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Delft University of Technology

Hyperloop transport technology assessment and system analysis

Hansen, Ingo A.

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Transportation Planning and Technology

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Hansen, I. A. (2020). Hyperloop transport technology assessment and system analysis. Transportation
Planning and Technology, 43(8), 803-820.

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Hyperloop transport technology assessment and

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Ingo A. Hansen

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2020, VOL. 43, NO. 8, 803–820

Hyperloop transport technology assessment and system

Ingo A. Hansen
Department of Transport & Planning, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands; bSchool of
Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China


The Hyperloop concept, pod speed competitions and current project Received 3 August 2019
developments have recently attracted much publicity. In this paper Accepted 3 August 2020
the transport technology of the vacuumed tube transport project
Hyperloop is assessed through a system analysis of its principal Hyperloop; technology
aims, functional design, transport capacity and demand in assessment; system analysis;
comparison with existing commercial airlines, high-speed rail, and implementation; risk
Maglev lines. First, the potential for high-speed long-distance travel
demand for Hyperloop based on existing airline transport volumes
between major airports in Germany on the one hand, and the
proposed Hyperloop link from Los Angeles to San Francisco in
California on the other, is assessed in general terms. Second, the
technical feasibility of the proposed Hyperloop concept for vehicle
design, capacity, operations, propulsion, guidance, energy supply,
traffic control, safety, alignment, and construction is discussed in
more detail. Third, possible environmental impacts and uncertain
investment, operating and maintenance costs for implementation
of a Hyperloop line are described. Finally, the risks for further
Hyperloop project development and the need for more transparent
research are emphasized.

1. Introduction
According to its principal protagonist, Elon Musk, Hyperloop aims to be a new mode
of transport – a fifth mode after planes, trains, cars and boats – that should be
safer, faster, lower cost, more convenient, immune to weather, sustainably self-powering,
resistant to earthquakes, and not disruptive to those along the route (Musk 2013). It
is seen as an alternative state-wide mass transit system to flying or driving at distances
< 1500 km, while the planned high-speed train is considered both slower, more expensive
to operate (if unsubsidized) and less safe by two orders of magnitude than flying
(Musk 2013).
The Hyperloop concept, promoted in 2013 and the following design competition in
2016, as well as the student team pod competitions on a 1.6 km long, 1.83 m diameter

CONTACT Ingo A. Hansen Department of Transport & Planning, Delft University of Tech-
nology, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
*All files from the internet links have been retrieved on August 1st, 2020.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License
(, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.
804 I. A. HANSEN

partial-vacuum purpose-built steel test tube track at SpaceX in Hawthorne, California

in 2017 and 2018 (Wikipedia 2018a), have stimulated considerable new research and
development activities by students, scientists, consultants, and start-ups around the
world. For example, in July 2018 and 2019, students at the Technical University
Munich demonstrated that a maximum speed of 467 km/h is feasible in a partial
vacuum tube with their wheel motor driven pod (240 kW, 70 kg) on the SpaceX
test tube track and won the speed-competition for the fourth time (TU Munich
2018, 2019).
The social and political impact of the further growth of air passenger transport and
combustion motor road and ship transport emissions on climate, health and fossil
energy consumption intensifies public awareness and search for alternative sustainable
modes of transport. The recent rapid increase in private capital investment, crowd-
sourced and some public funding for Hyperloop transport research, construction of
test tracks and projects for the operation of commercial lines in different countries
have generated enormous expectations in the feasibility and performance of ultra-
high-speed transport in vacuum tube transport technologies.
The number of accessible scientific studies is still rather limited. They focus on par-
ticular aspects of the Hyperloop, such as design and simulation of the electro-magnetic
levitation force through a short-stator linear synchronous motor (Abdelrahman,
Sayeed, and Youssef 2018), aerodynamic design of the vehicle (Braun, Sousa, and
Pekardan 2017; Opgenoord and Caplan 2018) and simulation (Wang et al. 2017),
respectively, dynamics of the tube structure and vehicle interaction (Janzen 2017),
sizing models for the passenger pod (Chin et al. 2015), sizing and feasibility study for
a magnetic plane concept (Decker et al. 2017), impact on bridge dynamics (Alexander
and Kashani 2018) or earthquakes (Heaton 2017), as well as more general technical,
operational, economic, social/environmental analyses (Van Goeverden et al. 2018;
Doppelbauer 2018).
Surprisingly, none of the above studies has mentioned or reviewed the earlier
Swissmetro concept developed by researchers from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale
de Lausanne/Switzerland in the period 1990–2007 (Pot and Trottet 1999; Cassat and
Jufer 2002; Swissmetro 2003; Cassat and Bourquin 2011). A market and feasibility
study by researchers from ETH Zurich reported in 2006 that the Swissmetro project
revenues were insufficient to recover investment and maintenance costs into infra-
structure and vehicles even under very optimistic assumptions (Weidmann et al.
2006). The request for granting a concession to build the Phase 1 pilot Swissmetro under-
ground route from Geneva to Lausanne (at an estimated cost of 3.5 billion CHF (3.2
billion USD)) was not considered by the Swiss National Assembly due to missing sup-
porting financial documents (Wikipedia 2018b). The promoting company Swissmetro
AG was liquidated in 2009 having spent a million Swiss Francs of private capital
(wordpress 2013).
In this paper, the essential elements of the Hyperloop system technology concept are
analyzed in comparison with competing modes for high-speed long-distance passenger
transport. The technical and economic feasibility of principal Hyperloop system elements
and their characteristics is examined to identify the main barriers for further project
development and realisation and needs for further research.

