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The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) For Engineering

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Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (2020) 79:3437–3481


The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering

geology applications
Daniele Giordan 1 & Marc S. Adams 2 & Irene Aicardi 3,4 & Maria Alicandro 5 & Paolo Allasia 1 & Marco Baldo 1 &
Pierluigi De Berardinis 5 & Donatella Dominici 5 & Danilo Godone 1 & Peter Hobbs 6 & Veronika Lechner 2 &
Tomasz Niedzielski 7 & Marco Piras 3 & Marianna Rotilio 5 & Riccardo Salvini 8 & Valerio Segor 9 & Bernadette Sotier 2 &
Fabrizio Troilo 10

Received: 28 October 2019 / Accepted: 25 February 2020 / Published online: 1 April 2020
# The Author(s) 2020

This paper represents the result of the IAEG C35 Commission “Monitoring methods and approaches in engineering geology
applications” workgroup aimed to describe a general overview of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and their potentiality in
several engineering geology applications. The use of UAV has progressively increased in the last decade and nowadays started to
be considered a standard research instrument for the acquisition of images and other information on demand over an area of
interest. UAV represents a cheap and fast solution for the on-demand acquisition of detailed images of an area of interest and the
creation of detailed 3D models and orthophoto. The use of these systems required a good background of data processing and a
good drone pilot ability for the management of the flight mission in particular in a complex environment.

Keywords UAV . Orthophoto . Debris flow . Drone . Earthquake . Engineering geology . Hydrology . Landslide . Structure from

Introduction the acquisition of images and other information on demand

over an area of interest. The possible field of activity of these
This paper represents the result of the IAEG C35 Commission systems has progressively expanded and now ranges from
“Monitoring methods and approaches in engineering geology archaeological applications (Rinaudo et al. 2012; Nex and
applications” workgroup. The work of the Commission is Remondino 2014; Nikolakopoulos et al. 2017b), to smart
aimed to present a general overview of UAVs and their poten- farming (Zhang and Kovacs 2012), to the management of
tiality in the field of engineering geology. The use of UAV has natural hazards (Gomez and Purdie 2016; Giordan et al.
progressively increased in the last decade and nowadays 2018). It is possible to find different names or acronyms to
started to be considered a standard research instrument for describe the same object: an aerial drone. RPAS (remote pilot

* Daniele Giordan 6
British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, Nottingham, UK

1 Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography, Faculty of Earth
National Research Council, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Sciences and Environmental Management, University of Wrocław,
Protection, Turin, Italy Wrocław, Poland
Department of Natural Hazards, Austrian Research Centre for Forests
(BFW), Innsbruck, Austria Department of Environment, Earth and Physical Sciences and Centre
3 of GeoTechnologies, University of Siena, San Giovanni
Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering,
Valdarno, Italy
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
PoliTO Interdepartmental Centre for Service Robotics (PIC4Ser), 9
Struttura assetto idrogeologico bacini montani, Quart, Regione
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy Autonoma Valle d’Aosta, Italy
Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental
Engineering, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy Fondazione Montagna Sicura, Courmayeur, Italy
3438 D. Giordan et al.

aircraft system), UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), and UAS tools have been developed for planning and control the UAV
(unmanned aerial system) are the most common acronyms, operations).
but we have also to consider all national definition, where For civilian purposes, the most significant recent improve-
the name is translated in the national language. In this paper, ments are the development of low-cost flight controller sys-
we decided to use “UAV” to identify an unmanned aerial tems (Chao et al. 2010), and the great diffusion of structure
system, which is able to have an autonomous flight with or from motion (SfM) applications that allows the creation of a
without an engine, to be remotely controlled, and to be able to 3D model from a sequence of images captured from different
collect some data. Usually, these systems are employed with points of view (Westoby et al. 2012).
imaging sensors but not only. Nowadays, UAV and drone are These two recent signs of progress have pushed the great
familiar words, and the commercial and smaller version can be current diffusion of cheap systems that has exponentially in-
found on the shelf, in all electronic shops or in a normal mall creased the number of people that are using UAV also for
with a very low prices. Considering the low price and the very professional purposes. Unfortunately, most of them do not
friendly use of the system, these systems are now considered have a proper background for their correct use. In particular,
suitable for an incredible number of potential application the acquisition of a photo sequence required by structure from
fields even where the users are not particularly skilled in aero- motion applications seems to be a simple operation, but if the
nautics system such as geomatics, geology, cultural heritage, high accuracy (both in terms of geographic positioning and
archaeology, survey, mining, environmental applications, and resolution) of the final model is required, the use of these
astronomy. In next sections, we will provide a more detailed systems cannot be managed as a black box without respecting
description of the main characteristics of UAV, their main few essential rules. On the other hand, one of the actual lim-
components, and the possibility to carry on a payload that itations is that these “friendly” systems give the impression
can be constituted by a system able to acquire a specific that could be used without any specific competences creating
dataset-like images, 3D point clouds, or other physical param- a real risk of having poor results and working in un-safety
eters like radiations or air quality. The paper is organized in the conditions.
first part focused on the description of UAV, their main char-
acteristics, and several best practice suggestion for a correct UAVs classification
use, and a second part with a sequence of scenarios where the
use of UAV can be considered very useful for engineering It is quite challenging to define a summary table about the
geology applications. UAV classification because each modern UAV is full of tech-
nology, and it is complicated to compare different systems
Recent UAV developments between themselves. A possible tentative, considering some
general factors as the duration of the flight, range, and pay-
The first exemplar of modern UAV, in term of the aerial vehi- load, is shown in Table 1.
cle with the capability to have an autonomous flight even with Over the short-range category, there are other larger UAV
long range and a wireless link to the ground station, has been systems, but they are rarely employed for civilian applica-
developed in 1944, during the Second World War and it was tions, and for this reason, they are not mentioned in Table 1.
the V-1 system. Traditionally, UAV systems were used for Another possible classification could be made considering
military goals and applications and only recently became sys- the weight with respect to the air propulsion system (with or
tem used for civilian use. Even though UAV systems were without engines or propellers). Considering this approach, it is
developed for military purposes (and this is still now a key possible to distinguish several kinds of systems. Balloons,
topic), the availability of low-cost sensors and platforms has kites, and paraglides are systems without their own propul-
laid the foundations for an increasing interest also in the civil sion. On the opposite side, multirotors, fixed wings, airship,
field (Juul 2015; NASA 2015). In geomatics, Przybilla and and helicopters are the UAV based on electric or combustion
Wester-Ebbinghaus (1979) carried out the first application. engine. In Table 2, the main characteristics of these categories
Even if UAVs were not initially designed and realized for are summarized and compared.
geomatics or other applications, commercial solutions have According to recent development of UAV for civilian pur-
been progressively adapted to fulfill different geomatics fields poses, the most widespread applications for UAVare generally
of applications and operative requests (Piras et al. 2017a, b; the following: (i) photogrammetry and remote sensing
Chiabrando et al. 2013; Aicardi et al. 2016a, b). Thanks to (Colomina and Molina 2014) to extract information from im-
new technologies, innovative solutions and sensors have been ages and produce 3D data; (ii) 3D modeling (Wefelscheid
recently developed even for civilian application, allowing to et al. 2011) to reconstruct the 3D shape of buildings or areas;
improve the flexibility (less restriction in term of sensor’s (iii) surveillance (Semsch et al. 2009), both in civil and mili-
installation), performance (more duration, better aerodynam- tary fields; (iv) inspection (Zhang et al. 2012), especially when
ics profile, better navigation system), and planning tool (new human interventions can be dangerous; (v) disaster response
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3439

Table 1 UAV classification

(UAS Yearbook 2011) Category Range (km) Flight height (m) Duration (h) MTOW (kg)

Nano η <1 < 100 <1 < 0.025

Micro μ < 10 250 1 <5
Mini Mini < 10 150–300 <2 150
Close range CR 10–30 3000 2–4 150
Short range SR 30–70 3000 3–6 200

and monitoring (Boccardo et al. 2015), to map the situation scale than the land management one. The general idea is
after catastrophic events or before an expected one and to that these missions would replace the satellite observa-
provide new updated information. In this case, UAVs can be tions in the future (for example, for earthquakes, landslide,
easily and quickly used; (vi) forest and agriculture and geo- and volcanoes);
logical investigations (with thermal and multispectral sensors & Homeland security: these missions concern the monitor-
(Saari et al. 2011) are emerging fields that UAV can provide ing of restricted areas for security or surveillance opera-
high-resolution and repetitive data fundamental for monitor- tions and they are included under the category of “Non-
ing purposes. Another possible classification has been pro- Military Governmental.”
posed by the NASA (2015) that divides the UAV missions
into four different groups: Traditionally, in the more significant part of the activities
done in the environmental field, the most used systems are
& Land management missions: these are performed to obtain fixed wings and multirotor thanks to their flight duration and
geospatial information on specific areas for monitoring or operability. Unfortunately, there is not a unique system for all
management purposes. They can be particularly suitable kind of practical problems and, in each case, it is fundamental
in dangerous areas (for example, after disasters and emer- a careful preventive evaluation of the mission characteristics
gencies) and their civil applications may include fields aimed to define the best solution and sensors that should be
such as the following: agricultural forestry, firefighting, installed on. Furthermore, in almost operations, it is funda-
geological investigations, communication networks, sur- mental to pay attention to the planning of data acquisition that
veying, and mapping. This kind of use is particularly suit- represents a fundamental aspect to be considered in the defi-
able to have prior knowledge of some areas before build- nition of the survey. It is important to point out that when we
ing and construction projects and to provide updated dig- consider a UAV, we have to know that the complete system is
ital terrain models (DTMs) and orthophoto data. composed not only by the aerial vehicle but also by the ground
& Commercial: these type of missions are mostly related to control station (GCS). The GCS is very important and man-
precision agriculture since in this specific case, the use of datory, in order to work in safe condition, and to verify in real-
UAVs can save time and cost to acquire a large amount of time the operative state of the UAV during the flight (e.g.,
data. In particular, the capability to house thermal and telemetry, temperature of the battery, power, temperature of
near-infrared sensors onboard suggests that unmanned the propellers). One of most important actions that should be
system will significantly modify the general perspective done before the flight is to verify the quality and the stability
in the agriculture field. On the other hand, they can be of the data link and the communication system, because it is
flexible and repeatable tools to acquire environmental pa- fundamental to have always a good connection between UAV,
rameters about air pollution and quality; pilot, and GCS.
& Earth science missions: the goal of these missions is to Even if almost recent UAVs are able to fly autonomously
monitor some areas of the earth, measuring the geophys- following a predefined mission plan, it is fundamental to re-
ical processes associated with natural hazards on a larger member that there is always the possibility that some element

Table 2 UAV comparison (1,

low–5, high) UAV Range Duration Wind influence Operability

Balloon 1 4 4 2
Airship 3 3 4 3
Kite 2 2 4 2
Fixed wings 5 5 2 4
Helicopter (mini) 4 4 3 5
Multirotor (with 4–8 propellers) 4 3 2 5
3440 D. Giordan et al.

in the mission planner cannot work correctly. In this possible multirotors airframes are made of aluminum or carbon fiber
critical situation, the pilot has to take direct control of the UAV (in such a way as to be lightweight and resistant), and the
and land it in safety conditions. For this reason, the skill of the number of arms is a function of the expected payload and
pilot is a fundamental element for the correct management of the number of engines.
UAV operations. The navigation system is the main component of the avi-
onics is the autopilot that allows autonomous or semi-
autonomous flights through hardware and software compo-
UAV main components analysis nents. The specification of the autopilot for a UAV can be
and comparison summarized as reported in Table 3. The navigation system is
composed of flight control, GPS/GNSS, and inertial system.
As mentioned before, the most used UAV for non-military The flight control is the “core” of the navigation system.
applications are mini- and micro-UAV (payload < 30 kg). This board manages the flight planning and can verify in real-
Fixed wings and multirotors are the preferred solutions for time the theoretical trajectory with respect the real one. It is
their ease of use, low cost, transportability, and the capability possible to connect on this board several sensors, to synchro-
of performing surveys in different areas. On the other hand, nize the data acquisition using the GPS time. In some case, a
their small size requires specifically designed sensors that small digital memory car is housing, with a purpose to collect
have to be both reliable and lightweight enough to respect and store several information as a trajectory (log file), telem-
the limits of the payload. etry, and images or another kind of data.
This section aims to provide the reader an overview of the The GPS/GNSS board is another fundamental element of
essential components of conventional UAV. A more detailed modern UAVs. Usually, a single-frequency and dual-
analysis of possible payloads is presented in the “UAV pay- constellation (GPS and GLONASS) system is installed on-
load sensors” section. board. In some configurations, even a dual-frequency multi-
constellations receiver could be available. Traditionally, the re-
Principal UAV components ceiver is only used to define the UAV position in stand-alone
(st. dev. = 3–5 m), potentially with EGNOS or WAAS solution
Aerial vehicles are complex systems made by hardware and (st. dev. = 1–3 m). Raw data (pseudo-range and carrier phase)
software structures. The improvement of electronics allowed are not usually saved, but in some recent commercial systems, it
the development of navigation and control systems more and is possible to do it, to realize a PPK (post-processing kinematic)
more available on the market. positioning. Even RTK (real-time kinematic) positioning is
The main components of a UAV can be divided into three allowed in some new commercial systems;
main categories: (i) the aerial platform, which includes the The inertial system is commonly the last component of the
airframe, the navigation system, the power system, and the navigations system. Nowadays, a MEMS (micro-electro-me-
payload; (ii) the ground control station (GCS), which allows chanical systems) inertial measurement unit (IMU) is installed
the human control from a remote emplacement; and (iii) the on board, with the purpose to control the UAV’s attitude.
communication system, which supports the communication Usually, IMU is not able to collect the raw data, even in the
between the other two components. most recent ones. The range of the precision in the estimation
The aerial platform is composed of different components of the angle of common IMU used for mini or micro-UAV is
whose purpose is to allow the flight and carry some sensors in around 1–4°.
the air for the data acquisition: The power system is another fundamental element of UAV
The airframe is the main structure of the UAV. Its structure aimed to provide energy to the system. According to the se-
has to consider the weight regarding, in particular the power lected airframe, different power systems can be adopted:
and the communication and control systems onboard. Wankel rotary engines, fuel cells, and electric solutions are
Moreover, the airframe needs to be adequately designed to the most common. With multirotor systems, the most adopted
withstand the forces that can occur during the flight and not solution is lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries.
cause deformation and vibration. As presented in Fig. 1, fixed The payload is composed of sensors or instruments carried
wings are mainly made of polystyrene or plastic; common by the UAV and used to acquire some specific data or

Fig. 1 Different airframes. From

the left: polystyrene, plastic,
aluminum, carbon fiber
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3441

Table 3 Autopilot main specifications to provide the vehicle setup information for each epoch and to
Physical Sensor specifications Autopilot functions assist the GNSS system in estimating the position of the vehi-
specifications cle. The use of these sensors for UAV, however, requires the
resolution of a series of problems linked for example to their
Size Operative temperature Waypoints navigation synchronization and calibration. Typically, these problems can
Weight Max angular rate Auto takeoff and landing be solved by developing appropriate hardware and software
Power consumption Max acceleration Altitude hold tools, able to analyze and compensate systematic errors (bias)
Required voltage Max angular velocity Servo control rate and sensor drift(s). The ultimate goal of this suite is a naviga-
Required CPU Max altitude Telemetry rate tional solution sufficiently accurate about the type of final
Memory Operative airspeed Fail-safe application of the system. The accuracy of the UAV position
is not only an important element for the management of the
flight but also a crucial point for the possible application of
parameter (e.g., RGB/multispectral camera, video-camera, direct photogrammetry (Chiabrando et al. 2013).
thermal or other kinds of sensors). Different operative solutions can be available on UAV,
The other components of payload could be instruments mainly based on these possible configurations: (i) single/
needed for the onboard equipment and the device activation. multi-frequency GPS/GNSS receivers; in this case there is
Especially in the case of cameras, a fundamental component is often the possibility to improve the solution with the usage
a gimbal, a support that allows the rotation of the payload of the L2 frequency; (ii) single/multi-constellation antennas
along one or more axes often equipped with servos that can and GPS/GNSS receivers: the availability of more than one
adjust or stabilize the orientation of the sensor. According to constellation can improve the final positioning solution; (iii)
the sensor, the gimbal can be fixed, stabilized, and controllable GPS/GNSS RTK (real-time kinematic) approach which al-
from the ground. lows the possibility of improving the position accuracy esti-
The ground control station (GCS) ensures a permanent and mated in real-time with the correction from a master or a
interactive remote control of the UAV informing the pilot permanent station; (iv) integrated GNSS and IMU sensors;
about the progress of the autonomous flight. A computer or in this configuration, the GNSS position can be improved
a tablet able to plan the flight and control its execution usually using the data from the inertial platform.
is the base configuration for a GCS. The pilot should be The market offers many low-cost GPS or GNSS receivers,
equipped with a remote control that can be used in emergency often available as an OEM card. In other cases, some developer
cases or to perform the takeoff and landing if the UAV is not kits are available, as the u-blox receivers. u-blox can be con-
entirely autonomous. One or more people are responsible for sidered an example of low-cost GNSS receiver capable of re-
the management and control of UAV parameters during the ceiving four single-frequency GNSS constellations. Due to its
flight. The major parts of commercial UAVs have their dedi- limited cost, it can be considered an interesting solution with
cated mission planner or it is possible to use open-source minimum overall dimensions and an easy interface. The pres-
software developed by the scientific community. Mission ence of the communication port requires only preparing a data
planners are applications where it is possible to define a se- storage on micro PC and SD card (or similar) and the transfer
quence of navigation waypoints or to set a photogrammetric of raw data to a processing center. Among the “medium-high”
flight defining the area of interest, the camera parameters, and level receivers, some multi-frequency and multi-constellation
other photogrammetric parameters (e.g., side and frontal over- OEM cards could be mentioned. These cards should be
lap, ground sampling distance). engineered and could constitute a low-cost solution but with
The last UAV component is the communication system that centimeter precision suitable also for real-time. These receivers
is the radio connection between the ground and the vehicle. To are usually set up for RTK acquisitions, and they may have
command and control a UAV, radio communication is man- options that are not always included in normal receivers such
datory also to assure a continuous link for emergency opera- as 1PPS (pulse per second), to issue the recording command
tions. Radio frequencies (RF) in the range of 30 MHz to from the receiver to an external instrument, and “Event
3 GHz are generally the RF bandwidth in which small Marker” to record an external event (for example, the measure-
multirotors operate. ment time of another sensor) in the GNSS time scale.
The IMU consists of a set of sensors, generally accelerom-
UAV navigational sensors eters and gyroscopes, necessary to allow the estimation of all
the navigation states at a high frequency. Since these are
Navigation systems have become widespread in recent years electro-mechanical sensors, the measurements carried out
and adopted on vehicles, smartphones, and other numerous could often be affected by systematic errors like measurement
operative solutions. In most cases, these systems use not only bias, scaling factors or non-orthogonality of the sensor triplets,
one or more GNSS receivers but also an IMU that is necessary and accidental errors generally due to noise.
3442 D. Giordan et al.

