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Psychedelic Medicine

Volume 1, Number 2, 2023

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/psymed.2022.0017

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Reducing the Harms of Nonclinical Psychedelics Use

Through a Peer-Support Telephone Helpline
Mollie M. Pleet,1,2,* Joshua White,3 Joseph A. Zamaria,1 and Rachel Yehuda4

Introduction: A resurgence of interest in the use of psychedelics for mental health and wellness has stim-
ulated greater experimentation with psychedelics in society. Although clinical psychedelic trials protect
research participants by offering a safe setting, thorough preparation, and containment during and after
ingestion of psychedelic medicines, many try these substances without the benefit of these safeguards.
Materials and Methods: We analyzed data gathered from 884 callers to a psychedelic helpline to determine
whether a helpline model could reduce the risks associated with nonclinical psychedelics use.
Results: In total, 65.9% of callers indicated that the helpline de-escalated them from psychological distress.
If not for their conversation with the helpline, 29.3% of callers indicated they may have been harmed; 12.5%
indicated that they may have called 911; and 10.8% indicated they may have gone to the emergency room.
Conclusion: The data suggest that access to a psychedelic helpline surrounding psychedelic experiences
may avert harmful outcomes and offset the burden on emergency and medical services.
Keywords: psychedelics, emergency services, harm reduction, peer support, helpline, hotline

Introduction sions with therapists, supportive dosing sessions, and

Evidence is emerging that psychedelic-assisted therapy postdosing ‘‘integration’’ sessions, during which thera-
(‘‘PAT’’) may be an effective treatment option for a pists care for participants as they process the sometimes
range of psychiatric and psychological conditions. For challenging psychological material that can arise during
example, psilocybin has been examined as a treatment for the sessions.5
depression,1–3 and 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine The primary aim of this approach is to help partici-
(MDMA) has shown promise as a treatment for post- pants derive as much meaning and therapeutic gain as
traumatic stress disorder.4 When PAT is conducted in possible, while also ensuring their safety. Participants
clinical research settings, participants engage in regular in research are also protected by restrictive criteria that
medical and psychological assessments, preparation ses- are designed to exclude those with contraindications

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
Social Neuroscience and Psychotherapy Lab, Department of Mental Health, Portland VA Research Foundation, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Fireside Project, San Francisco, California, USA.
James J. Peters Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Center for Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy and Trauma Research, Psychiatry Department, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, USA.

*Address correspondence to: Mollie M. Pleet, PsyD, Social Neuroscience and Psychotherapy Lab, Department of Mental Health, Portland VA Research Foundation, 1601 E
4th Plain Blvd, B21, Vancouver, WA 97215, USA, E-mail:

ª Mollie M. Pleet et al. 2023; Published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. This Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License [CC-BY] (http://, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


such as comorbid medical or psychiatric conditions, on- Materials and Methods

going trauma or environmental stressors, and poor social We sought to determine whether a helpline could reduce
support.6 the risks for those experiencing difficulties during and
The safeguards that protect research participants in clin- after nonclinical psychedelics use. To do this, we con-
ical trials of PAT are generally absent when psychedelics ducted a pilot study using data gathered through a
are consumed in nonclinical settings. This is particularly psychedelic helpline operated by the nonprofit organiza-
concerning, given that the use of psychedelics in nonclin- tion Fireside Project. The study received ethics approval
ical contexts is dramatically increasing. According to an from the University of California, San Francisco Institu-
NIH-funded survey released in August 2022, the use of tional Review Board (IRB no. 21-34162), which deemed
psychedelics is at an all-time high.7 Although past-year participant consent unnecessary due to the anonymous
psychedelics use had remained stable over the recent nature of our data.
decades, it increased in 2021 when 8.1% of adults in Fireside Project provides free peer support to people
the United States aged 19 to 30 years reported past-year during and after their psychedelic experiences and is staf-
psychedelics use (up from 5.1% in 2019 and 3.4% in fed by volunteers who undergo a 50-h training. The help-
2011). Psychedelics use also increased significantly line is advertised through social media and in national
among adults aged 35 to 50 years (2.5% indicated psy- and local media.
chedelics use in the last year, up from 0.4% in 2008).7 Data for this study were obtained from two sources
Nonclinical psychedelics use creates risks that can that Fireside Project routinely uses to collect informa-
necessitate the use of emergency services.8–11 These tion from callers after every conversation. The first was
risks are not generally associated with toxicity or over- an anonymous postcall survey (accessible at https://
dose of the compound,6 but rather are psychological in texted to callers 24 h after
nature, presenting as distress, panic, or inability to con- every conversation. The second was call logs completed
trol the impact of the altered state of consciousness.12 by peer-support specialists after every conversation. Each
In short, some people who try psychedelics nonclinically log contains questions with answer choices quoted below.
may not be prepared for the feelings of openness or Peer-support specialists were instructed to ask only ques-
vulnerability that often accompany psychedelic journeys. tions that build rapport and address callers’ needs; thus,
When there is no conduit for processing these emotions, logs do not contain responses to all questions.
adverse effects can occur.
In one study of 1993 psilocybin users who experienced Results
‘‘bad trips,’’ 10.7% reported that they placed themselves Below we present data gathered between April 2021 and
or others at risk of physical damage, 2.6% reported being September 2022. During this period, surveys were sent to
violent or physically aggressive, and 2.7% reported hav- 4047 callers: 848 responses (20.9%) were received, and
ing sought help in a hospital or emergency room.8 4047 call logs were filled out by peer-support specialists.
According to a recent survey, in 2020, 1.0% of people
who consumed lysergic acid diethylamide, 1.0% who
consumed MDMA, 0.6% who consumed ketamine, and Postcall survey results
0.6% who consumed psilocybin sought emergency med- Offsetting the burden on emergency services. Of the
ical care.9 These percentages are concerning given that 848 respondents, 106 callers (12.5%) indicated that if
rates of psychedelics use are bound to increase, perhaps not for their conversation with a peer-support specialist,
in part due to the high prevalence of mental health issues13 they may have called 9-1-1; 92 callers (10.8%) indicated
and efforts to decriminalize or legalize psychedelics.14,15 they may have gone to the emergency room; and 249 cal-
An absence of resources to support people using lers (29.3%) indicated that they may have been physically
psychedelics could lead to increased reliance on an or emotionally harmed.
emergency medical system already overburdened by
avoidable visits.16 Accordingly, it is imperative to add- De-escalating callers from distress. As shown in
ress the question of how to reduce the risks associated Figure 1, helpline conversations played a significant
with nonclinical psychedelics use. role in de-escalating callers from emotional, mental, or
In community mental health contexts, helplines such physical distress.
as suicide-prevention hotlines provide a useful model
for how to de-escalate high-risk callers and reduce Reducing risks during psychedelic integration. Of the
the burden on emergency services.17,18 For instance, in 259 survey respondents who contacted the helpline to
2021 the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a network discuss past psychedelic experiences, 172 callers (66.4%)
of crisis centers in the United States, received >3.3 mil- indicated that their conversation de-escalated them
lion calls, chats, and texts,19 and crisis-line utilization is from psychological distress. If not for their conversation
only increasing.19 with a peer-support specialist, 60 callers (23.2%)

