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Mango 2023

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College of Engineering

BS Mechanical Engineering


A Design Project

Presented to the Faculty of the College of Engineering


Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal Santa Cruz, 4009, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of

Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME)


Abrera, Jasha Nicole A.

Ansay, Arriane Glen G.

Belo, Frenchel Aira B.

Ganas, Allamae C.

Gonzales, Isaiah Gabriel P.

College of Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering



In the Philippines today, mango is the third most important fruit crop after pineapple

and banana. Its importance extends beyond the export sector. The national fruit

of the Philippines is the mango, which Filipinos love eating both fresh and

processed in desserts like ice cream and snacks like dried mango [1].

Mango Production is higher in Southeast Asia. Pulp (puree), juice concentrate,

ready-to-drink juice, nectar, wine, jams, jellies, pickles, smoothies, chutney, tinned

slices, chips, leathers, and powder are a few examples of common processed mango

fruit products. Seven million mango trees can be found in the Philippines, and most

of them are dried for use. Most producers of dried mangoes are headquartered in

Cebu. Around 85% of the nation's total production of dried mangoes is shipped to

important markets like the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, and other

nations in the Asia Pacific [2].

The production of mangoes was projected to reach 25.47 thousand metric tons from

October to December 2022. This figure shows a drop of -5.8% from the output

figures of 27.05 thousand metric tons during the same period in 2021. With a

production of 21,000 metric tons, or 82.5% of all

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BS Mechanical Engineering
mangoes produced, the carabao mango had the highest output. Caraga was the

leading mango producer this quarter, contributing 6.56 thousand metric tons or

25.8% of the overall production. Northern Mindanao and the Zamboanga Peninsula

came in second and third, with shares of 23.6 and

15.9 percent, respectively. Here in South Luzon [Pakil], Laguna they also produce

large amount of dried mango products to supply in various stores. The procedure of

making dried mangoes is laborious. The first process of drying a mango is by

peeling it as it is considered inedible, second is a process called slicing, which

require cutting the mangoes into thin slices, about ¼" thick. The slices will be as

similar in size and thickness as possible so that they all dry at the same rate.

Dehydrate at 135°F / 57°C for 8-10 hours until dry and pliable. The stated process

involves a lot of manpower from beginning to end [3].

The food slicers might malfunction just like any other machinery. Since it has a

motor and blades, any problem with the motor or the dullness of the blades might

be the cause. There may be a need for maintenance on the switch, gear, or power

cord. Food particles may clog the blades, and the slicer may become jammed. The

slicer's components might require lubricating. On occasion, the surface of the dish

does not go completely smoothly. Another issue is that the food may be sliced

unevenly, which might produce variable results.

Drying is one of the most common and cost-effective techniques for extending the

shelf life of food, but there are problems still facing during the
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BS Mechanical Engineering
process. The drying temperature affected the drying time, shrinkage, and colour.

During the drying process, fruit and vegetable shrinkage is a well- known physical

phenomenon method, which has an impact on the general quality of dried foods.

This undesirable phenomenon results in volume loss, form and porosity changes, a

rise in hardness, and surface cracking. It may alter the micro-structure as well as the

capacity for heat, mass, and re- hydration dehydrated fruit [4].

In terms of thickness variability most machines that uses manual slicing tend to have

different sliced output which can form blocking inside the machine which will lead

to operation failure. Another problem is moisture content. The higher the moisture

content the harder it is to slice and to dry. Accidental Chances with the machine are

the most commonly problem regarding in slicing especially with the blades of the

machine. Poor safety design can lead to accidents. Regarding in time consumption

the consistency regarding in producing outputs in a certain point of time declines.

The most common reason is overusing the machine and poor quality in terms of the

parts and the machine itself. Thus the researchers devised the two methods

ainvolved in processing of the dried mango product to make the procedure easier

and more convenient.

