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Latest generation for rolling

mill equipment thanks to
Danieli’s expertise in design and
manufacturing processes for the
metal industry


Introduction 3 Why choose DanOil bearings?

6 Engineering Research and Development

DanOil main components 8 White Metal Welding of Bushings

10 White Metal Centrifugal Casting

Process of Bushings
12 DanOil Sleeves

14 Sealing System

15 Seal End Plate (Nitreg process)

16 Locking Device

18 Bearing Lubrication Systems

20 Reconditioning Refurbishment and Repair

22 De-Chocker and Tilter Machines

Customer Service 24 Traceability / Quality Certificate

25 Installation, Advisory Service and Training

DanOil sizes 26 DanOil Bearing data table

Danieli Service portfolio 28 High Technology Products

30 DanOil Bearing reference list

32 Danieli Service Centers and Danieli

Workshops and Facilities

SINCE 1962

— Know-how — On-site Customer

Being an integral part of Assistance
WHY CHOOSE Danieli, world leaders in rolling
mill innovation, ensures DanOil
The Danieli philosophy of
strong customer support is at

DANOIL BEARINGS bearings are at the forefront of

developments in all aspects of
rolling technology.
the heart of DanOil bearing’s
operating approach. We offer
comprehensive, worldwide
technical support service for
Rolling mill back-up rolls are designed to withstand the — Engineering Experience oil-film bearing users in all
forces generated by the rolling process and therefore Our engineers have extensive aspects of design, operation,
require bearings capable of carrying very high loads. knowledge and "hands on" maintenance and spare parts.
To ensure the mill stand is as stiff, as possible the experience of the design,
bearings also must be stiff and compact. manufacture, installation and — Safety and Application
DanOil bearings satisfy this requirement-which is operation of all back-up roll We are able to offer new
one of the reasons they are a well-proven design in oil-film bearings and rolling mill mechanical and hydraulic
this field. DanOil bearings are located in the backup technology. locking designs to increase
roll chocks and are connected to a re-circulating oil operator safety and to
lubrication system, usually located in the mill cellar. — Reseach and Development simplify the assembly and
Through our knowledge and installation procedure, with
experience in the design and every unit specifically
operation of oil-film bearings, designed for each customer’s
we have identified and are actual requirements, ensuring
committed to further there are no disruptions to
improvement of the bearing rolling schedules.
and associated equipment.
— Competitive Pricing
— 100% Interchangeable Our aim is to reduce mill
Our standard range of bearings operating costs by providing
is fully compatible with other the highest quality bearings
manufacturers’ bearings, for and spares at low prices.
which we offer a full range of Danieli's highly efficient
spares. production techniques and
strong buying power results
— Forefront Manufacturing in very competitively priced
Cells bearings and spare parts,
Investment in state-of-the-art, without compromising the
purpose-built machines will high finished quality to which
ensure that all the components Danieli's customers have
of DanOil bearings are become accustomed.
manufactured to the highest
possible standards and — DanOil Worldwide
tolerances. The Danieli References
Headquarters manufacturing In addition to a
facility in Buttrio (Italy) is the comprehensive list of DanOil
most modern in the industry, bearing customers, we also
together with DanOil supply spare parts such as
manufacturing workshops in new oil-film bearing sets for
Changshu (China), in Chennai many hot-and cold-rolling
(India), and coming soon in mills supplied by both Danieli
Ashland (USA). and others.

2 3

1. Back-up roll
2. Bushing
3. Sealing system
4. Sleeve
5. Back-up roll chock
6. Sleeve ring
7. Thrust bearing
8. Chock end plate
9. Hydraulic locking unit
10. Outer end plate
11. End cover

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

— Bushing — Sleeve — Sealing system — Locking device — Sleeve ring — Chock End Plate, Outer — Bearing End covers — Thrust bearing
End Plate and other rings

The bushing is the static part The sleeve is the journal part To keep the roll coolant and Various types of locking The sleeve ring located in the Thanks to the skill and These items secure the A conventional double-row,
of the bearing assembly and is of the bearing assembly; it is the bearing lubricant separate, devices are used to ensure outboard end bore of the experience of our engineers, components to the back-up taper roller bearing withstands
located in the bore of the located on the taper neck of specially developed seals are that the sleeve and the other sleeve is used to transmit the Danieli can offer its customers roll chocks and form an the axial loads imposed on the
back-up roll chock. The steel the back-up roll. located at the inboard end of components mounted on the axial force from the locking innovative, high-tech solutions oil-tight enclosure at the back-up roll and bearing by the
shell of the bushing is lined The sleeve is made from the bearing. Danieli can supply roll are located in the right unit to the sleeve during for the other main components outboard end of the bearing rolling process. Traditionally
with a special white metal (also high-quality forged alloy steel the innovative solutions for the position. mounting and also to transmit of the oil-film bearing. assembly. this bearing is mounted on the
known as Babbitt). DanOil and is precision ground to coolant seal (stationary), the Danieli can offer two efficient any axial forces to the thrust operator side of the mill.
Babbitt was carefully selected ensure roll eccentricity is aluminum seal inner ring and solutions as an alternative to bearing. For optimal control of the axial
for its ability to reduce start-up minimized (the bearing surface neck seal (rotates). the traditional mechanical and movement of the bearing and
friction and to withstand rolling is round and concentric to 3 Moreover Danieli has hydraulic locking systems. chocks, thrust bearings may
forces, as well as to capture micron or better). developed a innovative solution be fitted to both ends of the
small particles that otherwise for the Seal End Plate (with roll. Chock-spreader bars, their
would damage the bearing. nitreg heat-treatment process), locating pods, and the
solving the difficult working associated maintenance of
conditions to which these these items are eliminated.
components are exposed.
4 5

The DanOil system is a fundamental part of the
technological equipment fitted to hot- and cold-rolling
stands, and Danieli has a group of specialists who
are fully dedicated to its design and development for
continuous improvement of quality and service life,
thus ensuring it maintains its top-level status.
The Danieli Engineering Department backed by the
Danieli Research and Development Center and based
on feedback from its on-field technicians, focuses
on conceptual design, customized solutions and
standardization of oil-film bearing components, so as
to develop first-class, reliable and innovative products
at competitive prices.


