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Allen and Heath Xone 43 Manual

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Publication AP9968_1

Allen & Heath 1 XONE:43 User Guide

Limited One Year Manufacturer’s Warranty
Allen & Heath warrants the Allen & Heath - branded hardware product and accessories
contained in the original packaging ("Allen & Heath Product”) against defects in materials
and workmanship when used in accordance with Allen & Heath's user manuals, technical
specifications and other Allen & Heath product published guidelines for a period of ONE (1)
YEAR from the date of original purchase by the end-user purchaser ("Warranty Period").
This warranty does not apply to any non-Allen & Heath branded hardware products or any
software, even if packaged or sold with Allen & Heath hardware.
Please refer to the licensing agreement accompanying the software for details of your rights
with respect to the use of software (“EULA”).
Details of the EULA, warranty policy and other useful information can be found on the Allen &
Heath website:
Repair or replacement under the terms of the warranty does not provide right to extension or
renewal of the warranty period. Repair or direct replacement of the product under the terms
of this warranty may be fulfilled with functionally equivalent service exchange units.
This warranty is not transferable. This warranty will be the purchaser’s sole and exclusive
remedy and neither Allen & Heath nor its approved service centres shall be liable for any
incidental or consequential damages or breach of any express or implied warranty of this

Conditions of Warranty
The equipment has not been subject to misuse either intended or accidental, neglect, or
alteration other than as described in the User Guide or Service Manual, or approved by Allen
& Heath.
Any necessary adjustment, alteration or repair has been carried out by an authorised Allen &
Heath distributor or agent.
The defective unit is to be returned carriage prepaid to the place of purchase, an authorised
Allen & Heath distributor or agent with proof of purchase. Please discuss this with the
distributor or the agent before shipping. If the unit is to be repaired in a different country to
that of its purchase the repair may take longer than normal, whilst the warranty is confirmed
and parts are sourced. Units returned should be packed in the original carton to avoid transit

DISCLAIMER: Allen & Heath shall not be liable for the loss of any saved/stored data in
products that are either repaired or replaced.

Check with your Allen & Heath distributor or agent for any additional warranty information
which may apply. If further assistance is required please contact Allen & Heath Ltd.

Xone:43 complies with the European Electromagnetic Compatibility directives

2004/108/EC and the European Low Voltage directives 2006/95/EC.

Any changes or modifications to the equipment not approved by Allen & Heath could
void the compliance of the product and therefore the users authority to operate it.

XONE:43 User Guide AP9968 Issue 1

Copyright © 2015 Allen & Heath Limited. All rights reserved

Allen & Heath Limited

Kernick Industrial Estate, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9LU, UK

Allen & Heath 2 XONE:43 User Guide


Check that you have received the following:

Xone:43 mixer

Mains Lead
Check that the correct
mains plug is fitted.

Spare knobs
and buttons

Safety Sheet
Important ! Read this sheet
before starting.
Retain for future reference.

Allen & Heath 3 XONE:43 User Guide


Congratulations on purchasing the Allen & Heath Xone:43 DJ mixer.

The Xone:43 is a DJ mixer featuring four stereo dual input channels, a Mic/Aux input channel, 45mm
linear VCA channel faders, Xone VCF filter, and X:FX external effects loop for send/return functionality
with wet/dry control.

To ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the unit please spare a few minutes
familiarizing yourself with the controls and setup procedures outlined in this user guide. For
further information please refer to the additional information available on our website, or
contact our product support team.

Warranty ........................................................ 2
Packed Items .................................................. 3
Contents......................................................... 4
Setup Examples ............................................. 5
Mic / Aux Channel Input ............................. 6
Phono / Line Input Channels 1 to 4 .......... 7
Filter Section ................................................. 9
Headphone Section ...................................... 10
Master Section .............................................. 11
Crossfader ..................................................... 12
Rear Connectors .......................................... 13
Panel Drawings .............................................. 15
Specifications ................................................. 16
Block Diagram ............................................... 17
Filter Reference ............................................ 18
Operating Levels ........................................... 19
Earthing........................................................... 20
Replacing the Crossfader ........................... 21

Allen & Heath 4 XONE:43 User Guide


Allen & Heath 5 XONE:43 User Guide


Mic Input
1 Standard 3-Pin XLR socket wired as Pin 1 = Ground, Pin
2 = hot (+), Pin 3 = cold (-).

