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The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament
About the Institute
he Institute of Cost Accountants of India is a Statutory Body set up under an Act of Parliament in the
year 1959. The Institute as a part of its obligation, regulates the profession of Cost and Management
Accountancy, enrols students for its courses, provides coaching facilities to the students, organizes
professional development programmes for the members and undertakes research programmes in
the ield of Cost and Management Accountancy. The Institute pursues the vision of cost competitiveness, cost
management, ef icient use of resources and structured approach to cost accounting as the key drivers of the
With the current emphasis on management of resources, the specialized knowledge of evaluating operating
ef iciency and strategic management the professionals are known as ''Cost and Management Accountants
(CMAs)''. The Institute is the 2ⁿ largest Cost & Management Accounting body in the world and the largest in
Asia, having more than 5,00,000 students and 90,000 members all over the globe. The Institute operates
through four regional councils at Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai and 113 Chapters situated at important
cities in the country as well as 11 Overseas Centres, headquartered at Kolkata. It is under the administrative
control of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.
Vision Statement
T he Institute of Cost Accountants of India would be the preferred source of resources and
professionals for the inancial leadership of enterprises globally.”
Mission Statement
T he Cost and Management Accountant professionals would ethically drive enterprises globally by
creating value to stakeholders in the socio-economic context through competencies drawn from
the integration of strategy, management and accounting.”
Financial Accounting
Study Notes
First Edition : August 2022
Published by :
Directorate of Studies
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
CMA Bhawan, 12, Sudder Street, Kolkata - 700 016
Printed at:
Copyright of these Study Notes is reserved by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India and prior permission
from the Institute is necessary for reproduction of the whole or any part thereof.
Copyright © 2022 by The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
Syllabus Structure:
The syllabus comprises the following topics and study weightage:
Accounting Fundamentals
Accounting Fundamentals
Accounting Fundamentals 1
This Module Includes
1.1 Four Frameworks of Accounting (Conceptual, Legal, Institutional and Regulatory)
1.2 Accounting Principles, Concepts and Conventions
1.3 Capital and Revenue Transactions - Capital and Revenue Expenditures, Capital and Revenue
1.4 Accounting Cycle – Charts of Accounts and Codification Structure, Analysis of Transaction –
Accounting Equation, Double Entry System, Books of Original Entry, Subsidiary Books and
Finalisation of Accounts
1.5 Journal (Day Books and Journal Proper - Opening Entries, Transfer Entries, Closing Entries,
Adjustment Entries, Rectification Entries), Ledger
1.6 Cash Book, Bank Book, Bank Reconciliation Statement
1.7 Trial Balance (Preparation and Scrutiny)
1.8 Adjustments and Rectifications
Accounting Fundamentals
SLOB Mapped against the Module
●● To obtain in-depth knowledge on the four frameworks within which accounting operates and the principles
on which accounting theories and practices are based. (CMLO 4a, b)
●● To develop detail application-oriented knowledge on various stages of accounting right from the
identification of transactions up to finalisation of accounts. (CMLO 4a, b)
Four Frameworks of
Accounting 1.1
ccording to Collins Dictionary, the term ‘framework’ refers to ‘a structure that forms a support or frame
for something’. In the context of any system, it is ‘a particular set of rules, ideas, or beliefs which you use
in order to deal with problems or to decide what to do’.
