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Guidelines for the payment of Children Education Allowance ( EA) and Hostel

Subsidy under the 7th CPC

Ref: {1} Office Order No. Esst./00/2019/IITK/ dt. 26/03/2019 of Registrani iiT Kanpur. {Page
No- 3 }
{2} Office memorandum No A-27012/01/2015 -Estt. {AL} dated 22/([)8/2016 of DOPT,
Govt. of India . {Page No- 4}
{3} Office memorandum No A-27012/02/2017-Estt. {AL} dated 16/ 8/2017 of DOPT,
Govt. of India {Page No- 6-7}
{4} Office memorandum No A-27012/02/2017-Estt. (AL} dated 31/10/ 017 of DOPT,
Govt. of India. (Page No- 5}
{5} Office Memorandum No A-27012/02/2017-Estt. {AL} dated 17/0 /2018 of DOPT,
Govt. of India. (Page No- 8-11 }

With reference to the above cited office order and office memorandums of Govt. of India the
below mentioned guidelines are to be followed for the reimbursement of Children Education
Allowance {CEA} and Hostel Subsidy.

1. The maximum ceiling amount for the reimbursement of Children Edl!lcation Allowance
(CEA} is Rs. 2250/- per month per child and Rs. 6750 per month p r child for Hostel
Subsidy. The CEA amount is fixed irrespective of actual expenses incurred. But for
claiming Hostel Subsidy a certificate from the Institute where the chid is studying shall
indicate the amount of lodging and boarding charges paid by the employee to the
residential educational institute. The reimbursable amount of Hostr l Subsidy will be
the actual expenses incurred or Rs .6750/- per month whichever is leh . Hostel Subsidy
is admissible only if the residential educational institute is located at least 50KM away
from the residence of the employee.

2. The reimbursement of CEA for Divyaang children shall be payable at he double ofthe
CEA rate i.e Rs. 4500.00 per month {Rs. 2250x2}.

3. The CEA and Hostel Subsidy can be claimed by only one employee if both spouses are
employed .

4. The reimbursement of CEA shall be limited to only first two survivin children whose
names are declared by the employee in the nomination for + . . The claim of
reimbursement of CEA and Hostel subsidy shall be verified by admi ~ istration section
in case of non- academic staff and DOFA office for academic staff.

5. The Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy can be claime , currently.

6. The reimbursement of CEA and Hostel subsidy will be made once n a year after the
completion of a financial year i.e in the month of April/ May or Oc ober/ November.
For example the claim for CEA and Hostel Subsidy for the FY 2019-20 shall be
submitted in April/May or October/ November 2020.

7. The application for claiming the reimbursement is attached Annexure- 'C' (Page No-
15). Please also attach a certificate in Annexure-'D' (Page no- 16) 0btained from the
Head ofthe educational institute confirming that the child studied i I the school during
the period of claim. In case such certificate cannot be obtained, a self-attested copy
of the report card and receipt/ e-receipt of the institute confirming lthe fee deposited
for the entire academic year can be produced as supporting documi nts to claim CE.

8. Reimbursement of CEA/Hostel subsidy can be claimed from nur ery to 12th class.
Nursery is two classes before class one. CEA/Hostel subsidy is also ad\missible for Initial
2 years of Diploma/Certificate course from polytechnic/ ITI/ Enginejing college if the
child resumes the above course after 10th standard and CEA/ Host 1 Subsidy has not
been granted in respect of the child for studying in 11th & 12th stan ards.

9. The upper age limit for reimbursement of CEA is 20 years or till t e passing of 12th
standard whichever is earlier. But for Divyaang children it has been raised to 22 years .

10. The revised rate of CEA and Hostel subsidy under 7th CPC is applicable from
01/07/2017. Those who have received the reimbursement fro 01/07/2017 till
31/03/2019 can submit their arrears claim in the Annexure -'A & 8' (Page no-12-14)
in F&A Section within 31/05/2019.

11. The other eligibility criteria as laid down in the above office memo andums of Govt.
of India and changes made thereon from time to time shall also be applicable while
reimbursing CEA/Hostel subsidy.

1Wlmll211.~'111'1) Room No. 2 1 (Faculty Building)
tiT. ant 3!!t ~ 1!il"m' - 208016, '!ffil PO. liT KANP R-208016 !UP), INDIA
Date: March 2.( . 2019
Subject Implementation of the recommendations of the ih Central Pay Commission (CPC)
- Allowances regarding.

