 0.00 −0.0049 0.005 9 5.00 1.02 1.92 c c
NaNO3 0.0036 0.1978 0.001 28 6.00 0.0068 0.1783 0.00 −0.0007 0.001 9 6.00 1.02 1.79 c c
NaOH 0.1080 0.1927 0.009 28 6.00 0.0864 0.2530 0.00 0.0044 - 9 6.00 1.02 1.33 c k
NaSCN 0.0952 0.3609 0.004 28 7.00 0.1005 0.3582 0.00 −0.00303 0.001 9 4.00 1.02 2.13 c c
NH4Br 0.0505 0.2350 0.001 21 2.50 0.0624 0.1947 0.00 −0.0044 0.001 9 2.50 1.48 1.96 c c

C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236
J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

Table 1. continued

original Pitzer equation, with CφMX, B(2)

MX, and α2 ≠ 0 (data from the
simplified Pitzer equation, with CφMX, B(2)
MX, and α2 = 0 literature)

cation anion
standard maximum standard maximum (kosm. (kosm.
deviation reference molality deviation molality or or
electrolyte B(0)
MX B(1)
MX (δ) of φMX (mol·kg−1)
MX B(1)
MX B(2)
MX CφMX (δ) reference (mol·kg−1) rM (Å) rX (Å) chao.) chao.)
1−1 Electrolytes
NH4Cl 0.0399 0.2661 0.002 28 4.00 0.0522 0.1918 0.00 −0.0030 0.001 9 6.00 1.48 1.81 c c
NH4ClO4 −0.0064 −0.0648 0.005 40 2.10 −0.0103 −0.0194 0.00 0.0000 0.004 10 2.00 1.48 2.25 c c
NH4H2PO4 −0.0455 −0.5631 0.009 41 3.50 −0.0704 −0.4156 0.00 0.0067 0.003 10 3.50 1.48 2.38 c c
NH4I 0.0463 0.3583 0.004 22 4.00 0.0570 0.3157 0.00 −0.0031 0.002 10 7.50 1.48 2.2 c c
NH4NO3 −0.0140 0.0895 0.004 28 11.00 −0.0154 0.1120 0.00 0.0000 0.001 10 6.00 1.48 1.79 c c
NH4SCN 0.0174 0.3320 0.004 23 5.00 0.0245 0.2615 0.00 −0.0013 0.001 23 8.00 1.48 2.13 c c
RbBr 0.0331 0.2057 0.002 28 5.00 0.0396 0.1530 0.00 −0.0014 0.001 9 5.00 1.49 1.96 c c
RbCl 0.0382 0.1827 0.003 28 6.00 0.0441 0.1483 0.00 −0.0010 0.001 9 5.00 1.49 1.81 c c
RbF 0.0834 0.4198 0.005 28 2.50 0.1141 0.2842 0.00 −0.0105 0.002 9 3.50 1.49 1.33 c k
RbI 0.0346 0.1786 0.002 28 5.00 0.0397 0.1330 0.00 −0.0011 0.001 9 5.00 1.49 2.2 c c
RbNO2 0.0054 0.0557 0.002 39 6.00 0.0269 −0.1553 0.00 −0.0037 0.002 9 5.00 1.49 1.92 c c
RbNO3 −0.0629 −0.0909 0.005 28 3.00 −0.0789 −0.0172 0.00 0.0053 0.001 9 4.50 1.49 1.79 c c
1−2 Electrolytes
(NH4)2SO4 0.0349 0.6801 0.007 17 5.00 0.0409 0.6585 0.00 −0.0012 0.004 9 5.50 1.48 2.4 c c
K2SO4 0.0481 0.8619 0.006 17 0.80 0.0500 0.7793 0.00 0.0000 0.002 9 0.70 1.38 2.4 c c
Li2SO4 0.1231 1.4417 0.008 17 3.00 0.1363 1.2705 0.00 −0.0040 0.002 9 3.00 0.69 2.4 k c
Na2SO4 0.0366 0.9084 0.007 17 3.00 0.0196 1.1130 0.00 0.0050 0.003 9 4.00 1.02 2.4 c c
2−1 Electrolytes
Ba(ClO4)2 0.2960 1.8167 0.015 12 1.60 0.3614 1.5758 0.00 −0.0313 0.003 9 2.00 1.36 2.25 k c
BaBr2 0.2716 2.0187 0.013 26 2.30 0.3146 1.5698 0.00 −0.0160 0.001 9 2.00 1.36 1.96 k c
BaCl2 0.2246 1.7213 0.014 26 1.79 0.2628 1.4963 0.00 −0.0194 0.001 9 1.79 1.36 1.81 k c
BaI2 0.3861 1.9611 0.011 26 2.00 0.4219 1.6868 0.00 −0.0174 0.003 9 1.80 1.36 2.2 k c
Ca(ClO4)2 0.4273 1.9530 0.029 12 5.00 0.4511 1.7565 0.00 −0.0050 0.005 9 2.00 1 2.25 k c
CaBr2 0.3795 1.7029 0.012 26 3.25 0.3816 1.6133 0.00 −0.0026 0.002 9 2.00 1 1.96 k c
CaCl2 0.3118 1.7044 0.024 26 6.00 0.3159 1.6140 0.00 −0.0003 0.003 9 2.50 1 1.81 k c
CaI2 0.4357 1.8225 0.002 26 1.90 0.4379 1.8068 0.00 −0.0008 0.001 9 2.00 1 2.2 k c
Co(ClO4)2 0.5493 1.6522 0.035 27 3.50 0.5303 1.9643 0.00 0.0076 0.015 this 3.50 0.75 2.25 k c
Co(NO3)2 0.2815 1.7480 0.020 27 3.25 0.3119 1.6905 0.00 −0.0076 0.003 9 5.50 0.75 1.79 k c
CoBr2 0.3986 1.9156 0.021 27 3.75 0.4270 1.6598 0.00 −0.0007 0.002 9 2.00 0.75 1.96 k c
CoCl2 0.3113 1.7699 0.020 27 3.00 0.3643 1.4753 0.00 −0.0152 0.004 9 3.00 0.75 1.81 k c
CoI2 0.5108 1.7666 0.028 27 4.25 0.5213 1.6725 0.00 −0.0047 0.010 9 2.00 0.75 2.2 k c
Cu(ClO4)2 0.5138 1.8475 0.029 24 3.50 0.5076 1.8749 0.00 0.0044 0.010 this 3.50 0.73 2.25 k c
Cu(NO3)2 0.2477 1.8031 0.022 24 3.50 0.3168 1.4303 0.00 −0.0219 0.002 9 2.00 0.73 1.79 k c
CuBr2 0.3408 1.9977 0.009 24 1.25 0.3616 1.8575 0.00 −0.00902 0.007 this 1.25 0.73 1.96 k c
CuCl2 0.2513 1.5432 0.006 24 1.00 0.3080 1.3763 0.00 −0.0404 0.003 9 2.00 0.73 1.81 k c
FeCl2 0.3155 1.7278 0.008 27 2.00 0.3359 1.5323 0.00 −0.0086 0.002 9 2.00 0.78 1.81 k c
Mg(ClO4)2 0.5230 1.9144 0.021 15 3.00 0.4961 2.0085 0.00 0.0096 0.002 9 2.00 0.72 2.25 k c
MgBr2 0.4470 1.6462 0.026 26 5.50 0.4327 1.7528 0.00 0.0031 0.004 9 5.00 0.72 1.96 k c
MgCl2 0.3765 1.5968 0.024 26 4.50 0.3524 1.6815 0.00 0.0052 0.003 9 4.50 0.72 1.81 k c
MgI2 0.5267 1.4252 0.045 26 5.00 0.4902 1.8041 0.00 0.0079 0.003 9 5.00 0.72 2.2 k c
Mn(ClO4)2 0.5518 1.7120 0.021 24 3.50 0.5316 2.1996 0.00 0.0061 0.013 this 3.50 0.83 2.25 k c
MnBr2 0.3747 2.0363 0.015 24 2.50 0.3971 1.7686 0.00 −0.0070 0.011 this 2.50 0.83 1.96 k c
MnCl2 0.2919 1.6033 0.010 24 1.50 0.3272 1.5503 0.00 −0.0205 0.003 9 2.50 0.83 1.81 k c
Ni(ClO4)2 0.5453 1.7027 0.022 27 2.75 0.5273 1.9156 0.00 0.0089 0.019 this 3.50 0.69 2.25 k c

D DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236
J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

Table 1. continued

original Pitzer equation, with CφMX, B(2)

MX, and α2 ≠ 0 (data from the
simplified Pitzer equation, with CφMX, B(2)
MX, and α2 = 0 literature)

cation anion
standard maximum standard maximum (kosm. (kosm.
deviation reference molality deviation molality or or
electrolyte B(0)
MX B(1)
MX (δ) of φMX (mol·kg−1)
MX B(1)
MX B(2)
MX CφMX (δ) reference (mol·kg−1) rM (Å) rX (Å) chao.) chao.)
2−1 Electrolytes
Ni(NO3)2 0.2970 2.1632 0.025 42 4.00 0.3037 2.1307 0.00 −0.0032 0.015 this 5.00 0.69 1.79 k c
NiBr2 0.4181 1.7725 0.018 27 4.25 0.4181 1.7725 0.00 0.0000 0.018 this 4.25 0.69 1.96 k c
NiCl2 0.3306 1.6622 0.014 27 3.25 0.3479 1.5810 0.00 −0.0037 0.002 9 2.50 0.69 1.81 k c
Sr(ClO4)2 0.3879 1.8158 0.013 12 2.50 0.4269 1.5668 0.00 −0.0131 0.002 9 2.50 1.13 2.25 k c
Sr(NO3)2 0.0992 1.6050 0.005 15 1.00 0.1346 1.3800 0.00 −0.0199 0.002 9 2.00 1.13 1.79 k c
SrBr2 0.3321 1.7626 0.002 26 2.00 0.3311 1.7115 0.00 0.0012 0.001 9 2.00 1.13 1.96 k c
SrCl2 0.2823 1.5771 0.009 19 3.80 0.2858 1.6673 0.00 −0.0013 0.003 9 4.00 1.13 1.81 k c
SrI2 0.4043 1.9170 0.004 26 2.00 0.4013 1.8600 0.00 0.0027 0.001 9 2.00 1.13 2.2 k c
Zn(ClO4)2 0.5444 1.6016 0.031 25 3.25 0.5060 1.7970 0.00 0.0113 0.003 9 2.00 0.75 2.25 k c
Zn(NO3)2 0.2990 1.9419 0.018 25 3.00 0.3481 1.6913 0.00 −0.0157 0.001 9 2.00 0.75 1.79 k c
ZnBr2 0.3378 2.0164 0.008 25 0.80 0.4660 1.6343 0.00 −0.1079 0.007 9 1.60 0.75 1.96 k c
ZnCl2 0.0959 2.2348 0.031 25 13.00 0.2602 1.6425 0.00 −0.0880 0.006 9 1.20 0.75 1.81 k c
ZnI2 0.4536 2.1785 0.013 25 1.00 0.4821 1.9455 0.00 −0.0143 0.002 9 0.80 0.75 2.2 k c
2−2 Electrolytes
CdSO4 0.2358 2.3479 0.010 13 3.50 0.2053 2.6170 −48.07 0.0114 0.002 8 3.50 0.95 2.4 k c
CuSO4 0.2347 2.4875 0.004 17 1.40 0.2358 2.4850 −47.35 −0.0012 0.003 8 1.40 0.73 2.4 k c
MgSO4 0.2842 2.8749 0.009 17 2.50 0.2210 3.3430 −37.23 0.0250 0.004 8 3.00 0.72 2.4 k c
MnSO4 0.2414 2.6899 0.011 17 2.50 0.2010 2.9800 0.00 0.0182 0.003 8 4.00 0.83 2.4 k c
NiSO4 0.2268 2.6082 0.008 17 1.60 0.1702 2.9070 −40.06 0.0366 0.005 8 2.50 0.69 2.4 k c
ZnSO4 0.2565 2.4986 0.005 17 2.00 0.1949 2.8830 −32.81 0.0290 0.004 8 3.50 0.75 2.4 k c
3−1 Electrolytes
AlCl3 0.7047 5.7690 0.010 13 1.80 0.6993 5.8447 0.00 0.0027 0.005 9 1.60 0.53 1.81 k c
CeCl3 0.5562 5.5669 0.043 13 1.80 0.6125 5.4847 0.00 −0.0311 0.010 9 1.80 1.01 1.81 k c
Cr(NO3)3 0.6136 5.6223 0.024 13 1.20 0.7040 5.1847 0.00 −0.0590 0.004 9 1.40 0.62 1.79 k c
CrCl3 0.6661 5.7568 0.018 13 1.20 0.7364 5.2553 0.00 −0.0451 0.005 9 1.20 0.62 1.81 k c
EuCl3 0.5742 5.7733 0.033 13 1.80 0.6247 5.5900 0.00 −0.0264 0.007 9 1.80 0.95 1.81 k c
LaCl3 0.5495 5.7110 0.039 13 1.80 0.6105 5.4873 0.00 −0.0320 0.007 9 1.80 1.05 1.81 k c
NdCl3 0.5592 5.5343 0.027 13 1.60 0.6117 5.4027 0.00 −0.0284 0.007 9 2.00 0.98 1.81 k c
PrCl3 0.5497 5.6079 0.026 13 1.60 0.6020 5.4540 0.00 −0.0280 0.006 9 2.00 1 1.81 k c
ScCl3 0.6426 5.5572 0.029 13 1.60 0.7000 5.3187 0.00 −0.0323 0.005 9 1.80 0.75 1.81 k c
SmCl3 0.5697 5.6701 0.027 13 1.60 0.6220 5.5153 0.00 −0.0280 0.010 9 1.80 0.96 1.81 k c
YCl3 0.5989 5.5042 0.031 13 1.80 0.6399 5.4440 0.00 −0.0226 0.007 9 1.80 0.9 1.81 k c
4−1 Electrolytes
Th(NO3)4 0.8148 12.0772 0.012 11 0.40 0.9663 11.3875 0.00 −0.1846 0.010 9 1.00 0.94 1.81 k c
ThCl4 0.9008 14.7995 0.050 13 1.00 1.0138 13.3313 0.00 −0.1034 0.006 9 1.00 0.94 1.79 k c
The ionic radius of the ions (rc and ra) were taken from Marcus,5,37 except for the perchlorate ion, which was taken from Roobottom.38.