In accounting, ‘framework’ provides a common set of rules and guidelines that is used to measure, recognize,
present, and disclose the information appearing in an entity’s financial statements.
off of excess amount spent. Thus, legal framework plays an important role in accounting. The Schedules of
this Act also provide important guidelines on the form and contents of financial statements.
c. Institutional Framework
Institutional framework refers to the guidelines issued in form of certain pronouncements by institutions
entrusted by the sovereign authorities to oversee the development of the respective field. In India, the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has been entrusted to develop standards in the field of accounting
to ensure comparability and consistency in accounting information. The Indian Accounting Standard Board
of ICAI thus develops quality accounting standards on different areas of accounting. Currently, there are
two sets of accounting standards in India – Accounting Standards as per Companies (Accounting Standards)
Rules, 2021 and Ind ASs under Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015. In addition, the Cost
Accounting Standards Board (CASB) of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India has, so far, developed 24
Cost Accounting Standards to facilitate cost accounting and reporting.
d. Regulatory Framework
The activities of organisations often come under the regulatory ambit of various regulators. In India, there
are different regulatory authorities in different segments of financial market, such as RBI in money market
operations, SEBI in capital market operations, IRDAI in insurance sector, PFRDA in pension funds. In
addition, there are Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Competition Commission etc. The
regulations imposed by these authorities may also have important bearing on accounting of a concerned entity.
For example, regulations issued by SEBI largely shape the accounting and, more importantly, reporting by a
listed firm in India. Similarly, regulations framed by IRDAI affect the accounting and reporting in insurance
companies. In banking, BASEL Norms and other guidelines issued by RBI largely determine the accounting
of NPA (Non-Performing Assets). Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of
Tariff) Regulations, 2009 affect the determination of tariff and accounting in an electricity company in India.
The above four frameworks provide the foundation on which accounting and more specifically corporate
accounting is based in India. They help to streamline the accounting process and help to improve the quality
of the reports generated and thereby contribute in the overall development of accounting.
Accounting Principles,
Concepts and Conventions
he responsibility of the discipline of accounting is to provide financial information to the users of
accounting information. For this purpose, it keeps records of the various transactions in its books of
accounts. The practice of record keeping may be practiced differently by different organisations. In
order to ensure uniformity and consistency in record keeping, the accounting profession has developed
rules, conventions, standards, and procedures which are generally accepted and universally practiced. This
common set of rules, conventions, standards, and procedures is referred to as Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP).
The GAAPs indicate how to report economic events and are thus, used by organisations in drafting their financial
statements. They are to be followed by organisations so that the users of accounting information have an optimum
level of consistency in the financial statements they use, when analyzing companies for investment purposes.
Such accounting principles have been developed from research, accepted accounting practices, and
pronouncements of regulators.
In India, financial statements are prepared on the basis of accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India (ICAI) and the law laid down in the respective applicable statutes (like, Schedule III to
Companies Act, 2013 is required to be followed by all companies).
Accounting Concepts
(a) Entity Concept: As per this concept, an organisation is treated as distinct and separate from the persons who
own or manage it. In other words, this concept assumes that the organization and business owners are two
independent entities. Hence, the personal transaction of its owner is different from the transactions of the
organisation. Application of this concept enables recording of transactions between the entity and its owners
and/ or other stakeholders. The entity concept requires that all the transactions are to be viewed, interpreted
and recorded from organisation’s point of view.
For example, if the owner pays his personal expenses from business cash, this transaction can be recorded in
the books of business entity. This transaction will take the cash out of business and also reduce the obligation
of the business towards the owner.
(b) Going Concern Concept: The basic assumption of this concept is that an organisation is assumed to
continue to exist for an indefinite period of time. This simply means that every concern has continuity of
life. Unless, there is good evidence to the contrary, the accountant assumes that an organisation is a ‘going
concern’. This concept enables the accountant to carry forward the values of assets and liabilities from one
accounting period to the other without asking the question about usefulness and worth of the assets and
recoverability of the receivables. The going concern concept forms the basis for preparation of Balance
Sheet of an organisation.
(c) Accounting Period Concept: Accounting period concepts assumes that the infinite life of an organisation
can be split into smaller periods of equal duration (viz. a quarter, half-year or year). Due to this concept, the
operating results are ascertained for a specific period, the financial position is reflected (through the balance
sheet) at regular intervals.
