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Epm Quiz Paper

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5 ull Me 253 PM SlidePlayer bx What Is Technical Communication? Dealt! eae eos Chapter 1 Introduction to Visit Technical Communication - pp.. Images may be subject to copyiht. Lea More Related content a Sideshoce FB siideriaver: x Project Communication Management Project Communications Management includes the processes required to ensure timely appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval ‘and ultimate disposition of project information. The Project Communications Management processes provide the critical inks among people and information that are necessary for successful What's in it for you? Three reasons you need to manage project Communication + Meet the information needs of your project Stakeholders (eemaaten rng aon + Track and report on project performance (xmne + Formally document project results Project Communication Management Conmaicton Iromaton rig Seureton View Project cone Ze. sdminsvaive the context of the five PM process groups. Reporting 2 Project Communications Management Processes + nation + Communications planing: Determining the information and communications needs ofthe stakeholders. + Information distribution: Making needed information sllable to projct stakeholders na timely manner + Performance reporting: Collecting and disseminating performance information, incuding status parts, progress measurement, and Forecasting. ‘Managing stakeholders: Managing communications to satisfy the needs and expectations of projet stakehoiders and to resolve issues Communication Planning Communications Planning + Every project should include some type of ‘communications management plan, 2 document that uides project communications. + Creating a stakeholder analysis fr project ‘communications alsa ais in communications planning. Communications Management Plan Contents + Stakeholder communication equiements, + Information to be communicated, including format, content, and level of deta * The people who will receive the information and who will produce + Suggested methods or technologies for conveying the information, Communications Management Plan Contents (cont'd) Tele 22.3 "ll be 309 PM © corpean i x eco Barriers to Communication: oe Types, and How to Overcome... Images maybe subject o copyright Laan More Related content ‘area Communication © Swdycom Barriers of Communicat.._ 6 Geeitonigh What Is Barirs To, Wedukedsr Barriers to Effective OHrect Overcoming Communication Barriers + Realize that communication is imperfect. + Adapt the message tothe receiver. + Improve your language and listening skill. + Question your preconceptions + Plan for feedback, Surmounting Organizational Barriers + Encourage open environment for interaction and feedback + Flatten the organizational structure. + Promate hrizontal communication. + Provide hatine for anonymous feedback + Provide sufcien information through formal channels Surmounting Organizational Barriers + Encourage open environment for interaction and feedback + Flatten the organizational structure. + Promote horizantal communication, + Provide hotline for ananymous feedback. + Provide sufficient information through formal channels, Barriers to Interpersonal Communication + Bypassing + Limited frame of reference + Lack of onguage skis + Lackof toning skills + Emotional interference + Physical dstractions Telenee 101 = "all Ie 7:56 PI Roden he poet neand ely asf rca 2 amine lear ofthe prea tn fscon guy ton nd et 3 Pete mar ate ec) comply ir eens Baeecrcar 5) Sedeends haves nares Ours bese nrc cone etn [Al ps of tho Rk Aesnsman 10 bn ads i me of theimpect the projets co line ba score Propet Scape can be dia! a6 the Mert tas and sete tat need £9 be poled In order to delve the teed features ad fenctian of proc ‘Ths reles wo ang awl clin the projet seape beng tees cho + changin buses egutoments + eened eee factionaty + changin reporting uur Gay cae endo edna scat nro perrmanee ct ‘aie ht saat he epeon. Toa rs sng ee on of eb dca dy yn Imoybecuonye ‘he el af uy tein yc ne are + saad nt gina cleo Telenor 101 "all Ie 7:56 Po [any pol ote, some vary Heh impact ks ay agit lst ‘rn tao then some omar imps ke Sane ae min a 3 sy tne and ear trough the Ife ofthe peje. Such karoge fsien. Some rise may be mer sy to oer inthe short rym meiner stage ofthe pet works. Other rake