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GE 3TdatasheetDiscovery750

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The document discusses the GE Healthcare Discovery MR750 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system, highlighting its key features such as high magnetic field strength, advanced gradient and radiofrequency (RF) technologies, and capabilities across various clinical applications.

The main features highlighted include its 3.0T magnetic field strength, powerful gradients, proven magnet reliability, patient-tailored RF management, unique optical RF technology, and fast reconstructions.

The technologies mentioned include 3.0T magnet, strong gradients, proven magnet reliability, patient-tailored real-time SAR management, unique optical RF technology, and fast reconstructions.

GE Healthcare

Discovery MR750, ™

a 3.0T system
Technical data
Simply Powerful –
Powerfully Simple.
Discovery™ MR750 3.0T
Simply Powerful – providing the power, precision and performance for advanced
clinical and academic studies. Making the routine exams fast and the advanced
exam routine. Powerfully Simple – no longer “What ifs,” but “Right nows.” And that’s
just for starters. Because Discovery MR750 3.0T lets you break the barriers of
traditional 3.0T MR scanning.

Start from a position of power.

The strongest gradients. Proven 3.0T magnet reliability. Patient-tailored real-time SAR
management. Unique optical RF technology. Fast reconstructions. Discovery MR750’s
stunning new technologies take 3.0T MR imaging where it’s never gone before. So you
can push the system hard – without the system pushing back. Discovery MR750 3.0T.
MR beyond boundaries. To give you every edge.

Swifter. Smoother. Simpler.

Decrease patient preparation time. Reduce exam steps. Increase overall scanner
efficiency. Discovery MR750 makes routine exams fast, advanced exams routine,
and every scan a study in speed.

Break free from barriers.

Image without traditional scanning limits. See with new clarity. With fast, higher-
accuracy scans. Excellent anatomical coverage. Excellent spatial resolution.
Discovery MR750 3.0T delivers premium clinical and research performance
across today’s most challenging MR studies.

Table of Contents

Overview...................................................................................................... 4
3.0T Magnet technology...................................................................... 8
Gradient technology............................................................................10
RF technology.........................................................................................12
RF coils and arrays...............................................................................14
ScanTools . ...............................................................................................28
Imaging options.....................................................................................30
Neuro applications........................................................................33
Functional MRI applications......................................................34
Spectroscopy applications........................................................35
Cardiovascular applications.....................................................36
Body applications..........................................................................39
Breast applications.......................................................................40
Orthopedic applications.............................................................41
Pediatric applications..................................................................42
Scan parameters...................................................................................44
Siting and other specifications........................................................45


Simply Powerful
The industry’s most powerful whole-body gradients. Precise Streamlined image acquisition
high-bandwidth optical RF receiver chain. Proven 3.0T magnet With up to 32 channels of data reception, the Discovery MR750
reliability. The Discovery™ MR750 3.0T combines advanced 3.0T architecture is designed for high-channel-count imaging,
MR technologies in a system of excellent power, precision and for up to 128 channels in the future. So you can use all
and performance. elements, receivers, and processors to make practical use of
high-density coils, parallel imaging, and volumetric acquisitions.
Strongest whole-body gradients The result: high-definition MR images and instant access to the
Delivering ultra powerful 50 mT/m amplitude and 200 T/m/s full range of leading-edge GE technologies for consistent,
slew-rate, the Discovery MR750 3.0T gradients easily handle reliable image quality.
today’s challenging MR studies–with exceptional thermal
management that frees you to develop advanced applications. High performance with real-time system optimization
Employing unique feed-back and feed-forward control loops, PERFORM 2.0 automatically fine-tunes system SAR modeling,
the eXtreme Gradient Driver (XGD) produces precise, high-fidelity personalizing it for every patient. Additionally, PERFORM 2.0
waveforms during play-out, for superb results in spectroscopy, provides scanning efficiency with its proprietary gradient
PROPELLER 2.0, EPI-fMRI, and emerging applications based on waveform algorithm, managing limitations due to peripheral
complex acquisition schemes. nerve stimulation (PNS). Push protocol parameters and acquisition
speeds to the limit — without risking patient safety or slowing
Exclusive optical RF technology down the system.
OpTix, an exclusive optical RF technology, enables up to
32 channels of data reception that maximize signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR), system stability, and acquisition speed while
providing a platform for advanced clinical research and
development. By minimizing electrical noise along the
imaging chain, OpTix improves overall image quality for
your facility and, most importantly, for your patients.

Advanced acceleration technology

The development of high-density coils has accelerated imaging
speeds through parallel imaging techniques. The Discovery
MR750 3.0T’s new parallel imaging technology, ARC™ (Auto-
calibrating Reconstruction of Cartesian data), reduces scan
times while eliminating misregistration errors and artifacts
that are caused by traditional techniques that use a calibration
scan. The system’s gains in reconstruction processing
performance open the door for data-intensive studies
once thought impractical.


Powerfully Simple
Advanced technology doesn’t necessarily mean complexity. Exclusive Express patient table design
Discovery™ MR750 3.0T combines technology advances The Discovery MR750 3.0T’s Express patient table simplifies scan
with ease-of-use to provide excellent clinical imaging and preparation, cuts time between exams, and improves patient
workflow efficiency that give you an edge. safety. Featuring the Liberty™ 2.0 Docking System, the detachable
table lets you fully prepare a patient for an exam outside of the
Express Exam streamlined workflow scan room, to reduce patient anxiety and maximize scanner
The Express patient table, IntelliTouch Technology, in-room productivity. The Express patient table can be extracted
operator console (iROC) and highly automated user interface from the bore and exam room in less than 30 seconds by
create the Discovery MR750 3.0T system’s streamlined workflow. one technologist, so patient safety is never compromised.
Express Exam helps you improve patient care by letting you
keep your focus where it’s needed most – on your patient. With
Express Exam, entire exams are completed in just a few steps –
due to the automated acquisition, processing, and networking
capabilities of the Discovery MR750 3.0T’s user interface.

IntelliTouch patient positioning Enhanced clinical performance with advanced applications
Boost exam productivity with IntelliTouch patient positioning, Applications drive procedure growth, and the Discovery
by eliminating the need for laser alignment and reducing MR750 3.0T system supports a comprehensive suite of clinical
the steps to position patients. The Discovery™ MR750 3.0T applications that optimize image quality for all patients and
system automates many routine landmarking tasks to simplify technologists. Combining advanced hardware, workflow, and
patient preparation and reduce errors. For patients needing applications, the Discovery MR750 3.0T helps ensure high-quality
pinpoint alignment, lasers may be used to select or confirm images are efficiently acquired for every patient, and every
landmark positioning. exam is completed with superb quality and simplicity.
IDEAL, a unique GE acquisition technique, differentiates fat and
Convenient in-room operator console (iROC) water for clear, consistent tissue contrast without artifacts.
Simplify exam preparation and reduce the time between patients
LAVA-Flex offers volumetric abdominal imaging with short
with the Discovery MR750 3.0T’s high-resolution, color in-room
breath-hold periods and clear tissue contrast, with water-only
operator console. Consolidating all controls in one place, the
and fat-only separation.
iROC provides real-time interactive control to help ensure any
necessary changes in patient setup are related quickly back to VIBRANT-Flex provides the unique capability to acquire
the user. There’s no need for the technologist to leave the room, sagittal or axial 3D images of both breasts with excellent fat
so patient reassurance and comfort are enhanced. Continually suppression in the same time it takes to image only one breast.
displaying pertinent information and scanner status to the
A GE-exclusive technique, Cube™ replaces several slice-by-slice,
user closes the loop between your patient and your hospital or
plane-after-plane 2D acquisitions with a single 3D volume
radiology information system, with the goal of reducing errors
scan – providing sub-millimeter isotropic volume data from
and improving throughput.
a single acquisition.
TRICKS is a leading application for time-resolved MR
angiography because of its simplicity, reliability and inherent
ability to add dynamic flow information without sacrificing
spatial resolution.
PROPELLER 2.0 significantly reduces motion artifacts and
optimizes tissue contrast, in all planes, helping visualize even
small or subtle lesions without compromising image resolution
or prolonging scan time.

3.0T Magnet technology

The foundation for quality and flexibility Magnet specifications

When it comes to image quality and applications flexibility, Operating field strength 3.0T (127.8 MHz)
no other component of an MRI system has greater impact Shim coils 18 superconducting
than the magnet architecture.
Magnet shielding Active
The Discovery™ MR750 3.0T MR system features GE’s 3rd EMI shielding factor 97%
generation 3.0T magnet design, and features a high- Magnet size <173 cm x 206 cm
homogeneity short-bore superconducting magnet for excellent (without enclosures)
image quality. The open appearance of the magnet helps ease (L x W)
patient anxiety while the zero-boil-off technology effectively Magnet length 194 cm
eliminates helium refills, reducing operating costs and with enclosures
maximizing uptime. Magnet weight 9,750 kg
with cryogens
Easy siting, affordable operation Long-term stability < 0.1 ppm/hr over
The Discovery MR750 3.0T magnet is one of the most compact 24-hour period
systems available. Complemented by GE’s active shielding Cryogen refill period Zero-boil off*
technology, the Discovery MR750 3.0T can be installed Fringe field 5 Gauss = 5.0 m x 2.8 m
almost anywhere. (axial x radial) 1 Gauss = 7.4 m x 4.4 m
Manufacturer GE Healthcare
Magnet enclosures
*Under normal operating conditions
This magnet enclosure system is designed to provide several
benefits for the patient and technologist:
• Patient anxiety is eased, resulting in reduced exam time
for uncooperative patients
• Technologists have easy access to the patient
• Dual-sided controls streamline patient setup

Fringe Field: 3.0T vs. 1.5T

Patient bore
1.5T magnet 3.0T magnet
Patient Bore 70 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm 5 Gauss line 5 Gauss line
(L x W x H)
Patient Laser alignment guides 2.80 m
positioning features for patient positioning 2.48 m
32-channel configurations offer
dual-sided table, landmarking
and control panel
Patient comfort controls Head or feet first entry
and interface Dual-flared patient bore
2 way in-bore intercom system
4.0 m 5.0 m
Adjustable in-bore
lighting system
Adjustable in-bore patient
ventilation system
Other In-room operator console
with track ball control

Magnet high-order shim
To fully optimize the magnet homogeneity for your facility, In addition, GE utilizes a Large Volume RMS (LV-RMS) procedure to
the Discovery™ MR750 3.0T system uses 18 superconducting determine the field homogeneity after integrating the gradients,
high-order shim coils to ensure optimum performance for RF body coil, and system electronics. LV-RMS measurements
each site’s unique environment. utilize a large phantom placed within the bore, and because
the data is obtained using the entire imaging chain, it reflects
High homogeneity is assured – our Discovery MR750 3.0T
the results that clinicians and researchers will experience with
magnet provides excellent results for:
day-to-day scanning.
• Large FOV imaging up to 48 cm x 48 cm x 48 cm
• Off-center FOV imaging such as knee, shoulder Diameter of spherical Typical
and wrist imaging volume-DSV ppm
10 cm 0.02
• Robust fat saturation techniques required for abdominal,
20 cm 0.03
breast and musculoskeletal imaging
30 cm 0.08
• High-performance applications, such as cardiac,
40 cm 0.27
fMRI, diffusion tensor and spectroscopy
45 cm 0.53
GE measures the raw homogeneity of a magnet using the
Large Volume Root-Mean-Square (LV-RMS)
Volume Root Mean Square (V-RMS) method that utilizes both
method is an imaging-based method with over
measured data on a sphere plus synthesized data using 173,000 measurements collected over a spherical
a spherical harmonic expansion of the field. volume after linear and higher order shims have
been adjusted.

