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2nd Rgnul National Negotiation Competition Rules 2022 1

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Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law is pleased to organise the 2nd edition of the RGNUL
National Negotiation Competition

scheduled to take place on

12th – 14th November, 2022

Article 1 – General Information

1. Language – The Official Language of the competition, for all purposes, shall be English. All
written and oral submissions shall be made in English.
2. Dress Code – The Dress Code of the Competition shall be business formals.
3. Registration Fees –The registration fees for the competition shall be Rs. 6,500 + 18% GST
per team.
4. Venue – The Competition shall be held physically in offline mode at the Rajiv Gandhi
National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab.
5. Code of Conduct – CADR, RGNUL reserves the right to disqualify any team for any kind of
misconduct on the part of any member of the team or coach, during the dispute. In case of
any doubt, the decision of CADR, RGNUL shall be final and binding upon all the interested

Article 2 – Definitions

1. “BATNA” means the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement, and refers to what is
the most feasible step for a party to take, if the Parties fail to reach an agreement.
2. “Competition” means the 2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition, 2022.
3. “Competition Administrator(s)” means Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR),
4. “Competition Date(s)” means 12th- 14th November, 2022
5. “Competition Rules” means the rules and guidelines mentioned, herein.
6. “Confidential Information” means factual information, given exclusively to one party, in
accordance with the rules of the competition.
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

7. “Eligible Student” means a student enrolled in an undergraduate/postgraduate law degree

program in any of the universities recognised by the Bar Council of India, as on 1st September
of this year of the competition.
8. “General Information” is the factual information provided to the registered participants by
the Competition Administrator(s) which is delineated to be as such.
9. “Judge” means a lawyer or an academician nominated and/or selected by the Competition
Administrator who evaluates and scores the performance of the Participating Team during a
Negotiation Session in accordance with the Competition Rules.
10. “Negotiating Team” refers to a team of two participants from a registered university, acting
in the capacity of client and counsel for the purposes of the competition.
11. "Negotiation Plan" means the plan submitted in accordance with Article 6.
12. “Participating Team” refers to a team from a recognised law university whose registration
has been approved by the Competition Administrator.
13. “Preliminary Rounds” stands for the first two rounds of the competition.
14. “Requesting Party” stands for the party, in the proposition, at whose behest the option of
negotiation was exercised.
15. “Responding Party” stands for the party other than the requesting party in the negotiation
16. “Submission date” stands for date of submission of the Negotiation Plan for Preliminary
Rounds, as notified by the Competition Administrator
17. “Seeded University” means a university as provided under Schedule I of the Rules
18. “WATNA” means the Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement, and refers to the worst
outcome if negotiation fails.

Article 3 – Team Composition and Registration Process

1. Each participating team will consist of two eligible students from the same university, acting as
Client and Counsel. No changes will be allowed once the composition has been communicated
to the Competition Administrator.

2. The Centre will notify the confirmation of slots, along with the payment link to the selected
teams at the earliest.

3. The Seeded Universities will be reserved a slot, and will not need a specific allocation of slots
by the Competition Administrator. The Seeded Universities are required to complete the
registration by completing the registration form and make the payment latest by 14.10.2022,
failing which their slots will be deemed to have been forfeited and the slot will be allocated to
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

the general pool.

4. However, such Seeded University will still be eligible to get a slot under the general pool.

5. Other Universities are eligible to apply under the general pool latest by 18.10.2022 by
completing the registration form.

6. The teams allotted a slot under the general pool must make the payment of registration fee
latest by 21.10.2022, failing which the slot shall be deemed to have been forfeited.

7. The Centre shall have the right to allot the forfeited slot to other teams.

8. The interested Universities may reserve their slot by making the payments before and provide
the team composition thereafter before 21.10.2022.

