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SHORT NOTES Creative Weitingg

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TOPIC 1:Exploring creative writing types





PROSE FICTION Prose in English literature is a very common type of writing - it Prose is the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing.
refers to any writing which follows the conventions of speech
and language. It's grammatically and syntactically correct, and Fiction is based on imagination and fantasies.
flows like speech. Language use in writing refers to the communicative meaning of language.
It can be compared to usage, which refers to the rules for making language
and the structures we use to make it.
SHORT STORIES A short story is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read Language refers to word choice and emphasis as well as how words are put
in one sitting together and punctuated in sentences. Tone refers to how the author uses
and focuses on a self-contained incident or series of linked words to convey an attitude.
incidents, with the
intent of evoking a single effect or mood. Language and tone in order to determine how they contribute to the
author’s message.
The average short story is from 5,000 to 10,000 words, but they
can be anything above 1,000 words. Flash fiction is a short story 3 types of languages use in a short story such as
that is 500 words or less. :descriptive language

Descriptive language is a technique used to add depth to a piece of writing.

(Flower & Hyes,1981) It can be used in both fiction and nonfiction texts. Descriptive language is
Step 1: 5 elements in a short story: the use of descriptive words such as adjectives, adverbs or descriptive verbs
CHARACTER,PLOT,THEME,CONFLICT,SETTING to give the story added detail.
Step 2: Mine your imagination
Step 3: Write the short story. :figurative language (Figurative language, or the use of figures of speech,
including metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, synecdoche,
hyperbole, oxymoron,). Figurative language, or the use of figures of speech,
including metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, synecdoche,
hyperbole, oxymoron, and others, is a common form of foregrounding in
prose fiction.
1. Metaphor: A metaphor establishes a relationship of resemblance
between two ideas or things by equating or replacing one (the ‘tenor’) by
the other (the ‘vehicle’). Metaphors are usually not created from similarity
in denotation (literal meaning), but from some similarity in the
connotation of words (their associated or secondary meanings). In Kate
Chopin’s short story ‘The Storm,’ for example, the narrator describes the
sexual encounter between Alcée and Calixta by saying: ‘Her mouth was a
fountain of delight.’ Of course, she does not mean that there was delight,
much less any kind of liquid, gushing out from Calixta’s mouth. But the
image created by the narrator’s metaphor, equating the woman’s mouth
(tenor) to a fountain (vehicle), allows the reader to understand more
vividly the cascade of emotions experienced by Alcée as he kisses his lover.
Metaphor is perhaps the most important figure of speech, and many other
forms of figurative language can be considered, in a broad sense,
2. Simile: Like metaphor, a simile establishes a relationship of resemblance
between two ideas or things (tenor and vehicle), but it makes the
comparison explicit with a connector (usually, ‘like’ or ‘as’). This connector
is not a mere linguistic conjunction, but it allows the simile to specify more
clearly the quality or attribute that underlies the comparison between
tenor and vehicle. In John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, for example, the

narrator describes the landscape with the following words: ‘The full green
hills are round and soft as breasts.’ Here, the hills (tenor) and the breasts
(vehicle) are explicitly compared in terms of certain connotative qualities
(roundness and softness), but not others (e.g. greenness).
3. Personification: A personification attributes personal or human
characteristics to a nonhuman entity, object, or idea. In this case, the tenor
is not human while the implicit or explicit vehicle is a human-specific
quality or attribute. A variant of personification is the attribution of
characteristics of animate entities, such as nonhuman animals, to
inanimate objects or ideas. In Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things, for
example, the narrator describes a house (tenor) as if it was an awkwardly
dressed person (vehicle): ‘The old house on the hill wore its steep, gabled
roof pulled over its ears like a low hat.’
4.Metonymy: A metonymy replaces an idea or thing by another idea or
thing with which it is somehow connected or related in meaning. Unlike
metaphor, metonymy does not transfer qualities or attributes from the
vehicle to the tenor. In a metonymy, ideas or things are associated because
of their contiguity, not their resemblance. The narrator of Louis-Ferdinand
Céline’s Journey to the End of the Night, for example, says: ‘When you write,
you should put your skin on the table.’ Here, the skin is not replacing the
writer’s self or consciousness based on any resemblance, but because it is
contiguous or envelops his body.
5. Synecdoche: A synecdoche is a form of metonymy (or at least, closely
related with it) where a term for a part refers to the whole of something,
or vice versa. In Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind, one of the
characters says: ‘I’m mighty glad Georgia waited till after Christmas
before it secedes or it would have ruined the Christmas parties.’ The whole
state of Georgia is used to refer to its constituents, or rather to its
government and legislators. This synecdoche is very common, as we often
speak of the actions of a country’s government as if they were taken by the
whole country.