1. FEM allows us to simulate working conditions and to analyze

the behavior of the sleeve and bushing in various loaded
conditions. This ensures that we optimize the performance of
each bearing component.
2. Danieli’s expertise in design, manufacturing and experience
of rolling processes for long and flat mills, has ensured that
the DanOil bearing technology has reached the same levels of
excellence for all types of rolling applications.

6 7

White metal welding facilities

WHITE METAL have been installed in our
WELDING OF shops in Italy, China and India
BUSHINGS to ensure that DanOil bushings
are manufactured to the
highest standards. This
investment is proof of our
commitment to control the
production of key components.
This new center is specifically
dedicated to spinning the white
metal linings onto the bushing
shells of DanOil bearings. The
maximum capacity is ø 2,000
x 1,500, with a maximum
casting weight of 5,000 kg. In
an air-controlled, covered area
of more than 500 square
meters, all the following 1.
operations for this production
process are performed:
— heating and tinning to
activate the bushing surface
and facilitate the bonding of
the white metal; QUALITY DANOIL
— welding casting facility to
distribute the white metal onto COMPONENTS:
the bushing surface evenly;
— accelerated cooling to TRACEABILITY
obtain 100% bonding and OF THE ENTIRE
achieve the specified bond
strength; PRODUCTION
— every bushing is
ultrasonically tested in order
to confirm no cracks on
longitudinal welding and
Chalmers test is performed to
ensure bond strength value. 2.

Advantages of plasma
— Very fine microstructure for
high compressive strength;
— Uniform quality due to high
reproducibility of the process
— Environmental friendliness
due to save resources;
— Consistently thin layer even
after repeated repairs.

This installation, which

complies with the UNI EN ISO
9001 standard, is
environmentally friendly:
particular attention has been
given to the fume treatment
plant to ensure a safe working 3.

1. Bushing welding booth with controlled atmosphere and temperature.

2. Bushing machine at the end of the white metal welding process.
3. Ultrasonic testing to determine bushing bond strength.

8 9

A centrifugal casting facility

WHITE METAL was installed in Changshu
CENTRIFUGAL (China) to manufacture
CASTING PROCESS DanOil white metal, high-
OF BUSHING thickness bushings to the
highest standards.
This center is specifically
dedicated to spinning the
white metal linings onto the
bushing shells of DanOil
bearings. The maximum
capacity is ø 2,000 x 1,400,
with a maximum weight of
6,000 kg. In an air-controlled,
covered area of more than
600 square meters, all the
following operations for this
production process are 1.

— chemical cleaning,
pickling and fluxing;
— heating and tinning to
activate the bushing surface
and facilitate the bonding of
the white metal;
— heat pot capable of
holding 1,000 kg of molten
white metal;
— centrifugal facility to
distribute the white metal
onto the bushing surface
— accelerated cooling to
obtain 100% bonding and
achieve the specified bond
strength; 2. 3.
— every bushing is
ultrasonically tested to
ensure 100% bonding.
Bond strength is verified by
Chalmers tests.

This installation, which

complies with the UNI EN
ISO 9001 standard, is
environmentally friendly:
particular attention has been
given to the fume treatment
plant, maintaining a safe
working environment.


1. Bushing casting machine installed in Danieli Changshu, China

2. Working in synergy towards a common goal
3. Bushing exiting the centrifugal machine at the end of the white
metal casting process.
4. Every bushing is ultrasonically tested to ensure 100% bonding.


To ensure the machine is capable of achieving One of the attributes of oil-film bearings is that
DANOIL SLEEVES the highest standards, Danieli’s oil-film bearing RECONDITIONING in the event of mill wrecks or other accidental
manufacturing experts played an extensive role REFURBISHMENT damage, the sleeves and bushings can be
in the design of the grinding machines installed AND REPAIR reconditioned to first-class condition by
in Danieli’s three, state-of-the-art regrinding and re-spinning processes,
manufacturing facilities. respectively.
These CNC machines ensure the highest As part of our customer service, our engineers
accuracy and repeatability during the sleeve can be available to visit the site and assess the
grinding and polishing process. The taper bore condition of your bushings and sleeves in your
and the bearing journal diameter of the sleeve roll shop.
are ground simultaneously to ensure After careful evaluation we will confirm if they
concentricity values consistent with modern, are suitable or not to send to Danieli for
rolling mill Automatic Gauge Control reconditioning. Doing this will reduce the risk
requirements. 1.
of unnecessary transportation costs. 1.
Sleeves are ground to roundness and Bushings, sleeves and hydraulic locking units
concentricity values of ≤ 3µm. Every sleeve is can be repaired in Danieli’s worldwide
checked to ensure it meets the rigorous workshops, giving longer life to repaired items
standards for roundness, wall variation and and considerable economic benefits.
hardness prior to dispatch.
The grinding machine table features a
hydrostatic oil-film bearing to ensure a mirror
like surface of the bearing journal, with a
surface finish Ra value of 0.02 µm. The mirror
finish enables the bearing to operate at high
loads by reducing the risk of metal-to-metal
contact between the sleeve and the bushing
during operation.

