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Somatosensory & Motor Research

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Effects of Kinect-based virtual reality game

training on upper extremity motor recovery in
chronic stroke

Ayhan Aşkın, Emel Atar, Hikmet Koçyiğit & Aliye Tosun

To cite this article: Ayhan Aşkın, Emel Atar, Hikmet Koçyiğit & Aliye Tosun (2018): Effects of
Kinect-based virtual reality game training on upper extremity motor recovery in chronic stroke,
Somatosensory & Motor Research, DOI: 10.1080/08990220.2018.1444599

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Published online: 13 Mar 2018.

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Effects of Kinect-based virtual reality game training on upper extremity motor

recovery in chronic stroke
Ayhan Aşkına , Emel Atarb itc and Aliye Tosuna
, Hikmet Koçyig
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir, Turkey; bPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sultan Abdulhamid
Han Training and Research Hospital, Uskudar, Turkey; cPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Izmir Katip Celebi University Atat€ urk Training
and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey


Background: Therapeutic benefits of Kinect-based virtual reality (VR) game training in rehabilitation Received 12 February 2018
encourage its use to improve motor function. Accepted 19 February 2018
Objective: To assess the effects of Kinect-based VR training on motor recovery of the upper extremity
and functional outcomes in patients with chronic stroke.
Motor function;
Methods: In this randomized controlled trial, group A received 20 sessions of physical therapy (PT) þ 20 rehabilitation; stroke;
sessions of Kinect-based VR training and group B received only 20 sessions of PT. Clinical outcome meas- virtual reality
ures were assessed at baseline and at the end of the treatments. Primary outcome measures that assess
stroke patients’ motor function included upper extremity (UE) Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA). Secondary
outcome measures were Brunnstrom Recovery Stages (BRS), Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), Box and
Block test (BBT), Motricity index (MI), and active range of motion (AROM) measurement.
Results: Statistically significant improvements in game scores (p < 0.05) were observed in group A. In
within-group analysis, there were statistically significant improvements in all clinical outcome measures
except for the BRS-hand, MAS-distal, and MAS-hand in group A; MAS-(proximal, distal, hand) and BRS-
(UE, hand) in group B compared with baseline values. Differences from baseline of FMA, MI, and AROM
(except adduction of shoulder and extension of elbow) were greater in group A (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: To conclude, our results suggest that the adjunct use of Kinect-based VR training may
contribute to the improvement of UE motor function and AROM in chronic stroke patients. Further
studies with a larger number of subjects with longer follow-up periods are needed to establish its
effectiveness in neurorehabilitation.

Introduction 2017). Numerous treatments have been used in stroke

rehabilitation to accelerate the recovery. Beneficial effects of
As one of the leading causes of death and disability, stroke
constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), mental prac-
has been described as a worldwide epidemic. It is the second
tice, mirror therapy, interventions for sensory impairment,
most common cause of death and the third most common
and a relatively high dose of repetitive task practice have
cause of disability from all causes (Feigin et al. 2017). been revealed in studies (Pollock et al. 2014). Likewise, restor-
Recovery after stroke is frequently incomplete and a substan- ation of motor function should focus on high-intensity,
tial number of stroke survivors are left with motor, sensory, repetitive task-specific practice with feedback on perform-
and/or cognitive impairments. Upper extremity motor impair- ance (Langhorne et al. 2009). On the other hand, because of
ments include muscle weakness, alterations in muscle tone, longer waiting times, increased medical costs, or inadequate
impaired motor control, limitations in the range of motions access to rehabilitation specialists, patients with stroke are in
of joints, contractures, or laxity. The major goal of stroke need of low-cost motivational rehabilitation technologies
rehabilitation is improving functional levels of patients; how- (Lange et al. 2011). The use of virtual reality (VR) games as
ever, optimal recovery of upper extremity functions cannot rehabilitation tools, such as the Xbox Kinect or Wii, has
be achieved in most of the survivors (Lang et al. 2013). recently gained much interest in the rehabilitation arena with
Therefore, patients usually have difficulties in performing moderate clinical evidence (Sin and Lee 2013).
activities of daily living such as reaching, grasping, picking The Kinect-based VR system for the Xbox enables users to
up or holding objects, using tools like cell phones, and par- control and interact with the game console without the need
ticipation in social activities (Meyer et al. 2015; Silva to touch a game controller. It has an infra-red depth sensor
et al. 2017). for the detection of limb and motion, and players use their
Neurorehabilitation strategies aim to improve functional own body as the controls to play a game (Bao et al. 2013).
recovery via enhancing neuronal plasticity, relearning proc- Through using the motivational characteristics of Kinect-
esses, and functional reorganization (Raffin and Hummel based non-immersive VR games, interventions can be