methods, e.g., isopiestic, vapor pressure measurements, freezing where:

point depression, etc. Then, the measurements that presented
φMX − 1 − |z Mz X|f φ
large uncertainties were eliminated, and hence only reliable Y=
values were used to generate the tables of recommended values
for the osmotic coefficients.
2m ( ν νν )
The second virial coefficients were re-estimated by reforming X = exp( −α1I1/2) (11)
eq 8 to the Y = AX + B format, as follows:
φMX − 1 − |z Mz X|f φ (0) (1)
A = BMX (12)
= BMX + BMX exp( −α1I1/2)
2m ( ) ν (9)
B = BMX (13)

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Therefore, a plot of Y as a function of X can be used to as the standard deviations and maximum molalities related to
obtain the second virial coefficients B(0) (1)
MX and BMX. the original Pitzer equation for the osmotic coefficient, and
Correlation Accuracy Relative to the Uncertainty of these values were obtained from the literature.8−10,16,23,10,34
the Data. The majority of the data for the osmotic coefficients Finally, Table 1 includes the classification of each ion in terms
used in this study were taken from Hamer et al.,28 Goldberg of its effects on the structure of water, which can be either
et al.,24−27 Robinson and Stokes,11−14 and Stokes.15 While the by increasing the stability of the water−water interactions
data from Robinson and Stokes11−14 and Stokes15 was based (structure makers or kosmotropes) or by disrupting it (struc-
only on the isopiestic method, Hamer et al.28 and Goldberg ture breakers or chaotropes). Ions that have strong interactions
et al.24−27 also included other measurement methods to gen- with water can increase its structuring, and thus, they are
erate their tables of recommended values for the osmotic structure-makers or kosmotropes, whereas some ions that have
coefficients, e.g., vapor-pressure lowering, electromotive forces weak interactions with water tend to decrease its structuring,
(emfs) of galvanic cells without liquid junctions, emfs of and therefore, they are structure breakers or chaotropes.35 Nor-
galvanic cells with transference, freezing point depression, etc. mally, chaotropes are large and of low charge, and kosmotropes
In terms of these measurement methods, the isopiestic vapor are small and highly charged.35 The classification adopted in
pressure method is very accurate, being better than 1% at this study was based on the criteria established by Marcus,36
molalities above approximately 0.1 mol/kg, but this method is which is a function of the Gibbs free energy accounting for the
not very precise for more dilute solutions.29 In this case, the effect of the solute on the number of hydrogen bonds in which
freezing point depression is the most precise method, but this a water molecule participates.
method has the disadvantage that additional calculations are A comparison between the estimations considering the
required to convert the value found at lower temperatures to simplified and the complete Pitzer equation can be visualized
higher temperatures.30 Regarding direct vapor pressure mea- in Figure 1. This figure shows that on one hand the original
surements, this method is less accurate than is the isopiestic
method since these vapor pressure measurements are more
sensitive to temperature variations than the isopiestic method.31
Finally, emf measurements can yield very accurate results near
room temperature for systems where reversible and repro-
ducible electrodes have been developed.29
In terms of reliability, the tables of activities and osmotic
coefficients from Robinson and Stokes11−14 and Stokes15 are
well-known and widely accepted and used in the chemical
literature,32 and thus these tables represent a consistent source
of information. Likewise, the tables of activities and osmotic
coefficients generated by Hamer et al.28 and Goldberg
et al.24−27 are very reliable because as mentioned just above,
these authors performed a very rigorous selection of consistent
experimental data (including in several cases the data from
Robinson and Stokes11−14 and Stokes15), comprising several
sources and different measurement methods, in order to finally
come up with the best values for the osmotic coefficients.
Therefore, based on the high accuracy of the methods to
estimate the osmotic coefficients as well as the high reliability of
the sources of information used in this work, it appears that the
impact of the uncertainty of the data in the correlation accuracy Figure 1. Standard deviation of different electrolytes calculated using
is low. the original Pitzer equation and the simplified Pitzer equation. The

electrolyte number follows the order of the electrolyte appearance in
RESULTS Table 1 (○: original Pitzer equation, +: simplified Pitzer equation).

