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Voice 201010

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Columbus United Methodist Church

222 S. Dickason Blvd. Columbus, WI 53925

October, 2010

In This Issue
Thank You October Usher Schedule October Birthdays Upcoming Sermon Topics Family-Friendly Friday Night Film October Fellowship Time Schedule History of Our Bell Choir Wish List The Upper Room Celebrates 75 Years Mission Offering for October Annual Church Conference October Anniversaries Consecration Sunday is Coming Sharon Ellison Event October Children and Youth Ministries News and Notes Annual Pork Chop Dinner Weekly Bible Study Gods Little Post It Notes Calendar
Our purpose is to: Follow Jesus Together We do this by: Opening our hearts to people and to Christ in worship and fellowship, so that we know God and each other more fully, Opening our minds to deepen our Christian faith, understand our heritage, and think together to solve common problems, and Opening our doors in welcome and hospitality, even as we go out of those doors to invite people into God's church and be in service to all of our neighbors everywhere.

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The Voice
Thanks a lot!

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To Lois & Stuart Smith and all the

To the Pritchards, Burnards and Karows

who count the offering on Sundays, what a vital task! To Lon Else, Shirley Felland, Sue Gmeinder, Barb Green and the Finance Committee, who do a lot of work to keep our finances straight. To Heather Emerson, who has agreed to succeed Lon as treasurer. To those who organized the great UMW meeting in September, that had over forty attending. To Julie Jensen, for agreeing to head up the Pork Chop Dinner this year. To the Trustees who have gotten our churchs outdoor trim repaired and painted. To everyone involved in our six music groups (soon to be seven, with the addition of a seasonal bell choir): singers, instrumentalists, directors. To the dedicated Sunday School teachers who make Sunday School a place where children want to return. To our office staff, who keep everything running smoothly. To Orv & Bev Karow, who mail the newsletter every month. To our new custodial staff, who are adapting very well. To the Staff Parish Relations Committee, who do such an exceptional job helping our staff to do excellent work. To those adults who help me with Confirmation. To Peggy Waterworth and Rita Jordan for coordinating our much appreciated funeral luncheons To the ones who bring food for funeral dinners, family film nights, and other events. To Kay Meyer, who maintains our excellent library. To Ruth Marks, who prepares bread and juice for Communion.

ushers, who make worship happen so much more smoothly. To Phil Waterworth, who coordinates the rental of our house. To the Missions Committee, which helps our church reach out to far away corners of the globe and to projects just around the corner. To the sound and video guys, who enable our worship service to be heard clearly, to project needed visuals and to be put on cable TV. To the Liturgy in Bloom ladies, whose work in the sanctuary beautifies it, and helps inspire those who attend worship. To the Prayer Chain members, who pray daily for concerns telephoned to them.

To all in our church family who pray for others. The list is incomplete; many more names could be mentioned. You are probably on the list somewhere, if not by name. I just wanted to remind you all how it takes so many people to make the church the living, breathing body of Christ! Christ cannot be made plain in just one person, but with all of us together, Christ becomes real to the world. Jim

The Voice is the monthly newsletter of the Columbus United Methodist Church. Please send all correspondence to: PO Box 392, Columbus, WI 53925-0392. Pastor: Jim Cotter Secretary: Wanda Guenther Church Office......920-623-3625 (Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 9-3) Pastors home phone......920-623-9641 E-Mail: Website: ............................. Pastors E-Mail:

The Voice

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October Usher Schedule

Happy October Birthdays!

Oct. 3rd: Oct. 10th: Oct. 17th: Oct. 24th: Oct. 31st:

Orville & Beverly Karow and Lyle & Louise Elske Christian Education Committee Tim & Julie Jensen and Beth Burnard George & Rita Jordan and Stuart Smith Audrey & Jamie Kasmiski and Gwenn & Sue Gmeinder

Kirsten Henke Samuel Shea Noah Shea Cody Toth 2 Alice Meyers 5 Charles Fuller Tim Hoffman 6 Kate Stover 8 Kaila Lewis 9 Rachel Henke 10 Bonnie Luepke 11 Nicholas Fritchen 12 Wyatt Caldwell

13 16 17 18 20 23 25 30 31

Celeste Grubbs Ashley Braunc Pauline Zeier Angela Landphier Michael Schrader Matthew Lange Jarrod Rego Susan Tesch Roger Rego Douglas Shippert Henry Theilen Troy Wylesky