6. Hyperbole: Hyperbole is an exaggeration aimed at emphasising a certain

point or creating a strong impression. In Gabriel García Márquez’s One
Hundred Years of Solitude, for example, the narrator introduces the
imaginary and primeval world of Macondo with this hyperbolic
description: ‘The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and
in order to indicate them it was necessary to point.’
7. Oxymoron: An oxymoron connects or combines elements that appear to
be contradictory, but in fact contain a concealed point or a paradox. The
narrator of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, for example, makes this
paradoxical statement: ‘That everybody is identical in their secret
unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone

Like metaphor, a simile establishes a relationship of resemblance between
two ideas or things (tenor and vehicle), but it makes the comparison explicit
with a connector (usually, ‘like’ or ‘as’). This connector is not a mere
linguistic conjunction, but it allows the simile to specify more clearly the
quality or attribute that underlies the comparison between tenor and
vehicle. In John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, for example, the narrator
describes the landscape with the following words: ‘The full green hills are
round and soft as breasts.’ Here, the hills (tenor) and the breasts (vehicle)
are explicitly compared in terms of certain connotative qualities (roundness
and softness), but not others (e.g. greenness).

Symbolism represents something else by virtue of an arbitrary association.8

Symbols commonly used by modern humans are traffic signs, words, and
flags, amongst many others. Symbols might represent other objects or
things, but they can also represent individuals or groups of people, cultures,
ideas, beliefs, values, etc. Insofar as human language is a symbolic system,
and we also routinely use non-linguistic symbolic systems, there is no doubt

that symbols play a crucial role in our understanding of the world and allow
us to communicate effectively with each other.

Style of language use as:

Is the language formal or informal? Impersonal or personal?
Does the language show any bias in terms of word choice or tone?
Is the language appropriate for the intended audience and purpose?
Is the language overly emotional? Overly complicated? Overly simple?
Are sentences clear and direct, or lengthy and complicated in syntax?
What does punctuation contribute, if anything, to the text’s tone?

FLASH FICTION A flash fiction is a short story that is typically under 1,500~ The language of flash fiction is sharp, economic, and to-the-point. Flash
words. writers are often ruthless editors, truncating their sentences and scrapping
Very small flash fictions (under 75~ words) are called micro whole paragraphs.

Flash fiction compresses an entire story into the space of a few
paragraphs. There is no defined word count for flash fiction, but
some commonly used word limits in flash fiction range from just
six words on the short end to around 1,000 words on the longer

A complete plot.
A flash fiction story is indeed a story, with a beginning, middle,
and end. This sets it apart from a prose poem or vignette, which
can explore an emotion, memory, or thought without a plot.

Great flash fiction often incorporates surprise, usually in the
form of a twist ending or an unexpected last line. This is not a

gimmick: the aim is to prompt the reader to think deeply about

the true meaning of the story.
VIGNETTS A vignette (pronunciation: vin-YET) is a short scene in literature Vignette using descriptive language, a vignette helps readers visualize a
that is used to describe a moment in time. It is descriptive and character, a place, or a moment.
creates an atmosphere around a character, an incident, an
emotion, or a place.

