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Electrician Exam 2017

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Tenth Edition
Based on the 2017 NEC®

John E. Traister

Revised and Updated by


Rob Adair

Includes inside the back cover:

Inside the back cover of this book you’ll find a software download certificate. To
access the download, follow the instructions printed there.
 Contains all the questions in the book in interactive self-test software that makes
studying almost fun.
 Each answer is explained, and shows the pertinent NEC® section at the click of
the mouse.
 Use the study mode to get an immediate response on each answer.
 Use the exam mode for a timed exam — just like the real one, and see your
grade when finished.

Craftsman Book Company
6058 Corte del Cedro, Carlsbad, CA 92011

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We are indebted to several individuals and organizations who helped in the preparation of this book.
One group is the electrical examining boards throughout the United States. A list of these organiza-
tions appears in Appendix I of this book. The following were especially helpful in furnishing refer-
ence materials or else helping with the production.

National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®)

C. Keeler Chapman, Artwork
John D. Lee, Sr., Question Verification & Code Consultant

Portions of this publication are reprinted with permission from NFPA 70®-2017 National Electrical

Code®, Copyright® 2016 National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02169. This reprinted
material is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Association on the

referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.

National Electrical Code® and NEC® are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection
Association, Inc., Quincy, MA 02169.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Traister, John E., author. | Adair, Rob, 1946- editor.

Title: Electrician’s exam preparation guide : based on the 2017 NEC(r) / by
John E. Traister revised and updated by Rob Adair.
Description: Tenth edition. | Carlsbad, CA : Craftsman Book Company, [2019] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019021329 | ISBN 9781572183520 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Electrical engineering--Examinations, questions, etc. |
Electrical engineering--Examinations--Study guides. |
Electricians--Licenses--United States. | National Fire Protection
Association. National Electrical Code (2019)
Classification: LCC TK169 .T73 2019 | DDC 621.319/24076--dc23 LC record available at

©2019, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999, 1996, 1993, 1991 Craftsman Book Company

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 Electrical Systems — General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2 Electrical Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3 Branch Circuits and Feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4 Electric Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Distribution Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6 Overcurrent Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
7 Utilization Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

8 Measuring and Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183


9 Electric Motors and Motor Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203


10 Special Occupancies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223


11 Miscellaneous Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

12 Transformers and Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
13 Electrical Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
14 Final Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Using the Interactive Study Center Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Appendix I State Contractor’s Examination Offices . . . . . . . . . . 342
Appendix II Answers to Final Exam Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

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Introduction —
How to Use This Book
If you have been installing electrical systems for You can pass any electrician’s exam, but only
some time as an apprentice, helper, or unlicensed if you study carefully each of the questions in this
electrician, this book is for you. The information book. What you learn from studying is the foun-
between the covers of this book will cover every dation on which your professional career will be
subject that is likely to appear on most electri- built.
cian’s exams — either state or local.

Understand also that the licensing authority
If you are just starting your career as an appren- isn’t the enemy. They aren’t trying to keep you

tice electrician, this book is also for you. It begins out of the electrical business. They only want to
at the beginning. You will have no trouble under- set some basic standards and be assured that your
standing what is explained here. Read each page installations will be done in a workmanlike man-

carefully and you will soon earn the recognition ner and in accordance with the latest edition of the
that licensed professionals are entitled to in our National Electrical® Code® (NEC®). The public
present society. The financial rewards are another should be assured that all licensed electricians
factor which will make your efforts worthwhile. are knowledgeable professionals. That’s good for
society in general, and it’s good for all profes-
In most communities, any electrician working sional electricians and electrical contractors who
without supervision must be licensed. For larger live and work in your area.

electrical construction projects, many states now

require the certification of journeyman electricians Unfortunately, there are too many applicants

as well as specialty electricians, such as splicers of who are not well prepared when they sit down to
high-voltage cable. This trend is certain to contin- take the electrician’s exam. Taking an electrician’s
exam without doing a good job of preparation is a

ue as legislatures recognize the need to protect the

public from incompetents. The state of Virginia, complete waste of time — both yours and that of
for example, is now requiring all persons doing the licensing authority. The results are predictable.

electrical work to be licensed. Don’t make that mistake.

The most common reason for failure is that the
Most licensing authorities prepare demanding applicant didn’t study properly because he didn’t
exams that are a good test of the examinee’s know how, or studied the wrong material. This
knowledge. These exams help to guarantee that book should put an end to that excuse. You have
electrical systems installed in building construc- in your hands the most complete, easiest-to-use,
tion will meet minimum standards for protecting most practical reference available for preparing
the lives and health of building occupants (and to take the tests that are actually given today.
the buildings themselves) for many years to come. Read this book carefully, examine every question,
This also helps to keep insurance rates to a mini- understand all the answers. Do this, and there’s no
mum. way you will be unprepared on examination day.
Begin your study for any electrician’s exam You are almost certain to score high.
with two points in mind: All the common questions and answers are here,
but just knowing the answer is not always enough.
‡ Take the exam seriously
Sometimes it is just as important to understand
‡ Every minute spent studying this book why a particular answer is correct. That’s why
increases your chances of passing the exam many answers include a quotation or reference

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

NEC Terminology
There are two basic types of rules in the NEC:
mandatory rules and advisory rules. Here is how
to recognize the two types of rules and how they
relate to all types of electrical systems.
Mandatory rules: All mandatory rules have the
terms shall or shall not in them. The terms mean
must. If a rule is mandatory, you must comply with it.
Permissive rules: All advisory rules have the
terms shall be permitted or shall not be required in
them. The terms in this case mean recommended but

not necessarily required. If a rule is advisory, com-
pliance is discretionary. If you want to comply with

it, do so. But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

Be alert to local amendments to the NEC. Local
ordinances may amend the language of the NEC,
changing it from should to shall. This means that
you must do in that county or city what may only
be recommended in some other area. The office
The National Electrical Code (NEC) has become the Bible
that issues building permits will either sell you a
of the electrical industry copy of the code that’s enforced in that county or

tell you where the code is sold.


Learning the Layout of the NEC


Begin your study of the NEC with Articles 100

section from the National Electrical Code. and 110. These two articles have the basic infor-
Sometimes you will find notes or clarifications
mation that will make the rest of the NEC easier

under the answer when there is an important point

you might miss. to understand. Article 100 defines terms you will
need to understand when you apply the code.
The National Electrical Code is used in practi- Previous editions of the NEC had some definitions
cally every area of the United States for inspecting located in the body of the code where the topic
electrical systems in building construction. Most was covered, but starting with the 2014 NEC, most
of the questions appearing on electrician’s exams of these were brought together into Article 100 -
will come directly from Articles and Sections of Definitions. Article 110 gives the general require-
the latest NEC. Therefore a brief review of the
ments for electrical installations. Read these two
individual NEC sections that apply to electrical
articles over several times until you are thoroughly
systems is in order. Sample questions concerning
all sections of the NEC may be found in the chap- familiar with all the information they contain. It’s
ters to follow. time well spent.

This book, however, is not a substitute for the Once you’re familiar with Articles 100 and 110,
NEC. You need a copy of the most recent edition you can move on to the rest of the code. There are
and it should be kept handy at all times. The more several key sections you will use often in servic-
you know about the code, the more you are likely ing electrical systems. Let’s discuss each of these
to refer to it. important sections.

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Introduction — How to Use This Book

Wiring and Protection Article 310 in Chapter 3 gives a complete

Chapter 2 of the NEC discusses wiring design description of all types of electrical conductors.
and protection, the information electrical techni- Electrical conductors come in a wide range of
cians need most often. It covers the use and iden- sizes and forms. Be sure to check the working
tification of grounded conductors, branch circuits, drawings and specifications to see what sizes and
feeders, calculations, services, overcurrent protec- types of conductors are required for a specific
tion, grounding, bonding and surge protection. This job. If conductor type and size are not specified,
is essential information for any type of electrical choose the most appropriate type and size meeting
system, regardless of the type. standard NEC requirements.

Chapter 2 is also a “how-to” chapter. It explains Articles 312 through 399 include rules for race-
how to provide proper spacing for conductor ways, boxes, cabinets, low-voltage distribution,
concealed knob-&-tube wiring, open wiring, and

supports and how to size the proper grounding outdoor overhead conductors. Outlet boxes vary
conductor or electrode. If you run into a problem in size and shape, depending on their use, the size

related to the design or installation of a conven- of the raceway, the number of conductors enter-
tional electrical system, you can probably find a ing the box, the type of building construction, and
solution for it in this chapter.

the atmospheric condition of the areas. Chapter 3
should answer most questions on the selection and
Wiring Methods and Materials use of these items.
Chapter 3 has the rules on wiring methods and
The NEC does not describe in detail all types
materials. The materials and procedures to use on and sizes of outlet boxes. But manufacturers of
a particular system depend on the type of building outlet boxes have excellent catalogs showing all
construction, the type of occupancy, the location of their products. Collect these catalogs. They’re

of the wiring in the building, the type of atmo- essential to your work.
sphere in the building or in the area surrounding

the building, mechanical factors and the relative Equipment for General Use
costs of different wiring methods. Chapter 4 of the NEC begins with the use and

The provisions of this chapter apply to all wir- installation of flexible cords and cables, including
ing installations except remote control switching the trade name, type, letter, wire size, number of

conductors, conductor insulation, outer covering

(Article 725), low-energy power circuits (Article and use of each. The chapter also includes fixture
725), signal systems (Article 725), communica- wires, again giving the trade name, type, letter and
tion systems and conductors (Article 800) when other important details.
these items form an integral part of equipment Article 404 covers the switches you will use to
such as motors and motor controllers. control electrical circuits.
There are three basic wiring methods used in Article 406 covers receptacles and convenience
most modern electrical systems. Nearly all wiring outlets used to connect portable equipment to elec-
methods are a variation of one of these three basic tric circuits. Get the manufacturers’ catalogs on
methods: these items. They will provide you with detailed
‡ Sheathed cables of two or more conductors, descriptions of each of the wiring devices.
such as NM cable and AC armored cable Article 408 covers switchboards, switchgear
(Articles 320 through 340) and panelboards, including their location, installa-
‡ Raceway wiring systems, such as rigid and tion methods, clearances, grounding and overcur-
EMT conduit (Articles 342 through 366) rent protection.
‡ Busways (Article 368) Article 409 covers industrial control panels.