Diameter of spherical Typical Guaranteed

volume-DSV ppm ppm
10 cm 0.03
20 cm 0.05 <0.05
30 cm 0.1 <0.15
40 cm 0.25 <0.50

Volume Root-Mean-Square (V-RMS) method is

based on 24 measurements in each of 24 planes
with linear terms set to zero.

Gradient technology

Gradient performance
Premium clinical and research performance is assured with
the Discovery™ MR750 3.0T eXtreme gradient Resonance Module
(XRM) and eXtreme Gradient Driver (XGD) systems. Gradient
speed, accuracy and reproducibility are critical for all
acquisitions, but the performance is especially critical in
challenging acquisitions and research development.
The gradients are non-resonant and actively shielded to
minimize eddy currents. The gradient coil and the RF body
Fidelity, accuracy, and reproducibility
coil are integrated into a single module, which are both
water- and air-cooled for maximum duty-cycle performance Gradient systems have historically been defined in terms of
and patient comfort. peak amplitude (mT/m) and slew rate of the generated field
(T/m/s). While these parameters are important in achieving
Amplitude per axis 50 mT/m high temporal resolution parameters, such as TRs and TEs,
applications such as fMRI, PROPELLER 2.0, TRICKS, and
Slew rate per axis 200 T/m/s
spectroscopy rely more heavily on gradient fidelity, accuracy,
Maximum effective amplitude 87 mT/m
and reproducibility.
Maximum effective slew rate 346 T/m/s
Fidelity is defined as the degree to which an electronics system
Maximum FOV on X, Y, Z axis 48 cm
accurately and reproducibly amplifies an input signal. Applied
Rise time to maximum amplitude 250 μs
to MR gradient systems, gradient fidelity refers to the system’s
Gradient duty cycle 100% ability to generate requested waveforms. The high fidelity of the
Discovery MR750 3.0T gradients is achieved through the use of
Quiet technology innovative design of the digital control architecture within the
gradient amplifier. This architecture has two digital control paths.
State-of-the-art clinical imaging demands the routine use of
ultra-fast imaging techniques. At 3.0T, the strong gradients • Dedicated active feedback loop to regulate current errors.
interact with the magnetic field to create mechanical forces • Unique feed-forward model to match amplifier output
resulting in acoustic noise. GE’s enhanced quiet technology to gradient coil.
takes a passive approach by employing an acoustic barrier
material that reduces acoustic noise without compromising
performance. This technology reduces acoustic noise levels Gradient subsystem fidelity, accuracy,
by up to 50% when compared with previous designs. and reproducibility parameters
Gradient integral precision* 0.47ppmFS-s
Resistive high-order shim Shot-to-shot repeatability* 0.16ppmFS-s
The Discovery MR750 3.0T gradient is available with five high- Symmetry* 0.32ppmFS-s
order shims to minimize the effect of patient-induced magnet
inhomogeneity. In addition to the three linear terms (X, Y, Z), this * Typical gradient fidelity expressed in a relative scale is derived from the
set includes the five 2nd-order terms (listed below) to shim the field following measurements of integrated errors in micro-Amperes-second (μAs).
Gradient integral precision is the maximum integrated current error over a
to account for each patient’s anatomy and position in the bore. full-scale, echo-planar gradient waveform. Shot-to-shot repeatability is the
largest difference between integrated errors across waveforms. Symmetry
Higher-order shimming results in improved image quality for all
is the largest difference in integrated current error when comparing positive
applications, but especially in Spectroscopy, Diffusion Tensor and negative gradient waveforms.
(DT) and Diffusion-Weighted Echo Planar Imaging (DW-EPI), Fat
Saturation, VIBRANT breast and MR Echo cardiac applications. Gradient system optimization
Linear and 2nd-order shim terms X, Y, Z PERFORM 2.0 incorporates a new proprietary gradient waveform
XY, ZX, ZY, Z2 algorithm that manages limitations due to peripheral nerve
stimulation (PNS) and therefore enables full use of slew rate
X2 - Y2
for shorter TEs and TRs.

RF technology

The RF technology of the Discovery™ MR750 3.0T system Standard RF transmit architecture
integrates the three major components of the information
RF amplifier Water cooled, small footprint
pipeline: (1) Transmit, (2) Receive and (3) Processing. This close
Maximum output power 35 kW Body
integration enables excellent clinical performance and
4.5 kW Head
image quality, especially for data-intensive applications.
Maximum RF field with >24 mT
integrated body coil
RF transmit technology
Transmit gain 40 dB coarse/>84 dB instantaneous
The RF transmit architecture technology consists of a liquid-
RF exciter frequency range 127.72 ± 0.625 MHz
cooled 35kW solid-state RF power amplifier combined with an
integrated, bandpass, 16-rung quadrature body coil designed Frequency resolution <0.6 Hz/step
to improve RF and signal homogeneity at 3.0T. Frequency stability 14 part per billion (0 to 50C)
Phase resolution 0.005 degree/step
RF system optimization Amplitude control 16 bit with 12.5 ns resolution
At 3.0T, staying within FDA- and IEEC-mandated guidelines for Amplitude stability < 0.1 dB over one min. at rated power
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) can potentially limit the ability to Digital RF pulse control 2 amplitude modulators,
scan efficiently. 2 frequency/phase modulators
Leveraging over a dozen years’ 3.0T experience, GE has overcome Continuous wave power 100W
these limitations on the Discovery MR750 with an exclusive new RF Coil Transmit drive ports 4 ports
synergistic SAR management system called PERFORM 2.0. Transmit/Receive Body Coil Fully integrated
Combining RF body coil design, optimized pulse sequences, 16-rung quadrature
detailed predictive SAR modeling during prescription, and birdcage bandpass
real-time SAR feedback and correction during scanning 60 cm inner diameter
helps ensure high system performance across all applications, Up to 48 cm FOV
tailored for each patient. All anatomy and general applications
The results include fast exams, productivity, patient comfort
and improved diagnostic results, scan after scan, patient
after patient.

OpTix (Optical RF Receive technology) Reconstruction processing
The OpTix RF system enables high-bandwidth, 16- or 32-channel Reconstruction performance today is challenged by explosive
reception with improved SNR over conventional MR receiver designs. growth in data, and increased computational complexity.
Conventional MR scanner designs place the RF receivers in the The amount of data to be stored and processed continues to
electronics room where the MR signal is subject to significant increase with the advances in MR system technology. The
electrical noise prior to being digitized. The OpTix optical RF Discovery MR750 meets that challenge head-on with innovations
receivers are located on the magnet system inside the shielded in reconstruction to take full advantage of computing power
scan room, completely isolated from external noise sources. by leveraging both software and hardware technology.
The MR signal is digitized within the scan room and then optically
The Discovery MR750 3.0T features a powerful volume
transmitted to the reconstruction engine in the electronics room.
reconstruction engine (VRE 2.0) that enables real-time image
Since losses are inherent with conventional wire designs,
generation, even when massive parallel-imaging datasets are
the close proximity of the receivers to the patient reduces noise
involved. The reconstruction engine features onboard memory
and improves image quality.
and local raw data storage to support and maintain simultaneous
data acquisition and reconstruction under the most demanding
Optical RF architecture applications.
Simultaneous RF receivers 16 or 32 VRE 2.0 uses 64-bit computing, delivering larger acquisition memory
Coil input ports 40 or 136 and faster performance. Parallel processing and dedicated
Quadrature demodulation Digital network cards provide scalable memory and throughput.
Receiver sampling frequency per channel 80 MHz The acquisition-to-disk feature automatically expands the
memory capacity per the demands of the application.
Receiver dynamic range at 1Hz BW >165 dB
Receiver resolution Up to 32 bits

Reconstruction engine - 16 channels configuration

The OpTix acquisition technology enables high image quality
especially for data-intensive (3D) applications. When combined Peak 2D FFT/second 2700 2D FFTs/second
(256 x 256 full FOV) (256 x 256 full FOV)
with GE’s use of high-density surface coils, the optical receive
chain is a critical path for ensuring clear signal reception and data CPU Two Dual Core AMD
Opteron 2218 CPUs
analysis. To ensure that the high-density approach will always
(four 2.6 GHz cores)
be maintained, the scalable Discovery™ MR750 3.0T architecture
Memory 16 GB ECC DDR2 667 RAM
is designed to expand to 128 channels of simultaneous data
acquisition in the future. Hard disk storage 2 x 73 Gbytes

Reconstruction engine - 32 channels configuration

Peak 2D FFT/second 5400 2D FFTs/second
(256 x 256 full FOV) (256 x 256 full FOV)
CPU Four Dual Core AMD
Opteron 2218 CPUs
(eight 2.6 GHz cores)
Memory 32 GB ECC DDR2 667 RAM
Hard disk storage 4 x 73 Gbytes

RF coils and arrays

High-density arrays that focus coil elements around the anatomy of interest, while
providing extended coverage where needed, help to ensure optimal image quality for
every procedure. The open and flexible RF architecture of the Discovery™ 3.0T MR750
system also facilitates access to coils developed by other vendors. These attributes
lead to the optimal coil for each clinical application and a system that is ready for
coils in the future.