In literature, a vignette is a short piece of writing that does not

have a beginning, middle, and end but rather focuses on a
specific moment in time and the details within it.
PROSE NON-FICTION Prose is verbal or written language that follows the natural flow The writers use language technique to draw attention to an important idea
of speech. It is straightforward. Non-fiction texts deal with real- or point. The effect of the language technique will depend on how it is
life events and issues. Non-fiction writers make language choices being used. For example:
to present their viewpoint, influence the reader and create a
particular effect in order to fulfil the intended purpose of their Tricolon (also known as Rule of Three or Triples): Three words or phrases
text. It is a broad genre that includes advertisements, in a row within a sentence to emphasise a positive or negative point.
autobiographies, biographies, diaries, essays, information Hyperbole: Exaggerated statements or claims for emphasis (not meant to
leaflets, newspaper and magazine articles. be taken literally).
Emotive language: Words and phrases deliberately and intentionally used
to make your reader feel certain emotions (e.g. sadness, worry, urgency
Tone refers to the mood of the text. The tone of a text is etc.).
deliberately chosen by the writer in order to make the reader Expert quote: A quotation taken from an expert in the topic about which
feel a certain way. This is designed to help the writer achieve you are speaking which supports the point you are making, giving it more
their overall purpose and communicate their viewpoint. In order authority.
to determine the tone of a text, we need to analyse the writer’s Repetition: A key word or phrase said more than once to reinforce a point.
choice of vocabulary, imagery and language techniques. For example, ‘We have seen what we need to do. Now we need to do it
and do it together’.
Statistic: A percentage used to demonstrate a point, giving it more
Alliteration: Repeating a particular sound.
Imagery: Carefully selecting visually descriptive language, creating images
in order to have a particular effect upon the reader.

Analysing language patterns

It’s also useful to consider patterns in how words and phrases are used by
a writer to determine their aim. A writer may deliberately use lots of
positive abstract nouns – like dream, love, peace, happiness – in a
perfume advertisement to give the writing a sophisticated tone and to
offer the promise of delivering desirable concepts (in order to persuade us
to buy it).

In a piece of travel writing about rock climbing, the writer may use lots of
action verbs – like reaching, grasping, leaping – to create a strong sense of
physical drama.

In a piece of news reporting about, for example, a war, the writer may use
a semantic field of war – like fighting, bombs, shooting, death – to inform
us of what the situation is like.

TRAVEL WRITING Travel writing is a writing that describes places the author has In a piece of travel writing about rock climbing, the writer may use lots of
visited and the experiences they had while travelling. action verbs – like reaching, grasping, leaping – to create a strong sense of
Traditional travel writing follows a narrative of one person’s physical drama.
travels. Travel writing use imaginative language to create and produce images of
Modern travel writing has started to blur into a blog-style characters, settings and situations. The language of imagination uses vivid
format, with a focus on advice, tips, and must-sees. Modern detailed description that appeals to the senses, emotive vocabulary, strong
travel writing has more voices. verbs, adjectives, adverbs and figures of speech.
Travel publications provide service-based pieces and listicle
roundups summaries as longer-form first-hand accounts of an Language used and written in first-person. Tell the story in the past tense
author’s journey. Be conversational in tone (dialogue can be useful here)
The digitalization of travel writing and travel blogs stimulate the Contain sensory details
travelers to travel writers just by dint and impress of them Give the reader value in some way, whether that’s providing useful tips for
recording their adventures on a personal website. The three navigating or insight into a culture
types of travel writing : freelance journalism, blogging, and Make it relatable to the audience

