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Integrated Stratigraphy Journal of Stratigraphy

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Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the

Cauvery Basin, South India

Raghavendramurthy Nagendra1, Addula Nallapa Reddy2, Bomma Chikkanarayan Jaiprakash3,
Harry Gilbert4, Yuri D. Zakharov5 and Mamilla Venkateshwarlu6
Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai-600025, India
OIDB-Chair, Anna University, Chennai-600025, India
Regional Geosciences Laboratories, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd, Chennai-600049, India
Far Eastern Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Far Eastern Branch),
Stoletiya Prospect 159, Vladivostok 690022, Russia
CSIR – National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad-500007, India

ABSTRACT: Cretaceous sequences of the Cauvery Basin, South India, can serve as an analogue to understand the subsurface successions
with proven potential for commercial hydrocarbon exploration. In this area, the distribution of hydrocarbon reservoir and source rock fa-
cies was profoundly influenced by relative sea level changes amplified by rifting and related tectonic activities. Of particular interest are
the sedimentary strata exposed in mines, quarries and outcrops around the Ariyalur area of Tamil Nadu, that mirror subsurface strata. This
study reviews and integrates the stratigraphic studies based on this area and published over the past three decades. In particular, we concen-
trate on lithological features, macrofossils, microfossils, ichnofossils, magnetic polarity and sequence stratigraphy to reveal the geologic
history of the Cauvery Basin. Age control, paleoenvironmental interpretations, paleobathymetry, paleoecology and paleotemperature are
based on ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, mollusks, nannofossils, and foraminifera. Key results include an integrated stratigraphic
framework, paleobathymetry and sea level history that shows seven second/third-order depositional sequences, and major sea level falls
during the late Turonian and late Maastrichtian linked to the Marion and Reunion mantle plumes, respectively.

Key words: Cauvery Basin, Cretaceous, integrated stratigraphy, sea level changes, paleoenvironment, South India

tion, Terani Formation, and the Uttatur, Trichinopoly, and
The pericratonic Cauvery Basin, located along the south-eastern Ariyalur groups (text-fig. 1). Low-angle unconformities and con-
coast of India, developed during the breakup of Gondwana in the glomerate beds mark interruptions in sediment deposition
Late Jurassic (Rangaraju et al. 1993). This basin records four ma- (Nagendra et al. 2011).
jor tectonic phases during its evolution including: (1) an early
sheared rift extensional faulting that initiated during Late Juras-
sic/Early Cretaceous, (2) end-phase rifting that concluded dur- The main purpose of this review is to develop a lithostratigraphic
ing the late Aptian an d which resulted in a marine transgression framework and geologic history of the Cauvery Basin based on the
(Reddy et al. 2013), ( 3) late Turonian basinal uplift caused by integration of published research, including lithostratigraphy,
the Marion plume activity (Raju et al. 2005) resulted in wide- biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphic
spread volcanic intrusions in the southern part of the basin that records. In addition, we aim to standardize the various strati-
was linked to the separation of Madagascar from India, and ( 4 ) graphic classifications with updated nomenclatures and link cur-
major eastward tilt of the basin was linked to the Deccan volca- rently disparate surface and subsurface data through age and
nic rise in central India and which led to a major sea level fall paleoenvironmental correlations. The results will have applica-
and lateral withdrawal of the sea by about 50 km (Raju et al. tions for petroleum exploration in the Cauvery Basin as well as
1993). These major tectonic events profoundly influenced rela- for academic research and future investigations of yet unexplored
tive sea level changes and the distribution of hydrocarbon reser- deposits.
voirs and source rock facies in the Cauvery Basin (Reddy et al.
Over the past three decades, the Cauvery Basin has been the cen- Lithostratigraphy orders layers of different rocks into easily iden-
ter of exploration activities for limestone and lignite in Tamil tifiable units that can be regionally correlated and reflect the same
Nadu where Cretaceous sediments are exposed in isolated out- or similar depositional environments, such as beds of shale,
crops, mines, and quarries exposed along the western margin of sands, limestones or conglomerates that can be traced over some
the Archaean basement. Drilling of exploratory deep wells re- geographic distance. However, rock lithostratigraphic units are
vealed nearly 7 km thick sedimentary successions ranging in age time transgressive as they reflect specific depositional environ-
from Late Jurassic to Recent, with two thirds deposited in the ments and cannot be used for age correlation, except in the broad-
Cretaceous. In land outcrops, late Aptian through Maastrichtian est sense (e.g., Lower, Middle and Upper Cretaceous or
marine deposits are divided into the Kovandankurichchi Forma- sub-stages).

Stratigraphy, vol. 15, no. 4, text-figures 1–3, pages 245–259, 2018 DOI: 10.29041/strat.15.4.245-259 245
Raghavendramurthy Nagendra et al.: Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cauvery Basin, South India

