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Vol. 3 No. 2 Geneva, Switzerland September 2002

At the Salle Central Madeleine

UP Singing Ambassadors in
“A Glimpse of Philippine Culture
in songs and dances”

The Prayer
David Foster/Carol Sager arr. Ed Manguiat
Deu vos Guard
R. Noguera
Quell’ augellin che canta
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Wohlauf ihr Gaste
Erasmus Widmann (1572-1634)
Il est bel et bon
Pierre Passereau (1509-1547)
Au joli jeu
Clement Janequin (c. 1475-1558)
Turtle Dove (English folksong)
arr. R. Vaugham Williams The University of the Philippines Sing- August, a distinct honor and privilege for winning
Alleluia (fr. Exsultate Jubilate) ing Ambassadors’ (UPSA) will be performing the Premio Cittadi Arezzo, the dream prize for choirs
W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)
Prayer of St. Francis
again in Geneva on the 14th of September 2002 and conductors worth their salt. Here they won
Allan Pote, arr. R. Delgado at 19h00 at the Salle Central Madeleine. second prize.
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Dubbed as “a glimpse of Philippine Culture The grand prize was preceeded by two First
(trad.) arr. Charles Higgins in songs and dances,” the show promises to be Prizes in the Mixed Choir & Folk Categories at
WOW! Philippines
another unforgetable cultural event. the XLIX Concorso Polifonico Internazionale
Ilay Gandangan UPSA’s very successful 3rd International “Guido d’ Arezzo” in Arezzo, Italy, considered
(an ethnic worship of the sun chant) European Tour & Competitions 2001 left a the “Olympics” in choral singing.
Rodolfo Delarmente stamp in its 21-year history with memorable The UPSA, the State University’s official
Kaming Magmamani
performances including the very emotional Performing Group for Choreographed Choral
(We, peanut farmers)
arr. Lucio San Pedro Ecumenical Service at the American Church in Music, has performed all types of music from the
Maala-ala Mo Kaya? Paris as covered by the French national TV and classicals, international songs, spirituals, Filipino ethnic
Constancio de Guzman, arr. Ed Manguiat CNN, in memory of the Sept. 11 Twin Towers and kundiman, to Broadway, English and Filipino
tragedy in New York; the Laureate’s Concert at pop/jazz, gospel and inspirational songs, and even
arr. Fidel Calalang
Dahil Sa ‘Yo the historic 500-year old St. Martin’s Cathedral in rock music. As ambassadors of Philippine culture, it
Because of you. A cause de toi. Bratislava, Slovakia where Hungarian and includes cultural dances, costumes and traditions of
arr. Fabian Obispo Austrian kings were crowned; and the touching the ethnic North and South as part of its international
Ti Ayat Ti Maysa Nga Ubing
outreach performance at the Hospice Pacheco, a repertoire. This earned the group a nomination in
arr. Fabian Obispo
Pong-pong Guinapong home for the aged in Brussels, Belgium. the recently-concluded ALIW AWARDS.
arr. Fabian Obispo Prestigious choral competitions in This year’s UPSA concert in Geneva is
Rosas Pandan Wernigerode, Germany; Trencianske Teplice. sponsored by the Steering Committee of the
P. Cabahas, arr. George Hernandez
Slovakia; Cantonigros, Spain; Arezzo. Italy and Filipino Community in cooperation with the
Medley of Ryan Cayabyab Songs Maasmechelen. Belgium earned for UPSA two Philippine Mission.
Ryan Cayabyab, arr. Graystone Ives (2) Grand Prizes. eight (8) First Prizes, and eight Tickets are available at the following outlets:
Michelle (8) special prizes. Mabuhay Asian Shop, Bahay Kubo, Video-Club
John Lennon/Paul McCartney, arr. Ed Manguiat
This year, UPSA represented Arezzo and the Hollywood and Kakkampi or at the gates of the
Sometimes You Just Know
Parfois on sait, Danny Tan Philippines in the EUROPEAN GRAND PRIZE Salle Central Madeleine at rue de Madeleine 10, 1204
FOR CHORAL SINGING held in Italy last Geneva.
EDITORIAL A glimpse of the Manila nightlife
by Gabriel