CONTACT Ayhan Aşkın Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir 35620, Turkey
ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

developed that include a high number of repetitions, while Study design

keeping the patients engaged and motivated (Chang et al.
This was an assessor-blinded, randomized controlled study.
2011; Johnson et al. 2018). Hence, the use of these systems
Forty patients were randomized into two groups by generat-
has led to practice-dependent enhancement of the function
ing a random allocation sequence with a computer software
of the affected limb through the facilitation of cortical
program. After randomization, group A received 20 sessions
reorganization and provides rehabilitation training for stroke
of PT (5 days/week, 4 weeks) and 20 sessions of Kinect-based
patients (Saposnik et al. 2011; Laver et al. 2017). Functional
VR game training (1 hour a day, 5 days/week, 4 weeks). Group
magnetic resonance imaging studies revealed that Kinect-
B received only 20 sessions of PT.
based VR training facilitates functional neuroplasticity in the
brain after stroke (You et al. 2005; Bao et al. 2013).
Therapeutic benefits of Kinect-based VR game training in Kinect-based VR game training
rehabilitation encourages its use to improve motor function
Xbox Kinect (Xbox 360, Microsoft, Redwood, WA, USA) was
(Park et al. 2017). Besides, several clinical studies have sug-
used for training. The Xbox Kinect platform uses an infra-red
gested that additional VR with commercially available com-
camera to capture users’ body movement in 3D space for
puter gaming improved outcomes compared with interaction within game activities and does not require the
conventional physical therapy (PT) in adults post-stroke (Sin user to hold an interface device. Instead, the user’s body is
and Lee 2013; Thomson et al. 2014; Park et al. 2017). the game controller operating in 3D space. For the training,
However, relatively few controlled trials are available about the screen and Kinect sensor were set up in a room that was
stroke-specific Kinect-based task-oriented software interven- not influenced by external factors. The sensor was positioned
tions (Laver et al. 2017). and the patients participated while either sitting or standing
Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the 1.5–2 m from the screen. Two games which required the use
effects of additional VR training on the motor recovery of the of the upper extremity were selected. These games were a
upper extremity and functional outcomes in patients with part of the free software platform called “KineLabs”. KineLabs
chronic stroke. We hypothesized that Kinect-based VR gam- has been developed by a research team of Hong Kong
ing combined with PT would yield enhancement of upper Polytechnic University to facilitate stroke patients to have
extremity motor function and thus functional outcomes. rehabilitation training and aged people to do exercise (Tong
2014). The details of these two games are:

Materials and methods  Good View Hunting: The participant is asked to delete the
Participants dirty spots in different regions of the screen or to clean a
water stain, fog, kid’s drawing or car dust using his or her
Forty chronic stroke patients (mean ages: 55.1 ± 10.2 years; affected extremity. A high score can be obtained by mov-
range 34–72 years; 28 males, 12 females) with upper limb ing fast. The patients usually performed the active move-
paresis who met the following inclusion criteria were ments of shoulder and elbow on the affected side in this
included in the study: (1) ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke; (2) game part.
adults (>18 years old); (3) stroke onset >6 months; (4)  Hong Kong Chef: It consists of two sections. Hong Kong
absence of cognitive, visual impairment or neglect that made Egg Tart and BBQ Pork with Rice. The aim of both sec-
it impossible to follow the instructions during treatment ses- tions is to achieve the stages of making the food (drag-
sions; and (5) voluntary shoulder, elbow, and wrist movement ging and dropping ingredients, mixing, cutting and
that can perform game commands. Two patients were lost to cooking). Patients are required to be as fast as possible. A
follow-up and the study was completed with 38 patients high score can be obtained by moving fast. Particularly
(mean ages: 55.0 ± 10.4 years; range 34–72 years; 27 males, 11 active shoulder, elbow, and wrist movements are per-
females). Patients were excluded if they were clinically formed in this game part. The Kinect game system and
unstable or had concomitant neurodegenerative disorders, the position of the patient are shown in Figure 1.
other intracranial diseases, history of seizure, significant med-
ical or psychiatric illness, fixed contractures or bony deform- Before the treatment sessions, demonstrations about the
ities of the affected extremity, taking any drug that could games were made by an experienced doctor. In all sessions,
affect balance, and severe cognitive problems (Mini-mental the patients played games under the supervision of the same
test score of <20/30). trained medical staff. Patients were allowed to play all three
Demographic data of the patients (age, gender, educa- game parts for 1 hour, respectively. The highest scores for
tional status, body mass index), time since stroke, affected each of the three game parts were recorded before and
extremity, types of stroke, and comorbidities were recorded. after treatment.
Participants were informed about the study and provided
written informed consents. The protocol was performed in
Physical therapy
accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the local Research All the participants received the same standardized PT proto-
Ethics Committee (Approval number: 03.06.2015/103). cols in neurological rehabilitation. The PT program included

knee, and ankle. The motor score ranges from 0 to a max-

imum of 100 points (normal motor performance), divided
into 66 points for the upper extremity (UE) (Fugl-Meyer
et al. 1975).

Secondary outcome measures

Brunnstrom Recovery Stages (BRS) is a six-stage evaluation
tool with three different parts concerning the UE, hand (H),
and the lower extremity (Stages 1–6, 1: no activity of the
limb; 2: spasticity appears, and weak basic flexor and exten-
sor synergies are present; 3: spasticity is prominent; the
patient voluntarily moves the limb, but muscle activation is
all within the synergy patterns; 4: patient begins to activate
muscles selectively outside the flexor and extensor synergies;
5: spasticity decreases; most muscle activation is selective
and independent from the limb synergies; and 6: isolated
movements in a smooth, well-coordinated manner). UE and
hand BRS were used in this study (Smith and Sharpe 1994).
The Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) is considered the pri-
mary clinical measure of muscle spasticity in patients with
neurological conditions. It is a 6-point scale. Scores range
from 0 to 4, where lower scores represent normal muscle
tone and higher scores represent spasticity or increased
resistance to passive movement. In this study, spasticity was
rated as follows: 0 (MAS 0) ¼ no increased resistance; 1 (MAS
1) ¼ minimal resistance at the end of elbow ROM; 2 (MAS
Figure 1. Kinect game system and patient position.
1þ) ¼ minimal resistance throughout less than half of the
elbow ROM; 3 (MAS 2) ¼ clear resistance throughout most of
activities to improve the active range of motion, strength, the elbow ROM; 4 (MAS 3) ¼ strong resistance, passive move-
flexibility, transfers, posture, balance, coordination, and activ- ment is difficult; and 5 (MAS 4) ¼ rigid elbow extension
ities of daily living. (Bohannon and Smith 1987).
Box and Block test (BBT) was used to measure unilateral
Clinical outcome measures gross manual dexterity. This test consists of moving, one by
one, the maximum number of blocks from one compartment
Clinical outcome measures were assessed at baseline and at of a box to another of equal size within 60 seconds. The
the end of the treatments by an experienced assessor who patients had 15 seconds to practice and then the number of
was familiarized with the scales and tests used in this study blocks moved within 60 seconds was recorded (Desrosiers
and who was unaware of the group assignment. et al. 1994).
Primary outcome measures that assess stroke patients’ Motricity index (MI) provides a brief assessment of the
motor function included upper extremity Fugl-Meyer motor function of the arm and total arm score is obtained by
Assessment (FMA). Secondary outcome measures were evaluation of pinch grip (0: no movement; 11: beginnings of
Brunnstrom Recovery Stages (BRS), Modified Ashworth Scale prehension; 19: grips cube but unable to hold against gravity;
(MAS), Box and Block test (BBT), Motricity index (MI), and 22: grips cube, held against gravity but not against weak
active range of motion (AROM) measurement. pull; 26: grip cube against pull but weaker than the other
side; 33: normal pinch grip), elbow flexion and shoulder
abduction (0: no movement; 9: palpable contraction in
Primary outcome measure
muscle but no movement; 14: movement seen but not
The Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) scale is a 226-point multi- range/not against gravity; 19: full range against gravity, not
item Likert-type scale developed as an evaluative measure of against resistance; 25: movement against resistance but
recovery from stroke. It is divided into five domains: motor weaker than the other side; 33: normal power) (Collin and
function, sensory function, balance, joint range of motion, Wade 1990).
and joint pain. Each domain contains multiple items, each Active range of motion (AROM) was measured using a
scored on a 3-point ordinal scale (0 ¼ cannot perform, handheld goniometer. AROM of flexion, extension, adduction,
1 ¼ performs partially, 2 ¼ performs fully). The motor domain abduction, and internal–external rotation of the shoulder;
includes items measuring movement, coordination, and reflex flexion and extension of the elbow; and flexion and exten-
action about the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, hip, sion of the wrist were measured.