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BS Mechanical Engineering

Background of the Study

Together with pineapple, coconut, bananas, and plantains, mango is one of the most

popular tropical fruits because of its sweet flavor and beneficial properties. It is,

however, seasonal and extremely perishable. Dehydrating it is a great technique to

increase the flavor of other foods and extend the fruit's shelf life. Dried mango is

essentially a dried and dehydrated version of its fresh counterpart. Also, the mango's

components are concentrated during the dehydration and drying processes into a

smaller food product that differs from the original mango in terms of chemistry and

nutrition. This can increase the mango's shelf life. The Philippine Department of

Agriculture views mangoes as a high priority crop since they are high-value crops.

About 741.7 thousand metric tons of mangoes were produced in the Philippines in

2021, which is a small rise from the year before. 2015 marked the country's peak

year for mango output. The Philippines sold more than 10,000 metric tons of their

mango crop in 2020. In [Pakil], Laguna, the dried mango industry currently uses the

traditional or manual method of slicing mango. The amount of labor needed to

produce dried mangoes using a manual method of slicing grows as demand rises [5].

Manipulation of the knives and cutter blades by local sellers in Laguna resulted in

uneven thicknesses and hand injuries among those who cut the mango. To produce

dried mangoes, the mango must be cut into thin slices

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BS Mechanical Engineering
for two to four hours. It shows that there is a sizable danger of harm when a

mechanical part is used in manufacturing. Mangoes are traditionally peeled by hand

using a stationary or table-mounted knife or blade. Mangos can also be peeled

mechanically, chemically, or with the use of a machine. Mango processing requires

washing, dewatering, screening, and drying in addition to the crucial procedures of

peeling and slicing. The additional difficulty with sun drying is that it is impossible

to regulate the temperature. Oven drying of drying mangoes has been studied as an

alternative to sun drying [6].

Many studies have looked at drying machines with an oven and numerous studies

are attempting to determine the possibilities of dried mango production with a

slicing machine. To the researcher's knowledge and belief, no studies have,

however, specifically examined the combination of the mango-slicing machine with

the drying machine. In separating the seed from the mango flesh the researchers

innovates a blade to deal with the problem. The research machine has a 250 kg/h

estimated capacity.

The researchers did a study on the Mango Slicing and Drying Machine as a result of

this issue with the existing methods. This machine's low-cost construction enables

it to boost output while also speeding up the cutting and drying processes.
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BS Mechanical Engineering

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to design and fabricate a Mango

Slicing and Drying Machine.

In line with this, the project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

 To determine the performance of mango slicing and drying machine in

terms of:

a. Slicing Efficiency

b. Drying Rate

c. Safety

 To design a stainless steel blade customize that can slice mango with 3mm


 To design a dryer a vacuum pump that is short drying process and a high quality

dried product can be obtained.

College of Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering

Significance of the Study

The significant contributions of the study are the following:

 Global Context – This study will benefit the researchers which seek papers

related to this particular topic. This research study will be very useful to the mango

industry in the Philippines.

 Economic Context – This study will benefit in the reduction of man power.

As human effort decreases, efficiency increases resulting to low labor expenses and

higher income.

 Societal Context – This will benefit the society in using an efficient and

convenient method drying the mango fruit. Farmers are the prominent beneficiary of

the machine

 Environmental Context - The study will be environmentally beneficial

because it won't use or burn any poisonous materials that are harmful to the

College of Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering

Scope and Delimitation

The study includes the design and fabrication of a mango slicing and drying

machine that can be useful for dried mango production. The study also intends to

evaluate the mango drying and slicing machine's performance in terms of drying

rate, safety, and efficiency of slicing.

The mango slicing and drying machine's capabilities include automating the process

utilizing six individual stainless steel blades with a thickness of 1 mm in each of

its four feeders, which can hold mangoes with a diameter of

7.5 to 8.5 cm, an equal length, and a maximum load of 1 kg. When the temperature

hits 40 to 60°C, the temperature sensor automatically changes the drying machine's

temperature, and the timer automatically turns on and off the fan. The drying

machine only has 4 trays that can hold 1 kilogram of sliced mango per load. The

initiative has advantages, but it also has disadvantages. In particular, it does not deal

with the peeling, washing, or flavoring of dried mangoes. The variety of mango used

by the researcher is the carabao mango since the majority of dried mango

manufacturers utilize it as a raw material. The sliced and dried mango is manually

removed from the collector tray by the operator. This study will be conduced in

Pakil, Laguna, and the machine must have at least one operator. Its goal is to create

a machine that will enable this efficient, secure, and practical method of slicing and

drying mango slices.