IMU can be used for the following: (i) The estimation of proposed methodology based on total station measurements
the position often integrated with GNSS receivers. In this case, and the differences between the two sets of data.
they can determine the displacement with a double integration Tables 4 and 5 show the result of the analysis of internal and
while the orientation takes place with three gyroscopes on the external GNSS accuracy, in terms of minimum, maximum and
three coordinate axes. (ii) The estimation of the attitude an- mean values with the evaluation of the standard deviation (σ)
gles, by measuring the components on the three axes. which measures the dispersion of the data. For the internal GPS,
Measurements can be static or dynamic. Table 4 shows the comparison between the acquired track of
GNSS and IMU can be integrated into the navigation board GPS and of the total station. In particular, the south-north-south
of UAV or mounted as external sensors and connected to the path was used to evaluate the accuracy in the X direction and the
navigation board. east-west-east path for the Y direction (Table 4). The same ap-
proach was used to analyze the vertical component.
UAV navigation sensors evaluation tests Presented results demonstrate that the performance of the
internal GPS receiver is consistent with a low-cost single-fre-
In order to understand the behavior of common UAV, the quency GPS receiver in stand-alone positioning using
investigation of the main components of the navigation sys- EGNOS correction, with an accuracy of few meters, with the
tem is a crucial aspect. In particular, the performance of nav- vertical component four times worse than the horizontal one
igator sensors (IMU and GNSS) has a great impact on the final (Bulusu et al. 2000). Furthermore, the analysis of the standard
performance of the system. To define the system precision deviation shows that the acquired data are very noisy and the
considering different possible configurations for better man- sensor is not, therefore, reliable. For the significant part of the
agement of the missions, several tests of navigation sensors geomatic applications (photogrammetry, thermal analyses,
(onboard and external) have been carried on. The employed radio-frequency measurements, etc.), centimetric positioning
system was a hexacopter that weighs about 2.2 kg including is required. For this reason, the introduction of an external
batteries, and that can lift a payload of up to 1.5 kg. GNSS receiver on the UAV was investigated to evaluate the
The test of navigation sensors is based on reference data eventual positive effect in positioning accuracy. The storage of
extracted from topographic measurements done using a total the GNSS receiver raw data has been realized by making a
station (TS). Two different solutions, mainly based on the same direct connection between the GNSS OEM and a dedicated
kind of approach, are proposed: (i) positioning sensor’s evalu- Ardulog data logger. The GNSS raw data (pseudo-range and
ation, aimed to define the performance of GNSS sensors, is carrier phase), were recorded in a text file using a sample rate
based on the use of a single prism and a total station; (ii) angle’s of 5. For a protection of the system during the flights, a special
estimation, designed to the evaluation of IMU performance, is box was realized with the 3D printer and housed below the
based on the use of two prisms and two total stations. airframe in the gimbal. The box also houses the battery for the
The first test is focused on positioning systems. For this GNSS receiver, and two switches allow to activate the receiver
test, a retro-reflector target composed by three small prisms and the antenna. The entire system is shielded, and a LED
was housed on board on the UAV under the gimbal. The retro- light is mounted outside the box to signalize when the ambi-
reflector target assures a continuous auto-tracking of the total guity phase is fixed as it is fundamental that the system is
motorized station that can follow the UAV flight paths and initialized before beginning the flight. The external antenna
autonomously measure both distance and angles with accura- was mounted on a dedicated support designed to protect the
cies of 2 mm and 1 s within an operative range of 1 km. The system also against interferences, and the entire system was
UAV is equipped with an onboard GPS and an external GNSS calibrated to know the lever arm.
receiver that acquire simultaneously the position of the drone. The data recorded by the external receiver were processed
The tested external GNSS receiver was a Novatel OEM 615 with a PPK (Post Processed Kinematic) approach (Gao and
dual-frequency (L1 = 1575.42 MHz and L2 = 1227.60 MHz) Wojciechowski 2004; Stempfhuber and Buchholz 2011) to
equipped with the antenna ANTCOM ID L1L2 1215 A2, define the UAV positions respect to a master station on the
which can receive GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo constella- ground. The accuracy and completeness of the positioning
tions. The drone was manually piloted in a dedicated airfield solution through the GNSS external receiver has been
where cross flights of 200 m were performed flying at a speed assessed using the total station as a reference. The UAV posi-
of 3 m/s. tion was tracked two times along a rectangular path to evaluate
After the synchronization, to have comparable sets of data, the position accuracy, and then, the positions estimated from
the track extracted from the onboard and external positioning the external GNSS receiver during the same flight were proc-
sensor can be compared with that one obtained from the data essed with a PPK technique considering the master station on
of the total station, considered as reference. The difference the ground and the receiver onboard as a moving point.
between the two sets of data is used to evaluate the reliability Obtained results (Table 5) demonstrate that estimated
of positioning systems considering the accuracy of the GNSS positions follow the total station trajectory and have
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3443

Table 4 Internal GPS accuracy

evaluation compared with Component Min value (m) Max value (m) Mean value (m) Std
robotized total station results
Horizontal component − 3.310 5.340 0.414 0.875
Vertical component − 15.342 19.332 1.66 2.175

an accuracy of few centimeters. This is an acceptable value Station) were used in the position tracking mode. One of the
according to the nominal precision of the PPK positioning. used instruments can also be synchronized with the GPS time
The presented test shows the good performance of the ex- by using an external receiver that can be placed on the instru-
ternal GNSS receiver. A more detailed analysis of obtained ment and update the total station time according to the GPS.
results pointed out that higher differences between GNSS re- Finally, the same sampling rate of 0.2 s was used for the two
sults a TS measures are referred to the first part of the test instruments. During the flights, each total station can follow
(especially for the vertical component). The cause of these is one prism because of the track mode of the instrument, and it
the GNSS initialization phase, the time necessary to fix the is then possible to relate the two measurements. Using the
phase ambiguity. To avoid this inconvenient, some recom- same approach used for GNSS, the test of IMU considered
mendations can be proposed: (i) the receiver should be turned internal and external solutions. The adopted external IMU was
on about 2–3 min before starting the flight and it has to stay on a low-cost Microstrain sensor, the 3DM-GX3-35 model.
the initial flight point; (ii) after takeoff, UAV must stay on air The UAV attitude during the flight and the reliability of the
on the first waypoint for a few seconds; (iii) then, the flight can recorded data from the internal sensors were evaluated by
be performed with a maximum speed of about 5–7 m/s; (iv) taking particular attention to the compass component. This is
finally it is important to wait 2–3 min on the ground after important to assess whether it is necessary to install an exter-
landing before turning off the receiver. This strategy allows nal IMU to have a precise compass component. For the inter-
having centimetric accuracies for the entire mission. nal IMU, different flights (especially linear and cross) were
Another aspect that has been investigated is the reachable performed to test the recorded attitude of the UAV. During the
precision of the external receiver using different GNSS con- linear path, the UAV flew along the direction between the two
stellations (Pupillo et al. 2015) and, in particular, considering total stations (with an angle of about 35° respect to the North)
only GPS and GPS-GLONASS. Results (Table 6) demonstrat- instead during the cross path the chosen direction was 0°.
ed that the usage of the GLONASS constellation has a strong The flights were scheduled using a special application de-
influence on the final solution. Without the GLONASS, the veloped in MATLAB able to generate a text file that contains
estimated precision is about 40 cm. On the contrary, the use of the waypoints positions that can be managed by the navigation
both constellations can improve the precision to 1–3 cm. software.
Multi-constellation antennas are more and more available, The test is based on the estimation of the UAV compass as
and their dimension and weight are compatible with UAV. an angle between the two measured prisms and its comparison
Since their cost is now quite acceptable, and the procedure with the data recorded from the UAV. The different sampling
to use their data to obtain precise position is well established, rates of the two total stations and their synchronization need to
in precise positioning surveys, the use of multi-constellation be considered during the processing step. Each total station
antennas is recommended. has an internal clock, but the two times are not the same, and
The second presented test is aimed to evaluate the perfor- the acquisition interval was not the same. For this reason, a
mance of IMU. Using the same approach of the previous test, specific MATLAB script was developed to process these data.
the onboard sensors data, and a reference solution acquired The developed code is partitioned in three main steps:
from the ground were obtained and compared. In this test, the
adopted strategy involved the use of two total stations and two 1. angles estimation from the data of the two total stations:
retro-reflector targets mounted on the UAV. The retro-reflector
target consists of the combination of three smaller prisms. A a. total stations need to be previously mutually synchro-
bar with two retro-reflector targets was installed onboard to nized (also according to the GPS time);
guarantee the acquisition of the UAV position and attitude. To b. the coordinates of each point recorded by the TSs
track the flights, two total stations (Leica Image and Smart have to be extracted;

Table 5 Evaluation of the

positioning results of the external Component Min value (m) Max value (m) Mean value (m) σ
GNSS receiver
Horizontal component − 0.124 0.130 0.010 0.002
Vertical component − 0.182 0.213 0.032 0.008
3444 D. Giordan et al.

Table 6 Standard deviations of different GNSS solutions related to satellite constellations

GPS GLONASS σX (m) σY (m) σZ (m)

No. No. Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean

8 0 0.006 0.520 0.180 0.005 0.430 0.130 0.015 1.420 0.420

10 11 0.014 0.036 0.016 0.015 0.025 0.017 0.016 0.041 0.031

c. the angles between two corresponding points can be compared with the TS measurements. To better understand the
estimated; behavior, the difference between the two data was evaluated
2. angles extraction from the data recorded by the internal (magenta in Fig. 2), and some statistical values were also
IMU platform (that is already synchronized with the GPS estimated:
3. comparison between the angles determined with the TSs – mean = − 0.022°
data and that recorded by the internal UAV platform. – standard deviation = ± 0.910°
– median = − 0.073°
Here it is reported an example of the performed tests, a
cross path. The obtained results have a mean value very close to the
The first required step was the total stations synchroniza- zero with a small standard deviation, and they demonstrated
tion and interpolation. The data acquired by the two TSs differ that, using this UAV, the angles could be estimated with pre-
in: cisions acceptable for our investigations.
The use of an external IMU was also evaluated to assess if
& absolute time; it is possible and useful to improve accelerometers, magne-
& interval step between two consecutive measurements tometers, and gyroscopes data to enhance positioning and at-
titude information housing on board an external IMU plat-
In an ideal case, the instruments synchronization should be form. We made some analyses using the low-cost sensor of
the following: N1(t) + bN = N2(t) where bN is the bar length in Microstrain, the 3DM-GX3-35 model (Table 7) because of its
the North direction between the two prisms; however in the low weight and size.
real case, measurements estimation uncertainties are intro- This sensor has an internal GNSS receiver (u-blox) that
duced: N1(t + Δt) + bN + ΔbN = N2(t) allows a row metrical position and performs the synchroniza-
To align the data, one TS was considered the reference, and tion of the data including accelerometers, gyroscopes, and
the data from the other one were translated and interpolated to magnetometers that can be independently acquired by the in-
have the measurements at the same time and interval steps. strument, but it is not able to retrieve an integrated solution
Starting from an approximate offset time, an iterative proce- based on the loosely coupled Kalman filter (Kalman 1960).
dure was used to obtain the best fit between the two sets of The sensor was previously analyzed by the Geomatic’s group
data. A linear interpolation was used at this step to have the of the Politecnico di Torino (Piras and Dabove 2016) to assess
same number of measurements. its behavior.
When the two set of data were finally synchronized, For our implementation on the UAV, the IMU sensor was
it was possible to estimate the compass as the angle directly connected to a mini PC installable onboard, in partic-
between two measured targets (each one acquired from ular, a PicoPc (Pico83016) with Windows operating system
a TS). The calculated result is shown in Fig. 2 (red and with the possibility to directly install the management
component). software of the Microstrain. The whole system was installed
Data acquired by the internal sensors of the UAV are stored onboard, the IMU was housed directly on the gimbal, and the
in the microSD in a log file. A script (gpx reader) able to read antenna has been locked on the top of the UAV. To evaluate
these data was written in MATLAB, and it includes position- the platform were performed two different tests with the UAV
ing (from the internal GPS) and attitude information (from the with the engines off and placed on the table and during a
internal IMU). The same synchronization procedure was ap- flight.
plied to overlap the UAV data recorded from the internal sen- Figure 3 shows the comparison of the data obtained in the
sors with that acquired by the TS. The TS was adopted as a two evaluated cases.
reference, and the UAV data were temporally translated and During the flight test, the information acquired before the
interpolated to have the same sampling rate. The compass flight (before the red line) when the UAV engines were turned
component of the UAV can now be overlapped (Fig. 2) and on is easily recognizable. For all the graphs, the same axis
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3445

Fig. 2 Cross flight estimated

angles: measured with TS (red)
and internal sensor (blue). The
angles differences are in magenta

scale is used to read the data easily and different colors repre- position of the UAV during the flight is not required, it is
sent different directions (x, y, z). The recorded data in the three possible to use an external GNSS receiver. The processing
directions shows a significant noise for all the IMU compo- of the acquired data was also analyzed to obtain precise
nents. The sensor betrays the UAV vibrations due to flight knowledge of the system position along with the flight.
movement, and the magnetic component can have large inter- Considering these strategies, it is possible to reconstruct the
ferences from the operation of the engine. A further test was UAV position with a centimeter-level of detail, which is the
done trying to filter out this noise. In particular, through the required level for precise geomatics analyses and direct pho-
MATLAB Wavelet Analyzer, the signal was filtered with the togrammetry scenarios.
Daubechies 3 level 7. In the case of the two sets of data (on the The use of an external IMU platform was also investigated,
table and during the flight), the accelerometers, gyroscopes but the used sensors suffered too much from vibrations and
and magnetometers signals were filtered, but after the filter, interference, and it was not possible to assess improvement in
it has remained a clear difference between the signal acquired the definition of the angle since it must be very well shielded
in static and that recorded in dynamic. and protected from vibrations to work well. This means intro-
According to these tests, we can conclude that a detailed ducing other weights, but the limited payload carried by UAV
knowledge of the onboard available navigational sensors is usually hampers this possibility.
crucial to understand UAVs behavior and to test their perfor-
mance. This need has been investigated with the development
of a specific methodology to evaluate GNSS and IMU plat- UAV payload sensors
forms, and particular flights were adopted to analyze the per-
formance of the sensors in comparison with well-established The use of mounted sensors exploits UAV potential. Their
topographic techniques. The analysis strategy employed for payload is, in fact, the core of the system that allows their user
the onboard navigation sensors (GNSS receiver and IMU) to collect various kinds of data for further processing and
allowed to assess the metrical position achievable through analyses (Pajares 2015). In addition to sensors, there is also
the low-cost devices installed on board. On the other hand, it accessory equipment allowing the correct positioning of the
was demonstrated that, if a real-time knowledge of the precise acquired datasets in three-dimensional spatial coordinates (De
Agostino et al. 2010). These features are mandatory when
Table 7 Microstrain 3DM-GX3-35 main specifications UAV data are used in conjunction with other geocoded data,
and when the investigated topics deal with earth science issues
Accels Gyros Mags
(Schulz 2007).
Measurement range ±5 g ± 300°/s ± 2.5 Gauss Focusing the attention on UAV’s payload, various acquisi-
Non-linearity ± 0.1% fs ± 0.03% fs ± 0.4% fs tion systems, and related supporting equipment like gimbals,
In-run bias stability ± 0.04 mg 18°/h ----- can be mounted on board. These sensors can mainly include
Initial bias error ± 0.002 g ± 0.25°/s ± 0.003 Gauss the following categories: (i) digital cameras, (ii) thermal de-
Scale factor stability ± 0.05% ± 0.05% ± 0.1% tectors, (iii) multispectral cameras, (iv) LiDAR (light detec-
Noise density 80 μg/√Hz 0.03°/s/√Hz 100 μGauss/√Hz tion and ranging), (v) sensors for the air quality evaluation. In
In-run bias stability ± 0.05° ± 0.05° ± 0.05° engineering geology applications, the first four categories are
Sampling rate 30 kHz 30 kHz 7.5 kHz max the most used, and for this reason, they are presented and
discussed in this section. The acquired payload dataset can
3446 D. Giordan et al.