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

Article 410 on lighting fixtures is especially explosive atmosphere when arcing occurs within
important. It gives installation procedures for fix- the electrical system.
tures in specific locations. For example, it covers There are three classes of special occup ancy
fixtures near combustible material and fixtures in locations:
closets. The NEC does not describe the number of
fixtures needed in a given area to provide a certain ‡ Class I (Article 501): Areas containing
amount of illumination. flammable gases or vapors in the air. Class
I areas include paint spray booths, dyeing
Low-voltage lighting is in Article 411. plants where hazardous liquids are used,
Article 422 covers appliances; 424 fixed electri- and gas generator rooms.
cal space heating equipment; 425 fixed resistance ‡ Class II (Article 502): Areas where
heating equipment; 426 fixed outdoor deicing combustible dust is present, such as grain-
equipment and 427 fixed heating equipment for handling and storage plants, dust and

pipelines and vessels. stock collector areas and sugar-pulverizing
plants. These are areas where, under normal

Article 430 covers electric motors, including
mounting the motor and making electrical connec- operating conditions, there may be enough
tions to it. combustible dust in the air to produce

explosive or ignitable mixtures.
Articles 440 through 470 cover air conditioning
and heating equipment, generators, transformers, ‡ Class III (Article 503): Areas that are
and capacitors. hazardous because of the presence of
easily ignitable fibers or flyings in the
Article 480 gives most requirements related to air, although not in large enough quantity
battery-operated electrical systems. Storage batteries to product ignitable mixtures. Class III
are seldom thought of as part of a conventional elec- locations include cotton mills, rayon mills

trical system, but they often provide standby emer- and clothing manufacturing plants.
gency lighting service. They may also supply power

to security systems that are separate from the main Articles 504 and 506 cover intrinsically safe
AC electrical system. systems and locations for combustible dusts or

ignitable fibers.
Article 490 covers equipment over 1000 volts,
nominal. Articles 511, 513 and 514 regulate garages, air-

craft hangars and similar locations where volatile or

Special Occupancies flammable liquids are used. While these areas are
Chapter 5 of the NEC covers special occupancy not always considered critically hazardous locations,
areas. These are areas where the sparks generated by there may be enough danger to require special pre-
electrical equipment may cause an explosion or fire. cautions in the electrical installation. In these areas,
The hazard may be due to the atmosphere of the area the NEC requires that volatile gases be confined to
or just the presence of a volatile material in the area. an area not more than 18 inches above the floor. So
Commercial garages, aircraft hangers and service in most cases, conventional raceway systems are per-
stations are typical special occupancy locations. mitted above this level. If the area is judged critically
hazardous, explosion-proof wiring (including seal-
Articles 500 through 503 cover the different offs) may be required.
types of special occupancy atmospheres where
an explosion is possible. The atmospheric groups Article 520 regulates theaters and similar occu-
were established to make it easy to test and pancies where fire and panic can cause hazards to
approve equipment for various types of uses. life and property. Drive-in theaters do not present
the same hazards as enclosed auditoriums. But
Section 501 covers the installation of explo- the projection rooms and adjacent areas must be
sionproof wiring. An explosion-proof system is properly ventilated and wired for the protection of
designed to prevent the ignition of a surrounding operating personnel and others using the area.

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Introduction — How to Use This Book

Chapter 5 also covers service stations, bulk Other items covered in Chapter 6 of the NEC
storage plants, health care facilities, residential include: information technology equipment (Article
storage garages, agricultural buildings, carnivals 645), modular data centers (Article 646), sensitive
and circuses, motion picture and television stu- electronic equipment (Article 647), pipe organs
dios, and manufactured buildings, mobile homes, (Article 650), X-ray equipment (Article 660),
amusement parks, low-voltage systems, marinas induction and dielectric heat-generating equipment
and boatyards and temporary installations. (Article 665), electrolytic cells (Article 668), elec-
troplating (Article 669), industrial machines (Article
Special Equipment 670), and irrigation machines (Article 675). Articles
Article 600 covers electric signs and outline 680 and 682 regulate installations of swimming
lighting. Article 604 covers manufactured wiring pools, fountains, spas, and natural or artificially-
systems. Article 605 covers office furnishings. made bodies of water. Articles 685 through 692
Article 610 applies to cranes and hoists. Article cover items like integrated electric systems, solar

620 covers the majority of the electrical work photovoltaic (PV) systems, and fuel cells. Article
involved in the installation and operation of eleva- 694 covers the increasingly popular small wind elec-

tors, dumbwaiters, escalators and moving walks. tric systems. This article governs the wiring require-
The manufacturer is responsible for most of this ments as well as connection to other sources. It’s
work. The electrician usually just furnishes a feed- advisable to pay particular attention to these newer

er terminating in a means of disconnect in the bot- code articles, as most states like to include numerous
tom of the elevator shaft. The electrician may also questions on newer code changes. Chapter 6 ends
be responsible for a lighting circuit to a junction with Article 695, covering Fire Pumps.
box midway in the elevator shaft for connecting If you ever have work that involves Chapter 6,
the elevator cage lighting cable and exhaust fans. study the chapter before work begins. That can save
Articles in Chapter 6 of the NEC give most of the a lot of installation time. Here’s another way to cut
requirements for these installations.

down on labor hours and prevent installation errors.

Article 625 covers electric battery charging sys- Get a set of rough-in drawings of the equipment

tem requirements for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles being installed. It’s easy to install the wrong outlet
(PHEV). Article 626 regulates installation of parking box or to install the right box in the wrong place.
spaces for electrified trucks. Connecting to Truck

Having a set of rough-in drawings can prevent those

Stop Electrification (TSE) equipment will allow simple but costly errors.
truck operators to use on-board air conditioning,

heating and appliances without running their engines. Special Conditions

Article 630 regulates electric welding equipment. In most commercial buildings, the NEC and
It is normally treated as a piece of industrial power local ordinances require a means of lighting public
equipment requiring a special power outlet. But rooms, halls, stairways and entrances. There must
there are special conditions that apply to the circuits be enough light to allow the occupants to exit
supplying welding equipment. These are outlined in from the building if the general building lighting
detail in Chapter 6 of the NEC. is interrupted. Exit doors must be clearly indicated
Article 640 covers wiring for sound-recording and by illuminated exit signs.
similar equipment. This type of equipment normally Chapter 7 of the NEC covers the installation of
requires low-voltage wiring. Special outlet boxes or emergency lighting systems. These circuits should
cabinets are usually provided with the equipment. be arranged so that they can automatically transfer
But some items may be mounted in or on standard to an alternate source of current, usually storage
outlet boxes. Some sound-recording electrical sys- batteries or gasoline-drive generators. As an alter-
tems require direct current, supplies from rectify- native, you can connect them to the supply side of
ing equipment, batteries or motor generators. Low- the main service so disconnecting the main service
voltage alternating current comes from relatively switch would not disconnect the emergency cir-
small transformers connected on the primary side to cuits. The 2017 NEC showed significant changes in
a 120-volt circuit within the building. the requirements in Article 770, optical fiber cables.

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Chapter 8 covers communication systems and is mind can only concentrate for approximately four
not subject to the requirements of Chapters 1 through hours without taking a break. There’s no point in
7, except where specifically referenced. In addition studying if you don’t retain much of the information.
to communications circuits, Chapter 8 covers: radio Study alone most of the time, but spend a few hours
and television equipment, antennas and distribution reviewing with another electrician buddy before
systems, network-powered broadband systems, and exam day. You can help each other dig out the facts
the newly-added Article 840 (premises-powered and concepts you will need to pass the exam.
broadband communication systems).
Try to study in a quiet, well-lighted room that is
How to Prepare for the Exam respected as your study space by family members
This book is a guide to preparing for the jour- and friends. If it’s hard to find a spot like that in
neyman or master electrician’s exam. It isn’t a your home, go to the local library where others are
substitute for studying the recommended refer- reading and studying.

ences and it won’t teach you the electrical trade. Before you begin to study, spend a few min-
But it will give you a complete knowledge of the utes getting into the right frame of mind. That’s

type of questions asked in the electrician’s exam. It important. You don’t have to be a genius to pass
will also give you a “feel” for the examination and the electrician’s exam. But good motivation will
provide some of the confidence you need to pass.

nearly guarantee your success. No one can provide
Emphasis is on multiple-choice questions that motivation but you. Getting your license is a
because that’s the style that nearly all tests utilize. goal you set for yourself; it’s your key to the future
Questions are grouped into chapters. Each chapter — a satisfying career in the electrical industry.
covers a single subject. This will help you discov-
er your strengths and weaknesses. Then when you As you study the NEC and other references,
take the two “final” sample exams in the back of highlight important points with a marker. This
makes it easier to find important passages when

this book, analyze the questions you miss. You’ll

probably notice you are weaker in some subjects you’re doing the final review — and when you’re

than others. When these areas have been discov- taking the exam.
ered, you will know that further study is necessary Put paper tabs on the corners of each major
in these areas.