ADVERTISEMENTS An advertisement, otherwise known as an advert or ad, is Advertisers use a cocktail of communication types to create a language that
generally considered a public communication that promotes a is unique to their purpose: to persuade people to buy what is being sold,
product, service, brand or event. To some the definition can be convince buyers that a certain brand is more worthy of money and to worm
even broader than that, extending to any paid communication a logo or a design or a jingle into the buyer's subconscious. Advertising
designed to inform or influence. language is simply a combination of extra linguistic and linguistic means of
Examples: expression governed by the laws of mass communication and general
1. Online advertising literary rules, and a special language structure that enables the addressee
2. Social media advertising to perceive specific information taking into account the cultural, sociological
3. Print and psycholinguistic features of the language. The main communicative
4. Direct mail purpose of the advertising text is to encourage the consumer to choose the
5. Broadcast, video and TV advertising products and services to be advertised.
6. Out-of-home (OOH) outdoor advertising They are used narrative style, dramatic style, newsy style, dialogue style,
7. Cell phone mobile advertising and humorous style.
8. Product placement
9. Consumer-generated EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE
10. Radio and podcast advertising Clear or Palpable words draw the reader into your text more effectively.
Certain words like ”confession” or “magic” are emotionally charged power
Advertising Techniques: words that hit the audience strongly. The words make them feel your
Emotional Appeal, Promotional Advertising, Bandwagon content. Power words can evoke vibrant emotions, and emotion will keep
Advertising, Facts and Statistics, Unfinished Ads, Weasel Words, the reader’s eyes glued to every single word of yours.
Endorsements, Complementing the Customers, Ideal Family and
Ideal Kids, Patriotic Advertisements, Questioning the Customers,
Bribe, Surrogate Advertising
BLOGS Blogging refers to writing, photography, and other media that's informal language
self-published online. Blogging started as an opportunity for formal language
individuals to write diary-style entries, but it has since been Product reviews language
incorporated into websites for many businesses. Product tutorials language
5 TYPES OF BLOG Convince language
1. Personal Blogs.
2. Personal Brand Blogs.
3. Business Blogs.
4. Affiliate Blogs.
5. Niche Blogs.

POETRY Poetic writing Figurative language is used in literature like poetry, drama, prose and even
Types of poems speeches. Figures of speech are literary devices that are also used
1. Acrostic poem: An acrostic poem is one where the first throughout our society and help relay important ideas in a meaningful
letters of the lines spell out a word or words if you read way.
them vertically.
2. Blank verse Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined
3. Sestina into words. Words are combined into sentences, this combination
4. Sonnet answering to that of ideas into thoughts.
5. Limerick
6. Narrative poetry Blank verse is unrhymed poetry written in a regular meter, usually iambic
7. Found poetry pentameter. Iambic pentameter is a rhythm that sounds like: bah-BAH
8. Ballad bah-BAH bah-BAH bah-BAH bah-BAH.
9. Haiku
An iamb is a rhythmic unit made of an unstressed syllable followed by a
stressed one. An iamb has the rhythm bah-BAH, as in the words "forget,"
or "begin."
Iambic pentameter is a line of poetry that consists of five iambs. Here are
examples of two sentences written in iambic pentameter:
RHYMES Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound. In The language use is difference between rhyming words and homophones
simpler terms, it can be defined as the repetition of similar Internal rhymes and end rhymes
sounds. RHYMES have the same final sound, or to use words that True rhymes and off-rhymes
have the same final sound. The repetition of syllables, typically Assonance and consonance
at the end of a line, we organize those end rhymes into patterns Rhyme schemes : The pattern of rhymes in a poem is written with the
or schemes, called rhyme schemes. A rhyme scheme is made of letters a, b, c, d..abab, the first line rhymes with the third line, and the
the pattern of end rhymes in a stanza. second line rhymes with the fourth line.
In a poem with the rhyme scheme abcb, the second line rhymes with the
fourth line, but the first and third lines don't rhyme with each other.
HAIKU The haiku is a centuries-old form of Japanese poetry Descriptive language:
The haiku is a centuries-old form of Japanese poetry. It is made A haiku poem is almost like a photo or painting as it creates a strong image
up 17 syllables and has the following structure: in very few words. It is often an observation of nature or of the changing
Line1: 5 syllables seasons. It is a good idea to collect observations of nature for haiku.
Line2: 7 syllables
Line3: 5 syllables