TURNING CHALLENGES Krinnnnggggg!!!!! There goes my mobile again ringing on the tune of
Game na Game ka na ba? theme song followed by an inundation of messages,
INTO OPPORTUNITIES which one read:
Hoy mama, we’re here na in Glorietta, asan kaw?
Glorietta, right at the heart of the Philippine business district is a
Our readers will remark that in this issue of the Buklod Mecca of all sorts of leisure, best restaurants,
Kabayan, we have stories of Filipinos who have excelled and hippest bars, super malls, luxurious hotels
Filipinos who are reaching out to assist our kababayans. It is and a familiar relaxing ambiance filled with all
our kababayans from different walks of life.
heart-warming to be reminded of the quest for excellence and Leaving our cars in the multiple level
noble aspirations that have been inculcated among the Filipinos. basement parking area, we can then take the
elevator up which later opens us into a world
Certainly, our country and people are facing significant of fun, people, food and entertainment that
awaits yuppies looking for a place to unwind
challenges. What is important is for us to continue to consider after a week’s hard work in the office. We
that we can turn these challenges into opportunities. When started the night with a sumptuous but a quick
we encounter a rock on our path, it is up to us whether we dinner in Dusit Thani, then later caught the
premier of the “Signs” by Mel Gibson.
will regard it as a stumbling block or a stepping stone.
Another one of those movies, which
shows our fear of the unknown. I guess Filipinos have a knack for
We need to remind ourselves that we have in us the Hollywood movies. Be it a love story like
capability to excel – as exemplified by those we have featured “A Walk to Remember” or a suspense thriller
in this issue. We need to have the faith, the desire and take like the “Signs”, always expect long queues
from the cinema door to Starbucks coffee.
the necessary action– and excel we can, excel we will.
Speaking of cofee, the latter reminds me that
I have not taken my iced cappuccino shot for
The Steering Committee of the Filipino Community in the the day.
Geneva region seeks to promote this ideal and to encourage As everybody is anticipating the fantastic
us Filipinos to be proud of our heritage and our characteristics, effects and the all digital Dolby surround that
Quad IV can offer, we see a lot of familiar
overall, as Filipinos. We have been referred to as a wonderful faces, people we know, people who knows
people. We are! And let us continue to be so. us and people we know but don’t know us
(I’m more on the last group of people). Then,
Let us be proud to be Filipinos. Mabuhay ang Filipino. you hear your name being called from the
end of the line, you walk by and bump to an
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas. old friend, have a chitchat and then exchange
email addresses and mobile numbers. That means some more messages to
flood my mobile’s memory.
After the movies, at around 11:30 pm, the night is still young and
people are still coming in to these gimmick places looking so fresh and neat
(as if straight from the beauty parlor). We headed to the nearest bar, just
below the cinema and beside Oakwood Premier Ayala Center, into “Tequila
Buklod Kabayan Joe” for a drink, a night cap, chill out
with some more people to meet and
Published by the Steering Committee just listen to the latest craze in the
of the Filipino Community in Geneva
Manila music scene. I guess the
Filipino taste buds for alcohol
evolved through the years, from the
local lambanog, to “markang
Theresa ALMIROL, Nep CASTILLO, demonyo” and now Mexican tequila?
Rodolfo de GUZMAN, Marian Victoria HERNANDEZ, I will not be surprised what they’re
Erwin POLICAR, Ricardo ROMEA, Joseph SYCIP going to come up with next…….. a
Layout by: Joseph SYCIP cocktail of vodka and Old Spice?
Then I heard it again, Kringggggggg! There goes my mobile, but this time
Articles, opinions, letters to the Editors, and other it’s not a familiar tune but rather an irritating and getting louder buzz of an
manuscripts should be in Pilipino or English, typed in MS Word and
sent to :
alarm, telling me that:
It’s 7:00 am, I am here in Geneva and not Makati and I need to
The views and opinions expressed by the authors are solely their own
and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Steering Committee of wake up and to head for work in the UN office.
the Filipino Community in Geneva
2 Well, it was such a reminiscing dream, it feels so real, the sounds are so
vivid and the sights so three dimensional. I had another Glimpse of Manila
with a free airfare. Sorry na lang mga kapatid wala akong nabitbit na
2 Buklod Kabayan September 2002
Centre in Geneva Opens MAKING A DIFFERENCE
The Philippine Cultural Centre in Geneva Valentine’s 2002 will never be the same for the Some 40 members of KAKKAMPI
spins-off with an open house on the 29th of CFC – Singles for Christ (SFC). This season of love is (Kapatiran para sa Karapatan at Kaunlaran
September 2002, Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at celebrated in many parts of the Philippines with the ng Manggagawang Pilipino sa Ibayong-
30A rue de la Servette. holding of the annual International Leader’s Conference
dagat) went on a fishing and cave explora-
The Centre aims to promote Philippine of SFC. Singles look forward to this opportunity to
culture as a way of life in Geneva through spend their love-filled day with the Lord and not tion tour last 18 August 2002 in Vallorbe, in
Philippine gastronomy in an atmosphere exuding tempted to do other things. This year’s ILC was held the canton of Vaud.
with Filipino warmth and hospitality and in Dumaguete City from 15-17 February and was Around 20 kilos of fresh truite were
characterize by furniture and products made in attended by some 3,600 participants. What made it fished out, grilled, and served during the
the Philippines. different from the other past conferences? Inspired lunchtime get-together discussion which
One of the feature areas of the Centre is the with powerful talks, vibrant singing and praising, the focused on the upcoming plans of the group
Reading Room. The Reading Room aims to organizers came up with a heaven-sent idea of creating -- expanding computer classes, fund raising
showcase Philippine-made furnishings and a game for everybody. A game where there will be no activities at the Fête des Paquis and plans
decorations and serve as a library. Anyone visiting losers. Composed of 20-30 members each team, the
for a big October dance party.
will be motivated by the eclectic surrounding of goal of the game is to build houses for the poor.
style and comfort to view audio visual materials Provided with all the materials needed on a love-filled
or perhaps browse available information on Saturday morning, it was a “Ready, Get set, Go!!!!!”

