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Origin of Sodic To Potassic Granitoid Through Time

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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 219 (2021) 104886

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Three distinct Archean crustal growth events as recorded from 3.48 Ga

migmatite, 2.70 Ga leucogranite, and 2.54 Ga alkali granite in the
Bundelkhand Craton, Central India
Gajender Kumar a, Santosh Kumar a, *, Keewook Yi b
Department of Geology, Centre of Advanced Study, Kumaun University, Nainital 263001, India
Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang Campus, Chungbuk 363-383, South Korea


Keywords: Field relations, microstructures, phase petrology, elemental geochemistry, and zircon U-Pb geochronology of
Archean granitoids migmatites and (undeformed) granites (sensu lato) from the Central Bundelkhand Tectonic Zone (CBTZ) of the
U-Pb zircon geochronology Bundelkhand Craton, central India are investigated to understand the age and origin of these rocks. Anatexis of
Central Bundelkhand Tectonic Zone
felsic proto-crust produced in situ leucocratic melts with entrained residual assemblages, forming the metatexite
Bundelkhand Craton
and diatexite in the migmatite. The chemistry of biotite (XFe = 0.65–0.72) from the leucosome of migmatite
supports its crystallization in a peraluminous felsic melt more likely in a syn-collisional tectonic setting. The
residual amphibole in the leucosome from migmatites belongs to metaluminous (I-type) calc-alkaline protocrust
source that originated in a subduction setting. Biotites (XFe = 0.80–0.81) and amphiboles (XFe = 0.84–0.87) from
granites exposed proximal to the CBTZ, suggest alkaline (A-type) nature of the host magma, emplaced at mid-
crustal depth (3.79–4.73 ± 0.5 kbar). Whole-rock geochemistry of migmatite reveals the magnesian nature of
melt formed by differential degrees of melting of heterogeneous sources (i.e., TTG and mafic crust), at 12–14
kbar. The alkali granite was likely formed by the anhydrous melting of ancient felsic crustal rocks. U-Pb
geochronology of inherited magmatic zircon cores (Th/U = 0.06–0.48) from migmatite yielded an upper
intercept age of 3478 ± 48 Ma interpreted as zircon crystallization age in the protolith. The zircon rims of
magmatic origin (Th/U = 0.06–0.72) grown over the 3.48 Ga old zircon cores provide an upper intercept age of
2700 ± 16 Ma; interpreted as zircon crystallization age in a leucocratic melt. This is synchronous with the timing
of intense deformation/collision and the melting event in the CBTZ. Zircons (Th/U = 0.26–0.92) from alkali
granite yielded a weighted mean crystallization age of 2539.9 ± 6.6 Ma without any noticeable zircon inheri­
tance. The Bundelkhand Craton probably experienced at least two phases of collision-accretion orogens, the first
one initiated at ca. 2.8 Ga with arc-related magmatism and ended with ca. 2.7 Ga collision-related felsic
magmatic record. The second phase began with ca. 2.58 Ga subduction-related magmatism and culminated at ca.
2.54 Ga with a minor amount of post-collisional, alkali granite magmatism.

1. Introduction dominates in the Neoarchean, usually intruding the former lithologies

(Laurent et al., 2014; Rajesh et al., 2018a). Petrogenetically, the
Granitoids are one of the significant contributors to the development Archean granitoids vary from older sodium-rich orthogneiss (TTG) se­
and growth of the Earth’s crust from Archean (4.0–2.5 Ga) to present- ries to younger undeformed K-rich granitoids (Laurent et al., 2014;
day through Proterozoic (2.5–0.5 Ga) (Hawkesworth et al., 2010; Moyen, 2019). The secular and temporal changes in the compositions of
Kemp et al., 2010; Zeh et al., 2014). Commonly, the Archean cratons Archean granitoids depend on the nature of source(s) and prevailing
consist of Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite (TTG) suite, greenstone tectonic setting (Janoušek and Moyen, 2019).
belt, and high-K granitoids. During Paleoarchean-Mesoarchean, the The accretionary orogens with strongly reworked rocks and associ­
TTGs and greenstones were predominant (Jahn et al., 1981; Moyen, ated diverse granitoid types are good candidates for investigating the
2011) and frequently occurred as migmatite. High-K magmatism granitoid variants that characterize the Archean felsic crustal growth (e.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Kumar).
Received 15 December 2020; Received in revised form 17 June 2021; Accepted 5 July 2021
Available online 8 July 2021
1367-9120/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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