Re-estimating the Second Virial Coefficients for the

Simplified Pitzer Equation. Table 1 shows the re-estimated Pitzer equation fits more accurately the experimental data than
second virial coefficients B(0) (1)
MX and BMX based on the assumption
the simplified equation, but on the other hand it shows the
that CMX, BMX, and α2 are zero, as well as the standard devia-
(2) simplified Pitzer equation can also provide a very satisfactory
tions associated with the estimation of these parameters, which match with the experimental data of osmotic coefficient.
were calculated as follows:33 Therefore, the simplifications to the Pitzer equation appear to
be acceptable and only slightly less accurate than the original
⎡ ∑n (φ exp − φ calc)2 ⎤1/2 Pitzer equation.
δ=⎢ i i i ⎥ The Trends between the Second Virial Coefficients in
⎢⎣ n ⎥⎦ (14) the Pitzer Equations and the Properties of the Solution.
On considering the simplifications applied to the Pitzer equation
Table 1 also shows the maximum molality to which the for the osmotic coefficient, only two parameters need to be
calculations for the simplified case presented are in very good correlated with the properties of the solution, namely, B(0)
MX and
agreement with the experimental data, with less than 3% dif- B(1)
MX. However, before starting these correlations, it is important
ference between the calculated osmotic coefficient and the to identify which electrolytes are likely to form ion pairs or
experimental osmotic coefficient in most cases. Furthermore, complexes. This is because the second virial coefficients were
Table 1 shows the coefficients B(0) (1) (2)
MX, BMX, BMX, and CMX, as well estimated assuming that ions are completely dissociated (or
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Figure 2. Relationship between the second virial coefficient B(0)MX, the Figure 4. Relationship between the second virial coefficient B(1)MX, ionic
ionic charge, and the absolute difference between the ionic radius of charge, and the absolute difference between the ionic radius of the
the cation and the anion for the simplified Pitzer equation, i.e., CφMX, cation and the anion for the simplified Pitzer equation, i.e., CφMX, B(2)
MX, and α2 = 0 (○: 1−1 electrolytes, + : 2−1 electrolytes, □: 2−2
B(2) and α2 = 0 (○: 1−1 electrolytes, + : 2−1 electrolytes, □: 2−2
electrolytes, △: 3−1 electrolytes, *: 4−1 electrolytes, dashed line: electrolytes, △: 3−1 electrolytes, *: 4−1 electrolytes, dashed line:
linear regression). polynomial regression).

Figure 3. Relationship between the second virial coefficient B(0) MX, the
ionic charge, and the absolute difference between the ionic radius of Figure 5. Relationship between the second virial coefficient B(1)
MX, ionic
the cation and the anion for the original Pitzer equation, i.e., CφMX, B(2)
charge, and the absolute difference between the ionic radius of the
and α2 ≠ 0 (○: 1−1 electrolytes, +: 2−1 electrolytes, □: 2−2 cation and the anion for the original Pitzer equation, i.e., CφMX, B(2)
electrolytes, △: 3−1 electrolytes, *: 4−1 electrolytes, dashed line: and α2 ≠ 0 (○: 1−1 electrolytes, + : 2−1 electrolytes, □: 2−2
linear regression). electrolytes, △: 3−1 electrolytes, *: 4−1 electrolytes, dashed line:
polynomial regression).
slightly associated) in the aqueous media, and this assumption
is not valid for some of the electrolytes listed in Table 1. is energetically favorable. Therefore, only combinations of
According to Marcus et al.,43 the difference between ion pairs chaotrope-kosmotrope and kosmotrope-chaotrope will be con-
and complexes is that the ion pairs are held by long-range, sidered for the 1−1 electrolytes, with the exception of NaF,
nondirectional electrostatic forces, whereas the complexes are which forms ion pairs.45
formed by short-range, spatially directed covalent intera- All the 1−2 electrolytes listed in Table 1.45
ctions. On the other hand, Marcus et al.43 state that this dif- The following 2−1 electrolytes:45 Co(NO3)2, Cu(NO3)2,
ference is largely semantic because there is no method for CoCl2, CuBr2, CuCl2, MnCl2, Ni(NO3)2, NiBr2, NiCl2,
determining the origins of the attractive forces that hold the Sr(NO3)2, Zn(NO3)2 ZnBr2, ZnCl2, ZnI2.
species together and thus complexes and ion pairs should be All of the 2−2 electrolytes listed in Table 1 tend to form
seen as essentially indistinguishable. Therefore, no effort will complexes.45,8 However, Pitzer et al.8 stated that these 2−2
be employed in order to rigorously group species in ion pairs or electrolytes could be well represented without the assumption
complexes. of association equilibrium, and for this reason these electrolytes
The following electrolytes from Table 1 were identified in will be retained in the analysis.
the literature as electrolytes that could form ion pairs or com- 3−1 electrolytes: it was not identified any electrolyte forming
plexes:44,45 ion pairs/complexes.
1−1 electrolytes: According to Collins,44 combinations 4−1 electrolytes: Th(NO3)4.46
of kosmotrope cations with kosmotrope anions as well as After eliminating the electrolytes that are more likely to form
chaotrope cations with chaotrope anions tend to lead to the ion pairs or complexes, now the attention can be focused on the
formation of ion pairs, because the association in this case trends between the second virial coefficients and the properties
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Figure 6. Comparison plots of 1−1 electrolytes involving chlorides, bromides, iodides, and perchlorates: (a) HCl, (b) LiCl, (c) HBr, (d) CsBr,
(e) RbBr, (f) HI, (g) HClO4, and (h) LiClO4 [○: Experimental data for the osmotic coefficient from the literature (see references in Table 1), solid
lines: original Pitzer model, dashed lines: simplified Pitzer model, dotted lines: correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17)].

of the solution. The properties of the solution investigated MX, and α2 ≠ 0), respectively, whereas Figures 4 and 5 contain
were: zM, zX, rM, rX, rhM, and rhX. Several trials were performed the relationships for B(1)
MX considering these two same cases,
to fit the second virial coefficients of the Pitzer equation with respectively. As it can be seen in Figures 2 and 3, a very good
these properties, and finally it was found that both B(0)
MX and BMX
correlation among the B(0) MX, the ionic charge and the ionic
have strong correlations with zM, zX, and |rM − rX|, as illustrated radius was found, and this is reflected in the high coefficients of
in Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5. Figures 2 and 3 contain the rela- determination achieved (R2 = 0.96 for the simplified Pitzer
tionships for B(0)
MX considering the simplified Pitzer equation equation, R2 = 0.97 for the original Pitzer equation). Likewise,
(CφMX, B(2)
MX, and α2 = 0) and the original Pitzer equation (CMX,
in Figures 4 and 5, it is possible to observe that the parameter
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Figure 7. Comparison plots of 1−1 electrolytes involving nitrates, nitrites, bromates, hydroxides, and fluorides: (a) HNO3, (b) LiBrO3, (c) LiNO2,
(d) RbNO2, (e) CsF, (f) RbF, (g) KOH, (h) NaOH [○: Experimental data for the osmotic coefficient from the literature (see references in
Table 1), solid lines: original Pitzer model, dashed lines: simplified Pitzer model, dotted lines: correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17)].

