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Terms and Conditions of Contract

The preliminary studies are terminologies in agreement between parties and their
commercial transaction. The detailed examination on terms and types of contract and are
also divided into condition and warranty, which is classified by express or implied. It
materially emphasizes on valuable condition and extensions of the economic theory of
warranty by explicitly considering the choice of treatment for violation of condition and
warranty. It tries to point out the legal and practical implementation of remedy may be
provided for explicitly in a treaty, void, damages, calling for the restoration or substitution
of the result in question, or for the refund of some portion of the sales price to to the buyer.
Additionally, the warranty clause may limit or exclude certain types of damage claims.

Key Words: Contract, Condition, Warranty, Remedies, Warranty Card

A bond is proved in letters or action, but a legal agreement may execute spoken or
conduct. The terms are express terms and implied terms which are based on the type of the
agreement and the parties’ obvious intentions, or on the principal of law. Terms of treaty are
also divided in condition and warranty. This paper attempts to analysis valuable condition
and theory of warranty by explicitly considering the choice of relief for violation and
describes the practices of them in commercial and consumer contracts. The judicial relief
may be provided for clearly in an agreement, void, damages, calling for the restoration or
substitution of the result in question, or for the refund of some portion of the sales price to
the buyer.
Materials/ Methods
A review was made of the various concepts, terminology and types of contract and
analytical study carried out existing Law of Contract and Sale of Goods Act, data collection
based on loan deed or agreement and warranty cards in current market and internet websites.
It is necessary to know the legal and practical implementation of remedy in a contract,
void, damages, calling for the repair or replacement of the product in question, or for the refund

. Tutor, Department of Law, Co-operative University ( Sagaing )

of some portion of the sales price to the buyer. Furthermore, the warranty clause may restrict or
keep out certain types of damage claims.
1.Definition of Contract
The word contract owes its origin to the Latin term contractual which means drawn
together. An agreement made persons or entities with particular terms and it includes
grantee to do something return back for valuable.
An agreement that is actionable by law is called a contract. 2
According to Salmond, contract is an agreement creating and obligations between
2. Kinds of Contract
There are four categories of Contract. Types of Contracts on the basis of Formation.
Contracts could be arranged in classes in line with the method of their formation as
(a) Express Contract: A promise made in spoken or written. That is to say, a person
shows in writing or by the word of mouth. 3
(b) Implied Contract: It is not made in spoken or written. Such contracts come into
existence on account of doing something or behavior of the person. 4
(c) Quasi Contract: It means no objective between two parties, but the court certified
a contract. In reality, it is not a contract at all, e.g. Finder of lost goods. 5
Types of Contracts on the basis of Nature of Consideration
Bilateral Contracts: If considerations in both directions are to be moved after the contract,
it is called Bilateral Contract.
Unilateral Contract: If considerations are to be moved in one direction only after the
Contract, it is called Unilateral Contract6.
Types of Contracts on the basis of Execution
On this base Contracts can be classified into two groups namely, Executed and Executory
Contracts. If performance is completed, it is called executed contract. 7

. Section 2 (h) of the Contract Act, 1872
. www.lawof of contract.

Kind of Contracts On the basis of Validity

Valid: An agreement shall discharge in accordance with the court of law is called Valid
Void: A bond shall not discharge according to in a court of law is called Void Contract.
Voidable: A promise which is insufficient in only free consent is called Voidable
Illegal: the contract includes unlawful object. Unenforceable: A bond has not suitable
fulfilled legal formalities8
A bond is concluded between two or more person to perform a service, provide a product
or commit to an act, and is actionable by law. There are many kinds of bonds, and each has
specific conditions and provisions.
3.Terms of Contract
The conditions of a agreement are the statements of the rights and duties of parties in the
agreement. What is done, how it will be done and under what circumstances are stipulations
between the parties.
Express terms are specially stated and agreed by both person at the time the
agreement is made. They can either be spoken or in lettering. Implied terms made by
Terms indirect in element
The establishment of five-points test in implied terms such as follows,
Reasonableness and equitableness, Business efficacy, Obviousness, Clear expression: and
Consistency. Implied terms shall put on to informal contracts including Necessity,
Consistency, Clear expression and Obvious.10
Conditions implied in law
These are terms that have been oblique into identical relationships. By means of Statutory
rules, many agreements are provided in specific statutes that cope with certain subjects.
Terms indirect by custom or trade