Simple language and clear meaning: They repeated phrases and some
rhyme, and easy to write. Adjectives and adverbs included.
MODERN POEMS Modern poems emphasis on strong imagery and emotional Imagery and emotional language.
content and less reliance on the use of rhyme. Modern poetry is written in simple language, the language of every day
1. Individualism style: the modernist writers were speech and even sometimes in dialect or jargon like some poems of
fascinated with how the individual adapted to the Rudyard Kipling (in the jargon of soldiers).
changing world Modern poetry is mostly sophisticated as a result of the sophistication of
2. Absurdity: the mysteriousness of life, the senseless the modern age, e. g. T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land".
violence, transformation of things Contemporary poetry is most often written in free verse (unrhymed lines).
3. Symbolism The lines follow the natural rhythms of the language and not the strict five
4. Formalism stresses per line in iambic pentameter.
Contemporary poetry is written in language that is accessible to the
common reader USING formal language.

TOPIC 2: Functions of creative writing

Foster artistic Artistic expression is HOW THE WRITERS SHOW the conscious use of the
1. Foster expression imagination in the production of objects intended to be contemplated or
artistic appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of forms, sounds, or words
expression THROUGH Self-expression, what you’re experiencing, transform the
intangibility of your emotions and experiences into WRITING, make
feelings tangible and real, Spoken word and poetry allow THE WRITERS to
add tone and color to THEIR words BY USING LITERARY DEVICE,
Clarify thinking clarify Thoughts into a logical process, CLARIFY emotions TO look at
situations with clarity, being able to define clear pathways in order to
overcome problems in the future, TO understand the thought patterns and
hidden feelings to gain clarity in life.
4. Source of OF 2. Clarify thinking
entertainment CREATIVE
Stimulate Develop imaginations by encouraging ONES to think about different
imagination and situations or scenarios and also to innovate something on their own. THE
WRITING creativity writing process enable them to generate ideas to write. By reflecting,
connecting the dots, and cross-pollinating seemingly unrelated ideas, we
think of novel ways to improve our situations (F&H,1981).
5 Tips for Writing More Creatively
1. Learn from the best—but don't copy them. ...
2. Create a character based on someone you know. .
3. Use the snowflake method to brainstorm.
4. Find an environment that encourages creative flow.
3. Stimulate 5. Try freewriting.
imagination Source of To both entertain and share human experience, like love or loss. Writers
& creativity entertainment attempt to get at a truth about humanity through poetics and storytelling.
Entertainment writing is used to show a theme, event, or story for
enjoyment OR TO tell AND SHARE a story WITH OTHERS.

naphorais a techni ue where several phrases or verses begin with the
same word or words. For example:
came, saw, con uered. Julius Caesar
world kings composi on ing John II, William
best of mes, worst of mes, age of
wisdom, age of foolishness. Tale of Two Ci es, Charles
malice toward none charity for all rmness in the right.
braham incoln
not ag or fail. go on to the end ... never
surrender. Winston Churchill
gure of speech is a crea ve use of language to generate an e ect.
Some gures of speech, like metaphor, simile, and metonymy, are found
in everyday language. thers, like an thesis, circumlocu on, and puns
take more prac ce to implement in wri ng.
The gure of speech Some common gures of speech are allitera on,
anaphora, an metabole, an thesis, apostrophe, assonance, hyperbole,
irony, metonymy, onomatopoeia, paradox, personi ca on, pun, simile,
synecdoche, and understatement.

ssonanceis the repe on of vowel sounds (not just le ers) in words that
are close together. The sounds don t have to be at the beginning of the
word. Some examples include:
For the r re and r diant m iden whom the ngels n med enore.
The aven, dgar llan oe
Therefore, all s sons shall b sw t to th . Frost at idnight,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
I From what ve tasted of desre, hold with those who favor fre. Fire
and Ice, obert Frost
h hear ld Triton bl w his wreathed h rn. The World is Too uch
With s, William Wordsworth
ncertain r stling of each purple curtain ... The aven, dgar llen

Tone gives shape and life to a story. Through tone, the a tude and mood FUNNY TONE
of a literary work are created and presented. It gives voice to the
characters,both literally and gura vely.
Tone also allows the reader to learn about a character s personality and UPBEAT TONE
disposi on. ut, beyond all this, tone shapes the work as a whole,
indica ng if the piece should be read as serious, funny, drama c or
upse ng.