Statistical analysis Results

A priori sample size based on the work of Sin and Lee No adverse events were reported by any of the participants.
(2013) was calculated on the basis of changes in the Fugl- A flow chart of the study is shown in Figure 2. Demographic
Meyer UE scores. For calculation, the GPower (GPower and clinical characteristics of the patients are given in
version, Du€sseldorf, Germany) program was used. In Table 1. No statistically significant difference was found in
the analysis for the t-test in independent groups using 5% baseline demographical, clinical characteristics, and outcome
significance level and 80% power it was found that at least measures of the participants (p > 0.05).
20 patients (totally 40) in each group should be included in Clinical outcome measures of baseline and post-interven-
the study. tion are given in Table 2. In group A, all patients improved
Database management and statistical analyses were per- their game scores significantly (p < 0.05). In within-group ana-
formed by an independent researcher who was blinded to lysis, there were statistically significant improvements in all
group allocations. The statistical analysis was performed by clinical outcome measures except for the BRS-hand, MAS-dis-
SPSS 16.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA) and tal, and MAS-hand in group A; MAS-(proximal, distal, hand)
MedCalc 14 (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium) software. and BRS-(UE, hand) in group B compared with baseline val-
The normal distribution of measured data was examined ues. In group A, while there were significant improvements
by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and the homogeneity of in the AROM of all directions of shoulder, elbow, and wrist;
variance tested using Levene’s test of equality of variances. in group B, significant improvements were revealed only in
Pearson chi-square test, Fisher’s Exact test, and independ- the AROM of flexion, abduction, external rotation of the
ent samples t-test were performed to determine differences shoulder, and extension of the elbow (p < 0.05).
between the demographic and clinical characteristic of the Differences from baseline of FMA, MI, and AROM (except
groups. Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test and Mann–Whitney adduction of shoulder and extension of elbow) were greater
U-test were used to determine differences within and in group A (p < 0.05) (Table 3).
between the groups’ baseline and post-intervention out-
come parameters. A Mann–Whitney U-test was performed
for comparison of differences from baseline between the
groups. Numeric data are expressed as mean ± SD and The results of this study showed significant improvements in
median (min–max). The variables examined in the 95% all clinical outcome measures except for the BRS-hand,
confidence level and p-values less than 0.05 were consid- MAS-distal, and MAS-hand in the Kinect-based VR group;
ered significant. MAS-(proximal, distal, hand) and BRS-(UE, hand) in the

Figure 2. Flow diagram of the study.


Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the groups.

Group A (n ¼ 18) Group B (n ¼ 20)
PT þ Kinect PT p
Age (years) 53.27 ± 11.19 56.55 ± 9.85 0.344
Gender (female/male), n (%) 5/13 (28/72) 6/14 (30/70) 0.880
Educational status, n (%) 0.423
Primary school 10 (56) 8 (40)
High school 3 (16) 7 (35)
University 5 (28) 5 (25)
Body mass index 24.72 ± 3.48 24.45 ± 2.40 0.780
Time since stroke (months) 20.27 ± 5.47 19.40 ± 4.48 0.591
Affected extremity, n (%)
Right/left 8/10 (44/56) 10/10 (50/50) 0.732
Dominant/non-dominant 9/9 (50/50) 9/11 (45/55) 0.758
Type of stroke (ischemic/hemorrhagic), n (%) 16/2 (89/11) 19/1 (95/5) 0.485
Comorbidities, n (%)
Transient ischemic attack 1 (6) 1 (5) 0.939
Diabetes mellitus 5 (28) 6 (30) 0.880
Hypertension 7 (39) 10 (50) 0.492
Ischemic heart disease 5 (28) 7 (35) 0.632
Arrhythmia 1 (6) 1 (5) 0.939
Smoke 8 (44) 9 (45) 0.973
Alcohol 2 (11) 4 (20) 0.453
Values are mean ± standard deviation or n (%).
PT: physical therapy.
Statistical analysis: Pearson chi-square test, Fisher’s Exact test, independent samples t-test.

Table 2. Baseline/post-intervention comparisons in outcome measures within and between the groups.
Group A (n ¼ 18) Group B (n ¼ 20)
PT þ Kinect PT
Baseline Post-intervention Baseline Post-intervention p1 p2 p3
Proximal 1.0 (0.0–3.0) 1.0 (0.0–2.0) 1.5 (0.0–3.0) 1.0 (0.0–3.0) 0.063 0.025* 0.157
Distal 1.0 (0.0–3.0) 1.0 (0.0–3.0) 1.0 (0.0–4.0) 1.0 (0.0–4.0) 0.059 0.157 0.317
Hand 1.0 (0.0–3.0) 1.0 (0.0–3.0) 2.0 (0.0–4.0) 1.0 (0.0–4.0) 0.076 0.157 0.564
Brunnstrom Stages
UE 3.0 (2.0–4.0) 4.0 (2.0–4.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.0) 0.900 0.046* 0.317
Hand 3.0 (2.0–4.0) 3.0 (2.0–4.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.0) 0.242 0.157 0.999
Fugl-Meyer Assessment 39.0 (22.0–56.0) 42.0 (23.0–58.0) 30.5 (19.0–58.0) 31.5 (19.0–58.0) 0.319 <0.001* 0.034*
Box and Block test 4.0 (0.0–64.0) 5.0 (0.0–69.0) 0.5 (0.0–39.0) 1.0 (0.0–38.0) 0.668 0.044* 0.014*
Motricity index 40.0 (20.0–77.0) 55.5 (23.0–93.0) 37.5 (23.0–30.0) 40.0 (23.0–73.0) 0.369 0.001* 0.006*
Kinect VR game scores
Good View Hunting 1270.0 (760.0–1610.0) 1565.0 (910.0–1980.0) – – – <0.001* –
Hong Kong Egg Tart 46.0 (19.0–64.0) 64.0 (41.0–88.0) – – – <0.001* –
BBQ Pork with Rice 35.0 (9.0–54.0) 55.5 (17.0–89.0) – – – <0.001* –
Values are median (minimum–maximum). Statistically significant (p < 0.05).
MAS: Modified Ashworth Scale; PT: physical therapy; UE: upper extremity; VR: virtual reality.
Statistical analysis: p1, baseline comparison between the groups (Mann–Whitney U-test); p2, baseline and post-intervention comparison within group A (Wilcoxon
test); p3, baseline and post-intervention comparison within group B (Wilcoxon test).

