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Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.

14 (2021), 3532-3539
Research Article



Legisoa , Kiagus Ahmad Roni b

a, b
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,University of Muhammadiyah
Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia
*Corresponden Email author:

Article History :Recevied: 1 August 2021 ;Revised:10 August 2021;Accepted:12 September


ABSTRACT:River water is a natural resource that is a necessity for living things, but until
now there has been a lot of pollution caused by industrial activities. Kundur river water
pollution occurs because the disposal of industrial waste that is managed ineffectively and the
river becomes a place for accumulation of waste disposal from all human activities, causing
pollutants to enter the river before finally being channeled into the sea or lake, and at a
certain point when the river's capacity for If the pollution load has reached its limit, what will
happen is river pollution. So we need a way that can reduce this pollution by using various
adsorbents, one of which is activated carbon from rice husks and banana peels. The aims of
the study were to determine the quality of activated carbon from rice husks and kepok banana
peels with different weight variations, to determine the effect of the effectiveness of activated
carbon from rice husks and kepok banana peels, to determine the decrease in levels of heavy
metals iron (Fe), TSS and pH, after Adsorption was carried out with activated carbon from
rice husks and adsorption with activated carbon from kepok banana peels. This research was
conducted by preparing raw materials, carbonization, activation, and absorption of river water
content with activated carbon. The results showed that activated carbon of kepok banana
peels with a concentration of 20% H3PO4 could reduce iron (Fe) levels from an initial value
of 0.52 mg/L to 0.00 mg/L, TSS levels decreased from an initial value of 180.3 to 0.46 mg.
/L., and the pH of the acid solution from the initial value of 5.4 to neutral with a value of 7.2.
The conclusion is that the activated carbon of banana peel kepok is better than rice husk
activated carbon to reduce the content of heavy metal iron (Fe), TSS and neutralize pH.
Keywords: Pollution, Activated carbon, Rice husk, Kepok banana peel, River water.

1. Introduction
Rivers have many roles to support human activities. River water resources can be used
as a source of water to meet the needs of daily human life such as bathing, washing, and even
drinking water. The river can also be used as a power plant, as a place for tourism, and
transportation. Along with the rate of development and population growth, rivers have turned
into a place for accumulation of waste disposal from all human activities, especially in urban

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.14 (2021), 3532-3539
Research Article

areas. This causes the pollutant to enter the river before finally being channeled into the sea
or lake, and at a certain point when the river's capacity for the pollution load has reached its
limit, what will happen is river pollution which will cause new problems (Aini et al. , 2020).
Aquatic ecosystems that hold water are rivers. Rivers are influenced by many factors,
such as human activities around the watershed (DAS) and natural factors. River flows play an
important role in life, such as being used as a source of clean water for the domestic and
industrial sectors, tourism and water sources to irrigate agricultural land in villages.
Watershed as an open ecosystem, the water flows into the sea, receiving various inputs from
the outside, both from the highlands to the estuary. The inputs are household waste, industrial
waste, agricultural activity waste, soil erosion and landslides (Hahagia et al., 2020).
Recently, it is difficult to get clean water. The cause of the difficulty of obtaining clean
water is water pollution caused by industrial, household and agricultural wastes. In addition,
the development and looting of forests is the cause of the reduced quality of springs from the
mountains because a lot of it is mixed with mud which is eroded by river water. As a result,
clean water is sometimes a scarce item (Nugroho et al., 2017).
The Kundur River is a tributary of the Musi River in South Sumatra Province, which
is located in Banyuasin I District, Banyuasin Regency. The Kundur River is a small river
with a length of approximately 4 km which empties into the Musi River and has an important
role, both ecologically and socially. Ecologically, this river contributes greatly to the habitat
of various aquatic biota, both in terms of microbiota and macrobiota. Socially, the Kundur
river provides many benefits for the community, starting from the upstream to the most
downstream, the river is used by the surrounding community for household activities, such as
bathing, washing, and latrines (MCK) (Kartika et al., 2015).
Based on the initial analysis carried out at the Chemical Engineering Laboratory of
the Sriwijaya Poly Engineering (POLSRI) on April 1, 2021, it was found that the water
condition of the Kundur River, Banyuasin 1 District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra
Province is for iron (Fe): 0.59 mg/ L , TSS : 180.3 mg/L , and pH : 5.4 river water is acidic.
That the iron content in water can be reduced by using activated carbon as a filter medium.
Activated carbon is a kind of absorbent (absorbent), black in color, in the form of granules,
rounds, pellets or powder. Charcoal can be used to remove odors and colors in water.
Charcoal is a porous solid containing 85-95% Carbon, produced from materials containing
Carbon (Aini et al., 2020).
Rice husks and banana peels are waste materials or waste that is quite large in number.
Generally, banana peels have not been processed in real terms, only disposed of as organic
waste or to feed livestock such as goats or cows while rice husks are usually used for
fertilizer. The number of banana peels is quite a lot or about 1/3 of an unpeeled banana.
Banana peels are also waste from the banana processing industry but can be used as
technology in water purification (Aini et al., 2020).
The purpose of this study was to determine how the quality of activated carbon from rice
husks and kepok banana peels with different weight variations in degrading heavy metal
content of iron (Fe), TSS and pH in Kundur river water.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.14 (2021), 3532-3539
Research Article