Photo Credit: Dennis de Guzman

what’s on in the Philippines as well as Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo learned about
culture and heritage. this endeavor and personally flew in to Dumaguete
The Cultural Centre aims to cater to the City to witness this wonderful event. This was
Filipinos and their friends living in Geneva with featured in her weekly show entitled “May Gloria ang
various socio-cultural activities. The Centre will Bukas Mo”. During the show, GMA had a dialogue
provide classes on: ballroom dancing for those with the Gawad Kalinga (GK) National Coordinators
who are interested to dance in pairs or as a couple; headed by Bro. Tony Meloto. Inspired by the actions
Filipino folk dances for those who are interested of Singles in helping the poor and motivated to elevate
to experience dances of Filipino heritage, their way of living, GMA granted P30 million to build
Hawaiian Polynesian dances for those interested one thousand houses for the poor.
with dances of the islands; and aerobics Spearheaded by Bro. Tony, the GK project
specifically designed for the Filipina vigour. The KAKKAMPI members disembark from bus in Vallorbe
have spread far and wide and finally reached Geneva.
Centre is also available to rent for use for private Local SFC here has adopted the GK cause with After a short siesta, the group proceeded
activities and events. Freddie Clemente as the coordinator. Finally we to explore the Vallorbe caves. Minerals, sta-
The Philippine Cultural Centre in Geneva is can truly say that Filipinos wherever they may be
spearheaded by Evelyn Hernandez-Leonor of lactites and stalagmites lay abundant inside
can work hand in hand to make a difference.
Bahay Kubo and Dolores Macaraeg of Eurasia the caves. An underground stream which
Trust & Securities Sarl. (mvh) flowed naturally fascinated the group.
FILIPINO ARTIST On the way back to Geneva, most of the

API BOWLING PRESENTS SECOND groups’ members were exhausted, tired, yet
very happy as they snored heavily while
TOURNEY sleeping in their comfortable airconditioned
tourist bus seats.
After a succesful exhibit at the Palais des
On 29 September 2002, The Association Nations last summer, Marissa Gonzales, a
Philippine International (API) is organizing Filipino artist and resident of Switzerland GENEVA-MANILA-EXPRESS
a get-together bowling tournament in order presents her Second collection of string Rue du Mont Blanc 11, 4th floor
to raise funds for the education of 30 instruments on tromp l’oeil background painted 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
underprivileged students in the Philippines. on Jusi from 7 September till 10 October 2002 (in front of the Mont Blanc Post Office)
Around 12 lanes of the Bowling Meyrin at Biblioteque Communale of Crans-près- Tel No. 022 731 7916
Celigny. Fax no. 022 731 7917
Center will be reserved and open to all Announcement of New Opening Hours:
participants. The bowling tournament will Paintings may be viewed as per the
Monday 1:00PM - 6:00PM
following schedule:
start precisely at 9:30 a.m. up to 4 p.m. The Monday 19h30 to 21h00
Tuesday - Friday 10:30AM - 6:00PM
restaurant at the Meyrin Bowling Center will Saturday 1:30PM - 4:00PM
Wednesday 13h30 to 15h30 Sunday Closed
be open for all participants. A 50 CHF entree Friday 14h00 to 15h30
fee to the tournament will be charged for Saturday 10h00 to 12h00 Transmission outside the above schedule is
five games of competition. Those interested by appointment.
How to get there: take the lake road direction Available for UBS bank to bank permanent
to join the tournament can please contact Lausanne, turn right at Celigny and follow orders service.
Grace Baehler at 022 349 06 41 o r signs to Crans. When in Crans, look for Centre Account name: G.M.E ch Manila Express for registration. Sportive. Account no. 240-445855.01W