Reference (i) MHRD directive No. 15-4/2017-TC dated 31.01.2019

(ii) MHRD Corrigendum F. No. 15-4/2017-TC dated 01.0 ·.2019.

Consequent upon the directive issued by the MHRD, the Competent Aut Iority of the Institute had
approved the implementation of the under-mentioned allowances in respect of non-academic staff members of
the Institute w.e.f. 01.07.2017 as per the provisions of the i h CPC. The details /1 instructions of the said
allowances are mentioned in the Office Memorandums mentioned in Col (3) of the und13r-mentioned table:
Sl. Allowance Office Memorandum No Orders issued by
No and date of issuance
j;1:b (2) (3) '
(4) .
t"~'1 Children Education Allowance (1 ) OM No. A-270 12/01120 15-Estt. (AL) dated Min. of Personnel, Public
~~· (CEA) 22.08.2016. and Pensions,
Department of Pe.rsonal &
- (2) OM No. A-27012102/2017-Estt. (AL) dated
Tralriing. ·

(3) OM No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt. (AL) 1 dated

31.10.2017. . -
(4) OM No. A-27012/0212017-Estt. (AL) dated
.rb'- - 17.07.2018
'_/£ / Cycle (maintenance) OM No. F.No. 190391412008-E. IV dated Mi ~istry of Finance,
i -- Allowance . 14.07.2017
I 3 . 1 Fixed Medical Allowance OM No.413412017-P&PW (D) dated 19.07.2017.
Department of Expenditure .
Ministry of Personnel, Public
·~ (FMA) Gri ~vances & Pensions,
De~artment of Pension &
/ Pensioners' Welfare.
~v House Rent Allowance (HRA) OM No. 21512017-E.II (B) dated 07.07.2017. M~~~try of Finance,
De artment of Expenditure.
Non-Practising Allowance OM No. F.No.12-212016-EIII.A dated 07.07.2017 Issued by Ministry of Finance,
(NPA) Department of Expenditure.

Nursing Allowance No. Z.28015 150 12017- N dated 31.08.2017 Ministry of Health & Family
We fare Finance (Nursing
Section) .
-v Post Graduate Allowance No. A.45012 I 02 I 2017 - CHS.V dated .Mi~istry of Health & Family
~ 29.08.2017 . . Welfare.

Special Allowance for Child OM No. A-27012/0312017-Estt. (AL) dated Min .. of Personnel, Public
Care for Women with 16.08.2017. Gri~vances and Pensions,
Disabilities De~artment of Personal &

Transport Allowance (1 ) OM No. 211512017-E.II (B) dated 07.07.2017. Ministry of Finance, Dept. of
(2) OM No. 211512017-E. II (B) dated 02.08.2017,

(3) OM No. 211312017-E.IIB dated 12.07.2018 .

. ~
- - /
Encls: Office Orders as mentioned in col. no 3 of the table
Copy to:

1. Director 2. Deputy D1rector 3. Officer-In-Charge (F& A)- for further ..n.ecessary act1on.
.4 FilA -Allowances 5. Web- Master- for Circulation . I t-"9--j.IL- '3,
I .

No. A-27012/ 01 / 2015-Estt..(AL)

.Government of India
Ministry of Personn el, Public Grievances ~ Pension
Departm~nt of Personnel & Training

* * *
New Delhi, dated '2.l-
...JAug st, 2016.


Subject: ~dren Education Allowance (CEA) - Clarification

. The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Perspnnel &

Training's O .M. No.12011/ 03/ 2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd Selj'tember,
2008 and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject
mentioned above and to say that E-Receipts produced by Centr~ Govt.
employees as a proof of payment of fee, etc., may be treated as ori~al and
hence may be allowed for 'claiming reimbursement of CEA.

2. This issues with the approval of Joint Secretary (Establishml t).

3. Hindi version will follow. ~

(~~k~ Ra:a)
1• ector

To 0({_

1. All Ministries & Departments of the Government of India.

2. Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India/ Col troller
General of Accounts.
3. Secretaries to UPSC/ Supreme Court of India/ Lok Sabha
Secretariat/ Rajya Sabha Secretariat/ Cabinet Secretariat/Central Vigilance
Commission/ Planniri.g Commission. 4. President1s Secretaria~ Vice-
. President's Secretariat/Prime Miirister's Office.
5. All .State Governments and Union Territories' Administration.
6. All Members of Staff Side of the National Council of JCM/Depart:mental
CounciL \
7. Railway Board, New Delhi.
8 ~' Department of .P ersonnel & Training with the request to uplo~the
llv6':M. on the website.