2. 2.

1- 3. The high-tech CNC

1. Reconditioning external diameter
grinding machine performs
simultaneous internal and of bushing during the grinding
external grinding in order process.
to achieve a wall thickness 2. Internal, preliminary visual
concentricity lower than 3 μm. inspection of bushings.
The external surface is ground to 3. New, high-tech 3-D CMM machine
a mirror finish (surface roughness at Danieli HQ, Italy; works in
lower than 0.025 μm). temperature control; measures
2. Finished sleeve ready for final all pieces within a tolerance of 1
inspection. 3. micron. 3.

12 13

Thanks to our engineering Due to the difficult working

SEALING SYSTEM experience we have developed SEAL END PLATE conditions to which the seal
new neck seal (Danieli Patent) (NITREG PROCESS) end plate is exposed, we
and a coolant seal (Danieli have optimized the design by
Patent) to retain the oil within 3-D VIEW OF 1. Seal End Plate
analyzing critical aspects
the bearing and exclude 2. Coolant Seal such as stress concentration
coolant. THE DANIELI 3. Neck Seal and heat transfer that
The standard Neck seal rotates severely affect the other
with the roll and has garter SEALING 4. Seal Inner Ring
sealing components of the
springs and internal stiffening
to prevent it from being SYSTEM assembly.
These issues have been
deformed by centrifugal forces addressed in our
when rotating at high speeds. 1 manufacturing process by
To enhance seal performance using a high-quality forged
Although DanOil bearings further, the seal lips are made 2 steel, and a Nitreg heat-
are tolerant of lubricating from PTFE. treatment procedure.
oil contamination, This reduces friction and heat This Nitreg treatment is a
it is nevertheless build-up to prolong seal life. Danieli-patented process that
important to ensure that gives an optimal seal running
the lubricating oil is Seal developments surface, with the additional
maintained in first-rate — No oil leakage, no coolant benefit of corrosion
condition by preventing ingress and no scale ingress; protection.
infiltration of mill coolant — PTFE lips provide higher This reduces wear and
and contaminants. durability thanks to anti- corrosion, and improves
friction properties and lower lubricity of the sealing surface
working temperature; and heat transmission,
— easy to install and resulting in a low working
remove; Details of coolant seal (top) and Hardness tests being carried out temperature of the seal.
— seal life is three times neck seal (bottom) showing the on the seal end plate after the
higher than NBR standard PTFE lips that enhance and Nitreg process.
requirements; improve seal life.
— reduced spare parts
3 4

1. Assembly of sealing
elements on the back-up roll
chocks at customer’s site.
2. Machining of the seal
end plate on the grinding

1. 3.

14 15

— Traditional solutions — T-LOCK Mechanical HLU Hydraulic locking unit

LOCKING DEVICE There are still many mills in the locking Modern rolling mills built in
world that use locknuts and To solve the problems of the past decade have been
threaded half rings to secure operator safety and damage to equipped with a hydraulic
the bearing on to the roll. the threaded ring and ring nut, bayonet locking device to
Probably just as many use Danieli engineers developed a ensure operator safety and to
quick-change locknuts and new solution called T-Lock. engage and disengage the
threaded rings. Once a locknut This mechanical locking bearings in a controlled and
has been tightened, it keeps system provides the same repeatable manner.
the bearing components in results as the hydraulic lock
position without axial but is less invasive and costly.
movement. However, these two The calibrated screws push the
methods rely on using an pressure ring against the thrust
overhead crane and a wire bearing and lock the system.
To ensure the bearing is rope to tighten and loosen the The mounting and dismounting
secure on the roll, vari- locknut. In response to our of the oil-film bearing is easier
1. 2.
ous methods of locking customers’ concerns over and faster with the torque
are used: potential safety issues of this wrench; the locking force is
— Traditional solution, operation we have developed a always controlled and the load 1. SSAB Tandem Mill workshop
with locknuts and hydraulic locking unit that is perfectly calibrated. team and Danieli Service
threaded rings; ensures the mounting/ DanOil technical team at
dismounting force is controlled the completion of the HLU
— T-Lock mechanical installation
locking unit; and consistent each time.
2. Recent advisory services/
— HLU hydraulic locking training on oil-film bearing
unit. maintenance practices in Egypt.
3. T-Lock mechanical locking
2 6 1 9 10 11 Hydraulic locking nuts unit installation at Metinvest
8 section view Valsider in Italy.
4-5. Pressure testing of hydraulic
1. Cylinder locking unit before delivery.
2. Threaded Jam Nut
3. Port Fittings
4. Splined Snap Ring
5. Piston 3.
6. Pressure to Dismount
7. Pressure to Mount
8. End Plate
9. Chock
10. Bushing
11. Sleeve
12. Key
3 4 5 7 12 13 13. Roll

Conversion of existing locking systems to the Benefits of converting to DanOil Technology

DanOil technology provides a safe and — quicker assembly and disassembly process;
controlled operational procedure — precise locking force and resultant position of
DanOil engineers provide technical evaluations to assembled bearing components on roll body;
confirm that locking conversions on existing hot — reduction of crane-dependent tasks in the roll
and cold mills can be implemented. The shop;
customer is supported in ensuring that the final — productivity and quality improvements by
design selection achieves the criteria and objec- proper bearing mounting.
tives required, and in addition to this we provide
plant operators training consisting of classroom
and on-site sessions. 4. 5.