Buklod Kabayan September 2002 3

ni Tet Almirol at Nep Castillo

Noong taong 1997, isang labing-tatlong taong gulang na

batang Pilipino ang natuklasan ng sa isang sikat na Swiss football
team dito sa Geneva. Si Ariel R. Nucum, tubong Pampanga, pangalawa
sa tatlong anak nina Ricardo at Virginia Nucum. Ang larong football
ay natutunan lamang niyang laruin dahil sa isang kaibigan na
nagpahiram sa kanya ng bola. Sinubukang paglaruan ang bola at ito

Photo by: Nep Castillo

ay kanyang madaling natutunan. Hanggang ang hilig na ito ay nauwi
sa pagsali sa isang di-kilalang football team. Sa kadahilanang may
kaiba siyang bilis at galing sa larong ito, napag-alaman ng namumuno
ng Servette Football Club (SFC) si Ariel. Sinadya siyang puntahan
ng SFC at hiniling siyang suma-ilalim sa isang linggong pagsusulit.
May walong daang kabataan mula sa iba’t-ibang lugar sa
Switzerland ang kasabay niya sa pagsusulit nguni’t walo lamang
silang nakapasa. Sa murang edad na 13 gulang, napagpasiyahan ng
SFC na magpalipas muna ng 2 taon bago siya tuluyang
makapaglalaro sa grupo nila. Nguni’t makalipas lamang ang isa’t
kalahating taon, 14 at kalahating gulang na si Ariel, binalikan na
kaagad siya ng SFC. At dito nagsimulang lumabas ang galing niyang
maglaro sa larangan ng football.
Ngayong taong 2002, siya ay labing walong taong gulang
na, may taas na 165 centimetros, timbang na 67 kilo at may
katamtaman at malusog na pangangatawan. Ang pag-aaral niya sa Si Ariel Nucum, Pilipino, 18 taong gulang na manlalaro ng football.
pangalawang antas sa Nicolàs Beauvier annexe lissignol at ang
paglalaro ng football ang tanging kanyang pinagkaka-abalahan sa Sa kasalukuyan, si Ariel ay ipinahiram muna ng SFC sa isang
kasalukuyan. Sa loob ng apat na taong paglalaro ng football, marami football team na nagngangalang Club Sportif Chênois (CSC)
na siyang narating na lugar sa iba’t-ibang bahagi ng daigdig. At sa magmula nung huling linggo ng Agosto.
lahat ng mga larong ito, ang pagiging striker ang naka-atas na Ang CSC ay nag-alok ng isang magandang kontrata na
posisyon sa kanya. Sa isang football team, ang striker ay ang hindi niya matanggihan kaya’t siya ay sa kanila muna maglalaro sa
frontliner. Siya ang dapat gumagawa ng puntos para sa team. loob ng isang taon. Si Ariel ay semi-professional na at para maging
Maliban sa pagiging frontliner, ang isang striker ay dapat maliksi at isang lubusang professional, isang taon na lang ang kanyang
mabilis tumakbo. At dito talaga umaangat ang galing ni Ariel. Sa hihintayin. At ayon kay Ariel, walang kasiguraduhan ang paglalaro
loob ng isang taon, mayroong halos tatlumpong laro ang kanilang niya ng football. Sa tuwing siya ay maglalaro, doble ang kanyang
nilabanan. At sa bawa’t laro ay lima o anim na puntos ang nagagawa ingat dahil nagkaroon na siya ng tatlong operasyon sa kanyang
niya. kamay at ang kanyang kaliwang hita ay mayroon ng bakal. Ang huli
Noong nakaraang taon, dumayo ang SFC sa Malaysia at ay hindi dulot ng football kundi dahil ito sa isang aksidente noong
nitong taon ay sa Abu Dhabi naman. Sa parehong pagkakataon, si siya ay musmos pa lamang. Kaya’t sa bawa’t laro, bukod sa dobleng
Ariel ay inanyayahang maging manlalaro. Sa Malaysia, inalok siyang ingat, maraming dasal ang kanyang tanging dala. Kung sakaling
maging Malaysian citizen nguni’t kailangan niyang manirahan doon hindi siya magtuloy sa football, ibig niyang pumasok sa larangan
upang makuha ang estadong ito. At sa Abu Dhabi naman, bagamat ng business dahil ang kanyang kurso ngayon ay Commerce. At sa
hindi niya kailangang magpalit ng Filipino-Swiss na estado, kailangan dahilang hindi pa siya nakakatapos ng pag-aaral, napaka-aga pa
doon siya maninirahan. Pareho niya itong tinanggihan dahil mas para malaman kung ano talaga ang nakalaan sa kanyang kinabukasan.
gusto niyang makapiling ang kanyang pamilya dito sa Geneva. Kaya’t kahit na siya ay abala sa paglalaro ng football, ang pag-aaral
pa rin niya ang pangunahin.
Si Ariel ay naninirahan na dito sa Geneva magmula pa nung
siya ay walong taong gulang pa lamang. Nguni’t ang pasasalita ng
Tagalog ay patuloy pa rin niyang pinag-aaralan. Ang ‘po’ at ‘opo’
ay lagi pa ring nakakabit sa kanyang pakikipag-usap sa nakatatanda.
At marunong din siyang magkapampangan. Kaya’t kapag sila’y
nagbabakasyon sa Pilipinas, walang sagabal sa pakikitungo niya sa
kanilang mga kamag-anak.
Isang magandang halimbawa sa kabataan si Ariel, kaya’t
ang kanyang payo sa tulad niyang kabataan, pag-igihin ang pag-
aaral, tandaan ang mga itinuturo ng mga magulang at laging
magdarasal sa Diyos. At ang payo niya sa ating lahat, bagama’t
tayo ay nasa dayuhang lugar na ito, taas noo pa rin tayo dahil tayo
Si Ariel at ang kanyang pamilya
ay tunay na Pilipino.
4 Buklod Kabayan September 2002
Bahay Kubo : A Legacy of Authentic
Filipino Cuisine
by Gabriel