section in all the references you will take into the

In answering questions on the NEC, remember exam room. On the portion of the tab that extends
beyond the edge of the book, write the name of

this point: All exam questions are based on mini-

mum NEC requirements. If the minimum wire size the section or the subject. That makes locating each
permitted under the NEC to carry 20 amperes is section easier and quicker — an important consid-
No. 12 AWG and you answer No. 10 AWG (mini- eration on an open book test. Speed in locating
mum size for 30 amperes) just to play it safe, your answers is important. In the sample exams at the
answer is incorrect. end of this book, which are based on actual state
and county examinations, you will have from two to
The preparatory questions in the front part of this four minutes to answer each question, so you don’t
book have the answer after each question. When have time to daydream or mess around. If you want
reading a question, cover the answer. Read the to pass the exam, you must take it seriously.
question carefully. Mark your answer on a separate
sheet of paper before looking at the correct answer. Your study plan should allow enough time to
Check to see if your answer is correct. If it isn’t, read review each reference at least three times. Read care-
the code responses to find out why it is wrong. fully the first time. The next review should take only
about 10% of the time that the first reading took.
How to Study Make a final review of all references and notes on
Set aside a definite time to study, following a the day before the exam. This is the key to success in
schedule that meets your needs. Studying a couple passing the exam: Review, review, review! The more
of hours two or three nights each week is better than you review, the better your grasp of the information
studying all day on, say, Saturdays. The average and the faster you will be able to find the answers.

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Introduction — How to Use This Book

The Examination 1) While most electrical outlets in homes in the

Questions on state and local examinations are U.S. are 110 volts, which of the following appli-
usually compiled by members of the electrician’s ances usually requires a 220-volt outlet?
examination board. Board members usually include (A) Toaster oven (C) Clothes dryer
several electrical contractors, a registered electri-
cal engineer, electrical inspectors, and perhaps a (B) Washing machine (D) Space heater
trade school instructor. Most electrician’s exams
will include questions on the NEC, general knowl- You should mark answer C for question 1 on the
edge of electrical practice, theoretical questions, answer sheet.
and local ordinance rules. All of these fields are Answer sheets will vary slightly for each examin-
covered in this preparation guide. Questions about ing agency so be sure to follow any instructions on
the NEC, including rules and design calculations, that sheet. Putting the right answers on the wrong
comprise from 70% to 80% of the examination. section will almost certainly cause you to fail.

State examinations are usually given twice a year,
or perhaps every three months. County and local The Night Before

exams may be taken almost any time with prior notice Give your mind a rest! If you have not prepared
to the local inspectors. Most have several basic exams correctly for the exam by this time, then you can’t

that are used in rotation. But the same examination cram it all into your brain in one night. So take it
will never be administered twice in a row. easy. If the place of the examination is more than
The people compiling the exams maintain a an hour’s drive from your home, you might want
bank of several hundred questions covering each to stay at a motel in the city where the examination
test subject. Questions are selected at random, is being held. Getting up at, say, 4 a.m. and driv-
and chances are that some of the questions on any ing a couple of hours in heavy traffic will not help
exam have already been used on an earlier exami- you to pass the exam. On the other hand, a drive to
the location the afternoon before the exam, a good

nation. Many of the questions appearing on actual

electrician’s exams will closely resemble questions dinner and a relaxing evening watching TV will

appearing in this book. increase your possibilities of passing. Just don’t

stay up too late.
The format of the actual examination, the time

allowed, and the reference material which the Be sure to have all of your reference material
applicant may be allowed to take into the exami- with you and get a good night’s sleep before the
nation room vary with each locality. Typically, an day of the exam. If you have prepared yourself

applicant is allowed six to eight hours to complete correctly, you should pass with flying colors.
the examination. Applicants are usually required
to report to the examination room at 8 a.m. where Examination Day
the proctors take about 15 minutes to explain the On the day of your examination, listen carefully
rules of taking the exam. The applicants then work to any oral instructions given and read the printed
on the “morning” exam until noon. After an hour directions. Failing to follow instructions will prob-
break for lunch, the “afternoon” exam begins at 1 ably disqualify you.
p.m. and applicants are given until about 4 p.m. to
complete this portion. You will seldom find any trick questions, but
many will require careful reading. Certain words
(like shall, should, always and never) can make a
The Answer Sheet big difference in your answer.
Most answer sheets used today are designed
for computer grading. Each question on the exam Sometimes several of the answers may seem
possible, but only one will be correct. If you are not
is numbered. Usually there will be four or five sure of the answer, use the process of elimination.
possible responses for each question. You will be
required to mark the best answer on the answer There are several ways to take an exam, but
sheet. The following is a sample of a multiple- the following is the method I used to pass the
choice question: Virginia State Electrical Contractor’s Exam a few

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

years ago. This method is merely a suggestion: if sure that I had answered all of these questions
another way suits you best, by all means use it. correctly. However, 70% is usually the minimum
passing grade and at this point, I had only 50% of
When the exam booklets were passed out and the questions answered. But I still had about three
the applicants were given permission to open hours to spend on the tougher questions.
them, I spent the first few minutes going over the
exam booklet, noting the number of questions. I then started back at the beginning of the exam
This allowed me to pace myself. I noted there were and went down the list of questions until I found
100 questions on the morning exam — which gave one that was unanswered. This process continued
me less than three minutes to spend on each one. until I had answered all questions to the best of my
ability. I spent the remaining time reviewing my
I then started with question No. 1. When I found previous answers, making changes as necessary.
one that I wasn’t sure of, I merely skipped over
this until I came to one that I definitely knew the After lunch, the “afternoon” portion of the exam

answer. This way I had gone through the entire was handed out, and I used the same procedure
test booklet once and had answered about 50% of as before. I found out a few days later that I had

the questions in a little over one hour. I was quite scored 94% on this examination.


What’s New In This Edition?


All questions and answers in this book have been updated to comply with
the new 2017 NEC. Additional questions and answers, along with new illustra-
tions, have been provided to encompass new NEC installation requirements.
Wherever a change has occurred from the 2014 NEC, you will see an icon
denoting that a change has been made. This icon appears below.


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Chapter 1

Electrical Systems —
General Requirements

Owing to the potential fire and explosion hazards a sound basis for the study of electrical design
caused by the improper handling and installation and installation procedures — under the proper
of electrical wiring, certain rules in the selection of guidance. The probable reason for the NEC’s self-
materials, quality of workmanship, and precautions analysis is that the code also states, This Code con-
for safety must be followed. To standardize and tains provisions considered necessary for safety.
simplify these rules and provide a reliable guide Compliance therewith and proper maintenance
for electrical construction, the National Electrical will result in an installation essentially free from
Code® (NEC®) was developed. The NEC, origi-

hazard, but not necessarily efficient, convenient,

nally prepared in 1897, is frequently revised to or adequate for good service or future expansion

meet changing conditions, improved equipment of electrical use.

and materials, and new fire hazards. It is the result
The NEC, however, has become the bible of the

of the best efforts of electrical engineers, manu-

electrical construction industry, and is usually the
facturers of electrical equipment, insurance under-
basis for most electrician’s and electrical contrac-

writers, fire fighters, and other concerned experts tor’s exams. Consequently, anyone involved in
throughout the country. electrical work, in any capacity, should obtain an
The NEC is now published by the National Fire up-to-date copy, keep it handy at all times, and
Protection Association (NFPA), One Batterymarch refer to it frequently.
Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169. It contains
specific rules and regulations intended to help in To use the NEC properly, the definitions listed
the practical safeguarding of persons and property in Chapter 1, Article 100 of the NEC should be
from hazards arising from the use of electricity. fully understood. General requirements for electri-
Although the NEC itself states, This Code is not cal installations are given in Article 110. Then, the
intended as a design specification nor an instruc- remaining Chapters, Articles, and Sections should
tion manual for untrained person, it does provide be studied.

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

1-1 “Concealed” as applied to electrical wiring means:

A) Rendered inaccessible by the structure or C) Capable of being removed without damage

finish of the building
B) Capable of being reached quickly D) Admitting close approach

Answer: A
For example, cables or raceways installed within, say, a drywalled partition are not accessible without
damaging the finished wall and are considered to be concealed. Wires in concealed raceways are
considered concealed, even though they may become accessible by withdrawing them. NEC Article 100
— Definitions.

1-2 A feeder is:

A) A circuit conductor between the final

overcurrent device protecting the circuit ev
C) All circuit conductors between the service
equipment, the source of a separately
and the outlet derived system, or other power supply source
and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device.
B) A branch circuit that supplies several outlets D) A device for generating electricity

Answer: C

NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-1.


From generators High-voltage lines

120/240 V lines

Service drop

Electric meter Feeders

Branch circuits:
Panelboards lights, receptacles, etc.

Figure 1-1: Basic electric systems showing service-entrance, feeders to subpanels, and branch circuits

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-3 A bonding conductor or jumper is:

A) A branch circuit that supplies only one C) An adhesive used to insulate conductors
utilization equipment
B) A reliable conductor to ensure the required D) Capable of being operated without exposing
electrical conductivity between metal parts operator to contact with live parts
required to be electrically connected

Answer: B
NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-2.

1-4 In locations where electric equipment would be exposed to physical damage, the following
must be provided:

A) Warning signs
B) Sufficient headroom ev C) Working space
D) Enclosures or guards
Answer: D
NEC Section 110.27(B). See Figure 1-3.

