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MiCOM P211
Motor Protection Relay

The MiCOM P211 relay is made for motor

application. It is designed to offer a wider range of
functions related to protection, supervision and
control of motors.

Thanks to its favorable "price vs technical features"

ratio, P211 can be used both in medium voltage
and in low voltage applications (specifically where
communication facilities are required).
P211 Flush
MiCOM P211 relay provides features for easy
adaptation to different applications and operation

The setting software MiCOM S1 allows users an

easy configuration and access to all

Modbus RTU communication protocol allows

interfacing substation control or SCADA system.

This MiCOM relay is housed in a small case for rail

mounting (panel) or rack mounting
P211 Rail

Customer Benefits
• Flexible motor
protection relay
• Optimizes the motor's
thermal image
• Good feature/price ratio

The MiCOM P211 provides a wide range of protection The following functions are generally available in all
functions for an asynchronous motor. devices (see table below) :
Typical applications are: > True RMS phase current value measurement
within a frequency range from 10Hz to 1000Hz
> MV Industry, Transport > Earthfault current value measurement within
> Advanced LV application (specifically where a frequency range from 40Hz to 70Hz
communication facilities are required) > 35 mm DIN rail or flush mounted case (option)
> Simple LV application > 4 digit LED display
> 5 button keypad to input settings and configure
To have good ratio: price to functionality used in the the relay
application, there are different models of P211 > Fault record for the 3 most recent trips
available. > Direct connection of phase currents up to 80A
Differences between models are shown in the Table nominal current of the motor in LV application
below (rail mounting case)


50/51 Short circuit (DT) • • •
50N/51N Earth fault overcurrent Io> (DT) • •
66 Number of starts limitation • • •
37 Loss of load/undercurrent • • •
Loss of phase • • •
46 Unbalance (asymmetry) • • •
49 Thermal overload • • •
48/51LR Start/Stalled protection • • •
51S Locked rotor during starting • • •
14 Speed switch input • • •
38 PTC input • • •
CB or contactor control; Local (via input) / Remote • •
Restart of motor logic (caused by drop of voltage) • • •
Star / delta logic control •
86 Output relay latching • • •
Measurements • • •
Fault records (3 most recent) • • •
Binary inputs/outputs relays 2/2 2/2 4/4
AC current/voltage inputs 3/0 4/0 4/0
Modbus RTU (rear port RS485) • •
Setting software MiCOM S1 (rear port RS485) • •

P211 offers scalable solutions

to suit precise needs

The relays of these ranges are compromised of full

suite of protection functions and auxiliaries; each
function can be individually configured or disabled to
suit any particular application.

The available functions, including protection, inputs

and outputs are easily programmable by means of
user friendly front panel interface and the S1 software

The 4 digit LED display provides the user with key

information (faults, measurements, settings etc.).
The menus have a pull-down structure for easy use
and quick access to any data


REAR Up to 4 binary outputs
PORT Fault records
RS485 port
to setting software S1 86
to SCADA systems
Up to 4 digital inputs

I>> I0 > 66 I< 46

50/51 50N/51N 37

49 51S


sensor > PTC

(Description of ANSI code nos. see Functions Overview)

MiCOM P211
provide simple solution
for your specific application.
FUNCTIONS > Thermal Overload (49)

The protection feature is based on mathematical

> Short Circuit (50/51) model of motor thermal image. The model utilises
heating constant time values. It is input to the relay by
The stage with definite time delay protects against means of T6xIB parameter, which describes the
phase short circuit faults, which are responsible of maximum period of time when actual motor current
overheating damages. value is allowed to reach a sixfold increase of its
nominal value. Cooling constant time value is
calculated on the basis of the heating constant.
> Earth Fault Overcurrent Protection (50N/51N)
(models: B and C only) Configuring procedure of the model includes setting of
the motor base current (nominal motor current) and
The earth fault current, which can appear following a T6xIB.
stator earth fault, can be detected by non-directional
overcurrent protection element using earth current Alarm and trip stages can be selected.
measured from a sensitive current input.
Each stage and related time delay can be programmed It is possible to set a separate, which is activated after
to provide maximum selectivity. trip command, and up to this threshold the trip signal is
present. This feature prevents from close command if
Protection element can be configured to make a trip or motor is overheated.
The range of settings can be selected by ordering
code. > Start / Stall ProtectionN (48/51LR)

> Number of Starts (66) The monitor the starting sequence of the motor, the
MiCOM P211 relay provides excessive start time
Starts are supervised during a settable period. protection / locked rotor protection.