9. The link for payment is :

10. Team may access the registration form here.

Article 4 – Release of Proposition

The proposition for the competition shall be released tentatively on 7th October, 2022 by the
Competition Administrator. Any clarifications in respect to the same can be submitted by the
participating teams to the Competition Administrator by 25th October 2022, via email to

Article 5 - Competition Format

1. There shall be 2 Preliminary Rounds. The top eight teams of the Preliminary Rounds shall
proceed to the Quarter-Final Round. The winning team of each Negotiation round in the
Quarter Finals shall proceed to the Semi-Final Round. Thereafter, the winning team of each of
the Semi-Final Rounds shall proceed to the Final Round. The Ranking and Progression criteria
for each round shall be as has been discussed in Article 8. In case of tie between teams during
qualification, criteria as prescribed under Article 9 shall be assessed.
2. Each participant shall act as a client and a counsel in the preliminary rounds. Accordingly, after
the two preliminary rounds, each participant must have acted as a client and a counsel,
3. Each party shall be provided with a team code, upon registration, for the purposes of all the
rounds of the competition. The participating teams are required to use the team code for all
purposes during all the rounds of the competition. The teams must not disclose the names of
the team members or their university to the judges of the competition.
4. General Information [GI] for all the rounds of the competition shall be released by the
Competition Administrator tentatively on 7th October 2022. Each party will be provided with
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

a set of Confidential Information [CI] for the preliminary, quarter-final, semi-final, and final
round 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes, prior to the competition rounds respectively. The parties
cannot disclose the CI, to any other party, at any time between its receipt and the conclusion
of the concerned rounds, unless disclosure (necessary or appropriate) has been expressly
5. The participating teams are not allowed to create new facts. Reasonable interpretation of the
facts is permissible, and the standard of such reasonability shall be decided by the judges of the
competition rounds.
6. Time limits are as below:
i. In the Preliminary and Quarter-Final Rounds, each Negotiation Session will consist
of 50 minutes, a break-up of which is as follows:
(A) 40 minutes for the actual negotiation;
(B) 10 minutes (5 minutes per team) for questions from or feedback by the Judges;
ii. In the Semi-Final, each Negotiation Session will consist of 60 minutes, a break-up
of which is as follows:
(A) 50 minutes for the actual negotiation;
(B) 10 minutes (5 minutes per team) for questions from or feedback by the Judges;
iii. In the Final Round, the Negotiation Session will consist of 70 minutes, a break-up
of which is as follows:
(A) 60 minutes for the actual negotiation;
(B) 10 minutes (5 minutes per team) for questions from or feedback by the Judges;
iv. The Judges will have complete discretion to:
(A) alter the restriction on time limits set out above; and
(B) impose a Penalty for failing to adhere to time limits for the actual negotiation
prescribed herein.

Article 6 – Negotiation Plan

1. The parties shall submit a soft copy of the Negotiation Plan in (.doc/.docx and .pdf formats)
to the Competition Administrator for each preliminary round by 8th November 2022, 11:59
PM. Failure to comply with the Submission Date deadline will attract a penalty of 3 points per

2. The Negotiation Plan should state the brief facts, core issues, strengths and weaknesses, zone
of possible agreements and BATNAs & WATNAs as has been prescribed in the Negotiation
Plan Outline provided.
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

3. The Negotiation Plan should be covered in 5 A4 sized pages (including the cover page) in the
prescribed Plan Outline. The format for the same should be Times New Roman, black ink, size
— 12, with 1.5 line spacing. The Plan should not contain footnotes, and should not disclose
the identity of the team.

Article 7 - Judges

1. The Competition Rounds shall be judged by such judges as would be selected by the
Competition Administrator.
2. The panel of assessors in the Preliminary Rounds shall comprise two judges, quarter-finals shall
consist of three judges, the Semi-final shall consist of four judges and the Final Rounds shall
consist of five judges.
3. The Criteria for judgement shall be as follows –

i. Opening Statements – The Judges may assess the opening statement in terms of
parameters including (but not restricted to) logic, clarity, coherence, analysis, structure,
time management, and reference to the problem.

ii. Identification of issues – The participants must be able to clearly identify and
subsequently deal with such issues to establish their argument.

iii. Teamwork and Team Camaraderie – The teams here shall be tested on areas of
mutual support, cooperation, and team chemistry exhibited by both participants in each
team during the session.

iv. Legal soundness in the arguments of the Counsel; and Commercial prudence in
the arguments of the client – This section shall essentially ensure role fulfilment by
participants, and further encourage novel legal and commercial analysis supported by

v. Question answering ability – The ability of participants to respond to

questions/feedback by judges shall be assessed under this head.