2 Aux Input
Dual RCA sockets for connecting an external line level
3 source.

4 Mic / Aux Select Switch

Selects either the XLR microphone input or the alterna-
tive Aux input.

4 Channel Gain Control

Adjusts the input sensitivity of the Mic / Aux channel to

6 compensate for different source signal levels.

7 Channel Equaliser
The Mic / Aux input channel is equipped with a 2 band
EQ stage providing +15dB of boost when fully clockwise
and –15dB attenuation when fully anti-clockwise.

Cue Switch
Press the Cue switch to listen to the pre-channel on sig-
nal in the headphones and view its level on the main me-
ters. Press the switch again to deselect cue.

7 Channel On Switch

Press the Channel On switch to send the channel audio

to the main mix.

Allen & Heath 6 XONE:43 User Guide

Channel Level Control
This control has a range from - 10dB to +10dB. Use it
1 to adjust the signal level of an audio source to give a
nominal 0dB reading on the channel meter, with the
peak level at or below 6dB.
2 Phono / Line Select Switch

Selects either the RCA phono input or the alternative

RCA stereo line input.

3 Channel Equalizer / Isolator

3 The Xone:43 is equipped with a very powerful 3 band
EQ providing a controlled +6dB of boost when fully
clockwise, but dramatic cut of each band when fully anti-
clockwise. Centre frequencies are set at:

HF = 3.8kHz (high frequency, treble)

MF = 1kHz (mid frequency)
LF = 310Hz (low frequency, bass)
X:FX Dry / Wet Send
5 Use this control to vary the amount of channel signal
that is sent to an external effects device connected to
the X:FX send / return on the rear panel. With this
6 control set to ‘dry’, none of the signal is routed to the
external effects loop. With the control in the central
position, half of the signal is sent to external effects,
while the other half is unaffected or, if filter is selected,
only the dry part of signal is filtered. With the control
set to fully ‘wet’, all of the signal is sent to external ef-
fects and the VCF filter is bypassed.

5 XFade Assign Switch

Used to assign the channel to either the X (left), Off

(middle) or Y (right) side of the cross-fader.

Filter Select
Press to route the channel signal through the VCF filter.
The switch will illuminate to indicate that the channel is
being sent to the filter.

Allen & Heath 7 XONE:43 User Guide


7 Cue Switch
Press the Cue switch to listen to the channel pre-fade
signal in the headphones and see its level on the main
meters. Press the switch to deselect cue.

9 8 Channel Meter

Displays the channel signal level. It is pre-EQ and pre-

fader, allowing the input level to be displayed even if the
EQ is set to off on all bands.

The channel level control should be set so that the me-

ter averages around ‘0’ with loudest peaks no higher
than ‘+6’. Turn down the level control if the +10 indica-
tor lights.

Channel Fader
A high quality, smooth travel fader adjusts the channel
signal level from fully off to fully on.

Allen & Heath 8 XONE:43 User Guide


Resonance Control
This produces the classic Xone VCF sound by feeding
some of the filter output back to its input. The control
1 ranges from ‘mild’ producing a very subtle effect, to
‘wild’ producing a dramatic phase effect with feedback
just short of oscillation.
X:FX Return to Filter
Pressing this button routes the X:FX return to the VCF
3 filter, instead of directly into the main mix buss. The
effected channel signal can then be filtered as well, allow-
ing extra versatility and creativity to be brought into the

5 Turns on the high pass (bass cut) filter slope.


Turns on the band pass (bell shaped) filter slope.



Turns on the low pass (treble cut) filter slope.

6 Frequency Sweep Control

This control sets the –3dB cut-off frequency of the filter.

It ranges from very low frequency (20Hz) to very high
frequency (20kHz).

Allen & Heath 9 XONE:43 User Guide


1 Split Cue Switch

1 Selects the way Cue operates. Normally, pressing a

channel Cue switch overrides both left and right moni-
tor program signals with the stereo Cue signal. With
Split set to On, Cue overrides just the left channel leav-
ing the program in the right channel. The left monitor
2 meter displays the Cue signal, right displays program.
This is very useful when beat mixing using headphones.

3 2 Cue / Mix Control

Allows the main mix output to be added to the Cue sig-

nal. Turned fully anticlockwise, only the active Cue is
heard through the headphones when Cue is active.
Gradually turning clockwise introduces the main mix
4 output to the headphones, together with the active Cue.
Selecting Split Cue will automatically override this con-

Headphones Level Control

Adjusts the level of the signal in the stereo headphones.
This does not affect the level of the local booth monitor.