College of Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
Conceptual Framework

In order to successfully achieved the desired outcome of this study, certain

procedures, requirements and ideas were carefully discussed to conceptualized the

project’s design and development.

The study was guided by the IPO (Input, Process and Output) to give a clearer

perspective of the study, as shown:


A. Knowledge Requirements Planning

Electrical Conceptualizin g
Technology Designing Mango Slicing and Drying Machine
Electromagnetic Induction Canvasing and Purchasing of materials needed
B. Materials Fabricating and Tested of the Project
Plain sheet for body Evaluation
Angle bar for frame
Heater rod
Axial Fan
Air outlet
Stainless blade

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. It covers the three primary

parts, namely: input, process and output phases.

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BS Mechanical Engineering
The input phase includes the knowledge requirements for machine design. Major

components of the development of Mango Slicing and Drying Machine and

Software components including the Auto-CAD design.

The second phase includes design computation, prototype building and construction,

creation of process, progress, usability, and technical reports, prototype testing and

evaluation, system and functionality verification, and production of the machine's

main output.

The output phase provides the study's main concept, which is the Mango Slicing and

Drying Machine.
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BS Mechanical Engineering

Operational Definition of Terms

This following terms and concepts are defined operationally for further


 Controls

It is a device or mechanism installed to guide and regulate the activities or

operations of the Mango Slicing and Dryer Machine.

 Electric Motor

It is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

This will drive the stainless blades.

 Fan

It is a mechanism located at the right side of the dryer. It is used to circulate air

inside the cylindrical drum.

 Food Safe Metal

These are metals that are considered safe to make contact with food and it shall be

used in the interior of the container.

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BS Mechanical Engineering
 Heating Coils

It converts electrical energy into heat energy as the heat source for the drying


 Heat Sensor

It is a device located at the highest thermal point of the dryer which designed to

determine status of the materials thermal energy and will control the

thermal status inside the dryer.

 Insulator

It is a material placed between the metal layers of the container which allows little

or no heat to escape on the dryer.

 Speed Reducers

These are mechanical energy generally used to reduce the input power source

speed to achieve desired output speeds. It will be used in

prototype to acquired the required speed of the stainless blades.

 Heat Transfer

The process that happens inside the drying chamber is due to the temperature

gradient caused by the heating coil. The temperature

difference was caused by the flow of heat coming from the source. The

flow of the heat was absorbed by the sliced mango.

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BS Mechanical Engineering



This chapter discusses articles that were relevant and similar to the present study.

The review of related literature and studies serves as guidance and references in

purpose to the completion of research.

Local Literature and Studies

Figure 2. Size of the Mango

The mango fruit is an irregularly egg-shaped and slightly compressed large fleshy

drupes. It varies considerably in size, shape, color, presence of fiber, flavor, taste

and several other characters depending on variety. The fruits grow at the end of a

long, string-like stem (the former panicle), with

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BS Mechanical Engineering
sometimes two or more fruits to a stem. The fruits are 2 to 9 inches long. They

range in size from 8 ounces to around 24 ounces. The quality of the fruit is based

on the scarcity of fiber and minimal turpentine taste.

Each mango has a single compressed-ovoid seed encased in the white fibrous inner

layer of the fruit [7]. The large, flattened, kidney-shaped central stone contains one

or more large, starchy embryos, and can constitute up to 20% of fruit weight. The

seed may either have a single embryo, producing one seedling, or polyembryonic,

producing several seedlings that are identical but not always true to the parent type.