Fig 3 Microstrain 3DM-GX3-35 accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers behavior on the table (left) and during the flight (right); in the right
plot, the vertical red line is the propellers switch on

be merged with IMU and GNSS receivers installed on the perform the image orientation (Remondino et al. 2012).
UAV to measure its position and attitude, in real-time and Nowadays, many commercial navigation systems can manage
post-processing, along with the flight for navigation and data the acquisition of image and store UAV’s position (GNSS)
processing purposes (Cramer 2001). and attitude (IMU) simultaneously (Zongjian 2008;
Carbonneau and Dietrich 2017). In the post-processing phase,
Digital cameras the GNSS position can be stored in the EXIF file of the ac-
quired image or coupled in dedicated software. Concerning
The most common use for UAV is acquisition of images and the image processing phase, the most employed technique is
videos for monitoring (Gonzalez et al. 2016), photogrammetry the “structure from motion” (SfM) (Braunstein 1990; Clapuyt
(Eisenbeiß 2009), filming, security (Mademlis et al. 2018), et al. 2016) which allows the three-dimensional reconstruction
and any kind of documentation (Nageli et al. 2017), also for of the surveyed object for further processing and analyses.
geological applications (Bemis et al. 2014; Giordan et al. This approach has been satisfactorily applied in geosciences
2018). Different categories of cameras are now available for and engineering geology as well (Westoby et al. 2012; Lucieer
this kind of applications: professional, semi-professional, and et al. 2014; Mancini et al. 2013; Ryan et al. 2015).
action cams. For each category, the lens calibration is required
to ensure the quality of the final result (Casella et al. 2004; Thermal detectors
Clarke and Fryer 1998; Hemayed 2003).
One of the most critical points in the use of RGB cameras is Thermal detectors are a class of sensors capable of remotely
the identification and measurement of the shooting position to measuring the object’s temperature. They provide, as a result,
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3447

an image with temperature values stored in raster’s digital including, in addition to the thermal sensor, a low light visual
numbers (Cetas 1978). The process, defined as thermography, camera and the gimbal. Lastly, Thermoteknix offers a com-
is based on the acquisition of the thermal infrared radiation of pact, new generation thermal camera featuring a shutter-less
the electromagnetic spectrum (1.3–15 μm). Thermal imagery technology allowing an uninterrupted view of the target and
is then represented in grayscale, from white depicting areas the removal of moving parts. Thanks to these characteristics, it
emitting maximum radiation to black at the opposite end of is used in security applications, including counter UAV drones
the thermal scale. To ease image interpretation or highlight (C-UAV) as a part of the targeting equipment. Table 8 sum-
particular temperature intervals, false colors could be sudden- marizes some features of the described sensors.
ly added.
Often, thermal detectors are coupled with an RGB camera Multispectral cameras
with the same field of view to allow a better interpretation of
acquired imagery by adding the visible bands to the thermal In addition to RGB cameras, multispectral ones can capture
one. image data in the non-visible sector of the light spectrum.
The uses of these sensors on UAV are various (Vasterling They are equipped with an array of sensors, each one acquir-
and Meyer 2013), ranging from search and rescue missions ing a specific wavelength interval. In some cases, the intervals
(e.g., Rudol and Doherty 2008) to precision agriculture (e.g., mimic those featured by well-known satellite missions mount-
Turner et al. 2010) and earth science applications, as in Fig. 4, ing multispectral sensors. To perform multi-band analyses and
or volcanology (Nishar et al. 2016; Amici et al. 2013). indices computation also visible bands are acquired. If the
Concerning currently available sensors, the following is a camera is dedicated to a particular task, only part of the visible
non-exhaustive list of manufacturers: DJI, FLIR Flytron, spectrum could be considered. On the other hand, general-
Thermoteknix, Yuneec, Workswell WIRIS. FLIR is a re- purpose ones are capable of acquiring all of the visible bands
nowned manufacturer producing a vast array of thermal cam- (i.e., RGB).
eras, including UAV-borne ones—thermal or coupled with a Cameras are also connected to external components which
visual one. They are also provided with preassembled kits, allow the correct positioning of the acquired images, like
usually featuring DJI drones. Several companies offer this GNSS antennas and calibration sensor detecting the incident
kind of products as DRONExpert or DSLRPros. DJI itself solar radiation during image acquisition thus correcting each
produced a dual sensor (thermal and RGB) featuring several one, according to the sunlight influence. Concerning sensor
advanced functions to maximize thermal survey productivity. calibration, cameras are often provided with a calibrated pan-
Workswell WIRIS creates an integrated system composed by el, which has to be scanned at the beginning and the end of the
a thermal camera, RGB camera, and a built-in control unit. flight. The panel acquisition ensures a more accurate genera-
Moreover, the upper limit of measured temperature range tion of the data by taking into account the incident light con-
could be extended, on request when purchased, to 1500 °C. ditions during the UAV mission.
Workswell also provides ready-to-fly kits composed by their The result of a multispectral survey is exploited, particular-
system and a drone. Flytron manufactures, based on a FLIR ly, by the computation of indices that are linear combinations
sensor core, a compact and low-cost thermal sensor allowing of bands processed by raster algebra (Shapiro and Westervelt
small drones to include in their payload a thermal camera. 1994). Among the various indices proposed in the literature,
Yuneec, on the other hand, proposes an integrated kit the most used is the NDVI (normalized difference vegetation

Fig 4 Thermal image captured by

Sensefly Albris camera (80 ×
60 px) highlighting an inflow and
wetlands in Candia Lake (45° 20′
N; 7° 53′ E)
3448 D. Giordan et al.

Table 8 Comparison between the most used thermal sensors


XT v3

Sensor size (px) 640 × 512 160 × 120 640 × 512 640 × 512 80 × 60 384 × 288 160 × 120
Measure range (°C) − 55 ÷ 95 − 20 ÷ 60 − 40 ÷ 550 − 25 ÷ 150 − 40 ÷ + 80 − 40° + 70 − 10 to 180
Measure precision (%) ± 5 °C or ± 5 °C or ± 5 °C or ± 5% ± 2 °C or ± 2% ± 5 °C or ± 5% NA NA
± 5% ± 5%
Weight (kg) 0.015 0.084 0.270 0.390 0.003 0.030 0.278

index) obtained by calculating the ratio between the difference AIRINOV multiSpec 4C acquires four different spectral
and the sum of NIR and red bands. NDRE (normalized differ- bands: green, red, red edge, and NIR. They are corrected in
ence red edge) is similar to the previous one, and the only real-time by an onboard lux meter; the recording of date, time,
difference is the Red Edge band use instead of the red band and position is available for each shot. Table 9 summarizes
(Li et al. 2013). Both of them are used in order to spot differ- some technical characteristics of the listed sensors.
ences in vegetation health status (Fig. 5) and soil water avail-
ability (Eitel et al. 2010), also for inferring slope failures and Light detection and ranging
instability triggers as in satellite remote sensing application of
the same methodologies (Fiorucci et al. 2011; Mondini et al. Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors are the most
2011; Guzzetti et al. 2012). complex and also valid for the acquisition of a 3D model of
Manufacturers offer different sensors, featuring various the studied area. These devices can be very helpful during the
characteristics and acquired bands. Sentera offers multiple so- night or in low light conditions, with clouds or shadows and
lutions concerning multispectral cameras, the most advanced especially in dense tree-covered areas. LiDAR is an active
is the multiSPEC 4 with six bands (RGB + multispectral) and sensor that emits a signal to the target object; then, it measures
automatic computation of vegetation indices (NDVI, NDRE). the time of flight and the intensity of the returned signal
Sentera also proposes a ready-to-use version of the sensor (Baltsavias 1999; Wehr and Lohr 1999).
capable of yielding RGB and vegetation indices or only veg- The system is not only composed by the laser emitter but
etation indices as results. The camera is provided as it is or also equipped with a receiver that detects the reflected energy
included in a ready-to-fly kit compatible with various drones of the pulse, and its positioning (IMU) and navigation (GNSS)
with fixed or rotary wings. Sequoia, manufactured by Parrot, systems. From the late 1990s (Miller and Amidi 1998), many
is supplied with four bands and an RGB camera; it is also different LiDAR sensors (firstly experimental and then for
equipped with GPS, IMU, and magnetometer, so it is entirely commercial purposes) specially designed for UAV applica-
autonomous and compatible with any drones. Tetracam pro- tions were developed.
duces the lighter sensor, called ADC Micro, allowing its de- Primary limitations on these sensors are naturally repre-
ployment also on small UAVs. Its bands are equivalent to sented by their weight, their dimensions, and power consump-
Landsat Thematic Mapper bands TM2, TM3, and TM4. tion. Nowadays, there are various LiDAR models commer-
MicaSense manufactures RedEdge sensor, which, in addition cially available for use on a UAV system having suitable load
to the RGB bands, captures Red edge and near-IR. Lastly, capacity in terms of payload and dimensions. The first

Fig. 5 Comparison between the

RGB image and the NDRE index
(sensor MicaSense RedEdge,
location 42° 46′ N; 13° 42′ E).
The rectangle shows the presence
of a swamp area, barely visible in
the RGB image and depicted by
the vegetation index (modified
from Allasia et al. 2018).
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3449

Table 9 Comparison between the


No. of spectral 4 5 3 6 4
Spectral range (nm) 550–790 400–900 520–920 450–825 550–790
Weight (kg) 0.072 0.15 0.09 0.17 0.16

applications of these sensors are forestry and vegetation map- In the second category, at the current date, is it possible to
ping (Sankey et al. 2017; Sankey et al. 2018; Guo et al. 2017) include only the RIEGL VUX, in the two versions: UAV (pri-
but, according to “traditional” LiDAR potentialities (among mary lower ranging and scan rate) and LR (long range). This
others Lato et al. 2009; Dewitte et al. 2008) in engineering sensor differs from those belonging to the first category from
geology, also the UAV-borne version of LiDAR is expected to this concept project, comparable with a full-scale aerial
provide encouraging results. LiDAR sensor, and mounted on an aerial vehicle with a pilot,
Various systems/sensors are available with different fea- but made compact and suitable for use with UAVs.
tures and capabilities. Leddar Tech provides a compact solu- However, the two main problems of this instrumentation
tion equipped with a solid-state fixed light source and eight are its weight, which in fact constrains the type of aerial plat-
independent detection elements allowing multi-object mea- form that can be used, with not negligible consequences on
surement. Velodyne, renowned for autonomous vehicle equip- flight regulations for this type of aircraft (in particular total
ment, offers different lightweight rotating head sensors takeoff weight); and its price, which is more than ten times
allowing 360° surveys. Riegl markets a long-range system higher than other solutions represented by the first category.
allowing an operating flight altitude of up to 350 m AGL. It is evident that this system has a higher level of perfor-
Integrated systems are also available, like the one provided mance in comparison with other types of solutions but it re-
by Routescene. It is a ready-to-use system, which combines mains, at least from a psychological point of view, more than
LiDAR, RTK-GNSS, inertial sensors, and control compo- one doubt about safety and reliability factor for the installation
nents in a unique device. Velodyne LiDAR is also included of a payload of the cost 20 times greater than the aerial vector
in two other solutions like Yellowscan and Geodetics, and it is that carries it. This sensor results in almost all cases installed
integrated, like the previous one, with GNSS, inertial, and on a rotating blade manned vector.
control units. Table 10 shows the main features of six different At the moment, these systems have a strong limitation,
examples of systems that can be adopted by UAV. represented by the UAV flight autonomy, usually represented
Although similar in sizes and weight, scanning systems by a multirotor, which have a fly range of no more than 25–
examined have different characteristics in terms of global per- 30 min. A possible solution could be the use of fixed wing
formances, absolute ranging, and scanning rate. In particular, solution featuring a greater flight autonomy.
is it possible to divide them into two main categories: (i) com-
pact sensors with approximate ranging between 40 and 100
and scan rate ranging between 50 and 300 KHz, weighting
nearly 1 kg, and (ii) advanced sensors, with multi-pulse and
full-waveform technology with a weight of 4–5 kg, ranging
between 100 m (for corridor and power lines applications) and
900 m (aerial mapping).

Table 10 Comparison between the most used LiDAR sensors



Wavelength (nm) 905 903 905 905 905 905

Maximum range 185 100 920 100 100 200
Accuracy (cm) 5 2 1 2 5 3
Field of view (°) 100 360 330 360 360
Weight (kg) 1.3 1.3 3.5 2.5 1.5 1.5
3450 D. Giordan et al.

UAV for 3D model generation: operative Organisation, ICAO) and/or nationally (national aviation au-
rules, regulation, data collection, thority) (Stöcker et al. 2017) which might include, for exam-
and processing ple, a “Permission for Commercial Operations” (PfCO), a
“Congested Area Operational Safety Case” (CAOSC), a
In this section, we present a synthesis of the best practice for “Private Impact Assessment” (PIA), and insurance cover. In
an excellent acquisition of a photo sequence that can be proc- any event, even where not mandatory, some form of site as-
essed using the structure from motion applications. The main sessment is advisable and, where applicable, contact with air
goal of this section is the introduction of most essential aspects traffic control (ATC), police, emergency services, etc.
that can be considered for proper use of UAVs, in term of Besides, an assessment of weather and likely flying conditions
operative rules, regulation, data collection, and data should be carried out. These levels of regulation tend to mit-
processing. igate against rapid ad-hoc UAV surveying of the kind that
Sometimes, users are often convinced that the use of UAV might be deemed necessary to achieve an effective geohazard
is quite easy, practically automatic and that the data collection response, for example. However, for a routine survey, such
strategy is secondary to obtain valid and precise photogram- preparations would be considered advisable and most govern-
metric products. ment and commercial organizations carrying out geo-surveys
In the last 20 years, a major revolution has taken place in will have formalized health & safety procedures covering all
microelectronics, battery and camera technology, and global forms of fieldwork. At the moment, each country has a differ-
positioning, plus a quiet revolution in photogrammetric soft- ent regulation, but the European community is going to pre-
ware and its availability, based on the theory of “close-range” pare a European Regulation. The goal is to have a “mandatory
photogrammetry (Cooper and Robson 2001). This recent evo- regulation” in June 2020.
lution has fueled developments and enabled almost any type
of UAV-mounted camera to achieve reliably accurate results in Operative rules and planning
terms of 3D surface models and 4D monitoring. In practice,
results from UAV photogrammetry can be spliced smoothly One of the most crucial activities that should be considered
with LiDAR-based techniques, both terrestrial and airborne, before a survey is flight planning. Nex and Remondino (2014)
and satellite-based techniques, and are increasingly used in listed several essential elements that compose the typical
tandem to produce DTM (Hobbs et al. 2013; Tong et al. workflow for the acquisition and processing of images. The
2015; Peppa et al. 2016; Wilkinson et al. 2016; Mateos et al. published workflow is dedicated in particular to the acquisi-
2017). Of course, there are limitations to the use of UAV, tion of photo sequence that can be processed using SfM algo-
primary among which are weather and legislation. The former rithms. Similar approaches can be adopted for different acqui-
is not exclusive to UAV surveys but the latter definitely. sition processes.
Regulation and law for UAV is not a subject that is covered The most important parameters considered in the workflow
in detail in this paper as it is complex, internationally varied, that is fundamental for a correct definition of the flight plan-
and ever-changing (Stöcker et al. 2017). Current technological ning are as follows: (i) flight parameters: ground sample dis-
improvements include greater endurance, payload and range, tance (GSD), area of interest, camera information, and flight
collision avoidance, and increased sophistication of onboard goals; (ii) characteristics of the available UAV: UAV platform
IMU (UST 2018). Context-based flight controls are also (batteries duration, maximum distance from the ground con-
emerging; that is, the UAV use of elements of Artificial trol station) and autopilot; (iii) additional parameters like cam-
Intelligence (AI) to control flight parameters onboard accord- era calibration, and availability and distribution of ground
ing to changes in its environment. Terrain recognition, either control points (GCPs).
from laser scanner or from photogrammetry, combined with These elements contribute to the definition of the mission
IMU data, provides a form of “dead reckoning” navigation planning that is propaedeutic to the acquisition of images.
and safeguard against GPS outages. This is already available After the acquisition of the photo sequence, a process of image
in some terrestrial laser scanner systems for indoor use, but triangulation allows the generation of the digital surface mod-
will also be applied to confined or other UAV scenarios where el (DSM) and other products like orthoimages, 3D modeling,
GPS is absent. Some requirements of landslide surveys are and the extraction of features. James et al. (2017) made a
summarized in Table 11 and the effects of some recent and detailed analysis of how it is possible to reduce the number
(likely) future developments given in Tables 12 and 13. of GCPs, which often requires a strong field survey effort and
the importance of the proper choice camera concerning the
Regulation final resolution and quality of the DSM.
Even if the use of commercial UAV could seem very sim-
In a built-up or air-trafficked area, a UAV survey is likely to be ple and quite friendly, it is fundamental to apply some primary
regulated internationally (International Civil Aviation mode of operation and to be able to realize correct planning of
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3451

Table 11 Likely requirements and outcomes for a UAV landslide survey

Requirement Purpose UAV photogrammetry advantage

Safety assessment Communication with local authorities, emergency services, Rapid deployment and processing
and public
Reconnaissance Fieldwork planning, contextual mapping, and planning of Rapid deployment and processing, and flexibility of scale
ground investigation. Disaster response
3D modeling Responsive visual assessment, rapid geomorphological Speed, repeatability, compatibility with other survey
assessment and zoning of landslides, monitoring rates methods, flexibility of scale, and lack of requirement
of erosion, design of ground investigations, design for photogrammetry expertise
of TLS survey, and slope stability analysis
Environmental sensing Thermal imaging, e.g., for gas escape Wide coverage and hazardous areas
Publicity Public understanding of science, education, media, and Topicality, immediacy, and engaging imagery providing
marketing geographical context without map interpretation

the flight, to avoid collecting useless dataset. First, it is man- 1. Verify the possible authority restriction on this area (e.g., a
datory to do an investigation of the site before the flight. location close to the airport), to ask permission (if it is
Aerial or satellite images are not sufficient (and updated) to possible) or not working there. Each country has different
detect some critical points or elements. After the decision of rules; therefore, it is fundamental to verify the specific
the UAV survey, it is essential to select the best UAV typology. one.
As previously mentioned, the two most diffused UAV catego- 2. Verify the presence of electric lines or pylons or other
ries are multirotor and fixed wings. As suggested by Giordan aerial furniture. In some case, it is impossible to estimate
et al. (2015), the topography of the target is a good point for the height or the distance between this obstacle and UAV
the identification of the best UAV configuration: for steep 3. Identify the correct surface where takeoff and land. This
areas (like rock walls or infrastructures), the best solution is area depends a lot by the category of used UAV. If the
usually a multirotor coupled with oblique images acquisition; selected UAV is a multirotor, the required space is limited,
for gentle and more extensive slopes, the best solution is often because it is possible to realize the VTOL (vertical takeoff
a fixed wing with nadiral images acquisition. Once that the and landing). Using a fixed wing, it needs a broader area
typology of UAV has been identified, it is fundamental to keep (at least 20–25 m), including a free space about the run-
into account the actual condition of the site, and, in particular, ways, to have the takeoff and landing ramp.
it is mandatory to: 4. Check the adequate GNSS visibility, both in the upper
part of the flight and on the ground, to avoid to lose the
GNSS signal during the landing (very critical condition)
or in the takeoff (operability is not allowed);
Table 12 Recent UAV developments that have affected landslide 5. Control the presence of vegetation and other possible
studies obstacles;
6. Verify the presence of potential electromagnetic interfer-
Development Effect
ences, both for the GNSS signal and for the UAV com-
Electric power Acceptable noise levels and no need for munication system;
flammable liquids or starter battery
IMU Auto piloting and accurate camera control
GPS/GNSS Geo-rectifying survey and repeat monitoring
Table 13 Future UAV developments that will affect landslide studies
Gimbal Camera/sensor control and vibration reduction Development Effect
Camera Image quality and “true” coloration of models,
light weight, and radio control Hybrid and “transitioning” UAVs Combined advantages of rotary and
fixed wing, cost reduction, and
Compactness Portability, ability to backpack, and reduced
wider applications
landing damage
AI-enhanced control Autonomy and onboard reaction to
Duration Greater coverage and data density per flight
environment/adverse conditions
Live video streaming Improved inspection and reconnaissance
Solar power Greater endurance and eco credentials
Route programming Repeat surveys and monitoring (but less useful in the UK)
Self-recovery “Home” function and parachute systems Terrain recognition + Safeguard against GPS outages
Legislation Greater safety, professional attitude, and IMU = “dead reckoning”
availability of professional training Swarming technology Greater coverage (but less portable)
3452 D. Giordan et al.