Headphone Outputs
Stereo 1/4” TRS jack and 3.5mm mini-jack sockets. Plug
in good quality stereo headphones intended for DJ mon-
itoring. Use closed-ear headphones that provide maxi-
mum acoustic isolation when cueing your sources.

Allen & Heath 10 XONE:43 User Guide


1 Mix / Monitor Meters

The main meters follow the selected monitor source.

The default display is the mix level, pre-master level,
1 which is overridden with an input channel level if the
channel cue switch is selected.

In split cue mode, the left (L) mix meter will display the
cued channel signal level and the right (R) mix meter will
display the mix level. The cued mix audio is pre level to
prevent mismatch due to the position of the master lev-
el control.

The mixer should be operated with these meters aver-

aging around ‘0’ with loudest peaks no higher than ‘+6’.

2 Master Level Control

A rotary master control adjusts the level of the master

3 mix XLR outputs feeding the house sound system. This
does not affect the booth output or the meter reading.

3 Booth Level Control

Adjusts the level of the signal to the stereo booth RCA

output. This does not affect the headphones. The
booth output could be used for a booth monitor, re-
cording or an additional zone feed.

Allen & Heath 11 XONE:43 User Guide



1 Crossfader

This lets you fade between signals routed to either side, typically to fade
smoothly into a new music track or to creatively layer sounds when scratch or
cut mixing.

The crossfader is a VCA controller which affects the level of signals routed via
the filters. Make sure the switches on the channels you wish to fade are set to
X or Y as appropriate.

2 Crossfader Curve Control

This control adjusts the crossfader curve between dipped, dipless and fast-cut,
better suited for scratch or cut mixing.

Allen & Heath 12 XONE:43 User Guide

1 2

1 AC Mains Input

IEC cable with moulded mains plug suitable for your local supply.

Important: Read the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS sheet included with the

Xone:43 and printed on the rear panel.

Check that the correct mains lead with moulded plug has been supplied with your console.
The power supply accepts mains voltages within the range 100-240V without changing any
fuses or settings. Ensure that the IEC mains plug is pressed fully into the rear panel socket
before switching on.

Note: It is standard practice to turn connected power amplifiers down or off before
switching the console on or off. This prevents any potential damage to speaker systems due
to switch-on transients.

CH 1, 2, 3 and 4 Phono Input

Plug in turntables with magnetic cartridges requiring RIAA equalisation. For non-RIAA turn-
tables plug into the LINE input instead. Do not plug in line level sources to the phono inputs
as these will overload the preamp and cause severe high level distortion.

CH 1, 2, 3 and 4 Line Input

RCA phono. Connect stereo line level music sources such as CD players. Do not connect
turntables which require RIAA equalisation. Alternatively, you can connect to jack sources
using a cable with RCA to jack adapters. Avoid using low grade cables such as those often
supplied with domestic equipment as these can quickly prove unreliable in use.

Allen & Heath 13 XONE:43 User Guide


4 5 6 7 8

4 Master Output

Balanced XLR. This is the main output that feeds the house PA system. Plug into the house
processor/amplifier system using balanced cables. Use balanced cables and equipment.
When the main meter LEDs are at “0dB” the output will nominally be at +4dBu. Do not
unbalance this output by shorting one phase to ground—for unbalanced operation use pin 2

X:FX Send/Return

5 RCA phono. Connect your external effects device and use the X:FX dry / wet control to
send channel signals to the effects unit. The signal returns to the mix bus but can be routed
to the VCF filter by pressing the ‘X:FX’ button on the front panel filter section. This allows
the filter to be ‘stacked’ with an external effects device.

Record Output
RCA Phono, nominal 0dBu. Pre-level mix output for connection to external recording de-

Booth Output
RCA phono, 0dBu. Provides a line level stereo feed to the DJ local monitor amplifier sys-
tem. It is not affected by the master fader or cue system.

8 Chassis Earth Terminal

A screw terminal is provided for connecting the earth straps from turntables. This connec-
tion earths the metal parts of the turntable to reduce hum, buzz or similar audible noise get-
ting into the system.

