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Capr Zaa600007132

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Version 6.

Sedex Audit Reference:
Sedex Audit Reference:
SMETACorrective Action
Corrective ActionPlan
Report (CAPR)
(CAPR) Version 6.1
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

Audit Content:
(1) A SMETA audit was conducted which included some or all of Labour Standards, Health &
Safety, Environment and Business Ethics. The SMETA Best Practice Version 6.1 (March 2019)
was applied. The scope of workers included all types at the site e.g. direct employees,
agency workers, workers employed by service providers and workers provided by other
contractors. Any deviations from the SMETA Methodology are stated (with reasons for
deviation) in the SMETA Declaration.

(2) The audit scope was against the following reference documents
2-Pillar SMETA Audit
• ETI Base Code
• SMETA Additions
• Universal rights covering UNGP
• Management systems and code implementation,
• Responsible Recruitment
• Entitlement to Work & Immigration,
• Sub-Contracting and Home working,
4-Pillar SMETA
• 2-Pillar requirements plus
• Additional Pillar assessment of Environment
• Additional Pillar assessment of Business Ethics
• The Customer’s Supplier Code (Appendix 1)

(3) Where appropriate non-compliances were raised against the ETI code / SMETA Additions
& local law and recorded as non-compliances on both the audit report, CAPR and on

(4) Any Non-Compliance against customer code shall not be uploaded to Sedex. However,
in the CAPR these ‘Variances in compliance between ETI code / SMETA Additions/ local
law and customer code’ shall be noted in the observations section of the CAPR.

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

Audit company: Report reference: Date: 23
LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference:
Sedex Audit Reference:
SMETACorrective Action
Corrective ActionPlan
(CAPR) Version 6.1
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

The Corrective Action Plan Report summarises the site audit findings and a corrective, and preventative
action plan that both the auditor and the site manager believe is reasonable to ensure conformity with the
ETI Base Code, Local Laws and additional audited requirements. After the initial audit, the form is used to re-
record actions taken and to categorise the status of the non-compliances.

N.B. observations and good practice examples should be pointed out at the closing meeting as well as
discussing non-compliances and corrective actions.

To ensure that good practice examples are highlighted to the supplier and to give a more ‘balanced’ audit
a section to record these has been provided on the CAPR document (see following pages) which will
remain with the supplier. They will be further confirmed on receipt of the audit report.
Root cause (see column 4)
Root cause refers to the specific procedure or lack of procedure which caused the issue to arise. Before a
corrective action can sustainably rectify the situation, it is important to find out the real cause of the non-
compliance and whether a system change is necessary to ensure the issue will not arise again in the future.
See SMETA BPG Chapter 7 ‘Audit Execution’ for more explanation of “root cause’’.
Next Steps:
1. The site shall request, via Sedex, that the audit body upload the audit report, non-compliances,
observations and good examples. If you have not already received instructions on how to do this
then please visit the web site
2. Sites shall action its non-compliances and document its progress via Sedex.
3. Once the site has effectively progressed through its actions then it shall request via Sedex that the
audit body verify its actions. Please visit web site for information on how to
do this.
4. The audit body shall verify corrective actions taken by the site by either a "Desk-Top” review process
via Sedex or by Follow-up Audit (see point 5).
5. Some non-compliances that cannot be closed off by “Desk-Top” review may need to be closed off
via a “1 Day Follow Up Audit” charged at normal fee rates. If this is the case, then the site will be
notified after its submission of documentary evidence relating to that non-compliance. Any follow-
up audit must take place within twelve months of the initial audit and the information from the initial
audit must be available for sign off of corrective action.
6. For changes to wages and hours to be correctly verified it will normally require a follow up site visit.
Auditors will generally require to see a minimum of two months wages and hours records, showing
new rates in order to confirm changes (note some clients may ask for a longer period, if in doubt
please check with the client).

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

Audit company: Report Report
Audit company Report reference: reference: Date:
reference Date: DD/MM/YY 37
LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR)
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

Audit Details
Sedex Company ZC408323458 Sedex Site Reference: ZS423252443
Reference: (only available on Sedex System)
(only available on Sedex System)

Business name (Company STERLING PERU

Site address: SECTOR ESPIRITU Country: PE
Site contact and job title: Harold Valdiviezo / Certification Assistant
SMETA Audit Pillars: Labour Health and Environment Business
Standards Safety (plus 4-pillar Ethics
Date of Audit: 2023-03-27

Audit Company Name:


Audit Conducted By
Affiliate Audit Purchaser Retailer
Brand owner NGO Trade Union

Multi-stakeholder Combined Audit (select all that apply)

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR)
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

Audit Parameters
Time in and time out Day 1
In 09:00
Out 17:00
Audit type: FULL_INITIAL
Was the audit announced? ANNOUNCED
Was the Sedex SAQ available for review? Yes
Any conflicting information SAQ/Pre-Audit Info to Audit No

Who signed and agreed CAPR Harold Valdiviezo / Certification Assistant

Is further information available No

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR)
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

Audit attendance Management Worker Representatives

Senior management Worker Committee Union representatives
A: Present at the opening Yes Yes No
B: Present at the audit? Yes Yes No
C: Present at the closing Yes Yes No
Reason for absence at the Facility does not have Union
opening meeting
Reason for absence during the Facility does not have Union
Reason for absence at the Facility does not have Union
closing meeting

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR)
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

Summary of Findings
Issue Area of Number of issues Findings
(please click on the issue title to go direct to the Local
appropriate audit results by clause) ETI NC Obs GE
NC - 269e1e08-d17e-478e-
10B2 - Environment 2–pillar 10.B2.1 §1 1 0 0 ab63-ad8f987bc280

Local Law Issues

Issue Description
§1 Local law, supreme decree N° 001-2010-AG, article 64.1, establishes that every
person, natural or legal, public or private, to use water requires a right to use water,
granted by the Water Management Authority. (La ley local, decreto supremo N °
001-2010-AG, artículo 64.1, establece que toda persona, natural o jurídica, pública
o privada, para utilizar el agua requiere un derecho de uso del agua, otorgado por la
Autoridad Administradora del Agua).