. www.lawof of contract.
. of of contract.
. Williams & Rogers, Business Law,1915, P.7

It is commonly assured by the custom of the industry. To imply a term by reason of

custom trade, one must verify the existence of the custom, which must be notorious, certain,
legal and reasonable.
Observe the terms definite and indirect, as applied to contracts. If all the provisions and
conditions of the bond are fully spoken or written it shall be express. If something is left unsaid,
which had better be said that it makes a complete contract, the law will imply what is unsaid and
the agreement shall be an implied contract11.
Difference between implied and express terms
'Express' terms mean they are particularly or specifically stated, either verbally or in
writing. There are other contractual terms shall be called 'implied' terms. It does not expressly or
obviously state because, in the main, they are justly clear to both parties to the agreement of
employment. Implied terms include constitutional rights, for example right of an equal pay and
duties and a duty of care.
A significant implied term is the duty of reciprocated belief and confidence, which is
oblique in every employment contract. Some terms may be oblique through tradition and
repetition in an actual trade or with a particular employer.
Tradition and practice established an entitlement, its necessity long-standing, continuous,
routinely received, predictable and famous12.
Therefore, agreement is set down in lettering, any statement, written agreement will
usually be observed as a term. If a statement is left out of a printed agreement, any prior oral
statement is not in the inscribed promise shall be observed as a representation. If it gives rise to a
collateral contract; a verbal declaration can be supposed obligatory even when it is not a
condition of a written contract.
4.Subject Matter of Contract
In particularly the responsibility of the Vender to send goods and to deliver the property
in goods to the Purchaser under the terms and conditions. Purchaser to receive the delivered
possessions from the Vendor and to repay the agreed purchase price is called the Subject-matter
of the Agreement.

. Williams & Rogers, Op.cit, P.7

Goods are things which can be sold and every generous of transferrable property, and
money and include stock and shares, agricultural product, and things attached to, or forming part
of the land-living which are agreed to be severed before sale or under the agreement of sale. It
does not include criminal claim. 13 Goods may be grouped under three heads. They are: Existing
goods, Future goods and Contingent goods.
1.Existing Goods means the vender have owned and possessed things at the moment of
sale. There are three kinds of Existing Goods such as (a) definite /specific goods, (b) ascertained
/determined goods, and (c) unascertained goods. 14
2. Future/Upcoming 1Goods: It is factory-made or attained by the vender after the
promise of auction is made.
3. Contingent Goods: means subtype of upcoming goods, the obtaining of things by the
vender rest on a possibility which may not occur15.
5.Condition of Contract
Contractual term is "any establishment creating portion of an agreement". Each term
set down to a promised obligation, breach of which can take 1a charge by law.
English common law discriminates between important conditions and warranties or
innominate. When one party commits of a stipulation in the pact, the other can reject and be
discharged. But a warranty allows for remedies or preparations and damages but not
complete release. the parties who are making agreement of intention is determined whether a
term is a stipulation or not. However, a condition is a common term and an innominate is a
promise. A promised term is not determined all linguistic in the bond. Warranties is fewer
pure but assurances were imposed more strictly.16
Conditions and Warranties may be either direct or indirect. Express situations and
guarantees are those which the parties themselves have incorporated in the contract. Implied
conditions and warranties are those which are assumed to have been combined in the

. Section 7 (2 ) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Section 2 (4 ) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Section 6 (2 ) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. http://www.wikipedia.contract.htm

