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Cole Brochure

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the River Restoration Project River COLE restored 1995/6




Wo st ore & enhan

rkin g to re ce
our rivers

The river Cole restored to its old course on the historic Wilts-Berks county boundary – photo; M Janes)


Joining the River Restoration Project in partnership were

the Environment Agency, The National Trust, the Countryside Commission
and English Nature.


The Cole project is one of three linked under

the umbrella of the EU – LIFE programme (see back cover)

Additional support was received from the Rivers Agency (Northern Ireland)

and from Thames Water.

CT THE The quality of many rivers and their surrounding environment has been steadily degraded over recent decades.
Straightened, deepened, and sometimes embanked; their valleys and floodplains intensively farmed or developed;
much of their natural beauty and value to people and wildlife has been lost.
River restoration aims to reverse this process, using environmentally sensitive management techniques to create sustainable solutions
which will give back much of what has been taken away.
The EU–LIFE Demonstration Project
The river Cole project is complimented by two others that demonstrate different aspects of river restoration as explained below.
Further brochures are available from RRP.
All three sites were promoted as part of the EU-LIFE demonstration project entitled
River Restoration: Benefits for Integrated Catchment Management.
The LIFE project was led by the Danish county of South Jutland who undertook the restoration of the river Brede.
RRP was responsible for the restoration of the two UK sites on behalf of the UK participants.
The monitoring programme is co-ordinated across all three sites to ensure that features that are unique to one site are studied in depth
and the performance of features that are common can be compared across all three.

Other EU-LIFE project sites

This site is located in the town
of Darlington, Co Durham and

Photo: M Janes
demonstrates what can be achieved
in an urban environment.
The Skerne has been straightened and
enlarged to reduce flooding and to

Photo: Northumbrian Water / AirFotos

drain the surrounding urban area.
Much of the floodplain has been
raised by old industrial waste tipping,
with gas and sewer pipes running alongside the river.
As a result of these constraints, restoration opportunities
were severely limited – typical of urban rivers elsewhere.
A 2km length of the river has been restored. Four new meanders have been formed
in a remaining section of floodplain used as open parkland. The excess soil was used to landscape
nearby steep slopes. Riverbanks have been strengthened with willow and reeds to prevent erosion.
Ugly surface water outfalls have been replaced with underground chambers that intercept pollution
and discharge into the river under water.
Elsewhere, where the river could not be re-meandered, it has been enhanced by re-shaping and narrowing the bed
to vary the flow and to allow riverside plants to flourish. New footpaths and planting schemes complete the theme
of “bringing the countryside into town”, which locally has been greatly appreciated.


The Brede flows through farmland in the low lying county of South Jutland.
It differs from the Cole in that the floodplain soils are much lighter sands
and peats. Historic meanders had been removed from the river to create
a totally straight course to enable intensive grassland farming.
Weirs in the river, as well as the straightening, virtually eliminated a once valuable
sea trout fishery.
A 5km reach was re-meandered under the EU-LIFE project, but over 15km
of the Brede have now been restored as part of a nationwide strategy
to improve the environmental management of river valleys.
The scale of re-meandering is much grater than in the UK; the Brede
once again sweeps from side to side along the 500m wide floodplain
and seasonal flooding has been restored to the whole valley.
Photos: Sønderjyllands Amt

One unique aspect of this project is the exchange of land

between farmers.
The natural regeneration of the meandering river has been
rapid and the sea trout are taking advantage of this.
the River Restoration Project
The Organisation
The River Restoration Project is an independent, non-profit making organisation established in 1994 to promote
the restoration of degraded rivers for enhanced bio-diversity and sustained economic use.
It draws upon the professional expertise of ecologists, engineers, biologists, geomorphologists and planners, and is
advised by representatives of major UK organisations that share responsibilities for land and water management.

Achievements to date – Summer 1997 Location of the EU-LIFE Demonstration sites.

The RRP’s principle aim has been to serve as a UK wide catalyst through which
knowledge can be gained, and experience shared, to the benefit of all those who
will undertake river restoration. Four targets were set: River Skerne,
1 Establish state of the art demonstration projects:
The three EU-LIFE projects are believed to be the most comprehensive
examples of their kind in Europe today; monitoring programme results will
continue to support practice and understanding elsewhere.

(Map artwork; R & R Burns)

2 Establish partnerships for restoration:
The comprehensive partnerships developed for the EU-LIFE projects are built River Brede,
upon a robust framework of documentation covering common aims, legal and Denmark
financial safeguards and organisational/management responsibilities etc.
These partnerships are serving as a model for the guidance of others. River Cole,
3 Establish a River Restoration Network:
The EU-LIFE project has led to the establishment of the European Centre for River Restoration in Denmark; RRP which serves as
the UK satellite is effectively dealing with hundreds of requests each year for information, advice, and site visits. These requests come
from all sections of the community and the media, at home and abroad.

4 Provide publications and training:

Some background publications on the topic are already available and comprehensive manuals, videos, papers and reports documenting
the EU-LIFE projects are well advanced. RRP regularly supports training seminars and conferences organised by others.

T The Future –The River Restoration Centre

After invaluable consultation with key UK institutions responsible for land and water management, RRP

has been advised that it should continue to function as a UK wide catalyst for information and advice on


ore & enhan

the topic. New partnerships are being established to enable this to happen; building upon the confidence
Wo st
rkin g to re ce
our rivers
generated through the EU-LIFE partnership.

As a result, RRP will become known as the River Restoration Centre

(RRC) to mark a progression from a project orientated organisation to
one that will serve others through:

• Maintaining comprehensive information about the progress of river

restoration and ensuring the structured dissemination of this to
practitioners across the UK.

• Helping others through a network of professional advisors with up

to date experience.