Figure 1. Spinning out technology (Source: Khalil 2000, 8).

2. Technology assessment
Managing technology is an interdisciplinary task which aims at integrating science,
engineering, and management knowledge to create, acquire and exploit technology
(Figure 1).
Technology assessment consists essentially of the following major steps (MITRE fra-
mework according to Martin 1994):

(1). Define the assessment task

(2). Describe relevant technologies
(3). Develop state-of-society assumptions
(4). Identify impact areas
(5). Make preliminary impact analysis
(6). Identify possible action options
(7). Complete impact analysis.

Technological progress can be achieved through inventions, research and develop-

ment, when its product satisfies customer, business and societal demands. New technol-
ogy can create welfare if human and natural resources as well as knowledge and capital
investment contribute to economic growth and improve the standard of living and
environment. However, existing societal, political, industrial and economic powers
defend their roles and dominant influence, products and market, while new ideas, tech-
nological concepts and risk capital are generated by people, whose aims and interests are
not satisfied.
The problem to be solved here is how to develop a technology for long-distance pas-
senger land transport that can compete (a) on the one hand with air transport in travel
time and comfort, but with less fossil energy consumption and less damage to climate
806 I. A. HANSEN

and environment, and (b) on the other hand can achieve a sufficiently high transport
capacity at less investment and operating cost than high-speed railways.
Obviously, the relevant existing technologies and modes for high-speed long-distance
passenger transport are aircraft, magnetic levitation and high-speed railway trains. Their
future transport markets and technologies are being contested by Hyperloop promoters,
developers, industrial enterprises and university student teams.
The most important technological, economic, societal and environmental questions
related to high-speed passenger transport in vacuumed tubes to be answered are:

. Which operating speed, transport capacity, frequency and travel comfort is achievable
by a very high-speed transport system like Hyperloop?
. Which alternative high-speed transport modes compete in the medium long-distance
public transport market segment?
. Which level of market demand and supply can be reasonably expected for long dis-
tance (very) high-speed continental passenger transportion?
. Which technological barriers still exist for the implementation of new passenger trans-
port technologies to be operated at speeds of more than 500 up to 1200 km/h in tubes
like Hyperloop?
. What impacts may the introduction of Hyperloop have on land use, consumption of
natural space, safety, fossil energy resources, noise emission, natural environment and
. Can the prospective development, infrastructure investment, operating and mainten-
ance cost for Hyperloop be significantly less than for aircraft, Maglev and high-speed
railways and covered by potential revenues?
. Which important technical, economic and societal challenges for research and devel-
opment of very high-speed passenger transport in tubes and tunnels exist?

3. System analysis
3.1. Alternative technologies for high-Speed long-distance passenger transport
Existing systems for high-speed long-distance passenger transport are commercially oper-
ated airlines and high-speed railways. Although the top speed of commercial passenger air-
craft is around 900 km/h, the scheduled operating speed of airlines over distances of 400–
1000 km between airports is only around 400–500 km/h due to time losses for taxiing,
climbing, queuing and landing. High-speed railway trains have demonstrated
maximum speeds up to 575 km/h in test runs, but the commercial operating speed of
high-speed railway lines ranges between 150 and 300 km/h depending on the mean dis-
tance between stations and maximum design speed of the routes and rolling stock
(Table 1). The Transrapid Maglev technology with electromagnetic support was originally
developed in Germany for a design speed of 500 km/h, but reached only a maximum speed
of 420 km/h on the short commercially operated 30 km airport link in Shanghai.
The electrodynamic suspension and propulsion technology of the MLX/SCMaglev has
already successfully demonstrated a maximum speed record of 603 km/h on the Yama-
nashi test track (Central Japan Railway Company 2014; Uno 2016). The 286 km Chuo
Shinkansen line from Tokyo Shinagawa to Nagoya is under construction and will start

Table 1. Technical data and estimated practical transport performance of typical aircraft, high-speed
railway and magnetically levitated trains in comparison with Swissmetro and Hyperloop.
Type Max. Vehicle Max. Minimum Route
speed Commercial length Number practical headway time capacity
[km/h] speed [km/h] [m] of seats frequency [s] [pass./h dir.]
Aircraft 900 600 60–70 400 15/h 180 6,000
900 400 40 200 20/h 180 4,000
High-speed train 380 250 410 1000 10/h 180 10,000
250 150 200 450 12/h 180 5,400
Transrapid 500 225–250 125 438 12/h 300 5,250
SCMaglev 600 245 1000 10/h 180 10,000
Swiss-metro 500 323 78 200 10/h 360 2,000
(350) (3500)
Hyperloop 1200 1000 25 28 12/h* 300 336
*see Section 3.2.

