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Diabetes Assessment Form

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North Atlanta Endocrinology & Diabetes, P.C.

Diabetes Self-Management Education

Assessment Form
Name: _____________________________________________________  Date: _______________________
Date of Birth: _________/_________/_________  Gender: F_____  M _____
Marital Status: Single _____  Married _____  Divorced _____  Widowed _____
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian _____  Black/ African American _____  Hispanic _____
Native American _____  Middle Eastern _____  Other: __________________
What is your language preference? English _____  Other: __________________
What is the last grade of school completed? Grade school _____  High school _____  College _____
Email address: _____________________________________ (For diabetes education/follow-up ONLY)

  1. What type of diabetes do you have? Type I _____  Type 2 _____  Gestational _____
Pre-Diabetes _____  Do not know _____
  2. When were you diagnosed with diabetes? ________________
List of relatives with diabetes____________________________________________________________
  3. Do you take diabetes medications? Yes _____  No _____ (If yes check all that apply below)
Diabetes pills _____  Insulin injections _____  Byetta injections _____  Victoza injections _____
Symlin injections _____  Combination of pills and injections _____
  4. D o you have: High blood pressure _____  High cholesterol _____  Nerve damage _____
Kidney disease _____  Heart disease _____  Lung disease _____  Eye disease _____
Depression _____
  5. Have you attended a diabetes education program in the past? Yes _____  No _____
How long ago? ________________
  7. From whom do you get support for your diabetes? Family _____  Co-workers _____
Healthcare providers _____  Support group _____  No-one _____

  8. D
 o you have a meal plan for diabetes? Yes _____  No _____
If yes, please describe: _________________________________________________________________
About how often do you use this meal plan? Never _____  Seldom _____  Sometimes _____
Usually _____  Always _____
Do you read and use food labels as a dietary guide? Yes _____  No _____
Do you have any dietary restrictions: Salt _____  Fat _____  Fluid _____  Other: _______________ 
None _____
Give a sample of your meals for a typical day:
Time: __________  Breakfast: ____________________________________________________________
Time: __________  Lunch: _______________________________________________________________
Time: __________  Dinner: ______________________________________________________________
Time: __________  Snack: _______________________________________________________________
  9. D
 o you do your own food shopping? Yes _____  No _____ 
Cook your own meals? Yes _____  No _____
How often do you eat out? ______________________________________________________________
10. Do you drink alcohol? Yes _____  No _____  Occasionally _____  How many drinks per week _____ 
11. Do you use tobacco? Yes _____  No _____  Quit: _____
12. Do you exercise? Yes _____  No _____  Type ________________________  How often ___ __________
13. Do you check your blood sugars? Yes _____  No _____  How often? Once a day _____ 
2 or more/day _____  1 or more/week _____  Occasionally _____
What is your blood sugar range: Before meals: _____ to _____  After Meals: _____ to _____
14. In the last month, how often have you had a low blood sugar reaction? Never _____  Once _____
One or more times/week _____ What are your symptoms? __________________________________
15. Can you tell when your blood sugar is too high? Yes _____  No _____ 
16. In the past 12 months which of these test/procedures you have had: Dilated eye exam _____ 
Urine test for protein _____  Foot exam _____  Dental exam _____  Blood Pressure _____ 
Weight _____  Cholesterol _____  HgA1c _____  Flu Shot _____  Pneumonia Shot _____ 

17. In your own words, what is diabetes? _____________________________________________________

18. How do you learn best? Listening _____  Reading _____  Observing _____  Doing _____
19. Do you have any difficulty with? Hearing _____  Seeing _____  Reading _____  Speaking _____

20. Do you have any cultural or religious practices or beliefs that influence how you care for you
diabetes? Yes _____  No _____  Please describe: ____________________________________________
21. D o you feel good about your general health? Yes _____  No _____  Not sure _____ 
Does diabetes interfere with other aspects of your life? Yes _____  No _____ 
How is your level of stress? High _____  Low _____  No stress _____ 
22. H ow do you handle stress? ______________________________________________________________
Do you struggle with making changes in your life to care for your diabetes: Yes _____  No _____
23. What concerns you most about your diabetes? ____________________________________________
24. What is hardest for you in caring for you diabetes? _________________________________________
25. What are you most interested in learning from your diabetes education sessions? _____________

For Women Only

2. Pregnancy and Fertility:
Are you: Pre-menopausal _____  Menopausal _____  Post-Menopausal _____  N/A _____
Are you pregnant? Y _____  N _____  When are you expecting? ________________________
Are you planning on becoming pregnant? Y _____  N _____ 
Are you aware of the impact of diabetes on pregnancy? Y _____  N _____ 
Are you using birth control? Y _____  N _____  N/A _____ 

Please do not write below this line

Clinician Assessment Summary:
Education Needs/education plan for patient:
Diabetes Disease Process Using Medications Psychosocial Adjustment
Nutritional Management Physical Activity Preventing Acute Complications
Preventing Chronic Complications Behavior Change Strategies Risk Reduction Strategies
Date: _______________________ Clinician Signature: __________________________________________
HT 1/2012

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