. ~~~

No.A~270l 2/02/20 17-Estt.(AL)

Government of India
Ministry of PersoiiDel, Public Grievances and P& W
Department of PersoiiDel & Training

Block-IV, Old JN Cam9~ , New Delhi

Dated: 3)'0ctober, 2017


Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Comm~ssion 1 Implementation

of decision relating to the grant of Children Education Allowance -

. . The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M.No.l2011/04/2008-

Estt(AL) .dated i 1-9-2008 and O.M. Nci.A~27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL)j dated 16/08/2017 on
the subject mentioned above and to state that the reimbursement of Children Education
Allowance for differently abled children of government employee shall be payable at
double the normal rates presGribed. The annual ceiling fixed f0r reimbursement of
Children Education Allowance for differently abled children of govdrnment employees is
now Rs.54,000/-. The rest of the conditions will be the samJ as stipulated vide ·
O.M.No.12011/04/2008-Estt(AL) dated 11-9-200~. .

2. These orders shall be effective from Ist July, 2017.

Hindi version follows.

(Navneet Misra)

Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel : 26164316

1. Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

2. NIC with a request to upload the OM on· the website fDoPT .


No.A-270 12/02/2017-Estt.(AL)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and
Department of Personnel & Training '
August,20 17 .

Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission -
Implementation of decision relating to the gr t of Children
Education Allowance.

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the

recommendations made by the Seventh Central Pay Commi sion on the subject of
Children Education Allowance _S cheme, the following ~tructions are being
issued in supersession ofthis Department's OM dated 28-4-2014 :- . ..

(a) The amount fixed for reimbursement ofCh_ildren Educl on allowance will be

(b) The amount fixed for reimbursement ofHostel Subsidy ill be Rs. 6750/-pm.

(c) In case both the spouses are· Government servants, only one of them can avail
reimbursement under Children Education Allowance.

(d) •The above ·limits would be automatically raised by 25% every time the
Dearness Allowance on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%. The-allowance
will be double for differently abled children. .

2. Further, reimbursement will be done just once aye , after completion of

the financial year. For reimbursement of CEA, a certific te from the head of
institution, where the ward of government _employee studies,\ will be ·sufficient for
this purpose. The certificate should confirm that the child ~tudied in the schoo!
during the previous academic year. For Hostel Subsidy, a sif ilar certificate from
the _head of institution will suffice, with the additional requirement that the
certificate should mention the amount of expenditure incurred by the government
servant towards lodging and boarding in the residential co~ plex. The amount of
expenditure mentioned, or the ceiling as mentioned above, whichever is lower,
shall be paid to the employee.

~- 6 --


3. These orders shall be effective from 1st July, 2017.

4. Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are
concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and auditor
General of India.

Hindi version will follow. ~

(Navneet Misra}
Under Secretary to the Govt. oflndia
- .


1. All Ministries/Departments as per standard mailing list.

2. . NIC with a request to upload the OM on the website ofDoPT .

cG) r
. .
No.A-27012/02/2017 -Estt.(AL)
Government oflndia
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances a11d Pens'ons
Department of Personnel & Training

• Block*IV, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi

ated:. 16 111 July 2018
Office Memomndwn ~~

Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Central ~ay Conunissiott --Implementation of

decisions relating to the grant of Children Education Al owance (CEA) and
Hostel Subsidy - Consolidated instructions -

Consequent upon lhe decisions taken by the Govermilelljt to implement the

' l'ecommcndations made by the VII Central Pay Cort1mission, this Department has issued
an OM of ·e ven number dated 16-8-2017 revising the rates of CE /Hostel Subsidy and
simplifying the procedure for claiming teimbursement of the ar11e. However thls
Department has been receiving various queries regarding CEA!Host I Subsidy especially
,.t with regard to the applicability of various provision/instruction. iss ed during sixth CPC
lt, regime/period. Further references have also been received regardin the difUculty being
faced by some gover.nment employees in obtaining certificate f the Head of the
Institution as mentioned in this D.epartinent's OM of even number da ed 16-8-2017 .