There are times in every Filipino expatriate’s life that we just want to We were fortunate to have an interview with its Food and Beverage
drop everything we’re doing and head straight to the airport to board the connoisseur and a full-blooded Filipino entrepreneur, Evelyn Hernandez-
next flight for Manila. Something about our country makes us look forward Leonor.
to our next trip home and so I pose this question: Gabriel: How did you stumble upon this business opportunity of
What do we really miss about our homeland aside from our love ones? bringing the best Filipino cuisine in Geneva, a known haven for gastronomic
Voila! Our ever reliable “super asim sinigang”, diversity?
the “palabok sa kanto”, Tita’s unforgettable Evelyn: The making of this concept
“adobo”, and of course having that simple feeling stretched for almost two years. From the
of just being “home”. mandatory feasibility studies, to the importing
Well guys, we’re never far from home, just a of all Filipino furniture and accents and to its
stone throw away from Geneva center, located at financing as supported by a very generous
Rue de la Faucile, is our very own Bahay Kubo.A friend.
fine dining restaurant that highlights the authentic Gabriel: Geneva is like a melting pot
Filipino cuisine done in the same way from where different cuisines merge, from the well-
generation to generation served in the traditional known Mediterranean to the exotic Cambodian
Filipino hospitality of warmth and service with a cuisine. How do you position our very own
smile. As we enter the restaurant, the ambiance Filipino dishes?
reminds us of our native ancestral house that Evelyn: Filipino cuisine is one of
showcases the Filipino culture. Named after the the best yet not so popular in the mainstream
ubiquitous dwelling made of abaca, coconut dining. We have to focus on being different by
lumber, pawid and other indigenous local using our innate creativity and resourcefulness.
materials, Bahay Kubo is a symbol of the Filipino Where in Geneva will you find a hand-woven
resourcefulness and close family ties, thus abaca basket used as a billfold? We also need
bestows an ambiance of the Filipino’s way of life to be exotic and ethnic. From our basic furniture
and a heritage of good food. up to our table napkin, all are fully imported
Never to be missed suggestion in the menu is from the Philippines and made by Filipinos.
the Lechon. A chosen suckling pig roasted to Gabriel: Last important question;
perfection making it crispy to the bite accented Evelyn, before you head back to your kitchen.
with that special Lechon sauce. A trip to Bahay can I have the recipe for that mouth-watering
Kubo is never complete without savoring the and palate-tempting Ensalada Filipina that we
Lumpiang Sariwa. Spring rolls with sautéed fresh just had?
vegetables wrapped in a homemade crepe topped
with peanut sauce. Truly a gastronomic pleasure For reservations, call 022-733-1407 and
that only Bahay Kubo can offer. visit our website at


