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Compact, Air-Cooled Transmitters For 2.5 KW To 30 KW: Family of VHF FM Transmitters R&S ® NR8200

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BROADCASTING Sound transmitters

Family of VHF FM Transmitters R&S ® NR8200

Compact, air-cooled transmitters for

2.5 kW to 30 kW
The new air-cooled R&S ® NR8200 FM

transmitter generation (FIG 1) covers

a power range from 2.5 kW to 30 kW.

All transmitters feature outstanding

technical parameters, an optimum

cost/benefit ratio, extremely high reli-

ability plus ease of servicing. They are

equipped with the new digital state-

of-the-art Exciter R&S ® SU800 with

integrated AES/EBU interface. The

compact air-cooled models with only

800 mm rack depth provide an output

power of up to 15 kW in a 19" rack.

FIG 1 The new, compact FM transmitters, with only 800 mm rack depth, provide up to 15 kW output
power in a 19" rack.

Powerful FM transmitters with Exciter R&S ® SU800

excellent specifications The synthesizer-based digital Exciter
R&S ® SU800 generates a frequency-
The new transmitters include the modulated RF signal in the range
following components: from 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz. The use
◆ Exciter R&S ® SU800 of state-of-the-art circuitry allows the
◆ Power Amplifier R&S ® VU825 R&S ® SU800 to be accommodated in a
◆ Transmitter rack with cooling system housing of only one height unit. Both
◆ Power combiner analog AF signals and digital signals in
◆ Power distribution line with bit-serial AES/EBU protocol
◆ Control Unit R&S NetCCU ® 800 can be processed. Left/right, MPX, RDS

News from Rohde & Schwarz Number 186 (2005/II)
or SCA signals can be used as modula- Transmitter rack with integrated
tion signals. Eight preset channels are cooling
available, and the settings for the active A 19" rack (depth 800 mm) is used for all
channel can be saved power-failure- power classes. One rack accommodates
proof in each of them. up to six amplifier modules. The rack
contains two built-in fans that operate in
Control Unit R&S NetCCU ® 800 active standby. Various air ducting con-
The R&S NetCCU ® 800 transmitter con- figurations can be implemented, with
trol unit handles both internal and exter- cooling air intake from the top, bottom 44
nal communication and provides all or rear of the transmitter rack, and
control functions. It shows the current exhaust air discharge toward the top or
status of the transmitter system in dif- bottom. Each amplifier module contains
ferent languages on a color display. an optimized, highly efficient heat sink. FIG 2 The R&S VU 825 is modular in design
All transmitter and amplifier param- This in conjunction with the elaborate and includes four identical 700 W base modules
that are controlled by a 64 W preamplifier.
eters required for diagnostics can be cooling concept ensures effective cool-
retrieved locally as well as remotely ing with only small amounts of air. This
from anywhere in the world via stan- in turn considerably reduces the cooling
dard (IP) protocol and standard soft- system‘s power consumption and noise
ware (web browser, SNMP). All conven- generation.
tional standby systems, such as exciter
standby, (n+1) standby, passive standby An innovative, nearly wireless power The transmitters comply with the R & TTE
and active output standby, can be con- distribution system simplifies assembly Directive 1999/5/EU and meet the
figured. For the exciter standby and the and servicing. The frequency-response- standards EN60215 for personal safety,
active output stage standby, no addi- compensated directional coupler EN301489-1 and EN301489-11 for EMC,
tional control units are necessary. integrated in the transmitter and built-in as well as EN302018-1 and EN302018-2
lightning protection round out the for RF requirements. The R&S ® NR8200
Power Amplifier R&S ® VU825 R&S ® NR8200 transmitter family. transmitter family complies with the
Equipped with the latest MOSFET tech- relevant standard specifications of
nology, the R&S ® VU825 power ampli- Deutsche Telekom as well as of the two
fier features excellent efficiency and broadcasting companies ARD (Germany)
compact design (FIG 2). Each RF ampli- More information and data sheet at and ORF (Austria). The necessary
fier has its own power supply. They (search term: NR8200) certifications will soon be carried out.
amplify the signal to a power of approx. FIG 3 provides an overview of the
2.7 kW. The amplifier modules can be individual models.
easily replaced during operation without Reinhard Kasueske; Elke Schulze
requiring optimization or adjustment.

FIG 3 The most important specifications of the individual models.

R&S ® NR 8202 R&S ® NR 8205 R&S ® NR8207 R&S ® NR8210 R&S ® NR8212 R&S ® NR8215 R&S ® NR8220 R&S ® NR8230
Nominal output power 2.5 kW 5 kW 7.5 kW 10 kW 12.5 kW 15 kW 20 kW 30 kW
Number of amplifiers 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12
Connector 1 5/8" EIA 3 1/8" EIA
Weight 250 kg 330 kg 380 kg 430 kg 480 kg 550 kg 860 kg 1100 kg
Dimensions (W × H × D) 600 mm × 2000 mm × 800 mm 1200 mm × 2000 mm × 800 mm

News from Rohde & Schwarz Number 186 (2005/II)

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