operation in 2027. Its scheduled maximum and average speed will be 500 and 429 km/h,
The new high-speed transport technologies for operation in Hyperloop vacuum tubes
would reach (almost) sonic speed. The Hyperloop passenger-only vehicle would be only
1.35 m wide, 1.1 m high, 30 m long, weigh 15 ton and offer no more than 28 single seats
accessible from either side without an inside gangway (Figure 2). The prototype capsule
developed by Hyperloop Transport Technologies has been presented in October 2018, is
30 m in length and has 28–40 passenger seats (Figure 3).

3.2. Hyperloop capacity

The theoretical transport capacity of a single tube Hyperloop depends on the transport
capacity of the vehicles and the minimum headway time on route sections and at the
terminals, respectively. The minimum headway time of Hyperloop vehicles operating
in the same direction at maximum speed on vacuumed tube sections is governed by
the minimum safe braking distance, which is a function of blocking time as for any

Figure 2. Original Hyperloop vehicle concept (Musk 2013).

808 I. A. HANSEN

Figure 3. Hyperloop capsule body prototype (Hyperloop Transportation Technologies 2019).

track-bound system. The latter consists of the switch time for determination of the actual
position, speed and acceleration of the vehicle, the movement authority (MA) given by a
(communication-based) signalling and safety system (CBTC), the data processing time of
the on-board operations control unit (OBU), the normal deceleration rate, and the clear-
ing time of the concerned tube section including a safety margin.
Automatic traffic control of Hyperloop vehicles, too, would require a minimum safe
headway distance similar to an ETCS level 3 moving block system that must guarantee
vehicle integrity at any time and respects the minimum time for data processing and
communication, the running time over their own braking distance plus a still to be deter-
mined safety margin (Figure 4) before they would arrive in front of a (fixed) signal that

Figure 4. Blocking time bands for track-bound vehicles controlled by moving block signalling and
safety systems (Source: Wendler 2006).

may transmit a MA only after a route until the first airlock has been set-up. As the inter-
locking time for the route for passing two airlocks at each terminal station would last
much longer than the approach time, the minimum headway time between a pair of
Hyperloop vehicles following each other along the tube, the former time governs the
transport system throughput (Figure 5).
Assuming a switch-time of the CBTC system including data processing time of the
OBU of up to one second, which is quite optimistic and neglects latency or temporal
lack of MA and OBU response in case of technical failure, the braking rate of a Hyperloop
vehicle during regular operations should not exceed the standard level of travel comfort
experienced by commercial airline passengers (−1.5 m/s2), but needs to be considerably
lower than the emergency safe braking rate! The latter cannot currently be determined
because experimental proofs of Hyperloop pods only occurred during a few speed compe-
tition runs on the SpaceX (partially) vacuumed small tube, while tests of full-scale Hyper-
loop vehicles in wider vacuumed tubes at near sonic speed still have not been executed. A
possible reference may be the standard emergency braking rate required for magnetic rail
brakes of tramway vehicles up to −3.0 m/s2, but such a high rate leading to a severe shock is
not tolerable for a passenger vehicle operating at very high-speed in a vacuumed tube with
no solid, continuous and high-temperature resistant linear magnetic motor.
In the case of mono-directional operation of a set of two parallel Hyperloop tubes, the
operation time of twin airlocks, operation time for sequential closing, opening and
vacuuming of the airlocks, moving at very low speed through the airlocks until to/
from the platform, rotation along a loop at the terminal station, dwelling at the platform
gate, alighting & boarding of passengers, safety check of sealed vehicle doors, turn-
around) and dispatching of vehicles would significantly increase the minimum
headway time at stations to at least or more than 5 min. An indicative block time
diagram for a Hyperloop line of 600 km length is shown in Figure 5.
Hyperloop vehicle operation may be limited to a simple shuttle service between two
terminal stations along a pair of single vacuumed tubes that cannot be easily expanded
to networks with intermediate stations or branches. These would require high-speed
switches, merging/splitting of tracks and tubes, as well as double airlocks separating
the vacuumed tube sections from the station and platform area (Doppelbauer 2018).
The capacity of Hyperloop transport between two terminals along a single Hyperloop

Figure 5. Blocking time and distance between Hyperloop vehicles.