16 17

— Hydrodynamic lubrication — Hydrostatic lubrication

BEARING The traditional two-tank system shown below Mills that frequently operate at low speeds (plate
LUBRICATION enables oil conditioning to be performed with mills and reversing roughing stands) and those
SYSTEMS one tank offline. that stop under load (cold reversing and temper
Some of our recent installations have adopted mills) are often equipped with hydrostatic
the single-tank system to reduce space and systems to prevent damage to the bushings until
costs. In these cases the oil conditioning is the hydrodynamic film is established. Continuous
performed online by use of a vacuum cold mills and new, thin-slab hot-strip mills can
separator. require hydrostatic lubrication as well. Recently,
In the traditional system shown below, fixed there has been a trend by tandem cold-mill
delivery pumps circulate oil around the circuit operators to retrofit hydrostatic lubrication
and the stand pressure valve controls the oil systems to improve mill performance at low
demanded by the bearings. The excess oil is speeds.
diverted back to the tank. In certain Endless rolling mills that stop to shear coils while
applications it is beneficial to use variable the mill is under load can restart without risk of
speed pumps to supply the oil flow rate bearing damage or tension variations due to
required by the bearings, thus reducing the oil boundary lubrication. New, high-strength steels
circulation. impose severe power constraints on mills and
Further reductions in tank sizes (and hence often necessitate rolling at high loads and low
tank heating/cooling requirements and cellar speeds. This may cause extreme lubrication
space) can be achieved by using super conditions in the bearings, resulting in bearing
demulsifying oils to reduce settling time to a damage. Conversion to hydrostatic operation will
minimum. alleviate this damage.
To minimize loss of production, installation of the
pump and interconnecting piping can be
conducted during normal rolling. The mill stand
piping and connection to the hydrodynamic
system may be installed during normal
scheduled stops.

— Hydrodynamic lubrication circuit — Hydrostatic lubrication circuit

Thrust side Non-thrust side

Thrust side Non-thrust side
System pump control screen TOP B.U. CHOCK

filter 150 Cooler


Stand piping
high pressure
MCC interface
pump control logic


System pressure
control valve

Motor control Power Interconnecting piping

center high pressure
Pumps To other stands
1 duty Manifold Hydrodynamic
1 stand-by drain line
Control Power P
filter 100 T
pressure Logic isolator
control start J
stop M Triplex pump
valve box
Hydrostatic P
system T
(if fitted)
Water out

Tank 1 Tank 2
Water in
Supply line Supply from hydrodynamic system To other hydrostatic pumpsets
Drain line

18 19

During the mounting and controlling the procedure bearing assembly onto the
DE-CHOCKER AND dismounting of the chock safely, accurately and roll.
TILTER MACHINES assemblies on the rolls, it is predictably. The roll is supported by four
difficult to control these The Danieli De-Chocker and motorized rolls, which allows
movements using the Tilter machine are designed the roll to be turned to align
overhead crane. to accommodate a range of the keyways in the roll with
We have designed a back-up chock sizes that are found in the keys in the bearing
roll chock changing device in the shop. sleeve.
response to customers’ This ensures minimal cost By using the Danieli De-
requests to improve safety outlay and that customers’ Chocker, tilter and hydraulic
and reduce damage to requirements are met in full. locking unit described above,
components (especially In the De-Chocker both the the overhead crane can be
seals). drive-side and roll change- used for other duties.
The movements on and off side chocks are positioned
the roll are performed by on a seat location, which can
hydraulic actuators thus be moved horizontally to
ensuring the operator is mount and dismount the


2. 3.

— 3D image of the new 1. After successful completion

Daniel chock-changing rig that of the plant personnel training
optimizes roll shop efficiency. schedule, the chocks and
bearings were assembled onto
the back-up rolls using the rig
in a safe and controlled manner.
2. BUR chock positioning on the
chock tilting unit for bearing
components assembly.
3. Assembled chock ready to be
mounted on the back-up roll.
4-5. Positioning of the plate mill
back-up roll on the rig for fast,
effective and safe mounting of
chock on the roll neck. 4. 5.