. 2. . Keeping in view the above., it has been decided to issue co1;1 lolidated instructions
in supe.rsession of all earlier OMs on the subject of Children Educ tion Allowance and
Hostel subsidy as under:- · ·

a) The reimbursement of Chi.ldren Education AIJowance/Ho tel subsidy can be

claimed only for the two eldest surviving children with the ,e xcep ·on tl:lat in case the
second child birth results in twins/multiple birth. In case of fa'lure of sterilization
operation, the CEA/Hostel Subsidy would be admissible in respect o children born out of
the first .instrul.ce of such failure beyond the usual two children norm.

b) The amount for reimbursement of Children Education allowa ce will be Rs.2250/~

per month. (fixed) per child. This ,amo\lnt of Rs.2250/- is. fix.e~ irrespective of the actual •
expenses mcurted by the Govt. Servant In order to chum reunbu~remenl of CEAt the
Gavt. servant should produce a certificate issued by the Head oft e Institution for the
pe~iod/yc~r f~r ~vhicb claim t~as been pre!erred~ The. ~erlificate· sho ld confJ~n that the
chlld studied m the school durmg the prev1ous academic year; ln. cas~ such cert1ficate cru1
not be obtained, self- attested copy of ~he report card o self attested fee
rece.ipt(s)(including e-receipt(s)} corttirming!indicating that the f e deposited for the
entire academic year can be produced as a supporting document to claim CEA. The
period/year means academic year i.e. twelve months of complete aca ' ernie session.

c) The amount of ceiling of hostel subsidy is Rs.6750/- pm. ln order to claim
reimbursement of Hostel Subsidy for an academic year, a similar certificate ti·om th6
Head of Institution continning that the child stud.ied in the school will suffice, with
additional requirement that the c.ertificate shou ld mention the amount of expenditure
incurred by the Government servant towards lodging and boarding in the residentia,
· complex. 1n case such certificate cannot he obtained, ~elf- attested co·py of the report card
and original fee receipt(s)le-receipt(s) which should. in_dicate the amount of expenditure
.incurred by the 'GoVf;'rnment servant towards lodging and hoarding ln the residentia l
complex can be produced for claiming Hoster Subsidy~ The expenditure on boarding and
lodging or the ceiling of Rs.6750/- as mentioned aoove, \) hiche er is lower, shall be paid
to the employee as Hostel Subsidy. The per.iod/ycar will mean the same as explained
above in clause (b) of this para, •

d) ·The reimb'u rsement of Children Education Allowance for Divyaang chi ldren of
government employees shall be payable at double the normal rates of CEA prescribed
above in clause (b) i.e. Rs.4500/- per month (fixed).

e) Tl1e above rates/ceiling would b-e automatically raLed by 25% every time th e
Dearness Allowance on the revised pay stmcture goes up by 50%.
I '

1.) The Hostel Subsidy and Children E ducation Allowance can be claimed

g) ln case both the spouses are Govemment servants, only one of them can avail
reimbursement under Children Education Allowance and Host~1 Subsidy.

h) The reimbursement of CEA and . Hostel Subsidy will he done just once in a
fi nancial year after completion ofthe financial year.

i) Hostel subsidy is appJicable only in respe.c t of the child studying in a residential

.educational institution located at least 50 kilometers from the re:idence of•the Government

j) The reimbursement of Chil.dren Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy shall

have no nexus with the performance of the child in his class. In other words, even if a
child fails in a particular class, the reimbursement of Children Educatiun
AJlowance?Hostel Subsidy shall not be stopped. f-I mvever, if the child is admitted in the
same class in another school, although the child lms passed out of the same class ·in
prevlons school or in the mid-session. CEA shall not be reimbursable.

Page No- 9
1 k) If a Goyermnent servant dies while in sqrvice, the Childrc Education Allowance
or hostel subsidy shall be admissible in respect of his/her childre subject to obset:vance
of other conditions for its gtHnt provided the \Vife/husband o · the decpased is not.
employed in service of the Central Govt.. State Government, At tonomous body, PS1J.
Semi Government Organization such as Munkipality, Port Trust uthotity or any other
organization partly or fully funded by the Central Govt./State Gove . ment. In such cases
the CENHoste~ Subsidy .shall be payable to the children till su h time the employee
would have actually received the ·same, subjp.~~- to the conditio1 that other terms and
conditions are fuLfilled. The payment shaH be .made by the office in which the
(}overnment serva_n t was working priot to bis death and will be egulated by the other
conditions, laid down in tl1is OM .