The detection of the start-up is based on current

> Loss of Load/Undercurrent (66) criteria only. If start-up phase is too long (greater than
set time delay) there is trip command or alarm signal.
The current stage, along with a pick-up time delay, is If the starting of motor is finished, start protection is
used to detect a loss of load due to a shaft failure or a blocked.
pump running unprimed.
During normal motor operation, an overcurrent
threshold detects rotor stalling, and the shorter (than
> Loss of Phase for starting) time delay is used. The normal motor
operation, after starting, is detected by watching
This feature monitors phase current values. Any phase current stages.
current of a value below setable current stage is
recognised by the relay as a lost phase.
The relay trips a motor after a set time delay (DT).

> Unbalance (46)

Running motors at unbalance conditions results in

overheating, even at current values below the nominal.
Principle of operation is based on monitoring of the
percentage of the current unbalance in the three
subsequent phases.

Proven protection
as safe, simple and versatile
as your application needs.
> Locked Rotor during Starting (51S) > Restart of Motor Logic

During motor start-up, a locked rotor is detected with This function is used for the motors' selfstarting.
the help of a speed switch signal, connected via the If there is no voltage on the busbar (controlled via logic
logic input. If during start-up phase input is not shorted input) this function is triggered.
(it means that the motor is stopped) the shorter time
delay (than starting time) setting is used. Calculation of the time delay (authorisation time of
reaccelleration) is commenced.
This protection can be set to trip or alarm. If a voltage return again to the busbar before the timing
is completed, the restart time delay for close command
is calculated. After that time motor is started.
> Input for PTC Sensors (38)
If P211 is supplied from AC auxiliary voltage of the
If T1-T2 input is configured as PTC input and busbar, the maximum authorisation time of
resistance of the sensors' loop connected to input : T1- reacceleration is limited down to 3s for.
T2 increase, then protection operates instantaneously. Such feature is very useful for contactor advanced LV
Up to 6 PTC sensors can be connected in series.

The PTC input operates instantaneously. > Output Relay Latching (86)

This function can be configured to make a trip or alarm. RL2 and RL3 relays can be latched.

Reset of the latched outputs is possible by logic inputs,

> External Protection Trip front panel operator interface or by remote
The external protection trip operates if an input state,
which is programmed to this function, changes its state.
> CB or Contactor Control
Trip operation is instantaneous
MiCOM P211 allows controlling of circuit breaker or
contactor. The user may select switch type by
programming main output relays. The selection
changes logic of control.

It is possible to make local (via selected binary input) or

remote (via RS485) trip or close command.

Blocking of remote command could be done via

selected binary input (switch: local/remote).

The remote control is not possible in model A (which

have no RS485 port)

35 mm DIN rail case Flush mounted case

Binary Binary
inputs IL1 IL2 IL3 inputs

V1 V2 C 33 34 41 44 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 V1 V2 C 33 34 41 44 42
L3 L2 L1
Optional Optional
P3 P4 I / O card P3 P4 I / O card
A1 (version C) A1 (version C)

Vx Vx
A2 Op tion A2 Option
P1 P2 (version B or C) P1 P2 (version B or C-

13 14 23 24 T1 T2 S 1 S2 K L + - 13 14 23 24 T1 T 2 S 1 S2 K L + -

Binary/PT C Binary Input RS 485 Binary/PT C Binary Input RS 485

input input Io input input Io

Simple and efficient solution

for easy handle.
> Relay Maintenance Mode > Inputs and Outputs

This function is available in model C only. The P211 includes configurable digital inputs and
output relays for CB (contactor) control and signalling.
It could be used in CB application only
Inputs can be configured for blocking, resetting, control,
Selected logic input can put output relays in etc.
Maintenance State to allow makes testing without any
trip or signalling outside of relay. The number of binary inputs and output relays can be
selected by choosing the type of model.