20 21

Every bushing and sleeve has We offer a comprehensive, demonstrate the correct bushings and sleeves in your
TRACEABILITY / its own unique identification INSTALLATION, worldwide technical support assembly of the bearings and roll shop. After careful
QUALITY number stamped on the ADVISORY service for oil-film bearing to monitor the hydrodynamic evaluation, we will determine if
CERTIFICATE flange. This is an essential SERVICE AND users in all aspects of design, (and hydrostatic, where they need to be sent to Danieli
requirement for the complete TRAINING operation, maintenance and applicable) fluid systems to for reconditioning. Doing this
control of all aspects of our spare parts, as well as: ensure a smooth start-up. will reduce the risk of
manufacturing quality unnecessary transportation
procedures. — Help during planning of — Rolling Mill and Rollshop costs.
The identification numbers are new mills and revamps Audit
very important for the We will determine the required Throughout the life of the mill — Training on-site and in
customer’s future reference, size of bearings and oil we are able to help our clients classroom
particularly in the event of a requirements. with advice on operational, We take great care to ensure
mill wreck resulting in bearing We will provide information for maintenance troubleshooting the client’s operating
damage. the interface with mating and reconditioning procedures personnel receive first-class
Every production step, We always recommend that The Danieli philosophy of components, such as chocks of the bearing components. training in the assembly and
from materials arrival to customers record the bushing strong customer support and rolls. maintenance of DanOil
dispatch, is recorded to and sleeve number, along with is at the heart of the We will supply technical — Reconditioning service bearings.
issue the final DanOil the roll and chock number and 1. operating approach of support during the installation One of the attributes of oil-film
product certificate and where they are installed in the DanOil bearings. and commissioning periods. bearings is that in the event of — Manuals
ensure full traceability. mill. Operational assistance is mill wrecks or other accidental Service/operating manuals are
This historical data can be available throughout the life of damage, the sleeves and supplied as teaching materials
used to determine the amount the mill, with advice on bushings can be during the training courses.
of time in service, and the troubleshooting and reconditioned to first-class
amount that has been rolled. reconditioning procedures. condition by re-grinding and
re-spinning processes,
Further evaluation of the data — Installation and respectively.
will assist in identifying the commissioning As part of our customer
cause of the problem. Towards the end of the service, our engineers are
At the end of the installation period our available to visit the site and
manufacturing process and engineers visit the client to assess the condition of your
before shipment, the DanOil
quality department issues for
each bushing/sleeve the
dimensional and quality
certificate, which guarantees
the components are in
compliance with EN10204.


1. Non-destructive dye-penetrant
testing of bushing after welding.
2. DanOil bearing ready to be
3. The strength of the bond interface
between the white metal and the
shell is verified by a Chalmers
4. Checking the dimensional
roundness and concentricity of
a sleeve.
5. 3.
5. Measuring white metal thickness.

22 23
DANIELI SERVICE KL Rating Roll Chock Drains Typical Applications
HB3 F2
Neck Stress
Size Series kN Mpa A C K Z Emin M DA D hyd cyl rocker L E/2 Gmin Bmin Xmin Jmin
67 5.750 89,7 295 855 225 380 450 485 Cold Strip and Temper Mills
30 75 6.430 108,9 320 875 597 520 750 120 250 400 475 505 635 375 815 560 380 600 Hot Bar and Section Mills
Hot Strip Mills
84 7.200 131,3 345 900 275 425 495 530 (Narrow/Light Duty)
67 6.530 30,2 310 870 240 400 480 515 Hot Steckel Mills
DANOIL 32 75 7.320 109,1 335 890 631 555 790 120 265 420 505 540 675 395 865 585 405 650 (Narrow/Light Duty)


