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Youth On Fire

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Youth on Fire: Manifesting the Presence of God

Manifest-means evident,display,indication(malinaw,kita,maliwanag)

1 Corinthians 13:13, NIV: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the
greatest of these is love.




Here is yet another famous verse of Scripture, often quoted, printed, and sung in
the modern world. With this phrase, Paul wraps up this section explaining why godly, self-
sacrificing love is required to fully express spiritual gifts. He concludes by mentioning love
again with two other virtues often listed with it: faith and hope. Together, these three
virtues "abide" or "remain." Perhaps Paul means that, as is the case with love, faith and
hope will continue into eternity after the need for spiritual gifts has long since passed.

Of all the gifts and graces that are poured out in great abundance into the lives of
believers, there are three that out-shine and out-last all others. When prophecy is
complete, languages cease, signs are silenced... and miracles of health, healing, provision,
and protection are no longer needed. We are told that these three, spiritual fruit of God’s
amazing grace will continue and will remain and abide into the eternal state - faith, hope,
and love.

In this earthly life, faith must remain a high priority. Faith is vital, for we live by
faith and not by sight, and the blessed hope we have in Christ, and His soon return, does
not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the
Holy Spirit, Who has been given to all who trust in Christ for salvation. While faith and
hope will certainly continue throughout the eternal ages, for our faith and hope will always
be in our heavenly Father, it is love that will increase and multiply when we see Jesus face
to face - for we see Him as He is and we shall be like Him.

The eternal God is perfect love and the perfect love of God has been eternally
poured into our hearts, through faith in Christ, for we have been made His children,
through faith. But in this present world, we are taking our first steps on the pathway of
love - a journey of love that will only increase through time and into eternity, as we bathe
in His presence and gaze into His lovely face. 

Both faith and hope are a beautiful manifestation of the love of God in the life of a
believer, because we live by faith and not by sight; and we live in hope of our promised,
eternal state...for we live in incorruptible bodies. But love is the greatest of all, for it will
not only remain but it will enlarge and expand,. It will increase, and then it will grow even
more - not only in this present age but in the eternal ages to come.

When heaven is reached, the faith and hope we exercised in this life will be
brought to a beautiful completion. Their respective purposes will be rewarded with sight -
yet we will always maintain faith in our God and hope in our heavenly Father, Who will
continue to sustain us into the eternity of eternities - for He upholds everything by the
might of His majestic hand.

But love is a gift of God, and love is the primary a fruit of the Spirit that will
continue to grow and expand, beyond our wildest imaginings. The eternal love of God that
has been poured into our hearts will continue to increase and multiply - for the love of God
is eternal. The love of God is broader than the measure of our mind. The loving heart of
the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.

In the earthly realm, both faith and hope will last, for without faith it is impossible to
please God and without hope, we could not endure, as seeing Him, Who is invisible. But love
is the loveliest grace of all, for during our sojourn on earth we are being conformed into
the lovely image and likeness of the lovely Lord Jesus Christ, Who is incarnate love. And it
is by reflecting His love that we are to resemble the Lord – for God is Love and the love of
God is broader than the span of our greatest imaginations, and the fondness of our Father
towards us goes beyond our wildest dreams.

But this life is the first step into an eternity of love with God; the love of God and
our love for God, and these three graces of faith, hope and love must of necessity all
continue beyond this mortal sphere, for the attributes of God are incomparable in their
beauty, His perfections are unlimited in their number, His excellence is everlasting in its
duration and splendour is absolute in its span.

We, who have been saved by grace are to enter into the glories of the celestial
sphere and our understanding and knowledge of God must continue throughout the ages to
come. Our faith in Him will stand fast forever, and our hope in Him will be forever realised.
But it is the love of God that He has for us that will move us ever closer to the love that
we have for Him – as we abide in Him and He in us, through time and into eternity.
There’s perhaps no other period in life with more chops and changes than one’s youth.

With so many new circumstances to face and so many new people to meet, our young folk
need to be well grounded in God. But how?!

Today, I’d like to help out by giving ten tips for all our young people out there.

1.- Rejoice in the Grace of Christ

Before thinking about how you’ve got to live, first of all what you most need to cherish
most is the grace of Christ. If you don’t remember how much Christ loves you, it won’t be
all that easy to love others.