In the Philippines, Filipinos were What antibiotic did Filipino doctor Who was the Filipino-American dancer
introduced to the English language in 1762 Abelardo Aguilar co-discover? Hint: Brand who scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT? Joyce
by British invaders, not by Americans. is Ilosone, named after Iloilo. Erythromycin. Monteverde of California.
What is the world’s 3rd largest English- The one-chip video camera was first made Who invented the fluorescent lamp?
speaking nation, next to the USA and the by Marc Loinaz, a Filipino inventor from New Thomas Edison discovered the electric light
UK? The Philippines. Jersey. The first ever international and the fluorescent lighting was thought
The USA bought the Philippines, Puerto Grandmaster from Asia was Eugenio Torre up by Nikola Tesla. But the fluorescent lamp
Rico and Guam from Spain in 1898. The who won at the Chess Olympiad in Nice, we use today was invented by Agapito Flores
Filipino-American Independence War from France in 1974. (a Cebu man named Benigno Flores of
1898 to 1902 ensued, killing 4,234 This son of two Filipino physicians scored Bantayan Island, according to the
Americans and how many Filipinos? 16,000 over 700 on the verbal portion of the Philippine Daily Inquirer), a Filipino
were killed in action and 200,000 died from Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) before scientist. Americans helped then Philippine
famine and pestilence. (The Philippines lost age 13 - Kiwi Danao Camara of Punahou leader Ramon Magsaysay to develop it for
and was colonized until 1946.) School, Hawaii. worldwide commerce.
Los Angeles, California was co-founded Edward Sanchez, a Mensa member, Who was the first Asian and/or Filipino to
in 1781 by a Filipino named Antonio bagged the grand prize in the first snatch America’s Pulitzer Prize? Philippines
Miranda Rodriguez, along with 43 Latinos Philippine Search for Product Excellence in Herald war journalist Carlos P. Romulo in
from Mexico sent by the Spanish Information Technology. 1941. (He was also the first Asian to become
government. UN General Assembly President.)

Buklod Kabayan September 2002 5

About OFWNet Foundation &
OFW International Holdings
Dear Brothers, Sisters, Friends, and all Overseas Filipinos around the globe:
This is a personal invitation to you, if you would, to join us in establishing the OFW Bank and join OFWNet Foundation. The Foundation is a fleet of help
and assistance to us OFW’s. Both are separate entities that go hand and hand working together for the Overseas Filipinos Worldwide (OFW). The envisioned
bank is for the economic empowerment and the Foundation takes care of the political empowerment and welfare of the OFW’s.
To give a brief description, there was a thought and fact that we OFW, were deprived from many of our rights, though called modern day heroes, yet we do
not really feel that way. With that, few of our OFW colleagues and kababayans (that have a heart for the OFW) saw a Vision, a noble one, that one day we will
be united having the economic and political empowerment for a better life and government of the Filipino.
This VISION is now becoming a REALITY. We have set up the OFW International Holdings company and registered in SEC. There are now few businesses
under the Holdings that are in operation or soon to be operated namely: OFW Financing, OFW Insure, OFW Travel and Tours and OFW Remit. Each one was
built and design for the benefit of us OFW’s wherever you might be, even when you are thrown back to the Philippines. The aim of these businesses is to assist
and serve those who will patronize the services of these businesses and later, they can even own a business of the same through the OFW Holdings.
Soon to come will be the OFW Bank…The Bank of the OFW’s, by the OFW’s and for the OFW’s.
OFW Bank is envisioned to become a universal bank to serve all the banking needs of overseas Filipinos and their families, as well as a source of income for
OFW’s when they have returned home and have decided to stay for good. The Bank is there to motivate you, guide you and help you reach your ambitions. Fully-
owned, operated and patronized by Overseas Filipinos (OF) themselves, not being controlled by a rich individual or big companies, the OFW Bank is envisaged
to be the “sweetest fruit and nectar” of the sweat, sacrifices and labor of the Filipinos who ventured outside of the mother country.
The only thing you need to give away is your TRUST and US$220.
Before my challenge was: What if, this OFW Bank did not succeed? What have
you lost? $220.00 that’s all. What if, this OFW Bank dream become a reality?
What will you gain? Broaden your imagination and you’ll see for yourself. What is the probability of winning? 1:1 Afraid of losing $220 which might be a
fortune for you and your family someday. In game of chance. 1:100 or 1:1000, or maybe 1:10000000000000 and yet, many subscribe to game of chance. Diyan
tayo mahilig, ang gustong maging instant milyonaryo di ba?
My challenge now is this: It’s not too late, come and join us, be one of the forces who struggle to make this vision come true, because this vision is for us
all, OFW’s. In joining, you will become one of the owners/stockholders of OFW Bank. And in patronizing the bank and being one of its stockholders,, you not
just only get the help you need, but at the same time you earn thru profit dividends.
So I would like to share this as a challenge to all of you. You can forward this message to all friends you know, they might support the idea and the vision.
For further info visit, or
If you would like to learn more about the OFW-Bank group, please visit: <>
For more information you can send e-mail to the following person and addresses:

1) Mr. Norman Gacula <> – our beloved COO

( without him, we haven’t reached this far )
2) Ms. Chee Garcia <> - is the Iron Lady with a
soft heart for the OFW’s and is in charge of the Foundation
3) Mr. Jimmy Leonida <> - Jeddah area Lead
Promoter- one of the visionaries of “OFW Bank”
4) Mr. Alan Exevea <> - our Project Spokesperson
5) Ms. Lani Fe Lagdamat <> - your Area Lead
Promoter/Coordinator for Geneva, Switzerland. Mobile phone nos. 076-
3859813 & 078-8891256. Simply send her SMS or give her a ring, she’ll
be happy to help you.

The Philippine address of both the OFWNet Foundation and OFW International Holdings is at Suite 100, Ground Floor, National Tobacco
Administration (NTA) Building, Scout Reyes corner Panay Avenue, 1103 Quezon City, Philippines with Telephone Number (632) 416-9024 and Fax
Number 416-9023.

Place your FREE ADS at

You may have had received an email from the! This email comes from the website of the Steering Committee of the Filipino
Community in Geneva at
The website is still under development and being used initially to disseminate information (of relevance) to the Filipino community in Geneva. The
developers are now in the process of exploring possible means of connecting every individual Filipino living in Geneva through the internet.
And one viable way of connecting all Filipinos is putting together a Consumer Guide of Filipino Services in Geneva in the website.This site will be
similar to the ad page of the daily newspaper and will advertise “special” services rendered by compatriots to the Filipino community and friends. These
services are named as “special” because they are distinctly Filipino that only our compatriots can provide the best quality service.
Such services are those we all need on a day-to-day basis. They are: Pinoy haircut, Pinoy manicure/pedicure, Pinoy na mang-hihilot. Or Pinoy
housekeeping services, Pinoy cuisiner wanted, gardening services. Or catering services of Bicolano food for example. Or special Filipino food items such as
siopao, longanisa, special ube cake and alike.
We would like to invite all Filipinos rendering “special” services to put an ad in the website. Your Ad is FREE! And your ad will be dealt with maximum
discretion by the editorial staff of Buklod Kabayan. Just send us a one-liner info on the “special” service you offer and your telephone or mobile number at We will consolidate and classify your ads according to expertise; we will inform you in advance when to access the Consumer
Guide of Filipino Services in Geneva at Remember your AD is FREE!

6 Buklod Kabayan September 2002

An Interview with Mother Olive
After 8 years of service as pastoral assistant to the Mission Catholique
Philippine (the Filipino Chaplaincy in Switzerland), Sister Olive Racinez,
WCW or Mother Olive as she will now be known will be going back to the
Philippines to serve as Superior General of the Workers of Christ the Worker
Religious Congregation. Despite her very busy schedule of bible studies,
recollections, home visitations, counselling and adult cathecism, she has
been an active member of the Steering Committee. In 2000, she was given the
Banaag Award, a presidential award given to deserving Filipinos abroad
who by their exemplary work have contributed to the well-being of Overseas
Filipinos. Last Sunday, 1 September, a few days before Mother Olive’s de-
parture, a Buklod Kabayan team went to the Pope John XXIII parish to get
some insights on her work.