666 590 840 120 285
715 420 915 635 430 700

67 8.270 89,5 345 1.060 270 470 540 580

36 75 9.260 10734 370 1.080 707 630 890 125 295 490 565 605 760 445 965 660 455 700
84 10.370 131,6 405 1.110 330 520 595 630
67 9.220 88,4 355 1.065 280 475 575 615
38 75 10.320 107,3 385 1.090 742 665 950 125 310 500 600 640 805 475 1.015 685 480 750
84 11.550 131,1 420 1.120 345 530 630 670
67 10.210 87,3 370 1.090 290 500 600 645
40 75 11.430 105,7 400 1.120 780 705 1000 125 320 525 630 670 845 500 1.065 735 510 800
Standard keyless range 84 12.800 128,7 435 1.145 355 555 660 700
— All dimensions shown 67 11.260 85,7 390 1.100 305 510 630 675
are standard but can be 42 75 12.600 104,6 425 1.130 827 740 1050 140 340 540 660 705 885 525 1.120 760 535 800
changed to suit special project 84 14.110 126,8 460 1.160 375 570 690 735
requirements. 67 12.360 85,5 400 1.115 315 525 660 710
— All data in the table is given 44 75 13.830 104 435 1.145 860 775 1090 135 350 555 690 740 930 545 1.170 815 560 850
only as a guide for the mill 84 15.490 127,2 475 1.180 390 590 725 770
designer - all applications of 67 13.500 86,2 425 1.140 340 545 690 740
a chosen bearing designation 46 75 15.110 104,4 460 1.165 902 810 1150 145 375 575 720 770 970 575 1.220 840 585 900
must be checked and 84 16.930 127,1 500 1.200 415 610 760 805
approved by Danieli’s DanOil 67 14.700 84,6 435 1.155 335 565 720 775
division. 48 75 16.460 102,4 470 1.185 939 850 1180 145 370 595 755 805 1.015 590 1.270 890 610 950
— Comprehensive 84 18.430 125,6 515 1.220 415 630 790 840
specifications, accurate 67 15.960 84,6 450 1.165 350 575 755 810 Cold Strip Mills
arrangement drawings, 50 75 17.860 103,1 490 1.200 976 885 1230 150 390 610 790 840 1.060 615 1.320 915 635 1.000 (Wide/Heavy Duty)
parts list and lubrication 84 20.000 126 535 1.240 435 650 825 880
Hot Strip Mills
Hot Steckel Mills
requirements are supplied. 67 17.250 86,1 470 1.340 368 625 780 835 Hot Plate Mills
— We offer a complete 52 75 19.310 104,6 510 1.380 1009 920 1260 145 408 665 815 870 1.095 630 1.370 965 660 1.050 Hot Roughing Mills
technical service - our 84 21.640 127,4 555 1.420 453 705 855 910
knowledge and experience 67 18.610 85,7 485 1.360 390 645 810 870
will ensure that your bearing 54 75 20.830 104,9 530 1.400 1047 955 1290 150 435 685 850 905 1.140 645 1.420 990 685 1.100
selection is optimized 84 23.330 127,4 575 1.440 480 725 890 945
for your mill application. 67 20.430 82,4 505 1.380 415 665 850 910
— Comprehensive spare parts
56 75 22.860 100,4 550 1.420 1108 1015 1350 150 460 705 890 950 1.195 675 1.475 1.015 710 150
service for all existing bearing
84 25.610 122,7 600 1.465 510 750 930 990
types and ranges - i.e. Morgoil,
67 23.450 80,1 525 1.580 425 690 910 975 Hot Steckel Mills
Morgan, KLX, Davy, SMS, (Wide/Heavy Duty)
60 75 26.250 97,3 570 1.620 1184 1095 1440 145 470 730 950 1.015 1.275 720 1.575 1.095 760 1.200
MDS, Mesta, IHI, Innse. Hot Roughing Mills
84 29.410 119,6 625 1.665 525 775 995 1.060 (Wide/Heavy Duty)
67 26.680 79,8 555 1.615 455 725 990 1.065 Hot Plate Mills
64 75 29.860 97,4 605 1.655 1259 1170 1520 145 505 765 1.035 1.110 1.360 760 1.675 1.170 810 1.350 (Wide/Heavy Duty)
84 33.450 119 660 1.695 560 815 1.090 1.160
67 29.710 77 575 1.765 450 820 1.045 1.125
68 75 33.260 94,5 630 1.815 1335 1245 1640 144 505 870 1.095 1.175 1.440 820 1.780 1.250 865 1.450
84 37.250 116 690 1.865 565 920 1.155 1.225
67 32.840 78,6 600 1.795 475 850 1.095 1.180
70 75 36.640 95,7 655 1.845 1390 1300 1690 144 530 900 1.150 1.230 1.510 845 1.860 1.285 890 1.500
84 40.780 116,3 715 1.895 595 950 1.210 1.285
67 34.530 77 610 1.815 485 880 1.125 1.210
72 75 38.660 94,8 670 1.865 1430 1340 1730 144 545 920 1.180 1.265 1.550 865 1.910 1.320 915 15.550
84 43.300 116,4 735 1.920 610 975 1.240 1.325
67 37.140 77 630 1.830 505 885 1.165 1.255
74 75 41.550 94,4 690 1.880 1480 1390 1780 144 565 935 1.220 1.305 1.600 890 1.980 1.360 940 1.600
84 46.320 115,2 755 1.940 630 995 1.280 1.365
67 39.980 77,5 650 1.855 525 910 1.210 1.305
76 75 44.740 94,7 710 1.910 1529 1440 1860 144 585 940 1.270 1.360 1.670 930 2.040 1.395 965 1.650
84 50.220 116,8 780 1.970 655 1.025 1.335 1.425
67 45.810 77,2 685 2.123 560 935 1.305 1.405
80 75 51.290 95,3 755 2.208 1628 1540 2000 144 625 1.020 1.365 1.465 1.800 1.000 2.180 1.470 1.015 1.750
84 57.430 117,4 830 2.273 700 1.080 1.435 1.530
67 48.500 76,1 700 2.218 575 960 1.340 1.445
82 75 54.400 93,9 770 2.278 1679 1590 2050 144 645 1.020 1.405 1.505 1.850 1.025 2.230 1.505 1.040 1.800
84 61.150 116,6 850 2.338 720 1.085 1.480 1.575

24 25

Technical support, training, spare
parts, assistance, plant upgrading
and refurbishment.


Caster rolls to increase productivity and reduce plant OpEx. Rolling mill stand liners to improve Hot-mill rolls reconditioned multiple times for unlimited roll body lifetime, using
performance and protect the stand from performance-driven custom-made coatings.
imprint damage.

High-quality forged or cast bearing chocks, Automatic cylinders to provide consistent An effective mechanism to control strip Hot and cold leveler rolls, flattener and Zinc Pot rolls and auxiliary equipment to The mechanical and hydraulic screwdown
for rolling mill back-up, work, and service life in the worst mill conditions. shape is work-roll bending. straightener rolls, and tension and improve coated product quality and reduce system allows the roll gap to be opened
intermediate rolls. multi-roll leveler rolls for both the ferrous operational costs. extremely quickly during the rolling of
and non-ferrous metals industry. ingots.


Customized shear blades for the ferrous Hot and cold coilers fitted with the latest technological innovations, and refurbishment High-torque cardan shafts to provide customers with a quality product capable of Top-notch efficient solutions for minimal
and non-ferrous metal industry, designed and overhaul programs to extend mandrel life. withstanding the tough working conditions typical of a steelmaking complex. friction, best lubrication characteristics
to enhance plant performance and and high-quality precision machining.
improve reliability.
26 27


DANOIL Jsw Steel Inc USA Plate Danieli Baoshan I&S Co Ltd PR China Hot Strip SMS Siemag

