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EJBMR, European Journal of Business and Management Research

Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2020

The Impact Of Digital Economy On International Trade

I. Ahmedov

investment, and the development of information technology

Abstract — This article explores the role of digitalization and affect the economic growth of countries. Because of the
related technologies in today's international trade. The global ongoing reforms in new Uzbekistan, openness and the
economy and digitalization in international trade are growing development of international economic and political
at a rapid pace and the digital space is becoming a key area for
global trade. The impact of digitalization on international
relations have created opportunities for modernization,
trade, the impact of changes in the structure and form of technical and technological re-equipment of industries in our
international trade, the intensification of global competition country. An example of this is the growth in our country's
and its transition to the intangible sector; the emergence of new foreign trade. [3] It is difficult to find scientific articles in
formats and opportunities for international business through the sources about the impact of digitalization on
digitization, the expansion of cross-border commerce and international trade. Therefore, the research on this topic is
invisible employment, and the reduction of cross-border and
internal operations in a globalized digital environment; Factors
such as the rapid growth of digital commerce with companies,
businesses and households, the emergence of new generation
science related to the regulation of commercial relations in the II. ANALYSIS OF THE LITERATURE ON THE TOPIC
transboundary virtual space, the emergence of new changes in
international trade regulation have been explored
Unprecedented technological changes in the pace, scale
and depth of the changes that are taking place in our time
Index Terms — digital economy, digitalization, globalization, are usually described by the general term “the Fourth
international trade, technology, supply chain, transformation, Industrial Revolution”. Unlike the three industrial
regulation, data flow, cross-border trade. revolutions based on the energy of water and steam, which
allowed the mechanization of production, electricity,
electronics and information technology, which ensured rapid
I. INTRODUCTION development in automation of production, the fourth
In his Address to Oliy Majlis, the President of the industrial revolution had a systemic influence. This led to
Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev declared 2020 - qualitative changes in all spheres of life, in the economic
“The Year of the science, education and development of the and social spheres, in the system of public relations.
digital economy”, emphasizing the importance of the digital According to experts from the UBS Swiss bank, due to the
economy in all areas of the country. He noted “To achieve digitalization of economic and production processes, the
development, we need to acquire digital knowledge and emergence of artificial intelligence technologies and large
modern information technologies. It allows us to choose the databases, the Internet and blockchain, advanced robots etc.,
shortest way to the development. Nowadays, information a relationship appears to ensure the efficiency of the
technology pass through all spheres of life in the world.”[1] organization of any production. [4].
In order to create conditions for the rapid development of The most modern ideas about the fourth industrial
modern information technologies in the public management revolution and its consequences for the humanity were put
system of the digital economy in our republic, as well as to forward by Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and a Head of
ensure information security, the Cabinet of Ministers the World Economic Forum (WEF), who describes this
adopted a resolution as of August 31, 2018 “On measures event as “a combination of technologies that erase the
for the further modernization of digital infrastructure in the boundaries between the physical, digital and biological
development of digital economy”. [2] In the digital spheres” [5]. That is, the future is based on cyber-physical
economy, by the means of use IT, the cost reductions will be production systems. At the same time, the digitalization of
achieved, leading to optimization and increased efficiency. the economy will serve as an essential component of the
In countries with developed digital economies, both the fourth industrial revolution and create unprecedented
volume of GDP and the share of GDP per capita are high In opportunities for the effective use of advanced technological
this regard, a great attention paid by the head of our state to solutions.
this issue pursues one goal, which, firstly, is to improve the In a report on the introduction of new technologies into
standard of living of the population, and secondly, to production, presented at the World Economic Forum (WEF)
increase the real incomes of the population and to satisfy our session in January 2018, experts from the global consulting
people. network McKinsey & Company identified three key
In the condition of globalization, external migration, technological megatrends that will dramatically change
international trade and capital flows, tourism, foreign production: interconnection through a combination of
modern digital technologies, including the Internet and
Published on July 4, 2020. various IT technologies; management of production
I. Ahmedov, The Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan. processes and systems using artificial intelligence
(corresponding e-mail: i.axmedov2@ technologies, computer training, digital accounting and large