Blanford (1862) published the first lithostratigraphic study of the Limestone (CAL), the Marl Bedded Limestone (MBL), and the
Cauvery Basin. Between 1943 and the 1990s a series of Marl Member (ML) in ascending order. The Karai Formation
publications concentrated on outcrops and sections exposed by consists of variegated shales associated with gypsum veins,
mining (e.g., Banerji 1982; Krishnan 1943; Nair 1974; phosphatic nodules and abundant belemnite guards. Phosphatic
Ramanathan 1968; Sastri, Raju, Sinha, Venkatachala and nodules, locally known as “Uttatur potatoes”, are normally en-
Banerji 1977; Ramasamy and Banerji 1991; Sundaram and Rao cased in chalky surfaces. The lateral facies equivalent of the up-
1979; Sundaram and Rao 1986; Tewari, Hart, and Watkinson per Karai Formation is known as the Odhiyam Sandstone and
1996a). Through this time authors developed differing Maruvattur Claystone members exposed at Odhiyam and
lithostratigraphic classifications and modified earlier strati- Maruvattur (text-fig. 1).
graphic framework studies. During the past 15 years, the authors
re-investigated all available mines, quarries and outcrop sections Trichinopoly Group
to integrate and develop a comprehensive lithostratigraphic and
The Trichinopoly Group consists of the Garudamangalam For-
biostratigraphic scheme (text-figs. 2a, 2b).
mation in the Ariyalur area. The contact between the
Kovandankurichchi Formation Garudamangalam and overlying Sillakkudi Formation is uncon-
formable. Sundaram et al. (2001) and Tewari et al. (1996a) di-
The informally labeled Kovandankurichchi Conglomerate mem-
vided the Garudamangalam Formation into three members: the
ber of Tewari et al. (1996) is herein raised to formation status and
Kulakkalnattam Sandstone, the Anaipadi Calcarenite and the
renamed the Kovandankurichchi Formation (text-fig. 2b) fol-
Saturbhugam Sandstone Member (text-figs. 2a, 2b). The
lowing the guidelines of the International Stratigraphic Guide
Kulakkalnattam Sandstone Member is extensively burrowed by
(Murphy and Salvador 1999). The Kovandankurichchi Forma-
Skolithos, Ophiomorpha, and Thalassinoides. The Anaipadi
tion is the oldest (Berriasian(?)) sedimentary unit of the Creta-
Calcarenite Member consists of concretionary siltstone,
ceous system in and around Ariyalur where it reaches a thickness
mudstone and fine-grained micaceous sandstone in the lower
of 175 m (Sundaram et al. 2001) (text-figs. 2a, 2b) and has a
part and well-sorted calcareous medium to coarse sandstone in
mappable extent. This formation is named after Kovandan-
the upper part with scattered bivalves and sporadic lenticular
kurichchi Village and is best exposed at its type section in the
interbeds of sandy coquina (Sundaram et al. 2001). Fossil wood
Kovandankurichchi Quarry II where it overlies basement rocks
concretions are common in stream channel outcrops near
(Sundaram and Rao 1986) (text-fig. 3b). The Kovandankurichchi
Saturbhugam. The overlying Saturbhugam Sandstone Member
is a conglomerate with inversely graded fanglomerate features.
consists of fluvial sandstones and silty sandstones with re-
The clasts are comprised of buff colored feldspar, sub-angular to
worked pebbles and cobbles (Sundaram and Rao 1986).
sub-rounded quartz, boulders, cobbles and pebbles derived from
Large-scale trough cross-bedding (less than 3m thick) in the
Archean Gneiss (Govindan et al. 1998). The Terani Formation
sandstone member is indicative of a fluvial channel fill. To the
unconformably overlies the Kovandankurichchi Formation.
northeast and down-dip, the Kulakkalnattam Sandstone laterally
Terani Formation grades into the Anaipadi Calcarenite facies. Four facies associa-
tions are identified in sandstone of the Garudamangalam For-
The Terani Formation is Neocomian- Aptian in age, is about 60
mation by Sarkar et al. 2014. These facies associations with
m thick and is well-exposed in the Terani Clay Mine located
genetically different components indicate deposition occurred
near Karai Village (Ramasamy and Banerji 1991) (text-fig. 1,
in the nearshore zone (Sarkar et al. 2014).
2b). Stratigraphically, the Terani Formation unconformably un-
derlies the Dalmiapuram Formation and consists of two mem- Ariyalur Group
bers: the Terani Claystone Member with sandstone
intercalations at the base, and the Terani Gritty Ferruginous The Ariyalur Group is represented by the Sillakkudi,
Sandstone Member at the top. These sediments consist of Kallankurichchi, Ottakovil, and Kallamedu formations in as-
quartzose and feldspathic, gritty and ferruginous sandstones cending stratigraphic order (Sundaram and Rao 1986) (text-fig.
with intercalated claystones (text-figs. 2a, 2b). The sandstone 2b). At the base, the Sillakkudi Formation is dominated by
contains pebbles and boulders of igneous (gneiss) rock. The sandstones that are well exposed in the Mettol and Nochikulam
Terani Claystone Member contains rare and poorly preserved areas (text-fig. 1). Sedimentological studies indicate that the
plant fossils of Ptilophyllum acutifolium, whereas the shale and sandstones are mineralogically and texturally immature and
clay layers of the Terani Gritty Ferruginous Sandstone Member poorly sorted. An abundance of feldspar, especially plagioclase,
contain arenaceous foraminifera that indicate an Early Creta- indicates rapid deposition from a nearby granite/gneiss source.
ceous (Neocomian–Aptian) age (Banerji 1982; Sastry et al. The Sillakkudi Formation is characterized by clastic sediments
1963). with a carbonate fraction in the Kilapalavur area. The sediments
consist of off-white to buff colored, coarse-grained, texturally
Uttatur Group immature, poorly sorted, friable to hard sandstone with occa-
The Uttatur Group consists of the Dalmiapuram and Karai For- sional calcareous cement. The presence of glauconitic pellets in
mations, which are time equivalent but lithologically dissimilar the sandstones suggests deposition during a transgressive epi-
(text-figs. 2a, 2b). These two formations were deposited during sode at paleo water depths of 30-60 m (Nagendra et al. 2001).
the Albian through middle Turonian (Chiplonkar 1985; Raju et The presence of angular grains indicates transport was from a
al. 1993) and para-conformably overlie the Terani Formation. nearby source (Nagendra et al. 2001). The Sillakkudi sandstone
The upper contact unconformably underlies the Garuda- underlies the Kallar Conglomerate Member, which is exposed
mangalam Formation of the Trichinopoly Group. The geology in stream sections near Kallar (text-figs. 1, 3b). Orange to yel-
and stratigraphy of the Dalmiapuram region has been studied by low pebbles with abundant sub-angular to angular, pink to white
many researchers (Gowda 1964; Rama Rao 1956; Ramasamy pebbles and cobbles characterize the conglomerate bed, which
and Banerji, 1991; Sundaram and Rao 1979) who separated the is non-calcareous and indicative of sub-aerial deposition that
Dalmiapuram Formation into three members: the Coral Algal marks a hiatus during the late Campanian. The Kallar Conglom-

Stratigraphy, vol. 15, no. 4, 2018

Geological map of Cretaceous formations, Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin, South India.