(d) Money Measurement Concept: Any event which can be expressed in terms of money is always recorded in
the books of accounts. The advantage of this concept is that different types of transactions could be recorded
as homogenous entries with money as common denominator. A business may own ` 3 Lacs cash, 1500 kg of
raw material, 10 vehicles, 3 computers etc. Unless each of these is expressed in terms of money, the assets
owned by the business cannot ascertained. When expressed in the common measure of money, transactions
could be added or subtracted to find out the combined effect. However, the limitation of this concept is that
only the absolute value of the money is considered, whereas the real value may fluctuate from time to time
due to inflation, exchange rate changes, etc.
(e) Accrual Concept: This concept is based on recognition of both cash and credit transactions. In case of a
cash transaction, owner’s equity is instantly affected as cash either is received or paid. In a credit transaction,
however, a mere obligation towards or by the organisation is created. When credit transactions exist (which
is generally the case), revenues are not the same as cash receipts and expenses are not same as cash paid
during the period.
(f) Dual Aspect Concept: The dual aspect concept assumes that every transaction recorded in the books of
accounts is based on two aspects (technically called ‘Debit’ and ‘Credit’). This concept provides the basis
for recording business transactions in the books of accounts. This implies that the transaction that is recorded
affects two (or more) accounts on their respective opposite sides. Hence, the transaction should be recorded
in atleast two accounts. For example, goods purchased in cash have two aspects such as ‘paying cash’ and
‘receiving goods’. Such duality of the transaction is commonly expressed in the terms of an equation as:
Assets = Liabilities + Capital.
(g) Matching Concept: This concept states that the revenues and expenses must be recorded at the same time
at which they are incurred. In general, the revenues earned should be matched with the expenses incurred
during the accounting period. For the application of this concept several adjustments are made for prepaid
expenses, accrued incomes, etc. The operating result of an accounting period can be measured only when
incomes are compared with the related expenses incurred.
(h) Realisation Concept: The concept of realisation talks about how much of the revenue should be recognized
in the books of accounts. It says, amount should be recognized only to the tune of which it is certainly
realizable. Thus, mere getting an order from the customer won’t make it eligible to be recognized as revenue.
The reasonable certainty of realizing the money will come only when the goods ordered are actually supplied
to the customer and he is billed. This concept ensures that any income which is unearned or unrealized will
not be considered as revenue.
(i) Cost Concept: The cost concept states all the business assets should be written down in the book of accounts
at the costs incurred for their acquisition, including any capital cost incurred in relation to installation. The
assets are not to be recorded at their market price. For example, a packing machine was purchased by Bharat
Ltd. for ` 40,00,000. An amount of ` 30,000 was spent on transporting the machine to the factory site, and
further ` 20,000 was additionally spent on its installation. Hence, the total amount at which the machine will
be recorded in the books of accounts would be the aggregate of all these costs i.e. ` 40,50,000. This cost is
also termed as ‘Historical Cost’.
Accounting Conventions
(a) Convention of Conservatism: The convention of conservatism essentially assumes an uncertain future and
as such, advocates providing for all possible losses, but never for possible future gains. As such, application
of this convention would always result in understatement of incomes, profits and thus, resources.
(b) Convention of Consistency: This convention advocates the continuous observation and application of the
rules and practices of accounting. The uniformity and consistency of accounting rules is vital to profit and
loss calculations as well as comparisons of company performance. Frequent changes in the treatment of
accounts would result in inconsistency and hence, make the accounting information less reliable. It would
result in making accounting information truthful, accurate and complete.
(c) Convention of Materiality: The convention of materiality advocates the recording and reflection of all
material facts (i.e. those pieces of information that can potentially influence the decision of informed
investor) in the accounting records, and elimination of insignificant information. It should be noted that
any item of fact which is considered material by on organisation may be treated as unimportant by another
organisation. In the same way, an item that is considered material during a particular time period may be
treated as unimportant in subsequent time periods.