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EJBMR, European Journal of Business and Management Research
Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2020

databases, diagnostic services; advanced robots include - 50% of representatives of the media and news agencies
high-performance automation using 3D printing, electron- believe that by 2025, 90 percent of all news received by the
optical control systems, etc., which is the basis for the population will be provided by computers;
emergence of new types of flexible independent production - 92% of representatives of the banking sector and stock
[6]. market believe that by 2030, distributed ledger technology
In the textbook “Blockchain technologies in the digital will become one of the key elements of the global financial
economy,” written by academician S. Gulomov and others, system;
the concept of digital economy was defined as follows: - 50% of the surveyed institutional investors and
“digital economy (electronic) is an economy that is representatives of independent funds believe that by 2025,
characterized by the maximum satisfaction of the needs of most financial agreements and the management of the
all participants through the use of information, including corresponding document flow will be carried out using the
personal information. This may be due to the development blockchain architecture.
of information and communication and financial A World Bank study called as “Digital dividends” shows
technologies, as well as the openness of the infrastructure, how relevant and important the digital economy for the
which ensures the full interaction of all economic entities in economic development. In particular, an increase in Internet
the hybrid world - the creation of goods and services, speed of 10 percent will lead to an increase in the country's
objects and subjects of the distribution, exchange and GDP. In developed countries, this indicator consists of 1.21
consumption process” [7]. percent, as well as in developing countries, it comprises 1.38
In the view Doctor of Economics S. Mustafakulov, the percent. It means that if the Internet speed doubles, GDP can
digital economy is an activity that is considered as the main also increase by about 15 percent.
factor in the production of digital data, which can The concept of distributed production, which is an
significantly increase the efficiency of storage, sale and alternative to traditional economic globalization, and its
delivery of a number of industries, technologies, equipment, principles, based on the international division of labor,
goods and services, based on the use of the results of natural, relative and competitive advantages that countries
process analysis and processing of large amounts of data [8]. possess are of great interest today. The main idea of this
concept is to make the process of creating new values more
efficient, taking into account their interests and local
III. METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH conditions, bringing production closer to the buyer /
Today, the main research issue is the scientific study of consumer, participating in the development of product
the laws, trends and opportunities for the development of the design and other parameters. This reduces the time spent on
digital economy in the conditions of Uzbekistan, including the production process and its cost, significantly increasing
its use in international trade, in particular, the level of adaptability to customer requirements. For example, an
penetration of information technology in various areas of entire design can rely on a network of decentralized 3D
foreign economic activity. The development and prospects printers and IT systems connected to the systems of
of our country, the success of large-scale reforms in our manufacturing companies through software computing. [10]
country are directly related to the introduction of Support chains are increasingly exchanging electronic
innovations in our national economy. Therefore, it is communications and data communications. Instead of the
important to improve the digital economy in foreign trade, traditional support system, fast and mobile networks of
the scientific and practical study of its economic, political, many participants are formed, which interact in real time
social and legal framework. In the research work, methods based on digital technologies.
such as observation, generalization, grouping, comparison, Innovative business models and technological advances
induction, and deduction were used. create new opportunities for increasing efficiency and
reducing costs in the sale of goods and services.
Consequently, the growing process of digitalization can lead
IV. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS to qualitative shifts in all areas of domestic and foreign
economic activity. Conceptual findings, statistical methods
Studying the data of a survey of senior management
and measurements in the field of the digital economy have
officials conducted by WEF experts in September 2015
not yet been fully developed, but enough data has been
about the expected changes in the strategy and development
collected to draw preliminary conclusions in certain areas.
of leading companies, because of digitalization, it was
Digitalization of the economy creates additional
possible to make important conclusions. [9] The following
opportunities for increasing its growth and efficiency. A
are some interesting results from this survey:
report on the digital economy, commissioned by the UK
- 88% of the survey participants from automobile
government in March 2016, notes that with full use of the
manufacturing companies believe that by 2030 at least one
digitalization capabilities, a country's gross domestic
of the largest car manufacturers will receive more income
product can grow on average 0.4-0.7 percent faster over the
from online sales of information and services in the field of
past decade.
transport than from the sale of cars and spare parts;
The basis of modern changes in the global economy and
- 70% of representatives of companies providing various
international trade is, on the one hand, the development and
professional services believe that by 2025 digital solutions
improvement of information technologies, filling the
will bring more revenue than services provided directly by
national economy with ICT goods and services, and on the
other, the availability of mobile communications and the