2. Literature Review
Research conducted (Nurhayati, 2021) Adsorption with a flow rate of 100
ml/minute can reduce total Fe by 99.94% from 1.768 ± 1.14 mg/L to 0.98 ± 0.03 mg/L and
total chromium 99, 07% from 48.35± 0.49 mg/L to 0.39±0.00 mg/L, COD 99.17% from
35,485 ± 2.1 mg/L to 286±1.4 mg/L, BOD 99% from 15,052 ± 13.5 mg/L to 149.5±2.1 mg/L,
pH 7.05 – 7.25.
(Nurhayati et al., 2020).
Research conducted (Nugroho, 2017) Contact time affects the decrease in heavy
metal levels of Pb. The longer the contact time, the higher the decrease in heavy metal
content. Contact times of 35 minutes, 75 minutes, and 115 minutes using 10% HCl activator
resulted in a decrease to reduce the content of heavy metal Pb by 74.37%, 91.07%, 91.36%.
Contact times of 35 minutes, 75 minutes, and 115 minutes using 10% ZnCl2 activator
resulted in a decrease in the content of heavy metal Pb waste by 82.76 %, 92.51%,
92.47%.(Nugroho et al., 2017).
Research conducted by (Muhrinsyah Fatimura, 2020) Optimum results were
obtained at the composition of 40gr Carbon with 60% NaCl concentration in 500 ml. With
the results of the analysis of water content of 10.7%, ash content of 9.55%, volatile matter
content of 13.8%, absorption of iodine at 1516.45 mg/gr and pure activated carbon content of
76.65 % then This activated carbon from banana peel waste has met the requirements for
activated carbon standards according to SNI 06 3730 1995 (Fatimura et al., 2020).
Research conducted by ((Adeko & Mualim, 2020) Reduction of Fe levels using
variations in the thickness of the combination of rice husk waste and kapok skin waste 20 cm
is 1.77167 mg/l (63.32%). the thickness of the combination of rice husk waste and kapok skin
waste 30 cm was 0.58333 mg/l (87.92%). The decrease in Fe levels using variations in the
thickness of the combination of rice husk waste and kapok skin waste 50 cm was 0.44650
mg/l (90 ,75%) (Adeko & Mualim, 2020).
The main compounds of rice husk cell walls are polysaccharides, namely crude fiber, or
cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose which have hydroxyl groups that can play a role in the
adsorption process. The -OH groups of cellulose in rice husks are able to react with groups in
river water, so that the substances present in river water can be bound to rice husks. In
addition, rice husk charcoal is a material that has a high absorption capacity, so that rice husk
charcoal can be used as a filling material for the absorption of heavy metals iron, TSS and
pH. (Aniska, 2016).

