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Kahsay Et Al

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Academia Journal of Agricultural Research 4(4): 188-192, April 2016

DOI: 10.15413/ajar.2016.0141
ISSN: 2315-7739
©2016 Academia Publishing

Research Paper

Enhancing Onion Production and Productivity through Introduction of Seed

Production Techniques in Central Zone of Tigray Region, Ethiopia

Accepted 31st April, 2016


The main reason of low production and productivity is restricted use of inputs,
notably improved seeds and fertilizers. Different vegetable seeds are imported
which results in different problems like disease outbreak, timely unavailability
and costly etc. The demand of vegetable seed is increasing from time to time.
Though vegetable seed production is difficult, there are attempts and efforts to
produce them at local level. Strengthening of community based seed
multiplication is a means to develop the vegetable seed production techniques
and business. In order to bring this to practical, demonstration and scaling up
activities was conducted since 2009 to 2014. Farmers Research Group (FRG)
approach was used to implement the research. In 2013, an average yield of 7
q/ha of onion seed was recorded while the maximum was 10 q/ha, while in
2014, a maximum yield 16 q/ha was recorded at farmer’s field. The yield
Yemane Kahsay1, Fasigaw Belay1
and Alemat Embaye2 increment might be due to skill development by the farmers. Farmers could get
gross income of 24, 000 thousand from a parcel of 300 m2 land. Thus, local seed
1Adigrat University, Adigrat, Ethiopia. production practice is technically possible and economically feasible and should
2Axum Agricultural Research Center, Axum, be encouraged and promoted by all stakeholders so as to enhance the income
and livelihood of farmers.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Key words: Onion, seed, community, production and yield.


Although smallholder farmers produce the bulk of crops, because of strict requirements to maintain genetic
the production and productivity are very low. The main integrity of the variety being multiplied to produce seed of
reason is restricted use of inputs, notably improved seeds vigor that does not carry seed-borne diseases and to
and fertilizers. The use of seed of poor genetic potential is obtain a seed yield sufficient to make the crop economical
one of the contributing factors for low productivity. Over for the seed producer. This difficulty is exacerbated by the
95% of seed sources come from farm saved seed of non- fact that traits associated with vegetable production and
improved land races. quality, rather than seed production, are selected for in
Different vegetable seeds are imported. There is a varietal development programs (Peter, 2001).
danger in relying on imported seed. Imported supplies There is a growing need and effort to develop the seed
may be disrupted by political changes and outbreaks of industry in the country. With the existing planting
insects and diseases abroad may force the importation of materials constraint in the country, the research center is
seeds to be banned. Complete reliance on imported seeds making all possible in seed multiplication effort to assist
may also lead to a dependence on foreign technology. It producers. Seed of different vegetable crop varieties are
also may be low quality both genetically and physically propagated and distributed to different government and
(Lemma, 1998). none government organizations (Lemma, 2009).
Vegetable seed production is often very challenging Similar to the other areas of the country, vegetable
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Kahsay et al. 189

growing farmers at central Tigray have similar problems of bulb will be produced as usual either by the farmers
seed supply. On the other hand, there are suitable agro- themselves or by the research center. After bulb is
ecological conditions that favor vegetable seed production matured and harvested a typical quality bulb was selected
including onion. Thus, it is important to develop the seed and vernalized for about two months, then, the bulb was
business by developing appropriate technologies and planted in the demonstration plot of the farmers in a
popularizing it to farmers. Since one of the major problems spacing of 50, 30 and 20 cm of bed, row and plant
of vegetable production is seed quality and access, it is respectively. Appropriate management including pest
imminent to produce farmers of the project areas by protection was given great consideration.
themselves. In addition, farmers were given an intensive training
about the improved practices of onion production and
Objective exposed to other FRG members in other areas out of the
- To introduce and popularize the available vegetable seed region to share an experience.
production technology to farmers;
- To develop farmer based vegetable seed production
system in the community. Process of FRG establishment

All the techniques of establishing FRG had been used. This

MATERIALS AND METHODS began from selection of members based on their
commitment to work in groups. In such case, all farmers
Description of research sites that benefited from the IFAD diversions had been
organized as FRG groups. These farmers were simply
Maiweini (MerebLekhe) area is located about 42 km north organized in to FRG groups. The list of these farmers was
of Adwa town in the Ethio-Eritrea border. The place where obtained from the BoANR of each wereda. Researchers
the diversion is constructed is considered low land with an provided training to the farmers about the overall nature
altitude of not lesser than 1500 masl. It is a potential area of FRG, techniques of horticultural crop production,
for horticultural crops production with a wider diversity. efficient use of irrigation water, integrated pest
Its farmers grow fruits of tropical types, vegetables, management, Integrated Soil Fertility Management,
cereals, oil crops and preserve many lowland trees. The marketing of horticultural crops and post harvest handling
diversion is constructed to divert water from the river of these crops. Each major group was divided in to sub
known as ‘Adi-Arbaete’. It covers the irrigation water need groups based on the problems identified during the
of about 50 farmers whose plots are embedded in and establishment, interest of members and available proven
around the diversion, though, the number of farmers that and improved agricultural technologies.
benefited from it later reduced in the time of the season. Leaders and clerks of the major groups and sub-groups
Famers often grow fruits such as orange, apple mango, were selected by members during the course of
mango, banana, papaya and lemon; vegetables such as establishment. These groups and sub-groups were named
tomato, hot pepper, lettuce, onion and shallot; oil crops by the major crop based on which members undergone
such as groundnut and cereals such as sorghum, maize, their research activities. One of the sub groups were the
finger millet and Teff. Tomato is the major vegetable crop onion seed production sub- group.
ever grown in small scale irrigation scheme of the During implementation of the research, the farmers
diversion. applied all the necessary improved agronomic practices
needed for onion seed production. This was done through
close follow up of DAs of the 'Tabia' and with a close
Misyeschme, L.maichew supervision of researchers from AxARC.