Standard coils with each MR system

Transmit/Receive Body Coil Transmit/Receive Head Coil

• Fully integrated • 16-rung quadrature birdcage
• 16-rung quadrature • Patient-friendly, split-top design
birdcage bandpass • 28 cm diameter x 38 cm length
• 60 cm inner diameter • Head and brain
• Up to 48 cm FOV • Extremities
• All anatomy and • Pediatric imaging
general applications

There are many optional receiver coils available to configure a Discovery™ MR750 3.0T
system to meet specific applications requirements.
The coils listed below are commercially available at the time of printing and are
optional with the system. Please contact your local GE sales representative for the
most current list.

Coils for neuro MR applications

HD NV Array 8-Channel CTL Spine Array 32-Channel Brain Coil

• 8-channel, 12-element • 8-channel, 14-element • 32-channel planer array design
phased-array design phased-array coil for high signal-to-noise ratio
• Parallel imaging compatible • High SNR, high uniformity, (SNR) and excellent contrast-
and extensive coverage to-noise ratio (CNR)
• Coil dimensions:
66 x 48 x 35 cm • Feet-first or head-first • Optimized for fMRI studies
(26 x 19 x 14 in) positioning • Parallel imaging compatible
• 45 cm S/I coverage • Built-in volume neck coil in all three planes
• Conforms to curvature • Sliding coil design for ease
of spine of patient positioning
• Coil dimensions: • Coil dimensions
113 x 47 x 24 cm Inner diameter: 24 cm
(45 x 18 x 9.4 in) (9.5 in)
Coil size: 29 cm OD x 30 cm long
• 75-cm (29.5-in) in S/I direction
(11.4 x 11.8 in)
for whole spine coverage
Base size: 41 cm x 48 cm
(16 x 19 in)
• Excellent S/I coverage for
imaging the entire head

HD Brain Array
• 8-channel, 8-element
phased-array design
• Parallel imaging compatible
• Coil dimensions:
69 x 38 x 41 cm
(27 x 15 x 16 in)
• 24 cm S/I coverage

RF coils and arrays
Coils for body applications

HD Torso Array 32-Channel Torso Array HD Breast Array

• 8-channel, 8-element coil • 32-channel, 34-elements • 8-channel, 8-element
• Parallel imaging compatible phased-array design phased-array design
• Coil dimensions: • Unique array configuration • Optimized for uniformity,
110 x 38 x 33 cm offers complete coverage parallel imaging and VIBRANT
(43 x 15 x 13 in) of the chest, abdomen, • Bilateral and unilateral
and pelvic regions breast imaging
• 40 cm S/I coverage
• High SNR and excellent • Biopsy plates available
S/I coverage
• Coil dimensions:
• Parallel imaging compatible 50 x 54 x 25 cm
• Coil dimensions (20 x 21 x 10 in)
Posterior: 82.5 x 43.9 x 6.4 cm
(32.5 x 17.3 x 2.5 in)
    Anterior: 91.9 x 53.6 x 3.8 cm
(36.2 x 21.1 x 1.5 in)
• 48-cm full FOV coverage

Coils for body applications Coils for orthopedic applications

HD Cardiac Array HD Knee Array HD Foot Ankle Array

• 8-channel, 8-element coil • Hybrid transmit/tapered • 8-channel, 8-element
• Optimized for parallel imaging phased-array design phased-array design
• Coil dimensions: • 8-channel, 8-element • Unique “chimney” design adds
46 x 50 x 13 cm phased-array design versatility for high SNR foot and
(18 x 20 x 5 in) • High SNR for knee imaging ankle imaging
• 34 cm S/I coverage • Coil dimensions: • Coil dimensions:
39 x 35 x 19 cm 53 x 28 x 33 cm
(16 x 14 x 8 in) (21 x 11 x 13 in)
• 16 cm S/I coverage

Coils for orthopedic applications

Quad Lower Extremity Coil Shoulder Phased Array HD Shoulder Phased Array
• 12-element, transmit /receive • 3-channel phased-array coil • 8-channel, 8-element
birdcage coil • Sleeve design phased-array coil
• Unique “chimney” design • Comprehensive • Comprehensive shoulder
adds versatility for ankle shoulder imaging imaging
and foot imaging • Uniform signal of the humeral
• Homogeneous penetration of
• Sensitive volume covers 22 cm the humeral head and neck, head and neck, rotator cuff,
FOV for knee imaging and rotator cuff, glenoid labrum, glenoid labrum, acromium
28 cm FOV for foot imaging acromium process, and process, and glenohumeral
• Coil dimensions: glenohumeral articular surfaces articular surfaces
48 x 31 x 36 cm • Coil dimensions:
(19 x 12 x 14 in) 25 x 23 x 25 cm
(10 x 9 x 10 in)
• 20 cm S/I coverage

HD Wrist Array Coil Transmit/Receive General Purpose Flex Coil

• 8-channel, 8-element Wrist Array Coil • Single-element,
phased-array coil • Quadrature birdcage receive-only coil
• High SNR to enable high volume T/R coil • Versatile
spatial resolution images • High SNR to enable high • Coil wraps around
• Position overhead spatial resolution images anatomy of interest
or at patient’s side • Position overhead • Intended for hip, shoulder,
• Coil dimensions: or at patient’s side brachial plexus, large knee,
34 x 23 x 14 cm • 40 x 40 x 30 cm ankle, thigh, elbow, and neck
(13 x 9 x 6 in) (16 x 16 x 12 in)
(includes base) • 10 cm S/I wrist and
• 12 cm S/I coverage for wrist hand coverage
and hand


Express Exam streamlined workflow

The Express patient table, IntelliTouch technology and in-room
operator console (iROC) streamline the Discovery™ MR750 3.0T
system workflow, helping you to improve patient care by letting
you keep your focus where it’s needed most – on your patient.
With Express Exam, entire exams are completed in just a few
mouse-clicks due to the automated acquisition, processing,
and networking capabilities of the Discovery MR750 3.0T’s
user interface.

Discovery Express patient table

Unique to GE, the fully detachable Express patient table
incorporates the Liberty™ 2.0 Docking System which improves
safety, exam efficiency, and patient comfort.
Discovery MR750 3.0T patient table
Safety Patient table Detachable and mobile
Easily docked and undocked by a single operator, the patient Min/max table height 70 to 91 cm, continuous
table is simple to move in and out of the exam room for patient Patient table drive Automated, power driven
transport and preparation. These become vital features in those vertical and longitudinal
instances where multiple patient transfers can negatively impact Longitudinal speed 30 cm/sec (fast) and
patient care or when emergency evacuation is required; 0.5 cm/sec (slow)
the table can be undocked and removed in under 30 seconds Vertical speed 4.0 cm/sec
with just one technologist. In time-sensitive situations there is Total cradle length 210.8 cm
no need to remove or disconnect surface coils as the system
Scannable range 205 cm
can automatically disconnect the coils for you. The mobility
Positioning precision +/- 0.5 mm
and safety features of Discovery MR750 patient table can
obviate the need for MR-compatible emergency equipment Maximum patient weight 227 kg (500 lbs)
for scanning
or a second technologist.
Maximum weight for 227 kg (500 lbs)
Exam efficiency patient guardrails

In addition to being fully detachable, the Discovery MR750 Patient transport Self-storing non-ferrous IV pole
accessories Positioning pads
Express patient table includes multiple surface coil connectors.
32-channel systems have dual 32-channel connectors at the Immobilization straps
foot end of the table, the patient can be fully prepared for an Table pad and head coil accessory
exam outside of the scan room, thus further reducing the 32-channel configurations 32-channel coil connectors
necessary steps before starting acquisition. at the end of the table
IntelliTouch Patient Positioning
With a second table, the next patient can be positioned
outside the magnet room while the current patient is
undergoing an examination.

Patient comfort
The Express detachable table can help reduce patients’ anxiety
and provide patients personal discretion by preparing them
for the exam outside the scan room. Reduced patient table
transfers for inpatients or trauma patients can improve overall
patient care. The Express patient table offers optional head- or
feet-first imaging. Additionally, feet-first positioning facilitates
run-off studies and set-up for claustrophobic patients.

With one hand and one simple motion, the integrated arm
boards and IV pole can be optimally positioned to support
the patient for safe transport and injections. This unique
capability of the Discovery™ MR750 table also makes it ideally
suited for multi-station exams with no scan room intervention,
such as time-resolved vascular imaging.

High-density coil interface

Discovery MR750 3.0T technology takes the guesswork out of
coil plug-in and identification by automatically identifying the
coil that is connected. Through prominent visual indicators near
the coil connection port, it allows the technologist to ensure
a secure coil connection, every time, for every procedure.

IntelliTouch patient positioning

IntelliTouch Technology enhances exam productivity by eliminating
the need for laser alignment and reduces the number of steps
for patient preparation.
For those patients where pinpoint alignment is desired,
lasers may be used for either the selection or confirmation
of landmark positioning.
The Discovery MR750 3.0T system has automated many routine
tasks to both simplify patient preparation and reduce errors.
With IntelliTouch Technology, the following tasks can
be completed:
• Landmark the patient
• Activate the surface coil
• Center the patient in the bore
• Start scanning
• Acquire, process and network images


Dual system control panels

For operation on either side of the scanner, two ergonomically
designed control panels are integrated into the front of the
system enclosures. These panels incorporate backlit buttons
to guide the user to the next logical step in exam setup.
A trackball and select buttons guide the use of the in-room
operator console.
From the system control panels you can:
• Position the table
• Home position
• Stop table
• Control multiple levels of in-bore ventilation and lighting
• Enter patient weight
• Enter patient orientation and patient position
• AutoStart – initiate the scanner to automatically acquire,
process, and network images

In-room operator console (iROC) In-Room Operator Console
Simplify exam preparation and reduce the time between Display 12.1” LCD Panel
patients with the Discovery™ MR750 3.0T optional high- XGA 1024 x 768 dot resolution
resolution, color in-room operator console. By consolidating Interface High-speed fiber-optic serial data
all controls into one place, the iROC provides real-time feed- connection carrying video data,
back to the user to help ensure that any necessary changes diagnostic data and USB data
in patient setup are quickly and clearly related back to the
user. The iROC also enables the user to visualize cardiac and
respiratory waveforms directly in the exam room – eliminating
the need for the technologist to leave the room and improving
the patient experience.
Mounted on the front of the magnet, the display provides
real-time interaction with the scanner and the host computer.
The user has direct control or selection of the following:
• Display of patient name, ID, study description
• Display and entry of patient weight
iROC patient setup.
• Display and entry of patient orientation and patient position
• Cardiac waveform display and EKG lead confirmation with
gating control: trigger select, invert and reset
• Respiratory waveform display
• IntelliTouch Technology landmarking
• AutoStart – initiate the scanner to automatically acquire,
process, and network images
• Display connected coils and coil status
iROC scan-time.
• Display of table location and scan time remaining
• Screen saver
The iROC simplifies patient workflow by reducing the time
burden of today’s most challenging exams. Together,
the significant advances of the Discovery MR750 3.0T improve
care by enabling technologists to help maintain their focus
where it is needed the most – on the patient.

iROC gating waveform.

iROC coil connection.