Article 8 - Rankings and Progression

The preliminary rounds will be conducted on a progression basis. On the basis of the total
scores received in the two preliminary rounds, the top 8 teams will qualify for Quarter-Final
Rounds. The Quarter-Final Rounds and the Semi-Final Rounds shall be Knock-Out Rounds
and the team winning in each room will qualify for the subsequent stages.

The winning team from the Semi-Finals Round will advance to the Finals.
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

Article 9 – Tie-Breakers

1. Negotiating Teams will be ranked and selected on the basis of overall scores in the Preliminary
Rounds. In case of a tie, the total number of score sheets designating ‘wins’ shall be considered.
In case the tie persists, the team with higher cumulative score in the Negotiation Plans shall

2. In case of a tie in the score of two or more Negotiating Teams in the Knock- Out Rounds
(Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Finals), the team that will advance to the next round shall be
decided on the basis of:

i. firstly, the total number of score sheets designating ‘wins’,

ii. in the case tie persists, the total number of points scored in that round;

iii. and in case there continues to be a tie, their ranking in the Preliminary Rounds of the

Article 10 - Awards

1. Winner (Cash Prize, Trophy, Certificate of Merit and Internships at SAM)

2. Runner-Up (Cash Prize, Trophy and Certificate of Merit)

3. Best-Negotiator (Cash Prize and Certificate of Merit) [based on Highest Cumulative score in prelims]

4. Best-Negotiation Plan (Cash Prize and Certificate of Merit) [based on Highest cumulative score of the
two Negotiation Plans]

5. Certificate of Participation shall be given to all the participants.

Article 11 - Disqualification

For the purposes of the Competition, and subject to the discretion of the Competition
Administrator, the following acts shall result in disqualification of the participating team:

i. Change in team composition.

ii. Failure to submit the Negotiation Plans.

iii. Disclosure of confidential information, except in the course of the concerned competition

iv. Causing unreasonable delay in the commencement of a round. The evaluation of reasonable
limits shall be decided by the judges and the competition administrator and such decision shall
be final and binding.
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

v. Scouting and unfair conduct.

vi. Non-compliance with any other rule, mentioned herein.

Article 12 - Coaches

1. Teams are allowed to appoint one and only one individual as their designated “Coach”. The
Name, Designation, Relevant Experience in Negotiation Competitions, and Contact Details of
such individuals shall be communicated to the Competition Administrator by 21.10.2022 via
email to

2. An appointment will then be confirmed by the Competition Administrator on a discretionary

basis, and the Competition Administrator is to be informed prior to appointment to ensure
there is no conflict of interest, especially with the personnel who are assessing. In case of an
occurrence wherein an individual ends up as both a Judge and a Coach, the team they are
coaching will be disqualified in case there was no prior intimations.

3. Coaches will be allowed to spectate on the rounds of their teams, and provide guidance only

i. prior to release of Confidential Information for the round; and

ii. subject to conclusion of the feedback session for the round

4. Coaches are not allowed to engage in scouting of other teams. Such conduct shall lead to
immediate disqualification of the team that they are coaching.

5. Coaches will not be provided accommodation by the Competition Administrator in case they
wish to accompany the team to the Competition.

6. The Competition Administrator reserves the right to notify any future guidelines in this regard.

Article 13 - Miscellaneous

1. Any information communicated to one of the team members, shall be deemed as information
communicated to the whole team.

2. Participants are expected to follow any and all guidelines that may be issued by the Competition
Administrator and the University vis-à-vis on campus conduct. Failure to do so may lead to a
penalty and/or disqualification.