Model A and B have 2 free-potential logic inputs and

MEASUREMENTS 2 relay outputs. Model C has additional 2 potential logic
inputs and 2 additional relay outputs.
MiCOM P211 can operate in 1, 2, or 3-phase
arrangement (the missing phase should be not
connected) but for 1 and 2-phase arrangement, > Fault Recording
unbalance, loss and loss of load protection should be
set off. The last 3 faults are stored inside P211 relay.

It is possible to read on the display: The fault records are available from the front panel or
• Phase current: Ia, Ib, Ic via RS485.
• Neutral current: Io
• Thermal state Each fault includes phase and earthfault currents
• State of the motor record together with a fault indication.
• Last start time
Fault indicator helps the user to identify clearly the fault
• Last starting current
and to monitor relay setting and operation.

The measured values are available from the front

panel or via RS485 port.

All measurements could be shown in primary or

secondary values.

True RMS phase current measurements are made

within a frequency range from 10Hz to 1000Hz

Earthfault current value measurement is made within a

frequency range from 40Hz to 70Hz

Monitoring of motor
by measurements.

All functions, including protection, automation, MiCOM P211 relay is equipped with a RS485
communication, inputs and output can be programmed halfduplex port.
and modified using front panel user interface.
It supports MODBUS RTU protocol.
The menus have a pull-down structure allowing easy
and quick access to any data. Communication port enables:

4 digit LED display with 5 additional signalling LEDs > Readout of phase and earthfault current values,
informs the user about settings, measurements, faults, > Readout of thermal state
etc. > Readout of state of motor
> Readout of input and output states,
4 Digit LED display > Remote reset of LEDs and latched relays,
> Remote contactor or circuit-breaker control
via RS485,
> Readout of protections' trigger and trip states,
> Readout and write settings,
> Readout of fault record,
> Reset of fault record,
> Making maintenance state (out of order) or enable
of P211,

Communication parameters (equipment number, data

rate, parity, etc) can be adjusted by push buttons on
the front panel.

Signalling LEDs
Cursor keys HARDWARE & CASE

The P211 has 6 signalling LED on the front panel. MiCOM P211 is based on advanced numerical
LEDs are fixed (not programmable). technology.
They present the reason of trip or alarm
(I>>, I>, I<, Io>, PTC and Asymmetry or Loss of All the models of P211 can be :
Phase) > flush mounting (WxHxD : 106.5x106.5x118)
> or rail mounting ((WxHxD : 100x75x115)

MiCOM S1 > Wiring

External connections are made via screw terminals.
Support Software MiCOM S1 is available for the entire The screw terminals allow connection of threaded
MiCOM family, including P211 relays. S1 wires of up to 2.5 mm2 or solid wires of 4 mm2 of
S1 is fully Windows TM compatible. conductor cross section.

This Support Software allows easy setting of any P211 Exception: in rail mounting case phase CT wires
model, preparing, storing, and retrieving setting files should be fed directly through the guiding channels in
for further download on relay. In addition S1 makes the relay housing
possible reading measurements.

The connection to S1 is possible via rear port RS485. > Weight


available in P211
can increase your capability.
MiCOM is a registered trademark of AREVA. All trade names or trademarks mentioned herein whether registered or not, are the property of their owners. - 389191982 RCS PARIS - Printed in France - SONOVISION-ITEP
AUTOMATION-L3-P211-BR-02.05-0836-GB - © - AREVA - 2004. AREVA, the AREVA logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of AREVA.

Our policy is one of continuous development. Accordingly the

AREVA T&D Worldwide Contact Centre: design of our products may change at any time. Whilst every
effort is made to produce up to date literature, this brochure should only be regarded as a guide and is intended for
information purposes only. Its contents do not constitute an offer
Tel.: +44 (0) 1785 250 070 for sale or advise on the application of any product referred to in
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