Express Conditions
Stipulations are terms that be the very source of a promise. Break of these terms
stretches the right to repudiate the bond, allowing to discharge one.
According to Section 12(2) of Sale of Goods Act, if a stipulation is the main aim of
the agreement, when the commit of which take an accurate to repudiate. 17
These are the extreme significant terms of contract. Serious consequences if
breeched. Innocent party can made agreement as denied and can prosecute for damages.
Courts be liable to examination for evidence that parties really intended term to be such.
Statute may determine certain terms as conditions.18
Implied Conditions
Stipulations and guarantees are those which are included in clear words and all
parties are agreeing at the time of agreement. Those Stipulations are not included in the
bond but the law presumes their existence in the pact is called implied conditions.
Following conditions are implied conditions included by law in to a contract of Sale
of Goods.
1.Condition as to title, in every sale of contract, the indirect terms is that the
condition of a sale, the vender has a right to vend the properties in praesento and (ii) in the
case of an agreement to sell he will have the right to sell at time when assets are to pass. if
Buyer finds the title of seller to be defective, he can deny the agreement.19
In Rowland Vs. Divall the plaintiff bought a motor car from the defendant and
used it for four months. It was discovered that defendant had no title to the car since it was a
stolen one.
Niblett Vs. Confectioners Materials Co.Ltd21 if the goods can be sold only by
infringing the trademark, the seller shall be deemed to have broken the condition that he has
a right to sell the goods.
2. Sale by description: In the case by description, there is an implied condition that
goods shall correspond with the description.22

. Section 12(2) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Emily M. Weitzenboeck, Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law, 2012
. Section 14 (a) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. 1923 , 2 KB 500,
. 1921, 3KB 387
. Section 15 of Sale of Goods Act, 1930

The term “description’’ means words, symbols, number, grade, brand, etc. Lord
Blackburn observed in Bowes Vs. Shand that if you contract to sell peas, you cannot
oblige a party to take beans.
In Andrew Bros Vs. Singer and Co , in place of the promised new car, the buyer
was supplied a car that had run several miles. The buyer may reject the car for breach of
condition as to description.
3. Sale by sample, in the case of contract for the sale of goods by sample, there is an
implied condition:
a. that the bulk shall correspond with the sample in quality;
b. that the buyer shall have a reasonable opportunity of comparing the bulk with
the sample; and
c. that the goods shall be free from any defect rendering them unmerchantable
and which would not be apparent on reasonable examination of the sample.25
Drummond & Sons Vs Van Ingen26 some mixed worsted coatings were sold by
sample. Owing to a latent defect, coats made out it were not fit to stand ordinary wear. The
same defect appeared in the sample but could not be detected on reasonable examination.
Held, the buyer could reject the goods.

4. Sale by sample as well as description, when goods are sold on the basis of sample as
well as description, the implied condition is that the goods shall correspond not only with
the sample but also with the description.27
In Nichol vs. Godts 28 the plaintiff sold to the defendant some oil refined as “foreign
refined” rapeseed oil, “warranted equal to sample”. The oil delivered was equal to sample
but contained a mixture of hemp oil. Held, the plaintiff could reject.
5. Condition as to quality or fitness: Usually in a contract of sale, there is no implied
condition as to quality or fitness of the articles for any particular purpose. Section 16
constitutes an exception to the rules of caveat emptor in the following circumstances:

. 1877, 2AC 455
. 1934, 1KB 17 ,
. Section 17 of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. 1887,12 App.Cas.284
. Section 15 of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. 1854, 10 Ex 191,

(i) the buyer makes the seller know, whether expressly or by implication, the
purpose for which the goods are required,
(ii) the buyer relies on the skill and judgment of the seller, and
(iii) it is the business of the seller to supply goods of that kind in the ordinary
course of his business. 29
In Priest Vs. Last30, a purchased a hot-water bottle from a chemist. A was a draper
who could not be expected to have special knowledge of hot-water bottles. While being used
by A’s wife, the bottle burst and injured her. Held, the seller was liable to pay damages.
In Chanter vs. Hopkins31, the plaintiff purchased a patented smoke consuming
furnace for using it in his brewery. It was not found suitable. It was held that sale under a
patent does not imply fitness for a particular purpose. The seller can recover the price.
6. Condition as to merchantability; where goods are bought by description from a seller
who deals in goods of that description, there is an implied condition that the goods shall be
of merchantable quality. 32
Jackson Vs Rotax and Cycle Co.Ltd.33 a agrees to sell to B some motor horns. Goods
were to be delivered by installments. The first installment was accepted but the second
contained a substantial quantity of damaged horns. Held, the buyer can reject the whole
installment as the goods are not of a merchantable quality.
Thornett & Fehr Vs. Beers & Sons34 X wanted to purchase some glue. The glue was
stored in the seller’s warehouse in barrels. The glue was found to have defects which would
have been discovered by reasonable examination. Held there is no breach of implied
condition as to merchantability.
7. Condition as to wholesomeness: This condition applies in the case of provisions and
foodstuffs which must not only be merchantable but also be wholesome and suitable for