7. Check the morphology of the area to survey, considering the range of the frame overlapping could be 60–80% in the
possible high slope variation or other specific issues. longitudinal direction and 50–80% in the transversal direction.
The minimum values of these ranges are used when a pho-
Also, a critical operative step is to verify the weather condi- togrammetric procedure is involved, where the collinearity
tion, and to have a continuous weather forecasting bulletin, equations are adopted for plotting the points (Kraus 2007).
avoiding being surprised by critical visibility condition (e.g., In opposite, it is better to improve the overlapping when a
fog) or, in a worst-case, a rainstorm. Nowadays, there are a lot computer vision approach (e.g., structure from motion) is
of APP for smartphone (e.g., Avia Weather - METAR & TAF), employed (Micheletti et al. 2015). In this case, the plotting is
where the METAR (METeorological Air Report) is read and made with automatic feature extraction procedures, and the
the main information is extracted, allowing working with the suggested value of the overlapping can achieve the 80% if
official meteorological report, generated by the Aeronautic the surface is characterized by a low contrast like snow or
Service. After that, it is possible to start the flight planning. sand (Agisoft 2018).
This planning depends on the aim of the flight. In some case The planning could be made or by the user, knowing pre-
(e.g., indoor positioning or GPS not available), the flight is cisely the relation of the photogrammetry or using some tool.
entirely manually made. In all other conditions (where the Usually, the height of flight is fixed not considering a real
GPS is available), it is possible to realize an automatic flight. elevation model. In some case, flight planners are able to
If the target of the flight is the acquisition of an image sequence consider some global digital elevation models and define a
for photogrammetry purposes, it is fundamental to shooting the flight plan with a constant distance from the ground. This is
images respecting the photogrammetric parameters imposed by important in particular in steep areas, where the value of GSD
the user. Knowing the proprieties of the digital camera (focal can be very different is the flight height is constant, and the
length, resolution, pixel size, etc.), it is possible to planning the surveyed area has a great difference in altitude.
flight, in order to respect the scale factor of the frame, the Recently, there is a new approach adopted for photogram-
overlapping between the frames (longitudinal and transversal) metry applications, which is based on the acquisition of
and the GSD (ground sampling distance), that is the distance oblique images (Fig. 7). In this case, the planning has to be
between two pixel in the object space. Using a traditional nadir completely different, and the traditional tools are not more
acquisition, the schema of the flight is presented in Fig. 6. available. The same problem arises when the image acquisi-
According to Fig. 6, the scale factor of the frame is defined as: tion is made along a vertical façade (e.g., rock façade), where
the flight is manually performed using the experience of the
¼ ¼ mb pilot. Moreover, the acquisition of vertical sectors often is
c l affected by errors in the definition of the height, which is not
perfectly guaranteed and stable due to the position quality
where B is the distance between two shooting; H, the relative estimated by the GNSS receiver. The oblique acquisition is
flight height; c, the focal length; A, the distance between two typically based on the use of multirotor.
strips; L, the size of the frame in the object space (ground); and After the data acquisition using the UAV, images, and
l, the size of the frame in the image space GCPs are used for generating several products as digital sur-
Usually, the scale factor and the GSD depend on the preci- face models (DSM) and orthophoto. Typically, there are two
sion and quality of the final products. In the nadir condition, possible approaches for data processing: photogrammetry
based or computer vision based. Actually, the high diffusion
of software based on Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms
has increased the computer vision approach that is presented
in the “Data processing and 3D model generation” section.

Ground control points

The use of Ground Control Points is an essential element that

could have a substantial impact on the accuracy of the SfM-
based DSM (James and Robson 2012; Turner et al. 2015).
GCPs are points of known coordinated that can be clearly
recognized in the photo sequence acquired by UAV. These
points can be elements present in the field and/or artificial
Fig. 6 Nadiral acquisition of a photo sequence. B, the distance between
two shooting; H, the relative flight height; c, the focal length; A, the
targets placed in the surveyed area before the UAV flight.
distance between two strips; L, the size of the frame in the object space The position of GCPs is acquired using high accuracy topo-
(ground); l, the size of the frame in the image space graphic methods like GNSS or total stations and then
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3453

Fig. 7 Examples of different

camera orientations and how a
grid of section lines appears on
various types of photos (modified
from Gherdevich et al. 2012)

identified in the photo sequence during the SfM procedure acquisition, 20%; GCPs field measurement, 15%; image tri-
(Harwin and Lucieer 2012). angulation, 15%; DSM generation, 25%; ortho mosaicking,
The use and the number of GCPs depend on the required 10%; feature extraction, 10%. Nowadays, working with the
final accuracy of the positioning of the DSM and the quality of traditional photogrammetry the time usually required for the
the UAV positioning system. As said before, it is possible to survey of GCPs is twice or more the time necessary for the
have on the UAV a GPS only or a multi-constellation receiver, UAV survey. This element should be carefully considered
but it is important to evaluate the combination between receiv- because the deployment of targets has to be done before the
er and antenna, in order to define the final performances. In flight, and this activity can constrain the UAV flight activity
some cases, an external GNSS receiver can be installed and that often should be done in the central part of the day to limit
used to collect the raw data of the UAV path. This solution is the influence of shadows.
adopted for direct photogrammetry applications (Turner et al. Typically, it is possible to have three kinds of GCPs: natu-
2014; Eling et al. 2015; Mian et al. 2015; Gabrlik et al. 2018), ral, artificial, and coded. First ones are “natural” points which
where is required a high-resolution GNNS on board that re- are easily detectable in the images, and their coordinates can
duce the importance and the impact of GCPs on the final be measured by a topographic survey (e.g., total station or
accuracy of the DSM. The number of GCPs and their position GNSS). Usually, these points are corners, artifacts, pedestrian
is hard to define a priori, but some simple operative sugges- crossing lines, some natural spot, and similar. As a best prac-
tions can be useful for proper distribution of these points: (i) tice, each GCP needs to be well defined, and it means to select
follow the limit of the area of interest, (ii) insert other GCPs a point and not a blob or an ambiguous area.
inside the area of interest considering also the elevation dif- A weakness of this kind of GCPs is that not always it is
ferences of the area. Other critical considerations that have to possible to find some suitable points and the quality of the
be evaluated during the deployment of GCPs are, according to georeferencing could be low with respect to the use of artifi-
James et al. (2017): (i) the importance of datum alignment to cial GCPs. Artificial marker (e.g., plastic or wooded panel)
gravity (the distribution of targets can be carefully considered can be placed on the terrain and satisfy the required geometry
in particular if the final model can be used for modeling of the distribution of GCPs. Using artificial marker, the geom-
gradient-sensitive processes like, for example, rainfall or run- etry and the center is perfectly defined, and it can be correctly
off models), (ii) the presence of vegetation at the scale of the measured with high accuracy. In this case, it is very important
physical control targets (that could hamper the identification to verify the color combination, because there is the risk to
of targets on images), (iii) the absolute 3D positioning. have a “pixel saturation” effect in the image, due to the white
Another important element that should be carefully consid- color.
ered during the definition of number and position of GCPs is Since a few years, artificial GCPs have been replaced by
the real effort that the deployment and survey of these points “coded” panel, such as artificial support where the top is cov-
required. Nex and Remondino (2014) proposed an evaluation ered by a special design, where is possible to use the code with
of the time effort in a typical UAV-based photogrammetric a purpose to include some properties (e.g., name, code). In
workflow. The time effort evaluation proposed by Nex and Fig. 8, codified markers are shown.
Remondino (2014) is as follows: flight planning, 5%; image
3454 D. Giordan et al.

Data processing and 3D model generation bedrock discontinuity analysis (Menegoni et al. 2019).
Another significant result of the SfM procedure is the
The literature devoted to the use of UAV and the post- orthophoto generation of the surveyed area. A high-
processing procedures of a “typical” dataset composed by a resolution image of the studied area is fundamental in many
photo sequence is very vast and variegated. Just to cite some applications like, for example, the study of landslides (Peppa
more representative papers, Westoby et al. (2012) published a et al. 2017; Fiorucci et al. 2018a, b; Cignetti et al. 2019), rivers
relevant article for the use of structure from motion in (Tamminga et al. 2015), or coastlines (Nikolakopoulos et al.
geosciences; Nex and Remondino (2014) published a useful 2019).
review of the use of UAV for 3D mapping, and James et al. Data processing could be based on GCPs or, in the most
(2017) described how it is possible to optimize the structure recent cases, working with direct photogrammetry approach,
from motion process. where the position and orientation of the camera are known,
The field of computer vision has evolved, allowing the and it is directly possible to create the block. Nowadays, there
human-level capability in the extraction of information from are already on the shelf some UAV that are able to realize the
image data. There are many and diverse applications of com- direct photogrammetry, because they are able to synchronize
puter vision since much of human experience are associated the shutter with the GPS time and to collect the raw GNSS
with images and with visual information processing. data, with the purpose to realize the data processing or even to
Nowadays, the most used solution for UAV image se- directly work in RTK.
quence process is based on the structure from motion (SfM) Even if direct photogrammetry approach is available, it is
algorithms. A typical SfM process workflow can be found in essential to know some milestones:
many articles such as Turner et al. (2014) and Ajayi et al.
(2017). A full description of how the structure from motion 1. GCPs are still fundamental because they allow having
works is out from the scope of this manuscript, which is aimed better control of the quality of the final model in terms
to presents the principal elements of the procedure and some of precision and accuracy; it is possible to reduce the
operative suggestions. The number of software that are able to numbers working with direct photogrammetry, but they
acquire the photo sequence and process the available data are are still essential to verify the quality and to correct some
progressively increased in last years and now are available local deformation.
both freeware applications and commercial solutions. The 2. RTK is available even for direct photogrammetry, but the
most complete software have a detailed guide that describes basic of RTK positioning is still valid; therefore it is im-
the sequence of processes that starts from the camera calibra- portant to verify the datalink connection and the and the
tion and the image orientation, and that continues with the distance between master and rover;
image matching technique (Westoby et al. 2012). 3. RTK navigation is not required; hence it could be suffi-
With an iterative procedure, this software is able to recon- cient to store the raw GNSS data for data processing and
struct firstly a sparse point clouds and then a dense one that is then use a post-processing approach for the acquisition of
generally preferred in case of terrain/surface reconstruction. high-precision images acquisition points;
After, the dense point cloud could be interpolated, simplified, 4. On the shelf, there are several commercial solutions, but
classified, and finally textured for photo-realistic visualization the cost of these systems is not cheaper considering pro-
(Nex and Remondino 2014). The photo-realistic representa- fessional solution where the internal GNSS data could be
tion is one of the most relevant results of SfM for engineering analyzed and processed.
geology applications that, for example, can be used for a

Additional remarks

In engineering geology, high-resolution topographic recon-

structions of determined area are probably one of the most
common uses of UAV. That is due to the limited cost of small
commercial UAV equipped with a high-resolution photo cam-
era. The section also proposed a selection of papers that can be
used by readers to improve the knowledge of these aspects,
which are fundamental for a correct reconstruction of a topo-
graphic model. Additional necessary steps (e.g., battery stor-
age and charging, UAV maintenance) are not mentioned but
they are vital aspects to be considered to work in a safe con-
Fig. 8 Examples of artificial coded GCPs (Daftry et al. 2015) dition and to obtain the best result. The last comment is
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3455

required considering other natural issues like birds attack. It tool, where point clouds and 3D models can be produced from
seems funny, but in some wide-areas, it is possible to be af- overlapping photography, meets this requirement head-on, but
fected by a predator attack as eagle, buzzard or similar birds. this has only been truly the case very recently. In its simplest
Usually, they want to protect their territory by the enemy and form we now have a small, radio-controlled, electric rotary or
unfortunately, the UAVs (typically small fixed wings) are de- fixed-wing aircraft fitted with a small, but high-resolution,
tected as “enemy” and then attacked. camera easily capable of achieving a digital elevation model
(DEM) resolution of between 5 and 25 cm (Madjid et al.
2018). This has developed from a simple “eye in the sky” to
The use of UAVs on landslides a sophisticated photogrammetric tool but, crucially, one avail-
able to professional and non-expert alike (Niethammer et al.
The International Programme on Landslides (IPL) declared in 2012; Lucieer et al. 2014; Stumpf et al. 2014; Eltner et al.
Kobe, Japan, in 2006 that “strengthening research and learn- 2015; Peppa et al. 2016). Landslides come in a variety of
ing on landslides and related earth system disasters for global forms and states. They can be large or small, inland or coastal,
risk preparedness” was a key objective and will be carried active or inactive (Hungr et al. 2014). There have been many
forward to form the “Kyoto 2020 Commitment” (Sassa instances, particularly on linear infrastructure such as rail,
2017). The important study of landslides has fully embraced where an apparently small, active landslide has been investi-
process understanding and new technologies, including gated only for it to be later identified as part of a much larger,
LiDAR (light detection and ranging) and UAVs (unmanned and possibly more hazardous, landslide. For this reason,
aerial vehicles), in particular, small UAVs (< 20 kg), to good ground investigations and remedial works applicable to the
effect internationally, particularly in the last 30 years. These “small” landslide may turn out to be totally inadequate for
technologies have transformed the capabilities of engineering the “large” landslide of which it is part. For this scenario, an
geologists, mapping geologists, engineers, and researchers. early UAV survey could be vital in revealing the “big picture,”
For the last two decades terrestrial LiDAR scanning (TLS), at least in the absence of any other “desk study” information.
or equivalent ground-based radar systems, have been avail-
able to survey landslides and other geohazards, remotely, Examples of landslides studies in the UK using UAV
allowing accurate Digital Elevation Models (DEM’s) of the
ground surface to be produced from point clouds (Miller et al. Landslides in the UK tend to be driven by rainfall, both
2007; Hobbs et al. 2010; Boon et al. 2015). Vegetation can be amount and intensity (Forster and Culshaw 2004;
“stripped” from 3D datasets to reveal stunning high-resolution Pennington et al. 2015; Uhlemann et al. 2016). This can also
models of the landslide beneath; in many cases, this includes apply to coastal cliffs, but with the additional factor of marine
landslides previously undetected and subtle features within erosion (Poulton et al. 2006). The ability of geological forma-
and beyond known landslides. From these data, displacements tions to cope with water is a key factor. More permeable rocks/
and volumes can be calculated (Quinn et al. 2010; Hobbs et al. soils are able to accept more water than less permeable ones
2013; Chesley et al. 2017). Further, more recently, it has been but they may also result in more rapid landslide triggering
possible for surveys made by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles depending on the mechanisms involved. Slopes in low perme-
(UAVs) or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS’s) to replicate ability rocks/soils, in particular clay-rich ones, may tend to-
some of the capabilities of large and expensive aerial and wards instability over many decades. This includes man-made
satellite platforms. LiDAR scanners themselves, with the ad- slopes (e.g., cuttings and embankments) where the method of
dition of hyperspectral sensors, can now be added to the construction and the drainage regime are also important.
UAV’s onboard facilities. This section takes an overview of The distinction between “active” and “inactive” states can
developments and the consequent advantages for those be difficult to determine during early investigations. In some
studying, mapping, and surveying landslides. The cases, for example, where an active landslide poses a chronic
development history of UAV, in general, is described in threat, a monitoring regime may be needed to determine
Colomina and Molina (2014) and its use in other spheres of which parts are active, how the activity is progressing and
geological study in Bemis et al. (2014), Tong et al. (2015), what effect this is having on the overall hazard; and also to
Wilkinson et al. (2016), Jordan et al. (2016), Chesley et al. monitor the response to remedial measures. Such a regime can
(2017), Nieminski and Graham (2017), Nikolakopoulos et al. also aid the understanding of landslide mechanisms and their
(2017a), Madjid et al. (2018), Nikolakopoulos et al. (2018), complexity. Again, a UAV survey may be the ideal solution
and Nikolakopoulos et al. (2019). here or, at least, an important part of the solution. Geo-
In many ways, it can be argued that the small instrumented registration of each survey in a landslide monitoring program
UAV is the perfect tool for the assessment of landslides, where is vital to compare individual surveys and calculate changes.
the terrain may be remote, hazardous, and inaccessible except Without good quality onboard GPS some form of ground
on foot or entirely out of bounds. The UAV photogrammetry control is required (Stumpf et al. 2014; Peppa et al. 2016). A
3456 D. Giordan et al.