It is impossible to distinguish true-to-type from zygotic seedlings from the same

fruit. Some seedlings produce numerous tiny, parthenocarpic fruits which fail to

develop and abort. The skin is gland-dotted and at maturity its color exhibit different

mixtures of green and yellow shades, with red/orange blush depending on cultivars,

and is thicker than usual for drupaceous fruit. The skin contains irritating oils,

particularly in unripe fruit. The leathery skin is waxy and smooth. It is inedible and

contains a sap that is irritating to some people. The flesh of a mango is peach-like

and juicy, with more or less numerous fibers radiating from the husk of the single

large kidney-shaped seed. Fibers are more pronounced in fruits grown with hard

water and chemical fertilizers. The flavor is pleasant and rich and high in sugars and

acid. The flesh may vary in quality from soft, sweet, juicy and fiber-free in high-

quality selected (clonal) varieties to turpentine-flavored and fibrous in unselected

(wild) seedlings.
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BS Mechanical Engineering
This flesh is rich in vitamins A, C and D. The mango flesh is sometimes astringent

(turpentine-like), and can have fibers extending from the endocarp (stone). The acrid

juice, with turpentine like smell, present in the stalk or sometimes in the fruits, is

due to myrcene and ocimene [8].

In the Philippines, mangoes are generally harvested from December to May

depending upon climatic conditions and variety. Although the fruit will ripen on the

tree, commercially it is usually picked when firm and green for shipment to market.

The crop is considered mature when the shoulder of the fruit broadens (fills out) and

some fruits on the tree have begun to change color from green to yellow. Prior to

this external color break, the fruit is considered mature when the flesh near the seed

changes color from white to yellow. Mangoes should be picked before they are fully

ripe, at which time they soften and fall. The fruit bruises easily and must be handled

carefully to avoid damage. They are ripened at room temperature and then

refrigerated. Mature mangoes keep fairly well under refrigeration for two to three

weeks at 50 to 55°F.
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BS Mechanical Engineering

Figure 3. Mango Slicer

FCM is among the minimally processed fruits and vegetables with increased market

demand within ready-to-eat fresh fruit products. In general, the factors that are

fundamental to the quality of FCM include quality of intact mango, mango cultivar,

preharvest agronomic practices, harvest maturity, postharvest handling procedures,

interval between harvest and processing of the FCM, and the preparation methods,

i.e., sharp cutting tools, size and surface area of the slices, washing and removal of

surface moisture. Nevertheless, peeling and cutting operations involved in

processing FCM eliminate the protective pericarp and stimulate the physiological

and biochemical activities that predispose the product to dehydration, accelerated

tissue softening, and surface browning. Hence, there is a much higher rate of

deterioration compared to intact fruit. As a consequence, even

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BS Mechanical Engineering
with preservation treatments to extend their shelf life, FCM have a consumption

window of just a few days. To assure fresh-like quality and extend the shelf life of

FCM, currently a combination of treatments and preservation methods are utilized.

The dip pretreatments incorporate disinfectants, antimicrobials, antibrowning, and

texture-maintaining preservatives. The most common disinfectants with

antimicrobial activity for FCM are sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), and calcium

hypochlorite (CaCl2O2). The recommended dose of chlorine ranges between 50 and

200 ppm, pH 6.0–7.5, with a contact time of 2–5 min. Some other available

alternative sanitizers that can be used for FCM and that are available in the market

include aqueous chlorine dioxide (<3 mg L−1 in water) and hydrogen peroxide (an

effective sanitizer especially against Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7, B. subtilis,

and other foodborne microbes at a dose of <0.3 mg L−1, (in vapor form, otherwise it

can be phytotoxic). Other sanitizers include calcium solutions (calcium chloride,

calcium carbonate and calcium citrate, calcium lactate, calcium phosphate, calcium

propionate, and calcium gluconate at a dose of 0.5% to 3% for 1–5 min). In

addition, organic acids (0.5–1% ascorbic combined with 1–2% citric acids) are

useful alternatives to sulfites in preventing browning and discoloration of cut slices.

Acetic acid (vinegar) at a dose of 4% is also an effective antimicrobial. The

combination of these dipping treatments with edible or polysaccharide-based

coating such as chitosan or alginate has also been demonstrated to be useful in

extending the shelf life of fresh-cut products [9].