B(1) 2
MX also has a very strong correlation (R = 0.99 for both the CφMX, and α2 did not cause significant changes in the values of
simplified and the original Pitzer equation) with the ionic B(0) (1)
MX and BMX.
charge and the ionic radius, but with a quadratic correla- To summarize, the second virial coefficient B(0) MX for the
tion rather than a linear one. Furthermore, it can be observed simplified Pitzer equation and for the original Pitzer equation
that there are no significant differences between the curves can be respectively expressed as follows:
considering the simplified and the original Pitzer equation, (0) 1.62 −1.35
and this means that the elimination of the parameters B(2) BMX = 0.04432z M z X |rM − 1.5rX|1.2 + 0.05758 (15)

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BMX 1.62 −1.35
= 0.04850z M z X |rM − 1.5rX|1.2 + 0.03898 (16) all electrolytes analyzed can be well-described by both the
simplified Pitzer model and the original Pitzer model, but the
Also, the second virial coefficient B(1)
MX for the simplified original Pitzer model is slightly more accurate in general.
Pitzer equation and for the complete Pitzer equation can be Likewise, the correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17) predict very
respectively expressed as follows: well the behavior of the chlorides, bromides, iodides, and
perchlorates, but these equations generally fail to predict the
BMX = 0.01001z X−0.4(z M
2 0.6
z X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ))2
properties of bromates, nitrates, nitrites, hydroxides, and fluo-
+ 0.12017z Mz X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ) + 0.05226z X−0.4
2 0.2
rides, and this is probably due to the high tendency of these
(17) ions to form ion pairs or complexes.
1−2 Electrolytes. The comparison plots related to the
BMX = 0.00738z X−0.4(z M
2 0.6
z X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ))2 1−2 electrolytes can be visualized in Figure 8. Since these
electrolytes form ion pairs,45 hence only the simplified Pitzer
z X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ) − 0.09320z X−0.4
2 0.2
+ 0.16800z M
equation and the original Pitzer equation were included in
comparison with the experimental data. This figure shows that

As mentioned before in the introduction section, the Pitzer
all electrolytes analyzed can be well-described by both the
simplified Pitzer model and the original Pitzer model, but the
original Pitzer model is slightly more precise in general.
equation coefficients can be interpreted as being the combina- 2−1 Electrolytes. The comparison plots related to the 2−1
tion of several properties of the solution with different electrolytes can be visualized in Figure 9. Since the nitrates,
weighting factors. As shown before in the results section, the nitrites, and bromates were excluded from the analysis due to
Pitzer equation can be satisfactorily simplified to an equation the formation of ion pairs (please refer to the results section to
containing only the two second virial coefficients B(0) (1)
MX and BMX, more details), then only chlorides, bromides, iodides, and
and these coefficients were shown to be strongly dependent on perchlorates were used to estimate the correlating equations
the ionic radii of the species as well as the ionic charge; see (eqs 15 and 17). As stated previously in the analysis of 1−1
Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5. In addition to this, some other important electrolytes, the chlorides, bromides, iodides, and perchlorates
aspects related to the properties of the aqueous solution are can be well predicted not only by the simplified Pitzer equation
discussed below. and the original Pitzer equation, but also by the correlating
Comparison Plots Involving the Original Pitzer equations (eqs 15 and 17). It is possible to confirm this good
Model, the Simplified Pitzer Model, the Correlation agreement between the three equations and the experimental
Equations, and the Experimental Data. 1−1 Electrolytes. data in Figure 9.
The comparison plots related to the 1−1 electrolytes can be 2−2 Electrolytes. The comparison plots related to the 2−2
visualized in Figures 6 and 7. As it can be seen in these figures, electrolytes can be visualized in Figure 10. This figure shows

Figure 8. Comparison plots comprising the following 1−2 electrolytes: (a) Na2SO4, (b) K2SO4, (c) (NH4)2SO4, (d) Li2SO4 [○: Experimental
data for the osmotic coefficient from the literature (see references in Table 1), solid lines: original Pitzer model, dashed lines: simplified Pitzer

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Figure 9. Comparison plots involving the following 2−1 electrolytes: (a) CaCl2, (b) MgCl2, (c) MgBr2, (d) CoBr2, (e) BaI2, (f) Cu(ClO4)2,
(g) Zn(NO3)2, (h) Sr(ClO4)2 [○: Experimental data for the osmotic coefficient from the literature(see references in Table 1), solid lines: original
Pitzer model, dashed lines: simplified Pitzer model, dotted lines: correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17)].

that the original Pitzer model predicts well the behavior of the this model contains more parameters than the other two models
electrolytes over the entire range of concentration, in contrast to account for different interactions, e.g. ion-pairing. Moreover,
to the simplified Pitzer model and the correlating equations the fact that the simplified equation was not able to explain
(eqs 15 and 17), which are able to predict the behavior of the molalities above 2 mol/kg can be attributed to the omission of
electrolytes only up to a molalitity of 2 mol/kg. In fact, the supe- the term B(2)
MX, which according to Pitzer introduces a sys-
riority of the original Pitzer model is not unexpected, because tematic error in the calculated values at high concentrations.
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Figure 10. Comparison plots involving the following 2−2 electrolytes: (a) MgSO4, (b) NiSO4, (c) MnSO4, (d) CuSO4, (e) ZnSO4, (f) CdSO4 [○:
Experimental data for the osmotic coefficient from the literature (see references in Table 1), solid lines: original Pitzer model, dashed lines: simplified
Pitzer model, dotted lines: correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17)].