Fig. 1. De-escalating
callers in emotional, mental,
or physical distress (N = 848).

indicated that they may have been physically or emotion- a ceremonial purpose),’’ ‘‘With a large group of known
ally harmed, 16 callers (6.1%) indicated they may have and/or unknown people,’’ and ‘‘Other,’’ with the option
called 9-1-1, and 14 callers (5.4%) indicated they to enter a response. Of the 1630 call logs for callers
would have gone to the emergency room. To our knowl- who were in the midst of a psychedelic experience,
edge, these are the first data suggesting that a lack of sup- 650 callers (39.9%) reported taking the psychedelics on
port during the process of psychedelic integration may their own, without other people present. Of those 650 cal-
lead to harm. lers, 501 callers (77.0%) were at home and 28 callers
(4.3%) were outdoors in nature.
Call-log results
Emotional content of callers’ psychedelic experiences. Consuming psychedelics with underlying psychiatric
The call-log section entitled ‘‘Trip Content’’ included conditions. Our data suggest that people may be con-
the following distress-specific response options: ‘‘Fear,’’ suming psychedelics in nonclinical contexts to address
‘‘Anxiety,’’ ‘‘Confusion,’’ and ‘‘Overwhelm.’’ Figure 2 symptoms related to underlying psychiatric disorders.
illustrates that the 3386 callers who contacted the help- Of the 3386 callers who contacted Fireside to discuss
line to discuss current or past psychedelic experiences current or past psychedelic experiences, 909 (27.4%)
reported experiencing a range of difficult emotions. mentioned an underlying psychiatric condition. The fre-
quency of each condition is illustrated in Figure 3.
Taking psychedelics alone. The call-log section enti-
tled ‘‘Social Context’’ provides the following response Discussion
options: ‘‘Alone,’’ ‘‘With one or a few close others,’’ Our study implies that people who use psychedelics in
‘‘With a group of intentionally gathered people (i.e., for nonclinical settings often do so without necessary safety

Fig. 2. Emotional
content of conversations
during and after
psychedelic experiences
(N = 3386).

Fig. 3. Mental health disorders mentioned by callers (N = 909).

precautions. This creates an ethical imperative to delin- Authors’ Contributions

eate responsible solutions to reduce the risks associated M.M.P. contributed to creation of project, analysis of
with naturalistic psychedelics use. Although more res- data, significant contributions to article, and final appro-
earch is needed, our early data suggest that access to a val. J.W. was involved in creation of project, acquisition
psychedelic helpline may avert harmful outcomes, reduce of data to be analyzed, significant contributions to arti-
the risks sometimes associated with nonclinical psyche- cle, and final approval. J.A.Z. was involved in creation
delics use, and offset the burden on emergency services. of project, analysis of data, contributions to article, and
final approval. R.Y. made contributions to article and
final approval.
This study has several limitations. First, callers are self-
Author Disclosure Statement
selecting individuals likely in need of psychedelic
J.W. is the founder and executive director of Fireside
support. Caution should be used in generalizing results
Project. J.A.Z. is an unpaid advisory board member of
to all people who consume psychedelics in nonclinical
Fireside Project.
contexts. Second, our survey had a 20.9% response
rate. Caution should be exercised in generalizing results
Funding Information
to all callers to the psychedelic helpline. Third, peer-
No funding was received for this article.
support specialists who completed the call logs were
instructed to ask only questions to build rapport and
address callers’ needs. As such, information in the call References
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