It is found in central zone of Tigray, L/michewwereda,

Debrekaltabia. The project site can be accessed from the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
town Axum to southwest direction about 12 km. The site is
accessible easily on the dry season while it is difficult at Figure 1 indicated that the farmers harvested an average
the rainy season. seed yield of 7 qt/ha while the maximum yield reached
about 10 qt/ha which is near the potential of the crop. The
average yield decrease may be due to the poor handling of
The approach and methods farmers due to the fact that the technology is new to the
area (Figure 1). According to Lemma et al. (2006), onion
Each farmer prepared plot size of at least 10 by 10 m. An seed production can range from 10 to 13 qt/ha. This
improved onion variety (Bombay red) was used. Farmers implies that the seed production potential of the areas is
were given a dry bulb or seed as a planting material. A comparable to the national potential in productivity per
bulb to seed method of production will be used. Meaning, a unit area.
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Kahsay et al. 190

Seed yield in qt/ha

Figure 1. Onion seed production yield of different households in 2012 at Maiweini (M/lekhe) and May sye (L. maichew)

Figure 2. Stakeholders evaluation of the technologies at M.lekhe 2012 at field day.

Stakeholders visited and evaluated the seed production in our environment and gave good quality seed. This kind
(Figure 2) and according to their view, the onion variety of research is important to familiarize the community in
given for onion seed production purpose was well adapted onion seed production techniques as well as, help to
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Kahsay et al. 191

Figure 3. Onion production plots at M.lekhe (left and L.maichew

Figure 4. Onion seed production plots inter cropped with orange fruit at M.lekhe.

produce and maintain pure quality of seed by ourselves. vegetables which are needed by the market (Emana and
Farmers and stakeholders explained that there is a threat Gebremedhin, 2007). The seed production can be done as
of disease introduction through illegal seed market from sole cropping (Figure 3) or intercropped with fruits
unknown source. As such this local seed production (Figure 4).
system can reduce this risk. Adequacy and quality of The Ethiopian seed industry is composed of formal and
vegetable seeds are crucial for increased production. This informal sectors as well as, public and private
means that the seed of needed traits should be timely organization. The formal sectors include Federal and
acquired from reliable sources to ensure high Regional Agricultural Research establishments,
determination and increased yield. There is the problem of universities, the regulatory organ in the MoARD and
lack or shortage of appropriate type of improved seeds of private companies. The informal sectors encompass
Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Kahsay et al. 192

millions of farmers, who continue to practice seed

selection and preservation, just as their ancestors did
(Kebede, 2009). The formal system is concerned with the
development and distribution of seeds of modern or
improved varieties, while local cultivars or landrace
varieties are handled by the informal system.
The onion seed production technology is very
appreciable and should be scaled out. The farmers
approved it is economically feasible and profitable in all
three schemes. The collaboration effort of stakeholders
(GOs and NGOs) together with AxARC and Extension office
is immense. Efficiency of Farmers’ research group to
demonstrate and transfer technology was practically
observed. It is also true that there are varieties of
evaluation and development on vegetables which
complements the package of seed production and the
whole value chain. Since the activities started in 2010,
considerable numbers of farmers have benefited from
purchasing the locally produced seeds of onion.
Moreover, it can be concluded that the onion seed
production technology is possible and feasible at the local
level and important for increasing seed availability in
quantity and quality, as means of good income generating
commodity and protection of diseases that are threat to
humans. Thus, local seed production practice should be
encouraged and promoted by all stakeholders so as to
enhance the income and livelihood of farmers.


Emana B, Gebremedhin H (2007). Constraints and Opportunities of

Horticulture Production and Marketing in Eastern Ethiopia. Drylands
Coordination Group Report No. 46. Cite this article as:
Kebede T (2009). Towarde Seed Industry Development In Ethiopia.
National Seed Industry Agency, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Kahsay Y, Belay F, Embaye A (2016). Enhancing Onion Production and
Lemma D (2009). Onion Production Pamphlet (Amharic version). EARO, Productivity through Introduction of Seed Production Techniques in
Melkassa Agricultural Research Center. Central Zone of Tigray Region, Ethiopia. Acad. J. Agric. Res. 4(4): 188-
Lemma D, Shimeles A, Selamawit K, Chimdo A (2006). The Vegetable Seed 192.
Sector in Ethiopia: Current Status and Future Prospects. EHSS,
Proceedings of the Inaugural and Third National Horticultural Submit your manuscript at
Workshop, Ethiopia. 1: 103-109 .
Peter S (2001). Vegetable Seed Production 2nd Edition. CABI Publishing.
New York.

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