Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA6063 With AA5083 Aluminum Alloys
Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA6063 With AA5083 Aluminum Alloys
Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA6063 With AA5083 Aluminum Alloys
Research Article
Open Access. © 2019 et al., published by Sciendo. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
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60 | S. Dharani Kumar and
discussions of the FSW carried out using two different alu- Table 1: Chemical composition of the material AA6063 and AA5083
minum alloys, namely AA 6063 and AA5083.
Alloying 6063 5083
Al Bal Bal
2 Experimental work Si 0.20–0.60 0.7–1.3
Fe 0.0–0.35 0.50 max
Chemical composition and mechanical properties for alu- Cu 0.0–0.10 0.10 max
minum alloy are tabulated in Table 1 and Table 2 respec- Mn 0.0–0.10 0.40–1.00
tively. The rolled plates with 6 mm thickness of AA6063 Cr 0.0–0.10 0.25 max
aluminum alloy and AA5083 aluminum alloy have been Mg 0.45-0.49 0.06–1.20
slashed into the required size of 100 mm × 50 mm × 6 Zn 0.0–0.10 0.20 max
mm and grinded to achieve a superior surface finish. The Ti 0.0–0.10 0.10 max
square butt joint configuration is selected for FSW weld- Other Each 0–0.05 0.05 max
ing. There are two inverting positions in FSW welding for Others Total 0–0.15 0.15 max
the base metal AA6063 placed in retreating side (RS), while
AA5083 is placed in the advanced side (AS). The aluminum
alloy of AA6063 is placed in the retreating side due to
its lower tensile strength. A non-consumable rotating tool
made of high speed steel (HSS) is shown in Figure 1(a). The
tool pin is a straight cylindrical profile with shoulder di-
ameter of 20 mm, 5 mm pin diameter, 5 mm pin tip length
and D/d ratio of 4. The friction stir welds using AA5083 and
AA6063 aluminum alloys were fabricated using a FSW ma-
chine with the motor specifications of 2.2 kW/440V and a
maximum tool rotational speed of 3000 rpm. The welds Figure 2: Friction stir Welded specimens of different tool rotational
were made along the longitudinal direction of the plate
with the tool rotational speeds of 600, 800 and 1000 rpm,
Table 2: Mechanical properties of base materials
keeping the constant welding speed of 40 mm/min and ax-
ial load of 4 KN.
Base Ultimate tensile Hardness Tensile
metal strength [MPa] Brinell elongation
[HB] [%]
AA6063 130 25 18
AA5083 345 75 12
for evaluating the ductility of the weld metal, HAZ, test rior tensile properties. This is the result of the effect of
of defects particularly lack of side wall fusion (side bead), higher heat input during welding as it results in good duc-
root fusion penetration of welded joints. Hardness test was tility. This shows that an increase in tool rotational speed
carried out according to the ASTM E10 standards using increases the tensile properties of a joint. The overall obser-
a Brinell hardness testing machine with a 10 mm ball in- vation was that the essential nature of use of higher rota-
denter and a 500 kg load. Impact testing was conducted tional speed for providing good heat input, welds thus ob-
at room temperature using a pendulum type impact test- tained displayed good tensile strength. These reveal that
ing machine with a maximum capacity of 300 J. Charpy the ductility of stir zone is lower than base materials.
impact specimens were prepared as per the ASTM E23-04
standards. The Charpy test was carried out with an impact
testing machine for determining the amount of energy ab-
sorbed in fracture, which was recorded. The absorbed en-
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