Raghavendramurthy Nagendra et al.: Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cauvery Basin, South India

Lithostratigraphic classifications of Cretaceous succession of Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin, South India

Stratigraphy, vol. 15, no. 4, 2018

Lithostratigraphic classifications of Cretaceous succession of Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin, South India.

Raghavendramurthy Nagendra et al.: Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cauvery Basin, South India

erate is considered to be the upper member of the Sillakkudi ceae, Salpingoporella verticelata and Agardioliopsis cretaceae,
Formation. which are indicative of an Albian age (Mishra et al. 2004)
(text-fig. 3a). In addition, bryozoans, rare coral fragments and
The Kallankurichchi Formation and its three members are foraminifera are present (Mishra et al. 2004). Marine cephalo-
marked by marine carbonates and conformably overlie the pods, such as Acanthoceras sp., Mammites conciliatus, Nautilus
Sillakkudi Formation (text-fig. 3b). The lowermost Ferruginous huxleyanus and Turrilites costatus, are abundant in the Marl
Limestone (FL) Member consists of fine- to medium-grained Bedded Limestone Member (Kossmat 1897; Govindan et al.
massive biomicrite, rich in benthic foraminifera. Above the FL 1998). The basal part of the Marl Bedded Limestone Members
Member is the Lower Arenaceous Limestone (LAL) Member contains lenticular gray shale layers immediately overlying the
marked by yellowish, massive, compact limestone rich in silica. Coral Algal Limestone. The age of the gray shale is well- con-
Overlying the LAL is the Gryphaea Limestone (GL) Member strained based on planktic foraminifera and dinoflagellates. A
identified by its reddish- brown color and fine- to me- latest Albian age is indicated for the gray shale of the Kallakudi
dium-grained carbonate. At the top is the Upper Arenaceous mine based on dinoflagellate index species Odontochitina
Limestone (UAL) Member marked by high terrigenous influx. costata, Epelidosphaeridia spinosa, Cyclonephelium cf. C.
vannophorum, Dioxya sp., Kiokansium unituberculatum,
The Ottakovil Formation contains mollusks, bryozoans and Ovoidinium verrucosum and Batioladinium micropodium
rare burrows. The lower contact with the Kallankurichchi For- (Nagendra et al. 2002a) (text-fig. 3a). A latest Albian age is also
mation is conformable whereas the upper contact with the over- indicated by moderately well-preserved planktic foraminiferal
lying Kallamedu Formation is unconformable. The Kallamedu index taxa, including Rotalipora gandolfi, Rotalipora brotzeni,
Formation contains cross-bedded sandstones indicative of flu- Praeglobotruncana stephani, P. delrioensis, Hedbergella
vial channel deposits that mark the end of the Cretaceous in the planispira and Globigerinelloides bentonensis (Caron, 1985)
Ariyalur area (Nagendra et al. 2002a). and corroborates the age assigned based on dinoflagellates
(Nagendra et al. 2002a; Nagendra et al. 2013).
Biostratigraphy is based on fossils present in rock layers and The lower part of the Marl Bedded Limestone yielded the
sediments and is the most commonly used method for relative planktic foraminiferal index species Rotalipora reicheli,
age dating in geological studies. Age control is based on whereas the upper part of the Marl Limestone Member contains
short-lived species, evolution and extinction (first and last ap- index species Praeglobotruncana delrioensis and P. stephani,
pearances) that are unique bio-events with proven coeval re- which suggests a Cenomanian to mid-Turonian age (text-fig.
gional and/or global occurrences. Biostratigraphy thus provides 3a). T h e benthic foraminifera Anomalinoides, Gavelinella
reliable relative age control in any environment globally, inde- plummerae, Gyroidinoides globosa, Lenticulina, and Quadri-
pendent of the nature of sediment deposition or paleo- morphina are common in both the Marl Bedded Limestone and
environment. In this study, biostratigraphic age control is based the Marl Limestone member. Similar foraminiferal assemblages
on both macro and microfossils, including ammonites, belem- of Rotalipora, Preaglobotruncana, Whiteinella and
nites, brachiopods, mollusks, calcareous nannofossils and Hedbergella (Govindan et al.1996) are documented from the
foraminifera. These fossils also provide information on Karai Formation, in addition to belemnites, ammonites and
paleoenvironment (e.g., near-shore, shelf, slope, and deep) and worm tubes. The presence o f the planktic foraminifera
paleoecology (e.g., warm, cool, oxic, dysoxic, anoxic, degree of Planomalina buxtorfi, Rotalipora reicheli, Praeglobotruncana
salinity etc.) (Pratul et al. 2016). stephani, and Hedbergella portsdownensis (Nagendra et al.
2013) suggests a late Albian to middle Turonian age.
The oldest lithostratigraphic unit, the Kovandankurichchi For-
mation, is devoid of fauna and flora and thus age dating is un- Ferruginous material infills the chambers of the foraminifers
available. Ptilophyllum acutifolium a plant fossil of and other fossils tests in the mudstone-wackestone facies of the
Neocomian–Aptian age, is reported from a shale horizon of the lithostratigraphic units in the Dalmiapuram Formation. This
Terani Formation (Mamgain et al. 1973; Sundaram et al. 2001; suggests sediment deposition occurred in a low energy environ-
Venkatarengan et al.1993). The upper sandstone member of the ment marked by diagenetic alteration (Nagendra et al. 2002b).
Terani Formation yielded planktic foraminifera, including
Hedbergella trocoidea, H. planispira and H. delrioensis, sug- The Kulakkalnattam Sandstone of the Garudamangalam Forma-
gestive of a late Aptian-early Albian age (Reddy et al . 2013). tion, Trichinopoly Group, contains c haracteristic ichnofossils,
The occurrence of planktic foraminifera and ammonite frag- such as Skolithos, Ophiomorpha and Thalassinoides (text-fig.
ments marks the first marine transgression in the basin margin 3a). The Anaipadi Calcarenite Member contains abundant gas-
(text-fig. 3a). The presence of poorly preserved, low diversity tropod shells and ammonites, such as Kossmaticeras theo-
arenaceous foraminifera in the Terani Formation suggests baldianum and Placenticeras tamulicum, which indicate a
brackish, low salinity waters indicative of estuary to restricted Coniacian-Santonian age (Ayyasami and Jagannatha Rao 1978).
bay environments. It is also possible that the low salinity waters
may have resulted from tidal wave incursions into a fresh water The overlying Sillakkudi Formation, Ariyalur Group, includes
basin. Based on t h e arenaceous foraminiferal assemblages, an inoceramids and gastropod shells. Rasheed and Ravindran
Early Cretaceous (Neocomian–Aptian) age is assigned to the (1978) recorded t h e presence of the benthic foraminifera
Terani Gritty Ferruginous Sandstone Member (text-fig. 3b). Bolivinoides decoratus and based on this species assigned a
Campanian age. Well-preserved ichnofossils of Ophiomorpha
The lower Coral Algal Limestone Member of the Dalmiapuram and Thalassinoides are also observed in the upper part of this
Formation, Uttatur Group, is rich in algae and contains formation (text-fig. 3a). The Kallankurichchi Formation con-
Parachaetetes asvapattii, Sporolithon sp., Lithothamnion sp., tains smaller benthic foraminifera, including Gavelinopsis
Lithophyllum sp., Pseudoamphiroa propria, Neomeris creta- bembix, Gyroidinoides globosa, Lingulogavelinella and