Attic rafter

Guard strips

Figure 1-2: Panelboard housing with bonding jumpers Figure 1-3: Guard strips protecting Type AC cable

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

1-5 To provide access to the working space Top Hanger hook

about electric equipment, the following
number of entrances of sufficient size must be
Door Catch

A) 3
B) 2
Nameplate Switch handle
C) 1
Handle lock slot
D) 4

Answer: C
For example, an electrical equipment room in an

office building would require only one entrance
door to the room. This entrance shall be capable

of giving access to and egress from the working Figure 1-4: Externally-operated safety switch. The live
space. NEC Section 110.26(C)(1). interior parts are fully isolated, but the external handle
enables the switch to be operated from the outside.

1-6 Externally operable means:


A) Capable of being operated from the C) Capable of being operated without exposing
outside of a building the operator to contact with live parts

B) An apparatus enclosed in a case D) Surrounded by a case


Answer: C
NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-4.

1-7 What must be provided for in all working spaces above service equipment?

A) A water faucet to flush operator’s eyes C) Illumination

B) A drinking fountain D) A wash basin

Answer: C
Illumination shall be provided for all working spaces about service equipment, switchboards,
switchgear, panelboards, or motor control centers installed indoors. Control by automatic means only
shall not be permitted. NEC Section 110.26(D).

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-8 Parts of electric equipment that in ordinary operation produce arcs, sparks, flames, or
molten metal shall be enclosed or separated and isolated from:
A) All other electrical equipment C) Electric lighting
B) All combustible material D) All working spaces

Answer: B
NEC Section 110.18. Special rules apply for motors (430.14) and hazardous locations (Articles 500
through 517).

1-9 Working space in rooms containing electrical equipment shall not be used for:
A) Storage C) Testing purposes

B) Maintenance and repair of equipment D) Inspection or servicing

Answer: A

Working space required by this section shall not be used for storage. When normally enclosed live
parts are exposed for inspection or servicing, the working space, if in a passageway or general open
space, shall be suitably guarded. NEC Section 110.26(B).

1-10 In all cases where there are live parts normally exposed on just the front of switchboards or
motor control centers 1000 volts or under, the working space in front of such equipment shall not

be less than:

A) 1 foot C) 4 feet unless adequate protection is provided

B) 3 feet D) 18 inches

Answer: B NEC
Three feet is judged by the NEC to be adequate space so that workers may keep a safe
distance from live electrical parts 1000 volts or under, in Condition 1 Situations.
NEC Table 110.26(A)(1).

1-11 Ampacity is defined as:

A) The electromotive force required to cause C) The maximum current, in amperes, that a
electrons to flow in conductors conductor can carry continuously under the con-
ditions of use without exceeding its temperature
B) The amount of power in a circuit D) The voltage rating of any appliance

Answer: C
NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

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1-12 “Approved” as used in the NEC means:

A) Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction C) Okay for use in hazardous locations
B) Acceptable only when specified in local D) Usable only for inside work

Answer: A
In most cases, the local city, county, or state electrical inspector is the “authority” having jurisdiction.

NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-13 A bare conductor is one with:

A) Several layers of thermoplastic insulation Insulated

B) Only one layer of insulation
C) A covering that is not recognized by the NEC
as electrical insulation

D) No covering or insulation whatsoever



Figure 1-5: Bare conductor compared to one with


Answer: D
A bare conductor, such as a service grounding wire, has no cover or insulation. NEC Article 100 —
Definitions, Conductor, Bare. See Figure 1-5.

1-14 Which of the following anchors may not be used to secure electrical equipment to masonry

A) Lead anchors approved for the weight C) Threaded studs “shot” into the masonry
of the equipment
B) Toggle bolts D) Wooden plugs driven into holes in the
masonry for holding wood screws

Answer: D
NEC Section 110.13(A). See Figure 1-6.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

Figure 1-6: Several types of anchors suitable for installing electrical equipment
1-15 A device designed to open and close a Off
circuit by nonautomatic means and to open On
the circuit automatically on a predetermined

overcurrent without damage to itself when

properly applied within its rating is called a:

A) Nonfusible disconnect switch


B) Time-delay fuse

C) Circuit breaker
D) Motor running overcurrent protector
Figure 1-7: Operating characteristics of a circuit breaker
Answer: C
NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-7.

1-16 A conductor encased within material of composition or thickness that is recognized by the
NEC as electrical insulation is known as:

A) A bare conductor C) A concealed conductor

B) A covered conductor D) An insulated conductor

Answer: D
NEC Article 100 — Definitions, Conductor, Insulated.

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1-17 A separate portion of a conduit or tubing system that provides access through a removable
cover(s) to the interior of the system at a junction of two or more sections of the system or at a
terminal point of the system is defined as a:

A) Conduit body C) Conduit intersection

B) Conduit junction D) Conduit T-connector

Answer: A

NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-8.


EYS seal for use in Class I, Standard ECD breather LR Form 7 Series
Groups A, B, C, D, and conduit body

Class II, Groups E, F, and G


Figure 1-8: Several types of conduit bodies

1-18 What device is now required to detect and protect against arcing in 15- and 20-amp branch
circuits supplying outlets installed in dwelling units?


Answer: A
Outlets installed in dwelling unit kitchens, family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, laundry rooms. . .
. or similar rooms or areas shall be protected by a listed arc-fault circuit interrupter, combination-type.
NEC Section 210.12(A)(1 through 6). The definition of arc-fault circuit interrupter has been added to
Article 100 — Definitions.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-19 Which circuits must not be connected to any system containing trolley wires with a ground

A) Ground wires C) Circuits for lighting and power

B) Grounding conductors D) Ungrounded trolley wires

Answer: C
No other “live” or ungrounded conductors may be connected except those specifically designed for
trolley operation. NEC Section 110.19.

1-20 The minimum headroom of working spaces about service equipment, switchboards,
panelboards, or motor control centers shall be at least:

A) 6½ feet
ev C) 5.75 feet
B) 8 feet D) 10 feet

Answer: A

The NEC judges 6½ feet working space, or the height of the equipment, if greater, to be adequate
above service equipment to provide room for an electrician to service the equipment. This

measurement is taken from the floor to ceiling of, say, an electrical equipment room; not from the top
of the panelboard. NEC Section 110.26(A)(3).

1-21 Indoor electrical installations over 1000 volts, nominal, that are open to unqualified persons
shall be made with:

A) Open switchgear with readily accessible C) Provisions to enclose the equipment within a
live parts barrier less than 8 feet high
B) Metal-enclosed equipment D) The approval of both the I.B.E.W. and the

Answer: B
Equipment accessible to unqualified persons shall be metal-enclosed. NEC Section 110.31(B)(1).
In addition, associated equipment over 1000 volts, nominal, shall be marked with appropriate
danger signs. NEC Section 110.34(C).

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1-22 The entrance provided to give access to the working space about electric equipment rated
over 1000 volts nominal must not be less than:

A) 6 feet × 6 feet C) 2 feet × 6 feet

B) 24 feet × 6 feet D) 2 feet × 6½ feet

Answer: D
NEC Section 110.33(A). At least one entrance not less than 24 inches wide and 61/2 feet high shall
be provided to enclosures for electrical installations rated over 1000 volts, as described in 110.31,
for access to the working space about electrical equipment. Additionally, door(s) shall open in the
direction of egress and be equipped with listed panic hardware. NEC Section 110.33(A)(3).

1-23 Where switches, cutouts or other equipment operating at 1000 volts, nominal, or less, are
installed in a room or enclosure where there are exposed energized parts or wiring operating

at over 1000 volts, the high-voltage equipment shall generally be effectively separated from the
space occupied by the low-voltage equipment by a suitable:

A) Warning sign C) Voltage-reducing transformer

B) Partition, fence or screen D) Firewall

Answer: B

A partition to prevent contact between the two systems must be installed, unless it is accessible to

qualified persons only. NEC Section 110.34(B).


1-24 An enclosed channel designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars is called:

A) A hose C) A receptacle
B) A raceway D) A panelboard

Answer: B
A raceway may be conduit or piping, auxiliary wire troughs (gutters), busducts, wire trays, etc. NEC
Article 100 — Definitions.

1-25 A contact device installed at the outlet for the connection of an attachment plug is called:

A) A terminator C) An overcurrent protection device

B) A junction box D) A receptacle

Answer: D
NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-26 A compartment or chamber to which Plenum

one or more air ducts are connected and that
forms part of the air distribution system is a:

A) Plenum
B) Duct
C) Fan-coil unit
D) Air valve

Answer: A

NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-9.

Figure 1-9: An air-distribution system showing a plenum
and related air ducts

1-27 The NEC definition of “Qualified Person” is one who:
A) Has been elected by the Inspection office C) Has served two years apprenticeship
training with a labor organization

B) Has skills and knowledge related to the con- D) Has a college degree in electrical
struction and operation of the electrical equipment engineering or electrical technology

and installations and has received safety training

to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

Answer: B

A licensed electrician and a professional electrical engineer are two such “qualified” persons. NEC
Article 100 — Definitions.