Discovery™ MR750 scan interface Modality worklist

The Discovery MR750 3.0T scan interface incorporates many The modality worklist (MWL) provides an automated method
features designed to lighten the workload of the technologists, of obtaining exam and protocol information for a patient
beginning with an optimized, intuitive and flexible 3-plane directly from a DICOM Worklist server. For sites with full DICOM
graphic localizer process. connectivity, once a patient has been selected from the MWL,
a new session is opened on the host interface and the iROC
The Discovery MR750 includes an automated protocol-driven will highlight the relevant exam details. For sites that do not
workflow and user interface designed for consistency in have full connectivity, minimal data entry (patient number and
generating high-quality imaging for all patients and from all weight) is necessary prior to starting a new session. Additional
technologists. Designed for efficiency, the Discovery MR750 data fields for patient-sensitive information such as allergies,
3.0T computer platform is built upon a parallel, multiprocessor pre-medication, pregnancy status, and history are provided.
design that delivers the simultaneity and speed needed
for advanced clinical operation. Productivity, efficiency The Discovery MR750 MWL provides complete control of the
and streamlined data management are assured through MRI protocol prescription. The protocol may be selected well
simultaneous scanning, reconstruction, filming, archiving, in advance of the patient’s arrival at the MR suite, thereby
networking and post-processing. simplifying exam preparation and reducing necessary work
by the technologist during the time-critical procedure.
Though the protocol-driven workflow can dramatically simplify
and automate image acquisition and processing, the flexibility The ConnectPro software enables the DICOM worklist server class
that is synonymous with GE systems is maintained. If desired, for the Discovery MR750 3.0T Operator’s Console. This software
the user can have complete control of exact sequence may require separate gateway hardware to connect non-
parameters for site optimization and patient specific situations. DICOM-compatible HIS/RIS systems to the MR system.

Discovery MR750 3.0T scan interface.

Modality Worklist.

Protocol libraries and properties Each protocol or series
can be saved with
The Discovery™ MR750 system provides the user with complete user-defined properties
control of protocols for simple prescription, archiving, searching, to simplify search and
selection for future use.
and sharing. The protocols are organized into two main libraries, Favorite protocols can
GE Optimized and Site Authored. For quick search and selection, be highlighted for quick
each protocol may be archived with independent properties selection from the
Modality Worklist or
based on patient demographics, anatomy, type of acquisition,
other libraries.
or identification number. For commonly used protocols,
a favorites flag may be used for quick selection from the
Modality Worklist or for sharing across other libraries.

Standard on every Discovery MR750 3.0T system, the
ProtoCopy feature enables a complete exam protocol to be
shared with the click of a mouse. The exam protocol can
originate from either a library or previously acquired exam. This
enables routine archive of protocols for emergency backup and
simple management of libraries across multiple systems.

Workflow Manager
Once a protocol has been selected for an exam, it is automatically
loaded into the Workflow Manager. The Workflow Manager
controls image prescription, acquisition, processing, visualization,
and networking and may fully automate these steps if requested.

The Workflow Manager

automatically loads the protocol
and controls image prescription,
acquisition, processing,
and visualization.

Adult and Pediatric Protocol libraries for simple

management of exams. Inline viewing
Inline viewing allows the user to conveniently view, compare,
and analyze images without having to switch to the Browser.
Simply select the series to view from the Workflow Manager and
the images are displayed along with standard image display
tools. Image comparisons can be easily done by selecting
multiple series at a time. The integrated viewer allows the user
to seamlessly move between scanning and image viewing.


AutoStart™ AutoVoice™
If AutoStart is selected, once the landmark position has been The AutoVoice feature will ensure that consistent and repeatable
set and the technologist exits the scan room, the Workflow instructions are presented to the patient for each and every
Manager will automatically start the acquisition. exam. User selectable, pre-recorded instructions are presented
at defined points in the acquisition. This helps ensure that the
Linking patient is in the right position and is fully aware of the next step
Linking automates the prescription of images for each series in the acquisition process. AutoVoice is particularly helpful
in an exam. Once the targeted anatomical region has been during breath-hold exams. The AutoVoice feature includes
located the Linking feature combines information from a instructions in over 14 languages and the user can create
prescribed imaging series to all subsequent series in the Workflow and include their own unique voice instructions for local needs.
Manager. All series that have been linked may automatically be
prescribed (Rx) and no further interaction will be needed by the Inline processing
technologist to initiate the scan. The Discovery™ MR750 workflow automates many of the routine
tasks that previously required user interaction. This dramatically
The user has control over which specific parameters can be
reduces the workload for the user and helps ensure that
linked together. Series can have common fields of view, obliquity,
consistent and repeatable images are presented for review.
slice thickness, anatomical coverage, saturation bands, or shim
Processing steps are automatically completed immediately
volumes. Multiple series can be linked together and saved in the
after the data has been reconstructed and the images saved
Protocol Library or edited in real time. Linking may be used with
into the database. These automated processing steps can
any anatomy and with any acquisition.
be saved in the Protocol Library to ensure consistent exam
Once the first volume is prescribed, all other subsequent workflow for each type of patient.
series with the same planes can be automatically prescribed
For certain tasks, the user must accept the results,
and acquired.
or complete additional steps prior to saving the images
to the database. In these cases the data is automatically
loaded into the appropriate tool, then the system will await
further instruction by the user.
Examples of fully automated and partially automated inline
processing include:

Diffusion-Weighted Images Fully automatic

Diffusion Tensor Images Fully automatic
FA /ADC Maps
Image Filtering: A-E, SCIC, PURE Fully automatic
T2 Map for cartilage evaluation Fully automatic
Reformat (Volume Viewer) Automatic load
FiberTrak Automatic load
Spectroscopy – Single voxel brain Automatic load
Linking. and breast metabolite analysis
Spectroscopy – Automatic load
2D/3D Chemical Shift Imaging
AutoScan™ BrainStat (FuncTool) Automatic load
With AutoScan enabled, the Workflow Manager will sequentially IVI (Volume Viewer) Automatic load
go through the list of prescribed series without any user Pasting Automatic load
interaction. Once a series has been completed, the next
SER – Signal Enhancement Ratio (FuncTool) Automatic load
series will be scanned automatically. For series requiring
contrast, the system will await user interaction.

Image fusion
To better visualize tissue and contrast, multiple images from
separate acquisitions can be overlaid on one another. With the
new Discovery™ MR750 3.0T workflow, high-resolution anatomical
images can be automatically fused with functional data or
parametric maps for improved visualization for the user.
The data is registered using translation and rotation to ensure
accurate fusion. High-resolution 2D and 3D data sets can be
fused with the following parametric and computed maps.
The automated workflow features of the system can be used
for any anatomy and for any sequence. When combining the
technology of AutoStart,™ Linking, Inline Processing, AutoVoice,™
and the AutoScan™ features, an entire exam can be completed
with just a few actions.
The flexibility of the Discovery MR750 user interface and
acquisition parameters helps ensure that each acquisition is
tailored for every patient. However, the technologist steps are
kept consistent.

Discovery MR750 3.0T Image fusion

MR Standard 3D Registration
ADC/eADC 3D Registration
Diffusion Tensor 3D Registration
functional MRI Reformat
BrainSTAT 3D Registration
SER (Signal Enhancement Ratio) Reformat
T2 Mapping Reformat
Spectroscopy (Brain, Prostate and Breast) Reformat


Operator console Data storage

The Discovery MR750 3.0T system comes equipped with a
™ DVD Interchange DVD-RW
scan control keyboard assembly that contains intercom speaker, Data transfer rate 21.6MB/s
microphone and volume controls, and an emergency stop Access speed – average random
switch. Start-scan, pause-scan, stop-scan, and table advance stroke approx. 200 ms
to isocenter hot keys are also included. Average 35,000 images per
4.7 GB DVD
The Discovery MR750 3.0T system generates MR Image,
Secondary Capture, Structured Report, and Gray Scale Softcopy
Presentation State (GSSPS) DICOM objects. The DICOM networking Filming
supports both send and query, retrieve, as well as send with Filming Drag and Drop filming
storage commit to integrate with the site’s PACS archive. One-button Print Series
DICOM filming support includes both Basic Grayscale and Basic One-button Print Page
Color Print Service Classes. Additionally, the Discovery MR750 3.0T Multi-image formats – 1:1, 2:1, 4:1,
system supports the CT and PET image objects for display 6:1, 9:1, 12:1, 15:1, 16:1, 20:1, 25:1
allowing the user to refer to previous studies. and 35-mm slide
DICOM Basic Grayscale
Print Service Class
DICOM Basic Color
Print Service Class

Discovery MR750 3.0T computing platform

Main CPU Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® 5160
3.0 GHz Processor
1.3 GHz System Bus
4 MB full-speed L2 Advanced Transfer
64 Bit word size
Host memory 8 GB DDR 400
Graphics subsystem Main Display:
NVidia® Quadro® FX 1400
- 128 MB DDR Graphics Memory
- Spec PROE -03: 51.27
- Spec UGS-04: 29.36
- Spec 3DSMAX –03: 35.61
Cabinets Single, tower configuration
Disk subsystem System Disk: 250GB, 7200 RPM,
Serial ATA-150
Data Disk: 250 GB
400,000 uncompressed 256 x 256
image files
Maximum rates 150 MB/s
Network 3 x Gigabit (10/100/1000)
Ethernet Ports

Control panel

Wide-screen display monitor

Display monitor 23” Widescreen LCD Flat Panel
1920 x 1200 dot resolution
flicker-free presentation
Contrast ratio 500:1
92kHz horizontal deflection frequency
85 Hz refresh rate
Digital DVI Interface

AutoView 560 x 560 Image Window (standard)
Window/Level (W/L) 7 user-programmable keys on scan control keyboard plus one key
for returning to prior setting
6 user-programmable buttons in image viewer
Arrow keys on scan control keyboard
On-image through middle mouse button
Save State stores user-selected
image orientation, user annotation and window level
Image display Zoom/Roam/Flip/Rotate/Scroll
Explicit Magnify and Magnifying Glass
Image Measurement Tools Grid On/Off
Cross Reference/User Annotation
Exam/Series Page
Hide Graphics/Erase Annotation/Screen Save
Accelerator Command Bar
Compare Mode /Reference Image/Image Enhance
ClariView Image Filtering
Smooth and Sharpen Edge Filters
Minified Reference Scoutview
Cine Paging (up to 4 windows and 128 images/window)
Add/Subtract/Edit Patient Data
Image display 256 Image buffer (256 x 256) at 30 fps
Image annotation Shadowed to permit ease in reading
Two graphic/text planes overlay the entire screen
Grid placement with anatomical reference on an image
Drawing and annotation may be added to and removed from images


Pulse sequences and imaging options

The Discovery™ MR750 3.0T scanner comes standard with a package of pulse sequences
and applications optimized for 3.0T performance.