Allen & Heath 14 XONE:43 User Guide


Rear Panel

Front Panel

Allen & Heath 15 XONE:43 User Guide


Nom / max output levels Main Mix +4dBu +27dBu

Booth 0dBu +22dBu
X:FX Send 0dBu +20dBu
Record Out 0dBu +20dBu

Internal headroom Channels +20dB

Frequency response +/-0.5dB 20Hz - 20kHz
Distortion < 0.05% THD+noise @1kHz
Crosstalk < -83dB inter-channel
Residual noise Mix 1 -89dBu
Booth -93dBu
X:FX -77dBu
Rec -92dBu

Mix noise Mix 1 -82dBu

Booth -84dBu
X:FX -77dBu
Rec -87dBu

Channel meters Peak reading 9 LED -20dB to +10dB

Main meters Peak reading 9 LED -20dB to +10dB

Mic EQ 2-Band +/-12dB

Channel EQ 3-Band +6dB / total kill
Channel fader 45mm stereo VCA, < -85dB shutoff
Crossfader 45mm stereo VCA - replaceable
Filters Stereo VCF, analogue

Consumption 30W max

Dimensions and Weights

The console is fitted with rubber feet for desktop operation.

Width Height Depth Weight

Mixer 320 mm 110mm 370mm 5.1 kg

Allen & Heath 16 XONE:43 User Guide


Allen & Heath 17 XONE:43 User Guide


The VCF Filters

A voltage controlled filter is an audio filter where the cut-off frequency is altered by a DC
control voltage rather than a variable resistor. This produces a much wider operating
range and more control over the filter response to create unlimited combinations of
tonal effect.

Filter Type Select

The filters are ‘state variable’. This means that they provide three simultaneous filter
types: high-pass, FILTER and low-pass. Three large illuminated switches select which
type is active. You can press any combination together to create different response types
such as ‘notch’ and an interesting ‘all-pass’ effect. The switches are ‘soft switched’ for live
performance, meaning that the audio signal is ramped between filter states to prevent
audibleLOclicks. HI
Note that the last selected type is lost when power is removed from the console. The
0dBLPF is always selected when power is applied.
-5 The graphs below show the effect on the audio frequency response for the three filter
types. The range of sweep from low to high frequency +20 is shown together with the effect
of adjusting RESONANCE (one frequency with several +15
resonance settings shown).
The vertical scale shows the amount of cut or boost +10
around the normal 0dB operating
-20level. The horizontal scale shows the change in frequency from low (bass) to high
20 100 1kHz 10k 20k

+20 -5

+15 -10

+10 -15

+5 -20
20 100 1kHz 10k 20k

20 100
100 1kHz
1kHz 10k
10k 20k
20k +5

+20 -5

+15 -10

+10 -15

20 100 1kHz 10k 20k

20 100
100 1kHz
1kHz 10k
10k 20k
20k +5

Allen & Heath 18 XONE:43 User Guide
+20 -5

+15 -10

It is most important that the system level settings are correctly set. It is well known that
many DJs push the level to maximum with meters peaking hard in the belief that they are
getting the best from the system. THIS IS NOT THE CASE ! The best can only be
achieved if the system levels are set within the normal operating range and not allowed to
peak. Peaking simply results in signal distortion, not more volume. It is the specification of
the amplifier / speaker system that sets the maximum volume that can be achieved, not the
console. The human ear too can fool the operator into believing that more volume is
needed. Be careful as this is in fact a warning that hearing damage will result if high listen-
ing levels are maintained. Remember that it is the QUALITY of the sound that pleases the
ear, not the VOLUME.

The diagram below illustrates the operating range of the audio signal.
NORMAL OPERATING RANGE. For normal music the signal should range between
–6 and +6 on the meters with average around 0dB. This allows enough HEADROOM for
unexpected peaks before the signal hits its maximum CLIPPING voltage and distorts.
It also achieves the best SIGNAL-TO-NOISE-RATIO by keeping the signal well above
the residual NOISE FLOOR (system hiss).
The DYNAMIC RANGE is the maximum signal swing available between the residual
noise floor and clipping.

An important note …
! The human ear is a remarkable organ with the ability to com-
press or ‘shut down’ when sound levels become too high. Do
not interpret this natural response as a reason to turn the sys-
tem volume up further ! As the session wears on ear fatigue
may set in, and the speaker cones may become hot so reducing
the effectiveness of the system and listeners to gain any benefit
from increased volume.

Allen & Heath 19 XONE:43 User Guide


The connection to earth (ground) in an audio system is important for

two reasons:
SAFETY - To protect the operator from high voltage electric shock,
AUDIO PERFORMANCE - To minimise the effect of earth (ground)
loops which result in audible hum and buzz, and to shield the audio
signals from interference.