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Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2020

Internet. They, in turn, constitute an important infrastructure Countries and The number of Number of Internet traffic
of a post-industrial society. Today, on average, every groups of Internet users in comprehensive density, thousand
states the total Internet users bits per second
inhabitant of the earth is a mobile subscriber, and almost population,% per 100 per user
half of the world's population uses the Internet (see Figure inhabitants
1). In 1990, both indicators were close to zero. Brazil 59,7 13,0 66,2
China 29,5 1,4 16,0
India 53,2 22,9 14,7
Russia 78,3 19,5 51,9
120 108,6 Uzbekistan 51,2
101,6 Countries of
100 East Asia and
the Pacific
76,5 Ocean 52,8 18,8 71,1
number of mobile
South Asian
57 subscribers countries 26,5 1,6 15,5
60 Middle East
45,9 number of internet
and North
40 28,9 Africa 47,6 7,8 42,5
20 12,1 Sub-Saharan
6,8 Africa 20,0
0,20 Latin 0,4 47,6
0 American and
1990 2000 2010 2016 2019
countries 56,4 11,2 61,6
Fig. 1. The dynamics of the spread of mobile communications and the
Low income
Internet in the world (in % wit respect to the world population).
Source: The World Bank. World Development Indicators. URL:
12,5 0,3 4,0 Views/Reports/ReportWidgetC
High Income
In recent years, the cost of a standard package of mobile Countries 82,0 31,9 192,3
communication services has significantly decreased Source: The World Bank. World Development Indicators. URL:
(according to the methodology of the World Bank and the https://wdi.worldbank. org/table/5.12

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

(OECD) based on data from the International Despite the “digital gap” between developed and
Telecommunication Union), as a result, this type of developing countries, in the context of digital
communication has quickly spread to poor and extremely transformation, it is allowed to discuss about qualitatively
poor countries, which eliminated the demand to stationary new opportunities for the integration of developing countries
phones. For example, in the African Sahara, the standard into the global economy.
monthly package costs $ 8.7, which is 74 mobile subscribers To understand the essence of the digital economy, it is
per 100 people (only one subscriber landline); similar important to understand the specifics of its spread
indicators for South Asia are $ 2.3 and 85 mobile throughout the world. It is the rapid development of the
subscribers (2 subscribers to stationary phone). This Internet and ICT that can make developing countries as
situation creates new opportunities for the development and leaders in science and innovation, and sometimes create
implementation of digital technologies. much unexpected opportunities for them in certain areas of
More recently, the number of Internet users has been economic activity. In the era of “classical” globalization,
growing very rapidly. Indeed, there are significant characterized by rapid internationalization and
quantitative and qualitative differences between developing transnationalization of production, developing countries
countries and countries that are leaders in the use of gained access to modern technologies and empowerment
information technology. For example, in the group of low- through participation in global value chains (although they
income countries due to undeveloped infrastructure are still limited). It takes a lot of time and money to adapt to
(according to the World Bank methodology) in 2016, the new technological processes. In response to the challenges
number of Internet users was only 2.5% of the population. of modernization, “digital” globalization creates many
Subscribers of broadband Internet made 0.3 subscribers per quality opportunities. According to experts who prepared
100 people, the density of Internet traffic on average does the report on the topic; “Emerging markets: four answers to
not exceed 4 thousand bits per second per user (see Table 1). the challenges of development”, developing countries can
For comparison: the quantitative coverage and quality of the use digital technology to create environmentally friendly
Internet in developed countries in 2016 amounted to 82 production capacities that can overcome the limitations of
percent of the population, 32 subscribers per 100 people and physical infrastructure, achieve greater social integrity and
almost 200 thousand bits per user. significantly increase international competitiveness [11].
New opportunities in the digital economy, existing
potential, and achievements in this area, along with
relatively cheap labor, determine the significant potential of
developing countries in the field of digitalization and the
formation of relevant markets. Outside the developed world,
TABLE I: INTERNET COVERAGE AND QUALITY FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES about 30% of the 500 most powerful supercomputers work
AND GROUPS OF COUNTRIES FOR 2019 today. India ranks second in the number of Internet users in
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Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2020