Discovery MR750 3.0T pulse sequences

Spin Echo A technique for generating T1, proton density and T2 images.

Fast-Spin Echo (FSE) These techniques use echo-train technology to reduce the time for image acquisition. T2 image
Fast-Spin Echo XL (FSE XL) blurring is minimized by shorter echo spacing.

The sequence of choice for high-quality, high-speed, and high-contrast T2-weighted imaging in
Fast-Recovery Fast-Spin Echo
neurological, body, orthopedic, and pediatric applications. Compared to FSE, FRFSE allows shorter
acquisition times or increased slice coverage.

A sequence for creating high-resolution, three-dimensional T2-weighted images of all anatomies

and is especially useful for MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) studies.

An ultra-fast technique that permits complete image acquisition following a single RF excitation.
Single-Shot Fast-Spin Echo (SSFSE) It can acquire slices in less than one second, making it an excellent complement to T2-weighted
brain and abdominal imaging and MRCP studies.

Variable-Rate Selective Excitation (VERSE) is a unique method of reducing B1 and SAR exposure at
3T with FSE and FRFSE. By modulating the RF and gradient waveforms, SAR is reduced by as much
as 60% without compromising image contrast or SNR. VERSE is only compatible with 2D FSE and

By modulating the flip angle train in SSFSE, MART reduces SAR exposure and echo spacing while
preserving the MR signal for a longer period of time to reduce blurring and enhance IQ.

This suite of gradient-echo techniques uses short TR and TE to generate T1- or T2-weighted images
in far less time than conventional SE. The ultra-short TR and TE possible with these sequences also
ensure the performance needed for state-of-the-art vascular and contrast-enhanced MRA studies.

A vital tool for abdominal imaging. This variation on conventional gradient echo provides a pair
2D and 3D Dual Echo Gradient Echo of images for which the signals from water and fat either are in-phase or out-of-phase. By design,
all of the images acquired within a single breath-hold are in perfect registration.

Spectral Inversion at Lipids (SPECIAL) is a spectral spatial inversion technique for fat saturation
in 3D FGRE pulse sequences.

T1 and T2 Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) pulse sequences have been designed
T1 FLAIR expressly for neuro applications. FLAIR allows suppression of signal from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
T2 FLAIR In addition to this capability, T1 and T2 FLAIR add extraordinary contrast between white and gray
matter to T1- and T2-weighted brain and spine imaging.

Echo Planar Imaging

Essential tools for any high-throughput site employing advanced techniques. Echo planar imaging
is what enables rapid imaging. And both echo planar and FLAIR echo planar techniques make it
easier to generate neuro studies from uncooperative patients who simply refuse to stay still long
enough for conventional techniques.
Echo Planar Imaging

2D and 3D Time of Flight (TOF) Imaging 2D TOF Imaging, 2D Gated TOF Imaging, 3D TOF Imaging and Enhanced 3D TOF Imaging are all
ideal for MR angiography. Based on conventional gradient echo scanning, TOF imaging techniques
2D-Gated TOF Imaging rely primarily on flow-related enhancements to distinguish moving from stationary spins.

2D Phase Contrast (2DPC) These techniques demonstrate flow velocities and directional properties in vessels and other
3D Phase Contrast (3DPC) moving fluids such as CSF and aortic flow.

Discovery™ MR750 3.0T pulse sequences
SmartPrep uses a special tracking pulse sequence to monitor the MR signal through a user-
SmartPrep™ prescribed volume to detect the arrival of an injected contrast bolus and to trigger the acquisition,
for optimum contrast enhancement.

These pulse sequences are included to allow black-blood imaging for studies of cardiac
Double/Triple IR
morphology. Triple IR adds fat suppression to black-blood imaging.

This pulse sequence is included specifically for studies of cardiac function. Through the use of
retrospective gating, it allows full R-R coverage.

iDrive Pro brings real-time interactive imaging to the MR system, making it easier to generate
detailed diagnostic information on just about any anatomy. This includes organs that are subject to
iDrive Pro
motion artifacts, such as spine, heart, diaphragm and GI tract. The iDrive Pro technique allows the
user to change scan parameters on the fly, during scanning, to evaluate the results immediately.

An interactive user interface that allows operators to remove background from MRA images.
IVI The result: angiographic and maximum intensity (MIP) projections in multiple scan planes.
The processed images are saved automatically as a distinct series for quick recall.

An online tool that allows the operator to convert image data sets from the acquired plane
into orthogonal or oblique views. The reformat tool is easy to use and particularly useful
for the interrogation of 3D datasets with complex anatomy. Reformatted images can be
saved into the database for further review or filming.

FuncTool Performance enables advanced MR-image post-processing using a wide range

of sophisticated algorithms, including:
ADC maps and eADC maps
Correlation Coefficients for mapping of motor strip and visual/auditory stimuli
NEI (Negative Enhancement Integral)
FuncTool MTE (Mean Time to Enhance)
Positive Enhancement Integral
Signal Enhancement Ratio
Maximum Slope Increase
Maximum Difference Function
Difference Function

Auto TR dropdown menu replaces the TR dropdown menu located on the Graphic Rx desktop.
Auto TR
Displays lowest TR value of each series.

Standard on all systems are gradient echo, spin echo, flair, and diffusion-weighted echo planar
imaging. The standard EPI sequence supports single and multi-shot imaging, multi-phase imaging,
as well as cardiac gating. Diffusion EPI produces images that can detect acute and hyper-acute
stroke with b-value up to 10,000 s/mm2, multi-NEX compatibility and the ability to generate
ADC and T2-weighted TRACE images. The FLAIR option suppresses the CSF signal component to
ease interpretation.

LAVA is a three-dimensional (3D) spoiled gradient echo technique designed specifically to image
the liver with unprecedented definition, coverage, and speed. Excellent fat suppression, through
a version of the SPECIAL technique customized for the liver, is one of the reasons for the high
LAVA – Liver Acquisition definition of anatomical structures. The coverage and speed of LAVA are the result of short TR,
with Volume Acceleration innovative use of partial k-space acquisition, and advanced parallel imaging.
What is the clinical benefit of LAVA? It enables the high-quality 3D MR imaging of the liver during
short breath-holding periods.

Brain Volume imaging is a high-resolution 3D imaging technique designed to produce heavily

BRAVO T1-weighted isotropic images of the brain. BRAVO uses 2D ARC to reduce scan time and minimize
parallel imaging artifacts.

Imaging options

Imaging options

Pulse sequence • ASSET • VERSE

imaging options • ARC™ • Multi-Station
• Blood Suppression • Multi-Phase/Dynaplan
• Cardiac Gating/Triggering • Navigator
• Cardiac Compensation • No Phase Wrap
• Classic • Real Time
• DE Prepared • Respiratory Compensation
• EDR • Respiratory Gating/Triggering
• Flow Compensation • Sequential
• Fluoro Trigger • SmartPrep™
• Full Echo Train • Spectral Spatial RF
• IDEAL • Square Pixel
• IR Preparation • T2 Prep
• Magnetization Transfer • Tailored RF
• MART • Zip 512/Zip 1024
• MRCP • 3D Slice Zip x 2 (Z2)/Zip x 4 (Z4)

ASSET Parallel Imaging • 2D FSE • 3D Fast TOF GRE

Array Spatial Sensitivity Encoding Technique • 2D FSE-IR • 3D FIESTA
(ASSET) imaging option is a 1D image-based • 2D T1FLAIR • 3D MDE
parallel imaging technique used to speed • 2D FSE Double IR • 3D MERGE
data acquisition. For temporally sensitive
• 2D FSE Triple IR • 3D TRICKS
acquisitions, ASSET reduces image blurring
and motion, enables greater anatomical • 2D T2MAP • 3D LAVA
coverage, and reduces SAR. Parallel imaging • 2D FSE-XL IDEAL • 3D VIBRANT
acceleration factors ranging from 1-3.0 are • 2D FRFSE-XL IDEAL • 2D GRE-EPI
supported depending on the coil selected. • 2D SSFSE • 2D SE-EPI
With the Discovery™ MR750 3.0T system,
the following applications are ASSET • 2D SSFSE MRCP • 2D DT-EPI
parallel imaging enabled. • 2D SSFSE 3-Plane • 2D fMRI EPI
• 3D FRFSE • MR Echo Fast GRE Timecourse
• 3D FRFSE MRCP • MR Echo FIESTA Timecourse
• 2D FGRE • MR Echo MDE
• 2D FSPGR • MR Echo Realtime
• 2D FIESTA • MR Echo Function CINE
• 2D MDE

Imaging options

ARC Parallel Imaging • 2D FSE

Auto-Calibrating Reconstruction (ARC) • 2D FSE-IR
parallel imaging eliminates breath-hold • 2D SSFSE
mismatch errors by imbedding the calibration
data within the scan data. In addition, this
unique reconstruction permits small FOV • 2D SSFSE MRCP
imaging by minimizing focal parallel imaging • 2D SSFSE 3-Plane
artifacts from the exam. Supporting both • 3D Cube T2
1D and 2D acceleration, net acceleration • 3D Cube PD
factors of up to 4 can be achieved.
• 3D Cube T2 FLAIR
With the Discovery™ MR750 3.0T system,
the following applications are ARC parallel • 3D QuickSTEP
imaging enabled. • 3D LAVA
• 3D LAVA-Flex
• 3D Dual Echo