(d) Convention of Full disclosure: This convention advocates the full disclosure of all material information,
whether favourable or otherwise, in the accounting statements of a business enterprise. This convention
requires that all accounting statements must be prepared honestly. The convention of disclosure holds greater
importance in the case of businesses where the ownership is separate from the management.
Accounting principle, concepts and conventions are very vital to the accounting profession, since they bring
about uniformity in the process of recording transactions. Such uniformity makes it possible to reliably compare
the financial results, financial position, and cash flows of different organizations and also over different periods.
These, thus go a long way in helping to standardize the financial reporting process.
roper distinction between transactions of capital and revenue nature is one of the fundamental requirements
of accounting. It is very significant as without this being done properly, the very objective of accounting
gets affected. The application of accounting concepts of periodicity, accrual and matching leads to the
identification of a transaction as either capital natured transaction or revenue natured transaction.
When transactions get properly classified between capital and revenue nature, it achieves the following purposes:
1. Ensures proper accounting of transactions by identifying them either as income or as liability, and expense
or asset;
2. Determination of true operating result by correct identification of incomes and expenses;
3. Proper disclosure of financial position in the balance sheet of the entity by correct disclosure of its assets and
The following are the points of distinction between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure:
India]. Deferred revenue expenditures are a combination of capital and revenue expenses whose usefulness does
not expire in the year of their occurrence, but generally expires in the near future. These type of expenditures are
carried forward and are written-off in future accounting periods. A portion of such expenditure is capitalised even
though it is revenue in nature, and hence is also referred to as Capitalised Revenue Expenditure.
Example: Heavy advertisement expenditure incurred prior to launching a new product; Development expenses
of a product etc.
Accounting Treatment: A part of such expenditure (the expense portion) is recorded in the debit-side of the
Income Statement, while the unwritten-off portion appears as an asset in the Balance Sheet.
NB: After the issuance of AS-26, the expenditures which were recognised as deferred revenue expenditure has
to be treated as simple revenue expense. The accounting standard has specifically mentioned that any expenditure
incurred for research, training, advertising and promotional activities should be recognised as an expense of the
accounting period in which it has been incurred.
The matching of revenues and expenses result in either profit or loss. As such, an extension of the discussion on
expenditures and receipts of capital and revenue nature naturally leads to the concepts of ‘Capital and Revenue
Profits’ and ‘Capital and Revenue Losses’.
he Accounting Cycle is a sequence of activities performed by an accountant to document and report an
organisation’s financial transactions during an accounting period. This cycle follows financial transactions
from when they occur to how they affect financial documents. The entire process starting with identification
of transactions, their recording and processing all transactions of an organisation, to its representation on
the financial statements, and also to closing the accounts, if applicable, is referred to as Accounting Cycle. To keep
track of the full accounting cycle from start to finish is one of the main duties of a bookkeeper.
Analysis of Transactions
An organisation enters into various transactions during the course of its operations. These transactions cause
changes in financial position of the organisation. Analysis of transactions implies observing the changes in
financial position of the organisation caused by the transactions entered into by it during an accounting period.
A change in financial position means change in one or more of the five basic elements of accounting, they being:
Assets, Liabilities, Capital/ Equity, Expenses, and Revenue.
In the following example of a trading proprietorship business, various illustrative transactions are used to
understand the changes in different elements of accounting:
Such analysis of the transactions helps in identification of the accounts which would be involved for accounting
purposes and also helps in identification of the debit and credit aspects of every transaction.
transactions get posted in the ledger (which itself is classified as personal and impersonal). These happen to be the
building blocks for developing the financial statements and other management reports of the organisation.
However, with the increase in the complexity of business and flow of data, it has become quite a challenge to
retrieve the information stored in the accounting records. It is for the purpose of effective management and retrieval
of the already recorded accounting information, Chart of Accounts are developed and they are codified.