I) ln case of retirement. dischatge, dismissal or removal Jrot~ service, CEA/Hostel
Subsidy shall be ad~issible . till the et1d o.r the acad~mic year i_n ~hich the Ooverm?ent
servant ceases to be m se.rv:tce due to .retirement. discharge, d1sm ~Ssal or removal from
service in the course of an academ'ic year. The payment shall be :qnade by the office in
which the government servant wo.rke<:J ,prior to these events and wi I be regulated by the
other conditions laid down in this OM. ·

m) The upper age limit for Divyaang children has 'been set at 22 years. In the case of
other ~hildren the age limit will be 20 years or till. tbe time f passing 12th clas.
whichever is earlier. There shall be no minitnllln age.

n) Reimbursement of CEA and Hostel Subsidy shall be applica le for children from
class nursery to twelfth, including Classes eleventh and.twelft:h held . y Junior CoHege or
schools affiliated to Universitie~ or Boards of Education.

o) CEA is allowed in case of children studying through "Corres ondence or Distance

Learning" subject to other conditions laid down herein. ·

,, p) T~ CEA and Hostel .Subsidy is admissible in respect of ch\ldreJi studying from

~ two classes before class one to 121h standard and also for the in tial two years of a
diploma/certificate course from PolytechhicllTI/Engi:ne_erirtg College if the child purs:ues
the course. after passing lOth standard and the Government servant las not been granted.
CEA/Hostel S~bsidy in respect Of the child for studies in 11th and 12d standards.

q) In r~spect of schools/institutions at nursery, primary and midd e level not aftiliated

to any Board of education~ the reimbursement under the Scheme rna~ be aUowed for the
children' studying in a recognized schooi!iustitution. Recognized · ol/insti'tution .in this
regard means a Go-vernment school or any education institution w ~ther· in receipt of ·
Govt. Aid or not. recogn,i.ze,d by the Central or: State Government or Uniop Territory
Administration- by Universit]. or a recognized educational authodt having jurisdiction
over the area where the institution/school is situated.

•' - .., n
r) ln case of a Divyaang child studying in an institution i.e. aided or approved by the
Central/State Govt. or T Administration or whose fees are approved by any of these
authorities, the Children Education Allowance paid by the Govt. servant shall be '
reimbursed irrespective .of\vhether the institution is 'recognized' or not. In such cases:the'
benefits- will be admissible till the child attains the age of 22 years . .

s) The CEA is. payable for the children of all Central Government employees
including citiz.e·ns fNepal and Bhutan, \Vho are: employees of Government oflndia, and
whose children are studying in the native place. However, a certificate may be obtained
frcim the concerned Indian Mission that the school ' is recognized by the educationa
authority havingjurisdicticm over the area where the institution is situated.

" t) The Children Edqcation Allowance or hostel subsidy shall be admis ib!e to a
· Govt. servant \Vhile he/she is on duty or is under suspension or is on leave (including
~xtra ordinary leave). Provided that during any period which is treated as 'dies non' the
Govt. ser:vant shall not be eligible for the CEA/Hostel subsidy for that period.

3. These above instructions would come into effect from rst July, 2017.

Hindi version follows.

h f,,."' ;~..&, '..,~

(Sandeep Saxena)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 26164316

I. Ministries/Departments of the Government of Indi'a.

2. NIC with a request to upload the OM on rhe website of DoPT.

~- If

Ai nexure 'A'


I hereby apply for the reimbursement of balance amount of Chil4 r en Education
Allowance for my child/ children and relevant particulars are furnished belo~:-
1. Name of the Employee

2. PF. No.
3. Designation

4. Deptt. I Section
5. Narne of the recognized School & Class

6. If Spouse is employed. Yes j No. If Yes,

state whether in Central Govt ., PSU state
Govt. (Give details with name of the
7. Details of the child I children for whom CEA claimed :-

Sequence Name of child Year Amount Claimed Bala~~~ amount

(In Previous Cl imed
Years) I
1st Child 2017- 18

1st Child 2018-19

2nd Child 2017-18

2nd Child 2018-19

1. Certified that m y child in respect of whom re-imbursement of Childr ~n Educatio n
Allowance 1s apphed , 1s studymg m the School jJr.College wh1ch 1s rec ogn lZed and
affiliated to Board of Education/ University.

