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The Issue of Cyberbullying of

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Cyberbullying is a serious problem in homes, schools and
communities. Some researcher got interested on this topic because it
has been one of the problems of cyberbullying that happened in high
school. It involves the use of information and communication
technologies that support deliberate, hostile, and often repeated
behavior by an individual or group that is intended to hurt others.
Maybe cyberbullying is the result of its previous experiences and has
something to do on its present status. This study can be useful for
students who have been experience cyberbullying because it may help
them to understand more and to forget what happen when they get
cyberbullied and also to release them from their past experience.

In Saniel-Cruz National High School, some students experience

cyberbullying. It can be found in the most prevalent form of
cyberbullying that was makes into private or public information; which
included e-mails, text messages, and pictures. Cyberbullying in school
sometimes consist of a group of students that want to know about the
information of a victim. Academic achievement is the first aspect which
influences cyberbullying in the school. Furthermore, they will lose their
opportunities to participate with others or enjoy school activities and
participating at class.


This study aims to assess the characteristics, traits and behaviors
of a student of Saniel-Cruz National High School that are involve in

1. Analyzing the negative consequences of cyberbullying

behavior on the bully, the victim, witnesses, and the
school environment.


Due to the trend of online games and social media many young
students at Saniel-Cruz National High School are being bullied using
social media and even online games such as mobile legends, and any
kinds of online gaming applications. Because of cyberbullying many of
them drop their self-confidence and cause depression. Because of
cyberbullying their grades in school are dropping and losing interest in
life. They become irritable and also cause bullying in others.

Cyberbullying also a form of bullying that follows students from

the hallways in school to the privacy of their homes. Some students at
Saniel-Cruz National High School are victim of cyberbullying that they
are bullied from the moment they wake up and check their cell phone
or e-mail, to the time they go to bed and shut off their computer or
cellphone. Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten,
and target a person. They can post the personal information, pictures,
or videos of a victim and they designed to hurt or embarrass someone

Survey Questions:

1. How are the student affected by cyberbullying?

2. Can you describe the effects of cyberbullying?
3. What are the possible ways to prevent cyberbullying?


According to the study, this can significantly impact to students
learning which may be reflected in their low school commitment,
problematic and substance abuse. Cyberbullying can affect an
individual and will also inform students, teachers and potential
researchers. In general, this study was done with students in mind to
help them understand how to combat cyberbullying. It will enable the
victims to know why they are bullied and how can they avoid on being
bullied. This research will enable those concerned know how to deal
with the problem of cyberbullying and its obvious consequences on
students at school.

Some of the student potential can be affected by negative

information that allows a permanent record to the current and future
psychological and emotional states. This can significantly impact to the
students learning which may be reflected in their problematic behavior,
low of school commitment and substance abuse. This can occurs both
inside and outside of the school , teachers can play an important role in
addressing this problem. In addition, because of the negative effects on
cyber victims it can directly or indirectly impact their learning, that’s
why teachers need to be prepared to deal with this issue.


This study focuses on how cyberbullying can affect to the JHS
and SHS students on their learning studies. With the objective of to
know how to deal with the problem of cyberbullying and its obvious
consequences on students. It was assumed that the literature reviewed
would clearly identify the prevalence and seriousness of cyberbullying.
The possible limitations of the study were the topic was about
cyberbullying is relatively new and therefore a lot of the research
overlapping by reciting the same studies.

The Cyberbullying Conceptual Framework has three categories:
identification, management and prevention.

Identification of cyberbullying
The first category of the framework is identification. The
elements were identified from the literature related to identifying
cyberbullying: understanding the attributes of cyberbullying,
knowledge of the types of cyberbullying, identifying student awareness
of cyberbullying and educators perspectives of cyberbullying.

Management of cyberbullying
The second category of the cyberbullying framework is
management. It is related to how educators and schools manage or
resolve the incidents of cyberbullying. This category has two elements,

Prevention of cyberbullying
The final category of the cyberbullying framework is prevention.
This category has three elements including the role and responsibility of
the school, teacher and teacher education program.

Cyberbullying. Involves the use of information and communication
technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages,
instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory
online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and
hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm

Cyber victim. Refers to the process of victimizing others through the

use of information and communication technologies.

This chapter includes a discussion of the prevalence and
seriousness of cyberbullying, followed by the different forms of
cyberbullying. The chapter will also include the differences between
males and females when it comes to cyberbullying. This will conclude a
recommended prevention and intervention techniques for

Prevalence & Forms of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying involves the use of information and
communication technologies to cause harm to others (Belsey,2004).
According to the National Crime Prevention Council and Harris
Interactive, Inc.’s study in 2006, 43% of the students surveyed had been
cyberbullied within the last year (cited in Moessner,2007). That same
year, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that one out of
three teens have experienced online harassment (Lenhart,2007).