Charts of Accounts
~~ A Chart of Accounts (COA) is a listing of all accounts in the general ledger, each account accompanied by
a reference number. It is a financial organizational tool that provides a complete listing of every account
in the general ledger of a company, broken down into subcategories.Specifically, it is an index of all the
financial accounts in the general ledger of an organisation.
~~ Chart of Accounts is the driving force behind an organisation’s book-keeping and accounting systems, and
is considered to be the foundation of financial reporting.
~~ The basic purpose of such charting is to organize the accounts and group similar ones together.
~~ It is used to organize finances and give the stakeholders (viz. investors and shareholders) a clearer insight into
a company’s financial health. This process makes it easier for the users to locate specific accounts.A well-
structured chart of accounts is often the single best and most effective way to raise the financial reporting of
an organization to the next level.
Codification Structure
~~ A Chart of Accounts provides the structure for the general ledger accounts of a concern. It lists specific types
of accounts, describes each account, and includes account numbers. A chart of accounts typically lists asset
accounts first, followed by liability and capital accounts, and then by revenue and expense accounts.
~~ Setting up of a Chart of Accounts: To set up a chart of accounts, the first is to define the various accounts
to be used by the organisation. Each account should have a number to identify it. Each chart of accounts
typically contains a name, brief description, and an identification code.
~~ Ordering of Accounts: Balance Sheet Accounts tend to follow a standard that lists the most liquid assets
first. Revenue Accounts and Expense Accounts tend to follow the standard of first listing the items most
closely related to the operations of the business. For example, sales would be listed before non-operating
income. In some cases, part of all the expense accounts simply may be listed in alphabetical order.
~~ Designing of Chart of Accounts: The designing of a detailed chart of accounts would typically begin with
an initial design which would reflect the major headings of the accounts. Thereafter, the detailed descriptions
of the transaction are added, which may act as future references.
Accounting Equation
The accounting equation is a representation of how the three important components of accounting namely Assets,
Liabilities and Equity are associated with each other.
In the most simplistic form, the accounting equation is presented as: Assets = Liabilities + Equity.
Assets represent the valuable resources controlled by the companysuch as cash, accounts receivable, fixed assets,
inventory etc. Liabilities represent its obligations of an organisation to its external stakeholders, while Equity
represents owners net claim on the assets. It is to be noted that, the liabilities and equity represent how the assets
of the organisation has been financed.
All three components of the accounting equation appear in the balance sheet, which reveals the financial position
of an entity at any given point in time.
Expanded Accounting Equation: The above equation can be further expanded by incorporating the various
elements of the Equity component as under:
Assets = Liabilities + Equity
or, Assets = Liabilities + [Capital + (Revenue – Expenses) – Drawings]
or, Assets + Expenses + Drawings = Liabilities + Capital + Revenue
This equation is considered to be the foundation of the double-entry accounting system.At a general level,
this means that whenever there is a recordable transaction, the choices for recording it all involve keeping the
accounting equation in balance.
~~ Secondly, the transactions are classified in a suitable manner and recorded in another book of account known
as Ledger.
~~ Thirdly, the arithmetical accuracy of the books of account maychecked by means of drafting a Trial Balance.
~~ Finally, the result of the operations of the accounting period is ascertained through the drafting of Income
Statementand financial position of the entity at the end of the accounting period is reflected through the
Balance Sheet.
Journal is the book of original entry in which financial transactions are firstly recorded after their occurrence in
chronological order. It is in this book of accounts where the transactions are recorded in the first place.
The word ‘Journal means’ a daily record. Journal is derived from French word ‘Jour’ which means a day. This
book of account is also referred to as the Book of Prime Entry or Books of First Entry.
The process of recording the transactions in a journal is called ‘Journalizing’. This is the first activity that a
book-keeper performs after identification of the transactions which has to be recorded in the books of accounts of
a concern.
The entry made in this book is called a ‘Journal Entry’. Every entry in the journal is followed by a short summary
which describes the particular transaction. This short summary is referred to as ‘Narration’. Every entry in the book
of original entry must be followed by such a narration.