BEARING North Star Bluescope

Nucor Steel Gallatin
Hot Strip
Hot Strip
Jiangyin Xingcheng Steel
Baosteel Meishan
PR China
PR China
Plate, Steckel
Hot Strip
REFERENCE LIST Altos Hornos Mexico Hot Strip Danieli Hebei Zongheng PR China Hot Strip China First Heavy
Ternium Argentina Hot Strip SMS Siemag Hunan Valin Lianyuan PR China Hot Strip, Plate SMS Siemag
Arcelormittal Tubarao Brasil Hot Strip SMS Siemag Minmetal Yinkou Medium Plate PR China Plate SMS Siemag
Usiminas Ipatinga Brasil Hot Strip Primetals Nanjing I&S Co Ltd PR China Hot Strip -
— EUROPEAN AREA Shagang Zhangjiagang PR China Hot Strip Danieli
Arcelormittal Gent Belgium Hot Strip Danieli Shougang I&S Qian'an PR China Hot Strip SMS Siemag
Outukumpu Finland Hot Strip SMS Siemag Tangshan Guofeng I&S Group PR China Hot Strip Danieli
Ssab Europe Finland Hot Strip, Tandem Danieli Tangshan I&S Co PR China Hot Strip Danieli
In the past 20 years, the Arcelormittal Dunkerque France Hot Strip Primetals Tianjin Tiantie Metallurgy Co PR China Hot Strip China First Heavy
Danieli Group has supplied Wuhan I&S Co PR China Hot Strip SMS Siemag
Arcelormittal Florange France Hot Strip, Tandem Danieli, Primetals
more than 5,000 high-
precision oil-film bearings for Arcelormittal Fos-Sur-Mer France Hot Strip Danieli Xinyu I&S Co PR China Hot Strip China First Heavy
the steel and non-ferrous Arcelormittal Bremen Germany Hot Strip SMS Siemag Zhangjiagang Pohang Stainl. PR China Hot Strip Primetals
industry to more than 150 Salzgitter Flachstahl Germany Hot Strip SMS Siemag — FAR EAST, INDIA, OCEANIA AREA
customers worldwide. Bluescope Australia Hot Strip, Plate, Tandem SMS Siemag, Danieli
Thyssenkrupp Germany Hot Strip, Plate, Tandem SMS Siemag
Today you can recognize our
modern and cost-effective Acciai Speciali Terni Italy Hot Strip - Arcelormittal Nippon Steel India Hot Strip SMS Siemag
oil-film bearings by the DanOil Arcelormittal Italy Italy Hot Strip, Plate, Tandem SMS Siemag, Danieli Bhushan Power & Steel India Hot Strip SMS Siemag
trademark. Liberty Magona Italy Tandem - Jindal Stainless Hisar India Hot Strip -
Marcegaglia Palini & Bertoli Italy Plate Danieli Mishra Dhatu Nigam India Plate Danieli
Metinvest Ferriera Valsider Italy Steckel Danieli Nmdc Limited India Hot Strip Danieli
Liberty Skopje Macedonia Tandem SMS Siemag Sail Bokaro India Hot Strip NKMZ
Arcelormittal Poland Poland Hot Strip Primetals Sail Rourkela India Plate Danieli
Csn Lusosider Portugal Cold - Pt Krakatau Steel Indonesia Hot Strip SMS Siemag
Liberty Galati Romania Hot Strip, Plate, Tandem NKMZ Jfe Steel Keihin Japan Plate IHI
Hbis Serbia Hot Strip, Tandem SMS Siemag Nssmc Nagoya Japan Plate IHI
Arcelormittal Asturias Spain Hot Strip, Plate, Tandem SMS Siemag Nssmc Oita Japan Plate Primetals
Arcelormittal Etxebarri Spain Temper SMS Siemag China Steel Taiwan Hot Strip Primetals
Arcelormittal Sagunto Spain Tandem Danieli Sahaviriya Steel Thailand Hot Strip SMS Siemag
Tata Steel Ijmuiden The Netherlands Hot Strip, Tandem SMS Siemag Hoa Phat Steel Vietnam Hot Strip Danieli
Celsa Steel UK Rod Primetals
Tata Steel Llanwern UK Tandem Danieli
A recent, complete installation of
Tata Steel Port Talbot UK Hot Strip, Tandem Danieli DanOil Bearing at Hoa Phat, Vietnam
Tata Steel Trostre UK Tandem Danieli (Danieli QSP).
Sider El Hadjar Algeria Tandem SMS Siemag
Al Ezz Flat Steel Egypt Hot Strip Danieli
Arcelormittal South Africa Hot Strip, Plate, Tandem Primetals, SMS Siemag, Danieli
Erdemir Turkey Hot Strip, Tandem Danieli
Habas Turkey Hot Strip SMS Siemag
Isdemir Turkey Hot Strip Primetals
Mmk Metalurji Turkey Hot Strip Danieli
Am Temirtau Kazakhstan Hot Strip, Tandem Danieli, Uralmash
Novolipetsk Steel (Nlmk) Russia Hot Strip, Tandem NKMZ, Uralmash
Omk Vyksa Russia Hot Strip Danieli
Pjsc Magnitogorsk I.&S. Russia Hot Strip, Plate, Tandem NKMZ, SMS Siemag
Severstal Russia Hot Strip NKMZ
Azovstal (Metinvest) Ukraine Plate ZDAS
Ilyich M.z. (Metinvest) Ukraine Hot Strip, Plate NKMZ, Skoda
Zaporizhstal (Metinvest) Ukraine Hot Strip, Tandem Danieli
Uzbek Metallurgical Plant Uzbekistan Hot Strip Danieli

28 29

Danieli Engineering
and Service, Austria

Danieli Volga
Danieli Engineering Nizhny Novgorod, Danieli Service Center
Polska, Poland Russia Magnitogorsk, Russia
The Danieli Service Centers All activities and production Morgårdshammar Danieli Service Center
operate with Danieli's manu- processes are carried out in Sweden Ukraine

DANIELI SERVICE facturing know-how to guaran-

tee the same excellent quality
accordance with Danieli’s own
technical standards and with
Danieli Cz.
Czech R.