Article 14 – Saving Provision

The Competition Administrator reserves discretion in any and all remaining matters, and the
decision of the Competition Administrator shall be the final and will not be subject to challenge.
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022



(Universities that have qualified for Semi-Finals in either of the past two editions of the Sports and
Entertainment Law Mediation Competition or Quarter-Finals of the last edition of the RGNUL
National Negotiation Competition)

1. Army Institute of Law, Mohali

2. Chanakya National Law University, Patna

3. Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar

4. Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur

5. Jindal Global Law School

6. Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, NMIMS, Mumbai

7. Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai

8. NALSAR, Hyderabad

9. National Law Institute University, Bhopal

10. National Law University, Delhi

11. National Law University, Odisha

12. National Law School of India University, Bangalore

13. Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad

14. Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur

15. Symbiosis Law School, Pune

16. West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata

2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022



Match-up: Team v. Team Room No:

Requesting/Responding Party Scoresheets

Scoring Scale:

1 = Poor 2 = Satisfactory 3 = Good 4 = Very Good

5 = Excellent / Exceptional / Outstanding

Client Counsel
Scoring Criteria
Score Score

Communication and Relay of Information (25 pts. max.)

Clear understanding & narration of facts of the case

Effective information gathering

Courteous presentation of opposing perspective

Efficient use of listening skills and body language

2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

Appropriate articulation, tone and language

Collaboration and Creating Options (25 pts. max.)

Allowing scope for flexibility and creativity

Actively collaborating without compromising on interests

Generating mutually satisfying solutions

Building relationship and trust

Efforts to advancing the process towards resolution

Effective Use of Negotiating Skills (25 pts. max.)

Strategic revealing of confidential information

Presenting and framing of proposals

Legal Expertise (For Counsel) and Commercial Prudence

(For Client)

Making offers within authority

Using objective criteria in prioritizing interests

2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

The Home Stretch (25 pts. max.)

Being respectful of others’ interest

Reflecting interests in outcome

Weighing up options if Negotiation fails

Handling emotionally charged moments

Answering questions during feedback session


Minus Points (If any) & Reason

Final Score out of 100 points


Judge's Name and Signature:



Team: Round:

1. A4 Paper Size 2
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 3 )
2. Making up Facts 2 per new fact
(Ref. Article 5 Rule 5 )
3. Exceeding Time 2 per extra minute
(Ref. Article 5 Rule 6)
4. Plain White with Black Ink 2
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 3 )
5. Four-Page Limit 5 per extra page
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 3 )
6. Font Requirements 2
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 3)
7. Spacing 2
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 3 )
8. Margins 2
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 3 )
9. Breach of anonymity 5
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 3 )
10. Late Submission 5 per hour
(Ref. Article 6 Rule 1)
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022



Team: Round:


Total Marks- 20

S. Criteria Maximum Marks Scoring Scale

NO. Marks Scored

Negotiation Strategy
1-2.5 (Poor)
(Core Issues, Strategizing
1 5 2.5-3.5 (Satisfactory)
Strengths and
3.5-5 (Excellent)
Weaknesses to advantage)

1-2.5 (Poor)
Underlying Interests
2 5 2.5-3.5 (Satisfactory)
(Goals, objectives)
3.5-5 (Excellent)

1-2.5 (Poor)
3 5 2.5-3.5 (Satisfactory)
3.5-5 (Excellent)

1-2.5 (Poor)
4 BATNA/WATNA 5 2.5-3.5 (Satisfactory)
3.5-5 (Excellent)
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022

Sub Total

Penalties for

Final Total
2nd RGNUL National Negotiation Competition Rules, 2022


Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR), RGNUL, Punjab


Student Coordinators:

Tanveer Kaur (70097-22968)

Kabir Chaturvedi (91489-05381)
Rachit Somani (63760-06259)
Ishaan Sood (97797-73899)
Kohsheen Saraf (97118-12858)

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