. Section 16 of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. 1903, 2KB 148
. (1838) 4 M&W 399
. Section 16 (2) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. 1910 KB 937
. 1919, 1 KB 486

In Frost Vs. Aylesbury Dairy35 X purchased some milk from Y, a milk dealer. The
milk contained typhoid germs. X’s wife, on taking the milk got infected and died. Held, X
could get damages.
6.Warranties of Contract
A warranty is less imperative than a condition, so the contract will survive a breach.
Breach of either a condition or a warranty will give rise to damages. It is an objective matter
of fact whether a term goes to the root of a contract. Warranties are lesser importance than
conditions, and can be breached without such serious consequences. Innocent party can sue
for damages but is not able to terminate the contract.
A warranty is a stipulation collateral to the main purpose of the contract, the breach
of which gives a right to a claim for damages but not a right to reject goods and to treat the
contract as repudiated. 36
Implied Warranties
Subject to the contract to the contrary, Section 14 recognizes the implied warranties
in a contract of sale; warranty of quiet possession37, warranty of freedom from
encumbrances38 warranty implied by usage of trade 39 and warranty of disclosing dangerous
nature of goods. 40
In Clark & Wife vs. Army & Navy Coop Society Ltd.41 a tin of disinfectant powder
was sold. The seller knew that the opening of the tin needed special care. Yet he did not
warn the buyer. When buyer’s wife was opening the tin, the powder flew into her eyes.
Held, buyer can recover compensation.
7.Remedies for Breach of Condition
There are several remedies for breach of contract, such as award of damages, specific
performance, rescission, and restitution. In courts of limited jurisdiction, the main remedy is
an award of damages and specific performance and rescission are equitable remedies. In the
following cases, the buyer may treat the breach of condition as a breach of warranty:

. 1949
. Section 12(3) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Section 14 (b) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Section 14 (3) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Section 16 (3) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. C L Bansal, Business and Corporate Laws, 2010, P 179
. 1930

1. Voluntary Waiver: When the seller commits a breach of any condition, the buyer, if
he so chooses, may (a) waive the condition or (b) elect to treat the breach of
condition as a breach of warranty. 42
2. Compulsory treatment of conditions as warranty: Where the contract is not
severable, and the buyer has accepted the goods or a part thereof, the breach of any
condition by the seller can be treated as breach of warranty unless there is a term of
the contract, express or implied, to that effect. 43
8.Remedies for Breach of Warranty
A warranty is a term of the contract. The remedy for breach of warranty, wronged party
has been performed of the breached term correctly. The warranty is a pervasive element of both
commercial and consumer sales contracts; besides price and quantity terms, it is often the most
important item in contract negotiation.
Where stipulation in a contract is collateral to the main purpose of the contract, it is only
a warranty. When there is a breach of warranty, he has the right to claim only damages. A
breach of warranty, it cannot be treated as a breach of condition.44
On first thought the prevalence of repair-or-replacement warranties is surprising to economists
because consumers should prefer money-refund warranties. Refunds are a type of cash transfer
from the seller to the buyer, while repair and replacement constitute in-kind transfers.45
A warranty then is a promise, and if that promise is breached, some remedy must be
forthcoming. The remedy may be provided for explicitly in a contract, calling for the repair
or replacement of the product in question, or for the refund of some portion of the sales price
to the buyer. 46
Therefore, at the time of agreeing to the contract of sale, both the buyer and seller,
puts a number of stipulations regarding payment, delivery, quality, quantity, etc. These
stipulations can be either condition or warranty, which depends on the nature of the contract.
Every contract of sale has a number of implied conditions and warranties.