810 I. A. HANSEN

tube and track in both directions would be reduced significantly due to the additional
travel time between the two terminal stations.
Hyperloop vehicles travelling bi-directionally through a single tube could not depart
from their platforms earlier than a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction has cleared
the route through the airlocks and arrived at a separate platform section. As the block
time of the final/first section at the terminals including (un)locking of vacuum resistant
vehicle doors, alighting/boarding of passengers, (un)loading of baggage containers,
change of battery packs, and safety check before departure will last considerably
longer than the block time along intermediate tube sections, the minimum interval
between two Hyperloop vehicles operated in both directions would always be much
longer than the theoretical one in a single direction.
The practical transport capacity of any Hyperloop line can never be higher than the
number of seats per vehicle times the maximum service frequency at its bottleneck situ-
ated at the terminal track through double airlocks. For that reason, a minimum interval
of 30 s (in peak hours) and 2 min (in off-peak periods) between a pair of two Hyperloop
vehicles claimed by the promoter (Musk 2013) would be infeasible. Instead, a maximum
service frequency of around 12 vehicles per hour and direction is assumed for the esti-
mation of the Hyperloop transport capacity in this study (Table 1).
Given the very small number of 28 seats proposed by Musk (2013) the practical trans-
port capacity of a Hyperloop line would only be around 336 passengers/h and direction
instead of 840 passengers/h. Also, the bigger capsule with a maximum of 40 seats developed
by Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (2019) could neither achieve the desired
headway time of 40 s between two departing capsules nor a capacity of 164,000 passen-
gers/day (in both directions). The latter transport volume corresponds to 3,417 passen-
gers/h and direction in the case of a 24 h daily operation period and approximately 20
terminal gates used simultaneously, which is incompatible with the much lower vehicle
throughput of the airlocks and the required safe minimum headway distance between
two Hyperloop vehicles travelling at maximum speed along the line (Section 3.5).
Thus, the considerably smaller practical transport capacity of the Hyperloop system in
comparison with commercial airlines, high-speed railway trains and Maglev trains would
not allow Hyperloop to compete with alternative high-speed transport modes in the same
medium-distance travel market segment.
Intermediate stations with passing loops for overtaking or splitting/merging of lines
between several origin and destination stations or Hyperloop terminal stations with mul-
tiple tubes, airlocks and tracks in parallel might increase the transport capacity, flexibility
of vehicle scheduling and operation, but such a design seems rather utopian, as the con-
struction of vacuum tight combined single/twin elevated Hyperloop tube sections
equipped with turnouts for high-speed operation of different lines or terminal stations
with multiple tracks, platforms and gates would be technically extremely complicated,
require huge terminal space and considerable capital investments.

3.3. High-speed long-Distance passenger transport demand

The potential market for long-distance travellers in the U.S. for Hyperloop in the range
between 500 and 1500 km may be roughly estimated based on domestic commercial air
passenger transport volumes. In 2016, 720 million passengers in the U.S. (77.3% of total

commercial air passengers) were on domestic flights with an average distance of

1476 km/passenger (BTS 2018). A transport volume forecast for the Hyperloop link
between Los Angeles and San Francisco/San Jose of 6 million passengers per year was
reported by the promoter (Musk 2013). This volume corresponds to a maximum of
approximately 15,000 passengers/day and direction depending on the divisor for the
ratio between yearly and average daily transport volume (usually around 250).
The annual domestic air passenger volume, share and average distance in Germany in
2016 was only 23.7 million, 8.4% and 439 km per passenger (BMVI 2018), respectively.
The current annual volume of airline transport between major German and European
airports over distances of 400 km up to 1000 km is situated between 1 and 2 million pas-
sengers per direction (Eurostat 2018), which corresponds to a maximum of around
10,000 passengers/day and direction. Another estimate for the high-speed travel
demand volume was a European market study, which estimated 4,000 passengers/day
for the Swissmetro link between Geneva-Zurich, while 19,000 passengers/day used the
railway route (Weidmann et al. 2006).
The possible modal shift from air and rail transport to Hyperloop cannot be currently
quantified. This amount depends in the first instance on the frequency of transport
service, real travel time reduction (including access to/from terminal stations, passenger
processing, boarding/alighting times, waiting times), and the transport fare differential,
and is outside the scope of this analysis.
Thus, the current volume of high-speed long-distance passenger transport of some
airlines and railways on the considered corridors in California or western Europe
would exceed by far the estimated practical transport capacity of Hyperloop. In particu-
lar, the small number of seats of the Hyperloop vehicle and the capacity of the basic tube
line and terminal infrastructure would be insufficient to cope with more than 5% of the
current air transport and high-speed railway passenger demand on major European
transport links.

3.4. Hyperloop propulsion and energy demand

The propulsion of Hyperloop in the vacuumed tubes would be by external linear electric
motor that provides a periodic re-boost every 70 miles (Musk 2013). An electric com-
pressor fan mounted on the nose of the pod would actively transfer high pressure air
from the front to the rear of the vessel and simultaneously create levitation, as well as
air suspension when travelling at very high speed. The energy required to power the
rotor on board the vehicles and the compressor of the fan is to be transmitted via a dis-
crete magnetic linear accelerator affixed to various stations along the tube. The design
and control of the proposed discrete long stator linear motor pushers in the vacuum
tube, of the fan and compressor on board the vacuum sealed Hyperloop capsules still
need to be developed, tested and proven experimentally.
The power for propulsion, levitation, guidance and on-board electromechanical
equipment of the Hyperloop vehicles, as well as for the external compressor stations
keeping the air pressure in the tubes at only 100 Pa (equal 1/1000 of the air pressure
on earth) would be delivered by solar arrays mounted on top of the tubes. The promotor
of Hyperloop presented no more information that supports this assertion that the energy
generated by solar panels (on average 57 MW/year) would far exceed the projected total
812 I. A. HANSEN