the world. Despite the fact that Internet coverage is close to all transactions in the “business to consumers” segment in
30% in India compared to China which consists of 53%, as Italy was (19%), in Canada (16%) and the world average
well as 76% in Russia (in 2016), the digitalization rate is was 7%. Today, 380 million consumers make purchases on
developing at a very high growth rate. In 2015, more than foreign websites. (70 million of them are Chinese, 34
100 million Indians had access to the Internet, and it is million are Americans and about 70 million consumers live
expected that in the near future the number of users will in the UK, Germany, France, Canada, South Korea and
again increase by tens of millions. Moreover, in turn, it Japan).
means an increase in sales over the Internet. Even the
limited digital resources of poor countries allow them to TABLE II THE TOTAL VOLUME OF THE E-COMMERCE MARKET IN THE
move into a new “digital reality” with new opportunities for
business and markets. For example, in Nigeria, where only Countries Total В2В В2С
14 percent of the population has access to electricity and the bln.US share bln.US bln.US
literacy rate of the population does not exceed 30 percent, dollars of GDP dollars dollars
almost 50 percent of citizens use mobile phones. In Kenya, (in %)
the USA 7055 39 6443 612
every family wants to have a mobile phone, not furniture. Japan 2495 60 2382 114
Based on the desire of the people of Kenya and Tanzania to China 1991 18 1374 617
use digital technologies, the M-Pesa mobile payment system South Korea 1161 84 1113 48
was introduced. Germany 1037 27 944 93
The Internet has become an important trading tool for (2014)
Great Britain 845 30 645 200
companies, which allows them to save on the cost of using
France (2014) 661 23 588 73
expensive trading platforms, optimize and reduce logistics Canada 470 26 422 48
costs. Digital trading platforms allow individual (2014)
entrepreneurs, micro firms and small farmers to sell their Spain 242 20 217 25
products at reasonable prices, in large quantities, at minimal Australia 216 16 188 28
10 largest 16174 34 14317 1857
cost, to enter global markets and buy the latest foreign countries
products and technologies. All this will contribute to the Worldwide 25293 … 22389 2904
more rapid development of international trade, which *Source: Information Economy Report 2017. Digitalization, Trade and
includes entrepreneurs and industries from different Development. — New York, Geneva: UNCTAD, 2017. — P. 28.
The rapid increase in data transfer speed and the The prospects for “digital” globalization are important for
introduction of cloud computing technologies lead to the use developing countries. In 2015, 70 percent of all Internet
of endless possibilities for computing and storing data from users in the world were in developing countries and
almost anywhere in the world. The era of cloud computing countries with economies in transition, including 705
and big data is the basis for creating a system that allows million in China, 333 million in India, 120 million in Brazil,
users to interact, even for commercial purposes, at great 104 million in Russia, 87 million in Nigeria, 72 million in
distances from each other and even between strangers. As a Mexico (for information: 242 million in the USA, in Japan -
result, any citizen of the planet can potentially become a 118 million, in Germany - 72 million, in the UK - 59
participant in international trade. million). Of the 750 million people who first used the
The scale and potential of the digital economy, its impact Internet between 2012 and 2015, about 90 percent were
on international trade is already huge and growing every from developing countries, including 300 million from India
day. According to the data, given in the digital economy and China.
report of UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade Nonetheless, according to UNCTAD experts, the volume
and Development) for 2017, [12], the share of ICT services of internet trading in developing countries remains low. It
and products in global GDP is currently estimated at 6.5%. should also be noted that countries like China and South
About 100 million people work in the field of ICT services. Korea have their own large e-commerce platforms and a
Global sales through e-commerce channels increased from modern supply logistics system, and the number of Internet
16 trillion US dollars in 2013 to 25 trillion US dollars in users who buy or order goods and services online is growing
2015. Its largest share is 85.5%, which falls on the business- day by day.
to-business segment (B2B). The largest markets are the The new phenomenon resulting from the synthesis of
United States (with a very large difference), Japan, China, digitalization and globalization is projected that by 2025
South Korea and Germany (see Table II). global online platforms will increase the share of world
In 2015, the volume of cross-border transaction GDP in the amount of $ 2.7 trillion, create 72 million new
agreements in the “business to consumers” segment of jobs and improve production results for 540 million people
electronic channels reached to $ 190 billion. Of this amount, [12].
$ 120 billion falls on the leading countries. For example, the Such platforms which were created on the basis of digital
United States ($ 40 billion), China ($ 39 billion), the United technologies, significantly expand the opportunities for
Kingdom ($ 12 billion), Germany ($ 9 billion) and Canada doing business around the world. The volume of the online
($ 7 billion). The share of purchases of foreign goods outsourcing services market in 2016 exceeded $ 4 billion
through the Internet is the highest in total imports of goods and is projected to grow by at least 25% per year. The range
for China, the UK and the United States is about 2%, of tasks solved in the framework of “digital” outsourcing is
worldwide - 1.1%. The share of online cross-border trade in very wide, they may include the development of software