Buklod Kabayan: Mother Olive, your work here in Switzerland has

somehow exposed you to the plight of overseas Filipino workers. You have
among your constituency, a large number of domestic workers. You have
heard, seen, and in some ways felt the anguish and pain of these so called
“new heroes”. Can you say that this has made an impact in your life both
personally and theologically? “We are told to give what is due to a person but many
Mother Olive: Knowing the problems, anxieties, difficulties of our co- chose not to do so. If we love one another and we share
Filipinos made me to support them morally and spiritually. I tried to then no one would be lacking in anything”.
inculcate in them the love of God and neighbor (to love all, be the first to
love, to be helpful, understanding, patient) that they be one. I tried to create
an atmosphere of family, a supernatural family, since we are all children of Buklod Kabayan: During the last Steering Committee meeting, you
our heavenly Father. Providentially, the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II showed us a picture of your Motherhouse Convent chapel that was de-
chose the Philippines to be the place for the great jubilee celebration of the stroyed by termites. Some of our readers might somehow be able to help you
families in 2003. in rebuilding this chapel. How can we help? Where can we send contribu-
Buklod Kabayan: In Catholic Social Teachings, papal encyclicals*
from Pope Leo XXIII’s Rerum Novarum, the Vatican II documents, up to the Mother Olive: You can send your contributions to our bank account in
present clearly reaffirm the dignity of workers and their right to just the Philippines. It is at Equitable PCIBank, Makati Avenue, Makati, Metro
renumeration. Unfortunately, some of us who work as household workers Manila, Savings Account No. 1463-18695-9 in the name of the Workers of
are not paid the right minimum wage as provided for by Swiss law. Worst, Christ the Worker.
even our own compatriots, our own fellow Catholics have condoned such
practice. Doesn’t our faith clearly and explicitly impel us to do otherwise ? Buklod Kabayan: What are your parting words for the Filipino com-
munity in Geneva?
Mother Olive: Yes, God gave us intelligence and free will. We can do
good and avoid evil. The church has oftentimes reminded us of these but it Mother Olive: My parting words are these: please continue to love one
is up to each one to do what is right, to follow and obey. Many do not obey another as Christ has loved us, to help one another, to support one another,
this because of selfishness, greed, and pride. We are told to give what is due to be united, so that we can build this supernatural family of God. Remem-
to a person but many chose not to do so. If we love one another and we share ber that where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, He is there in
then no one would be lacking in anything . Being Christians we should be the midst of you. I assure you of great joy and peace in your families. I wish
perfect examples of Christ Himself who is not only just but compassionate. to thank each one for all your love and unity. God bless you. Greetings from
We see this in the parable of the workers in the vineyard from the Gospel of all my sisters especially our Foundress, Rev. Mother Deolindis Luza, WCW.
Matthew, chapter 20: 1-16, where the last worker to arrive was paid the
same wage as the first one who arrived. *****************************
* ”In the first place, the worker must be paid a wage sufficient to support him and his
Buklod Kabayan: You will be moving on to a new task as a Superior family”.
General. Aren’t you too young to be a Superior General? Are you not going
to miss being around people, doing Bible studies and recollections, home Pope Pius XI in Quadragesimo Anno
visitations, counselling, teaching adult cathecism and giving advice to OFW’s? “We must consequently continue to study the situation of the worker. There is a need for
solidarity movements among and with the workers. The church is firmly committed to this
Mother Olive: Though many tell me that I am too young to be cause, in fidelity to Christ, and to be truly the `church of the poor”.
Superior General, I am not really that young. I believe that everything I
Pope John Paul II in Laborem Exercens
do is the will of God for me, so from one will of God, I go to another will
of God. When I did all these things for the Filipino migrants, I did all out “Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by injustice;
of love for God and my co-Filipinos. I only want to do the will of God Who makes his neighbors work for nothing, and does not give them their wages”.
every present moment of my life. I am happy and I will remember all
Jeremiah 22:13
those enthrusted to my care in my prayers. I am sure they will do so also
for me. We pray for one another.

Buklod Kabayan September 2002 7

Mother Olive’s Farewell Recollection
1 September 2002 at the Pope John XXIII Centre

Photo Credit: Nep Castillo


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Comm tion

8 Buklod Kabayan September 2002

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