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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


M. Sumithra1a, M.Tharun Vignesh2*, N. Suriya3*, C.S.Vinoth Rajiv4*

aAssociate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Panimalar Engineering College

*Student, B.Tech Information Technology, Panimalar Engineering College
This paper gives a quick summary of web based car rental system , where you can rent a car from this website. Customer
can rent what ever car they want for a short period of time . It is safe and secure website cause we use some verification
process example: information of aadhar card number and driver licence to ensure the driver who is driving the car is
above 18 age and has driver licence . this website include the feature like customer login ,password ,check availability od
vehicle ,and direct chat with the admin, make payment through credit or debit card .for admin the features are admin
login , adding cars ,deleting the cars ,accept or reject the request from the customer.

Keywords: TV


Over the past few decades ,car rentals companies have been running their business using the traditional method of
advertising this business by publishing advertisements in newspapers and broadcasting advertisement on TV channels
and other approaches .In addition ,all clients records are stored in hard copy or soft copy depending on the methods the
company use .The technology plays a vital role in changing the way of people do their business .All of them is searching for
rental cars .Traditionally, if anyone wants to locate a car rent service ,they can call the rental service manager by phone(if
any) and go to the store to search the vehicles rental applications has existed prior to the study .However, there is still a
number of limitations from the existing online vehicle rental system. To this ,limitations such a type of vehicles and area of
coverage have yet to solve and retrieving information and certainly not secured .If they use a slightly modern method
,company would use a computer to key in their customers information in excel format and store it in computer storage .

This set of less time consuming and slightly secured when compared to the traditional method ,but still requires the admin
to manually key in all client information .This study are develop the vehicles to rent online which include cars ,motorcycles
and vans and etc. to enhance the coverage of online vehicles rental services in Malaysia and finally is to improve the online
system for increasing the brands and models over hales for cars and motorcycles and vans to rent online Malaysia .other
companies are trying to revolutionize their business to adapt the mobile technology that been growing rapid in recent
years .Therefore in the work the project aimed to propose a mobile car rental system prototype that is secured and
allowed the cars to make reservation of the vehicle that desired. The mobile car rental system includes features as register
and login page ,list of vehicles and database related to mobile car rental system.

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 12
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


people don't own a car people who wants to expirience new cars
people booking cab people owns a car

Figure 1: PI chart for sales of the car

In this fig 1 we can clearly see that the market for booking cab is going down where now a days people like to book a rental
car rather than booking a car.

The main motive of this car rental system is to make the cars available for every people. There is also imported cars for the
customer who wants the driving experience of some cars. There is also chat box which is convenient for the customer to
ask any queries to the admin. And ask the queries through the email.

3.1 PHP:

PHP is known as hyper text preprocessor language ,it is widely used because it is open source scripting language. The
result of this scripting language is given in the browser. The main advantage of PHP is it is free to download. PHP can
generate dynamic page contend ,collect data ,and can also encrypt data . the php language is widely used because it can run
on any platforms like windows,linux,unix,mac os ,etc, and also compatible with most of the server used nowadays like

3.2 HTML:

HTML stand for hyper text markup language ,it is used to create a web page .it contains elements and tags with tells how to
display the contend in the webpage eg the background colour ,font size ,heading etc.The elements of the HTML is known as
building blocks of HTML .IT can embed programs written in a scripting language such as PHP ,java etc. HTML was
developed by physicist Tim Berners-LEE in 1980 but he wrote the browser and server software in late 1990

3.3 MySQL:

MySQL is a database used in the web and runs on the server ,it is used to store the data which we get from the website or
etc .the data in mysql is stored in table forms where table is the collection of datas in the combination of rows and columns
.The advantage of using mysql is it is ideal for both small application and for large application, it is very fast and reliable,
compiles on many no of platforms ,it is free to download and easy to use .It uses standard SQL. So we use the combination
of these three software to give a fine website for the customer

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 13
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072



Figure 2: Use case Diagram

With the use of this diagram we can understand the skeleton of how the web site is running and how the website react to
the action of the customer and the admin , and how the database works . The information of the vehicle and the customer
are stored in the website hence for the future use and admin can edit the database .


For the security purpose the aadhar card and the driving licence of the customer is verified and the vehicle is inspected by
the agent before and after the vehicle is given for any damage in the vehicle

As the conclusion this car rental system will allow you to rent a car for your personal needs and where you can drive
without any driver ,and it would be the next gen of the rental cars through the website ,it provides the platform for the
people to rent a car for an hour to a week ,with the use of the three software HTML, PHP, MySQL we could give a fine
website .


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Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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