Thank You! Its almost twenty years as custodian at CUMC. It was fun, disappointing and rewarding but the back said its time to quit. So, thanks to all you loving people for helping me keep up the good work. A special thanks to the ones who helped with the coffee hour and the beautiful cake. Thank you, thank you all! Wes Karow

Upcoming Sermon Topics

Sunday, October 3rd: Sunday, October 10th: Sunday, October 17th: Sunday, October 24th Sunday, October 31st: Holy, Communion, Honoring the Sadness & Joy in You, Luke 23:26-31, Psalm 27:1-14 Childrens Sabbath, Jeremiah 31:27-34, Luke 18:1-8 Recycling Gods Goodness, Genesis 28:10-22, 2 Corinthians 9:1-8 Consecration Sunday, Jeff Nicholas preaching, one service at 9:30 a.m. Worship with Prayers for Healing, Wholeness, Isaiah 53:1-12, Luke 17:11-19

The Voice
Family-Friendly Friday Night Film, October 8th at 7 p.m.
Columbus United Methodist Church invites you to attend the Family Friendly Friday Night Film on October 8, 2010-at 7 pm. This fun-filled evening will provide your family with some great entertainment. Refreshments will be provided during intermission. There is no cost to you for the event. In the spirit of October we will be showing the marvelous Disney Film Bedknobs and Broomsticks. It is G rated and safe for your family, It is filled with marvelous animation, adventure, music and sure to delight audiences of all ages. The film is about a witch in training named Eglantine Price who has to care for three orphans during WWII air raids, much to her dismay. Eglantine receives her courses by mail from Mr. Emelius Browne. Unfortunately, Mr. Browne decides to end the course with only one lesson left, and it's this one lesson Eglantine needs in order to become an official witch. Along with the children, she travels by flying bed to Mr. Browne, only to discover that he's a fraud. He tells her he ended the course early because the final lesson, which he had taken from an old book, was missing. The film follows Mr. Browne, Ms. Price, and the children as they go in search of the missing document. The exciting fun filled adventures go from here and will take you on a most enjoyable journey!! As always, volunteers for ushers, food servers, set up and clean up are always needed. Come and join this growing family ministry!

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Fellowship Time Schedule October Volunteers

October 3rd: October 10th: October 17th: October 24th: October 31st: The Spangler Family Fred & Della Dartt Dave & Judy Stricker Lyle & Louise Elske Dan & Patsy Roe

History of Our Bell Choir

Over the years, many wonderful gifts have been given to our church to memorialize special folks. Our handbells fall into that category. They were purchased in memory of Susan Kendell, who died of cancer when she was in fifth grade. The Kendells were a blended family who joined out church over 40 years ago. Jerry and Bonnie both had children when they were married, and then had Susan and Gary came along as special bonuses. After Susans battle with cancer was lost, Bonnie wrote a book about the whole ordeal, which was published and earned money. Bonnie and Jerry used that money to purchase two octaves of handbells, and later added a third octave with more proceeds. Two bell choirs were formed--an adult group directed by Dan Burnard and a youth group directed by Mildred Henke. Over the past many years, attempts have been made to re-start at least an adult bell choir, but they have failed for a variety of reasons. We now have a new director, Bill Solomon, who will attempt to start at least a two octave group, which would require at least five ringers. If we get more ringers, we could use the whole three octave set.

This issue of the Voice is sponsored by Doug & Dorothy Eickelman in celebration of their 65th wedding anniversary on October 7th.

The Voice

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The Wills & Gifts Committee of our church is pleased to present you this Wish List. If there are any additional items you believe should be on this list, please contact the Chairperson, Lyle Elske, or call the church office at 623-3625. These are opportunities for special giving. Columbus United Methodist Church Wills & Gifts Wish List Bulletin Sponsor VOICE Sponsor Gift Bibles for 1st & 3rd Graders Child care for Praise Band Rehearsals 7 Confirmation Picture Frames & Matting (each frame holds six pictures) Seasonal silk flower arrangement for Sanctuary Easter/Wedding Altar Cloth and Pulpit & Lectern Paraments Wellness FundCounseling Wireless hand-held microphone and receiver $15.00 per week $50.00 per month $13.00 each $15.00 per week $230.00 each frame (or sponsor one picture at $40.00) $35.00 to $40.00 each $2800.00 Various Amounts $600.00

The Upper Room Celebrates 75 Years

The Upper Room devotional guide is read daily by more than 2.5 million people, is distributed in over 100 countries, and translated into 40 languages. It's simple format, uplifting reflections, prayers and scripture references have encouraged people for 75 years. In the year 2010, the Upper Room devotional guide will have passed 1 billion copies printed. You are a part of the ministry of the Upper Room, which is an arm of the United Methodist Publishing House. The Upper Room also has a toll-free prayer line, a marvelous web site, and will email devotions to people who request them. The Upper Room also has programs like the Walk to Emmaus, which encourage spiritual growth. For more information, you can check out

Worry looks around. Sorry looks back. Faith looks up!