For safety it is important that all equipment earths are connected to

mains earth so that exposed metal parts are prevented from carrying
high voltage which can injure or even kill the operator. It is
recommended that a qualified system engineer check the continuity of
the safety earth from all points in the system including microphone
bodies, turntable chassis, equipment cases, and so on.
The same earth is also used to shield audio cables from external
interference such as the hum fields associated with power transformers,
lighting dimmer buzz, and computer radiation. Problems arise when the
signal sees more than one path to mains earth. An ‘earth loop’ (ground
loop) results causing current to flow between the different earth paths.
This condition is usually detected as a mains frequency audible hum or
To ensure safe and trouble-free operation we recommend the following:
Have your mains system checked by a qualified electrician. If
the supply earthing is solid to start with you are less likely to experience
Do not remove the earth connection from the console mains
plug. The console chassis is connected to mains earth through the
power cable to ensure your safety. Audio 0V is connected to the
console chassis internally. If problems are encountered with earth loops
operate the audio ‘ground lift’ switches on connected equipment
accordingly, or disconnect the cable screens at one end, usually at the
Make sure that turntables are correctly earthed. A chassis earth
terminal is provided on the console rear panel to connect to turntable
earth straps.
Use low impedance sources such as microphones and line level
equipment rated at 200 ohms or less to reduce susceptibility to
interference. The console outputs are designed to operate at very low
impedance to minimise interference problems.
Use balanced connections for microphones and mix output as
these provide further immunity by cancelling out interference that may
be picked up on long cable runs. To connect an unbalanced source to a
balanced console input, link the cold input (XLR pin 3 or jack ring) to 0V
earth (XLR pin 1 or jack sleeve) at the console. To connect a balanced
XLR output to unbalanced equipment, link the cold output to 0V earth
at the console.
Use good quality cables and connectors and check for correct
wiring and reliable solder joints. Allow sufficient cable loop to prevent
damage through stretching.
If you are not sure ... Contact your service agent or local Allen &
Heath dealer for advice.

Allen & Heath 20 XONE:43 User Guide

If the crossfader is subject to a lot of use it will, in time wear out and need replacing. Intermittent or
noisy operation is an indication that it is becoming worn. Using a propriety fader cleaner such as
CaigLube might temporarily restore use, but DO NOT use on a new fader as it will wash away the facto-
ry applied grease.

The standard fader can be ordered under A&H part number 004-632JIT
The Innofader can be ordered under part number 004-504JIT

Warning! Dismantling your mixer could invalidate the warranty; if you are unsure of your ability to safely
carry out this work then it is advised that you leave it to a qualified service technician.

Tools you will need:

 T8 Torx screwdriver
 A small container to keep screws in.

Have a clean flat work surface ready before starting work.

Ensure that the power to the unit has been turned off and disconnected completely from the mains.

Step 1:
 Remove and retain 2 screws from front panel.

 Remove and retain 4 screws from rear panel

upper phono sockets.

Step 2:

 Remove and retain 4 screws from side panel

of the mixer (2 each side).

 Turn console over onto its front panel –

take care not to scratch the unit.

Step 3:

 Remove and retain 6 screws from base panel.

 Note that the 2 nearest the rear connector
remain in place.

 Turn console over to be the correct way up.

Allen & Heath 21 XONE:43 User Guide


Step 4:
 Gently slide the two halves of the console
apart until the rear connector PCB is wholly

Step 5:

 With care unplug the grey flat wireform from

the connector PCB.
 The console base and front panel can now be

Step 6:

 Remove the crossfader cap.

 Remove and retain 2 screws from crossfader
front panel.

Step 7:

 With care unplug the white harness from the

connector PCB.
 The cross fader and plate can now be sepa-

Step 8:

 Remove and retain 2 screws from crossfader

 Note that these 2 screws from the cross fad-
er plate are a different size length, do not mix
them up with the other screws.

Allen & Heath 22 XONE:43 User Guide


Step 9:
 Fit the new replacement crossfader to the
bracket as shown (slot 1). 1
 The longer (slot 2) beneath is for mounting
the optional Innofader (not supplied). 2
The standard crossfader must be fitted to slot
1 and not slot 2.

Step 10:

 Screw the crossfader plate back to the con-

 Replace the crossfader cap.
 Connect the white harness from the connect-
or PCB.

Step 11:

 Re-assembly of the console is the reverse of

steps 1-5. When re-assembling the console
take great care to refit the wireform fully into
the socket.

Allen & Heath 23 XONE:43 User Guide

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