power consumption for the Hyperloop line from Los Angeles to San Francisco (on
average 21 MW and three times higher during peak demand) than additional battery
power stacks at each accelerator station would store energy from the power supply
grid during off-peak periods (Musk 2013).
The reported energy cost estimate for Hyperloop being less than any currently existing
mode of transport (Musk 2013) is not evident and lacking any explanation. A more suit-
able indicator for comparing the energy consumption of different transport modes would
be estimating the specific energy consumption per seat-km of high-speed trains. Unfor-
tunately, measured real energy consumption data of commercial airlines, high-speed
railway trains or Maglev trains are kept confidential by these transport companies and
have not been reported in public. A second-best reference for the estimated specific
energy consumption of Maglev, high-speed railway trains (ICE) and Swissmetro was
reported by the promoters of Swissmetro (Cassat and Jufer 2002). However, the esti-
mated energy data varies considerably and ranges between 46–83 Wh/passenger-km
(Transrapid), 75 Wh/passenger-km (ICE), 80–180 Wh/passenger-km (Swissmetro),
and 90–100 Wh/passenger-km (MLX Maglev), while Cassat and Bourquin (2011)
reported even lower energy consumption values for Swissmetro.

3.5. Traffic control and safety

The claimed higher intrinsic safety of Hyperloop in comparison with airplanes and trains
is not evident, because the risks of a possible failure of the extremely high emergency
braking rates on the integrity of all vehicles operating and on the braking system itself
have been underestimated. The integration of the propulsion system into the vacuumed
tubes and the vaguely described speed supervision system cannot guarantee that the cap-
sules can be accelerated to speeds that, according to Musk (2013), are safe in each section
The elimination of risks through human control error or unpredictable weather is insuffi-
cient, unless safe headway distances, speed and acceleration supervision are continuously
assured by an automatic vehicle operations control system with the same functionality as
for existing automatic train operation (ATO) systems (Yin et al. 2017) like communi-
cations-based train control (Siemens Trainguard MT, Seltrac Thales CBTC] on
modern driverless metro trains (e.g. in Lille, Paris, London, Singapore).
The recent claim of Hyperloop Transport Technologies and other companies to offer the
safest form of transportation on the planet seems premature unless it will have demon-
strated successfully a sufficient number of test runs at maximum speed to prove the required
safety integrity level SIL4 and acceptable levels of passenger travel comfort. The very short
minimum headway time of 30 s between Hyperloop vehicles operated at very high speed,
assumed maximum acceleration of 1g, and 0.5g for braking up to 1g for emergency decel-
eration, respectively (Musk 2013; Decker et al. 2017) will not guarantee fail-safe operation
according to proven standards of high-speed railway ATP and ATO safety systems.
Even the proposed service deceleration rate of 0.5g may not be realized in practice,
because the intended linear motor can be applied for braking only at locations spaced
at large distances (70 miles), whereas it will be necessary at every position in case of inci-
dents and the mechanical braking may fail due to overheating. In fact, there will be no
alternative braking system available along the intermediate route sections between the
distributed accelerators apart from mechanical braking. The missing of a redundant

braking system along the whole line will be an unacceptable risk if the first one is not
working properly and can cause serious lethal accidents and damage. Thus, for safety
reasons, a linear motor will need to be built at least along the whole route.
Furthermore, the extremely high deceleration rates will guarantee neither high per-
formance of the braking system at any time, nor vehicle integrity through safe
headway distance in case of, for example, a combination or sequence of sudden technical
failures (like power outage, lack of radio-based communication, rise of air pressure in
tubes, malfunction of linear motor or mechanical braking) or missing of essential auto-
matic vehicle control functions (movement authority, braking curve supervision, vehicle
integrity, route setup and clearance), because the proposed relative braking distances
between two Hyperloop vehicles are not fail-safe (i.e. may overlap and lead to collisions).
The required minimum safe distance between two Hyperloop vehicles travelling at a
top speed of 1220 km/h will be approximately 58 km instead of only 37 km proposed by
Musk (2013), if a continuous service deceleration rate of 1.0 m/s2 is achieved from top
speed to rest for assuring operations safety and vehicle integrity where a preceding
vehicle had stopped in the vacuum tube due to, for example, a technical failure,
sudden air leakage or lack of movement authority (Figure 6).
The standard safety integrity level SIL 4 (Charlwood, Turner, and Worsell 2004)
according to IEC standards 61508 and 61511 requires a minimum safety rate of 10−8
for electrical, electronical and software products and processes, which needs to be
proven explicitly by a safety case. The proposed use of auxiliary electrical on-board
motors for driving Hyperloop vehicles on small wheels to the terminal after a vehicle
has been stranded in the tube (Musk 2013), will not be sufficient to enable safe passenger
evacuation, because a vehicle may be stranded due to the danger of a collision with a pre-
ceding stranded vehicle, damage to the track or failure of the on-board power supply.
Therefore, safety scenarios for, for example, handling the emergency evacuation of pas-
sengers from several Hyperloop vehicles stranded along a route by accessing their
locations via emergency doors from outside the tubes have to be developed through
risk analysis and state-of-the-art safety cases. Developers will need to demonstrate the