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and technologies, creative projects and the use of important role in the rapid development of outsourcing
multimedia technologies, sales and marketing promotion, services on the Internet and the increased participation of
office work and data entry, translation, various professional households in digital commerce.
services. Undoubtedly, the development of the digital economy
Along with the traditional Internet, the Internet of things will create a very large and stratified demand for
is also developing rapidly, making it a global phenomenon information technology services and related business and
with the connection of 8.4 billion different devices [13]. professional services using advanced software products and
However, it represents only 15 percent of all available solutions.
productive assets. Today, more than 700 digital platforms in Significant changes affect the stages of value creation. As
the industry support the Internet, and investment in this area a result, they are shrinking, have a mostly horizontal
is growing rapidly. It is expected that by 2020, the number decentralized function, and supply lines are interchangeable
of devices connected to the Internet will exceed 20.4 billion. with electronic data exchange. This ensures the exchange of
As a result, in 2020, compared with 2015, a rapid increase in information with them and the full participation of
the interaction of machines and devices (M2M) is expected customers in the process of creating value, taking into
to be 2.5 times, and the volume of digital data traffic is account product design and other consumer preferences. A
expected to increase 6.3 times over the same period (see new segment will appear in international business,
Figure 2). The abovementioned will affect the formation of associated with the stages of creating horizontal value by the
the transition from interpersonal to interdependent devices, population and consumers, as well as with the digital cycle
which will inevitably affect many aspects of international of processes associated with the distribution of products.
trade. Changes in production technologies and configurations
related to digitalization, the emergence and spread of new
14 business models could slow down cross-border activities
due to the movement of goods and people. This is
12 12,2 facilitated, firstly, by the formation of a sales circle close to
the buyer. As a result, intercity transportation, including
10 number of transit container transportation used for consumer purposes,
8,7 M2M is sharply reduced; secondly, electronic data exchange
8 connections replaces physical supply chains and leads to changes in the
7,2 (bln.)
entire supply chain; thirdly, digital solutions eliminate the
6 5,9 traffic of M2M need to send specialists abroad to provide or consume
4,9 4,7 data (zettabyte
per month)
services in many situations.
3,5 Secondly, the impact of digitalization on global
2 2,4 competition.
1 New technologies will increase competition in the world
0 market and lead to a decrease in the level of profitability in
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 international trade. Competitiveness, which is becoming less
Fig. 2. The forecast for the growth of the relationship of machines and dependent on material factors, creates maximum
related information traffic in 2015-2020. concentration among the leaders in the "digital" race. A
Source: Cisco. The zettabyte era-trends and analysis. survey conducted by BVL International experts showed that
80 percent of manufacturing companies, 85.5 percent of
What is the digital transformation in international trade, logistics operators and 74.5 percent of retailers said that the
and what changes are expected in the future? introduction of the “digital” concept had a significant
First, there are changes in the structure and configuration positive impact on their business in terms of additional
of international trade. revenue or cost reduction [14].
Many products, especially services, are included in the Virtualization and digitalization of leading TNCs,
digital area. This process is already developing rapidly, including in the manufacturing industry, especially in the
covering business, professional and technical services. As a field of engineering, will significantly increase their
result, revenue from the sale of digital products is greater attention to digital services and product sales. This will lead
than from direct services of professionals. For international to the emergence of previously leading suppliers in the
trade, this is primarily due to the digitization of goods, the global market for services, as well as to increased
number of services sold (in the field of technological, competition. The emergence of these suppliers will create
intellectual, information, audiovisual and similar services) additional demand for computer, management, technological
will increase; secondly, the partial redistribution of services and other services.
in traditional sectors (the outflow and entry of specialists Thirdly, new formats and opportunities for international
into the country as a result of the development of tourism, trade in the context of digital transformation.
education, medical and other services) offers a large number The widespread entering of digital technologies in
of digital solutions for modern sectors; thirdly, the volume domestic economic processes and international trade will
and scale of cross-border deliveries in the sale of services in significantly reduce the transaction costs of participants in
digital format will depend on the ability to agree on the most foreign economic activity. Most importantly, there will be
transparent and acceptable reporting methods for an opportunity to develop fundamentally new forms and
participants in transactions in practice. All this plays an models of business. Today, e-commerce not only sells real