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BS Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4. Dried Mangoes

Dried mango products (slices) are prepared from ripe mangoes and dehydrated

using a variety of methods including solar, hot-air cabinet, vacuum, spray, or freeze

dryers. The dehydrated mango products are intended for either direct market or used

in other formulations such as mango leather and powder.The production process for

dehydrated mango slices, dices, and chips are similar, other than the shape and size

of the product. The ripe mango fruits are washed, peeled, pitted, and the pulp is

sliced longitudinally into uniform thickness. The slices are then subjected to

different specific pretreatments such as blanching, 0.5–1% citric acid, 0.2% ascorbic

acid, and 40° Brix sugar to preserve product color and improve product stability.

The pretreated slices are then dried at a temperature of 60–65 °C. Citric acid and

ascorbic acid pretreatments before drying at 50 °C

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BS Mechanical Engineering
and 65 °C have the optimal outcome and produce the best physical quality

parameters. Different pretreatments prior to drying have significant effects on the

moisture content, equilibrium relative humidity (ERH), water activity, and color

parameters. Rehydration characteristics are affected by the different pretreatments

with the most effective being 0.5% citric acid having the maximum rehydration ratio

and coefficient of rehydration. The dried mango slices have better antioxidant

properties compared to fresh, probably due to synergistic effects of polyphenols and

flavonoids) [10].

Foreign Literature and Studies

Figure 4. Sample of Computation

The purpose of this study was to see how different pretreatments and drying

methods affected the quality of dried mango slices. In a factorial experimental

design, four pretreatments (lemon juice, salt solution dips, hot water blanching, and

control) and four drying methods (solar, tray, freeze, and fluidized bed drying)

were considered and arranged. The structure,

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BS Mechanical Engineering
physicochemical properties, antioxidants, and color were all evaluated. The findings

revealed that pretreatments and drying methods had a significant impact on the

proximate analysis, physicochemical properties, color, and antioxidants of dried

mango slices. The moisture, protein, fat, fiber, ash, and carbohydrate contents of

mango slices were found to be (5.63-9.91%, 2.49- 2.71%, 2.89-3.16%, 6.51-6.56%,

2.66-2.73%, and 75.51-79.35%).

The pH, TSS, TA, and hardness of dried mango slices were 3.17-3.68, 69.36-

86.29oBrix, 2.20-2.54 g/100 g, and 7.27-15.63 N, respectively. The ascorbic acid

and phenol contents were influenced by drying methods and had measured values of

33.18-41.24 mg/100 g and 131.13-251.12 mg/100 g; these imply all dried mango

slices had been good source of nutrition and antioxidants. These results contribute to

freeze and fluidized bed driers, after pretreatment, as the best strategy for mango

drying in terms of ascorbic acid and color preservation. In conclusion, these findings

suggest that drying technology has enormous potential to reduce the estimated 25-

40% postharvest of mango in Ethiopia [11].

Under forced convection, the performance characteristics of a solar tunnel dryer

used to dry mango product (mango slice) were investigated. A DC blower is used,

which is powered by a photovoltaic panel (200w). A solar drier and an experimental

setup have been designed and built. The solar drier's performance was evaluated

during the summer season, with the system operating at temperatures ranging from

28 to 70 degrees Celsius. The experimental procedure was built with locally

available materials and a

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BS Mechanical Engineering
simple design to save money. Experiments have been used to explain how thermal

efficiency varies with solar intensity, moisture content, and moisture removal rate.

The response surface methodology tool was used for mango slice optimization and

acceptability using desirability [12].

The current study aims to fill a gap in analytical modeling of coupled heat and mass

transfer during the convective drying process. A transport model is developed to

describe the humidity and temperature evolution of mango slab. The procedure for

predicting temperature and moisture is the main innovation introduced in this study.

Mango fruit dehydration can be easily simulated at various operating conditions

using the current advanced analytical technique. Furthermore, the temperature and

moisture history of mango slices for different value of the drying air variables

temperature, velocity, relative humidity, and initial food temperature are proffered.

This research confirms that using the proposed model can save significant time

without sacrificing accuracy. This method should be useful for quick and accurate

drying simulation. The agreement between published test findings and model

predictions is remarkable, resulting in an accurate calculation of experimental

drying curves [13].