landslide is traditionally mapped, characterized, and zoned landslide investigations and geological investigations more
using a small-scale, detailed “geomorphological” map; the widely (Quinn et al. 2010). “Green” LiDAR has also been
starting point of which is some form of terrain model com- developed for its ability to “see-through” water for bathymet-
bined (in the last two decades) with digital input in the field ric surveying. In the UK, much of the land has been deforested
via tablet PC. These can now be produced rapidly, automati- for agriculture. The remaining areas of woodland are often
cally and remotely by uploading large numbers of UAV found to contain previously undetected landslides, particularly
photos to proprietary software packages (Fig. 9). on escarpment slopes (this, in turn, adding to the unsuitability
A large number of photographs taken from a wide variety for farming) such as shown at the British Geological Survey
of viewpoints is uploaded. Specialist “metric” cameras are no “landslide observatory” at Hollin Hill, North Yorkshire (Fig.
longer required, and everyday digital cameras are suitable. 10).
The result is a convincing rendition of the ground surface in In the UK many landslide boundaries match woodland
the form of a colored “point cloud.” Point clouds are the boundaries. Currently, UAV photogrammetry is incapable of
“bread and butter” of terrestrial LiDAR surveys (TLS) and “stripping away” tree cover as each raw image is, by defini-
while the results of UAV photogrammetry are not equal, at tion, 2D (Bemis et al. 2014). However, the level of detail
least on paper (Wilkinson et al. 2016), to those of TLS (all already available to LiDAR is increasingly available to UAV
other factors being equal) both outputs can be combined fol- photogrammetry and Structure from Motion techniques.
lowing processing, as indeed they can with full-scale (high- Overall images of 3D models of the unwooded part of the
altitude) airborne LiDAR. It is reported that a combination of landslide at Hollin Hill are shown in Fig. 11 and detail of the
TLS and SfM (using both terrestrial and UAV platforms) pro- active backscarps in Fig. 12.
vides the best result in rock slope stability surveys when The use of UAV images for coastal landslide surveying and
linked to an independent survey control network (O’Banion modeling at the British Geological Survey’s “coastal landslide
et al. 2018). The coloration of the data (true RGB) itself adds observatory” on the Holderness coast of Yorkshire (Hobbs
hugely to the value of the survey for a geologist or geomor- et al. 2020) is shown in Figs. 13 and 14. The results are fully
phologist, as this aids visualization and the identification of compatible with, and complementary to, TLS survey results.
features. These factors amount to a powerful visualization and One approach is to use TLS for the overall survey and UAV
measurement combination when applied to landslide surveys. photogrammetry for infilling shadow (obscured) areas or for
UAV-mounted LiDAR has also entered the public domain areas where greater detail is required. If a larger area is to be
in the last 5 years. This is a desirable option mainly due to its covered then the opposite approach may be more suitable.
3D capability to “strip” foliage using the 3rd laser return to see The question of UAV photogrammetric accuracy has been
the ground beneath and hence produce a DTM. However, it is examined, in the context of an active landslide by Peppa et al.
very expensive; currently requiring a powerful (> 20 kg) UAV (2016) and rock slopes (O’Banion et al. 2018), and for outcrop
platform and subject to additional national restrictions or out- surveying by Wilkinson et al. (2016). The former was located
right bans worldwide. In fact, the cost is currently higher than at the BGS’s “landslide observatory” at Hollin Hill, North
conventional TLS. Of course, technology is moving rapidly Yorkshire, UK, where the authors described the accuracy as
and these, and other, tools will become commonplace in the “acceptable for landslide assessment.” Others have success-
very near future; for example, multispectral and environmen- fully used UAV for time series monitoring of similar land-
tal sensors, some of which will be suitable for aspects of land- slides (Lucieer et al. 2014; Turner et al. 2015). This is an
slide surveying. Some multispectral sensors can be used for important consideration because landslides occur in a wide
detecting minerals and water and for distinguishing rock types range of scales and behaviors (Hungr et al. 2014).
(Madjid et al. 2018); a potentially useful capability for

Fig. 9 Coastal cliff landslide

surveying using a a DJI “S900”
UAV with a digital camera and b
a Mikrokopter “Hexakopter XL”
(right), Aldbrough, UK (2014),
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3457

Fig. 10 Landslide complex, a in

part revealed beneath tree cover,
from airborne LiDAR-derived
DTM’s, and b DTM prior to
“stripping out” of tree cover,
Hollin Hill, UK (2012),

Landslides which consist of unsaturated soil or weak rock committed to introducing new regulations by 2019 (Dron
(and often both) tend to feature large-scale movements (often 2017).
on moderate slopes) which can be slow-moving and non-cat- & Software licenses: these can be expensive and, at the
astrophic, whereas landslides consisting of strong rock tend to higher end of geodetic-quality surveying, almost prohibi-
undergo small deformations before catastrophic failure (often tively so; particularly where complex processing and com-
on steep slopes). However, it could be argued that where large binations of software packages are required, and also
deformations are involved high-accuracy (geodetic-quality) where multiple “seats” are involved. However, new gen-
surveys are neither necessary nor cost-effective. The same erations of SfM software, in particular, are reducing the
argument could be applied to emergency situations where ac- cost and complexity of image processing.
curacy may be a secondary factor in either response or out- & Weather: small and micro-UAVs are usually incapable of
come. Nevertheless, using a network of ground control points operating in severe weather. However, many small UAVs
(GCP’s), an accuracy was reported in terms of a “real terrain can now deal with “TLS-tolerant” weather. The wind is
change equal to 9 cm” (Peppa et al. 2016). the main problem for platform safety and camera stability;
in particular, gusting wind. Precipitation, fog, and mist are
also included, partly by virtue of damage to electronics
Challenges of using UAVs for landslide surveying and moving parts, but also obscuration of the landslide
Recurring problems encountered in landslide surveying with & Computing: UAV photogrammetry may occupy several
UAVs include the following: hours of processing time, depending on survey size and
laptop power. Nevertheless, the same can be said of TLS.
& Regulation: national regulatory bodies have struggled to
keep up with developments (Cracknell 2017) but are like-
ly to restrict or even prevent UAV surveys in some coun-
tries. The international regulation situation is changing Advantages of using UAV for landslide surveying
and there have been moves to clamp down on civilian
use of drones. Usually, there is a requirement for commer- Of course, problems aside, there are many advantages to the
cial users to have completed a training program (Cracknell use of UAV in landslide surveys. These include the following:
2017; Cunliffe et al. 2017). The European Union (EU) has

Fig. 11 a Orthophoto at 1-cm

resolution and b digital elevation
model (DEM) sub-sampled at
5 cm, from UAV imagery of
unwooded part of Hollin Hill
landslide, June 2014 (refer to
Fig. 10), BGS©UKRI[2018]
3458 D. Giordan et al.

Fig. 12 a Orthophoto at 1-cm

resolution and b digital elevation
model (DEM) sub-sampled at
5 cm, from UAV imagery of
Hollin Hill landslide (detail: fresh
slumps in north-east corner of
Fig. 11), June 2014,

& Portability: many modern small and micro-UAVs can be flying at lower altitude and speed (fixed wing). Satellite-
back-packed to site and hand-launched and retrieved. This borne remote sensing methods tend to have a oblique line
is an important consideration when trekking, for example of sight which may be unsuitable for cliffs and escarp-
through jungle, bog, or mountain, to reach a remote land- ments. Proximity also allows expert local observations to
slide (packing cases and launch ramps not needed). be made to aid interpretation of the survey results.
& Rapidity: the ability to move into a potentially hazardous & Dataset size: the size of the datasets (raw + processed) is
area and out again quickly, having assessed the situation typically modest compared with equivalent TLS surveys;
and completed the survey. This is particularly useful in the for example: two hundred photos of 4 to 8 MB each,
case of landslides involving infrastructures such as road, giving an overall LASer file format (.las) size of
rail, pipelines, and transmission. 200 MB for the small section of landslide shown in Fig.
& Opportunism: this is really the combined effect of porta- 12, compared with 1 GB for an equivalent TLS.
bility and rapidity. A cross-country expedition of several & Cost: an off-the-shelf, ready-to-fly UAV with mounted
days or even hours is likely to benefit from the ability to camera is now less than $1000 (excluding training and
deploy at any point and short notice. For example, colored processing software). This also typically amounts to less
point clouds of landslides often reveal subtle features more than 1 h’s flying time with a full-scale survey aircraft.
effectively when photographed in sunny conditions; par- Meanwhile, a TLS system can cost as much as $120,000.
ticularly with a low sun angle. Also, there are distinct & Safety: the safe deployment and operation of UAVs in the
advantages to being able to repeat a survey the same field should be a normal part of the overall risk assessment
day, for example, if there are problems with visibility. for the project. Fixed-wing and rotary types both have the
This may not be possible with full-scale aircraft in remote capability to inflict personal injury and property damage;
locations. hence the importance of regulation and the effective as-
& Proximity: a terrestrially deployed UAV survey can have sessment of weather and traffic (air and ground). The UAV
an advantage over an equivalent full-scale (high altitude) system should also have its own Operations Manual and
airborne survey by virtue of its proximity. Rather than a logbooks for pilot and batteries. Electric power is virtually
blanket coverage with an average resolution, a targeted ubiquitous for small UAV and utilizes lithium polymer
survey with a more detailed resolution can be achieved (LiPo) batteries; the safety aspects of which (e.g., charging
either by “loitering” over areas of interest (rotary) or by and transporting) should be carefully considered.

An improved understanding of landslides and other

geohazards is necessary worldwide and will have an important
impact on resilience, survivability, planning, and engineering.
Recent developments lead to the conclusion that “UAV pho-
togrammetry” and “structure from motion” methods are mak-
ing a significant contribution to landslide surveying, mapping,
monitoring, and research, in common with many other spheres
of activity in the earth sciences. New and positive experiences
with UAVs are being reported at an accelerating rate, for ex-
ample in the fields of agriculture, archaeology, oceanography,
glaciology and virtually every other branch of observational
Fig. 13 Orthophoto image of coastal cliff landslide produced using UAV scientific research that has an “outdoor” component. Drone
photogrammetry, Aldbrough, UK (2013), BGS©UKRI[2018] video footage is now used almost universally by the media
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3459

Fig. 14 Schematic block model

of a section of coastal cliff
landslide produced from UAV
orthophoto, Aldbrough, UK
(2013), BGS©UKRI[2018]

in general, and the news media in particular, allowing land- mapping (Rudolf-Miklau 2009) and integral risk management
slide events to be understood more readily. (Ballesteros Cánovas et al. 2016; Aronica et al. 2012).
Conventional techniques to map debris flow events mostly
require the surveyor to access the affected area on foot. In the
catchment, channel and deposition area, the surveyor mea-
UAV for debris flow mapping and analysis sures or estimates sediment redistribution, relative to the pre-
event terrain height. Erosion depth and deposition height are
Debris flows are “rapid, gravity-induced volume movements determined at discrete locations and interpolated for area-wide
consisting of a mixture of water, sediment, wood and anthro- volume change approximations. This procedure is very time-
pogenic debris that propagate along channels incised on consuming and hazardous and may provide only a rough es-
mountain slopes and onto debris fans” (Gregoretti et al. timation of terrain height changes. Furthermore, the quality of
2016). They occur in steep (mean channel gradient > 5%) the results strongly depends on the surveyors’ experience,
and relatively small (area < 25 km2) torrent catchments skills and knowledge of the pre-event terrain (Scheidl et al.
(Rickenmann and Koschni 2010), transporting up to several 2008). Therefore, the use of various remote sensing tech-
hundred thousand cubic meters of debris (Hübl et al. 2009). niques has been reported for debris flow mapping, including:
The high solid-material concentration in the front of the debris High-resolution satellite imaging (Youssef et al. 2016;
flow, combined with high flow velocities, makes them very Elkadiri et al. 2014), manned-aircraft photography (Dietrich
destructive (Rickenmann 2001). Numerous debris flow events and Krautblatter 2016), airborne laser scanning (ALS) (Kim
occur every year, substantially affecting the quality of life in et al. 2014; Bull et al. 2010; Scheidl et al. 2008) or a combi-
mountainous regions and causing extensive damage. nation of the above (Willi et al. 2015). However, compared
Oberndorfer et al. (2007) examined over 5000 debris flow with other natural hazard events (e.g., floods, earthquakes),
events that occurred in Austria between 1972 and 2004; ac- debris flows affect relatively small areas (usually < 5 km2).
cording to the authors, these events caused total estimated Mapping a single debris flow event with one of the techniques
damage of €965 million and 49 fatalities. In Switzerland, mentioned above is hampered by low cost-efficiency; data
Alpine torrents and debris flows cause an estimated cost of acquisition is typically only commissioned in the case of
around CHF 65 million every year (Rickenmann 2001). large-scale events or a sequence of events (Lindner et al.
Promptly mapping the consequences of debris flow events 2016).
by determining the spatial extent and volume of eroded and In recent years, the development of UAV has provided a
deposited material, is highly relevant to scientists and practi- wide range of new possibilities for high-resolution monitoring
tioners: Immediately after the event, this data can support and mapping (Colomina and Molina 2014; Lucieer et al.
search and rescue teams, or provide decision-support for struc- 2014). In this contribution, the term UAV refers to aircraft with
tural and non-structural emergency measures. Subsequently, it a typical weight of < 5 kg, flight times of 20–30 min, opti-
may facilitate debris flow hazard management in many ways: mized for easy field deployment, recovery, and transport. In
foster process understanding (Theule et al. 2015; Pellegrino general, UAV can bridge the gap between full-scale, manned
et al. 2015); benefit numerical simulation modeling aerial, and terrestrial observations (Briese et al. 2013; Rosnell
(Rickenmann et al. 2006; Han et al. 2015); support planning and Honkavaara 2012). They are credited as being able to
and implementing mitigation measures, as well as hazard allow flexible image acquisition at an unprecedented level of
3460 D. Giordan et al.

detail GSD of few centimeters or millimeters (Ryan et al. 2015). sediment, wood or anthropogenic debris; the majority of
Additionally, the development of novel computer vision tech- direct and indirect damages occur here (Fig. 15, right).
niques and their implementation into a wide range of software
packages have significantly reduced the requirements for the Mapping the entire process area (i.e., erosion and deposition
recorded data (Vander Jagt et al. 2015; Turner et al. 2012). zone) allows reconstruction of the event’s volume-balance. This
Therefore, UAVs are very well suited for collecting aerial imag- may provide important input for process understanding and for
ery of natural hazard events. This is reflected in a wide range of being able to analyze the event trigger and sequence.
recent reports on UAV applications for mapping: landslides When settlements or infrastructure are affected by the de-
(Turner et al. 2015; Fernández et al. 2015; Stumpf et al. 2013; bris flow event, communication with emergency services is
Niethammer et al. 2012), rockfall (Giordan et al. 2015; Danzi very important. Be sure to make contact with the leading op-
et al. 2013), glaciers (Boesch et al. 2015; Whitehead et al. 2013), erational units of the civil protection and disaster relief and
and rock glaciers (Piermattei et al. 2016; Dall’Asta et al. 2015). inform them about the planned data acquisition. The priority
However, to the knowledge of the authors, very few publications of UAV data acquisition may be ranked rather low if only
exist that deal with UAV-based debris flow mapping; some ex- documentation of the event is carried out, and no real-time
amples include Adams et al. (2016), Sotier et al. (2013), and Wen data is delivered that would be necessary for search and res-
et al. (2011). This paper merges the authors’ experience from cue. Therefore, be prepared to have only a short timeframe for
several UAV-based debris flow mapping missions, conducted your UAV flight(s), which may be communicated at very short
in the European Alps between 2012 and 2016, into a practical notice. Disastrous debris flow events, in particular, attract a
guideline. In this contribution, the debris flow specific aspects are large volume of air traffic (e.g., manned helicopters shuttling
described for each stage of a typical UAV campaign: (i) mission members of civil protection agencies, the press, and politi-
planning and preparation; (ii) data collection and image acquisi- cians). Keep the UAV as close as possible and always be
tion; (iii) data processing and analysis. To conclude, a case study prepared to abort data collection safely at short notice.
of a UAS debris flow mapping campaign is briefly presented. The choice of the most appropriate UAV platform for de-
bris flow mapping depends on the size of the AOI. To cover
small AOIs (< 1 km2), e.g., the deposition zone, it is expedient
Mission planning and preparation to use rotor UAV; to map larger areas (> 1 km2), e.g., the
erosion zone, a fixed-wing UAV is better suited. The main
The Area of Interest (AOI) is set by outlining the region to be priority of flight planning must be safe UAV operation under
mapped with the UAV. In this crucial first step of a UAV debris challenging frame conditions. These include, but are not lim-
flow mapping campaign, it is essential to define (i) the loca- ited to, (i) poor weather conditions directly following the
tion of key debris flow event areas (deposition and erosion event (high likelihood of precipitation, limited visibility, over-
hotspots); (ii) the scope of the campaign, i.e., size of the study cast sky); (ii) high frequency of air traffic; and (iii) limitations
area and thus time needed for data acquisition and processing; due to clearing up operations in the AOI. Minimum technical
(iii) the mapping priority of all AOIs. If the AOI is too small or requirements for the UAV campaign (e.g., spatial resolution or
wrong areas are defined, essential parts of the debris flow image overlap), should be defined in the preparation phase but
event may be missed and will thus not be documented or should be conservative and given lower priority. The flight
considered in subsequent analyses (e.g., volume-balance cal- areas (in particular in the deposition zone) should be limited
culation). AOI specification should, therefore, be performed in size while ensuring efficient data acquisition. This provides
in coordination with the civil protection and/or disaster control the pilot with more flexibility in detecting and dealing with
authorities in charge. Imagery or videos from human-crewed potential flight interruptions.
helicopter flights recorded by other agencies might provide Legislation regarding UAVoperation should be scrutinized.
essential indications for correctly setting the AOI. Depending on the national law, special rules may apply, and
Two distinctly different sub-areas of a debris flow event additional certification might be necessary to fly over groups
AOI can be identified using the type of process, which the of people or in densely settled areas. The responsible national
sub-area is dominated by: authorities may be able to provide a certificate of exemption in
case of emergencies.
1. Erosion zone: torrent catchment, bordering the deposition
zone at the fan apex; the entire catchment (in hydrological
terms) contributes to the water volume of the event; ma- Data collection and image acquisition
terial sourced from scouring in the torrent channel, lateral
and bank erosion as well as slope failure (Fig. 15, left). Data collection should take place as soon as possible after the
2. Deposition zone: located in valley floor or on the alluvial event, to document as much unadulterated process area as
cone; characterized by widespread deposition of possible. Generally, priority should be given to the deposition
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3461