1-28 An unintentional, electrically conductive connection between an ungrounded conductor and

the normally non-current-carrying conductors, metallic enclosures, metallic raceways, metallic
equipment, or earth, is called:

A) Arc fault C) Ground fault

B) Stray current D) High impedance

Answer: C
NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

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1-29 When an enclosure has been constructed

or protected so that exposure to a beating
rain will not result in the entrance of water
under specified test conditions, the enclosure is
known as:

A) Rainproof
B) Drip-proof
C) Raintight
D) Multioutlet assembly

Answer: C Figure 1-10: A typical raintight enclosure

This type of enclosure is designed to keep rain
water out of the device. NEC Article 100 —

Definitions. See Figure 1-10. Pr
1-30 A point on the wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment is
known as:

A) An outlet C) A load center

B) A wall switch D) A motor-control center

Answer: A

NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-31 The agency that publishes the NEC is abbreviated:


Answer: C
The National Fire Protection Association.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-32 A raceway is an enclosed channel designed expressly for holding:

A) Wires, cables or busbars C) Spark-plug wires

B) Automotive equipment D) Equipment for high-speed autos

Answer: A
A conduit, such as rigid steel conduit, unlike plumbing pipe, is designed to contain electrical
conductors. A raceway is identified within specific article definitions. NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-33 A large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels, on which are mounted on the face, back,

or both, switches, overcurrent and other protective devices will fall under the definition of:

A) General-use switch C) Switchboard

B) Thermal protector

ev D) Cutout
Answer: C
Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended to
be installed in cabinets. NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-11.

120/240, 2P, 2-wire

30 A. safety switch
for emergency circuit To motor-control center "A"

Safety switch M1
see switch schedule
120/240, 2P, 2-wire
30 A. safety switch

for fire-alarm system

Panel L1
see panelboard schedule

1" empty conduit

for power company
connection to meter
12" x 12"
CT auxiliary gutter
cabinet Panel L1
see panelboard schedule
3-3½" empty conduits
run 4' beyond building

Figure 1-11: An assembly of safety switches, auxiliary gutters, and conduit nipples used for service equipment exactly as
they appear on electrical working drawings

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

1-34 Any electric circuit that controls any
other circuit through a relay is called a: Load
A) Remote-control circuit Red Blue Off
White circuit
B) Power circuit Black
Off 24V transformer
C) Overload relay
D) Motor control circuit

Figure 1-12: Typical remote-control circuit

Answer: A

NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-12.

1-35 Any electric circuit that energizes signaling equipment is known as a:
A) Low-voltage branch circuit C) Signaling circuit
B) Multiwire circuit D) Feeder circuit

Answer: C

For example, a circuit consisting of a low-voltage transformer, pushbuttons, door chime, and
conductors is a signaling circuit; so is a security alarm system. NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-36 A device that, by insertion in a receptacle, establishes connection between the conductors of
the attached flexible cord and the conductors connected permanently to the receptacle is called
one of the following:

A) Female plug C) Controller

B) Circuit breaker D) Attachment plug

Answer: D
Also called a plug cap or plug. NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-13.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

15 ampere 20 ampere 30 ampere

Receptacle Plug cap Receptacle Plug cap Receptacle Plug cap

2 - pole 2 - wire

125 V
1-15R 1-15P

250 V

2-15P 2-20R 2-20P 2-30R 2-30P

* *
2 - pole 3 - wire grounding

5 G G

125 V W W W W


5-15R 5-15P 5-20R 5-20P 5-30R 5-30P

* *

6 G G

250 V

6-15R 6-15P 6-20R 6-30P 6-30R 6-30P


277 V

7-15R 7-15P 7-20R 7-30P 7-30R 7-30P

3 - pole 3 - wire

10 W W


125/ Y X X Y Y X Y X
250 V

10-20R 10-20P 10-30R 10-30P

11 * X
* X
* X
* * X
* X

3 o/ _ Z Y Y Z Z Y Y Z Z Y Y Z
250 V
11-15R 11-15P 11-20R 11-20P 11-30R 11-30P
* * * * G G
3 - pole 4 - wire grounding

14 G G G G
125/ W W W
250 V
14-15R 14-15P 14-20R 14-20P 14-30R 14-30P

15 * G
* G
* G * G
* G * G

3 o/ _ Y
250 V
15-15R 15-15P 15-20R 15-20P 15-30R 15-30P

18 * *
4 - pole
4 - wire

3 o/ Y
120/ Y Y
208 V 18-15R 18-15P 18-20R 18-20P 18-30R 18-30P

Figure 1-13: Several types of attachment-plug configurations

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

1-37 A device that establishes a connection between two or more conductors by means of
mechanical pressure and without the use of solder is called:

A) An explosionproof connector with seal-offs C) A wire nut

B) A pressure connector D) A shrink connector

Answer: B
NEC Article 100 — Definitions, Connector, Pressure (Solderless). See Figure 1-14.

Ring groove Multistud Spade Butt connector Slide

One barrel, short offset tongue One barrel, offset tongue One barrel, fixed tongue

Figure 1-14: Several types of pressure connectors used in electrical work


1-38 A continuous load is a load where the maximum current is expected to continue for a
certain length of time. This time is:

A) One hour or more C) Three hours or more

B) Two hours or more D) Four hours or more

Answer: C
For example, electric baseboard heaters in the coldest weather will more than likely operate for longer
than three hours. Therefore, circuits feeding these units must be rated as “continuous.” NEC Article
100 — Definitions.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-39 What is a branch circuit called that supplies a number of outlets for lighting and

A) An appliance branch circuit C) A general-purpose branch circuit

B) An individual branch circuit D) A multiwire branch circuit

Answer: C
A general purpose branch circuit supplies two or more receptacles or outlets for lighting and

appliances. (Circuits feeding any duplex receptacles other than small appliance and laundry equipment
are also general purpose branch circuits.) NEC Article 100 — Definitions, Branch Circuit, General-

1-40 A device used to govern, in some predetermined manner, the electric power delivered to an
electric apparatus is called a:

A) Controller C) Governor
B) Heater D) Motor starter

Answer: A
A wall switch controlling a lighting fixture is one. A motor starter or controller is another example. A

rheostat or electronic dimmer used to vary the light intensity is also a controller. NEC Article 100 —

1-41 Which of the following qualifying terms indicate that a circuit breaker can be set to trip at
various values of current, time, or both, within a predetermined range?

A) Accessible C) Setting
B) Adjustable D) Concealed

Answer: B
The term “adjustable” (as applied to circuit breakers) means that the circuit breaker can be set to
trip at various values of current, time, or both, within a predetermined range. NEC Article 100 —
Definitions, Circuit Breaker, Adjustable.

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

1-42 The ratio of the maximum demand of a system, or part of a system, to the total connected
load of the system or the part of the system under consideration is known as:

A) Percentage C) Rated-load current

B) Duty cycle D) Demand factor

Answer: D
The NEC recognizes that every electrical outlet or piece of electric equipment will not all be operating
simultaneously. Therefore, the NEC allows a demand factor for certain installations. NEC Article 100
— Definitions.

1-43 Electric parts that are not suitably guarded, isolated, or insulated and are capable of being
inadvertently touched or approached nearer than a safe distance by a person are known as:

A) Exposed
C) Accessible
B) Externally operable D) Dead front

Answer: A

A switchboard with knife switches, for example, has exposed live electrical parts. NEC Article 100 —

1-44 A device intended for the protection Solid state circuitry


of personnel that functions to de-energize a

circuit or portion thereof within an established
period of time when a current to ground Circuit
breaker Sensor
exceeds the values established for a class A

A) Grounding electrode device

B) Ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI)
C) Guarded protector Figure 1-15: Ground-fault circuit-interrupter circuit

D) Thermal cutout

Answer: B
Class A GFCIs trip when the current to ground is 6 mA or higher. Ground-fault circuit-interrupters
are required on all residential receptacles installed outdoors, in bathrooms and kitchens, and in
garages, etc. NEC Article 100 — Definitions. See Figure 1-15.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-45 The NEC uses the term “isolated” to mean:

A) Not readily accessible to persons unless special C) Identifiable by means of color coding or
means for access are used nameplate
B) Grouped together D) Nearby

Answer: A
For example, a safety switch with a means of locking the access door to live interior parts would be

considered to be not readily accessible. NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-46 Accessories such as locknuts, bushings, etc. are known as:

A) Connectors C) Fittings
B) Conduit bodies D) Ground clips

Answer: C

A fitting can be a locknut, bushing, or other part of a wiring system that is intended to perform a
mechanical rather than an electrical function. NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-47 An arrangement of incandescent lamps or electric discharge lighting to call attention to

certain features such as the shape of a building is called:

A) Festoon lighting used for outdoor parties C) High-intensity discharge lighting such as
and to highlight other outdoor functions normally used at intersections of highways
B) Outline lighting D) Decorative lighting inside a building

Answer: B
Lighting fixtures of many types, but especially neon, are used to highlight signs, buildings, and the
like. Las Vegas gambling casinos are a good example of how outline lighting is used to highlight and
outline buildings or windows. NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

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Electrician’s Exam Preparation Guide

1-48 Operation of equipment in excess of normal, full-load rating is known as:

A) Hot load C) Overload

B) Under current D) Periodic duty

Answer: C
For example, a conductor operating in excess of its rated ampacity that, if it persists for a sufficient
length of time, would cause damage or dangerous overheating. A fault, such as a short circuit or

ground fault, is not an overload. NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-49 The value of current, time, or both at which an adjustable circuit breaker is set to trip is
known as:
A) Inverse time C) Automatic
B) Ampacity D) Setting

Answer: D

The setting of a circuit breaker is the value of current, time, or both at which an adjustable circuit
breaker is set to trip. NEC Article 100 — Definitions, Circuit Breaker, Setting.

1-50 Which of the following must not be allowed to come in contact with interior parts of
electrical equipment?