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and digital goods and services, but also provides various group was reflected in the resolution on cross-border e-
forms of business relations in the field of information, commerce adopted in December 2017. The first global
capitalization of data flows, various types of online cross-border e-commerce conference was held on February
outsourcing, financial and investment operations for various 9-10, 2018 in Beijing (China), dedicated to the development
types of international business, supports the implementation of an international standard for the activities of customs and
of complex digital projects. In this regard, nowadays, it other border services in order to coordinate the regulation of
would be more appropriate to use the term “electronic electronic transactions and administrative processes.
commerce” instead of “electronic trade”. However, the task of creating an effective international
The digitalization of the economy and international trade legal framework for “digital” globalization is not limited to
leads to the inclusion and significant democratization of the the field of electronic commerce, but also to the need to
economy, the splitting of its structure due to the agree on a new set of rules governing activities in the digital
involvement of small and micro firms and households in the environment, data exchange and virtual communication
process of international trade in different countries of the between participants.
world. The era of cloud computing and big data creates a The regulation of digitalization leads to the disappearance
commercial opportunity, including a system of interaction of the boundaries between international and domestic trade
between people who are very far apart and do not know each and the emergence of new forms of households and their
other well. In other words, any citizen of our planet can trading activities. As a result, new cloud-based trading
potentially become a participant in international trade. methods in economic regulation set the task of immediately
Thanks to digital commercial platforms, many types of creating international standards involving virtual trading
services that were not previously sold (for example, rental houses. It requires a rapidly growing flow of data involving
and travel services, household services, etc.) become the inventors, engineers, manufacturers, intermediaries,
object of trade. The market of online outsourcing services, consumers, government officials and civil society
access to which can be obtained from anywhere in the world representatives to review all regulatory processes regarding
where there is Internet, is growing rapidly. them and intellectual property rights.
The emergence of a new universal environment that does Important practical issues are related to the identification
not know national borders for commercial activities, based of specific delivery methods and the classification of
on the rapid development of the Internet, cloud technologies barriers / restrictions in digital commerce. The work “Digital
and global online platforms, is qualitatively changing the transformation and the change in international trade” by Dan
concept of international trade. Digitalization is becoming Tsuryak and Maria Ptashkina is devoted to the study of this
more deeply rooted in the national economy and is problem. [15] In these works, the authors distinguish 5
becoming trade between countries involving companies, methods of delivery in digital commerce: delivery of digital
individual entrepreneurs and households. In a globalized products and services to consumers, 3 methods associated
virtual space that is not related to a specific geographic with various forms of digital intermediation in the sale of
location, it is becoming increasingly difficult to isolate a real goods and services, capitalization of data flows.
specific component of international trade.
Fourth, possible regulatory changes due to digitalization
in the international trading system. V. CONCLUSIONS AND OFFERS
The growing digitalization of economic activity, the In our opinion, international trade is on the verge of a new