Figure 6. Absolute braking distance of Hyperloop from top speed at service braking rate of 1.0 m/s2.
814 I. A. HANSEN

required standard safety integrity level SIL 4 for the Hyperloop transport system before
for a concession to build a Hyperloop line in Europe can be awarded.
The proposed spacing of compressor stations along a Hyperloop line every 70 miles
(Musk 2013) will not be sufficient to avoid a disaster in case of a major leakage in the
evacuated tubes, if a continuous electromagnetic braking system was lacking in the
tubes. The operation of Hyperloop vehicles may be decelerated instantaneously by
dangerous jerks due to air turbulence by the sudden increase in air pressure, which
may lead to a rise in temperature, mechanical contact between Hyperloop vehicle
body shell and tube inner surface, damage, accidents or other calamity in a tube. Even
in the case of a minor tube leakage the air pressure would rise exponentially over such
a distance if the near vacuum tube sections were not separated rapidly by automatic
closure of bulkheads situated at much closer distances than 100 km. Thus, more frequent
vacuum pump compressor stations (say every 10 km) will be needed for potential oper-
ation of the bulkheads to create temporary airlock chamber sections and evacuation of air
from accidentally ventilated tube sections after technical failures.

3.6. Guideway alignment, stations and spatial integration

The very high speed of Hyperloop will require very flat vertical radii of the tubes (30 km
at 480 km/h speed and almost 200 km at 1200 km/h) and rather long ramps when gra-
dients change, as well as very large horizontal radii for Hyperloop (approximately 7 km at
a speed of 480 and 45 km/h, respectively at ideal superelevation in curves of 400 mm) to
offer standard passenger travel comfort similar to conventional railways. The initially
proposed minimum horizontal bends (3.7 km at 480 km/h and 23.5 km at 1220 km/h,
respectively) would be too tight and lead to passenger stress by capsule and guidance
magnets in curves with an intolerably high lateral acceleration of more than 2 m/s2
even at 400 mm superelevation.
Major technological challenges confront the design and development of the platform
sections, including two airlocks per tube situated close to the terminal stations, as well as
the construction of durable vacuum resistant dilation joints between all tube sections.
The design, development and construction of vacuum-resistant elevated twin tube sec-
tions for the split of tubes at very flat angles including very long turnouts allowing the
Hyperloop capsules to branch/connect at high speed to/from different terminal stations,
tracks and platforms are also major unresolved technological problems.
The airlocks for the Hyperloop tubes will segregate the first/last two tube line sections
after/before the station, such that the platform areas and gates required for boarding/
alighting, waiting and passenger processing will be operated at normal air pressure.
When the Hyperloop vehicles approach a terminal they will enter the second last tube
section, stop in front of the pressure bulkhead between the second last and last tube
section (second chamber), the pressure bulkhead behind the vehicle will be shut and
air from the last tube section will enter through valves until the bulkhead in front of
the vehicle can be opened. Then, the Hyperloop vehicle may proceed to the last tube
line segment (first chamber), which will still be segregated from the platform and
station space by another pressure bulkhead. After the pressure bulkhead between the
second and first chamber will have been shut, the air in the second chamber can be
removed, while the air pressure of the first chamber may increase until the pressure is

equal to the terminal section and the vehicle may proceed to the platform for passenger
alighting and boarding.
The departure process of the vehicle and the shutting/opening of the air chambers
would simply be the reverse of this arrival process. It is obvious that the processing of
passengers, vehicles and (de-)vacuuming of two air chambers is very time consuming
and impacts significantly on the throughput of the terminal station. Apart from that,
the design and operation of the arrival/departure junction of Hyperloop terminal stations
with multiple platforms and tubes – including parking, maintenance and rotation of the
vehicles – will be very complicated. This means the dispatching of Hyperloop vehicles
from one terminal gateway, passing through two airlocks, control of vehicle speed, accel-
eration/deceleration and integrity at very high speed in vacuumed tubes, including the
approach to the airlocks and gateway of the opposite terminal station, would be more
time consuming than, for example, the corresponding approach times of high-speed
trains and Maglev at open air stations.
A more detailed explanation as to how specially designed slip joints at stations will be
able to take any tube length variance due to thermal expansion (Musk 2013) is missing.
Dilation joints mounted only at stations would not be sufficient to reduce the risk of air
pressure leakages due to, for example, damaged welded joints between vacuum tube seg-
ments. Additional emergency airlock chambers and hermetic entry/exit evacuation
doors, as well as robust dilation joints spaced regularly at shorter distances along the
route, will be necessary for safety reasons to reduce the risk of accidents and time of dis-
ruptions in case of unexpected tube leakages and the sudden rise of air pressure.
The accommodation of elevated tubes in denser settled urban areas is also a major
societal problem, because of lack of space available and potential opposition by land
owners, who would need to permit access for the geotechnical exploration and boring
of shafts, construction of pylons, mounting of tube sections, regular inspections and
maintenance. Legal procedures for granting the required rights-of-way over private
and publicly owned land in the vicinity of the Hyperloop route may impact on the defini-
tive alignment, time schedule and investment costs for the construction of the guideway.
People living in the vicinity of the route may not find the visual barrier of the Hyperloop
tubes and pylons acceptable and/or oppose the project because of the risk to the environ-
ment and people due to leakage, accidents or terrorist attacks. So far, such considerations
have been missing from the preliminary technical design (Musk 2013).