• Supporting the development of projects selected to further advance

knowledge and understanding of restoration techniques appropriate to
differing river types and situations.
The Cole prior to restoration – trees stranded well above
water level by previous deepening (photo; M Janes)

For further information please contact:
River Restoration Centre. PO Box 126, Huntingdon, Cambs PE18 8QB. Telephone 01525 863341.

Brochure design and map by Rob & Rhoda Burns / Drawing Attention 01438 871627. E-mail:
RRP logo by Sign Design, Printed by Arca Press Ltd, Bedford
About the River Cole

Photo: M Janes
The River Cole runs through The National Trust owned Coleshill estate, NE of Swindon on the Oxon / Wilts border. It has
been extensively modified by man for a variety of reasons over the past 900 years, particularly milling. Originally the reach below
the mill was simply straightened, but more recently was considerably enlarged to safeguard agricultural production
and flood capacity. Above the mill the channel was realigned 200-300 years ago to form the present mill leat. This type of
historical management for milling, land drainage and agriculture is typical of many other rivers in the UK.
As a result, the ecology of such rivers has suffered.

The Objectives
• Restoration of the river and floodplain in terms of physical features, flood storage,
habitat diversity and visual appearance.
• Application of innovative restoration techniques and best management practice,
within a sustainable agricultural system.
• Furthering of knowledge and understanding of river restoration by monitoring
to a very high degree, and by practical demonstration of the results.

River Cole Restoration

A detailed background study of the channel and flows within the whole
Photo: M Janes

catchment gave the size and shape of a typical and sustainable river.
From old maps and documents it was possible to establish the upstream
pre-mill leat course of the river Cole. The ditch bypassing the mill was
identified as a remnant of the old course.
The river was reinstated on the original buried course by excavating a smaller
meandering channel and profiling the bed and banks to more natural shapes.
Downstream of the mill, mature trees were perched well above the bed of the
old channel, due to a dredging scheme carried about 25 years ago which
removed 1m of clay from the river bed. This general bed lowering also served
to reduce the water table in the adjacent floodplain fields.
New channel Here the bed level, water level and flood regime of 25 years ago were restored by:
The course of the new channel upstream of the mill is
based on old maps and visual interpretation.
This channel links into the remnant River Cole
•• Cutting a smaller channel 1.2 m above the bed of the old channel.
Meandering across the old channel keeping mature riverside trees.
to bypass the mill weir. The new course
now has ample energy gradient to
• Filling the old course whilst leaving deep backwater pools.
Map artwork: R & R Burns

sustain a small, self cleansing Although the restored channels initially looked barren, natural features are generating differen
faster flowing river. habitats. It will however, always be impossible to accurately define the exact natural state of t
river so it is essential to leave some scope for self-adjustment within the restoration
project design.

Restored dc

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Mill leat

Mill Leat Mill

The mill leat has been retained as a
linear pond with a small ‘sweetening’
flow, in the expectation that the mill
wheel will in the future be restored.
A large willow lined meander (cut off
soon after 1770) has been restored for
it’s historical value.
Water levels in the leat have been COLESHILL
raised and drainage ditches dammed
to help dampen the surrounding flood

Photo: M Janes
Backwaters and
habitats Reedbed
Whilst much of the old river A small linear reedbed has
Cole was infilled, some parts been constructed and
were kept as backwaters to planted on a wide berm
provide a different habitat adjacent to the new course.
to the fast flowing, newly The reedbed is fed by an
restored course. agricultural field ditch with
a high nutrient content.
These areas are over 1m Although this feature has
deeper than the new river been designed as a habitat
(the meanders having been

Photo: M Janes
reedbed, it also offers some
cut at a higher level), and ‘buffering’ of the ditch
are important for fish, water before it enters
plants and invertebrates. the river.


Fritillary meadow
A small meadow of rare Snake’s Head
Fritillaries survives here but it has been
drying out over the past 25 years. An
adjacent field (previously arable) has been
New backwater re-sown with a meadow grass mixture and
an existing shallow gully has been linked
back to the river to restore seasonal flooding.
Both fields will be farmed as traditional
nt hay meadows.
the New meadow
arable crops

crops Riverbank Cliffs

Photo: M Janes

Channel adjustment
In creating a different course for the River Cole
some natural adjustment was allowed for.
This gives the river the chance to form the small
irregularities present in all rivers, as well as the
more regular pool and riffles, vertical riverbank
cliffs and gravel beaches.
The Monitoring
A full background study was
carried out to make certain that
the river and the surrounding
area was thoroughly understood
before any plans were drawn.
This information will allow
comparisons to be made with the
changes resulting from the works.

A comprehensive monitoring
programme has been running since
the start of the project and will be
extended to cover at least four years

Photo: M Janes

Early Results
• Flooding: The designed shallow flooding of grass
fields lets silt settle on fields, with less in the river.

• Low Flows: Far less of a problem in the smaller,

faster flowing river.

• River Features: Larger number of natural cliffs,

gravel shoals, pools etc.

•withWildlife: Some returning species have already been recorded

more expected as the site matures. Swans nesting at
restored meander
• Water Quality: No change recorded but should improve as plants develop. in mill leat
Photo: Colin Platt

• Landscape: River now a pleasure to see and hear; flower rich meadows
still to establish.
(photo; M Janes)

• Public Survey: 70% of local people understand and approve of what

has been achieved; others wait and see.

Wider Benefits
The knowledge and experience gained
means that others can be more
confident about organising, funding,
designing and implementing
future projects.
In addition, the project improves
Photo: M Janes

understanding about the

contribution that river restoration
can make towards:

• Better management of floods,

droughts and water quality.

• Achieving governmental strategies

for improved bio-diversity, Common
Agricultural Policy reforms and of fish numbers
for agri-environmental support schemes. (photo; M Janes)

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