. Section 13 (1) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Section 13 (2) of Sale of Goods Act, 1930
. Kenneth Chapman and Michael J. Meurer , Efficient Remedies for Breach of Warranty, 1989, P.109
. Kenneth Chapman and Michael J. Meurer , Op.cit, P.110

9. Legal Practice of Condition and Warranty in Contract

(a) Capital Loan Contract
Capital Loan Contract is in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged by each of the parties hereto, the parties hereto hereby
covenant and agreement. Sample of Loan Agreement is followed;
1. Introduction
The Lender will make available to the Borrower the full sum of [insert amount in words]
Kyat [insert in numbers] in the form of a loan on the basis of the terms and conditions within
this Loan Agreement.
2. Loan Repayment Date
The principal amount of the Loan together with all interest due under this Agreement
shall be repaid in full by the close of business on [insert full date].
3. Loan Repayment Schedule
3.1 The first repayment shall be made by the Borrower to the Lender on [insert date] and
subsequent payments will be made [insert time period, for example, monthly or quarterly].
3.2 The first repayment amount shall be of [insert amount in words] Kyats [insert in
3.3 Subsequent repayment amounts shall be for the same amount, subject to changes in
the base rate of [insert bank name] Bank plc.
3.4 Any changes in the base rate of [insert bank name] Bank plc will be apportioned on a
daily basis for the month in which the change occurs.
4. Early Repayment
4.1 The Borrower on giving the Lender three months written notice may repay the entire
Loan - the principal amount and all interest owing up to the date of actual repayment.
4.2 Alternatively the Borrower may give the Lender written notice of immediate
repayment of the entire Loan - the principal amount and all interest owing up to the date of actual
repayment. The Borrower will also pay an additional three months interest in lieu of notice to the

5. Loan Purpose
5.1 The Loan shall be used exclusively for following specified purpose: [insert details of
what the loan will be used for]
5.2 The Borrower shall not use the Loan for any other purpose without the prior written
approval of the Lender.
6. Documentation
6.1 The Loan amount will only be made available to the Borrower once the Lender
receives and approves copies of the following documentation:
If the Borrower is a company:
6.1.1 A copy of the resolution made by the directors of the company agreeing and
approving that the company borrows the sum of the loan from the Lender. The resolution must
also be signed and approved by the company secretary.
6.1.2 A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Borrower, which
must be certified by the company secretary as complete and up to date. If the Borrower is a
6.1.3 All of the partners within the partnership must sign this Loan Agreement.
7. Loan Interest
The interest on the principal amount of the Loan outstanding shall accrue daily at the rate
of [insert amount in words] per cent, [ ]% per annum above the base rate of [insert bank
name] Bank plc as varied from time to time.
Therefore, a loan agreement is an agreement between two parties that outlines the
stipulations of a loan and its repayment terms. Loan agreement is an important measure to take
when taking out or giving a loan because they legally bind both parties to the agreement.

(b) Warranty Card

Express warranties may be created by any number of oral or written statements. The
express warranty may be created by means of an affirmation of fact or promise that is part of the
basis of the bargain, a description of the goods that is part of the basis of the bargain and a
sample or model that is part of the basis of the bargain.

