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Mathematics MYP 2 - Unit Planners

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Teacher(s Subject group and Math

) discipline
Unit title 2D and 3D Geometry MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Relationships Generalization, measurement Orientation in space and time:

Human and natural landscapes

Statement of inquiry

Generalizing relationships between measurements can help explore the formation of human and natural landscapes.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What is a measurement?

Conceptual— How are volume and area related? How do we generalize relationships between measurements?

Debatable— Which exhibit more order, natural or human landscapes? Do humans mimic nature or does nature mimic humans?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions and verify that they
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
can apply relationships between
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
measurements that they have
B: Investigating patterns relationships between measurements that
generalized. Many of the questions will
have been generalized (e.g. area,
include applications involving human and
i. select and apply mathematical volume). Students will calculate the
natural landscapes.
problem- solving techniques to perimeter, area and volume of a variety of
discover complex patterns shapes and apply these skills to solve real-
ii. describe patterns as relationships life problems. The test will be completed
and/or general rules consistent individually during one class period.
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships
and/or general rules.
Investigation: Circumference (criterion
D: Applying mathematics in real-life B) The investigation will help students learn
contexts not only content (how to calculate the
In this task, students will develop the circumference of a circle) but also the
formula for the circumference of a circle.
i. identify relevant elements of process of how to generalize relationships
By drawing several circles and taking
authentic real-life situations between measurements. This will help
specific measurements (distance around
students develop the skill of

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

ii. select appropriate mathematical circle and diameter), students will see that generalization for future investigations in
strategies when solving authentic the relationship between these the unit while also allowing them to
real-life situations measurements involves a constant (pi). analyze human and natural landscapes
iii. apply the selected mathematical They will then determine how to find the that involve circles.
strategies successfully to reach a circumference of a circle if they know its
solution diameter. The investigation will be done
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of during one class period under test
a solution conditions.
v. explain whether a solution makes
sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.
Subway Construction: (criterion D)
In this task, students will analyze the In the Subway Construction task, students
construction of a subway system. They will use the relationships that they have
calculate the amount of dirt that needs to generalized throughout the unit to create
be removed in order to make the a human landscape: a subway system.
underground system (tunnels and subway This puts them in the role of not just
stations that are rectangular prisms). analysing a human or natural landscape,
Students will then be asked to propose the but of actually creating it themselves.
design of two islands that can be created Both the subway system and proposed
with the excavated dirt. Their designs and islands are the result of careful use of the
proposals will be contained in a report. relationships described by area and
volume formulas.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to be successful in the Unit Test and Subway Construction tasks, students will apply knowledge and skills in
unfamiliar situations (Thinking: Transfer skills). Students will be given many opportunities to solve problems and apply content in
familiar situations, followed by a question or two that is unfamiliar to them in some way (different context, different idea, solve for
different variable, etc.). This will occur at regular intervals throughout the unit so that students see and learn that “unfamiliar” just
means “different” and that they have the ability to solve any question. This will be especially helpful in the Subway Construction
task where they not only analyze but also create a landscape of their own (a totally unfamiliar situation).

In order for students to be successful in the Unit Test and Subway Construction tasks, students will make effective summary notes
for studying (Communication: Communication skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “stop and summarize” where,
once new learning has occurred, they create their own study notes related to the content. These will then be compared to the
notes of a peer so that students can both verify their summary and learn how others synthesize the same information.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Formative assessment



Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6

Teacher(s Subject group and Math
) discipline
Unit title Algebraic expressions and equations MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Form Simplification, equivalence Scientific and technical innovation:

Puzzles and tricks

Statement of inquiry

Producing equivalent forms through simplification can help to clarify, solve and create puzzles and tricks.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What does it mean to “simplify”? How do you solve an algebraic equation?

Conceptual— What does it mean to “be equivalent”? How does simplification produce equivalent forms?

Debatable— Does every puzzle have a solution? Can every trick be explained?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions in order to verify that
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
they can produce equivalent forms
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
through simplification and apply these
B: Investigating patterns simplifying algebraic expressions and
skills to solve problems involving
solving equations. The test will be
algebraic expressions and equations.
i. select and apply mathematical completed individually during one class
Many of the questions will include
problem- solving techniques to period.
applications centering on puzzles and
discover complex patterns tricks.
ii. describe patterns as relationships
and/or general rules consistent
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships
Investigation: Solving Equations
and/or general rules.
(criterion B)
The investigation will help students
C: Communicating In this task, students will develop the develop a foundational skill related to the
process for solving simple equations. They statement of inquiry: how simplification
i. use appropriate mathematical will use balance puzzles to write equations produces equivalent forms. This will help
language (notation, symbols and and then investigate steps they can take in students determine how to solve balance
terminology) in both oral and order to solve the puzzle. These steps will puzzles. The process they generate then
lead to the general process of solving