Stratigraphy, vol. 15, no. 4, 2018

Cibicides. The presence of planktic foraminifera Globo- nities. These communities are dominated by cylindrical,
truncana linneiana, G. aegyptiaca and G. arca indicate an early branched, large-sized three-dimensional horizontal burrows of
Maastrichtian age. Similarly, Tewari et al. (1996a, b) assigned Thalassinoides horizontalis and Thalassinoides suevicus, and un-
an early Maastrichtian age based on the larger foraminifera Si- branched horizontal burrows indicative of Planolites beverly-
derolites. Macrofossils represented by mollusks, such as ensis and Palaeophycus tubularis (text-fig. 3a).
Gryphaea, Alectronia, a n d Pecten, as well as bryozoans are
abundant in this formation. A diverse assemblage of late Horizontal structures of Planolites and Palaeophycus were
Maastrichtian calcareous nannoplankton is reported from the formed a few centimeters below the sediment-water interface
Ottakovil Formation by Jyotsana and Ramkumar (2007), in- where their producers lived, suggesting an unconsolidated sub-
cluding Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis, Braarudosphaera strate in a moderate to low energy sub-tidal environment. In the
bigelowii, Ceratolithoides aculeus, Chiastozygus litterarius, Kulakkalnattam sandstone abundant bioturbation obscures the
Cyclagelosphaera deflandrei, Cribrosphaerella ehrenbgergii, physical sedimentary structures. Ichnofossils in the Kulak-
Cribrosphaera sp., Eiffellithus gorkae, E. parallelus, E. kalnattam Sandstone Member are represented by the Skolithos
turriseiffeli, M. staurophora, M. swastica, Petrobrasiella? ichnofacies, which were probably made by crustaceans, poly-
bownii, Prediscosphaera cretacea, P. spinosa, Stradneria chaetes, etc. in shallow marine environments. The Skolithos
crenulata, Staurolithites crux, Zygodiscus minimus and Z. ichnofacies indicates, moderate to high energy conditions and un-
spiralis. consolidated shifting substrate. Petrography reveals poorly sorted
grains that are free floating, angular to sub-angular. Sediment
Diverse vertebrate fossils are reported from the Kallamedu For- characteristics and biogenic (feeding/dwelling) activity suggest
mation, including ganoid fishes, amphibians, turtles, croco- normal salinity in a fully marine foreshore-shoreface environ-
diles, and dinosaurs that suggest a Late Cretaceous link ment during the deposition of the Kulakkalnattam Sandstone
between India and other Gondwanan landmasses. Teeth of Member (Nagendra et al. 2010).
abelisaurid dinosaurs, known previously from the Middle Juras-
sic of South America and the Late Cretaceous of Africa, Mada- The Ottakovil Formation contains macrofossils, including
gascar, and central and western India, support a echinoids and bivalves along with few burrowing trace fossils of
pan-Gondwanan distribution for these groups of theropod dino- Thalassinoides and Ophiomorpha, which are characteristic of the
saurs. Of greatest significance, however, is the discovery of a Skolithos ichnofacies and indicative of high energy conditions.
Simosuchus-like notosuchian crocodile outside of Madagascar This formation marks the terminal marine Cretaceous in the Ari-
(Prasad et al. 2013). This report of the first Indian Simo- yalur area (Tewari et al. 1996a).
suchus-like notosuchian crocodile further strengthens the idea
that a link existed between India and Madagascar during the
Late Cretaceous. Vertebrate dispersal most likely was facili- MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY
tated via the Seychelles block, Amirante Ridge, and Providence India began its separation and drifted northward from the
Bank (Ali and Aitchison 2008). supercontinent Gondwana during the middle Cretaceous, approx-
imately 100 my ago (Chatterjee et al. 2017). By the Late Creta-
ICHNOSTRATIGRAPHY ceous, India separated from Australia and Africa and continued
Ichnofossils are relatively well preserved in two sedimentary northward towards Asia. During the late Maastrichtian, prior to
sequences of the Ariyalur area. The Kulakkalnattam Sandstone the Deccan Trap eruptions, uplift in southern India resulted in
Member of the Garudamangalam Formation is intensely bur- sedimentation in the adjacent nascent Indian Ocean. Among all
rowed and well-preserved ichnofossils were used to reconstruct the Gondwana continents India moved at a relatively high rate of
a paleobathymetry using the model of Seilacher (1967). Frey 20–25 cm/yr (Poornachandra et al.1981). India collided with the
and Pemberton (1985) have constructed ichnofacies that are Eurasian plate about 55 my. ago, which resulted in the rise of the
representative of environmental gradients. They illustrate eight Himalayan mountain chain.
ichnofacies spanning from the rocky coast to the deep abyssal
environment. In semi-consolidated substrates, Frey and Pem- The rapid northward movement of the Indian plate is recorded in
berton ( 1985) report an abundance of vertical burrows with marine magnetic anomalies, such as the Rajmahal–Sylhet Traps
both smooth and reinforced walls with ‘U’-, ‘J’-, ‘Y’-, and and the Deccan Traps. The geochronology is well established
‘T’-shaped structures that are characteristic of foreshore, mod- for the Deccan and Malwa Traps, but less so for the Rajmahal
erate to high energy conditions (Frey and Goldring 1992; Traps. The Rajmahal Traps yield an 40Ar/39Ar age of 117+1 Ma
Reddy et al. 1992; Sathyanarayana et al. 1999; Seilacher 1967). (Baksi et al. 1987; McDougall and McElhinny 1970). No recent
analyses with improved methods have been done, hence the error
The ichnological study on the Kulakkalnattam Sandstone Mem- bar is likely significantly larger for ages determined 30-40 years
ber by Nagendra et al. (2010) revealed the dominant occurrence ago. The major phase of the Deccan Trap eruptions occurred dur-
of vertical burrows in association with horizontal burrows. The ing magnetochron C29r and has recently been dated based on
vertical burrows are predominantly represented by Ophio- U-Pb geochronology (zircons) to span from 66.288± 0.027 Ma to
morpha nodosa and Skolithos linearis, which are produced by 65.552 ± 0.026 Ma, which encompasses the Cretaceous-
suspension feeding animals and preserved in full relief (text-fig. Paleogene boundary (Schoene et al. 2015). U-Pb geochronology
3a). These structures are part of the Skolithos ichnofacies of for the Deccan Traps greatly improves earlier age estimates based
Frey and Pemberton ( 1985). Abundant biogenic structures indi- on 40Ar/39Ar dating of 65.5± 2 . 5 Ma (Vandamme et al. 1991).
cate moderate to high energy conditions and a shifting substrate Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Malwa Plateau (Northern Deccan
exploited by opportunistic burrowing animals in foreshore en- Traps) based on plateau ages of multiple samples recently yielded
vironments. Alternatively, the Kulakkalnattam Sandstone has a an age of 67.12± 0.044 Ma, which shows that these eruptions
fine-grained, immature grain texture and is bioturbated with started during magnetochron C30n preceding the main Deccan
well-preserved horizontal structures of deposit-feeding commu- Traps eruptions (Schobel et al. 2014).