Thanks to all who sent such beautiful and meaningful cards of condolence and sympathy on the passing of my brother, Bill, on September 4, 2010. They were all most uplifting to a saddened heart. Thanks, too, for visits, phone calls, and one-on-one expressions of love and concern. Thanks to the UMW ladies for their contribution to Missions in the name of Bill Yunker. He would have been most touched and honored. May God bless you all. Florence Lund

The Voice
Mission Offering for October
The mission offering for October will go to Church World Service (CROP walk). If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive the week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world. If you have money in the bank and spare change in a dish somewhere, you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all. More than 33 mission US citizens (one in ten households) cannot afford to meet their basic food needs. If they all stood in a line at a food pantry in New York, the line would stretch to Los Angeles and back --TWICE. Founded in 1946, Church World Service stands with impoverished peoples in more than 80 countries, providing wells, seeds, tools, and training to African farmers, irrigation systems in Cambodia, tents for Columbian refugees, vocational training for street children in Uruguay, to name just a few ways they are making a difference. In addition, 25% of the CROP Walk offering in October will go to our local Food Pantry.

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Columbus no longer has its CROP walk, but if you are interested in becoming an on-line walker, you may sign up at Be sure to let Eileen Bennett or the church office know, so we can advertise it in the bulletin! ~~Your Missions Committee

Annual Church Conference

November 15, 2010 at 7 p.m. is the time selected for our Church Conference, the annual meeting where we elect leaders, vote on membership changes, look at the church finances and more. Everyone is invited! If you are a member, you can vote. If you want to know more about the state of the church and its direction, this is the best opportunity you will have! This year, Rev. Jane Anderson Haass will preside and lead us through the meeting. Hope you can be there.

October Anniversaries
10/3 10/3 10/4 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/13 10/14 10/21 10/26 Scott & Leslie Balfanz Shane & Melanie Klinger Jason & Brittany Salisbury Timothy & Julie Jensen Douglas & Dorothy Eickelman Ronald & Wanda Guenther Roger & Kay Meyer David & Judy Stricker Orville & Beverly Karow Jeff & Teri Hurst

The Voice
Consecration Sunday Is Coming
9:30 a.m. worship (only one service) 10:30 a.m. brunch

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We have once again elected to use the Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program this year in our stewardship education emphasis. Consecration Sunday will be October 24 please plan to come. As you may recall, Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, What percentage of my income is God calling me to give? During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we will ask our attendees and members to make their financial commitments to our churchs missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world. Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning worship on October 24 at 9:30. We urge people to attend who feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. Estimate of Giving Cards will not be sent to homes prior to Consecration Sunday. We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. You will not receive a telephone call unless it is to invite you to the Consecration Sunday Brunch. During morning worship our guest leader, Rev. Jeff Nicholas, will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their commitments as a confidential act of worship. We encourage you to plan to attend. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events. The Stewardship Committee

Sharon Ellison
The registrations rolled in for the workshop on October 1 & 2, Taking the War Out of Our Words, led by Sharon Ellison. It was a big success! There were participants from our local community as well as from around Wisconsin. Sharon, who comes from the San Francisco area, has spent years learning about the things that increase defensiveness, and the things that allow defensiveness to decrease. She showed participants some practical ways to ask questions and make statements in order to communicate authentically and effectively.