Neuro applications


PROPELLER 2.0, a multi-plane application, significantly reduces
3D FIESTA (Fast Imaging Employing Steady-state Acquisition)
motion artifacts caused by voluntary patient movement, and
is a technique that uses an extremely short repetition time (TR)
tremor or physiological motion including blood- and CSF-flow
between RF pulses such that high-resolution 3D volume images
artifacts. PROPELLER 2.0 also optimizes SNR, capitalized as
can be acquired rapidly. The 3D FIESTA technique is especially
striking tissue contrast. PROPELLER 2.0 T2 and T2 FLAIR
useful for the rapid acquisition of high-spatial-resolution
sequences do not compromise image resolution or increase
images of static structures such as cochlea, internal auditory
scan time. When run with a DWI sequence, PROPELLER 2.0
canal, or joints.
greatly reduces tissue-air and bone-tissue susceptibility
artifacts, such as those caused by metal implants. 3D FIESTA-C
This phase-cycled FIESTA reduces sensitivity to susceptibilities
3D Cube™
that may be encountered when imaging in the posterior
A GE-exclusive technique, 3D Cube replaces several slice-by- fossa. It provides exquisite contrast that is ideally equated
slice, plane-after-plane 2D FSE acquisitions with a single 3D for visualization of the internal auditory canal. It is also ideally
volume scan – providing you with T2, T2 FLAIR or PD sequences. suited for T2 imaging through the cervical spine.
You can easily reformat sub-millimeter isotropic volume data
from a single acquisition into any plane – without gaps, and IDEAL-FSE
with the same resolution as the original plane. Our new This sequence and reconstruction package acquires multiple
self-calibrating parallel imaging engine ARC helps eliminate echoes at different echo times with a fast-spin echo readout
artifacts while accelerating image acquisition. to create water-only, fat-only, as well as in-phase and
out-of-phase images. IDEAL is designed for imaging
those difficult regions such as the neck and spine where
BRAVO incorporates 2D ARC parallel imaging with 3D IR- inhomogeneous magnetic fields yield failures with traditional
prepared FSPGR acquisition to produce isotropic T1-weighted fat saturation techniques.
volumes. The center of k-space is over sampled and serves as
the calibration data for the parallel imaging reconstruction. Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Fiber Tracking
This package expands EPI capability to include diffusion tensor
imaging, a technique that acquires diffusion information in up
This is a 3D sequence used to image the axial c-spine. COSMIC to 150 different diffusion directions. It generates image contrast
(Coherent Oscillatory State Acquisition for the Manipulation of based on the degree of diffusion anisotropy in cerebral tissues
Imaging Contrast) uses a modified fast GRE pulse sequence such as white matter. FuncTool capabilities on the console
with steady-state free precession segmented multi-shot centric (included with ScanTools) create Fractional Anisotropy (FA),
k-space acquisition. This improves the CNR and SNR of c-spine Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) and T2-Weighted TRACE maps.
tissue including the spinal cord, vertebral disks, nerve root
canal and contrast between CSF and nerve roots. The FiberTrak post-processing utility generates eigenvector
information from the diffusion tensor acquisition and processing.
2D and 3D MERGE Using a robust and efficient seeding process, three-dimensional
renderings of the diffusion along white matter tracts are generated.
Multiple Echo Recombined Gradient Echo (MERGE) uses multiple
echoes to generate high-resolution images of the C-spine with
excellent gray-white matter differentiation. By combining early
echoes with high SNR and late echoes with improved contrast,
the result is improved cord contrast within the spinal column.


Functional MRI applications

BrainWave Real Time BrainWave Fusion

BrainWave RT provides real-time acquisition, processing BrainWave Fusion is an optional package that provides the
and display of functional results. It allows a single technologist ability to fuse high-resolution anatomical images with fMRI
to acquire, process and display BOLD (Blood Oxygen Level activation maps and diffusion tensor fiber maps. This package
Dependent) fMRI studies acquired with synchronized stimuli. is useful for evaluating the spatial relationship between activation
It is very comprehensive, equipping you with all the real-time patterns, fiber tracts, and underlying anatomy and pathology.
functionality you need – including paradigm control and
development, and real-time display of color activation, BrainWave Lite Hardware
overlaid on source EPI images. BrainWave Lite Hardware provides paradigm-delivering
The main features are: hardware that provides data to paradigm synchronization –
thereby paving the way for convenient compatibility with
• 50,000 image storage per series with data acquisition 3rd-party-supplied sensory equipment such as auditory
rates up to 20 images/s headphones and visual presentation systems. (Not included)
• Display of 2D activation maps overlaid over Echo planar BrainWave Lite Hardware includes:
source images in real time
• A dedicated computer workstation
• Multiple 2x2 and 4x4 display
• Equipment rack and penetration panel waveguide insert
• Optional saving of raw data in research mode for off-line
analysis with 200,000 images • Cedrus patient response pads, and related cabling
and connectors
BrainWave Post-Acquisition on console • It is designed to deliver visual and auditory stimuli and
This high-performance software allows you to produce, receive a tactile response. The computer includes preset
from raw fMRI data, 3D brain renderings displaying functional paradigms and software tools to generate custom protocols
activation. Display alternatives for these maps include cross-
• The visual and auditory output can be coupled to fMRI
sectional displays, activation Z-maps and composite
delivery systems purchased separately from other vendors
paradigm displays.
The features include:
• Integration into the operator console
• Special graphic user interface for image analysis
• Data quality check, motion correction, temporal filtering
and spatial smoothing to optimize statistical analysis
and mapping
• Multiple regression analysis
• The structural MRI scan is segmented using completely
automatic threshold and histogram methods and
mathematical morphology techniques
• Rapid retrospective motion correction
• Sophisticated visualization techniques including true
volume rendering, light box and orthogonal displays

Spectroscopy applications

Multi-nuclear spectroscopy PROBE – 2D CSI

The MR750 system supports a Multi-Nuclear Spectroscopy This extends the PROBE-PRESS capabilities with simultaneous
(MNS) option that includes excitation and reception hardware multi-voxel in-plane acquisitions. Post-processing, including the
and a software package tailored for non-proton spectroscopy generation of metabolite maps, is automatically generated with
and imaging. This package includes a powerful 8 kW broadband the FuncTool Performance package.
amplifier, broadband RF pulse generator and an 8 channel
receiver configuration operating over a frequency range of PROBE – 3D CSI
10-130 MHz to support the study of nuclei such as 31P, 13C, This extends the PROBE-2D CSI capabilities to add 3D
19F, 23 Na, 7Li, 129 Xe, and 3He. In addition, spectroscopic multi-voxel acquisitions. (PROBE 2D CSI is mandatory).
test sequences capable of generating signal from the
aforementioned nuclei and an MNS-tailored post-processing SAGE 7
package called SAGE is provided to aid in the visualization SAGE 7 (Spectroscopy Analysis by GE, Version 7) allows one
and quantification of spectral data. The MR750 system is to process, display, manipulate, analyze, manage and print in-
capable of supporting both single and dual-tuned RF coils. vivo spectroscopy data via an easy-to-use, graphical interface.
The standard MNS package does not include T/R switches, This powerful toolkit furnishes a wide array of filters,
pre-amps, RF coil or optimized applications. T/R switches tuned transformations, correction algorithms, and segmentation
to 31P and 13C frequencies are available options. and measurement tools to extract the information contained
in spectroscopy data. The results of the analysis can be output
PROBE – PRESS single-voxel spectroscopy to a postscript printer and in electronic formats ranging from
PROBE – PRESS single-voxel spectroscopy allows you to non- BMP, EPS and GIF to JPEG, PICT and TIFF. The processing steps
invasively evaluate the relative concentrations of in-vivo can be customized and saved in macros to streamline application
metabolites and lets you acquire and display volume-localized, of even the most sophisticated routines. (SAGE is standard with
water-suppressed H1 spectra in single-voxel mode. The package the MNS package).
includes automated recon, acquisition set-up and graphic
prescription of spectroscopic volumes.
This is a TE-averaged PRESS spectroscopy acquisition that
The standard sequence consists of three slice-selective RF provides the necessary biochemical information to help
pulses with crusher gradients. The PRESS sequence makes characterize breast anatomy.
use of reduced flip angles to decrease minimum TE time of the
sequence. The key advantage of PRESS (over STEAM) is that it
provides up to twice the SNR and decreased exam time or voxel
size. It is the sequence of choice for all hydrogen single-voxel
spectroscopy data acquisitions with TE values ≥ 35 ms.

PROBE – STEAM single-voxel spectroscopy

STimulated Echo Acquisition Mode acquires a stimulated echo
from the localized volume. The basic sequence consists of three
slice-selective 90-degree RF pulses and a set of crusher gradients.
Athough STEAM provides more accurate voxel localization, it
has inherently lower SNR compared to PRESS. Moreover, since
echo times available with STEAM CSI can be shorter, it is better
suited than PRESS for chemical species that have shorter T2.


Cardiovascular applications

iDrive Pro Plus MR Echo also incorporates time course and myocardial evaluation
iDRIVE Pro Plus expands the capabilities of standard imaging within a dedicated cardiac interface. The operator is
iDrive Pro with: able to switch rapidly between pulse sequences, which reduce
the scan time required for a comprehensive cardiac MRI exam.
• Geometric changes to image plane location, obliquity, Time-course imaging includes both a high contrast-to-noise
rotation, center FOV and FOV size ratio FGRE pulse sequence and a FIESTA pulse sequence. A new
• Contrast parameters such as spatial pre-saturation “Lock Coverage” feature within MR Echo time-course imaging
on/off, special sat pulses, flow comp and RF spoiling automatically maintains start and end slice coverage despite
changes in the patient’ s heart rate between rest and stress
• Application of a non-selective IR pulse
time-course imaging. Myocardial evaluation imaging is also
• Swapping phase and frequency performed within the MR Echo cardiac interface to complete
a full assessment of the heart. All the pulse sequences in MR
It starts with an intuitive point-and-click user interface and live,
Echo are compatible with the AutoVoice feature in multiple
on-image navigation icons. It continues with click-of-the-mouse
languages to aid the operator workflow.
image book-marking and a suite of localization and drawing
tools, and includes capabilities from 10-level undo/redo, built-in
time, autoNEX and click-of-the-mouse display/review/save, all
to streamline even the most complex exams and manipulations. QuickSTEP is an automated multi-station acquisition for the
evaluation of the vascular tree. This unique application
MR Echo automatically prescribes, acquires, and combines images from
multiple stations for fast acquisition and exam completion.
MR Echo expands on the capability provided by iDrive Pro Plus
To complete the entire exam in as little as 6 minutes, the system
and is designed to significantly simplify and reduce cardiac exam
will automatically acquire mask datasets from multiple stations
times. Presently, patients have to undergo multiple breath-
without any user intervention. Secondary images are then
holds to achieve the ”whole-heart coverage” for wall motion
acquired at the same independent table positions. The system
and other studies. MR Echo employs a bright-blood ultra-fast
will automatically subtract the mask images from the secondary
FIESTA sequence, freezing motion and eliminating the need for
dataset and combine the resulting images from the multiple
breath-holding. An intuitive interface enables the operator to
stations into one series. The user only needs to complete a quick
quickly scan the heart in any orientation and to save real time
review of the data prior to insertion of images into the database.
images to the browser through bookmarks. Scan & Save mode
enables high-resolution heart imaging and enables multiple
functional images over many slices to be prescribed and
scanned in a single breath-hold. MR Echo auto-calculates total
scan time for the number of prescribed slices enabling each
scan to be tailored to the patient’s breath-hold capability.

Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast KineticS (TRICKS) technology 3D FatSat FIESTA is software designed for imaging of the coronary
uses intricate temporal sampling with complex data arteries. The software acquires 3D images using FIESTA (Fast
recombination to accelerate the temporal resolution of 3D Imaging Employing STeady-state Acquisition). Fat suppression
dynamic imaging – without compromising spatial resolution. is applied to accentuate the coronary arteries. The use of VAST
This technology is now integrated with elliptical-centric data (Variable Sampling in Time) technology greatly shortens breath-
sampling to create the ideal imaging technique for MRA of the holding requirements or allows for higher spatial resolution.
lower extremities in even the most challenging circumstances.
2D IR Prepared Gated FGRE
Easy to set up and easy to use, TRICKS rapidly generates time-
resolved 3D images of blood vessels to meet the challenge Vital to MRI myocardial assessments, this technique can help
of capturing peak arterial phases with minimal venous distinguish between viable and necrotic tissue and therefore
contamination. With TRICKS, the different vascular phases have a major impact on patient management – particularly on
can be extracted, quickly and easily, after image acquisition. revascularization strategies. This pulse sequence uses an
IR-prepared, cardiac-gated fast gradient echo sequence to
Fluoro-Triggered MRA acquire images whose appearance depends on the tissue’s
T1 relaxation time. The IR-preparation step allows various
Fluoro-triggered MRA (FTMRA) is designed to capture
tissues to be suppressed or enhanced. The IR prep pulse in this
angiographic images at the precise moment of peak opacification.
sequence is non-selective; i.e., it excites the entire volume inside
Rather than automating the image acquisition upon detection
the body coil, rather than a specific slice. That means that it
of the bolus arrival, FTMRA allows the operator to trigger each
can suppress both the myocardium and the blood flowing into
acquisition almost instantly (less than 1 second switch over)
the slice.
as soon as the operator is satisfied with the level of vessel
enhancement. The result is an interactive, ASSET-compatible,
3D IR Prepared Gated FGRE
accurate approach to MRA.
3D IR Prepared Gated FGRE is an advanced tool for myocardial
2D FIESTA CINE assessment. It uses VAST (Variable Sampling in Time) technology
to acquire extensive volumes of data, rather than merely single
Fast Imaging Employing STeady state Acquisition is a fully
slices, during breath-holds, with acquisitions gated to the
balanced steady-state coherent imaging pulse sequence
cardiac cycle. The software applies a non-selective inversion-
that has been designed to produce high SNR images at very
recovery magnetization preparation step to create T1-weighted
short TR. The pulse sequence uses fully balanced gradients to
tissue contrast and suppress the signal from certain tissues.
re-phase the transverse magnetization at the end of each TR
interval. This sequence accentuates the contrast of anatomy
with high T2/T1 ratios (such as the cardiac blood pool), while
suppressing the signal from tissues with low T2/T1 ratios
(such as muscle and myocardium). This enhances the contrast
between the myocardium and the blood pool.


Fast Gradient Echo using EPI Echo Train

This technique combines a short-TR FGRE (Fast GRadient Echo)
pulse sequence with an EPI echo train to acquire multiple
views, or phase-encoding steps, per TR. It features uniform RF
excitation, centric phase encoding, segmented k-space filling,
retrospective gating in FastCARD-ET, EPI-caliber interleaving,
and EPI-like acquisition of multiple views in one TR. Multi-phase
FGRET is useful for applications such as multi-slice, multi-phase
imaging of myocardial function.

Real-Time FGRE-ET
Also known as Fluoro MRI, this pulse sequence uses a short TR
FGRE pulse sequence with the ability to acquire multiple views,
or phase-encoding steps, per TR via an EPI echo train. The
result is a highly useful combination of gradient-echo and EPI
features, such as:
• Uniform RF excitation
• Centric phase encoding
• Segmented K-space filling
• Retrospective gating in FastCARD-ET
• Interleaving, as in EPI
• Acquisition of multiple views in a single TR
Used in conjunction with iDrive Pro Plus, the real-time version
of this pulse sequence is essentially a single-slice version of
This software package is designed for use in conjunction with standard FGRET. That makes it especially useful for obtaining
3D IR Prepared FGRE or 3D FatSat FIESTA for cardiac imaging. higher-resolution interactive cardiac images.
It consists of navigators that make it possible to track the
diaphragm and use the information to acquire crisp 3D gradient- StarMap
echo images of the heart even while the patient breathes. StarMap is T2 and T2* mapping sequences and processing
utilities used to image the heart and other tissues. This technique
Cardiac tagging
acquires multiple echoes at different TE times at each location
Used to improve visualization of contractile function, this resulting in datasets of images that represent different T2 and
tagging application combines cardiac-gated FastCINE T2* weighting. Post-processing of the images is employed to
gradient-recalled echo to acquire data throughout the cardiac generate maps of the MR signals T2 or T2* signal decay across
cycle, with spatial SAT pulses applied throughout the FOV. the echoes.
Using the operator’s choice of diagonal stripes or a grid
pattern, tagging is applied once per R-R interval immediately
following the R-wave ECG trigger, just before the start of
data acquisition.

Body applications

LAVA is a three-dimensional (3D) spoiled gradient echo technique Coupled with respiratory gating, this 3D FSE sequence uses
designed specifically to image the liver with unprecedented a novel “recovery” pulse at the end of each echo train to
definition, coverage, and speed. Excellent fat suppression, recapture signal for the next repetition. These features
through a spectrally selective inversion pulse customized result in high-resolution three-dimensional images for MR
for the liver, is one of the reasons for the high definition of cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) studies.
anatomical structures. The coverage and speed of LAVA
are the result of short TR, innovative use of partial k-space Single-Shot Fast-Spin Echo
acquisition, and advanced parallel imaging An ultra-fast technique that permits complete image acquisition
following a single RF excitation. It can acquire slices in less than
LAVA-Flex one second, making it an excellent complement to T2-weighted
Liver Acquisition with Volume Acceleration with Flex processing. brain and abdominal imaging and MRCP studies.
Based on the standard LAVA sequence, LAVA-Flex uses self-
encoded 2D ARC parallel imaging and a new reconstruction Respiratory triggering
algorithm to generate water-only, fat-only, in-phase and out-of- For patients who cannot hold their breath, respiratory triggering
phase images from a single scan. provides the answer. By synchronizing the acquisition to the
respiratory cycle, high-resolution images free of breathing
3D Dual Echo artifacts are obtained.
With improvements in parallel imaging and RF coil arrays,
volumetric imaging in the body is becoming a standard of care. StarMap
The 3D Dual Echo sequence produces in-phase and out-of-phase StarMap is T2 and T2* mapping sequences and processing
images in a single breath-hold. As a result, the high-resolution utilities used to image the liver and other tissues. This technique
images are in perfect alignment, simplifying the diagnostic process. acquires multiple echoes at different TE times at each location
In addition, the improved SNR of the 3D acquisition permits resulting in datasets of images that represent different T2 and
thinner slices than are traditionally available using 2D techniques. T2* weighting. Post-processing of the images is employed to
generate maps of the MR signals T2 or T2* signal decay across
the echoes.


Breast applications
MRI has been shown to be beneficial in the evaluation of the contrast and high lesion conspicuity.
breast providing high-resolution images of breast anatomy.
The Discovery MR750 3.0T system provides a full complement VIBRANT-Flex
of breast imaging applications and protocols that generate VIBRANT-Flex uses a time-efficient dual-echo acquisition
both temporal and spatial resolution for highly detailed with 2D ARC parallel imaging to produce water-only, fat-only,
diagnostic breast imaging. In addition to the full suite of in-phase, and out-of-phase images of the breast in a single
applications already listed, the following applications scan. This processing enables excellent fat saturation
have been tailored for use in evaluation of the breast and to provide a clear depiction of the underlying breast anatomy.
surrounding tissue.
VIBRANT Bilateral breast imaging makes fat saturation a challenge.
VIBRANT is a technique for simultaneous, high-definition fat- With FSE-IDEAL, water, fat, in-phase, and out-of-phase images
suppressed bilateral breast imaging in both the axial and can be generated even in the presence of large static-field
sagittal scan planes. With VIBRANT, imaging is performed variations. This sequence produces consistent and reliable
without in-plane data interpolation for enhanced data integrity. images in challenging anatomical areas.
VIBRANT allows acceleration in both the phase encoding as
well as the slice-select direction. The result is high spatial BREASE
and temporal resolution images that demonstrate exquisite BREASE is a TE-averaged PRESS spectroscopy acquisition
that provides the necessary biochemical information to help
characterize breast anatomy.

Orthopedic applications

3D FIESTA CartiGram
3D FIESTA’s (Fast Imaging Employing Steady-state Acquisition) CartiGram is a T2 mapping sequence and processing utility used
inherent sensitivity to fluids makes this an ideal sequence for to image cartilage and other tissues. This technique acquires
orthopedic applications. In knee imaging, 3D FIESTA uses an multiple echoes at different TE times at each location resulting
extremely short repetition time (TR) between RF pulses such in datasets of images that represent different T2 weighting.
that high-resolution, 3D volume images can be acquired rapidly. Post processing of the images generates maps of the T2 signal
The 3D FIESTA technique is especially useful for the rapid decay within each voxel.
acquisition of high-spatial-resolution images of static structures
such as cochlea, internal auditory canal, or joints.