~~ Each journal entry is passed in the books on the basis of some source documents. Some of the common
source documents are: purchase invoices (also called inward invoices), sales receipts (also called outward
invoices), debit notes, credit notes etc. The process of accounting does not end after recording of transactions
in the journal. Rather, with the objective of classification, the transactions are summarized and posted to
respective accounts in the ledger(s).
~~ A journal entry can be a Simple journal entry or a Compound journal entry. When in a journal entry only two
accounts are affected – one account is debited and another account is credited, it is called a Simple journal
entry. For example, the journal entry for the transaction ‘Goods worth ` 44,000 sold by Ramesh to Rajesh
for cash’ will be a simple journal entry as in this case Cash A/c will be debited with ` 44,000 and Sales A/c
will get credited with ` 44,000.
~~ While in case of a Compound journal entry at least two debits and at least one credit or at least one debit
and two or more credit items are involved. For example, the journal entry for the transaction ‘Goods worth
` 54,000 sold by Ramesh to Rajesh involving cash sale ` 44,000 and balance on credit’ will be a compound
journal entry as in this case Cash A/c as-well as Debtors A/c will be debited with ` 44,000 and ` 10,000
respectively, and Sales A/c will get credited with ` 54,000.
Types of Journal
The books of original entry are broadly classified into two categories:
1. Special Journal:
2. General Journal
1. Special Journal:
A Special Journal is a book of primary entry in which transactions of a specific type viz. credit purchases,
credit sales, return inwards etc. are first recorded before being posted in the respective ledger account. These are
also referred to as Subsidiary Books. During the lifecycle of and organisation, when the volume of transactions
increases to an extent that a single journal may no longer be adequate to record the transactions effectively, then
special purpose books or subsidiary books are required for more efficient record keeping purposes. The different
special journals that are usually maintained by an organisation for primary recording of its transactions are:
(a) Cash Journal or Cash Book is a special journal which is maintained for recording all transactions which
involve cash, whether cash inflows or cash outflows.
(b) Purchase journal is a special journal which is used by an organization to record all the credit purchases
made by it during an accounting period. It is also known as Purchase Book or Purchase Daybook.
(c) Sales Journal is a type of special journal that is used to record credit sale transactions of an organisation. It
is also known as Sales Book or Sales Daybook.
(d) Purchase Return Journal is the special journal that is used for recording the goods which have been
returned by an organisation to its suppliers, for any reason. It is also known as Purchase Return Book or
Purchase Daybook.
(e) Sales Return Journal is the special journal that is used for recording the goods which have been returned to
an organisation by its customers, for any reason. It is also known as Sales Return Book or Sales Daybook.
(f) Bills Receivable Journal is the special journal which is used to record the details of bills of exchange
received by an entity from its customers during an accounting period. It is also known as Bills Receivable
Book or Bills Receivable Daybook.
(g) Bills Payable Journal is the special journal which is used to record the details of bills of exchange accepted
by an entity towards its suppliers during an accounting period. It is also known as Bills Payable Book or Bills
Payable Daybook.
2. General Journal:
This is a book of original entry in which those transactions are recorded for which no specific day book is
maintained are recorded.
In the following section, the important subsidiary books have been discussed.
Ledger Folio
Date Particulars Credit Note No. (`)
Rules of Journalising
~~ The process of passing an entry in a journal is called Journalising. The rule for journalising is same as that
of rules of debit and credit. The debiting and crediting of the accounts are done on the basis of certain rules.
There are two alternative bases for the rules of debit and credit such as follows.
Rules of Debit and Credit Based on the Types of Account (Golden Rules Approach)
~~ Under double-entry system every account can be classified into any of the following three types: Personal
account, Real account and Nominal account. For each of these types of account, there are separate rules of
debiting and crediting the transactions. The rules of debit and credit under different types of account are as
Rules of Debit and credit Based on the Accounting Equation (Accounting Equation Approach)
Accounting equation is a statement of equality between the three basic elements of accounting viz. assets,
liabilities and equity. Each and every financial transaction affects any one or more of these three basic elements.