maybe val to cur uta state in the rj wth the pssbity that ane Imanae the skin the inet ute can ake 9 more passive frm. forthe time ang Urzeny may be itd bythe scape fo rim Hops actin shat mph gan tine for farther ayes potpane eee eter eerie cceaedat meets "The isk management plan describes how sk “denticaton, qualitative and quantiathe ana, ‘sponse planing. monitoring nd contol wil be structured and performed during the project fe oye The Fisk management plan does not addess responses to Indu sks - tis is accomplished in the sk response plan Telenee 101 "all Ie 7:57 Pe 1. Assumptions Analysis 2. Checklists 3. Prompt Lists 4, Brainstorming, 5. Facilitated workshops and 6. Interviews. Making assumptions within a project wil aways creat risks td way to help manage this to Ist all the assumptions of ‘ach phate or stoge of your priet against a timding. Then ‘think about the consequence of the assumptions and how ‘hey affet the other parts of the project. Rick checks are often bul pon a Projet or Programme Managers past experience of the Project Management teeiince of a orbetaion. They wil normaly tte fee Telenee 101 "all Ie 7:57 Pee + Requirements standards + Stability oF supp 1 Software entifeaton > Range of es 1 Projctconcureney + ‘mpartupon status quo ala hr i be aid by lai Pj Floning st commen ans Fam keane Personne [Ra Oe ay aT Ta etek | nae te wlara ae Safe ifestructure Coop sons apne piers = erase crac ior ache ee a agate Fastgto theo ansegaione oan Fe Rea areas | ea bea wd cin | Pate arkee eg anc pin [Actok God [Rostra re Rood are Telene 101 =. "all Be 7:58 Poe lusbiky | Saingm berg bane bsamtincon [acy Pty Reming se sper Tp etarmation [Resin oe odesac of rnson whch ed Gperaonal [Ranh reels otocl ine peclar secs Retation &: ae Transferable srk whch can vndondar th aero Tecincesse ath fly ni Sts Preece qe Nnovton | RSain se lator apart oman gare within SWOT anaes ks ar ierifad by ooking athe = Strenths (or peresived Strength) = Weakness ~ Opportunity ‘tw the success ofthe projector programe. Telenee 101 = "all Be 7:58 Pe | foitatedwarkshoa i a stractred approach hat enables 2 group of peopl to work together to reach 2 predetermined sbjectne. The pariipants explore risks and make decisions Inthe waskshon, These workshops ae supported bya silled facltator to ensire tht predetermined objectives ae Facttated workshops can be used a anytime Ina project. Inervcns conducted 10 ide sk wl only be sucessful whore theroie = s004prparation ~ lor objectives = use of pen questions ~ chaleging at confrontational straspher ‘The els of nterews shuld be weldcumentd Telenee 101 "all Ie 7:59 PI rt ik cenonse aaa ek ucts examine a document the effective nse ofthe risk ‘espones in vodng transfering, or migating ik occurence 3: trol the cfectvenen of the ak Genes lak audits we formed during the project fcc to conta ik. voice isk eve, Proje rink reviews should be regulary scheduled. Project risk shoud be an agenda iter at all team matings. Rsk ratings and prletzaion may chonge ding thee af the projet Ary changes ‘rayrequie atonal sunt or quanstatie ana Enmed value I used for monitoring overall project performance ‘gers Res fn ered oan sys fay indeate potenti devin of the project a completion fom coxt tnd schedule targets. When project deviates sigicaty fem the basse, updrted risk entation snd anal shoud be performed “Technical performance measurement Teemieal performance measure com> pares techni ccomplshments during project erection tothe projet plan's Schedule of techies acheverert. Devntion. ch as not emonerating unewonalty a planned a2 milestone, an imply = Fisk to achieving the project's scope = Asses probability and serournss of each ik ~ Probably may below medium igh or extreme. ~ isk offecs mig be catastrophic, serious tolerable or Insgnitcant Qusatve ik anayis feeds smoothly into the succeeding procestes One good reason for using quae analy even f sited to use quantatve aah t iter ut the minor ks fest so you dort wast ine and esources analyzing minor al You come out of qualita anahis with 2 good idea of veal projet risk whieh wil be important to your stakeholders. Moreover you havo prized your ented sks, and you're ready to ster go on Into more quantitative analysis or to Aevloping yur reepones pan Overall isk ranking fr project based on ed condton rks Us of priorized sks by condition ed yon/ aren)

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