So, before thinking about what you have to do for God, remember what He has done for
you (Galatians 2:20)! That way, obedience will be much more joyful and thrilling.

2.- Devour the Bible

Every young Christian must feed off Scripture as if they were hungry babies. Keep the
Bible central. Don’t say “Amen” to anything that isn’t sanctioned by the Word of God. Don’t
pay attention to any voice that leads you away from the Book.

Read the Bible day and night, night and day. Build your life and your future upon the Word.
God has promised to honour those who honour Him (1 Samuel 2:30).

3.- Pray, Pray, Pray...

Make sure your heart is always in tune with the Lord via prayer. Even when you’re not at
church or in your bedroom, pray unto the Lord again and again.

Whilst you’re doing the washing up, pray! When you’re strolling down the street, give God
the glory!

Take advantage of every moment to mediate upon the Almighty and to direct your soul to
the only Sovereign One (1 Thessalonians 5:17)!
4.- Keep (Sexually) Pure

Your body isn’t yours. Your members aren’t yours. Your eyes aren’t yours. Your hands aren’t
yours. You’re a living temple of the Spirit of God. Everything you have is His. You belong to
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, be sure to distance yourself from anything and anyone that would compromise
your purity.

Keep sexually pure. Keep your virginity as a blessed and precious gift to bestow upon your
spouse on your wedding night (Hebrews 13:4).

5.- Serve in Your Local Church

God has given you an abundance of gifts and talents. So use them for the glory of His
name. You’ll see how He opens doors for you to put them into practice. Instead of waiting
for everyone else to wait on your needs, why not start by serving others?

Talk to your pastor and tell him, “Pastor, count on me for whatever the church needs. I
want to be a blessing for my brothers and sisters in the Lord!”

Help in all you can. Learn to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.
That way, the incomparable love of Christ will be made known through your life (Galatians

6.- Study Sound Doctrine

Read edifying books. Spend time discussing good literature with other serious young folk.
Why not start a reading group? How about starting with Wayne Grudem’s Systematic
Theology or Arthur Pink’s The Sovereignty of God?

Get your hands on anything penned by Charles Spurgeon or Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Read, read
and read!
Get passionate about the five pillars of our Protestant faith: Sola Scriptura, Sola gratia,
Solus Christus, Sola fide and Soli Deo gloria. Ask the Lord to seal these doctrinal truths
deep in your soul (Titus 2:1).

7.- Work Your Socks Off

Don’t be lazy. The Bible tells us not to be slothful but to be imitators of those who
through faith and patience receive the promises of God (Hebrews 6:12). Get to work!

Be the best worker you can! Work like Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon. When your
boss asks you to do something, do it with all of your strength.

When you’re at work, recall that your work ethic is a great way to shine for the Lord
Jesus. Worship the Lord through your hard work. God will rejoice! Obey your authorities
and do more than they ask of you (Matthew 5:41).

8.- Lose Your Ego

Even if you realize you’re more intelligent or charismatic than other people, keep humble.
Don’t think highly of yourself (Galatians 6:3). Keep low.

Learn from older folk at church. They are wiser, more experienced and more mature than
you. You need them. Don’t think your God’s gift to the world. You’re not indispensable.
God’s kingdom will advance with or without you.

Be sure to ask the Lord to keep you humble (Isaiah 66:2).

9.- Grow up

Get mature a.s.a.p. Accept responsibilities. Commit yourself. There’s no point putting off
maturity. Aim to be an adult. Stop getting on like a child.

The Lord doesn’t want you to be the church clown. He wants you to be serious and sober (1
Corinthians 16:13).
10.- Remember the Gospel

Don’t forget that you won’t be able to follow any godly advice without the power of God
working in your life. Remember that your identity resides in Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

So stay focused on Christ, His cross and resurrection (1 Corinthians 2:2). Preach the
Gospel to yourself every day of the week. And may the joy of the Good News of Christ
birth a fiery loyalty to the Lord in all things!

My Prayer

Thank You Father for Your gift of salvation by grace alone – simply because we believe in
Your Son. Thank You for the hope that is set before us and thank You for the love of the
Lord Jesus, which was demonstrated to us on a wooden cross, 2000 years ago. May His
love flood our hearts and pour through us into the lives of others, that they may know
Your love, have faith in Your finished work and receive that blessed hope in their hearts,
that only comes from You, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

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