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BS Mechanical Engineering

Figure 5. Vacuum Process

Vacuum-puffed mango pieces will readily rehydrate due to the porosity created

during the puffi ng and drying stages of the process. The signifi cantly shorter

drying time also makes possible the drying of four loads of prepared mango slices in

24 h. The ripe mangoes are washed thoroughly in chlorinated H2O, then sliced

either mechanically or with a stainless-steel knife. The flesh is scooped from the

skin with a sharp stainless-steel. The fruit pieces are then heated to 90°C in 30 Brix

syrup containing 1% sodium metabisulfite, and steeped in the syrup for 4–6 h. The

mango slices are removed from the syrup, rinsed briefl y in H2O, arranged in

stainless-steel trays and loaded into the vacuum oven. The mango pieces thus

prepared are initially heated at a positive pressure of 40–50 kPa until the maximum

tissue temperature of 100°C is reached, usually within 8 min. The pressure is

released and the hot mango pieces are dried at −70 to −80 kPa vacuum at a

temperature of 45–50°C. Total dehydration time under vacuum is 6 h. The

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BS Mechanical Engineering
above pressure-temperature combinations provide the most desirable puff and

rehydration characteristics (Candelaria and Raymundo, 1994b). With the present

technology, vacuum-puffed dried mango from a 1 t batch of prepared mango slices

is more expensive to produce than convection oven- dried mango. The production

cost needs to be reduced for the product to be market competitive. Research that

focuses on devising a system to assure a continuous supply of mango fruits is

required. The plant must operate on a year-round basis in order to optimize the use

of its equipment and facilities. The facilities can be used for the production of other

vacuum-puffed fruits (i.e. bananas and muskmelon) as well as vegetables (i.e. white

potato and maize kernels) among others, which can be used as raw materials in the

manufacture of instant foods [13].

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BS Mechanical Engineering

Figure 6. Pneumatic Machine of Fruits

The utility model belongs to the technical filed of mechanical cutting process of

fruit and vegetable products, in particular to a pneumatic fruit and vegetable

slicing/dicing cutter, which comprisesan operation platform and an engine base

mounted on the operation platform, wherein a fan-shaped cutting mechanism for

cutting fruit base circular slices and a pneumatic push boosting mechanism for

pushing the fruit base circular slices into the fan- shaped cutting mechanism to cut

are arranged on the engine base. The pneumatic fruit and vegetable slicing/dicing

cutter is simple in structure, convenient, fast and labor-saving in operation and high

in cutting efficiency, is adaptable to medium scale production, greatly reduces labor

intensity of users, has the advantages of safety and cleannessbecause handheld

cutting is removed, and further is orderly and identical in appearance of cut fruit


The current crab-apple core removal and slicing equipment is mostly pure

mechanical equipment, and there are problems such as high failure rate, low core

removal rate and slice integrity rate, and so on. In order to solve these
College of Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
problems and improve the low mechanization level in the processing of the crab-

apple products, based on the study of mechanical characteristics of crab-apple, an

automatic crab-apple core removal and slicing equipment was designed, which is

driven by pneumatic system. Through drying, compression and shear test, the

average moisture content of the crab-apple was determined to be 84.57%. And the

test results showed that, in the axial direction, the average compressive strength was

0.4137 MPa, and the shear strength was 0.05023 MPa. In the radial direction, the

average compressive strength was 0.4462 MPa, and the shear strength was

0.05114 MPa, with anisotropy. The effects of different cutting wedge angle on the

force on pulp were studied, and the relevant control system designed. Through the

site test of authoritative institutions, the equipment has achieved 98.7% of complete

core removal rate and 95.8% of complete ring-shaped fruit slices rate, and the

output has reached 750 kg/h, increasing productivity by more than 10% with low

failure rate, and also provides an important reference for the research and

development of core removal equipment of other multi- core fruits. Crab-apple fruit

slices processing enterprises mostly use manual or semi-automatic equipment for the

crab-apple removal, which restricts development of local crab-apple processing

industry chain. The study has designed an automatic crab-apple removal and slicing

equipment based on the study of physical characters of crab-apple and analysis of

different cutting wedge surface. The experimental results of crab-apple physical

characters show that the crab-apple pulp is anisotropic. The site test results
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BS Mechanical Engineering
show that the equipment significantly improves the level of automation. And the

core removal method also provide reference for other multi-core fruits[15].