Fig. 15 Post-event view of a

debris flow channel (a); the
aftermath of a debris flow event in
Western Austria (b) (9 June 2015;
Stubaier Alps, Austria; Pittracher)

area, as clearing up operations will be carried out soon after of detail will be less important, as the limiting factor is more
the event, especially if the debris flow deposit affected settled likely to be the spatial resolution of the pre-event terrain data.
areas or roads that need to be cleared. Promptly supplying the Besides collecting imagery for photogrammetric reconstruc-
emergency services with UAV-based mapping results may, tion, video sequences offer an additional interesting source of
additionally, give valuable support to short-term disaster relief information. This holds especially true for sections of the de-
efforts. Furthermore, civil protection agencies can be supplied bris flow channel, where scouring and lateral erosion is likely
with current, reliable decision-support from UAV data, for to create very steep or overhanging banks, which will not be
planning and implementing mid- to long-term hazard mitiga- very visible in the final orthophoto.
tion measures. Keep in mind that a few high-resolution aerial
images or videos from key areas, supplied to the responsible Data processing and analysis
authorities as soon as possible, may often be more helpful than
georeferenced orthophotos. Processing the UAV imagery is usually performed with off-
We recommend using ground control, i.e., placing refer- the-shelf or custom structure from motion photogrammetry
ence points (RP) at predefined locations in the AOI and sur- software (for a comprehensive review on available software
veying them with high-quality terrestrial global navigation options, see Nex and Remondino 2014 or Colomina and
satellite systems (GNSS) units. This ensures adequate posi- Molina 2014). Standard outputs are orthophotos and digital
tional accuracy of the photogrammetrically reconstructed ter- surface models (DSM). The latter generally refers to the height
rain heights, which are in turn essential to calculate erosion of the terrain, buildings or vegetation, captured in the scene
depths and deposition heights or the event’s volume-balance. (Adams et al. 2016). The DSM is interpolated from a dense
In case survey-grade (e.g., real-time kinematic) positioning point cloud (DPC), generated with multiview stereo recon-
sensors are available on board the UAV to determine location struction as part of the photogrammetric workflow (Vander
and orientation, the number of these RPs can be limited to 1–3 Jagt et al. 2015). Before calculating terrain height change, all
per flight area (depending on the size and topography of the objects on or above the terrain should be removed, e.g., by
area). The location of the RPs should be planned before classifying the DPC as ground and non-ground points, and
conducting the fieldwork, as navigating debris flow terrain subsequently generating a digital terrain model (DTM).
on foot may be difficult. The use of photogrammetric DTMs is limited in densely
Accessibility to the site is very likely going to be limited or forested areas, as only few ground points are recorded.
partially impossible; check with the civil protection agencies Therefore, masking out the process area before calculating
in the field as to which locations are safely accessible. In the terrain height change may avoid potential errors (Adams
deposition area, be careful to avoid areas with ongoing search et al. 2016). In case different vertical coordinate systems are
and rescue operations or where heavy machinery is operating. present in pre- and post-event data, this might cause misalign-
Access to the erosion zone in particular may be limited, as ment of the DTMs and introduce systematic error into the
roads leading into the catchment are most likely to be affected volume-balance calculation. If this is a potential issue, make
by the debris flow event (e.g., due to slope failure or bank sure to place RPs in areas undisturbed by the debris flow so
erosion). that terrain height can be extracted from the pre-event DTM.
For image acquisition, a UAV-compatible daylight camera
with maximum sensor resolution should be used. This allows Case study
the highest possible level of detail in the imagery, which may
be crucial to certain parts of the event documentation (e.g., On 7 June 2015, an intense, almost stationary thunderstorm
analyzing distribution, size, and magnitude of different grain with hail occurred in the Saigesbach catchment, located in the
sizes or wood debris in the deposition). When calculating Sellrain Valley (Stubaier Alps, Austria). It resulted in up to
terrain height change caused by a debris flow event, the level 110-mm precipitation within 6 h, triggering a debris flow,
3462 D. Giordan et al.

which covered parts of the valley floor with a large alluvial sharp cuts and steep slopes, for the triggering of rockfalls in
cone. Two buildings were totally destroyed and 15 damaged. mining areas. As demonstrated in the literature, the understand-
Three road bridges were damaged or destroyed, the primary ing of geometric relationships between geological discontinu-
road connection was impacted over a length of 300 m and ities and slope morphology is essential to evaluate the potential
interrupted for several months; four hectares of green and occurrence of rock failures, since the orientation of fracture sets
willow land was affected; no damage to persons occurred, may influence both size and failure mechanisms of rock blocks
but livestock was lost. The total damage was calculated to prone to collapse (Stead and Wolter 2015).
be approximately €30 million (ORF 2015). Generally, fracture characterization is carried out in the
The UAV mapping mission was conducted to document field by traditional engineering-geological surveys (Priest
the event and provides the total volumetric sediment budget. 1993). Data are traditionally obtained from scan-line mapping
The deposition area (size, 0.3 km 2) was mapped on 9 using the following technical equipment: (i) geologist’s com-
June 2015 with an AustroDrones X18 multicopter, fitted with pass with clinometer; (ii) closed case steel tape 50 m; (iii)
a Sony Alpha 7R (+ 35-mm prime lens) that collected a total Schmidt hammer; the output data consists of the arithmetic
of 640 images on two flights. The catchment (size, 2.5 km2) mean of 10 values of R (rebound index) measured through
was mapped on 26 June 2015 with a Multiplex Mentor fixed- the same number of percussions on a rock surface preliminar-
wing UAV, fitted with a Sony NEX5 (+ 50/16-mm prime ily prepared with a carborundum stone; (iv) Barton comb
lenses). Four flights were carried out to collect a total of (profilometer) and comparison profiles, as proposed by
4000 aerial images. Additionally, 30 RPs were distributed Barton and Choubey (1977), for surface roughness determi-
throughout the deposition area and catchment, their location nation on rock discontinuities; (v) Vernier caliper for the mea-
was recorded with terrestrial GNSS (Trimble GeoExplorer XT surement of rock discontinuities aperture in a centimeter and
2008, expected accuracy x/y 0.1, z 0.2 m). millimeter scale; (vi) flexometer in steel tape for the measure-
Pre-event terrain heights were derived from prior airborne ment of rock discontinuities spacing and trace length of
laser scanning campaigns (2009 and 2014), with a ground centimetric or higher order.
sampling distance of 1 m (catchment) and 0.5 m (deposition Measurements may be subjected to different sources of
area). The UAV images were processed in Agisoft Photoscan errors, which can result in under- or over-estimation of the
(version 1.1.6) and the DPC classified into the ground and fracture geometrical properties (Tuckey and Stead 2016). To
non-ground points. The resulting orthophotos (Fig. 16a) and limit the impact of those errors, Sturzenegger and Stead
DSMs (Fig. 16b) of the valley floor and catchment featured a (2009) suggested to couple traditional field measurements
GSD of 0.02/0.05 m and 0.08/0.2 m, respectively, with lower with remote sensing techniques. Indeed, techniques such as
GSD in the catchment. The total debris flow volume-balance terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and digital terrestrial photo-
calculation showed that 265,000 m3 (± 42,000 m3) material grammetry (DTP) for rock mass characterization are increas-
was mobilized in the catchment, of which 45,000 m3 (± ingly being used, especially in engineering contexts where
13,000 m3) settled there; of the material that reached the valley rock slopes subjected to excavation are analyzed (e.g.,
floor, 120,000 m3 (± 5000 m3) was deposited there, while Kovanič and Blišťan 2014; Salvini et al. 2015; Tuckey and
another 10,000 m3 (± 2000 m3) was eroded (Fig. 16c, d). Stead 2016). TLS and DTP allow accurate representation of
Details of this campaign and its results have been published rock outcrops employing stereoscopy, 3D textured point
in Adams et al. (2016). clouds, and interpolated models. A limitation of ground-
based remote sensing is related to the survey of complex to-
pography from sub-optimal camera or scanner positions,
The use of UAV for rock mass classification resulting in occlusion zones (Passalacqua et al. 2015). A so-
and structural analysis lution to this problem is provided by the use of UAV as a
platform to acquire either optical photogrammetric images or
Rock mass characterization has always been a challenging as- LiDAR data. There are several photogrammetric studies
pect to analyze the different modes of failure of both natural and where UAV is used for the geomorphic feature characteriza-
human-made slopes. Rock collapses can be due to a series of tion or mapping of the surface extent in both natural
predisposing and triggering factors, mostly depending on local- and open-pit mines (Lamb 2000; Chen et al. 2015;
ized geological conditions. According to Zajc et al. (2014), Shahbazi et al. 2015; Tong et al. 2015; Esposito et al.
hazardous situations may occur when unfavorable sedimento- 2017). Few of them deal with the use of UAV for frac-
logical characteristics and geological discontinuities (e.g., frac- ture characterization of rock slopes affected by human
tures, faults) of rock masses are made even more critical due to activity. Salvini et al. (2017), for example, used UAV to
the realization of engineered slope-cuts (e.g., stone extraction, map fractures in a marble quarry and, subsequently, to
civil infrastructures). At the same time, Zheng et al. (2015) build 3D discrete fracture network models. McLeod
underlain the crucial role played by morphological features, like et al. (2013) explored the feasibility of using UAV-
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3463


Terrain Height a.s.l. [m]




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
Distance [m]
Pre-Event Terrain Post-Event Terrain

Fig. 16 Results from the photogrammetric processing in the valley floor: event DTM; the location of the cross sections are indicated by the white
orthophoto (a), digital surface model (b), volumetric sediment budget lines in (c), (A) and (B) marking the starting and endpoints
calculation (c). Panel d shows a cross section through the pre- and post-

acquired video images to derive 3D point clouds and to In UAV SfM applications, care is needed when
measure fracture orientations. georeferencing the 3D model. As stated by Passalacqua
For describing a rock mass of steep to near-vertical rock et al. (2015), cameras fixed to UAV typically do not have
faces, typically multirotor UAV are used since they have a onboard navigation systems with sufficient accuracy for geo-
vertical takeoff and landing, and they may see the study area detic positioning. The global navigation satellite system
from an optimum line of sight; multirotor RPAS can allow up- (GNSS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU), devices typi-
and-down, or back-and-forth flight paths and camera can be cally mounted on UAV, are used for navigation and flight
oriented horizontally for taking images of very steep rock stabilization purposes and allow only a rough estimation of
faces. Fixed-wing UAV, instead, are less utilized in this type airborne camera exterior orientation (Gonçalves and
of studies since they are not able to do up-and-down flight Henriques 2015). To obtain accurate and georeferenced 3D
paths and have not the ability to hold a fixed position; since models, the use of ground control points (GCPs) surveyed
their longer flight times, they tend to be used where a vertical with geodetic GNSS receivers and/or total station (TS) is gen-
downward orientation (nadir imaging) of the camera is desired erally employed (Francioni et al. 2015) and recommended.
(Tannant 2015; Giordan et al. 2015). UAV multicopters are Nevertheless, the final accuracy is dependent not only on the
very suited to different geometric configurations for image GCP-related accuracy, density, and distribution within the sur-
acquisition (i.e., zenithal, frontal, oblique) that is a crucial veyed area but also on image quality and percentage of over-
characteristic for rocky outcrops analysis. Multiple images lap between single frames. TS is particularly useful for the
obtained from different angles help the image alignment pro- acquisition of GCPs on vertical slopes (Menegoni et al.
cedure and limit non-linear deformations. Moreover, the rela- 2019). GCPs measured using TS and GNSS receivers can
tively short distance from rock faces to which multicopters allow a high level of accuracy in the images exterior orienta-
can operate allows acquisition of high-resolution images that tion, which is particularly important for subsequent fractures
can be used for producing high-quality topographic products and rock block measurements. Therefore, careful planning of
and for improving engineering-geological investigations. an UAV photogrammetric survey plays a crucial role in
3464 D. Giordan et al.

providing accurate results necessary for subsequent analysis, lithologies, to investigate the homogeneity of the rock masses
such as determination of fracture measurements in terms of and to assess the humidity and weathering of the rock surface,
orientation (dip direction and dip, Fig. 17), spacing, waviness which may indicate the presence of altered areas prone to
and trace length. rockfall event. The thermal camera can be adopted in areas
The latter, in particular, is among the controlling factors where, in addition to common impulsive triggers (i.e., heavy
that have the most significant influence on the stability condi- rainfalls, dynamic inputs such as earthquakes or anthropic
tion of a block or slope, but it is challenging to be accurately vibrations), consistent thermal excursion exists. Rock masses
determined. In this regard, UAV photogrammetric data of high can react to continuous cyclical thermal inputs, which can
resolution may play a crucial role, improving the level of operate on wider time-windows configuring as a preparatory
knowledge of the rock mass. Recent studies by Mastrorocco factor for rock block failure. Cyclical thermally induced
et al. (2016) have also analyzed the possibility of measuring stresses are regarded to operate as microstructural fatigue pro-
the joint roughness from RPAS-derived point clouds. cesses responsible for mechanical weathering of the rock in-
3D data from UAV SfM can be also used to perform a terface able to induce plastic strain and propagation of existing
preliminary rockfall hazard assessment knowing the geologi- cracks (Fiorucci et al., 2018).
cal setting at different heights. The localized geo-structural In addition to the described output, UAV can be used for
conditions may cause different types of failures with different the following measurement and mapping purposes: (i) map
magnitudes. Slope stability analyses are therefore essential to faults, folds, and other structures and trace them with high
improve safety conditions and management operations. location and orientation accuracy; (ii) calculate block vol-
However, a complete analysis of all the slopes characterizing umes; (iii) create contour maps and cross sections; (iv) detect
a versant is often problematic, given their spatial extension. changes caused by erosion or slope failure using photos ac-
For this reason, both geological and geomorphological infor- quired at different times.
mation of the whole studied area are essential to detect and Apart from these opportunities, possible limitations in the
evaluate the most hazardous situations. UAV-derived data use of UAV can only be related to the need for user experience
should be therefore integrated with those acquired in the field both in the fields of engineering-geological survey, topograph-
from a traditional geological and engineering survey; addi- ic survey, and data processing. Indeed, the accuracy of the
tional info as, for example, fracture resistance, infill, final 3D model can be significantly affected by the quality
weathering, and water content, can only be measured by direct of data collected (photos, point cloud, and GCPs), data pro-
observation in accessible outcrops. The combined use of these cessing, hardware, user expertise, and, lastly, software capa-
data can allow preliminary 3D analysis and evaluation of the bility. It is important to remember that UAV is just a machine
stability conditions of hazardous aspects that may be identi- intended for specialized operations or for experimental, scien-
fied as posing a risk to a slope. tific or research activities, which allows an operator to bring
As demonstrated by Salvini et al. (2018), the application of by air a payload (such as a camera, LiDAR) to carry out a
UAV instrumentation can be extremely successful for the re- geomatic survey from an optimal point of view. In recent
construction of complex morphology in sites where ground- years, the development of SfM methods, together with rapid
based techniques have limitations due to potential “shadow” technological improvement, has allowed the widespread use
effects and several inaccessible setup zones due to safety of cost-effective UAV for acquiring repeated, detailed, and
reasons. accurate geometrical information. However, the quality of re-
Among the most diffuse apparatuses, also near-infrared and sults in rock mass classification and structural analysis is still
thermal cameras can be mounted on UAV. Near-infrared im- necessarily dependent on in situ checks and operator
ages can be used to identify minerals so to discretize rock knowledge.