A) Busbars C) Abrasives
B) Wiring terminals D) Insulators

Answer: C
NEC Section 110.12(B) states that internal parts of electrical equipment must not be damaged or
contaminated by foreign materials such as paint, plaster, cleaners, abrasives or corrosive residues.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements

1-51 How tall must a wall, screen, or fence be that encloses an outdoor electrical installation over
1000 volts nominal to deter access by unqualified persons?

A) 5 feet C) 7 feet
B) 6 feet D) 8 feet

Answer: C
NEC Section 110.31 requires a wall, screen, or fence to be not less than 7 feet in height when it is used
to enclose an outdoor electrical installation with voltages over 1000 volts nominal.

1-52 Entrances to all rooms or other enclosures containing exposed live parts operating at over
1000 volts, nominal, shall be:
A) Elevated 30 feet above ground C) Kept unlocked for immediate servicing
B) Painted yellow with black and blue stripes D) Kept locked

Answer: D

NEC Section 110.34(C) requires that entrances to all buildings, vaults, rooms, or enclosures containing
exposed live parts or exposed conductors operating at over 1000 volts, nominal, be kept locked unless
such entrances are under the observation of a qualified person at all times. In addition, permanent

“danger” signs shall be provided that meet the requirements in NEC Section 110.21(B).

1-53 A “bathroom” is an area that includes a basin with one or more of the following:

A) Exhaust fan C) Closet

B) AFCI D) Bidet

Answer: D
The definition of “bathroom” was revised in 2011 to include “a urinal” and “a bidet, or similar
plumbing fixtures.” NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

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1-54 Which of the following best describes festoon lighting?

A) A string of outdoor lights that is suspended C) Low voltage lighting used on billboards
between two points
B) A 600 volt lighting system used in power plants D) Underwater lighting in pools and ponds

Answer: A
Defined in NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-55 What is the term used to describe an enclosure constructed so that dust will not enter under
specified test conditions?

A) Dustproof C) Dusttight
B) Dust prevention D) Explosionproof

Answer: C
NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-56 What is an assembly of one or more enclosed sections having a common power supply (bus)
and principally containing motor control units called?

A) Main distribution panel C) Motor load center

B) Motor control center D) Selector-switch control center

Answer: B
NEC Article 100 — Definitions states that the described apparatus is referred to as a “motor control
center.” See Figure 1-16.

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Electrical Systems — General Requirements


26 Legend
8 15
A Size 00 magnetic starter
B Size 0 magnetic starter
23 C Size 1 magnetic starter
9 16
A 1
D Size 2 magnetic starter
3 6 10 11 17
2 E Size 3 magnetic starter
B 20 24

12 13 19


Figure 1-16: Typical motor control center

1-57 What is the name of an electrical load where the wave shape of the steady-state current

does not follow the wave shape of the applied voltage?

A) Linear C) Nonlinear load


B) Parallel load D) Series load


Answer: C
NEC Article 100 — Definitions.

1-58 How many access entrances are required to working space about electrical equipment rated
1200 amperes or more and over 6 feet wide?

A) One C) Three, one on each of three sides

B) Two, one at each end of the area D) Four, one on each of four sides

Answer: B
NEC Section 110.26(C)(2) requires one entrance not less than 24 inches wide and 6½ feet high at each
end of the work space to allow entrance to and egress from the work space. Additional requirements
apply to the installation and hardware requirements of such doors.

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1-59 When the electrical equipment exceeds 6½ feet in height, what is the required minimum

A) One foot higher than the top of the highest C) 6 inches more than the height of the
piece of equipment equipment
B) Not less than the height of the equipment D) 4 feet more than the height of the equipment

Answer: B
NEC Section 110.26(A)(3) requires a minimum headroom working space of 6½ feet; the minimum

headroom shall not be less than the height of the equipment if the equipment exceeds 6½ feet in height.

1-60 Where must branch circuits and feeders be identified?

A) At the disconnecting means C) At both the point where they originate and
the point where they terminate
B) At the point where they terminate D) Midway between the outlet and overcurrent
protective device

Answer: A
NEC Section 110.22 requires circuit identification at the disconnecting means. This is usually at the

main distribution panel for feeders and at subpanels for branch circuits. If overcurrent protective
devices are located properly, this is the location where the circuits should be identified. The marking

shall be able to withstand the environment involved.

1-61 What is the minimum depth of clear working space at electrical equipment rated above 75
kV and classified as Condition 1?

A) 3 feet C) 6 feet
B) 5 feet D) 8 feet

Answer: D
NEC Table 110.34(A) requires 8 feet minimum depth of clear working space under the conditions
described in this question.

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A Bathroom Ceiling fans, weight ...................... 172
definition ............................... 33, 77 Cell line ......................................... 256
Advisory rules ................................... 6 receptacles ................................... 63 Circuit, load .................................. 284
Air-conditioning Bend, total equivalent ..................... 65 Circuit breakers
branch circuit ............................. 221 Boiler, overcurrent protection ....... 178 adjustable ............................... 29, 32

disconnect .................................. 220 Bonding jumpers ..................... 15, 232 connected in series .................... 146
Aircraft energizers ........................ 239 Branch circuit definition ............................. 19, 137
Aircraft hangars .............224, 237-238

calculating .......................44, 55-56 grouped ...................................... 110
Alternate power sources ........243-244 conductors ................................. 255 handle position .......................... 139
Aluminum conductors................... 106 definition ..................................... 59 height ......................................... 131

Aluminum SE cable ...................... 108 electric-discharge lighting ......... 252 number allowed ......................... 128
Ammeter ................ 190-191, 200-201 general purpose ........................... 29 operation .................................... 130
Ampacity ..........................17, 106-107 health care facilities................... 242 panelboard ................................. 126
Ampere............................................ 93 identification................................ 36 setting .......................................... 32
Anchors, electrical equipment ...18-19 load ............................................ 132 standard rating ........................... 144
ANSI electrical symbols ............... 284 multiwire ................................... 147 Class I
Answer sheet .................301, 306, 324 overcurrent protection ............... 206 fixed wiring systems ................. 238
Appliance panelboard ................................. 119 flammable gas ........................... 231
horsepower ................................ 172 protective device ....................... 144

motors ........................................ 236

load, calculating .......................... 56 rating............................................ 62 pendant fixture........................... 228
nameplate................................... 174 sign ............................................ 247

wiring methods .......................... 236

outlets .......................................... 87 sizing ...........................67, 147, 170
Class I, Division 1
overcurrent protection ........172-173 uses .............................................. 62
aircraft hangar ........................... 237
Bulk storage plants, fixed wiring ... 240

panelboard ..........................118-120 conduit seal................................ 227

rating.......................................... 172 Busbars.......................................... 122
Bushing, insulated ......................... 135 explosion-proof ......................... 226
utilization equipment ................. 163 flammable gas ....................231-232

Arc-fault circuit interrupter........ 80,84 paint spray booths ..............240-241

Arc welder..................................... 149 height ......................................... 131
overcurrent protection ........154-156 Class I, Division 2
Architect’s scale .....................272-274 aircraft hangar ........................... 237
Attachment plug .............................. 26 aircraft power plant ................... 238
configurations .............................. 27 flexible cords ............................. 233
Automatic control, lighting ............. 84 floor level .................................. 235
Autotransformer C gasoline dispenser ..................... 230
branch circuits ............................. 76 Cable ..........................................82-83 Class II
fault sensing system .................. 262 Cable strap, SE.............................. 108 pendant fixture........................... 229
motor starter .............................. 216 Cable tray systems .......................... 65 resistors...................................... 234
neutral current rating ................. 151 Cablebus, overcurrent Class II, Division 1
overcurrent protection ...150-151, 264 protection ..............................156-157 dry-type transformer.................. 233
rating.......................................... 262 Calculations, electrical ...............37-58 motors ........................................ 228
Auxiliary gutters ........................... 120 Capacitance, calculating ................. 53 paint spray booths ..............240-241
Auxiliary lighting enclosure ......... 170 Capacitive reactance, calculation.... 53 Class III
AWG conductors ............................ 62 Capacitor conduit locknut .......................... 235
code requirements ..............257-258 pendant fixture........................... 229
flammable liquid ....................... 265 Class III, Division 1
B grounding devices ..................... 259 lighting fixtures ......................... 234
ungrounded conductor ....... 261, 265 Class III, Division 2
Bare conductor ................................ 18 voltage ....................................... 260 fiber storage ............................... 226
Baseboard heaters ......................... 287 Capacitor circuit conductors ......... 260 lighting fixtures ......................... 234
Basement, unfinished ...................... 87 Cartridge fuses ...................... 142, 194 Clear working space, equipment .... 36

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Clearance, conductors De-icing equipment................177-180 Enclosures

480-volt system ......................... 121 Demand factor........................... 30, 73 auxiliary lighting equipment ..... 170
condition 1 ................................. 126 Detail drawing............................... 271 dust-ignition proof ..................... 228
condition 2 ................................. 121 Dielectric heating equipment ........ 245 electrical equipment .........15, 20-21
conductors above pools ............. 250 Dimmer controls ........................... 152 junction boxes ........................... 135
service conductors ..........97-99, 101 Direct buried conductors................. 65 lighting fixture ........................... 170
Cold water pipe, grounding .......... 115 Disconnect motor controller ......................... 206
Color code, conductor .......64, 70, 120 air-conditioning ......................... 220 Entrance to equipment .............. 16, 22
Combustible material ...................... 17 data-processing room ................ 119 Entrances
Computer room wiring ...245, 249, 253 gasoline dispenser ..................... 227 equipment room........................... 35
Computer, nameplate .................... 254 motor .................. 209-210, 218-219 room with live parts .................... 33
Concealed wiring ............................ 14 motor compressor ...................... 222 Equations....................................37-38
Conductors Disconnecting means, minimum Equipment
aluminum ................................... 106 rating ............................................ 222 access to....................................... 35
ampacity .............................106-107 Distribution equipment ................. 127 clear working space ..................... 36