3. Research Method
The materials used in this study, namely: rice husks, kepok banana peels, Kundur river
water, phosphoric acid solution (H3PO4). The equipment used in this study, namely furnace,
grinding, ball mill, evaporating dish, sieving, pH meter, spatula, stirrer, analytical balance,
rubber ball, filter paper, desiccator, burette, analytical balance, conductor, oven, magnetic
stirrer, desiccators, a set of AAS instruments, and glassware commonly used in laboratories.

The process of making activated carbon consists of three stages, namely the process
of preparation, carbonization and activation. Preparation Process: Rice husks and banana

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.14 (2021), 3532-3539
Research Article

peels are taken as much as 1500 grams and then heated in the sun to dry. After that, the
process of reducing the size of the raw materials in rice husks and banana peels aims to
produce pores in the activated carbon that will be produced in order to obtain activated
carbon with a high surface area. Carbonization Process: Rice husks and kepok banana peels
are put into a container and put in a furnace to be carbonized. This carbonization process
takes place at a temperature of 450oC for ± 50 minutes. After that cool it at room
temperature. Then grinded and disieving at 100 mesh. Activation Process:
Rice husk charcoal and kepok banana peel were activated using 20% H3PO4 as much as 20,
25, 30, 35, and 40 gr, stirred for 10 minutes and allowed to stand for 24 hours, then the
mixture was filtered and the cake was washed with distilled water. The pH is close to neutral
and then dried in an oven at a temperature of about 117⁰C and cooled in a desiccator.

4. Results And Discussion

Table 1. Characterization of Kundur river water before adsorption

Parameters (units) Score

1. pH 5,4

2. TSS (mg/L) 180,3

3. Besi (mg/L) 0,5255

( Source : Analysis in Chemical Engineering Laboratory,Polsri 2021 )

water content (%)

sekam padi
2 kulit pisang
20 25 30 35 40
Amount of activated carbon (gr)

Figure 1. Graph of the relationship between the amount of activated carbon and water content

We can observe from graph 1, is that as the amount of adsorbent increases, the water content
decreases. Rice husks have a greater water content than banana peels. This difference is
caused by the water content bound to the banana peel has evaporated a lot from the rice
husks. Based on SNI 06 – 3730 – 1995, the standard requirement for activated carbon quality
standard is a maximum of 15%. Of the ten activated carbons above are below the quality
requirements of activated carbon. The low water content indicates that the free water content
and bound water contained in the material have evaporated during the carbonization process.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.14 (2021), 3532-3539
Research Article

1 sekam padi

The ash content (%)

0,8 kulit pisang
20 25 30 35 40
Amount of activated carbon (gr)

Figure 2. Graph of the relationship between the amount of activated carbon and ash content

In graph 2, we can observe that

The ash content of 20-40 grams of rice husks reaches 0.93-0.42%, while the ash content of
banana peels reaches 0.33-0.41%. Based on SNI 06 – 3730 - 1995 the standard requirement
for activated carbon quality standard is a maximum of 10%. Judging from the two activated
carbons above, they are below the established standard. The ash content is desired as low as
possible so that ordinary liquid adsorption takes place properly. This is because the mineral
content in the ash such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium can spread in the
activated charcoal lattice and cover the active center and reduce the ability of activated
carbon to absorb gas or solution.

The ash content of 20-40 grams of rice husks reaches 0.93 – 0.42%, while the ash content of
banana peels reaches 0.33-0.41%. Judging from the two activated carbons above, they are
below the established standards. The ash content is desired as low as possible so that ordinary
liquid adsorption takes place properly. This is because the mineral content in the ash such as
calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium can spread in the activated charcoal lattice and
cover the active center and reduce the ability of activated carbon to absorb gases or solutions.