Fig. 17 Example of joint dip and

dip direction measurement
directly on the UAV-derived point
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3465

Main applications of UAV in hydrology and rivers. Such monitoring activities are usually carried out
in a planar view. The possibility of utilizing several sensors
Although UAV has become standard tools for carrying out enables the integration of UAV with other remote sensing and
numerous analyses in fluvial geomorphology (e.g., Witek in situ measurements and observations of the oceans (Lomax
et al. 2013; Casado et al. 2015; Woodget et al. 2015; et al. 2005). Due to limited UAV range, the observations of the
Miřijovský and Langhammer 2015; Miřijovský et al. 2015; oceans are limited to coastal regions. However, recent devel-
Woodget et al. 2017; Langhammer et al. 2017a), their use in opments in multi-UAV solutions make ocean monitoring
hydrology is less common. Hydrologic applications of UAV more reliable (Braga et al. 2017). Small inland water bodies
mainly include the following topics: monitoring water bodies, can also be monitored by UAV, as demonstrated by Pásler
inundation monitoring, water level measurements, flow mea- et al. (2016). They compared the potentials of UAV with the
surements, hydrodynamic modeling, snow cover monitoring. skills of satellite Landsat 7 and 8 observations and provided
In this section, these applications are presented with a partic- the supportive case study evidence of the UAV potentials in
ular emphasis put on the use of drones to support mathemat- monitoring ponds near Pardubice (Czechia) using the visible
ical simulations in hydrology. light sensors. Such applications include different types of
One of the most straightforward applications of UAV in lakes, including those which are difficult to reach, e.g.,
hydrology is monitoring water bodies, including ocean, lakes, supra-glacial lakes (Immerzeel et al. 2014). Similarly, UAV

Fig. 18 Hydrograph of the

Ścinawka river in Gorzuchów
(SW Poland) along with two
selected 3-h predictions of water
level, issued 3 h before the UAV
observation, based on the vector
autoregressive model (VAR) run
within the HydroProg system (a),
UAV-based orthophoto maps of
terrain adjacent to the hydrologic
gauge in Gorzuchów for mean
stages (b), high flows above
warning water level (c), and high
flow above emergency water
level (d)
3466 D. Giordan et al.

are used to monitor rivers, as exemplified by Flener et al. valuable when validating hydrologic and hydrodynamic
(2013), Miřijovský et al. (2015), or Woodget et al. (2017). In models, and are employed to build the models themselves.
particular, UAV are useful in observing flood inundation. In For instance, Tamminga et al. (2015) made use of a
this context, it is worth referring to the paper by Feng et al. quadcopter UAV, collected aerial images and produced a 5-
(2015) and Giordan et al. (2018) who presented the method cm digital three-dimensional terrain model, with a correction
for mapping flood extent in the urban environment. for submerged topography. It was used to run the River2D
Monitoring river in a planar view, including inundation or hydrodynamic model to improve habitat mapping. As a di-
less pronounced signatures of high flows when no overbank gression, it is worth noting here that the UAV-based habitat
flow occurs, are also important in the river modeling experi- mapping in a microscale has recently been shown as a method
ments. When the flood extent is modeled, it is necessary to that enables to go beyond mesoscale, often subjective habitat
validate the model outputs. The latter is a spatial data (a nu- mapping approaches (Woodget et al. 2016). Another example
merical map) and therefore cannot be easily checked against of using UAVs for mathematical simulations in hydrology is
pointwise marks of where the water reached during the flood. presented by Langhammer et al. (2017b) who reconstructed
Liu et al. (2014) identified the weaknesses of the traditional the stream channel in three dimensions using high-resolution
flood inundation survey and claimed that, for instance, roads UAV-acquired aerial images and arrived at the resolution of
might be inaccessible during severe meteorological events 1.5 cm/px. Such a level of details enabled to utilize the UAV-
which can constrain collecting information on water extent. based digital surface model (DSM) as one of the datasets to
Drones may fill this gap when they are deployed in near-real- calibrate the MIKE 21 hydrodynamic model.
time during the flood occurrence. Superimposing model simu- Flood predictions are also issued for snow-melt epi-
lations onto the corresponding UAV-based orthophoto image sodes. To assess such hazards, the rapid estimation of
enables to validate the model outputs. Initial concepts of this snow depth (HS) and, more importantly, snow water
approach were provided by Witek et al. (2014). However, the equivalent (SWE) is needed. For large- and medium-
feasibility study was offered by Niedzielski et al. (2015) who size basins, satellite observations serve well the purpose
used the hydrodynamic model FloodMap in association with of snow cover monitoring. However, satellites offer a
the HydroProg prediction system to determine the water extent too low spatial resolution for quantitative assessment
forecast, the skills of which was validated using a UAV-based of snow-melt flood risk in small basins. This gap can
orthophoto. The hydrologic prediction serves as the driver to be filled by UAV which, along with advanced image
make a decision on sending the UAV team with the mobile processing methods, may be used to collect high-
UAV lab to the field to monitor the dynamics of flooding. resolution data (Vander Jagt et al. 2015; De Michele
This concept has been tested in near-real-time (Fig. 18). et al. 2016; Bühler et al. 2016). If the information on
Likewise, Langhammer et al. (2015) carried out hydrody- high-resolution variability is available automatically and
namic modeling with the MIKE SHE approach, and the UAV in near-real-time, it can be promptly used to infer the
photogrammetry was also used for model validation. possible magnitude of snow-melt episodes (Adams et al.
However, the validation was conducted indirectly, i.e., not 2018) or, more importantly, can serve as one of two
through the UAV observations of water surface, but through input variables to get SWE estimates (Miziński and
UAV-based observations of morphological changes in a river Niedzielski 2017). Such UAV-based data can subse-
recorded at dissimilar time steps. The above-mentioned quently be used by mathematical models to calculate
changes are consequences of flood events which have geo- predictions of snow-melt high flows.
morphological effects and clear imprints on river landscape The most common approach to process UAV-acquired
morphology. oblique aerial images is the structure from motion (SfM)
Along these lines, observing water surfaces and calculating algorithm which enables to produce dense point cloud
water surface area using the UAV-acquired imagery remain and, subsequently, DSM, and orthophoto, the resolution
key activities in the accurate validation of hydrodynamic of which is very high (Westoby et al. 2012). The suc-
models. Niedzielski et al. (2016) presented the method for cessful use of UAV in hydrology, where changes occur
observing statistically significant changes in water surface ar- rapidly, requires reproducibility of the DSM reconstruc-
ea and, as a consequence, interpreted these changes in the light tions (Fig. 18). To ensure reproducibility different
of river stage fluctuations. Therefore, oblique imagery taken methods can be employed (separately or in combina-
by UAVs can also serve the purpose of rough water level tion), for instance, the appropriate use of GCP measured
assessment. Likewise, UAVs may also be used to estimate by the GNSS receiver (Clapuyt et al. 2016), the appro-
flow characteristics at low cost (Detert and Weitbrecht 2015; priate flight strategy (James and Robson 2014), the use
Bolognesi et al. 2017; Detert et al. 2017). of real-time kinematic (RTK) solution (Harder et al.
The UAV-based investigations into rivers go beyond 2016), or automated georeferencing to known land cov-
monitoring and measurement activities, which of course are er objects such as trees (Miziński and Niedzielski 2017).
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3467

The use of UAV for glacier monitoring results of the survey demonstrated a consistent lake area ex-
and zglacial outburst flood risk mitigation pansion with respect to 2016 limit (Table 14). Local govern-
ment decided to undertake specific monitoring actions consid-
Glacial environment is characterized by a very high ering the following critical elements: (i) the real possibility of
dynamicity because of its intrinsic sensitivity to temperature, a new sudden emptying of the lake, (ii) the higher impact of
to climate changes, and to the natural ductile and fragile de- the flood due to the improvement of the water volume with
formations that occur in ice. One of the main consequences of respect to 2016 event, and (iii) the higher probability of a new
this aspect is the likelihood of very rapid topographic changes GLOF during the summer season, when the touristic frequen-
that can be clearly noticed on seasonal scale, but that can be tation of the valley is at its peak. Monitoring actions consisted
detected at almost daily if supported by a high-resolution to- at first in a bathymetric survey that allowed a first estimation
pography analysis. The multi-temporal approach can be very of the total water volume 42000m3, and the subsequent instal-
useful for the study of the evolution of glaciers, and the use of lation of a pressure sensor in order to receive an alert in case of
UAV can be a good solution for the acquisition of several a sudden water level decrease. A GLOF numerical simulation
dataset with a good cost-benefit ratio aimed to the acquisition was performed adopting the HEC-RAS software. These first
of a high temporal frequency multi-temporal topographic sur- results of this simulation were fundamental for the definition
vey (Ryan et al. 2015). of the potential area exposed to the flooding risks downstream
to the lake by evaluating flooded areas vulnerability. The risk
The Grand Croux Centrale Glacier case study ( Aosta assessment analysis allowed the local authorities to define
Valley, Italy) actions for the population safety. First, a detailed topographic
survey by means of UAV photogrammetry and RTK GPS was
The Grand Croux Centrale Lake is a proglacial lake that has performed on the lake area and the adjacent ice dam. This
started forming since year 2000 on the left snout of the Grand permitted the proper installation of water pumping system.
Croux Centrale Glacier, reference to Fig. 19, located in the A ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the ice dam
Valnontey Valley (Aosta Valley Region, NW Italy). The lake was performed to assess ice thicknesses; the snow depths of
gave evidence of subglacial outburst flood (GLOF) in 2016, the studied area were measured to estimate the snow water
when local authorities documented it and more than 60 people equivalent (SWE) availability.
had to be evacuated from the bottom valley area, where their The water pumping procedure was activated to reduce the
houses could be reached by the flood wave. After this first GLOF risk level. When the safety water level was reached,
recent event, regular observations of the lake formation started another UAV survey of the dried lake area was carried on to
by means of Sentinel 2B satellite optical images monitoring. support the design of a drainage channel excavation for the
Even though the lake did not form again in 2017, observation permanent lake water level management. The water level re-
of Planetscope satellite optical images in 2018 was useful for duction by means of water pumping was proven to be effi-
the identification of the lake formation in late spring. Thus, an cient, and prevented any GLOF event during the summer, but
UAV survey was performed to assess the lake dimension. The it cannot be considered a permanent solution. The creation of a

Fig. 19 Grand Croux Lake area

expansion from 2005 to 2018.
The flowpath of the subglacial
outburst flood is indicated as well
as the location of the prospected
drainage channel excavation.
Glacier retreat is highlighted, as
further regression could lead to
total ice dam failure
3468 D. Giordan et al.

Table 14 Grand Croux Lake area measurements and subsequent distribution was planned to be as more homogeneous as pos-
expansion rates for the considered timespans. The expansion of the lake
sible, but they had to be set on bedrock outcrops, as all the
starts with a reduced rate, due to the shallower water towards the west
part, and becomes almost linear as the deeper lake area is reached towards boulders of morainic origin could possibly result unstable.
the eastern part After the first flight, all GCPs were removed but fixed GCPs
have been later sprayed with acrylic paint to be used without
Year Lake area (m2) Expansion rate (m2/year)
repositioning. A set of 11 principal GCPs were painted as red/
2005 2258.90 / white 4 sections squares, additional 22 secondary GCPs were
2008 3235.85 325.65 painted as smaller red dots, to be used in case of disappearing
2012 6331.53 773.92 of principal GCPs under snow or mud. The position of GCPs
2015 8377.48 681.98 was carried out with two GNSS Trimble R10 antennas in
2018 10,555.54 726.02 RTK-VRS configuration.
After the elaboration of the first survey, the Fondazione
Montagna Sicura researchers planned to repeat other surveys
drainage channel that hamper the possibility to the lake to with a smaller UAV. The selected system was a DJI Spark
reach again a critical volume of water was considered a better multicopter, modified with carbon parts to enter in a special
solution. The excavation was subsequently finalized in category (under 300gr) of the Italian UAV regulation. The use
October, and the water level was lowered permanently by − of a small drone that could fit into a backpack limited the
3.4 m from the original level (with a volume reduction of more logistic complexity of the survey operation. Using a DJI
than 21,000 m3). Multi-temporal UAV surveys performed Spark, fixed altitude strips would give more flight time on a
from June to the end of the field activities gave a detailed single battery respect to the terrain following option because of
insight on the evolution of the lake (7 surveys from June to less energy use related to the minor altitudinal changes along
October with an average orthomosaic resolution of 1.5 cm/ the flight paths. The camera acquisition was defined using a 3-s
pixel). Thus, evolution scenarios were provided by combining interval setting, with an average flight velocity 2.78 m/s, and
the GPR data with the expansion rates of the lake. considering an average forward overlap of 82%; the single
image average footprint was 63 × 47 m and mean GSD was
determined subsequently an average of 1.59 cm/pixel on the
Materials and method single images. The resolution of 2 cm/pixel was considered
enough for the glacier dynamics analysis. Manual flight mode
The study site is located at an altitude of 2800 m above sea was chosen to manage the presence of a steep flank of the lateral
level, at a 4-h walking distance from the nearest road. The moraine of the Grand Croux glacier that is very close to the
major problem of this specific site was determined by the need flight path. The frequent presence of helicopters in the area of
of helicopter transportation for people and materials. interest required an immediate landing procedure.
Moreover, the payload of helicopters compared from sea level Structure from Motion (SFM) technology was used
would drop by 50% at 2800 m in summer conditions. As an for process the UAV-acquired image dataset. In the
example for the complications linked to the high altitude op- SFM reconstruction process. As long as lake surface
erations, the excavating machine that was chosen for the ex- would be frozen, the reconstruction of lake area worked
cavation of the drainage channel, the lightest available with a correctly, but when the water surface was reconstructed
vertical movement of the arm of at least 4 m had to be un- was ice-free some problems in the point cloud recon-
mounted into pieces lighter than 600 kg to be transported struction required the post-processing reconstruction of
using the available helicopter. The study site is inside a the lake surface. Absolute error of the GNSS position of
National Park that implies the presence of additional restric- the GCPs was under 1.5 cm XY and under 2 cm Z for
tions for timing, dates and flight paths of helicopters and all the points and could be considered acceptable for the
UAVs rides. The UAV platform used for 2018 surveys was purpose of the surveys. Total Images shot on a single
different. The first survey was done using a DJI Inspire 1 survey varied from 300 to 600, depending on the time
equipped with a DJI FC350 Zenmuse × 3 camera with available for the survey, single subparallel strips were
6.17 × 4.55-mm sensor, and an automated flight track. The chosen for the more rapid surveys. Older available car-
DJI Inspire 1 survey was planned at 100 m above ground with tography and elevation models of the area used for a
automatic flight over selected waypoints. The flight controller multi-temporal analysis are the 1999, 2005, 2012 and
managed the flight elevation using the available 2008 airborne 2015 orthophotogrammetric surveys and the 2008 air-
Lidar DTM. This first fly result pointed out a significant gla- borne LiDAR (2-m resolution). These datasets are all
cier volume reduction with respect to 2008 DTM, and also the freely downloadable from the Aosta Valley Region
topography of the lake surroundings became more regular We b G i s h t t p : / / w w w. g e o n a v s c t . p a r t o u t . i t / p u b /
allowing a lower fixed altitude for following flights. GCPs GeoCartoSCT/index.html.
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3469

Results 100 m3/s water debit supported the decision-makers’ evalua-

tion to plan an active intervention to limit the water volume
Nine fully processed UAV photogrammetric surveys were present in the lake.
performed between July and October 2018. The repeated sur- The first stage of the emergency management was the lake
veys gave the opportunity to obtain a great amount of infor- lowering with the use of a series of 10 fuel-powered motor
mation, which were used for the solution of different technical pumps. A detailed UAV topographic survey of the area sur-
problems as the best location of water pumps or the analysis of rounding the lake already available was a key feature in the
the long-term dynamics of the glacier to understand future decision of the positioning of the pumps, taking into account
behavior of the Grand Croux glacial lake. pipe length and water level to pump altitude difference. This
The first result helpful in understanding recent dynamics gave the maximum possible efficiency to the pumping system.
and the risk situation of the Grand Croux glacial lake was the As the lake water level was lowered, new UAV surveys could
measurement of the lake area of 2018 on the orthomosaic be carried out, mapping details and elevation models of the
rendered by the UAV flights; a first insight was the measure areas that were covered by water just few days before. With an
of lake expansion since 2015, date of the last regional aerial extended topographical survey, the feasibility of the excava-
survey. Combined with older data from the 1999, 2005, 2008, tion of a permanent drainage channel was possible. The pro-
2012 and 2015 surveys, an expansion rate could be also de- ject of a 4-m-deep excavation was subsequently planned.
termined. On the other hand, frontal retreat of the ice margin During the excavation operations, some major calving
that forms the ice dam could be estimated as well. The lake events took place. These ice falls could be dangerous because
expansion ratio subsequent to glacier melting and calving in- of the possible activation of water wave when the block fall
dividuating a clear trend, the future projection of the lake down in the water lake. The processing of UAV updated ele-
expansion could be extrapolated (Fig. 20). vation models and orthomosaics was useful for an indication
With the realization of a bathymetric survey by means of on the volume of the unstable ice portions. The volume of
GPR sounding on an inflatable vessel, the calculation of water unstable sectors was considered not so big to overflow the
volume present in the lake was possible; interpolation of radar protection dam and create a wave that could reach the bottom
tracks was made on lake contour obtained by UAV valley, but could be critical for workers that had to excavate
orthomosaic of July 22, 2018. The total volume present in the drainage system. Workers were warned to limit the perma-
the lake was estimated in 42.000m3. Given the Clague and nence to the strictly necessary time near the lake and in the
Mathews (1973) relationship between glacial lake volume drainage trench. Rapid escape routes out of the excavation
and outburst flood debit, an actual and future magnitude of were identified and adopted. The finished drainage channel
the subglacial outburst flood could be determined; moreover, lowered the lake level by 3.4 m reducing the original volume
assumptions from the 2016 flood event coupled with assump- of 42,000 to 21,000 m3.
tions from Desloges (Desloges et al. 1989) gave more data for Processing of the full series of elevation models and
the determination of GLOF peak discharges. Starting from orthomosaics gave more insights on glacier dynamics. A trend
data acquired from 2005 dataset, an estimation of the water of elevation change on the ice dam surface could be calculated
increment was calculated and a 2028 projection was estimat- by means of DEM differencing both for the summer 2018
ed. The 2028 projection with a potential flood of more than season and for the long-term analysis by differencing with
the 2008 airborne LiDAR data (Fig. 21).
Three different zones with different behaviors have
Volume (m3) vs Time (yr) been individuated: (i) a frontal area (1) undergoing in-
90000 tense melting and retreat; (ii) an area (2) which is in
80000 contact with water that undergoes very intense melting
70000 of the whole thickness of the glacier, enhanced by water
60000 thermokarst erosion and calving events; (iii) an overly-
ing flat and debris-covered surface (3) having more ho-
mogeneous behaviors (very low standard deviation of
elevation difference data). Analysis of elevation changes
in this area give a long-term mean value of − 1.076 m
per year averaged on the whole area and on the 2008–
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2018 timespan. Analysis on the short term and actual
evolution of 2018 give a value of − 1.210 m on the 3-
Fig. 20 Bathymetric surveys coupled with GPR data and 2018 UAV-
derived lake area expansion data, which confirmed the ongoing almost
month timespan between the July 26, 2018, and the
linear trend in the expansion rate (average of 727.31 m3/year), gave the October 26 UAV survey. The result could be according
possibility to assess future lake volumes to the actual climate evolution causing increased glacial
3470 D. Giordan et al.