3.7. Costs
The financial performance of the Hyperloop link from Los Angeles to San Francisco
depends on four major components:

. Capital costs for financing, land acquisition, right-of-way, construction of the infra-
structure and supply of vehicles,
. Operating costs for personnel (staff, traffic control, stewards, ticketing, supervision,
security, training, maintenance), energy, offices, workshops, spare parts, leasing and
other equipment,
. Contracting, concessions, insurance, and
. Passengers volume and fare revenues.
816 I. A. HANSEN

The capital costs for loans, land acquisition and right-of way have not been included in
the preliminary technical design. These sums will be influenced considerably by the type
of contract (e.g. financing exclusively by private capital or a private-public partnership
supported by a certain amount of government grants). An estimation of the financing
costs for a Hyperloop project at this early stage is beyond the scope of this paper.
The infrastructure construction costs depend in the first instance on the number of
tubes, the total length of the Hyperloop line, the number of stations and platforms, as
well as on the length of elevated and underground sections, the level above/below the
ground or sea, respectively, geological characteristics of the subsurface, and finally the
civil construction costs for the pylons, tunnels and tubes. A third best guess of the
unit construction costs per kilometre of a single tube Hyperloop elevated guideway
may be derived from the reported construction costs for the Transrapid Maglev
airport line in Shanghai, which amounted to around €40 million (US$47 million) per
track in 2015 (Van Goeverden et al. 2018). The projected construction costs for the pro-
posed 93-mile Hyperloop line from Abu Dhabi to Dubai by Virgin Hyperloop One were
US$4.8 billion or about US$52 million per mile (Konrad and Ohnsman 2016). The esti-
mated infrastructure costs of the 563-km Hyperloop project from Los Angeles to
San Francisco of US$ 5,410 million according to Musk (2013) corresponds to only US
$10 million/km, which seems to be a significant underestimate by a factor of more
than 5.
The proposed number of Hyperloop vehicles to operate on the line between Los
Angeles and San Francisco of only 40 capsules – based on a travel time of 35 min at inter-
vals of 2 min and 30 s, respectively (Musk 2013) – seems very unrealistic and infeasible
(see Section 3.2 of this paper). The estimated US$54 million cost or US$1.35 million per
capsule will not represent more than 1% of the total budget for this project, but in using
this small number, their transport capacity will not be able to offer a higher capacity than
336 passengers/h or approximately 6,000 passengers/day and direction through a single
The unit costs for a Hyperloop capsule have been recently estimated by Van Goever-
den et al., (2018) at €170,000(US$202,000)/seat based on the costs/seat of the Transrapid
Maglev, while the unit costs/seat derived from Musk (2013) would be only US$48,700/
seat or about 3 times lower. The latter estimate for a sealed capsule resistant to extremely
high acceleration, speed and near vacuum tube seems too optimistic and will be consider-
ably higher than originally estimated by the promoter.
The total cost estimate for the construction of the Hyperloop infrastructure with
double tubes and purchase of vehicles for the line from Los Angeles to San Francisco
will therefore probably need to be increased by more than 500%–1000% (>US$30 to
60 billion) in order to match the expected demand of 6 million passengers/year (Musk
2013). There is also a high probability that the energy demand, consumption and costs
of the Hyperloop system will be much higher than assumed. It is regrettable that a com-
prehensive analysis and reliable estimation of the maximum power and total energy
demand of the Hyperloop system has not yet been published. Therefore, a more realistic
estimation of the energy costs for exploiting a Hyperloop line like the one proposed from
Los Angeles to San Francisco is not possible.
The expected amortization of the investment, operating and maintenance costs of
Hyperloop including the costs of energy by the revenues of transporting 7.4 million

passengers per year in each direction between Los Angeles and San Francisco at a ticket
price of only US$20 (Musk 2013) cannot be considered as credible because of the many
issues and deficiencies identified in the existing preliminary technical design from 2013.
The discontinuation of the supersonic commercial aircraft operation Concorde in
2003 (Deffrie 2018), as well as the liquidation of the promoting company Swissmetro
AG in 2009 because of a lack of funding and government support (wordpress 2013) indi-
cate the high risk for capital investment in the development of any new high-speed pas-
senger transport technology like Hyperloop (Doppelbauer 2018).

