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Skeletal System +

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Dr: Sarah Mohamed

1. Function .
2. Classification .
3. Types of bones.
1 -Function
1. Supporting the body.
2. Giving attachment to muscles(‫) العضالت‬and
3. Protecting(‫ )حماية‬the internal organs( ‫االعضاء‬
4. Storing (‫ ) تخزين‬the calcium and phosphorus.
5. Its hollow (‫ ) تجويف‬is called bone marrow ( ‫نخاع‬
‫)العظام‬which forms the blood elements (red blood
cells , white blood cells and platelets).
2-Classification of skeletal system

• Axial skeleton : includes skull , vertebrae ,ribs

and sternum.

• Appendicular skeleton : includes bones of

A) Axial skeleton:
1)bones of skull ‫ الجمجمة‬: box of brain
• Includes bones of cranium and bones of face
(frontal ,parietal , temporal ,occipital , zygomatic
,maxilla , mandible , nasal bone)
2) Vertebral column : ‫العمود الفقرى‬
it is composed of 33 vertebrae and divided
7 cervical ,
12 thoracic ,
5 lumbar ,
5 sacral (fused together forming sacrum),
4 coccygeal (fused together forming coccyx) .
Curves of vertebral column:
1-primary curve: all the vertebral column is concave anteriorly at
2-Secondary curves
a- In the cervical region the vertebral column becomes convex
anteriorly when the child extends his head at the 3rd – 4th month.
b- In the lumbar region the vertebral column becomes convex anteriorly
when the child begins to walk between 12-18 months.
3)Thoracic cage
• It is formed of 12 ribs on each side attached
anteriorly to the sternum and posteriorly to
thoracic vertebrae.
Ribs are divided into three groups:
1- True ribs: attach directly to the sternum
through their costal cartilages, they include
the 1st to the 7th ribs.
2- False ribs: each rib attach to the previous
one, include the 8th to the 10th ribs.
2- Floating ribs: not attach to any structure
anteriorly, include the 11th & 12th ribs.
B) Appendicular Skeleton
It is the skeleton of appendages of human body: upper & lower
limbs & their girdles (shoulder & pelvic girdles).

The bones of the appendicular skeleton are similar in the upper

& lower limbs. They are formed of:
Upper limb Lower limb

Girdle Shoulder Girdle: Pelvic Girdle: consists

consists of: of hip bone.
a- clavicle (anteriorly) The right & left hip
b- scapula bones articulate with
(posteriorly) the sacrum (axial
The clavicle connects skeleton) posteriorly
the upper limb with at the sacroiliac joint.
the axial skeleton at
the sternoclavicular

Proximal segment Consists of the Consists of the femur

(1 bone) humerus which forms which forms the bone
the bone of arm. of thigh.
Upper limb Lower limb
Middle segment Consists of : Consists of :
(2 bones) a- Ulna medially a- Tibia medially
b- Radius laterally b- Fibula laterally

Distal segment a) Carpals (8) a) Tarsals (7)

( 3 regions) b) Metacarpals (5) b) Metatarsals (5)
c) Phalanges (14) c) Phalanges (14)
Form the skeleton of hand. Forms the skeleton of
3- Types of bone

• According to structure
• According to the shape
• According to development or type of ossification
According to structure
• 1-Compact bone : forms the outer hard layer
• 2-Cancellous bone : forms the inner delicate
According to shape

1. Long bone : They are typical bone of the limbs

(femur, humerus, tibia, ulna, radius)
2. Short bone : in carpal and tarsal bones
3. Flat bone : scapula , sternum , skull cap.
4. Irregular bone : vertebrae.
5. Sesamoid bone : patella ‫صابونة الركبة‬
Long bone

• It is formed of 2 ends and shaft .

• Each end consists of cancellous bone covered by
thin layer of compact bone then articular
• The shaft consists of outer layer of compact
bone and inner medullary cavity containing the
bone marrow
According to development

• 1- Cartilaginous ossification : in which the bone

develops from cartilage.

• 2- Membranous ossification : in which the bone

does not develops from cartilage.
‫•‬ ‫عظمة القص ‪Sternum‬‬
‫•‬ ‫لوح الكتف ‪Sacpula‬‬
‫•‬ ‫عظمة العضد ‪Humerus‬‬
‫•‬ ‫عظمة الكعبره ‪Radius‬‬
‫•‬ ‫عظمة الزند ‪Ulna‬‬
‫•‬ ‫عظام الرسغ ‪Carpal‬‬
‫•‬ ‫السالميات ‪Phalanges‬‬
‫•‬ ‫عظمة الفخذ ‪Femur‬‬
‫•‬ ‫عظمة القصبة ‪Tibia‬‬
‫•‬ ‫الشظيه ‪Fibula‬‬
‫•‬ ‫عظام الكاحل ‪Tarsal‬‬
‫•‬ ‫الفقرات ‪Vertebrea‬‬

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