control group. In addition, FMA, BBT, MI scores, and AROM (Pollock et al. 2014). Kinect-based VR training is a novel tech-
(shoulder flexion–abduction–external rotation and elbow nology which is increasingly being used in neurorehabilita-
extension) were significantly increased in both groups, how- tion to modulate rehabilitation sessions (Laver et al. 2017).
ever, these changes were greater in the Kinect-based VR Many VR systems, often generic (i.e., not developed for
group except for BBT score and AROM (adduction of shoul- rehabilitation purposes) commercial computer games, are
der and extension of elbow). Although both groups bene- used to perform a series of exercises (Sin and Lee 2013;
fited from rehabilitative procedures to some extent, Kinect- Saposnik et al. 2016). These systems provide a non-immersive
based VR training seemed to contribute more to the environment that is fun and extrinsically motivating for
improvement of motor function and AROM of affected upper patients (Park et al. 2017). And also, VR-based training is able
limbs in chronic stroke patients. to provide high rehabilitation doses, both in terms of active
Neurological reorganization plays an important role in the training time and repetitions per session. In our study,
restoration of UE functions. It can extend for a much longer patients received a total of 1 hour/day of active VR-based
period of time and is of particular interest because it can be training of the UE, with a total duration of the training ses-
influenced by rehabilitation training (Hebert et al. 2016). sions of 20 hours (including breaks and time between
There is strong evidence suggesting that a high dose of games). We think that this training duration—compatible
repetitive task practice can improve recovery. Thus, increas- with other studies in the literature—is enough to accept the
ing therapy dose, also in the chronic phase of the disease, treatment as high-dose repetitive intensive rehabilitation
might be a critical factor to achieve a better outcome (Perez-Marcos et al. 2017).