However, the total of all assets is always equal to the total of liabilities and equity at any point in time. The rules of
debiting and crediting an account based on the accounting equation have been summarized hereunder:
Components of Accounting
Rule of Debit and Credit
Assets Debit Increase
Credit Decrease
Liabilities Debit Decrease
Credit Increase
Capital Debit Decrease
Credit Increase
Drawings Debit Increase
Credit Decrease
Expenses Debit Increase
Credit Decrease
Revenue Debit Decrease
Credit Increase
Steps in Journalising
The process of journalising involves the following steps:
1. Determination of the accounts involved in the transaction.
2. Classifying the accounts either as ‘Nominal, Real and Personal’ or into ‘Assets, Liabilities, Capital, drawings,
Expenses and Revenue’.
3. Appling the rules of debit and credit for the identified accounts for identifying which account is to be debited
and which accounts is to be credited.
4. Recording the details of the transaction viz. date, particulars and its narration, and also the amount to be
debited and credited.
5. Writing a brief summary of the transactions (called narration) at the end.
Functions of Journal
The functions performed by the book of original entry are:
●● Historical Function: It contains a chronological record of the transactions for future references.
●● Recording Function: Accountancy is a business language which helps to record the transactions based
on the principles. Each such recording entry is supported by a narration, which explains the transaction in
simple language.
●● Analytical Function: Each transaction is analysed into the debit aspect and the credit aspect. This helps to
find out how each transaction will financially affect the business.
Advantages of Journal
The book of original entry provides the following advantages:
~~ Chronological Record: It records transactions as and when it happens. So it is possible to get detailed day-
to-day information, and also acts as a future reference.
~~ Minimising the possibility of errors: The nature of transaction and its effect on the financial position of the
business is determined by recording and analyzing into debit and credit aspect.
~~ Narrative explanation of the recorded transactions: It maintains the detailed record of transactions
written immediately after passing the entry, thus provides a highlight of the transaction done.
~~ Helps to classify the accounts: Journal is the basis of ledger posting and the ultimate Trial Balance.
~~ Evidence in court: Information recorded in the journal which certainly serves as a proof or evidence in the
court of law.
Limitations of Journal
~~ When a single journal is maintained, it becomes unsuitable for organizations that enter into a large number
of transactions.
~~ It is not a simple system of recording of transactions.
~~ The process of journalising is a time consuming process.
~~ It does not facilitate internal control, because in journal transactions are recorded in chronological order.
The book of account in which transactions are recorded in respective account, after they have been entered in
the journal is called the Ledger. It is the book of account in which the transactions are recorded in a classified and
permanent manner. It is the final destination of all the accounts, and hence, it is also called the Book of Final Entry.
The process of recording the entry in the ledger is technically known as Posting. It is the book of account in which
transactions are recorded from the journal. It contains various ‘ledger accounts’. The transactions are recorded in
each of the relevant ledger accounts in a chronological order. It reflects the final position of each account on any
particular date. It forms the basis for preparation of Trial Balance. . A ledger account has a specific format, as under:
Functions of Ledger
~~ It acts as a permanent store-house of all the transactions of a concern arranged for ready reference.
~~ It summarizes the effects of business transactions in terms of the individual accounts, so that a conclusion
concerning the status of each account may be drawn periodically. In other words, it shows under each
account heading all positive and negative changes pertaining to that account as a result of operations to date,
and the balance of the account, if any, at the end of each significant period.