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations simple equations. The investigation will be leads to students being able to create and
ii. use appropriate forms of done during one class period under test solve other kinds of puzzles.
mathematical representation to conditions.
present information
iii. move between different forms of
mathematical representation Puzzles: (criteria B, C)
iv. communicate complete and In this task, students will analyze a puzzle
coherent mathematical lines of In the Puzzles task, students will solve
(The Original Flash Mind Reader) and use
reasoning and clarify a puzzle (The Original Flash
algebra to justify why it works. They will
v. organize information using a Mind Reader) through the use of
then create two of their own puzzles or
logical structure. algebraic expressions that, when
tricks (like the ones in the unit), one that simplified, reveal how the online puzzle
can be justified using algebraic works. Students will also create two
expressions and another that can be puzzles or tricks and explain them by
explained using algebraic equations. showing how simplifying to produce
Students will use an app to create a short equivalent forms leads to the correct
video explaining their tricks. result every time. It is in the summative
task that students get to experience every
aspect of the statement of inquiry.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to describe patterns as relationships and/or general rules consistent with findings, students will make
inferences and draw conclusions (Communication: Communication skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “so
what?” where they will write down inferences made during inquiry activities and draw a variety of conclusions about definitions,
processes and procedures.

In order for students to be successful in the Puzzles task, students will apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products
and processes (Thinking: Creative thinking skills). Throughout the unit, after analysing a puzzle or trick and understanding how it
works, students will then create their own in the same style. This skill will then be applied in the Puzzles task where students will
have to create their own puzzle or trick in a style they choose.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Formative assessment



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6
Teacher(s Subject group and Math
) discipline
Unit title Integers MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Related concept(s) Global context

Key concept

Form Quantity, representation Orientation in space and time:

Human explorations

Statement of inquiry

Being able to represent different forms of quantities has helped humans explore and describe our planet.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What is an integer?

Conceptual— How are different forms of quantities represented?

Debatable— How do we define where and when?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to The Unit Test will allow students to apply
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar the content they have learned to a wide
and unfamiliar situations), all related to range of questions and verify that they
B: Investigating patterns representing different forms of quantities. can represent different forms of quantities
Students will be asked to order integers, and perform mathematical calculations
i. select and apply mathematical graph coordinates and perform with them. Many of the questions will
problem- solving techniques to mathematical operations with integers. include applications involving human
discover complex patterns They will also be required to apply their explorations.
ii. describe patterns as relationships knowledge of integers to solve real-life
and/or general rules consistent problems. The test will be completed
with findings individually during one class period.
iii. verify and justify relationships
and/or general rules.

C: Communicating
Investigation: Exponents (criterion B)
i. use appropriate mathematical
language (notation, symbols and In this task, students will develop a rule for
terminology) in both oral and what happens when you raise an integer The investigation will help students
to an exponent. They will develop their

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations own procedure to investigate the discover and develop a basic rule related
relationship and then report on their to integers. Representing quantities with
iv. communicate complete and findings. The investigation will be done exponents/indices is an important form in
coherent mathematical lines of during one class period under test mathematics that is a building block for
reasoning conditions. much of what students learn in future
v. organize information using a mathematics classes.
logical structure.

D: Applying mathematics in real-life Expeditions: (criteria C and D)

In this task, students will analyze a famous
i. identify relevant elements of expedition that they have not already seen In the Expeditions task, students will
authentic real-life situations in the unit. They map the journey using represent different forms of numbers in
ii. select appropriate mathematical our system of latitude and longitude and order to recreate a famous historical
strategies when solving authentic then create journal entries as if they were expedition and create their own journey
real-life situations the explorer, describing life on the journey. into outer space. They will keep a journal
iii. apply the selected mathematical Included in the journal must be authentic of the journey, including information about
strategies successfully to reach a examples of using operations with integers what the expedition is like and
solution as they relate to the expedition (e.g. calculations important to the expedition.
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of changes in latitude and longitude). They will see how being able to describe
a solution Students will then create their own and calculate changes using different
v. explain whether a solution makes expedition to a location in outer space. forms of numbers would have helped
sense in the context of the Similar to the first part, they will create a explorers to navigate and complete their
authentic real-life situation. log of the expedition, complete with journeys.
authentic uses of operations with integers.