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR)
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

Corrective Action Plan - Non Compliances

Non-Compliance Evidence

[Back to findings summary]

Status OPEN
Reference 269e1e08-d17e-478e-ab63-ad8f987bc280
Clause 10B2 - Environment 2–pillar
Issue Title 634 - No appropriate permits for water use / extraction
as per legal requirements
Subcategory Water waste & usage
New or carried New Carried Over
Root cause Training System
Costs Lack of workers
Root cause -
Local law issue Local law, supreme decree N° 001-2010-AG, article
64.1, establishes that every person, natural or legal,
public or private, to use water requires a right to use
water, granted by the Water Management Authority.
(La ley local, decreto supremo N ° 001-2010-AG,
artículo 64.1, establece que toda persona, natural o
jurídica, pública o privada, para utilizar el agua requiere
un derecho de uso del agua, otorgado por la Autoridad
Administradora del Agua).
ETI code 10.B2.1 - Suppliers must comply with the requirements
of local and international laws and regulations including
having necessary permits.
Explanation to Auditor noted that the facility does not have the right to
the non use water. (El auditor evidenció que la instalación no
compliance cuenta con el derecho de uso de agua).
Follow up Follow up audit Desktop audit
Timescale Immediate 30 days 60 days
90 days 120 days 180 days
365 days Other
Actions Please ensure you have the right to water. (Por favor
asegúrese de contar con el derecho de agua).

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR)
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR)
ZAA600007132 Version 6.1

SMETA Declaration

I declare that the audit underpinning the following report was conducted in accordance with SMETA Best Practice
Guidance and SMETA Measurement Criteria.

(1) Where appropriate non-compliances were raised against the ETI code / SMETA Additions & local law
and recorded as non-compliances on both the audit report, CAPR and on Sedex.
(2) Any Non-Compliance against customer code alone shall not be uploaded to Sedex. However, in the
CAPR these ‘Variances in compliance between ETI code / SMETA Additions/ local law and customer
code’ shall be noted in the observations section of the CAPR.

Auditor Team
Lead Auditor: Saulo Siesquén Coronel APSCA Number: 21702981
Date of 2023-03-27

Note: The focus of this ethical audit is on the ETI Base Code and local law. The additional elements will not be
audited in such depth or scope, but the audit process will still highlight any specific issues.

Site Representation
Full Name: Harold Valdiviezo
Title: Certification Assistant
Date of 2023-03-27

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: • SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report Version 6.1

Guidance on Root Cause

Explanation of the Root Cause Column

If a non-compliance is to be rectified by a corrective action which will also prevent the non-
compliance re-occurring, it is necessary to consider whether a system change is required.

Understanding the root cause of the non-compliance is essential if a site is to prevent the issue re-

The root cause refers to the specific activity/ procedure or lack of activity /procedure which
caused the non-compliance to arise. Before a corrective action can rectify the situation, it is
important to find out the real cause of the non-compliance and whether a system change is
necessary to ensure the issue will not arise again in the future.

Since this is a new addition, it is not a mandatory requirement to complete this column at this time.
We hope to encourage auditors and sites to think about Root Causes and where they are able to
agree, this column may be used to describe their discussion.

Some examples of finding a “root cause”

Example 1
Where excessive hours have been noted the real reason for these needs to be understood, whether due to
production planning, bottle necks in the operation, insufficient training of operators, delays in receiving
trims, etc.

Example 2
A non-compliance may be found where workers are not using PPE that has been provided to them. This
could be the result of insufficient training for workers to understand the need for its use; a lack of follow-up
by supervisors aligned to a proper set of factory rules or the fact that workers feel their productivity (and thus
potential earnings) is affected by use of items such as metal gloves.

Example 3
A site uses fines to control unacceptable behaviour of workers.

International standards (and often local laws) may require that workers should not be fined for disciplinary

It may be difficult to stop fines immediately as the site rules may have been in place for some time, but to
prevent the non-compliance re- occurring it will be necessary to make a system change.

The symptom is fines, but the root cause is a management system which may break the law. To prevent the
problem re-occurring it will be necessary to make a system change for example the site could consider a
system which rewards for good behaviour

Only by understanding the underlying cause can effective corrective actions be taken to ensure
continuous compliance.

The site is encouraged to complete this section so as to indicate their understanding of the issues raised and
the actions to be taken.

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

Audit company: Report Report
Audit company Report reference: reference: Date:
reference Date: DD/MM/YY 15
LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27
Sedex Audit Reference: • SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report Version 6.1

For more information visit:

Your feedback on your experience of the SMETA audit you have observed is extremely
valuable. It will help to make improvements to future versions.

You can leave feedback by following the appropriate link to our questionnaire:

Click here for Buyer (A) & Buyer/Supplier (A/B) members:

Click here for Supplier (B) members:

Click here for Auditors:

Audit company: Report reference: Date:

Audit company: Report Report
Audit company Report reference: reference: Date:
reference Date: DD/MM/YY 16
LSQA ZAA600007132 2023-03-27

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