Raghavendramurthy Nagendra et al.: Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cauvery Basin, South India

Lithological description and depositional environment of Cretaceous succession of Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin, South India.

Stratigraphy, vol. 15, no. 4, 2018

Stratigraphic characteristics of Cretaceous succession of Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin, South India.

Raghavendramurthy Nagendra et al.: Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cauvery Basin, South India

Paleomagnetic studies on the Rajmahal, Malwa and Deccan sin margin (text-fig. 3b). This surface closely coincides with the
volcanic episodes indicate the drift of the Indian plate during Aptian/Albian boundary (Reddy et al. 2013).
the Early and Late Cretaceous. During the Early Cretaceous
eruptions of the Rajmahal Traps (~117±1 Ma, Aptian) the In- The Dalmiapuram and Karai formations of the Uttatur Group,
dian subcontinent was situated at paleolatitude 43ºS. By the lat- successively developed in a marine environment during the
est Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) the Malwa and Deccan Albian to middle Turonian and overlie the Terani Formation.
Traps were deposited at a paleolatitude of 30ºS. The para-conformable contact lies between the Terani Forma-
tion and the Coral Algal Limestone Member of the Dalmia-
Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of the Cenomanian-Maas- puram Formation. The abrupt termination of the Coral Algal
trichtian outcrops in the Cauvery Basin is reviewed to construct Limestone is inferred to represent a drowning surface, which
a composite magnetic polarity scale t h at helps understand the occurred due to clastic input and relative rise in sea level
continental drift history (text-fig. 3b). Outcrop samples from 29 (Nagendra et al. 2002a). The upper surface of the Karai Forma-
locations in the vicinity of the Ariyalur district were treated for tion has an unconformable relationship with the overlying
thermal demagnetization (100–700°C) after measuring their Garudamangalam Formation and represents upper sequence
natural remanent magnetization. The calculated declinations boundary-4 (SB4) (Nagendra et al. 2002b; Nagendra et al.
and inclinations of the Characteristic Remnant Magnetism 2011). SB4 represents a hiatus of about 2.10 Ma that developed
(ChRM) components were used to derive the paleolatitudes of as a result of basin uplift caused by the rising Marion hot mantle
the virtual geomagnetic pole of outcrops (Papanna et al. 2014). plume during late Turonian (Nagendra et al. 2002a, 2011; Raju
The constructed magnetic polarity scale f o r the Cenomanian et al. 2005).
–Maastrichtian sediments of the Cauvery Basin is correlated
with the standard Geological Time Scale (Gradstein et al. 2004; The Garudamangalam Formation overlies SB4. The relative sea
Ogg et al.2008). level (RSL) fall during the late Santonian produced fluvial
channel deposits as part of the highstand system tract (HST),
The composite magnetic polarity scale of the Dalmiapuram, and is represented by the Saturbhugam Sandstone; the erosion
Karai, Garudamangalam, Kallankurichchi, Ottakovil, and surface at the top of t h i s sandstone is sequence boundary- 5
Kallamedu formations comprise 13 magnetozones, 7 normal (SB5) (Nagendra et al. 2011; Reddy et al. 2013). The base of the
and 6 reversal events, which correlate to chron C34n to chron Kallar Conglomerate, which overlies the Saturbhugam Sand-
C30n. The Cauvery Basin was located in the southern latitude stone, delineates an unconformity surface and forms sequence
during Late Cretaceous period. Isothermal remanent magnetis- boundary-6 (SB6) (text-fig. 3b). The conglomerate was devel-
ation measurements indicate that the remanence carrier is he- oped after weathering and erosion of the exposed Sillakkudi
matite which resides in these sediments. sandstones.

SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY The base of the Ferruginous Limestone is a transgressive sur-

face marked by the presence of smaller benthic foraminifera, in-
The sequence stratigraphic concepts followed in this work are dicating marine flooding at the base of the Kallankurichchi
based on the concepts of Vail et al. 1977 and Van Wagoner et al. Formation. The transgressive systems tract consists of the
1988. Outcrop sections are widespread and include locations in Ferruginous L imestone, Lower Arenaceous Limestone and the
Terani, Karai, Kallakudi quarry, Kovandankurichchi mines, Gryphaea Limestone. The stacking patterns of these three mem-
Melarasur, Kulakkalnattam, Anaipadi, Saradamangalam, Garu- bers appears to represent a retrogradational parasequence corre-
damangalam, Seeranattam, Karumbiyam, Sillakkudi, Kallan- sponding to intermittent flooding events (text-fig. 3b)
kurichchi TANCEM mines, TAMIN mines, GRASIM mines (Nagendra et al. 2002b). Macro- and microfossil assemblages
and Srinivasapuram limestone quarries, Ottakovil, and and the frequency and preservation of microfossil tests indicate
Kallamedu (Tewari et al. 1996a; Nagendra et al. 2002b) a deepening water depth up section. The Gryphaea Limestone
(text-fig. 1). Wherever the lithological contacts were hidden, Member, which is very rich in macrofossils, represents one of
the succession of vertical facies (stratigraphic and environmen- the best developed maximum flooding surfaces (MFS) in the
tal) was determined based on lithology and biostratigraphy reg- area (text-fig. 3b). The MFS is sharp, located between the
iment, to ascertain the nature of the contact. Seven sequence Gryphaea Limestone and the Upper Arenaceous Limestone,
boundaries and seven second/third order sequences are identi- and corresponds to the upper surface of the Gryphaea shell bed.
fied (text-fig. 3b; Nagendra et al. 2011). Abundant large–sized Gryphaea shells suggest a tranquil envi-
The oldest sedimentary unit overlying the granitic basement is ronment. High silica content and reduced micro- and macro-
the Kovandankurichchi Formation with fanglomerate facies fossil abundance suggest shallowing towards the top of the
(Govindan 1998). This unit is overlain by the Terani For- Upper Arenaceous Limestone, which represents a HST. The
mation of fluvial to littoral origins (Banerji 1982). The contact shallowing trend continues into the Ottakovil Formation, which
between the Archaean basement and Kovandankurichchi For- marks the end of the marine phase, which terminated due to ma-
mation forms sequence boundary-1 (SB1) and the upper contact jor sea-level fall caused by the eastward tilt of the basin. This tilt
with the Terani Formation forms sequence boundary-2 (SB2), is attributed to the rise of the Reunion mantle plume and Deccan
based on lithofacies and sedimentary environments (text-fig. eruptions causing uplift in central India (Jaiprakash et al. 2016;
3b; Sarkar et al. 2014) The Ptilophyllum acutifolium bearing Nagendra and Reddy 2017; Raju et al. 1993). The top of the
Terani Claystone with sandstone intercalations, foraminifera, Ottakovil Formation is interpreted as sequence boundary-7
and ammonite shells is conformably overlain by the Terani (SB7).
Gritty Ferruginous Sandstone Member. This surface likely rep-
resents sequence boundary-3 (SB3), w hich separates marine PALAEOTEMPERATURE
from non-marine facies. SB3 merges with the transgressive sur- The stable oxygen isotope paleotemperature record is an impor-
face (TS), which marks the first marine transgression at the ba- tant tool used to reconstruct environmental interpretation