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

In order for students to be able to appreciate the contribution of mathematics to other areas of knowledge, students will make
connections between subject groups and disciplines (Thinking: Transfer skills). Throughout the unit, students will explore how
integers are also an integral part of other subjects like physics, chemistry, astronomy and history. These links will be explicit so that
students can make easy connections.

In order for students to develop perseverance and persistence in learning and problem solving, students will consider personal
learning strategies (Self-management: Reflection skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “check-in”, where students
will take stock of how well they are learning unit content and explore what they could do to be a more effective and efficient learner.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Formative assessment

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6
Teacher(s Subject group and Math
) discipline
Unit title Probability MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Logic Representation, systems, justification Personal and cultural expression:

Games and play

Statement of inquiry

A logical system of representation can help explore and analyse games that humans play.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What makes something logical? How is probability calculated?

Conceptual— How can logic be used with different representations? How can you represent the likelihood of an event occurring?

Debatable— Can winning be calculated or is it just luck?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions and verify that they
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
can use a logical system to represent
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
information and outcomes. Many of the
B: Investigating patterns logically representing information and
questions include applications involving
outcomes. Students will represent sample
games and play.
i. select and apply mathematical spaces, calculate probabilities and and
problem- solving techniques to create simulations.) The test will be
discover complex patterns completed individually during one class
ii. describe patterns as relationships period.
and/or general rules consistent
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships
The investigation will help students
and/or general rules. Investigation: Complementary Events discover and develop a basic relationship
(criterion B) in probability (between complementary
C: Communicating In this task, students will develop a events). This will enable students to more
definition and formula for complementary efficiently analyse games that humans
i. use appropriate mathematical events. They will analyse several pairs of play, especially when there are a large
language (notation, symbols and events (that are complementary) to number of outcomes.
terminology) in both oral and discover the relationship between them

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations and then use the system of representation
ii. use appropriate forms of to calculate their probabilities. The pattern
mathematical representation to in their answers will lead to the rule that
present information the probability of complementary events
iii. move between different forms of can be calculated (1 – P(A)).
mathematical representation
iv. communicate complete and
coherent mathematical lines of Games Day: (criterion C) In the Games Day task, students use
reasoning In this task, students will create a game for probability’s system of representation to
v. organize information using a a school Games Day event. Students will analyse games that they create and play.
logical structure. work in pairs and create a game that they By representing the sample space for
will construct so that others may play. each game and calculating both
Each pair will analyze their game in terms experimental and theoretical probability,
of the sample space and the theoretical students can begin to understand what
probability of winning. On Games Day, makes a game “fair” as well as whether
students will play each other’s games and winning is something that can be
collect information in two ways: the calculated (as opposed to just luck). In
experimental probability of winning the essence, they experience the statement
game they created based on players’ of inquiry firsthand as both game
outcomes and the experimental probability designers and players.
of winning every other game based on
their own experience. Individually,
students will create a report that
summarizes this information and
calculates the theoretical probability of the
games they played.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to be successful in the Games Day task, students will evaluate and manage risk (Thinking: Critical thinking
skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “risk or reward?” where after analysing a game, they will reflect on and
discuss whether or not the potential reward makes the game something that they would be willing to play.

In order for students to develop perseverance and persistence in learning and problem solving, students will organize and depict
information logically (Communication: Communication skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “TTDL” where they
will practice representing information in a variety of ways (table, tree diagram, list) until they ultimately select the most logical
representation on their own.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Formative assessment



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6
Teacher(s Subject group and Math
) discipline
Unit title Rates MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Relationships Equivalence, measurement Globalization and sustainability:

Interconnectedness of human-made

Statement of inquiry

Establishing relationships of equivalence between measurements illustrates the interconnectedness of human-made systems.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What is a rate? What does it mean to be equivalent?

Conceptual— How are relationships of equivalence established?