CENTERS we achieve at our headquar-

ters in Italy and in our wholly
owned facilities in Thailand,
the technical requirements of
international standards.

China, India, Austria, Germa- Danieli worldwide production
Danieli Service
ny, Sweden, Russia, USA, and capacity: Center, UK

WORKSHOPS AND Brazil, and allow us to claim:

“Danieli workshops: same
quality worldwide”.
— 331,800 sqm dedicated to
Danieli Corporation
USA Danieli Spain
Danieli Service Center

and assembly; Daniel
— 185 primary machine tools; Danieli Service Center Italy
Eight regional companies — 45,000 hours per month of Pennsylvania, USA
Danieli Service Center Danieli Engineering
plus a global network provide machining capacity; Danieli Service Center Turkey Japan
Kentucky, USA
full-quality Danieli services — 9,600 tpy gear cutting and Danieli China
close to the customer and a grinding capacity Danieli Service Changshu, China
rapid response to all, main- — 15,000 tpy heat treatment Center, Mexico
Danieli Service Center,
tenance and consultation capacity; Vietnam
requests. — 1,000 sqm thick narrow gap Danieli Service
welding Danieli do Brasil Center, Egypt
— 400 t hoisting capacity.
Danieli Service
Center, Saudi Arabia
Danieli India Ltd, Danieli Service Center,
Mumbai, India Indonesia
Danieli India Ltd, Danieli Thailand,
Sri City, India Rayong, Thailand

> Danieli Headquarters / Italy

Total surface area: 320,000 m2

Workshop area: 92,000 m2
Technical and administrative
offices: 28,000 m2
Start of operations: 1962

< Danieli China < Danieli India

Total surface area: 200,000 m² Total surface area: 320,000 m2

Workshop area: 90,000 m² Workshop area: 41,000 m2
Technical and administrative Technical and administrative
offices: 12,000 m² offices: 2,500 m2
Start of operations: 2007 Start of operations: 2013

> Danieli USA / Ashland (KY)

Total surface area: 30,000 m²

Workshop area: 10,500 m²
Technical and administrative Danieli worldwide
offices: 800 m² Total surface area: 2,032,000 m2
Start of operations:2020
Workshop area: 439,000 m2
Technical and administrative offices: 123,000 m2

30 31

State-of-the-art Dan-
ieli workshops ensure
top-level manufactur-
ing, quality control and
assembly phases, at the
highest levels.



1. A CNC vertical lathe is used for

finishing the bushings to drawing
2. Danieli workshops house three,
state-of-the-art temperature-
controlled inspection rooms to
check DanOil components.
3. The white metal bond strength is
verified by Chalmers test in the
materials testing laboratory. 3.

33042 Buttrio (UD) Italy Danieli Service Center, Tucumán
Tel (39) 0432.1958111 Tel (54) 9351.5514390
Danieli do Brasil, Diadema, São Paolo
Tel (55) 11.39953150
Danieli Service Center, Garza Garcia
Tel (52) 81.83781055
Danieli Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
Tel (1) 724.778.5433
Danieli Ashland, Kentucky
SERVICE CENTERS Tel (1) 724.742.5000


Danieli Engineering and Services Danieli Changshu Metallurgical
Völkermarkt Equipment and Service, Changshu
Tel (43) 4232.51440.6101 Tel (86) 512.52267000

Danieli Service Center, Duisburg Danieli Service Center, Chennai
Tel (49) 203.98567000 Tel (91) 44.30105439

Danieli Engineering Polska, Wroclaw Danieli Service Center, Jakarta
Tel (48) 71.7770510 Tel (62) 21.29333750
RUSSIA Danieli Engineering, Yokohama
Danieli Volga, Nizhny Novgorod Tel (81) 45.651.7077
Tel (7) 8313.310310
Danieli Service Center, Magnitogorsk Danieli Service Center, Seoul
Tel (7) 963.2300135 Tel (82) 2.5626622
Danieli Spain, Vizcaya Danieli Thailand, Rayong
Tel (34) 94.4872800 Tel (66) 38.929000
SMART SERVICES Morgårdshammar, Smedjebacken Danieli Service Center, Hai Phong City
FOR INTEGRATED Tel (46) 240.668500 Tel (84) 9.09689536

DS-GE-105-0421-1.5-01-EN / Copyright © Danieli & C. S.p.A. - All rights reserved

Danieli Service Center, Duzce
Tel (90) 380.553.72.81 AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST


Danieli Service Center, Sheffield Danieli Service Center, Cairo
Tel (44) 1709724306 Tel (20) 2.22.699491
Danieli Service Center, Danieli Service Center, Al-Khobar City
Dnepropetrovsk Tel (966) 3.8993145
Tel (38) 056.7904301
CZECH REPUBLIC Danieli Service Center, Abu Dhabi
THE RELIABLE Danieli Service Center, Prague Tel (971) 0.6749619
AND INNOVATIVE PARTNER Tel (420) 221.594362

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