Fig. 21 Surface elevation

changes 2008–2018 calculated by
DEM differencing (2008 Lidar–
2018 UAV SfM)

ablation happening at altitudes lower than 3500 m on so the reconstruction of many buildings destroyed or seriously
alpine glaciers (Zemp et al. 2015) damaged by the same event in a small area with several access
Surface velocities of the Grand Croux Glacier could be limitations also requires a good optimization. The case of Villa
inferred by image correlation (Bhardwaj et al. 2016) between Sant’Angelo can be considered a good example where the use
the 2015 Orthophotographs and the 2018 UAV surveys. The of innovative solutions supported good planning of building
movements were too small to be detected on the 3 months site, which is a crucial aspect for the correct execution of
timespan of the UAV surveys only as on the 3 years cumulated required works.
displacement (2015–2018) velocities varied from 0.66 to During the building planning phase, many elements
2.8 m/year horizontal displacement (5 to 20 cm/month). The have to be considered and defined: (i) the choice of the
upper (3) area is of great importance as the lowering of this most suitable machinery for the size and duration of the
part to a critical threshold of + 10% of the water column height work, (ii) the rational organization of the available re-
could lead to hydrostatic uplift of the glacier tongue regardless sources (workforce and machinery), (iii) the arrangement
of its wideness and cause outburst floods of higher magnitude of the spaces, (iv) the site traffic, (v) the achievement of
compared with the ones actually happening at Grand Croux required quality and safety standards. To achieve these
Glacier, linked to subglacial drainage system expansion to- objectives, the organization of site logistics is funda-
wards the lake. mental. Furthermore, the designer must keep in mind
that the work requirements often determine the variation
of the site configuration, according to the so-called de-
The smart management of building sites velopment stages. They correspond to different configu-
in a post-seismic scenario using UAV ration modes that the building site assumes in certain
photogrammetry time intervals, and it is possible to have homogeneous
development stages even if the qualitative and / or
In this last section, we present and discuss the use of UAV for quantitative consistency of the working cycles changes
the management of buildings reconstruction after an earth- within them.
quake. In particular, we present the use of the UAV photo- External constraints assume fundamental importance
grammetry technique to support the contemporary reconstruc- when the intervention involves the recovery of an
tion of several buildings in the historical center of Villa existing building in a historical center. The singularity
Sant’Angelo. Villa Sant’Angelo is one of the villages strongly of the recovery site lies in the peculiarities that influ-
damaged by the earthquake that struck the L’Aquila area ence the decision-making process and management of
(Abruzzo region, central Italy) in 2009 (Chiarabba et al. the work activities such as, in particular:
2009; Manconi et al. 2012). The reconstruction activity in an
ancient village is a critical task that should consider many – peculiarities and dimensions, sometimes limited, of the
different elements. Architectural, the safety of work activities spaces available inside and outside the building, usable
and environmental aspects are of course the most important, for its rational organization;
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3471

Fig. 22 Test area: a the historical

center of Villa Sant’Angelo (AQ)
and the identification of the
aggregate with black circle; b the
structural units into which the
aggregate 12 is divided

– difficulty in storing, traveling distances, both for the evac- with interfering cranes, the analysis of the open spaces). A
uation of waste materials, the access to supply materials, synthesis of these analyses highlights the criticalities of the site,
and the movement of people, materials and vehicles; useful to plan the project design of the building site. The aspects
– obstruction and dimensional impediment caused by adja- assessed were multiple. In particular, however, the study has
cent buildings; focused on the smart management of all elements and issues
– presence of neighboring building sites; involved in the organization of the building site.
– presence of users and activities both in the building to be Thus, this work has outlined that UAV photogrammetry
recovered and in the immediate vicinity; can be a great help and, above all, solid support in the building
– quality and complex interdependence of the various op- site management and its post-earthquake reconstruction
erational phases; efforts.
– the crucial importance of temporary works, safety, and
service (Alicandro et al. 2019).
Villa Sant’Angelo case study
Another essential element is the evolution of the building
construction activities, which cannot be considered a static Villa Sant’Angelo is an ancient minor center located in Italy in
part but an evolutionary process that has to be followed, the Province of L’Aquila that, together with its hamlet Tussillo,
updating the relative building construction plan. has about 427 inhabitants. Initially, its origins had been traced
For these reasons, an analysis of the surrounding context back to the Middle Ages, but archaeological excavations carried
and areas, as well as continuous monitoring of the changes out in 2005 brought to light archaeological finds attributable to
that the building site undergoes are essential elements for a Roman buildings dating back to the Imperial age. In the Middle
correct evaluation of all the variables involved to achieve Ages, the new center was established, together with Tussillo, that
quality and safety. A right solution for the acquisition of had its maximum development in the thirteenth century.
high-resolution images of the building site is the use of UAV. Following the earthquake of 1461, the village was rebuilt in
The possibility to have a high resolution and metric survey of Renaissance style, and the noble palaces were built. In 2009,
the building site area highlights the issues to manage during the the earthquake that occurred in the Province of L’Aquila dam-
work phases and facilitates the analysis of the road network and aged again Villa Sant’Angelo. A large part of the minor center
the small areas dedicated to service and material storage. was reduced to ruins, so all the buildings in the historic area were
Furthermore, the use of UAV photogrammetry guarantees the classified as condemned. For this reason, precisely because of
safety for operators engaged in the survey, the possibility to the problematic conditions of travel and visibility of the center
study inaccessible or dangerous areas and to obtain a metric and the studied area, a metric survey was required of the histor-
survey and high-resolution data (Dominici et al. 2017). Given ical center and its surroundings to understand the real condition
the presence of numerous variables and peculiarities, the use of due to collapses, ruins, and rubble. The investigated area was
the UAV photogrammetry allows the general analysis in the site labeled “uninhabitable area” (also called “red zone”) after the
(for example for the execution of the metric structural survey of 2009 earthquake and was divided into 20 aggregate (URSC
the ruins), and establishes the aspects connected to the theme of 2019), as outlined in Fig. 22a. At the time of the survey in
the construction site logistics (such as for example the entrances 2017, the reconstruction phase was partially started, and not
to the construction site, the size of the roads, the presence of many building sites were activated. Some cranes were presents
obstructions, the existence of neighboring construction sites in the area; few rubbles removed and many roads not made safe.
Inside the red zone, we focused the study on aggregate 12
3472 D. Giordan et al.

Table 15 GCPs and CPs residuals are as follows: ED 02 and ED 04 required a to structural rein-
GCPs Error (m) Error (pix) CPs Error (m) Error (pix) forcement; ED 01, ED 03, ED 05, ED 06, and ED 07 should be
demolished and reconstructed with the reinforced con-
8 0.08 1.19 19 0.03 1.19 crete frame structure. As mentioned above, the survey
of the level of damages of the structures was conducted
immediately after the earthquake in a traditional way,
(Fig. 22a—AG12). Inside aggregate 12, seven structural units since in 2009 the UAV photogrammetry techniques were
have been identified and defined according to the technical- not very common. Instead, today several pieces of re-
constructive characteristics and the structural behavior of the search are focused on the detection and assessment
aggregate itself. Subsequently, depending on the damage level damages in a post-disaster scenario with these tech-
of each unit defined in 2009 by the firefighters, the project of niques (Calantropio et al. 2018; Duarte et al. 2019;
reconstruction was developed. In particular, the planned works Mavroulis et al. 2019; Vetrivel et al. 2018).

Fig. 23 UAV photogrammetry

output. a Summary of the
criticalities from UAV
photogrammetry survey. b
Facilities and service installation.
c Access analysis. d Building site
crane interference
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications 3473

UAV photogrammetry survey The UAV photogrammetry survey has highlighted the com-
plexity of the buildings activities and the presence of different
The main phase of the survey and the elaboration of UAV critical points related to this specific case study, with the pres-
photogrammetry data is described in this section. The main ence of narrow streets, collapsed buildings and the need of work
steps of the UAV survey are (i) the planning phase, (ii) the simultaneously on different sites. The limited operational space
acquisition phase, and (iii) the elaboration phase as described also causes various problems to the material storage and dis-
in Dominici et al. (2018). The flight planning includes all posal, which is worsened by the presence of neighboring build-
activities aimed to define the waypoints from which the ings. A relevant factor that should also be evaluated is the
UAV will take the picture during the acquisition phase. presence of provisional works, temporary safety structures,
Starting from the knowledge of the relationships between cranes, and all elements that are essential in the organization
the characteristics of the sensor (focal length and sensor size) of the building site. For example, the limited space and the
and the Ground Sample Distance (GSD), the flight altitude absence of suitable free areas have led to the arrangement of
was set to 50 m, considering the presence of cranes. The image two service areas, one located in the internal courtyard of the
overlay was set to 90% for the longitudinal side and 80% for building aggregate and the other positioned at the ED3 struc-
the transversal side. To obtain a detailed view of the cranes, tural unit, after its demolition (Fig. 23b). This logistic choice
two flights were planned in the opposite direction. Therefore, has strongly influenced the planning of the works and has been
350 images and 27 GCPs/CPs (ground control points/check carried out following the results of the on-site analysis and the
points) were acquired. The data were elaborated using Agisoft criticalities in the positioning of the auxiliary site factors.
Photoscan, a software that combines photogrammetry and The case study briefly illustrated aims to show that UAV
structure from motion (SFM) algorithms (Barazzetti et al. photogrammetry can be solid support in the preparation of
2011; Westoby et al. 2012). Table 15 shows the final residuals surveys and analyses in areas affected by violent earthquakes
on GCPs and CPs of the elaboration. The principal outputs of but, in general, this consideration is also adequate for other
the elaboration are the georeferenced 3D model, the types of post-disaster scenario. Furthermore, the UAV photo-
orthomosaic, and the digital elevation model. grammetry could also be used in the reconstruction implemen-
tation phase. In this regards, the authors are also considering
Results the possibility of applying the methodology to the whole vil-
lage to monitor and support the development stages of each
The photogrammetry output allows analyzing several aspects construction site. The new research will aim to prevent prob-
related to the optimization of the investigated building site. All lems, interference, and criticalities to increase the safety and
information, starting from the 3D model, have been extracted rational organization of the entire reconstruction process.
and summarized in Fig. 23. In particular, the availability of a
detailed survey has been used for the identification of main
critical elements that have to be considered during the build- Conclusions
ing works management (Fig. 23a): (i) the access to the build-
ing site, (ii) the areas to stock rubbles and ruins, (iii) the pres- This paper represents the result of the work of the C35
ence of two cranes and their possible interference, (iv) the IAEG Commission on the topic of the use of UAV for
presence of different active building sites, and (v) the presence engineering geology applications. The Commission work
of collapsed buildings. is aimed to present an overview of unmanned aerial
One of the analyzed elements is the identification of possible vehicles and a representative collection of case studies
accesses to the aggregate 12. Figure 23 a shows the possible that show how these systems can be very in several
accesses to the site and, in particular, the possibility of accessing engineering geology activities and environments. UAVs
using only access A. In fact, access B is not available due to the represent a cheap and fast solution for the on-demand
presence of a dangerous building. In Fig. 23c, a detailed analysis acquisition of detailed images of an area of interest and
of the access is shown, including also the study of the width of the creation of detailed 3D models and orthophoto. The
the roads, reduced by the presence of scaffolding and support use of UAV required a good background of data pro-
structures of the partially collapsed buildings. cessing (photogrammetry and structure from motion)
Another critical aspect investigated is the presence of cranes and a good drone pilot ability for the management of
in the surrounding at the time of the survey. Figure 23 d shows the flight mission in particular in a complex environ-
an interference analysis that supports the best cranes installation ment. These two skills guarantee a good possibility of
positions. To project the crane installation in the building site the acquisition of a good dataset, which should also be
for the aggregate 12, Fig. 23 d shows the location of the cranes correctly planned considering the final engineering ge-
already installed, their arms overlapping areas, their height and ology question that should be solved. The paper cannot
the two cranes that have to be added. be considered an exhaustive document that can be used
3474 D. Giordan et al.

for the improvement of these skills if the reader is a Tomasz Niedzielski is the author of the “Main applications of UAV in
hydrology” section; Marco Piras is the co-author of the “Introduction,”
beginner, but an introduction to the most important
“UAV payload sensors,” “UAV for 3D model generation: operative rules,
key elements that should be considered by users that regulation, data collection, and processing,” and “Conclusions” sections;
are considering the possibility to use UAV in their ac- Marianna Rotilio is the co-author of the “The smart management of
tivities. If required, the large bibliographic review pre- building sites in a post-seismic scenario using UAV photogrammetry”
section; Riccardo Salvini is the author of the “The use of UAV for rock
sented in this paper allows readers to a more detailed
mass classification and structural analysis” section; Valerio Segor is the
analysis of the sequence of actions and procedures that co-author of the “The use of UAV for glacier monitoring and glacial
should be adopted to guarantee a correct level of safety outburst flood risk mitigation” section; Bernadette Sotier is the co-
and to collect a good dataset that can assure a positive author of the “UAV for debris flow mapping and analysis” section; and
Fabrizio Troilo is the co-author of the “The use of UAV for glacier mon-
result. As every new instrument, even in the case of itoring and glacial outburst flood risk mitigation” section.
UAV, it is important a correct and rigorous approach,
because an underestimation of the real level of com-
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
plexity of these systems could imply clamorous errors
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap-
in the generation of 3D models that are the base for tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
further study and analysis. A correct approach, on the you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, pro-
contrary, creates the right condition for the proper use vide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were
of these systems and great support in many engineering made. The images or other third party material in this article are included
in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a
geology applications. credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's
Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by
Acknowledgments Authors want to thank the Editors and Reviewers of statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain
the Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment for their im- permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this
portant revisions and improvement of the presented work. licence, visit
“The use of UAVs on landslides” section: The author would like to
thank colleagues: Colm Jordan, Lee Jones, Matthew Kirkham, David
Morgan, David Boon, Catherine Pennington, Simon Holyoake, Vanessa
Banks and former colleagues Edward Haslam, Christopher Wardle and
Paul Witney. The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) sup-
ported this research. This paper is published with the permission of the
Executive Director of the British Geological Survey, BGS©UKRI[2018].
“Main applications of UAV in hydrology” section: The research was
financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, through the grant no.
2011/01/D/ST10/04171. The author is indebted to the authorities of the Adams MS, Fromm R, Lechner V (2016) High-resolution debris flow
County Office in Kłodzko for making the data of the Local Flood volume mapping with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and photo-
Monitoring System (Lokalny System Osłony Przeciwpowodziowej – grammetric techniques. The International Archives of the
LSOP) available for research purposes. The HydroProg prototype is Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
based on the following open-source solutions: R, PostgreSQL, and Sciences, Volume XLI-B1, XXIII ISPRS Congress, 12–19
MySQL. Last but not least, the UAV operators, Ms. Matylda Witek- July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
Kasprzak and Dr. Joanna Remisz, are acknowledged. Adams MS, Bühler Y, Fromm R (2018) Multitemporal accuracy and
precision assessment of unmanned aerial system photogrammetry
Authors’ contributions Daniele Giordan is the chairman of IAEG for slope-scale snow depth maps in Alpine terrain. Pure and
Commission C35, he supervised the redaction of this paper, and he is Applied Geophysics, 175(9), 3303–3324.
the co-author of the “Introduction,” “UAV payload sensors,” “UAV for Agisoft (2018) PhotoScan user manual: professional edition, Version 1.4,
3D model generation: operative rules, regulation, data collection, and pp.118.
processing,” and “Conclusions” sections; Marc S. Adams is the co- Aicardi I, Chiabrando F, Grasso N, Lingua AM, Noardo F, Spanò A
author of the “UAV for debris flow mapping and analysis” section; (2016a) UAV photogrammetry with oblique images: first analysis
Irene Aicardi is the author of the “UAV main components analysis and on data acquisition and processing. International Archives of the
comparison” section; Maria Alicandro is the co-author of the “The smart Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences,
management of building sites in a post-seismic scenario using UAV pho- 41.
togrammetry” section; Paolo Allasia is the co-author of the “UAV pay- Aicardi I, Nyapwere N, Nex F, Gerke M, Lingua AM, Koeva MN
load sensors” section; Marco Baldo is the co-author of the “UAV payload (2016b) Co-registration of multitemporal uav image datasets for
sensors” section; Pierluigi De Berardinis is the co-author of the “The monitoring applications: a new approach. International Archives of
smart management of building sites in a post-seismic scenario using the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information
UAV photogrammetry” section; Donatella Dominici is the co-author of Sciences, 41.
the “The smart management of building sites in a post-seismic scenario Ajayi OG, Salubi AA, Angbas AF, Odigure MG (2017) Generation of
using UAV photogrammetry” section; Danilo Godone is the co-author of accurate digital elevation models from UAV acquired low percent-
the “UAV payload sensors” and “UAV for 3D model generation: opera- age overlapping images. Int J Remote Sens 38(8-10):3113–3134
tive rules, regulation, data collection, and processing” sections; Peter Alicandro M, Rotilio M (2019) UAV photogrammetry for resilience man-
Hobbs is the author of the “The use of UAVs on landslides” section and agement in reconstruction plan of urban historical centres after seis-
he is the co-author of the “UAV for 3D model generation: operative rules, mic events. A case study. The International Archives of the
regulation, data collection, and processing” section; Veronika Lechner is Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
the co-author of the “UAV for debris flow mapping and analysis” section; Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W11, 2019 GEORES 2019 – 2nd
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