Areas such as the foot/ankle, shoulder, and off-isocenter wrist
make fat saturation a challenge. With FSE-IDEAL, water, fat,
in-phase, and out-of-phase images can be generated even in the
presence of large static-field variations. This sequence produces
consistent and reliable images in challenging anatomical areas.


Pediatric applications

PROPELLER 2.0’s ability to compensate for patient motion
makes it an ideal sequence for pediatric imaging where motion
often plagues the exams.
Since each blade passes through the center of k-space,
PROPELLER 2.0 has unusually low sensitivity to motion artifacts
and exceptionally high contrast-to-noise properties. This makes
it ideal for producing high-resolution image quality even under
challenging circumstances.
Available in all imaging planes, PROPELLER 2.0 provides the
contrast and resolution that deliver real clinical impact. T2 FSE
PROPELLER 2.0 creates T2-weighted images that are degraded
much less by head motion than conventional FSE, with a
25-75% increase in contrast to noise without any time penalty.
Imagine acquiring a motion-free scan, every time, and even
on the most difficult of patients.

3D Cube™
A GE-exclusive technique, 3D Cube replaces several slice-by-
slice, plane-after-plane 2D FSE acquisitions with a single 3D
volume scan – providing you with T2, T2 FLAIR or PD sequences.
You can easily reformat sub-millimeter isotropic volume data
from a single acquisition into any plane – without gaps, and
with the same resolution as the original plane. Our new
self-calibrating parallel imaging engine ARC helps eliminate
artifacts while accelerating image acquisition.

Diffusion tensor imaging with Fiber Tracking

This package expands EPI capability to include diffusion tensor
imaging, a technique that acquires diffusion information in up
to 150 different diffusion directions. It generates image contrast
based on the degree of diffusion anisotropy in cerebral tissues
such as white matter. FuncTool capabilities on the console
(included with ScanTools) create Fractional Anisotropy (FA),
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) and T2-Weighted TRACE maps.
The FiberTrak post-processing utility generates eigenvector
information from the diffusion tensor acquisition and processing.
Using a robust and efficient seeding process, 3D renderings of
the diffusion along white matter tracts are generated.

BRAVO incorporates 2D ARC parallel imaging with 3D IR-prepared Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast KineticS (TRICKS)
FSPGR acquisition to produce isotropic T1-weighted volumes. technology uses intricate temporal sampling with complex
The center of k-space is over sampled and serves as the data recombination to accelerate the temporal resolution
calibration data for the parallel-imaging reconstruction. of 3D dynamic imaging – without compromising spatial
resolution. This technology is now integrated with elliptical-
MR Echo and iDrive Pro Plus centric data sampling to create the ideal imaging technique
Motion-insensitive imaging techniques are paramount for for contrast-enhanced MRA of the lower extremities in even
pediatric populations. The real-time interactive capabilities the most challenging circumstances.
provided by iDrive Pro Plus and the MR Echo application Easy to set up and easy to use, the time-resolved 3D TRICKS
interface are ideally suited for pediatric imaging. By freezing application is ideally suited for imaging fast arterial flow.
motion and allowing the user to track moving anatomy, these In pediatric populations and/or irregular vascular anatomies
tools help ensure streamlined pediatric exams. where rapid blood flow is common, TRICKS has the speed and
resolution to separate arterial and venous flow kinetics.
With TRICKS, different vascular phases can be visualized,
aiding in the examination of tortuous vessels.

Scan parameters

Slice thickness, FOV, matrix Echo Planar Imaging

Minimum slice thickness in 2D 0.5 mm Minimum TR (64 x 64) 4.0 ms
Minimum slice thickness in 3D 0.1 mm Minimum TR (128 x 128) 5.0 ms
Minimum FOV 10 mm Minimum TR (256 x 256) 5.0 ms
Maximum FOV 480 mm Minimum TE (64 x 64) 1.1 ms
Min/max matrix 64-1024 Minimum TE (128 x 128) 1.2 ms
Minimum TE (256 x 256) 1.5 ms
Minimum slice thickness 0.5 mm
ESP at 25 cm FOV 64 x 64: 0.428 ms
128 x 128: 0.668 ms
2D Spin Echo 256 x 256: 1.012 ms
Minimum TR (128 x 128) 7.0 ms ESP at 48 cm FOV 64 x 64: 0.272 ms
Minimum TR (256 x 256) 7.0 ms 128 x 128: 0.436 ms
Minimum TE (128 x 128) 2.5 ms 256 x 256: 0.684 ms
Minimum TE (256 x 256) 2.5 ms ESP at 99 cm FOV 64 x 64: 0.176 ms
128 x 128: 0.296 ms
256 x 256: 0.568 ms
Maximum b value s/mm2 10,000
Images/second (64 x 64) 60

2D Fast-Gradient Echo Images/second (128 x 128) 24

Images/second (256 x 256) 9
Minimum TR (128 x 128) 2.2 ms
Maximum diffusion tensor directions 150
Minimum TR (256 x 256) 2.6 ms
Minimum shots 1
Minimum TE (128 x 128) 0.8 ms
Minimum TE (256 x 256) 0.9 ms

3D Fast-Gradient Echo 2D Fast-Spin Echo

Minimum TR (128 x 128) 0.9 ms Minimum TR (128 x 128) 10 ms
Minimum TR (256 x 256) 1.2 ms Minimum TR (256 x 256) 10 ms
Minimum TE (128 x 128) 0.3 ms Minimum TE (128 x 128) 2.5 ms
Minimum TE (256 x 256) 0.5 ms Minimum TE (256 x 256) 2.5 ms
Minimum ESP (128 x 128) 2.5 ms
Maximum ETL for SSFSE 262

Note: Optional software packages may be required

to achieve certain specifications above.

Siting and other specifications

This section provides an overview of the siting requirements

for a Discovery™ MR750 3.0T MR system with a LC300 magnet.
More detailed information is available on request.

Typical room layouts Electrical supply requirements

System configuration Supply system recommended configuration:
minimum values
• 3-phase grounded WYE with neutral and ground
Magnet room (5-wire system)
WxD 3.7 m x 6.4 m
• Note: Neutral must be terminated inside main
(12 ft 2 in x 20 ft 11 in)
disconnect control.
Control room
WxD 1.5 m x 2.1 m
Alternate configuration:
(5 ft 0 in x 7 ft 0 in) • 3-phase DELTA with ground (4-wire).
Equipment room Recommend corner grounded Delta configuration.
WxD 6.7 m x 2.4 m Voltage:
(22 ft 0 in x 8 ft 0 in) • 480/415/400/380/Vrms
• 50 or 60±3 Hz (380/400/415V); 60±3Hz (480V)
Fringe field
Axial Radial
0.5 mT 5.00 m 2.8 m
(5 Gauss) (16.4 ft) (9.19 ft)
0.1 mT 7.4 m 4.4 m
(1 Gauss) (24.28 ft) (14.43 ft)

Installation dimensions and weights

Width Height Weight
LC300 actively shielded magnet 2.3 m 2.6 m 11,253 kg
assembly – (not including electronics) (7.56 ft) (8.54 ft) (24,757 lbs)
Express patient table 67 cm 97 cm 206 kg
(26.13 in) (37.83 in) (453 lbs)
Control room equipment 99 kg
(175 lbs)
MR equipment 2387 kg
(5363 lbs)

Siting and other specifications

Power consumption Alternative environments

Power consumption depends on actual usage. The following Modular buildings may also be available (including
values are an approximation. They exclude consumption by air-conditioning, heating, chiller, RF shielding, additional
shield cooler compressor (9 kVA). magnetic shielding in walls). Contact your local GE representative
for GE-certified designs and vendors.
Power consumption Please ask your local GE project manager for a comprehensive
Overnight mode (Sleepmode) 9 kVA installation and siting manual.
Typical power 41 kVA
Filming considerations
Continuous sustained power 99 kVA
(> 5 seconds) Filming requires the Discovery™ 3.0T Analog or Digital Filming
Interface (purchased separately) unless DICOM Print will be
used exclusively for software filming to DICOM Print peripheral
devices. An Analog/VDB or Digital/LCAM Camera Interface is
Discovery MR750 3.0T water requirements typically required for most installations.
Maximum heat removal to 70 kW
customer-supplied water Accessory Package
Water flow 114 liters/min (30 gpm) minimum • SPT phantom set with storage cart
at a maximum temperature of
• Customer diagnostic software
10 degrees C
• Operator manuals
• Patient log books

Workspace monitor position Emergency stop

Maximum field strength Disconnects electrical power from RF and gradient components
LCD Flat Panel Monitor 5 mT (50 Gauss) in the magnet room (duplicate control at the magnet).

The published GE warranty in effect on the date of
shipment shall apply.

InSite™ Remote Diagnostics

GE’s unique remote service and applications support including
magnet monitoring. Also allows downloading of applications
software such as eFlexTrials program.


Optional capabilities GE regulatory compliance

Many features and capabilities listed in this data sheet are The Discovery MR750 3.0T system complies with all applicable
optional with a GE Discovery™ MR750 system and are subject safety standards, including but not limited to UL60601-1
to change without notice. Contact a GE representative for the and IEC60601-1-2 (Electromagnetic Compatibility).
most recent data.
Laser-alignment devices contained within this system are
appropriately labeled according to the requirements of the
FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).

©2009 General Electric Company – All rights reserved.
General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes
in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue
the product described at any time without notice or obligation.
GE and GE Monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.
GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric Company.
BREASE™, Liberty™, Cube™, Discovery™, AutoStart™, AutoScan™,
AutoVoice™, SmartPrep™, ARC™, and InSite™ are trademarks of the
General Electric Company.
Intel® and Xeon® are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
NVidia® and Quadro® are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation.

About GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and
services that are shaping a new age of patient care. Our broad expertise in
medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient
monitoring systems, drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing
technologies, performance improvement and performance solutions
services helps our customers to deliver better care to more people around
the world at a lower cost. In addition, we partner with healthcare leaders,
striving to leverage the global policy change necessary to implement a
successful shift to sustainable healthcare systems.
Our “healthymagination” vision for the future invites the world to join us
on our journey as we continuously develop innovations focused on reducing
costs, increasing access and improving quality and efficiency around the
world. For more information about GE Healthcare, visit our website at

GE Healthcare
3000 N. Grandview Blvd.
Waukesha, WI 53188


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