2 . Certified that I am claiming the CEA in respect of m y two eldest surviving h ild ren on ly.
The information furnished above ar~ complete and correct and I have n 9t suppressed
any relevant information. In the event of any change in the particular given a bove
which affect my eligibility for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance, I
undertake to intimate the same promptly and also to refund excess payFen ts if any
made. Further, I am aware that if at any stage the information j docume t s furnished
above is found to be false , I am liable for disciplinary action.

Place: (Signature of Employee)
Name: ... ..... ... .......... ..... ........ .
Arlnexure 'B' - f




I Designation._ _ _ _+- P.F No.

of Deptt/ Sec. _ __ _ _ _ do hereby certify that my , on/ Daughter

namely Master I Ms. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ studied inClass____ Se_+---- Roll

No. _ _ _ _ _ __ during Previous AcademicYear 17-18 in

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School.

In the event of any change in the particulars given above, whi~h affect my
eligibility for Children Education Allowance. I undertake to intimate the
same promptly and refund excess payment, if any made to me.

Signature of the Cla mant

Name:,_ _ _ _ __

P.F. No.: _ _ _ __

Place:_ _ __

Date:_ _ __
~J.,YL ~ /3- 2.,-


I Designation P.F No.

_ _ _ of Depttl Sec._ _ _ _ __ do hereby certify that my S ) I Daughter

namely Master I Ms. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ studied in Class ____ 1 Sec:....___ _

Roll No. _ _ _ _ _ __ during Previous Academic Year 2 01 8- 19 in

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School.

In the event of any change in the particulars given above, whi h affect my
eligibility for Children Education Allowance. I undertake to intimate the
same promptly and refund excess payment, if any made to me.

Signature of the Cla mant

Name:._ _ _ _ __

P.F. No.:._ _ __ _

Place:._ _ __

Date:_ _ __
Kanpur- 208016
V\ Y\ e~ LL-6 -e
'/"1 J



I hereby apply for the reimbursement of Children E ducatiolf Allowance I

Hostel Subsidy for my child / children and relevant particulars are fur~ished b elow:-
1. Name ofthe employee
2. PF. No .
3. Designation
4. Deptt. I Section

5. If Spouse is employed, state

whether in Central Govt., PSU
state Govt. ( give details with
name of the Spouse

I Details of the child I children for whom
Name of
Subsidy claimed :-
Class CEA Hostel
cr' Hostel

Name ~ Place of the

child (Rs.) Subsidy (Rs.) School Institution

1 st Child

2nd Child

1. Certified that m y child / children in respe"ct of whom re-im pursem en t of

CEA/ Hostel Subs1dy 1s applied, 1s studymg m the School jJr .p ollege wh 1ch
is recognized and affiliated to Board of Education/ University / <Govt.
2. Certified that I am claiming the CEA/ Hostel Subsidy in resp~ct of my two
eldest surviving children only. The information furnished abovel are com plete
and correct and I have not suppressed any relevant informatio9 . In th e event
of any change in the particulars given above which affect m y l eligibility for
reimbursement of Children Education Allowance , I undertake t~ intimate the
same promptly and also to refund excess payments if any mane. Further, I
am aware that if at any stage the information 1 documents fuT ished above

is found to be false , I am liable for disciplinary action .

3 . The reimbursement of CEA and Hostel Subsidy will be made oncpe in a year
after the completion of a financial year i.e in the month of April and May.

Place: (Signature of Employ le)
Name : ..... ....... .. ..................... .

Verified by Admin/ DOFA Office Head of the Departme t j Section

End: 1) 2)

_ -~ 1\\n- 15



Ref No. _ __ Dated:_+-- -

It is certified that Master/Kumafl.·_- - - - - - - - - - -

No. _ _ _ D.O.B.._ _ _ _ _ Son/ Daughter of Mr./Mrs·------;-- -

Was studying in class_ _ Sec._ _ _ RoLl No. _ _ _ _ during the Previous Academic Year

from 20_ to 20_ School; /Institution, namely I vide

affiliation Regd No./ Coad._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and pattern._ _ _ _ _ _ _ i urricu/um.

Signature of Principal
(AffiX Schoo Stamp)

Place:- - - -

Date:- - - - -

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