4. Conclusions
The Hyperloop technology concept can be best compared with existing alternative modes
of medium to long distance modes of high-speed passenger transport, such as conven-
tional aircraft, Maglev and high-speed rail, as well as with the Swissmetro concept for
operation of high-speed trains in partial vacuumed tunnels. Airline services offer
almost the same maximum and operating speed as Hyperloop, while proven linear
motor propulsion technology by Transrapid SCMaglev may be applied for Hyperloop
vehicle propulsion.
The most striking difference between Hyperloop and alternative high-speed passenger
transport systems is the much lower transport capacity of Hyperloop. The limited trans-
port route capacity of Hyperloop due to the small number of seats per capsule, bi-direc-
tional operation in single tubes and strict safety constraints will probably be the most
serious barrier for increasing the throughput and successful commercial operation in
practice. The future transport demand for Hyperloop will depend mostly on the travel
time reductions experienced in comparison with alternative modes of transport, ticket
price differentials, perceived levels of travel comfort by passengers, the reliability of
service and its safety record.
The possible gain in travel time over medium to long distance land transport may be
affected by congestion of Hyperloop vehicles at arrival and departure stations due to the
rather long process times needed for moving at low speed through the double airlocks
to the platforms and the rotation of the vehicles from the arrival to the departure track.
The potential travel time reduction due to the higher maximum speed of Hyperloop
compared with Maglev and high-speed trains would be counterbalanced by the per-
ceived loss of time because of queuing at check-in, security checks and gate controls
similar to higher passenger volumes at major airports during peak hours. This could
reduce the achievable line speed of Hyperloop in comparison with Maglev and high-
speed trains.
The extremely high acceleration and deceleration rates of Hyperloop – being essential
conditions to shorter travel times over medium to long distance passenger land trans-
port – could be a substantial barrier for attracting less experienced passengers. The
optimal trade-off between smoother acceleration/deceleration rates with smooth high
jerks, realistic energy consumption of the whole Hyperloop transport system and com-
petitive operating speed needs to be investigated more thoroughly.
For now, the energy consumption of Hyperloop is still unclear, because of many inter-
dependencies between the design variables and unknown or assumed parameters used in
simulation models. The reported comparison of total energy consumption per passenger-
818 I. A. HANSEN

km by Hyperloop with high-speed trains or Maglev must be considered as speculation. In

the first place, it should be demonstrated experimentally: (a) the amount of solar energy
that can be generated and stored through a solar array on top of a Hyperloop tube, (b) the
maximum power and total energy to be demanded by compressor stations to evacuate
and maintain a near vacuum air pressure in a Hyperloop tube and airlock chamber
during a representative whole day and night periods of Hyperloop vehicle operation,
and (c) the power and energy supply (storage capacity) needed for propulsion and
braking of Hyperloop vehicles including on-board equipment by linear motors expanded
over the whole length of the route, as well as charging of battery stacks to perform a total
of around 1,000 roundtrips/day, while accelerating from rest to top speed of approxi-
mately 1200 km/h and decelerating at a rate of 1.0 t–2.0 m/s2.
It may be possible that the practical operation of a Hyperloop pod in a single vacuum
tube at very high-speed could be demonstrated on an (experimental) route of the type
that is currently being designed or under construction (e.g. USA, France, Abu Dhabi,
China). However, this would still not be sufficient to prove the feasibility and practical
transport capacity of a safe and commercially viable Hyperloop transport system,
because the interaction of the automatic control of speed, headway and integrity of
several vehicles operating simultaneously on a line – including arrival and departure
from terminals – still needs to be demonstrated.
It seems that Hyperloop promoters and developers are essentially inspired by what
Latour (1996) calls their love of technology, which was identified as one important
reason why the French ARAMIS people mover project failed so definitively in 1987,
even at much lower speeds compared to Hyperloop. Thus, learning from the ARAMIS
project would be helpful to ensure similar false impressions are avoided due to the
neglect of the principles governing the safe operation, speed and headway distance
control between track-bound vehicles.
Finally, finding a suitable alignment with extremely wide curves and acquisition of
private land for construction of an elevated Hyperloop route in denser populated
urban areas will still be a big challenge. The strong public opposition by citizens in,
for example, European countries against building new infrastructure, such as new motor-
ways, airports and railways, which may affect the natural environment, should not be
underestimated. Elevated Hyperloop tubes and columns spaced every 30 m would
change the landscape irrevocably, affecting local roads, bicycle or pedestrian paths and
people living or visiting areas in the vicinity of a planned Hyperloop line. This
problem may lead to alternative alignments with substantially longer and much more
expensive underground Hyperloop sections.
The overall objective of Hyperloop to offer an ultra-fast, safer, more economic and
sustainable mode of public passenger transport for medium to long-distance land trans-
port, as well as saving (fossil) energy, protection of climate and natural environment is
still very unclear, disputable and requires much more independent and transparent

The illustrative blocking time diagram of Hyperloop shown in Figure 5 has been made thanks to
the support of E. Quaglietta.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Ingo A. Hansen

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