The main aim of this work was to produce a multipurpose pneumatic slicer with

locally assembled materials that are cheap, assessable and suitable for slicing tuber

crops. Tubercrops which are perishable over the time and constitutes water and dry


Figure 7. Slicing Machine

The drying behaviour of thin layers of raw mango slices was investigated in a

laboratory model tunnel dryer. The samples were dried at 55, 60, and

65 °C air temperature with pre-treatments of control, blanching, and blanching in

1% potassium metabisulphide (KMS) solution. The moisture ratio data was fitted

with six thin-layer drying models (Newton, Page, Modified Page, Henderson and

Pabis, logarithmic, and Wang & Singh). Among the drying models tested, the Page

model accurately predicted the

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BS Mechanical Engineering
drying behaviour of raw mango slices. The effective moisture diffusivity ranged

between 2621010 and 4391010 m2s1 [16].

Figure 8: Vacuum Machine

The method of drying used for this study was vacuum drying. In this method since,

the drying takes place in the absence of oxygen, the oxidative degradation e.g.

browning is low in the final product. The rate of drying is fast due to the creation

of a frothy or puffed structure in the mango pulp. This expanded structure creates

the desired property of “instant” reconstitution and provides large surface area to

volume ratio for good heat and mass transfer. The temperature range used for the

vacuum drying is usually kept within 65–75 °C [17].

Vacuum drying of mango pulp at varying conditions of pulp thickness (2, 3, and 4

mm) and vacuum chamber plate temperature (65, 70, and 75°C) was carried out

under 30–50 mm of mercury absolute pressure. A model based

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BS Mechanical Engineering
on moisture diffusivity was found to give close prediction to moisture content of the

pulp at different times of drying with correlation coefficient varying between 0.98–

0.99 for pure mango pulp and pulp with ingredients. Color change of reconstituted

pulp made from mango powder was found to depend more on pulp thickness than

plate temperature. For getting low color change vacuum drying should be carried at

maximum pulp thickness of 2.6 mm and vacuum chamber plate temperature of

72.3°C [18].

Vacuum drying is a novel technology which allows for a high quality final product

while retaining its original nutritive value. Combining various drying techniques

with the use of vacuum as well as quality control in the food drying process are very

important issues that have good potential for investigation. One of research

directions involves quality assessment of dried products without employing

complex technologies. A number of methods have been proposed by researchers

from all over the world to assess the quality of dried products by indirect and

organoleptic parameters. Such evaluation is necessary for getting the overall picture

during the drying process since opening the drying plant will lead to the break of

vacuum inside the facility and thus cause incremental costs and re-bringing of the

dryer to the initially set parameters. This paper presents a review of various quality

assessment methods for products dried in freeze-drying plants using diverse drying

techniques that have been suggested by researchers from China, Mexico, Russia

and other countries over the period 2010 to 2017. The analysis of proposed

methods provides a basis for determining globally

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BS Mechanical Engineering
applicable criteria for selecting approaches and procedures for a particular vacuum

drying technique [19].


To design the machine for slicing and drying mangoes, the researchers drew

inspirations from earlier pertinent studies. Information gathered from these related

literary resources was beneficial in a number of ways. The design and development

of power operated raw mango cutting machine which is designed based from the

physical and engineering properties of raw mangoes, made up of cutting blades,

feeding hopper and power transmission unit, leads on the design of the slicing

machine. The study also recommended the operational speed of rpm. The proper

amount of motor rpm must be considered. Getting the right amount of rotational

energy will help the researchers to get the highest cutting capacity and lessen the

percentage of damage of the sliced mango.

The results from The Vacuum Dried Process, will be used by the researchers

obtaining the information of the effects of drying time, temperature and air velocity

on mango fruit drying is a big help to understand the drying mechanics of the

mango fruit which will aids in identifying the best operating conditions and saving

the most energy of the drying machine. The Pneumatic Process, the study leads to

the design specifically to the exhaust where excess of heat flows out, the detachable

trays for easy access and temperature control.

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The researchers considered the information collected from pertinent studies and

local literatures to be helpful to their research in many ways, and they considered

the many ideas connected to this study to produce original designs.