General Warranty
Seller’s Products are carefully inspected for manufacturing defects; however, it is not
always possible to detect hidden defects. Said Products are warranted to the extent that
Seller will repair or replace without charge or issue a credit, should this be the most practical
resolution to a validated warranty claim.
Limitations of Remedy
Damages, warranties, and liability in the event of any breach of warranty by the Seller,
the exclusive remedy of the customer shall be the REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT of the non-
conforming goods in the manner and for the period of time as provided in the “warranty”.
Warranty Covers
This Limited Lifetime Warranty is provided only to the original user of the or distributor
authorized. Seller warrants to the original user or to the authorized distributor, if used in
accordance with these instructions, will be free of defects in material and workmanship.
Warranty Lasts
This Limited Lifetime Warranty lasts as long as the original user or authorized
distributor. Repair or replacement as provided under this Limited Lifetime Warranty is the
EXCLUSIVE remedy under this Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Warranty Lasts
This Limited Lifetime Warranty lasts as long as the original user or authorized
distributor. Repair or replacement as provided under this Limited Lifetime Warranty is the
EXCLUSIVE remedy under this Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Warranty Does Not Cover
This Limited Lifetime Warranty does not apply to one or more of the following:
1. Valves that have been subject to abuse, misuse, neglect, accident, fire, improper
installation, storage, handling or adjustment, or corrosion.
2. Acts of God, including, but not limited to fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake,
electro-static or any other similar natural cause beyond the control of Seller.
3. Valves that have been modified or altered outside of or beyond Seller specifications.
4. Valves used in application other than those recommended by Seller, either in its most
recent catalog or in the instructions.

5. Freight charges, installation cost, labor cost, damage to related components, and cost
incurred due to down time, from normal wear and tear of the valve.
What to do and make a claim
To make a claim under this Limited Lifetime Warranty, product must be returned to
Seller for evaluation and disposition. Please contact Seller for a Return Material Authorization
(RMA) number prior to sending product back. When returning the product, please include (i)
written proof of purchase, which includes the date, amount, and place of purchase; (ii) a written
description of the claimed defect(s) using with a photo of the application if practical; and (iii)
completed Material Safety Disclosure Form.
Seller shall return for warranty claim to investigate the claimed defects, and the original
user or authorized distributor shall give Seller (or its agents) reasonable access to the application
of the valve for inspection purposes.
Application of Additional Warranties
In no event shall Seller be liable to the original user or authorized distributor or third
parties for lost profits, consequential, incidental, punitive, exemplary or other similar damages.
This Limited Lifetime Warranty gives the original user and authorized distributor certain
specific legal rights and the original user or authorized distributor may also have other rights that
vary from product to product.47
10. Examples for Warranty Cards in Myanmar
Super Cook Warranty Card is one of the household products selling in Myanmar. Their
warranty card was mentioned as follows;
▪ All Products, Super Cook will repair any defective component for 12 month from the
date of purchase.
▪ If the lost of warranty card, it will loss the right to repair.
Above Mention Warranty Card of super cook is the time limitations of remedy and
exclusion of replacing another new one.
While a seller of goods may create a warranty in multiple ways and claim for breach of
warranty. A warranty is a statement or representation, made by a seller of goods as a part of a
contract of sale, concerning the character, quality, or title of goods.

. Warranty Statement, the most current General Terms and Conditions and Warranty Statement at
( )

Contractual terms are classified differently depending upon the context or
jurisdiction. Common law distinguishes between important conditions and guarantees, with
a breach of a condition by one party allowing the other to repudiate and be discharged while
a warranty allows for remedies and damages but not complete discharge. By means of the
intention of the parties whether or not a term is a condition is determined. However, a
stipulation is a generic term and a warranty is a promise. Not all linguistic in the agreement
is determined to be a contractual term.

First of all, I would like to express my grateful thanks to Dr. Ye Aye, Rector, Co-operative University
(Sagaing ) and Dr. Theingi Nyo, Professor and Head , Department of Law, Co-operative University (Sagaing ) for
allowing me to do research paper. Furthermore, my special thanks go to everyone, who has each in their own way,
contributed to its completion from the early stages to final writing up of this research paper.

Contract Act, 1872
Sale of Goods Act, 1930
C L Bansal, Business and Corporate Laws, 2010
Emily M. Weitzenboeck, Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law, 2012
Kenneth Chapman and Michael J. Meurer , Efficient Remedies for Breach of Warranty, 1989
Williams & Rogers, Business Law,1915
Warranty Statement, the most current General Terms and Conditions and Warranty Statement at
( )
http://www.lawof of contract custom-and-practice

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