Stratigraphy, vol. 15, no. 4, 2018

from sedimentary facies and fossils. The late Albian regional lithostratigraphic marker. Likewise, the Kallar conglom-
paleotemperature for the Dalmiapuram Formation ranges be- erate, which is present in the upper Sillakkudi formation, permits
tween 16.5°C and 17.4°C (Bowen 1961a), similar to tempera- easy regional correlation. A subtle unconformity across the
tures based on Parahibolites blanfordi rostra from the Terani and Dalmiapuram Formations (Aptian/Albian) and major
Karai-Bad Land locality of south India. Shallow-water unconformities across the Karai and Garudamangalam
paleotemperatures calculated by Zakharov et al. (2011) for the formations (late Turonian), Sillakkudi and Kallankurichchi For-
late Albian interval of the Karai Shale Formation in the same mations (late Campanian) have equivalents in the adjoining
area have a similar range (14.3°C–18.5°C). Oxygen isotopic Krishna-Godavari Basin (Raju and Reddy 2016).
paleotemperatures estimated from analyses of Albian cephalo-
pods from southern India and Madagascar are consistent with Good preservation of very small planktic foraminifera, including
paleotemperature data obtained from Albian cephalopods from Hedbergella trocoidea, H. planispira and H. delrioensis, yield
the Pas-de-Calais area (21.9°C–22.8°C) and Normandy important age control for the Aptian Terani Formation and for
(19.3°C–22.8°C) (Zakharov et al. 2006d). However, these recognizing the first marine transgression at the western margin
paleotemperatures are much higher than those calculated from of the basin (Reddy et al. 2013). However, the relative abundance
Albian belemnites from Lago San Martin, Argentina of these species is lower in the upper sandstone layers of the
(7.7°C–10.9°C), James Ross Basin, Antarctica (6.1°C–10.7°C) Terani Formation. This marine transgression event of the Terani
and Carnarvon Basin, Australia (7.8°C–11.3°C) (Pirrie & Mar- Formation is corollary to the terminal phase of syn-rift tectonics
shall 2004). There are many reasons for this discrepancy, in- in the Cauvery Basin. The Karai Formation, which is exposed at
cluding comparison of different time intervals within the the basin margin, contains diverse assemblages of ammonites,
Albian, latitude differences (e.g., cooler temperatures for higher foraminifera and radiolarian. This formation consists predomi-
latitudes), and diagenetic effects. Cenomanian–Turonian nantly of shale facies with abundant calcareous benthic
paleotemperature values calculated from benthic foraminifera foraminifera suggesting deposition in > 150m water depth
(21°C–29°C) (Gupta et al. 2007) and a Belemnite rostrum (Nagendra et al. 2013). The age equivalent of this shale facies in
(~20.7°C) of southern India (Ayyasami 2006) show similar val- the shallow neritic environment is the Dalmiapuram Formation,
ues. Oxygen isotope paleotemperatures from late Bathonian which consists of algal and bryozoan limestone at the bottom, a
brachiopod shells from the Kachchh Basin, north-western India marl-bedded limestone in the middle, and marl at the top. The age
(19.6°C–24.2°C) (Fürsich, et al. 2005), Oxfordian bivalves ranges from early Albian to middle Turonian (Nagendra et al.
(19.5°C–23.1°C), and ammonoid shells (17.1°C–29.9°C) from 2011; Reddy et al. 2013) and marks a major transgressive cycle
Madagascar (Lécuyer and Bucher 2006) are also comparable. (text-fig. 2) (Nagendra et al. 2002; Raju and Reddy 2016). The
These paleotemperatures suggest that southern India and Mada- transgressive phase was terminated by rapid basin uplift caused
gascar resided in middle latitudes during the Albian and within by the rising Marion hot mantle plume (Nagendra et al. 2011;
the tropical-subtropical climatic zone. Maximum oxygen iso- Reddy et al. 2013). The basin uplift led to a major unconformity
tope values (-2.2 to -1.9 ) obtained from Lopha shells from the with a hiatus of about ~2Ma (=late Turonian) and is regionally
Kallankurichchi Formation of the Trichinopoly area, suggest correlatable in east coast basins of India (Raju et al. 2005).
that the paleotemperatures in shallow water basins of South In-
dia probably ranged between 19.8° C and 21.2°C during the Well preserved dinoflagellates in the gray shale at the base of
early Maastrichtian. marl-bedded limestone yielded index taxa Odontochitina costata,
Epelidosphaeridia spinosa, Cyclonephelium cf. C.vannophorum,
DISCUSSION Dioxya sp., Kiokansium unituberculatum, Ovoidinium verru-
cosum, and Batioladinium micropodium (Nagendra et al. 2002a).
Over 60 surface outcrops in natural surface exposures, mines The index planktic foraminifer taxa recorded are Rotalipora
and quarries have been investigated in the Cauvery Basin, often gandolfi, Rotalipora brotzeni, Praeglobotruncana stephani, P.
based on multiple disciplines, but no studies employed an inte- delrioensis, Hedbergella planispira and Globigerinelloides
grated multidisciplinary approach to evaluate the sum of the age bentonensis. Index taxa of both fossil groups suggest a latest
and the paleoenvironment. In this study, we reviewed and eval- Albian age (Caron 1985; Nagendra et al. 2002a; Nagendra et al.
uated these outcrops from the Cretaceous (Neocomian-Aptian 2013). This age date significantly improves the calibration of
to Maastrichtian) of the Ariyalur area of the Cauvery Basin OAE 1d in the Cauvery Basin (Nagendra and Reddy 2017).
based on an interdisciplinary approach that integrates multiple
stratigraphic schemes ranging from lithostratigraphy, biostrati- In the Kulakkalnattam Sandstone Member of the Garuda-
graphy, ichnostratigraphy magnetostratigraphy, and sequence mangalam Formation, the presence of low diversity but well
stratigraphy. Diverse multiple biostratigraphic schemes em- preserved ichnofossil assemblages marks a significant paleo-
ployed in relative age correlations include ammonites, larger ecological event. These assemblages coincide with a rapid rela-
foraminifera, benthic foraminifera, planktic foraminifera, tive sea-level fall from deep outer neritic to inner neritic depth,
ichnofossils, dinoflagellates and nannofossils. Results of this which was likely caused by basin uplift during the late Turonian
study provide a direct calibration of lithologic, biostratigraphic (text-fig. 3b) (Nagendra et al. 2011). The fossil assemblage con-
and sequence stratigraphic events for the Aptian to Maas- sists of Skolithos, Ophiomorpha, Thalassinoides, Planolites and
trichtian and paleomagnetic polarity events for the Ceno- Paleophycus, which are characteristic of the Skolithos and
manian-Maastrichtian interval (text-fig. 3b). Cruziana ichnofacies that represent typical shore face, moderate
to high energy environments (Nagendra et al. 2010).
Lithological observations of various outcrop sections reveal 8
lithostratigraphic formations and 5 members (text-fig. 3b). The Marine carbonates with mudstone and wackestone facies domi-
inversely graded fanglomerate, previously recognized as the in- nate the Kallankurichchi Formation, which consists of four lime-
formal Boulder bed, is hereby raised to formation status and is stone units differentiated by their characteristic content. These
named the Kovandankurichchi Formation, which is an excellent limestones were deposited during a major transgressive-regres-