Table 3. Comparison of differences from baseline between the groups. results also revealed significant improvements in FMA, MI,
Differences from baseline and AROM (except adduction of shoulder and extension of
Group A (n ¼ 18) Group B (n ¼ 20) elbow) in the Kinect-based training group when compared
PT þ Kinect PT p with the control group. However, we failed to find any sig-
Modified Ashworth Scale nificant difference in BBT scores in-between. Since the VR
Proximal 0.0 (1.0–0.0) 0.0 (2.0–1.0) 0.494 game selected in our study did not include training specific-
Distal 0.0 (1.0–0.0) 0.0 (1.0–0.0) 0.491
Hand 0.0 (1.0–0.0) 0.0 (1.0–1.0) 0.618 ally for manual dexterity, other games specifically designed
Brunnstrom Stages for manual dexterity can be added to the VR rehabilitation
UE 0.0 (0.0–1.0) 0.0 (0.0–1.0) 0.122 program for this purpose.
Hand 0.0 (0.0–1.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0) 0.131
Fugl-Meyer Assessment 2.0 (1.0–10.0) 0.0 (0.0–2.0) <0.001* On the contrary, Adie et al. (2017) recently investigated
Box and Block test 0.5 (3.0–7.0) 0.0 (1.0–3.0) 0.744 the efficacy of using Nintendo Wii Sports to improve affected
Motricity index 6.0 (0.0–17.0) 0.0 (0.0–6.0) 0.019* arm function after stroke and concluded that the Wii was not
Active range of motion
Shoulder superior to arm exercises in home-based rehabilitation
Flexion 20.0 (0.0–40.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) <0.001* although it was more expensive than arm exercises. Similarly,
Extension 5.0 (0.0–30.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.035* Kong et al. (2016) revealed that 12 sessions of augmented
Abduction 20.0 (10.0–30.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) <0.001*
Adduction 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.131 upper limb exercises via Wii gaming or conventional therapy
Internal rotation 5.0 (0.0–25.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.005* over a 3-week period was not effective in enhancing upper
External rotation 10.0 (0.0–20.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.002* limb motor recovery compared to controls. We assume that
Flexion 0.0 (0.0–15.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.040* differences in the design of the studies, sample sizes, and
Extension 0.0 (0.0–20.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.637 gaming systems might have possibly caused these contra-
Wrist dictory results. The game used in this study is not commer-
Flexion 5.0 (0.0–20.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.009*
Extension 0.0 (0.0–30.0) 0.0 (0.0–10.0) 0.022* cial, but has been developed by a research team of Hong
Values are median (minimum–maximum). Statistically significant (p < 0.05). Kong Polytechnic University specifically for stroke patients.
PT: physical therapy; UE: upper extremity. Therefore, significant improvements in most of the clinical
Statistical analysis: Mann–Whitney U-test. outcome measures superior to conventional rehabilitation
could be achieved. There is no other study in the literature
Recent studies revealed that the Kinect-based VR gaming that uses our Kinect-based VR gaming system, but our results
system is an effective therapeutic approach for improving are similar to the current data (Laver et al. 2017).
motor function during stroke rehabilitation. Sin and Lee Patients sometimes report low levels of fatigue and stress
(2013) evaluated the effects of additional VR training using generated during the rehabilitation training sessions. In a
Xbox Kinect on UE function (including AROM, FMA, and BBT) recent study that used Wii games for UE training in subacute
in stroke patients and found that there were significant dif- stroke, participants reported adverse events such as numb-
ferences between the two groups at follow-up for AROM ness, dizziness, pins and needles, headaches, or nausea
(flexion, extension, abduction of the shoulder and flexion of (Saposnik et al. 2016). However, no adverse event was
the elbow but not for AROM of the wrist), FMA score, and reported in our study. This, also, is very likely because our
BBT score. They finally concluded that VR training using Xbox Kinect-based VR exercises were specifically designed for
Kinect can improve the functioning of the UE. Park et al. stroke rehabilitation purposes by clinicians, and were vali-
(2017) investigated the effects of VR training, using the Xbox dated with stroke patients before (Tong 2014).
Kinect-based game system, on the motor recovery of patients There are several limitations of our study. First is the rela-
with chronic hemiplegic stroke and found significant tively small sample size and the absence of a sham group to
improvements for the Berg Balance Scale, the Timed Up and estimate the natural recovery of stroke. Second, the improve-
Go test, and the 10-meter Walk Test (but not for FMA scores) ments observed in the Kinect-based VR group may have
for the intervention group. It was reported that the use of been affected by the total intervention time (1 hour more
additional VR training with the Xbox Kinect gaming system is than the PT group). Third, due to our strict inclusion criteria
an effective therapeutic approach for improving motor func- and diversity of cerebrovascular diseases, the results of this
tion during stroke rehabilitation. Similarly, Fan et al. (2014) study may not be generalized to patients with stroke. Fourth,
revealed that VR gaming has immediate effects on motor due to the short duration of the study, we are unable to con-
recovery and provides motivation for treatment compliance clude on the long-term effect of VR-based training therapy
in stroke patients. Choi et al. (2014) suggested that the com- on UE motor function. One of the strengths of our study is
mercial gaming-based VR therapy was as effective as conven- that our VR-based gaming programs were designed for
tional occupational therapy on the recovery of UE motor and stroke patients. Therefore, we did not need intense supervi-
daily living function in subacute stroke patients. Manlapaz sion of medical staff to optimize VR training. Further studies
et al. (2010) determined that the use of Nintendo Wii pro- including a larger number of subjects with long-term follow-
vided marked improvement in the UE function of chronic up assessments are needed to interpret the results
stroke patients demonstrated within 6 weeks. Both Saposnik more accurately.
et al. (2010) and Lee et al. (2016) reported that VR technol- To conclude, our results suggest that the adjunct use of
ogy represents a safe, feasible, and potentially effective alter- Kinect-based VR training may contribute to the improvement
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