AWG ........................................... 62 Download enclosures .................................... 15
bare .............................................. 18 final exam .................................. 340 general use ..................................... 7
clearance .........97-99, 101, 121, 250 instructions .........................340-341 guards .......................................... 15

color ....................................... 64, 70 Study Center .......................340-341 hazardous locations ................... 231
copper grounding electrode ....... 104 Drawings ................................269-270 headroom ..................................... 36
direct-buried ................................ 61 Drip loops ..................................... 112 lighting near................................. 86

insulated ........................19, 64, 208 Dry-type transformer .................... 267 over 600 volts .............................. 22
motor .................. 209-210, 212-214 Dual-element time-delay service.................................... 89, 91
parallel ......................................... 80 fuses ......................................142-143 special ............................................ 8
pendant ...................................... 166 Duct heaters, definition ................. 177 Exam — Download ...............340-341
service............................89, 91, 112 Duplex receptacles Interactive Download .........340-341
sign ............................................ 248 drawings .............................278-279 Timed — Download.................. 341
size ............................................... 47 Untimed — Download .............. 341
symbol ................................276-277
spacing ....................................... 134 Explosion-proof ............................ 226
Dusttight enclosure ......................... 34
stranded ....................................... 80 Exposed electric parts ..................... 30

Dynamic electricity ....................... 183 Externally operable ......................... 16

THHN ........................................ 103
THW ............................61, 102, 106

ungrounded ................................ 139

water heater ............................... 171 E F

liquidtight .................................. 207 Edison-base fuse ................... 138, 142 Feeder circuit ................................ 282
motor conductors ....................... 206 Electric calculations ...................37-58 Feeder tap ...................................... 147
electric bill ..........................162-164

size ............................................. 281 Feeders ...................................... 14, 60

sizing ........................................... 84 Electric discharge lighting ...... 74, 252 common neutral ........................... 70
total equivalent bend ................... 65 Electric motors .............................. 203 identification................................ 36
Conduit bodies ................................ 20 Electric ranges......................... 78, 153 overcurrent protection ................. 71
Conduit locknut, Class III ............. 235 Electric service .......................... 57, 90 Festoon lighting ........................ 34, 74
Conduits, electrical system ............. 86 Electric system, illustrated .............. 60 Fill in conduit ................................ 103
Continuous loads....................... 28, 84 Electrical drawings ................269-270 Fire protection signal circuits ....... 160
Controllers, motor ................... 29, 203 Electrical equipment Fire rating ...................................... 261
Cooking units .................................. 55 access to....................................... 35 Fire resistant, definition ................ 261
Copper wire, sizing ........73, 76-78, 96 fittings.......................................... 28 Fittings, electrical equipment.... 28, 31
Cord connectors, grounding............ 75 Electrical faults ............................. 199 Fixed wiring .......................... 238, 240
Cord-connected load ....................... 78 Electrical specifications ................ 270 Fixture ballast, clearance .............. 167
Cross-section drawing ................. 271 Electrical symbols ..................276-277 Fixture wires ................................. 166
Current multiplier ......................... 190 Electrical system, conduit size........ 86 Flammable liquid in capacitor ...... 265
Current transformers ..................... 109 Electrical value, change in ............ 199 Flammable materials, ignition ...... 230
Current, Electrician’s exams ........................... 5 Flexible cords
calculating ...40-42, 45-49, 51, 55, 57-58 Electricity, definition .................... 183 aircraft energizer ....................... 239
Electrolytic cells ........................... 246 Class I, Division 2 ..................... 233
Electrons ....................................... 183 showcase lighting ...................... 167
D Electroplating ........................ 154, 246 Flexible metal conduit .................. 232
Elevators ....................................... 246 Floor plan ...................................... 269
Data processing equipment ....253-254 EMT ..................................65, 82, 103 lighting ...................................... 283
Data processing rooms, support ......................................... 63 receptacle layout.........275, 278-279
wiring ................................... 119, 245 Enclosed service disconnect ......... 111 scale ........................................... 280

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Frame, motor ................................. 219 Headroom L

Frequency meter ........................... 189 electrical equipment .................... 36
Fuse minimum ..................................... 21 Lampholders
branch circuit protected by ....... 145 Health care facilities conductors ................................. 165
cartridge ..................................... 143 alternate power sources ......243-244 heavy-duty ................................... 61
connected in parallel ................. 145 branch circuits ................... 148, 242 infrared heating lamp ................ 171
connected in series .................... 146 code requirements ..............224-225 insulation ................................... 170
definition ................................... 137 grounding receptacles................ 241 rating............................................ 79
dual-element time-delay ............ 142 life safety branch circuits .......... 242 sign ............................................ 247
Edison base........................ 138, 142 panelboard .................121, 127, 241 wattage....................................... 169
interrupting rating...................... 147 power sources .....................243-244 weatherproof.............................. 168
receptacles ................................. 242 wiring .......................................... 74
nonstandard ampere rating ........ 138 Heating cable
plug base.................................... 142 Laundry circuits .............................. 67
interval ....................................... 176 Legend........................................... 276
sizing ......................................... 138 protection ................................... 181
standard rating ........................... 144 Licensing requirements ..................... 5
wattage....................................... 177 Life safety branch circuits ............ 242

time-delay ...........................142-143 Heating elements........................... 153
window .......................139, 199-200 Light for service equipment ............ 16
How to use the book ......................... 5 Light poles, accessible handholes ... 129
Fused switch ......................... 110, 132 HVAC equipment

Fusible link, definition .................. 137 Lighting
lighting near................................. 86 electric-discharge......................... 74
receptacles ................................... 68 festoon ......................................... 74

G show window............................... 71
Lighting circuits .............................. 21
Garage I Lighting fixtures
adjacent areas ............................ 236 as raceway ................................. 167
Identification, wiring ...................... 36
definition ................................... 223 Class III, Division 1 and 2 ........ 234
floor level .................................. 235 Illumination for service equipment ... 16 dimensions ................................. 164
Garage circuits ................................ 68 Impedance, calculating ................... 52 enclosures .................................. 170
ground-fault circuit interrupter ... 237 Incandescent lamps ............... 169, 196 marking...................................... 168
spark-producing equipment ....... 229 Independent switches .................... 201 metal pole .................................. 164
Induction heating, hazardous

Gasoline dispenser, disconnect ..... 227 nonmetallic ................................ 168

Gasoline fill-pipe .......................... 230 locations ....................................... 256 number required .......................... 45
Induction motors ........................... 203

General purpose branch circuit ....... 29 weight ........................................ 164

General regulations ......................... 13 Inductive reactance ................... 41, 51 Lighting floor plan ................ 283, 285
Ground-fault circuit interrupters Infrared heating lampholder... 171, 174 Lighting load .... 41-42, 55-56, 97, 105
Instructions — Download ......340-341

definition ..................................... 30 Lighting panelboard ...............118-120

garage ........................................ 237 Insulated bushing .......................... 135 Liquidtight conduit ....................... 207
receptacles ...............76, 85, 87, 280 Insulated conductor ................. 19, 208 Live parts, protection from ..... 17, 219
Insulated grounded conductor,

Grounded conductor Load center, testing ....................... 197

color ............................................. 120 Locked-rotor current ..................... 210
color ........................................... 120 Integrated electric systems ............ 246
copper ........................................ 120 Low voltage
Interactive Study Center ........340-341 overcurrent protection ........157-158
definition ..................................... 95 Exam mode........................ 340, 341
disconnect .................................. 111 problems .............................192-194
Study mode........................ 340, 341
overcurrent protection ........159-160 Intrinsically safe circuits ............... 230
Grounded neutral system .............. 115 Iron core transformers................... 263
Grounding Isolated, definition .......................... 31 M
metal enclosures ................ 102, 105 Isolating switches, hookstick ........ 131
receptacles ......................75-76, 241 Machines
Grounding electrodes .............113-116 irrigation .................................... 246
Grounding ring .............................. 115 metalworking ............................. 245
Guards for equipment ..................... 15 J nonportable ................................ 245
Gutters, auxiliary .......................... 120 Made electrode .............................. 113
Joists, wiring through...................... 85 Main service disconnect ............... 127
Junction boxes............................... 135 Mandatory rules ................................ 6
H minimum length ........................ 123 Manufactured wiring systems ....... 246
Math operations needed .................. 37
Handholes, accessible, in Meggers......................................... 198
light poles..................................... 129 K Metal enclosures,
Hazardous locations grounding .....................102, 105, 118
conduit ....................................... 226 Kilowatt-hour meter ...............184-186 Metal housing for equipment .....20-21
induction heating ....................... 256 Kirchhoff’s voltage law .................. 40 Miscellaneous applications ....245-246
wiring in .................................... 223 Knife switches........................122-124 Mobile home service ................... 106