It is also possible to see in Figure 10 that in some cases the triplets of ions. Nevertheless, the only case that the correlating
correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17) did not produce results eqs (eqs 15 and 17) were not able to fit the experimental data
as accurate as the simplified Pitzer model and the original Pitzer within a 6% precision was relative to the Cr(NO3)3, and this
model, e.g., MgSO4 and NiSO4, but the error did not exceed is expected since nitrates normally tend toward the ion-pair
10% in any molality analyzed. Nevertheless, in most cases formation.
the correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17) agreed well with the 4−1 Electrolytes. The comparison plot related to the 4−1
experimental data. electrolytes can be visualized in Figure 12. This figure shows
3−1 Electrolytes. The comparison plots related to the 3−1 that neither the original Pitzer model nor the simplified Pitzer
electrolytes can be visualized in Figure 11. This figure shows model and the correlating eqs (eqs 15 and 17) fit very well the
that the original Pitzer model is slightly more accurate than the experimental data. In fact, more 4−1 electrolytes would need to
simplified Pitzer model and the correlating equations (eqs 15 be investigated in order to come to any conclusion regarding
and 17). Moreover, this figure shows systematic errors at the accuracy of the models analyzed. However, information
molalities above 1 mol/kg for both the simplified Pitzer about 4−1 electrolytes is limited in the literature.
equation and the correlating eqs (eqs 15 and 17), and these Case Study To Demonstrate the Predictability of the
errors can be attributed to the omission of the term CφMX Correlating Equations (eqs 15 and 17). In order to
in these equations, which accounts for interactions between demonstrate the good predictability of the correlating equations
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Figure 11. Comparison plots involving the following 3−1 electrolytes: (a) AlCl3, (b) LaCl3, (c) EuCl3, (d) Cr(NO3)3 (○: Experimental data for the
osmotic coefficient from the literature (see references in Table 1), solid lines: original Pitzer model, dashed lines: simplified Pitzer model, dotted
lines: correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17)).

Figure 12. Comparison plots involving the following 4−1 electrolytes: (a) ThCl4, (b) Th(NO3)4 [○: Experimental data for the osmotic coefficient
from the literature (see references in Table 1), solid lines: original Pitzer model, dashed lines: simplified Pitzer model, dotted lines: correlating
equations (eqs 15 and 17)].

(eqs 15 and 17), a case study involving rare-earth perchlorates the experimental ones, and this confirms the good reliability of
was analyzed. The experimental data for the osmotic coef- these equations to estimate the values of B(0) (1)
MX and BMX.
ficients related to these rare-earth perchlorates were taken from Simplified Pitzer Equation Versus Original Pitzer
Libus et al.47 Moreover, the ionic radii used were taken from Equation. It has been shown that the effects of the coefficients
Marcus,5 except for the perchlorate ion, which was taken from CφMX, B(2)
MX, and α2 are small, and it is in general a good approxi-
Roobottom.38 mation to estimate the activity and osmotic coefficients without
The predicted values of B(0) (1)
MX and BMX calculated by the these parameters.
correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17) are shown in Table 2. MX and α2, the elimination of these parameters
In terms of B(2)
Also, the comparison between the osmotic coefficients calcu- cause systematic errors at molalities higher than 2 mol/kg, and
lated by the correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17) and the hence this approximation should not be performed if the
experimental osmotic coefficients related to these rare-earth molality of interest exceeds this value. In the case of CφMX, this
perchlorates can be visualized in Figure 13. Particularly, this figure coefficient accounts for the short-range interaction of triplets of
shows a remarkable agreement between the predicted values and ions, and the small influence of this parameter in the estimations
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Table 2. Estimated Values of B(0)

MX and BMX Using the Correlating Equations (eqs 15 and 17)

electrolyte B(0)
MX B(1)
MX standard deviation (δ) maximum molality (mol·kg−1) rM (Å) rX (Å)
La(ClO4)3 0.7808 5.9231 0.105 4.50 1.05 2.25
Pr(ClO4)3 0.7995 5.9529 0.124 4.50 1 2.25
Nd(ClO4)3 0.8070 5.9647 0.124 4.50 0.98 2.25
Sm(ClO4)3 0.8145 5.9763 0.077 4.50 0.96 2.25
Gd(ClO4)3 0.8220 5.9879 0.093 4.50 0.94 2.25
Dy(ClO4)3 0.8333 6.0050 0.077 4.50 0.91 2.25
Ho(ClO4)3 0.8371 6.0107 0.066 4.50 0.9 2.25
Er(ClO4)3 0.8409 6.0163 0.063 4.50 0.89 2.25
Tm(ClO4)3 0.8447 6.0219 0.065 4.50 0.88 2.25
Yb(ClO4)3 0.8485 6.0275 0.065 4.50 0.87 2.25
Lu(ClO4)3 0.8522 6.0331 0.033 4.00 0.86 2.25

of the osmotic coefficients suggests that these triplets of ions these two groups were plotted together in Figures 14 and 15,
are not very abundant in the aqueous solution at moderate which refer to the simplified Pitzer equation and the original
concentrations up to 6 M. However, especially at higher values Pitzer equation, respectively. In particular, it can be seen in
of ionic strength, the presence of the CφMX in the Pitzer equa- both Figures 14 and 15 that the values of B(0) MX are lower for
tion improves the accuracy of the results, and this is because electrolytes that form ion pairs/complexes than for those that
the ions become closer to each other and then the pro- do not, and as mentioned before in the discussions of repulsive
bability of interactions of triplets of ions increases. Therefore, if and attractive forces, these low values of B(0) MX indicate an
this parameter is available then there is no reason to disregard important contribution of the short-range attractive forces to
it, but if this value is not available, the analysis performed the net short-range forces. Likewise B(0) MX, electrolytes forming
suggests that it is a good approximation to estimate the activity ion pairs/complexes, tend to have lower values of B(1) MX, but this
and osmotic coefficients without this coefficient. behavior changes for the 2−1 electrolytes for the simplified
Repulsive and Attractive Forces. According to Pitzer Pitzer equation case; see Figure 14. However, since the original
et al.,9 the value of the second virial coefficient can be either Pitzer equation did not present this unexpected behavior in
positive or negative depending on the net predominance of the a significant proportion then this increase of B(1) MX for 2−1
repulsive or attractive short-range forces. In other words, low electrolytes can be at least partially attributed to the absence of
values of B(0) (1)
MX and BMX indicates an important contribution of the factor CφMX. Also, this increase of B(1)MX for the 2−1 electro-
the short-range attractive forces to the net short-range forces, lytes can be explained by the presence of 2−2 electrolytes that
whereas high values of these coefficients indicate an important are formed by speciation, e.g., the electrolyte ZnCl2 forms the
influence of short-range repulsive forces. In this context, it is species ZnCl2− 2+
4 , that in association with Zn add interactions
interesting to observe in Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 that the values of the type 2−2 to the aqueous system, and as shown in Figure 4
of B(0) (1)
MX and BMX increase as the absolute difference between these 2−2 electrolytes have higher values of B(1) MX.
the ionic radii of the cation and the anion increases, and this To summarize, the knowledge of the values of B(0) MX and BMX