Iron Content (%)

sekam padi
0,2 kulit pisang
0 20 25 30 35 40
Amount of activated carbon (gr)

Figure 3. Graph of Analysis of Iron content in Kundur River Water from Activated Carbon
After Adsorption

In graph 3, it can be explained that it can be seen that there is a decrease in the iron content of
the Kundur river water. The adsorption results are either by using activated charcoal of rice
husks or with activated charcoal of banana peels. Rice husk activated charcoal decreased iron
from 0.52 to 0.08. And on the adsorption of kapok banana peel, iron decreased from 0.52 to
0.00. This is because the composition of activated carbon in rice husks and kapok banana

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.14 (2021), 3532-3539
Research Article

peels has been able to reduce the iron in the water of the Kundur River. iron content
decreased after being treated with activated carbon, because rice husk activated charcoal
contains main components such as cellulose which has the adsorption ability to increase
surface molecules so that the carbon undergoes changes in physical and chemical properties
which are able to activate high enough metal ions so that it can reduce iron levels.
In the adsorption capacity that occurs, it can be seen that the adsorption capacity can
increase with the number of doses of activated carbon. According to Chairul (2016) the
decrease in the amount of adsorbate was caused by a decrease in the total surface area and an
increase in diffusional which caused a decrease in the amount of adsorbate.

TSS Levels (%)

0,4 sekam padi

0,2 kulit pisang

20 25 30 35 40
Amount of activated carbon (gr)

Figure 4. Graph of Analysis of Kundur River Water TSS Levels From Activated Carbon
After Adsorption

From Figure 4, we can explain that on the surface of the water, the TSS value decreases after
treatment with activated carbon has met the river water quality standards. The lower the TSS
value, the clearer the water by suspended solids is closely related to the turbidity of the water
so that activated carbon is more effectively used in decreasing the TSS value.
The results of adsorption using both activated charcoal of rice husks and activated charcoal of
banana peels were that the activated charcoal of rice husks was able to absorb TSS levels
from 0.53 to 0.39. And on the adsorption of banana peel kepok able to absorb TSS levels
from 0.46 to 0.32. This is because the composition of activated carbon in rice husks and
kepok banana peels has been able to reduce the TSS of Kundur river water.

pH Value (%)

5 sekam padi
2 kulit pisang
0 20 25 30 35 40

Amount of activated carbon (gr)

Figure 5. Graph of Analysis of the pH value of Kundur River Water from Activated Carbon
After Adsorption

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.14 (2021), 3532-3539
Research Article

In graph 5, it can be explained that the results of adsorption of pH values using either rice
husk activated charcoal or kepok banana peel activated charcoal can change the pH value
from 5.4 to 7.16. And the adsorption of kapok banana peel can change the pH value from 5.4
to 7.29. This is because the composition of activated carbon in rice husks and kepok banana
peels is able to neutralize the pH value of the Kundur river water, thus meeting the Quality
Standards of South Sumatra Governor Regulation No. 16 of 2012 which is a pH value of 6-8.

5. Conclusion
Raw materials, operating conditions at the carbonization stage, and the concentration
of activator used greatly affect the quality of the activated carbon produced.
Based on the research that has been done, it is found that: The best quality of activated
charcoal comes from kepok banana peel which is activated with 20% H3PO4 as much as 20
grams at a carbonization temperature of 450o C can function as an adsorbent in Kundur river
water treatment.
The mass of activated charcoal banana kepok 20 grams as an adsorbent in Kundur river water
treatment can absorb TSS levels from 180.3 to 0.46 mg/L, iron content from 0.52 to 0.38
mg/L while the pH value can change from 5.4 to 6 ,4.
The mass of activated charcoal from rice husks and banana peels as adsorbents in
Kundur river water treatment at a concentration of 450oC with H3PO4 0.1N 20% activator as
much as 20 g has the characteristics of activated carbon, namely water content 5.27%, ash
content 0.33%. For the quality requirements of SNI activated charcoal (06-3730-1995) a
maximum moisture content of 15% and a maximum ash content of 10% can be seen from the
water content & ash content according to SNI.

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Research Article

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