Tone word examples are present everywhere in the media and real life.
et s take a look at it, from an ordinarysenseand a literary viewpoint.

How do you describe the voice of a story?

While tone stems from the author, MOOD can be attributed to the reader. The Voice is determined by either the person telling the
writer's tone will illustrate various feelings or emotions, and the reader will story (the narrator) or the person writing the story
TONE is the writer's attitude. The
develop those emotions and process them in the form of their own mood. (the author), and can be further defined by the
tone will set up a suspenseful
Typically, of course, it'll line up with the author's tone. If the author is writing a voices of characters in a story. Basically, it's
novel, a hopeful opinion piece, or
piece on hope and everlasting love, the reader's mood will align accordingly. If the important to remember that a work's voice is not
a melancholy poem.
author's tone is melancholy and dreary as the main character scrapes by in matters always reflective of the author's own opinions or
of love and war, the reader's mood will shift accordingly.
attitudes .
VOICE is harder to pinpoint. Every writer has their 1. In literature, the voice expresses the narrator or Narrator
own voice. That is, you can pick up on common author’s emotions, attitude, tone and point of
A narrator is the person telling the story. In
catch phrases or repeated themes in their works. view through artful, well thought out use of word
choice and diction. literature, the voice is not the narrator himself,
In a way, voice is the umbrella under which tone but rather every narrator has a voice.
2. A voice may be formal or informal; serious or
and mood develop. A writer's specific voice will lighthearted; positive or negative; persuasive or
connotate a somber tone or an upbeat tone in a Mood
argumentative; comical or depressed; witty or
way that will allow the reader to experience a straightforward; objective or subjective—truly, voice The mood of a story is the overall feeling that it
dismal mood or a hopeful mood. Explore this can reflect any and all feelings and perspectives. gives off to its readers. story’s voice helps
concept further with words that describe voice. 3. work’s voice directly contributes to its tone and contribute to its mood.
mood; helping the writer create the desired effect he
wants his words to have on readers. Voice

A writer's specific voice will connotate a somber

tone or an upbeat tone in a way that will allow
the reader to experience a dismal mood or a
hopeful mood.


EXAMPLES: Creative Writing prompts

1. Articulation of purpose A cozy spot at home.

A dark hallway.
2. Summary of assignment A story about a holiday.
A trip on a rocket ship.
3. Logistics A walk in the woods.
4. Key components of the paper or important sections Dear George Washington.
Donuts for dinner.
5. Framing questions/ write a story based on the questions given Funny things my pet has done.
6. Evaluation criteria / reader response to write a review

Write a story from a universe similar to this one but possessing one specific Use your favorite books as a launching pad to create something original.
magical quality. Write a scene borrowing the protagonist of a book you’ve read, but cast as a
1. Write about two people who grow up together, eventually part ways, move to different gender.
different sides of the country, and somehow still end up unintentionally running
into each other very frequently for the rest of their lives.
Use a voice and background different from your own to write something Take a well-defined prompt and write it multiple times, each with a different
unfamiliar and fresh. ending.
1. Write from the perspective of an advanced AI. 1. Write about a Japanese steakhouse chef who accidentally cuts him/herself while
cooking in front of a family.
Get inspired by ordinary objects in your home.
1. Find a small object in your junk drawer (stapler remover, chewed-up pen cap,
paperweight, etc) and write about how it could be used as a weapon to kill.