suggests that combinations of ions with different sizes lead to a and the comparison with the curve containing electrolytes that
net predominance of short-range repulsive forces. This is in are unlikely to form ion pairs/complexes can give a good indi-
agreement with Pitzer et al.,9 who stated that “we expect a cation about the possible formation of ion pairs/complexes as
larger repulsive effect for like-charged ions when there is a well as formation of species of higher valence.
difference in size”. Likewise, the values of the second virial Structure-Breaking and Structure-Making Ions. As
coefficients increase with the as the ionic charge of the cation mentioned before in the results section, according to the
increases, and this also indicates the predominance of repulsive Collins,44 ions with similar affinities with the water molecules
forces. In contrast, the second virial coefficients decrease as tend to form stable ion pairs.48 In particular, this rule was very
the ionic charge of the anions increases, and this indicates that important to systematically eliminate the 1−1 electrolytes that
the anions tend to contribute to the attenuation of the short- are more likely to form ion pairs. In fact, the low values of B(0) MX
range repulsive forces. This is in agreement with the fact that all and B(1)
MX presented by all of the 1−1 electrolytes with similar
of the 1−2 and 2−2 electrolytes investigated in this study are affinities with the water molecules provides very strong
forming to some extent ion pairs or complexes, which is evidence of the formation of ions pairs, and this is because as
associated with the attractive short-range forces. mentioned before in the discussions of repulsive and attractive
Ion Pairing and Complex Formation. The Pitzer forces, these low values indicate important contributions of
equations were not originally created to deal with ion pairing the short-range attractive forces to the net short-range forces.
or complex formation phenomena, except for 2−2 electrolytes Furthermore, Pitzer9 also observed that ions with similar
where corrections for ion pairings were provided.8,9 With the affinities with the water molecules tend to have lower values of
MX and BMX. Finally, it is possible to find in the literature experi-
B(0) (1)
increased use of Raman spectroscopy and other investigation
methods, it has been found that many of the electrolytes con- mental and theoretical evidence of the formation of ion pairs for
sidered by Pitzer in his analysis as completely dissociated can ions with similar affinities with water. For example, Moskovits
actually form ion pairs/complexes in a significant scale, and et al.49 investigated the ion pair formation in alkali hydroxides
thus these electrolytes require different theoretical treatments. using Raman spectroscopy. Likewise, Gujt et al.50 studied ion
Nevertheless, it is interesting to see how these excluded elec- pairing associated with alkali metal halides using the electrical
trolytes behave in comparison with the electrolytes with smaller conductivity and the Monte Carlo computer simulation
probability of forming ion pairs/complexes, and for this reason methods. In the same way, Chen et al.51 investigated ion pairing
N DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236
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Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

Figure 13. Comparison plots showing the predictability of the correlation equations (eqs 15 and 17) applied to rare-earth perchlorates:
(a) La(ClO4)3, (b) Pr(ClO4)3, (c) Nd(ClO4)3, (d) Sm(ClO4)3, (e) Gd(ClO4)3, (f) Dy(ClO4)3, (g) Ho(ClO4)3, (h) Er(ClO4)3, (i) Tm(ClO4)3,
(j) Yb(ClO4)3, (k) Lu(ClO4)3 [○: Experimental data of osmotic coefficients from the literature (see references in Table 1), dotted lines: correlating
equations (eqs 15 and 17)].

and cluster formation in strong 1−1 electrolytes by making direct analyzed. In fact, most of the cations with complex geometries
comparison of the results from detailed molecular dynamics were not investigated in this study due to the lack of data in the
simulations to experimentally observed properties of these literature, especially with regards to the thermochemical/ionic
1−1 electrolytes. radii as well as the ion pair formation.
Geometry of the Ions. Most of the cations analyzed in this Regarding the anions, some of them have complex geo-
study are fairly spherical, and thus no conclusion can be made metries, including the anions NO2, SCN, and NO3 that are not
regarding the influence of the geometry of the cations on exactly spherical. Considering these three anions, the first
the values of the second virial coefficients based on the data two, NO2 and SCN, did not present any unexpected behavior,
O DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236
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Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

Figure 14. Coefficients (a) B(0) (1) (2)
MX and (b) BMX with and without ion pairing/complex formation for the simplified Pitzer equation, i.e., CMX, BMX, and
α2 = 0 (+: ion pairing/complex formation, ○: highly dissociated electrolytes, dashed lines from a and b: regression considering only highly
dissociated electrolytes).

Figure 15. Coefficients (a) B(0) (1) (2)
MX and (b) BMX with and without ion pairing/complex formation for the original Pitzer equation, i.e., CMX, BMX, and
α2 ≠ 0 (+: ion pairing/complex formation, ○: highly dissociated electrolytes, dashed lines from a and b: regression considering only highly
dissociated electrolytes).

and this is in contrast to the nitrate ion that formed ion coefficients, a more sophisticated analysis is required in order to
pairs/complexes in most of the cases analyzed. However, it is account for these effects, but this is not within the scope of this
not possible to conclude that the geometry of the anion was the study.
reason for this anomalous behavior of the nitrate ion, because Effects of Temperature on Virial Coefficients. The
the other two nonspherical ions NO2 and SCN behaved effects of temperature on the virial coefficients are not known in
normally. general, but these effects are very important because many
Consequently, based on the set of data analyzed, it is not industrial processes deal with temperatures different from
possible to come to any conclusion about the influence of the 25 °C. However, these effects are beyond the scope of the
geometry of the cations and anions on the values of the second present study but could be the subject of future research work.
virial coefficients.
Hydrated Radius of the Ions. As mentioned before in the
results section, several trials were performed to fit the second
Simplifications to the Pitzer Equation. Some simplifica-
virial coefficients with the hydrated radii, but they all failed. tions to the Pitzer equation have been suggested and analyzed,
On the other hand, it was found that there is a very good and these include the elimination of the terms CφMX, B(2)
MX, and
correlation between the second virial coefficients and the ionic α2 in the Pitzer equation. Both the simplified and the original
radii (R2 > 0.96), and this reinforces that the second virial Pitzer equation can estimate the activity and osmotic coef-
coefficients are more strongly connected to the ionic radii than ficients with very high degree accuracy, but the original Pitzer
the hydrated radii. equation is slightly more precise.
Dispersion Forces. Despite the fact that dispersion forces Estimation of the Second Virial Parameters to the
may have an influence on the values of the second virial Simplified Pitzer Equation. The second virial coefficients
P DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236
J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