entering of many aspects of international trade into the stage in the development of its regulation and liberalization.
globalized digital sphere, the increase in data flows in prices This process requires the development of general rules for
and supply chains, the growth in the number of machine working in a digital environment and the use of digital
communications, the involvement of millions of buyers and technology. After cancelling border barriers (at the border
consumers in the exchange of information increase the disciplines), first of all, reducing and abolishing customs
priority of global regulation. duties, as well as reducing many non-tariff restrictions on
Much attention is paid to high-level discussion of the fast- market activity related to the development of international
growing cross-border business as e-commerce. In May production (behind the border disciplines), systems, a group
1998, the 2nd WTO Ministerial Conference adopted the of new sciences due to the regulation of commercial
Declaration on global electronic commerce, and in relations in a cross-border virtual space (above the border
September of this year, the WTO General Council approved disciplines) were appeared. The main areas of such
the work program for electronic commerce. Because of regulation are standards for combating cyber-attacks,
longstanding preparation, on December 13, 2017 in Buenos violations of intellectual property rights, certain rules aimed
Aires (Argentina), after the 11th Ministerial Conference of at preventing fraud on the Internet and electronic commerce,
the World Trade Organization, a joint statement was free movement, storage and use of data.
adopted on behalf of 71 WTO members on the need for a Many of the views presented in this article on the impact
fundamental review of multilateral trade negotiations. of digitalization on international and global trade can
The same issues are currently in the focus of attention of certainly be controversial. However, the study of ongoing
the International Customs Organization, which created a changes, their impact on the nature and content of economic
working group with the participation of the government, relations between states is very important for Uzbekistan.
business, international organizations, representatives of the This is an urgent task to increase the export of finished
academic community, the participants themselves and e- products, expand international cooperation and participate in
commerce operators. The set of recommendations of the digital commercial activities in foreign markets.

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Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2020

The priority task of the development of the digital

economy in our country is to ensure fast economic growth in
Uzbekistan, accelerate the integration of our country in the
international arena and, as a result, the inclusion of
Uzbekistan in one of the most developed countries in the
field of digitalization. In his Address to the Oliy Majlis, the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev
noted: “Of course, we know very well that the formation of
a digital economy requires the necessary infrastructure, huge
amount of resources and labor. But no matter how difficult it
is, if we do not begin this work today, when will we start?!
Tomorrow will be too late. Therefore, the transition to a
digital economy will be one of our top priorities for the next
5 years [1].

[1] Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat
Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis. // Halk suzi. 2020. January 25, №19.
[2] Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On additional measures for
the further development and implementation of the digital economy in
the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 31,
[3] Jumaev N. The digital economy serves to improve the living
standards of the population, increase real incomes. // Halk suzi. 2020
y. January 30, №22.
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DOI: Vol 5 | Issue 4 | July 2020 7

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