3 OM T
xamples of wri ng from a single picture
Fg r /P r r any image driven prompts can inspire you about expository
wri ng, create short stories, and weigh in on hot bu on issues.
b yf r
Your literacy skills, cri cal thinking, and foster crea vity can
y k also be explored.
y r g b , f It may sound like a luxury working from home because of the Covid , as one can
have the freedom to cook lunch, do laundry between the tasks, and also respite
r r , from the lo uacious co worker. ut the reality is somewhat di erent. Your Wi Fi
could slow down, the new tools you are working on might be confusing for you, or
r f . you have a problem with your computer. Therefore, without an IT department, you
g y r g , have to resolve all the tech problems yourself, and you are on your own.

b r gg sually, the most common tech issues while working from home can slow down
produc vity, poor internet connec ons, and video calls of low uality and di erent
ry g r so ware programs that are tailored narrowly. ncomfortable work sta ons can also
become an issue.
y v ’
b f r fr y r r In general, most of us are experiencing overall slow internet speeds in the wake of
the pandemic. This is because people s majori es go online and suck up the
r v . internet, causing the average speeds to dip. In this case, we cannot do much but to
call our internet service provider and complain about the slowdowns.

When it is about collabora ng with your colleagues remotely, success has got less to
do with the tools than empathy for each other when using tech. i erent people
have di erent tech knowledge levels in a company, so the best for you and your
team is to choose versa le tools rather than using the individuals for single tasks.


r f r

v g r r y

b r g


mpowering Seeking
Writers through Individual ersonal
( osenbla , )

What is Rosenblatt theory?

According to Rosenblatt the words
on a page are mere squiggles in ink
till the reader interacts with it to
make meaning (Reader Response

Rosenblatt (2005) developed the

transactional theory of reading
which gave importance to both the
What are the three basic approaches to aesthetics? text and the reader in the process of
Three approaches to aesthetics:
reading. the readers interpret the
Aesthetics concept, certain states of mind and
aesthetic object. text influenced by their personal
OR emotions and knowledge to
(1) historical, philosophical aesthetics, transact the meaning the writer
(2) aesthetic perception and experience, and
(3) aesthetic inquiry
write up. transaction occur when
the readers infer the meaning of the

1. The study of the aesthetic concepts, or, more specifically, the analysis of the
r “language of criticism ” which particular judgments are singled out and
their logic and justification displayed.

2. A philosophical study of certain states of mind—responses, attitudes,

emotions—that are held to be involved in aesthetic experience.

3. The philosophical study of the aesthetic object. This approach reflects the view that
the problems of aesthetics exist primarily because the world contains a special class
of objects toward which we react selectively and which we describe in aesthetic
terms. The usual class singled out as prime aesthetic objects is
that comprising works of art. All other aesthetic objects (landscapes, faces, objets
trouvés, and the like) tend to be included in this class only because, and to the extent
h ps: topic aesthe cs that, they can be seen as art (or so it is claimed).

What is individual style in writing?

A writing style is an author's unique way of communicating with words. An author creates a style
with the voice, or personality, and overall tone that they apply to their text. A writer's style can
change depending on the type of writing they're doing, who they're writing for, and their target

y f r g y
There are four main types of wri ng. While a writer will s ll incorporate their own voice in their
wri ng, these di erent wri ng styles each have a purpose and speci c audience, which dictates
how an author should shape their copy:

. rr v r g:
. r v r g: Narra ve style is wri ng
escrip ve wri ng uses that tells a story and
gura ve language and . P r v r g:
. ry r g: includes When you use a
sensory detail to describe a f v r r
se an expository persuasive wri ng style,
person, place, or thing to ry, k
wri ng style to inform you communicate your
allow readers to create a r r, g, and plot.
or explain a topic to opinion to try to in uence
picture in their mind. It is most o en used in
readers. xamples of the reader to adopt your
escrip ve wri ng is the c on wri ng. xamples of
expository wri ng stance on a subject.
style of wri ng most o en narra ve wri ng style
include technical xamples of persuasive
found in poetry. include
wri ng, business wri ng include cover
wri ng, high school , , le ers, adver sing
essays, and news and . campaigns, poli cal
ar cles. speeches, and editorials.
4 Voice elements RELAXATION

b f
Taboos serve a useful func on, but can be causes of con ict for at least three reasons,
What are b in wri ng?
writes Shapiroin :
s per the de ni on in erriam . r r f b . Some mes we inadvertently o end someone by
Sensi ve topics
Webster dic onary, a taboo is viola ng a taboo due to lack of awareness. It was Shapiro himself, for example, who
anything that is f rb caused a s r by uninten onally exposing the sole of his shoe to his workshop
gr f , ,
par cipantsin the iddle ast.
r g b f, r r se of derogatory
g r . Hence, in the context . f r g b . To break a taboo can feel frightening but to avoid
of academic wri ng, taboo words breaking it keeps you mired in a con ict. In families, long buried painful memories
are considered r r can prolonghurt feelings and tension,for example.
g fr
. v fr rk. Taboos vary widely from one context to the next. ecause
we are likely to lack a systema c framework for dealing with taboo issues, we may be
confused aboutwhether to accept, address,or break them.