Debatable— How can ‘different’ still be equivalent? Do our different systems hinder our interconnectedness?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions and verify that they
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
can establish relationships of equivalence
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
between different measurements. Many of
B: Investigating patterns relationships of equivalence that exist
the questions will include applications
among different systems of measurement.
involving human-made systems.
i. select and apply mathematical In particular, students will convert between
problem- solving techniques to different currencies and different systems
discover complex patterns of linear measurement. The test will be
ii. describe patterns as relationships completed individually during one class
and/or general rules consistent period.
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships
and/or general rules.
Investigation: Unit Rates (criterion B)
C: Communicating In this task, students will develop the This investigation establishes
process for calculating unit rates. They will relationships of equivalence between a
i. use appropriate mathematical be given different scenarios and asked to variety of measurements. It will help
language (notation, symbols and find an equivalent ratio that is compared to students discover and develop a basic
terminology) in both oral and a measurement of “one” (e.g. one hour, skill that will then allow them to compare

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations one euro, etc.). From their work, they will and convert across human-made
ii. use appropriate forms of generalize the procedure for determining systems.
mathematical representation to the unit rate given any ratio of
present information measurements. The investigation will be
iii. move between different forms of done during one class period under test
mathematical representation conditions.
iv. communicate complete and
coherent mathematical lines of
reasoning Holiday Travels: (criteria C, D)
v. organize information using a In this task, students will create an
logical structure. In the Holiday Travels task, students use
itinerary for a holiday trip to five different relationships of equivalence (rates) in a
countries. Students will research travel, wide range of ways as they plan and
D: Applying mathematics in real-life accommodations, meals and sights in
contexts budget for a trip. They will see how
each location in local currencies. They will different monetary systems (which are
then convert these amounts to their own human-made) are connected as well as
i. identify relevant elements of currency to arrive at a budget for the entire
authentic real-life situations different systems of measurement as they
trip. Additional questions related to travel, calculate the length of time for each leg of
ii. select appropriate mathematical buying goods and finding a job in the local
strategies when solving authentic their trip. They will experience how being
country will require students to further familiar and adept at moving between
real-life situations apply the rates that they have been
iii. apply the selected mathematical different human-made systems allows
learning all unit. The final product will be a them to make good decisions.
strategies successfully to reach a report that includes a map and itinerary as
solution well as detailed calculations for the cost of
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of the trip.
a solution
v. explain whether a solution makes
sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to develop as inquirers, students will make guesses, ask ‘what if’ questions and generate testable hypotheses
(Thinking: Creative thinking skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “I wonder…” where they will pose their own
“what if?” questions related to content that they have just learned. They will be encouraged to look beyond just skill development
and to wonder aloud. These will be discussed with a peer before sharing and exploring as a class.

In order for students to develop powers of abstraction, students will draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations (Thinking:
Critical thinking skills). Throughout the unit, students will be asked to develop theories and procedures, make connections between
topics, and analyze information. These will help them develop their ability to reason quantitatively and abstractly, which is a
necessary skill to develop as a mathematician, and be successful in future mathematics courses.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Formative assessment



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6
Teacher(s Subject group and Math
) discipline
Unit title Ratios and proportions MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Logic Equivalence, quantity, representation Identities and relationships:

Competition and cooperation

Statement of inquiry

Using a logical process to simplify quantities and establish equivalence can help analyse competition and cooperation.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What is a ratio? What is a proportion?

Conceptual— How can you establish equivalence? How are simplification and equivalence related?

Debatable— What makes for healthy and fair competition? Which is more about being equal, competition or cooperation? Explain.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions and verify that they
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
can simplify quantities, establish
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
equivalence and apply these skills to
B: Investigating patterns simplifying quantities and establishing
solve problems. Many of the questions
equivalence. (Students will simplify ratios,
will include applications involving
i. select and apply mathematical write equivalent ratios and apply ratios to
competition and cooperation.
problem- solving techniques to solve problems.) The test will be
discover complex patterns completed individually during one class
ii. describe patterns as relationships period.
and/or general rules consistent
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships
and/or general rules. Investigation: Equivalent Ratios The investigation will help students
(criterion B) discover and develop a basic skill related
C: Communicating In this task, students will develop the to the statement of inquiry: determining
process for creating equivalent ratios. and creating simplified, equivalent ratios.
i. use appropriate mathematical They will be given examples of equivalent After learning this skill, students will then
language (notation, symbols and ratios and then asked to determine not be able to use proportional reasoning to
terminology) in both oral and only what makes them equivalent but also analyze different examples of competition