B(0) (1)
MX and BMX were re-estimated for 122 inorganic electrolytes As a conclusion, the predictions agreed remarkably well with
using published experimental data for the osmotic coefficients; the experimental data for the osmotic coefficients, and this
see Table 1. This re-estimation was performed only for the reinforces the reliability of these equations to estimate the
simplified Pitzer equation, and this was because most of properties of single electrolytes in aqueous solutions.
the coefficients of the original Pitzer equation can be found in Correlation between the Second Virial Coefficients
the literature. Nevertheless, it was found that in most cases, the and the Properties of the Solution. The second virial
elimination of the factors CφMX, B(2) MX, and α2 did not cause coefficients were discussed in terms of the properties of the
significant changes to the values of B(0) (1)
MX and BMX. solution, as follows:
Correlation between the Second Virial Coefficients, (1) Attractive and repulsive forces: Low values of the second
Ionic Radii, and Ionic Charge. The second virial coefficients virial coefficients represent a significant contribution of the
B(0) (1)
MX and BMX were correlated with the properties of the short-range attractive forces, whereas high values represent a
solution, more particularly with the ionic charge and the ionic significant contribution of the short-range repulsive forces.
radii. This correlation found was very strong, and this is con- Also, short-range repulsive forces are enhanced as the ionic
firmed by the high values of the coefficients of determination charge of the cation increases. In contrast, the short-range
(R2 > 0.96). However, this correlation was only possible to be repulsive forces are attenuated as the ionic charge of the anion
achieved after eliminating from the analysis the electrolytes that increases, and good evidence of this is the formation of ion
have high probability of forming ion pairs/complexes. In fact, pairs/complexes for all of the 1−2 and 2−2 electrolytes
the Pitzer equations were not originally created to account for analyzed, since the formation of ion pairs are related to short-
ion pairs/complexes, and thus it is justifiable to eliminate these range attractive forces.
factors in order to understand the meaning of the second virial (2) Ion pairing/complex formation: The electrolytes ana-
coefficients as well as how the formation of ion pairs/complexes lyzed that are more likely to form ion pairs/complexes pre-
influences the values of the second virial coefficients. sented in general lower values of B(0) (1)
MX and BMX than electrolytes
The following relationships for B(0)MX were achieved for the that are unlikely to form ion pairs, and these low values indicate
simplified and for the original Pitzer equation, respectively: important contributions of the attractive short-range forces to
(0) 1.62 −1.35
the net short-range forces.
BMX = 0.04432z M z X |rM − 1.5rX|1.2 + 0.05758 (3) Structure breakers and structure makers: It has been
(R2 = 0.96) shown that ions with similar affinity with water tend to form
stable ion pairs.
BMX 1.62 −1.35
= 0.04850z M z X |rM − 1.5rX|1.2 + 0.03898 (4) Geometry: Since most of the ions analyzed are almost
spherical, it was not possible to precisely identify the influence
(R2 = 0.97) of the geometry of the ions on the values of the second virial
Also, the following relationships for B(1)
MX were achieved for (5) Hydrated radius: No strong correlation between the
the simplified and for the original Pitzer equation, respectively: second virial coefficients and the hydrated radius was achieved.
BMX = 0.01001z X−0.4(z M
2 0.6
z X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ))2 (6) Dispersion forces: The effect of the dispersion forces on
the values of the second virial coefficients could not be identi-
+ 0.12017z M z X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ) + 0.05226z X−0.4
2 0.2
fied based on the data analyzed, and a more sophisticated
analysis would need to be performed in order to account for
(R2 = 0.99)
these effects.
(7) Temperature: The effects of temperature on the virial
BMX = 0.00738z X−0.4(z M
2 0.6
z X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ))2
coefficients are not known in general, but they are very impor-
+ 0.16800z M z X (1 + |rM − 1.2rX|0.2 ) − 0.09320z X−0.4
2 0.2 tant in numerous practical situations. However, these effects are
beyond the scope of the present study but could be the subject
(R2 = 0.99) of future research work.
Comparison Plots Involving the Original Pitzer
Model, the Simplified Pitzer Model, the Correlation
Equations, and the Experimental Data. Comparison plots
Corresponding Author
were generated in order to illustrate the agreement between the *Tel.: +44 114 215 7214. E-mail:
experimental data for the osmotic coefficients and the three Funding
models analyzed, i.e., the original Pitzer model, the simplified The authors acknowledge the financial support from CNPq -
Pitzer model, and the correlating equations (eqs 15 and 17). ́
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnoló-
In summary, the three models agree well with the experimental gico (Process Number: 202878/2014-7) - Programa Ciência
data for the osmotic coefficients, the original Pitzer model sem Fronteiras.
being slightly more accurate, and this is because this model
contains more parameters to account for the various types of
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ion interactions in the aqueous solutions. However, the corre-
lating equations (eqs 15 and 17) failed to predict the behavior ABBREVIATIONS
of bromates, nitrites, nitrates, hydroxides, and fluorides, and this
indicates that these anions are likely to form ion pairs. Latin Symbols
Case Study to Demonstrate the Predictability of the Aφ, Debye−Huckel coefficient for the osmotic coefficient
Correlating Equations (eqs 15 and 17). A case study BφMX, second Virial Coefficient for the osmotic coefficient
involving rare-earth perchlorates was analyzed in order to dem- B(0) (1) (2)
MX, BMX, BMX, second virial coefficients representing short-
onstrate the predictability of the correlating eqs (eqs 15 and 17). range binary interactions
Q DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00236
J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

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