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This chapter shows various methodologies that were used in gathering data and

analysis that are relevant to the research. The methodologies include research

design, general method used, tools and equipment and construction procedure.

General Method Used

Research Design

The researchers intend to use a developmental research method by building on

Mango Slicing and Drying Machine. The researchers managed several methods of

developing the slicing and drying by altering the design and improving some


The researchers collected data on some existing similar machines that can be seen in

related studies that may compare and improve the design project. The following are

the research methods and procedures employed in the current study. This chapter

presents and discusses information carefully. This paragraph includes techniques for

gathering data that will support the project as it is designed. This comprises the

process of project development and design in general.

The research was conducted to design and fabricate a slicing and drying machine

for mangoes. Data gathered from research studies and relevant

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literature is used to establish what components can be installed to produced quality

and good performance of the project as design.

Figure 9. Design Project Model

Figure 9. represents the research method to be used by the researcher for the study.

It seeks to assess the procedures to be applied and set up in order to effectively

carry out the study. Finding the research problem is the

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first step in the procedure. The researcher must first construct a research problem or

set of objectives in order to identify the study's primary emphasis. The researchers

need to learn a lot about the data collection process in order to become familiar.

The researcher must then assess the data and information acquired in order to aid in

the design. Construction of the design will begin after the design is complete. The

device will go through testing and tweaking following its manufacture in order to

completely finish the project by evaluating the machine.


To achieve the best outcome for the study of Mango Slicing and Drying Machine,

the researchers proposed the potential prototype design with the help of the existing

design. The researchers then gathered and arranged through the materials and

equipment needed to construct the Mango Slicing and Drying Machine. In action, the

necessary tools and equipment were assembled, as well as the method for making the

slicing and drying machine.

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1) Requirements Specification







Figure 10. Flow Diagram of Mango Slicing and Drying Machine

The mango slicing and drying machine will assist in utilising the mango

farmers’ output. To get to the cylinder mesh, mango will be loaded into a
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feeder. Slice’s must be dried after cutting through oscillating movement of the

blade in this research study. The mango slices will be dried inside the dryer machine

using electric coils.





Figure 11. Schematic Flow Diagram of Mango Slicing Machine

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Figure 12. Schematic Flow Diagram of Mango Drying Machine

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Technical Designs

Figure 13. Parts of the Machine

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Figure 14. Front view of the Machine

Figure 15. Isometric view of the Machine

Figure 16. Top view of the Machine

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Figure 17. Bottom view of the Machine

Figure 18. Left and Right Isometric View

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Initial Computations

Solve for the Torque: (Machine Elements in Mechanical Design 6th

Edition by Robert L. Mott)

T = Fr
T = Torque on the slicer
F = Force required to turn the slicer r =
radius of the shaft

Based on maximum shear stress theory (MSST)

(Machine Elements in Mechanical Design 6th Edition by Robert L. Mott)

= maximum shear stress
= yield stress of stainless steel
N = Factor of Safety, 1.5 (by Faires)

Slicing Efficiency
Where, Average
Input =
Average Output =
Efficiency =
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Drying Computation

A .Determination of Capacity of Heater (Refrigeration and

AirConditioning 3rd Edition by Hipolito B. Sta. Maria)

Solving for properties from point 1 and point 2

According to Average Monthly Temperature, Rainfall, and Humidity in Manila

(November 20, 2021) climate-in-manila-


The annual mean temperature is 27 °C average, based on the average temperature

each month in the Philippines.

Solving for properties from point 1 and point 2

According to Average Monthly Temperature, Rainfall, and Humidity in

Manila (November 20, 2021) climate-


The annual mean temperature is 27 °C average, based on the average

temperature each month in the Philippines.

Therefore, properties at point 1:

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1 = 27 °C

1 = 71%

By using a Psychrometric calculator based on ASHRAE

Fundamentals (SI)

1 = 0.0159

ℎ 1 = 67.5 /

Properties at point 2: 2

= 60 °C

2 = 62%

Determination of Total Moisture Remained from Sliced Mango

Initial Weight, = 400g

Initial Moisture Content, = 4.65kg

Final Weight, = 1.46g

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