The Voice
October Children and Youth Ministries News and Notes

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Rotation Sunday School We are off to a great start for the year! Students and staff are excited about the opportunities for learning and growing together in our faith. Our students range from 2 year olds to 7th grade. Creation Station, Story Telling Tent, Game Area, Holywood (video room) and Gathering Center are all set up with resources to inspire and motivate students to discover the wonder of Gods word. Childrens Sabbath will be October 10th. This special Sunday we will join thousands of congregations of every faith across the nation as we learn about and seek justice for children in our country The theme this year is Blessed to be a Blessing: Lifting up the Next Generation. God calls Abram in Genesis chapter 12, to leave his country kindred, and fathers house and promises, I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great so that you will be a blessing. This passage calls us to not only consider children as blessings, but to consider how we use all that we have been blessed with---time, talent, resources, imagination, and more to be a blessing. Some of the social issues impacting children are child poverty and injustice that leaves behind millions of children in our nation. 1. In this rich nation of ours more than 12 million children remain in poverty. 2. Three out of four poor children live in families where someone works. 3. An American child is more likely to be poor today than 25 or 30 years ago: more likely to be poor than an American adult, and more likely to be poor than a child living in Canada, Germany, or France. The Good news is that God calls us as people of faith to be the healing hands and hope for the children. We can make a difference and we can cry out and act for justice as Christ called us to do in the scriptures. Children are depending on us. Join us for this service as we listen, pray, sing, and share fellowship as we hear how we can be blessings for the children. Mark Your Calendars for October 31st!! We will have our annual October Fun Night from 6 to 7:30 pm. There will be games, prizes, activities, food and fellowship for all. Children (of all ages ) are encouraged to come in costumes. There will be great fun for all. We will be calling, emailing, and personally contacting people as we are able to help with each area and provide treats. This is a super evening of fun for all. JOIN US!!! God bless you and surround you with love, hope, peace and joy!!! Mary Baker

To my church family, friends and relatives: Thank you so much for the prayers and thoughtfulness during my illness. With your continued prayers, I will come back with a more positive healing message and continued support for other families in our church. Dawn Balfanz

The Voice
Brothers and Sisters, Randolph & Courtland United Methodist Church will be hosting a Lay Witness Mission conducted by Aldersgate Renewal Ministries on the weekend of October 8th - 10th. This is an ecumenical event and I wanted to invite you all as clergy and any laity within your congregations to come and check out any portion or even the entire weekend if you and/ or any of your laity felt called to. This is a laity led event with Christians from various parts of Wisconsin coming into Randolph on their own dime to tell their faith story and testify to the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. It begins on Friday night with a dinner and general session, followed by coffees or small group gatherings at various locations throughout town on Saturday morning, another general session in the afternoon and evening and closes at the 10:15 a.m. Worship Service/ Sunday Morning (everyone goes home at night). If you and/or any of your laity would like to attend a portion or the entire weekend please just e-mail me at and let me know if you would like to be a participant for the entire Lay Witness Weekend or a portion of it. If you or any laity are coming only for a portion please include the day and time you would like to attend so I can direct you to where to go at that point of the weekend to participate. The only cost is a suggested donation of $5 for a worship book. Pastor Jeffrey Meyer Randolph & Courtland UMC

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Pork Chop Dinner Saturday, October 16, 4-7 PM

The Columbus United Methodist Church will host their annual Pork Chop Dinner on Oct. 16, 2010. Tickets are $9.50 ($5.00 kids 10 & under). The menu will consist of grilled pork chops, au gratin potatoes, vegetable, applesauce, rolls and dessert. Proceeds will go to our missionary in Zambia, Paul Webster, to help him continue his wonderful work. We are still looking for volunteers, to cook, serve and clean up on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th. Please call Julie Jensen 6234070 or 920-296-5804. We Need You!

You Are Invited!!!

A journey through the book of John has begun, Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., in the fellowship hall. Come along as we see what it means to follow the Jesus who claims to be living water, the true light, the way, the truth, and the life -- our life. Come and see this Jesus -- to hear Him speak, to see His signs -- and to consider anew what it means to be His disciples. By the way, another study session can be scheduled during the day if there is interest. Call Patsy Roe at 623-9110 to sign up. Hope you will accept this invitation!

Gods Little Post It Notes

When you get to your wits end, you will find God there. Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on the front door forever. God doesnt call the qualified; he qualifies the called. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us. If God is your co-pilot, swap seats!

The Voice
Columbus United Methodist Church
PO Box 392 Columbus, WI 53925-0392
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Upcoming events you might want to know about!


October 3rd: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship/Communion 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship/Communion 2:00 p.m.Cambria Hymn Sing Friday, October 8th: 7:00 p.m.Family-Friendly Friday Night FilmBedknobs and Broomsticks Sunday, October 10th: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship/Childrens Sabbath 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship/Childrens Sabbath Saturday, October 16th: 4:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.Annual Pork Chop Dinner at Columbus UMC Sunday, October 24thConsecration Sunday: 9:30 a.m.Worship with Celebration Brunch immediately following service 10:30 a.m.Sunday School Sunday, October 31st: 6:00 p.m.7:30 p.m.October Fun Night

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