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Motor............................................. 203 Outdoor electrical fencing .............. 33 Partitions for equipment ................. 22
disconnect means............................. Outdoor receptacles ........................ 87 Pendant conductors ....................... 166
.....204-205, 208-209, 214, 217-220 Outlets Pendant fixtures .....................228-229
enclosed ..................................... 227 definition ..................................... 24 Phase converters ............212-214, 222
live parts .................................... 206 lighting ........................................ 69 Phase-to-phase voltage ................. 109
operating temperatures .............. 227 temporary..................................... 79 Pipe organs ............................ 246, 254
overcurrent protection ....................... Outline lighting ....................... 31, 245 Plan view....................................... 271
............ 204-205, 211-212, 214, 218 Ovens, connections ....................... 171 Plenums ........................................... 23
overload protection.................... 205 Overcurrent protection Plot plan, definition ...................... 269
phase converters ........................ 212 appliance.............................172-173 Plug base fuse ............................... 142
Motor circuits autotransformer ..................150-151 Plug configurations ......................... 27
bushing ...................................... 212 boiler.......................................... 178 Plug fuses ...............142, 161, 199-200
overcurrent protection ............... 218 branch circuit ............................. 206 Plug-connected load ........................ 78
Motor compressor cablebus system ..................157-158 Power circuits ................................. 21
ampacity .................................... 221 de-icing equipment .................... 178 Power factor ............................ 52, 188

disconnect .................................. 222 definition ................................... 137 Power source, health care ......243-244
hermetic refrigerant ................... 220 electric range ............................. 153 Power supply, RV ......................... 159
overload protection.................... 222 electroplating systems ............... 154 Power-riser diagram .......269-270, 281

rating...................................221-222 grounded conductors ..........159-160 Preparing for exam ........................... 9
sizing ......................................... 220 infrared heating lamp ................ 174 Pressure connectors................. 28, 112
Motor conductors location ...................................... 141 Primary fuses, transformer............ 259

conduit ....................................... 206 low-voltage system.............157-158 Program — Study Center
rating................... 209-210, 212-214 motor ... 204-205, 211-212, 214, 218 Download ..............................340-341
Motor control panelboard .................120, 122, 127 Protection, outdoor electrical .......... 33
center ......................................34-35 rating.................................. 146, 255
circuit devices.................... 211, 212 sizing ..................................... 71, 81
Motor controller space heating ......................175-176 Q
code requirements ..............203-204 stage lighting ............................. 152 Qualified person, definition ............ 23
conductors ................................. 216 supplementary ........................... 145
definition ................................... 215

transformer ................261, 264, 266

enclosures .......................... 206, 219 ungrounded conductors ............. 139 R
grounding .................................. 217

welders....................................... 149
motors connected....................... 217 X-ray equipment........................ 149 Raceways .................................. 22, 25
Motor frame, ungrounded ............. 219 Overcurrent trip unit ..................... 145 Radiation-pyrometer ..................... 190
Motor-starter Rainproof components .................... 23

Overhead wiring ............................. 73

autotransformer ..................215-216 Overloads ........................................ 32 Raintight connectors ....................... 24
rheostats ..................................... 216 Ranges, electric ............................... 72

Multiple-occupancy building ........ 110 Reactive power, calculating ............ 52

P Receptacles
bathrooms .................................... 63
N Paint spray booths ..................240-241 definition ..................................... 22
Panelboard different voltages ......................... 78
Nameplate bare metal parts ..................133-135 distance from equipment ............. 68
appliance.................................... 174 branch circuit ............................. 119 GFCI protection........................... 85
computer .................................... 254 breakers ..................................... 121 grounding ...............................75-76
space heating ............................. 176 busbars ....................................... 122 health care facilities................... 242
National Electrical Code ...............6-9 cabinets ...................................... 124 hotels ........................................... 63
National Fire Protection circuit breakers ...........126, 127-129 isolated ground .......................... 169
Association (NFPA)................. 13, 24 enclosures .................................. 124 layout ......................................... 275
NEC grounding requirements ....... 116 health care facilities... 121, 127, 241 markings .................................... 166
Neutral conductors ..........93, 109, 115 lighting and appliance ........118-120 outdoor ........................................ 87
Nonheating leads....................179-180 metal .......................................... 136 rating............................................ 78
Nonlinear load................................. 35 overcurrent devices ....122, 127-129 requirements ...........................67-68
rating.......................................... 121 wall-switch controlled ................. 64
O schedule ......................125-126, 281 Recreational vehicle, power
sizing ......................................... 118 supply ........................................... 159
Office furnishings ......................... 246 spacing ....................................... 133 Remote control, lighting ................. 84
Ohm’s law ....................................... 40 terminal bar ............................... 119 Remote-controlled circuits .............. 26
Ohmmeter ............................. 188, 196 wire terminals ............................ 115 Resistance
Open circuit........................... 196, 199 Panels, switchboard ...................... 122 circuit ................................50, 53-54
Open current voltage..................... 248 Paralleled conductors ...................... 80 motor ........................................... 48

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oven ............................................. 43 Site plan ........................................ 271 Title block ......................275, 286-289
thermometer............................... 190 Small appliance circuits ................ 105 Transformer vault ..................266-268
THWN conductors ...................... 49 Snap switches ........................ 132, 205 Transformer-type rectifier............. 254
welder ........................................ 149 Snow-melting equipment .......178-180 Transformers ..........................266-268
Resistor, installation...................... 265 Solar photovoltaic systems ........... 246 code requirements ..................... 257
Rheostat, motor-starter.................. 216 Sound-recording equipment .......... 246 dry-type ......................233, 259-261
Rigid steel conduit Space for bending wire ......... 123, 130 fuse rating .................................. 264
clearance .................................... 104 Space heating ...................72, 175-176 iron core..................................... 263
sizing ................................. 102, 106 Special conditions ............................. 9 parts ........................................... 262
supports ..................................... 107 Special equipment ............................. 8 primary fuses ............................. 259
Rotary phase converters ................ 212 Special occupancies ...........7, 223-225 size ............................................... 43
Rotor ............................................. 203 Specifications ................................ 270 taps ............................................ 263
Stage lights .................................... 152 Trolley wires ................................... 21
Standard voltages ............................ 71 Type AC cable ................................ 82
S Static electricity ............................ 183 Type MC cable ............................... 83

Static phase converters ................. 212 Type MI cable ......................... 82, 234
Safety switches ......................131-132 Stator ............................................. 203 Type NMC cable............................. 83
Schedules .......................125-126, 270 Steel plates ...................................... 85 Type TC cable................................. 83

Schematic ..................................... 270 Stranded conductors ........................ 80
SE cable ........................................ 108 Study Center Download .........340-341
Section drawing ............................ 271 Exam mode........................ 340, 341

Service conductors, U
Study mode........................ 340, 341
clearance ...........................97-99, 101 Studying for exam............................. 9 Unfinished basement, definition ..... 87
Service disconnect Supplementary overcurrent Utilization equipment ............163-181
enclosures .......................... 105, 111 devices ......................................... 145
location ...............................104-105 Surge arresters....................... 212, 232
main ........................................... 117 Surge current ................................. 212
number ......................................... 97 Swimming pool wiring ...246, 249-251
two-circuit ................................. 111 Switch-controlled lighting .............. 86 Vault, transformer installed in ...... 259
Service drop .................89, 91, 99-100

Switchboard Volt-ampere capacity, calculating.... 45

Service entrance ........................ 14, 80 definition ..................................... 25 Volt-ampere to watt ratio .............. 195
cable, support .............100-101, 108

live parts, exposed ....................... 17 Voltage

conductors... 89, 91, 94-96, 102-104, 112 panels ......................................... 122
conduit ................102, 104, 106-107 calculating ............ 41-42, 46, 50-51
voltage ....................................... 118 reading, normal...................191-192
EMT .......................................... 103

Switches standard ....................................... 71

equipment ......................89, 91, 117 fused .......................................... 110
grounding ...........................113-115 test ............................................. 192
knife ....................................122-124 Voltage drop, calculating ....44-45, 50-51

grounding conductor ................. 109 operation .................................... 130

metering ..................................... 109 Voltmeter .......................191, 194-196
snap.................................... 132, 205 W
sizing ................................. 102, 108 Symbol list .................................... 277
Service equipment Wall switch, location ...................... 69
Synchroscope ................................ 189 Water heater conductors ............... 171
enclosures .................................. 102
mobile home .............................. 106 Water pipe, as ground ............113-116
Service heads .................100-101, 112 T Watt-hour meter .............109, 184-186
Service lateral ........................... 89, 92 Wattage ..........................43, 46-47, 56
Set-screw, wires under .................. 129 Tachometer ........................... 189, 196 Wattmeter ...................................... 187
Short circuit Tap conductor, ampacity .............. 141 Welding equipment, wiring .......... 246
definition ................................... 197 Taps, transformer .......................... 263 Wet-niche fixture .......................... 251
electrical fault ............................ 199 Temporary wiring ........................... 79 Wheatstone bridge ........................ 188
Signaling circuit .............................. 26 Terminal bar, panelboard .............. 119 Wire bending space............... 123, 130
Signs Test — Study Center .............340-341 Wire terminals, panelboards ......... 115
branch circuit ............................. 247 Print results................................ 341 Wiring
clearance from wood ................. 247 Theaters, code requirements ......... 224 design and protection .................... 6
code requirements ..................... 245 Thermal barrier ............................. 265 overhead ...................................... 73
conductors ................................. 248 Thermocouple thermometer .......... 190 temporary..................................... 79
neon ........................................... 248 Thermostat .............................287-289 Wiring gutters, panelboard ........... 123
portable ...............................247-248 THHN conductors ......................... 103 Wiring methods and materials .......... 6
transformers ............................... 247 Thickness, steel plates .................... 85 Wood studs, drilling........................ 64
Silicon sealant ............................... 248 THW conductors .............61, 102, 106 Working space at
Single-line drawings ..................... 270 Time-delay fuse .....................142-143 equipment ... 17, 36, 149, 246, 254-255

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