Forms of cyberbullying go beyond name calling and enter a

world of impersonation and cyber threats. According to Willard (2006),
there are nine main forms of cyberbullying: flaming, harassment,
denigration, impersonation, outing, trickery, exclusion, cyberstalking
and cyber threats. Flaming is online fights using electronic messages
with angry and vulgar language. Harassment is another form in which
the cyberbully repeatedly sends insulting messages via the internet.
Denigration is “dissing” someone online which can include sending or
posting gossip or rumors about a person that could damage their
reputation or friendships. Impersonation is pretending to be someone
else in order to get that person in trouble with other people or to
damage their reputation and friendships. Outing is sharing someone’s
secrets, embarrassing information, or photos online without his/her
permission. Trickery is similar to outing, in which the cyberbully will
trick the victim to reveal secrets or embarrassing information and then
share it with others online. Exclusion is intentionally excluding someone
from an online group. Cyberstalking is repeated, intense harassment
and denigration that includes threats or creates a significant amount of
fear in the victim. Lastly, cyber threats are defined as either threats or
“distressing material,” general statements that make it sound like the
writer is emotionally upset and may be harm someone else,
themselves, or committing suicide (Willard,2006).

According to Willard, there are three related concerns to the

nine forms of cyberbullying. These are students disclosing massive
amounts of personal information via Internet or becoming addicted to
the Internet and online gaming applications where their lives are highly
dependent on their time spent online, and the prevalence of suicide
access to gain information on suicide and self-harm methods

Differences between males and females when it comes to

According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project survey
in 2006 about cyberbullying, girls were more likely than boys to say
they have experienced cyberbullying; 38% of online girls reported being
bullied compared to 26% of online boys. Furthermore, girls aged 15 to
17 are the most likely to have experienced cyberbullying, with 41% of
respondents from that group reporting they had been cyberbullied
compared to 34% of girls ages 12 to 14. It was also found that nearly 4
in 10 social network users have been cyberbullied, compared with 22%
of online teens who do not use social networking sites (cited in

Recommended Preventions & Interventions

According to Willard (2006), there are many ways that schools,
parents, and students can help prevent cyberbullying and intervene
when cyberbullying has occurred. The steps that Willard suggested for
schools contain elements of increasing awareness of cyberbullying
concerns; empowering educators, students, parents, and community
members with knowledge of how to prevent and respond of
cyberbullying; provide warning to cyberbullies and their parents about
the negative consequences; and effective supervision and monitoring of
online activities. Willard also stated that it is important to develop a
plan of action to engage in effective threat analysis for any reports of
cyberbullying that raises concerns of suicide or violence (Willard,2006).

There are eight main steps that Willard suggested for

addressing cyberbullying. They include engaging in participatory
planning, conducting an assessment, ensuring an effective anti-bullying
program is in place and reviewing policies and procedures related to
Internet and mobile communication devices. Additionally it is important
to conduct professional development of individuals in the district,
include parents on prevention and identification of cyberbullying,
educate students about cyberbullying and what to do about it, and
finally, to assess the cyberbullying prevention and intervention plan
periodically to determine its effectiveness (Willard,2006).

Research Design
The method used in this study is quantitative research design,
survey study. To determine the impact of cyberbullying on high school-
level academic achievement, self-esteem, and self-efficacy and the
moderating impact of perceived social support.

Research Locale
This study was conducted at Saniel-Cruz National High School,
Brgy. Poblacion, Kidapawan City particularly the students that are
victim of cyberbullying using any social media platforms from Grade 7
to 12.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were fifteen (15) students from
grade 7 to 12 students victim of cyberbullying that are enrolled at
Saniel-Cruz National High School in the S.Y. 2022-2023.
Sampling Procedure
The sampling strategy will involve a random sample via
respondents of high school-level students. The inclusion and exclusion
criterion recognizes those as being with the inclusion group to enter the
questions for the survey and has the ability to provide the necessary
sample group of high school students that are victim of cyberbullying.
The methodological design of the study will indicate a question if the
answer is no the participant is to terminate the survey. The survey
questions will be collected and analyzed. There will be a total of 15 high
school students selected who have answered the questions and will be
inclusive to the research and all others will be excluded or exclusive to
this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher should gathered a data information before they
asked for the questions to the respondents in conducting a interview.
The researchers will also conducted the data gathering through online
survey, paper survey, and group discussion. All the respondents are
students of Saniel-Cruz National High School.

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