Raghavendramurthy Nagendra et al.: Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cauvery Basin, South India

sive (T–R) cycle. The Gryphaea unit is enriched in mollusks, · We raised the informally named Kovandankurichchi con-
Gryphaea, Alectronia, a n d Pecten and bryozoans and repre- glomerate (Lower Cretaceous) to formation status, to be re-
sents a well-marked MFS (Nagendra et al. 2002b). This unit named the Kovandankurichchi Formation.
also contains well preserved larger benthic foraminifera, partic-
ularly the Lepidorbitoides-Siderolites assemblage (Malarkodi · Ichnofossil traces of the Kulakkalnattam Sandstone Member
et al. 2017) and planktic foraminifera Globotruncana aegypti- (Garudamangalam Formation) represented by the Skolithos
aca, G. linneiana and G. arca, which suggest zone CF6 of the ichnofacies suggest crustaceans and polychaetes burrows in a
late early Maastrichtian (Li and Keller 1998a,b; Keller et al. shallow marine environment.
2016; Nagendra et al. 2017). The Ottakovil Formation contains
of rare burrows and a diverse nannoplankton assemblage · A total of 13 magnetozones, 7 normal and 6 reversal events,
(=Gansserina gansseri Zone) indicative of the late are identified for the Cauvery Basin spanning chron C34n to
Maastrichtian (=CF5-3) (Jyotsana and Ramkumar 2007; C30n.
Nagendra et al. 2011; Nagendra et al. 2017). Note that Keller et
· The first marine transgression in the Cauvery Basin margin
al. (2016) identified planktic foraminifera characteristic of
occurred at the deposition of the upper member of the Terani
zones CF5 to CF3 in Cauvery Basin deep wells (ONGC); there-
Formation (Aptian-Neocomian).
fore, this age interval should also be present in outcrop sections.
The marine phase ends at the top of this formation in the · The late Turonian thermal uplift caused by the Marion hot
Ariyalur area of the Cauvery Basin. mantle plume resulted in widespread volcanic intrusions in the
southern part of the Cauvery Basin and exposure of the Karai
Determination of paleolatitudes for the Cauvery Basin from the Formation in the western margin of the basin, which resulted in
Cenomanian through the Maastrichtian was based on the mag- a hiatus (~2.1 Ma) spanning the late Turonian.
netic polarity time scale. Thirteen magnetozones comprising 7
normal and 6 reversal events were recognised for the Marl bed- · Seven second/third order depositional sequences are recog-
ded limestone of Dalmiapuram, Karai, Garudamangalam, nized within the Cretaceous sedimentary succession of the
Kallankurichchi, Ottakovil and Kallamedu formations (text-fig. Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin.
3b). These polarity events corroborate well with chron C34n to
chron C30n of the Geologic Time Scale of Gradstein et al. · Stable oxygen isotopic paleotemperatures suggest that south-
(2012). This permits us to infer a low? Southern latitude dur- ern India was located in middle latitudes during the Albian and
ing the Late Cretaceous period for the Cauvery Basin. Maastrichtian.

Integration of lithological contacts, the succession of vertical
facies (stratigraphic and environmental) and biostratigraphy de- Authors are thankful to Anna University, Chennai, CSIR-
marcate seven sequence boundaries and seven second/third or- NGRI, Hyderabad, ONGC, Chennai, UGC, DST, UGC-DRS-
der sequences (Nagendra et al. 2011; Reddy et al. 2013). Major Phase I-III, CPESS, India and Russian Academy of Sciences for
sea level fall during the late Turonian, late Santonian and late funding and facilities provided to carry out this research. R.
Maastrichtian correlate well with global sea level falls reported Nagendra is thankful to Satish Patel, MSU, India for his help in
by Vail et al. (1977), Haq et al. (1987, 2014), Miller et al. ichnofossils studies and to Kamalk Kannan, Gargi Sen,
(2005). Late Turonian and late Maastrichtian sea level fall is Nagarajan, Bakkiaraj, Papanna, Sathiyamoorthy and Gobala-
linked to the rise of Marion and Reunion mantle plumes, re- krishnan for their contribution during their Ph.D. program. Au-
spectively (Raju et al. 1993; Courtillot et al. 1988; Nagendra et thors are thankful to the IAR reviewers for critical comments
al. 2002a). and suggestions for the improvement of the manuscript and to
standardize the lithostratigraphic framework of the Cauvery Ba-
sin. The authors are thankful to anonymous reviewers for criti-
Paleotemperatures for the Dalmiapuram and Karai Formations cal evaluation which helped greatly improve the manuscript.
(upper Albian) and Kallankurichchi Formation (lower Maas- We also thank Gerta Keller for comments and suggestions to
trichtian) were determined using oxygen isotope analyses based improve this paper. We are thankful to IGCP-608 leaders Hisao
on cephalopods, belemnites and Lopha shells. The calculated Ando and Sunil Bajpai for encouragement to publish this review
paleotemperatures range from 14.3–18.5°C for the late Albian article.
Karai Shale and between 19.8°C and 21.2°C for the
Kallankurichchi Formation. These paleotemperatures are con- REFERENCES
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