vg g b
In , Shapiro recommends three con ict resolu on strategies that can help us
bring taboos to the surface of our minds and our nego a ons.
. r y r r . ecause taboos protect important parts of our iden es, people o en react
stronglywhen taboos they hold dear are violated.Conse uently,it is importantto try to prepare for the taboos
you may encounter and think about how to cope with them. Consider the unwri en rules, o limit topics, and
prohibited emo ons (such as anger or sadness) that may govern how others expect you to behave. We also
need to become aware of taboos that may constrainour counterpart sbehavior.For example, a cultural taboo
mightprevent an indigenoustribe from selling land it deems sacred.
. b f . ove sensi ve topics from taboo territory to a safe one where they can be
examined without fear of punishment or moral compromise, writes Shapiro in
.Iden fy your reason for discussing the taboo: o you want to air grievances, clarify points of
conten on, or share your pain? You might also discuss with your counterpart which issues are o limits and
which you can broach respec ully.
. k . utually decide whether to accept the taboo, chisel away at it slowly,or tear it down
uickly,Shapirorecommends. For example, an indigenous tribe might decide to break its taboo against selling
sacred land to use pro ts from the sale to educate its younger genera on about the tribe s history and

1. Poetry
2. Prose Fiction Short Story
3. Prose Non-Fiction

Poetry Short Story Non-Fiction

Elements: meter, rhyme,
scheme, verse, and

ry stresses the
figurative language P g

tone .
mood .P r r g r g

P F k g
grammar, spelling
netness explanation

g fr
presentation v g
theme / message
literary technique: poetic P F P P . v g r g

device, literary .
. F

technique, stanza, lines,

form,enjambment, g

rhyming words, rhythm,

. . r

) r
repetition, alliteration,

r g
onomatopoeia, F

importance of the r
F ,

personafication, simile, gg g

metaphor, imagery,
. r rg r

v g rg r g

Elements of Poetry P rr v
POETRY- has an overall
central theme or idea
within each poem

Images - the mental

pictures the poet creates
through language
Diction - the selection of
specific words
Form - the arrangement
of words, lines, verses,
rhymes, and other
features. F
Cadence - A rhythmic P
change in the inflection
of sounds from words
being spoken.
Sometimes referred to
the flow of words.
Couplet - two lines of
verse that rhyme at the
end and are thought as
one unit F F
Meter - A rhythm that g Fic on is any narra ve which does not Non c on implies that form of
continuously repeats a contain facts or real events, rather it is prose which discusses true events,
single basic pattern. based on imagina on. facts and informa on.
Rhyme - Words that end P .
r Subjec ve bjec ve
with similar sounds.
Usually at the end of a F b y Yes No
line of the poem. r eaders are supposed to follow and There must be a direct presenta on
understand the abstractly presented of the informa on.
Rhyming - Two lines of a theme.
poem together with the P r To entertain the readers. To educate or inform the readers.
same rhythm
f r ay or may not be given ust be given
Rhythm - A pattern
created with sounds: P r v Narrator or Character uthor
hard - soft, long - short,
bouncy, quiet - loud,
weak - strong .
Stanza - A part of a poem
with similar rhythm and

rhyme that will usually

repeat later in the poem. .

Verse - A line of a poem,

or a group of lines within . .
a long poem.

. C TI .



h ps: about

us news features item on narra ve history NI SITY SS C

Please read the discussion during the lectures for further technique to answer 20marks questions and 10 markd questions.

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