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations what a simplified ratio might look like. The and cooperation.
ii. use appropriate forms of ultimate goal is to determine a process for
mathematical representation to simplifying any ratio. The investigation will
present information be done during one class period under test
iii. move between different forms of conditions.
mathematical representation
iv. communicate complete and
coherent mathematical lines of Fair Competition: (criteria C, D) In the Fair Competition task, students use
reasoning In this task, students will analyze different ratios and proportions to redesign
v. organize information using a competitions in the Olympic Games to see Olympic events to determine if the height
logical structure. if height makes a difference in athletic of an athlete makes a difference in the
performance. They will use ratios and outcome. They will use a logical process
D: Applying mathematics in real-life proportions to determine whether some to establish proportional relationships and
contexts events should be organized no only by apply these to find the results of the
gender, but by height as well. Students redesigned events. This analysis will help
i. identify relevant elements of will create new distances for events that them evaluate whether current Olympic
authentic real-life situations are proportional to each athlete’s height events are fair or if they should be
ii. select appropriate mathematical and use their speed (rate) to determine the redesigned so that they are even more
strategies when solving authentic time in this “proportional event”. After so.
real-life situations analysing several competitions, students
iii. apply the selected mathematical will then determine whether or not height
strategies successfully to reach a gives athletes an advantage and if these
solution events could/should be made fairer.
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of
a solution
v. explain whether a solution makes
sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to be successful in the Unit Test and Fair Competition tasks, students will create plans to prepare for
summative assessments (examinations and performances) (Self-management: Organization skills). One strategy students will
learn and practice is “making plans” where they will write out a detailed plan to complete summative assessments on time and
study for the unit test. Another strategy is “mind maps” where students create a mind map for the content to summarize what they
have learned in the unit.

In order for students to develop perseverance and persistence in learning and problem solving, students will practice positive
thinking (Self-management: Affective skills). The strategies students will learn and practice are “periodic check-ins” and “positive
self-talk”, where students take stock of how well they are doing and practice looking for positive aspects of themselves as students.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Formative assessment



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6
Teacher(s Subject group and Math
) discipline
Unit title Univariate data MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Form Representation, justification Fairness and development:

Accessing equal opportunities

Statement of inquiry

Different forms of representation can help justify conclusions regarding access to equal opportunities.

Inquiry questions
Factual— How are the mean, median and mode of a data set calculated? How do we represent information?

Conceptual— What makes a form of representation effective? What are the strengths and weaknesses of numerical data?

Debatable— How can equality be represented? How can we use information to instigate change and make a difference?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions and verify that they
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
can represent and analyze data in
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
different forms. Many of the questions will
B: Investigating patterns representing data in a variety of forms
include an analysis of whether or not
(stem and leaf plot, box and whisker plot,
different people have access to equal
i. select and apply mathematical five number summary). The test will be
problem- solving techniques to completed individually during one class
discover complex patterns period.
ii. describe patterns as relationships
and/or general rules consistent
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships Investigation: Mean (criterion B)
and/or general rules. In this task, students will develop the This investigation establishes one of the
process for calculating the mean of a set main ways to represent a set of data, by
C: Communicating of univariate data. Given different data looking at a measure of its center (and a
sets and the mean of each, students will five number summary). It will help
i. use appropriate mathematical be asked to generalize the procedure for students develop a foundational skill that
language (notation, symbols and calculating the mean value. The can then be used to analyse data and
terminology) in both oral and investigation will be done during one class determine whether or not there is access

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations period under test conditions. to equal opportunities.
ii. use appropriate forms of
mathematical representation to
present information Making a Difference: (criteria C, D)
iii. move between different forms of In this task, students will work in pairs to In the Making a Difference task, students
mathematical representation produce an infographic on the difference use different forms of representation to
iv. communicate complete and between low-income and high-income draw and justify conclusions about
coherent mathematical lines of countries. Students will select one of the whether or not people in different
reasoning World Bank’s goals for sustainable countries have access to equal
v. organize information using a development and 10 countries of each opportunities. This is the goal of the
logical structure. type. After conducting research and entire unit, to have students be able to
collecting data from the human collect data, analyse it and draw
development index related to their chosen conclusions. This can then empower
goal, students will represent the data using them to find ways to instigate change and
stem and leaf plots, box and whisker plots make a difference. The mathematics
and measures of central tendency and shines light on the problem and allows
dispersion. students to see it clearly.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to be successful in the Making a Difference task, students will process data and report results (Research:
Information literacy skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “analyze and answer” where they will analyse a set of
data and answer one or more questions related to the data. Throughout the unit, students will practice different ways of
representing data (plots and numerical methods) so that they can then draw on these skills in their summative research task.

In order for students to develop the learner profile characteristic of “caring”, students will practice empathy (Social: Collaboration
skills). The strategy students will learn and practice is “what would it be like…?” where they will wonder what it might be like to be
in someone else’s shoes, to be in a different circumstance. They will reflect on the situation and discuss how they think it would
feel to be somehow involved or affected by it.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Formative assessment



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

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