~~ It is like a ‘mirror’ reflecting the image of the concern which enables it to analyse business operations for the
purpose of deciding future plan of action
Subdivisions of Ledger
On the basis of the nature of accounts maintained, ledger can be classified into Personal Ledger and General
1. Personal Ledger: The ledger which contains the personal accounts of the debtors and creditors is called
Personal Ledger. It can be further sub-divided into:
(a) Debtors’/Customers’/Sales ledger: It contains the personal accounts of all the customers/trade debtors.
(b) Creditors’/Suppliers’/Purchase/Bought ledger: It contains the personal accounts of all the suppliers/
trade creditors.
2. Impersonal Ledger or General Ledger: The ledger which contains the accounts other than those contained
in the ‘Personal Ledger’ is called Impersonal/General Ledger. The types of accounts maintained in this
ledger are Real, Nominal and Personal (except Trade Debtors and Trade Creditors).
The advantages of such sub-division are:
●● It provides complete and detailed information of all accounts of similar nature in one book.
●● It discloses the summarised information by getting the ledger accounts balanced.
Ledger Posting
As and when the transaction takes place, it is recorded in the journal in the form of journal entry. This entry is posted
again in the respective ledger accounts under double entry principle from the journal. This is called ledger posting.
The rules for writing up accounts of various types are as follows:
Assets: Increases on the left hand side or the debit side and decreases on the credit side.
Liabilities: Increases on the credit side and decreases on the debit side.
Capitals: The same as liabilities.
Expenses: Increases on the debit side and decreases on the credit side.
Incomes or Gains: Increases on the credit side and decrease on the debit side.
To summarise
is called Balancing of a ledger account. The process of balancing an account involves totaling both the sides (i.e.
debit side and credit side) of an account and ascertaining the difference between the two.
An account can show debit balance, or credit balance or nil balance. An account is said to be having a debit
balance when its debit-side total is higher than the credit side total; while an account is said to have a credit balance
when its credit-side total is higher than the debit-side total. When both side have same total, the account is said to
have nil balance. This is very significant function of accounting as the finalization of accounts is done with the
balances of the ledger accounts.
Illustration 1
For the following transactions pass the journal entries and post them in Ledger:
April 1 – Mr. Vikas and Mrs. Vaibhavi who are husband and wife start consulting business by bringing in their
personal cash of ` 5,00,000 and ` 2,50,000 respectively.
April 10 – Bought office furniture of ` 25,000 for cash.
April 11 – Opened a Current Account with Bank of BB by depositing ` 1,00,000
April 15 – Paid office rent of ` 15,000 for the month by cheque.
April 20 – Bought a motor car for ` 4,50,000 from Millenium Motors by making a down payment of ` 50,000
by cheque and the balance by taking a loan from HH Bank.
April 25 – Vikas and Vaibhabi carried out a consulting assignment for AA Pharmaceuticals and raised a bill for
` 10,00,000 as consultancy fees. AA Pharmaceuticals have immediately settled ` 2,50,000 by way of cheque and
the balance will be paid after 30 days. The cheque received is deposited into bank.
April 30 – Salary of a receptionist at the rate ` 5,000 per month and an officer at the rate ` 10,000 per month the
salary for the current month is payable to them.
Dr. Cash Account Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. (`) Date Particulars J.F. (`)
1.4.22 To, Vikas’s Capital A/c 5,00,000 10.4.22 By, Furniture A/c 25,000
1.4.22 To, Vaibhavi’s Capital 2,50,000 11.4.22 By, Bank of BB A/c 1,00,000
30.4.22 To, Bal c/d 5,00,000 1.4.22 By, Cash A/c 5,00,000
30.4.22 To, Bal c/d 2,50,000 1.4.22 By, Cash A/c 2,50,000
1.4.22 To, Cash A/c 25,000 30.4.22 By, Bal b/d 25,000
11.4.22 To, Cash A/c 1,00,000 15.4.22 By, Rent A/c 15,000
25.4.22 To, Consultancy Fees A/c 2,50,000 20.4.22 By, Motor Car A/c 50,000
30.4.22 By, Bal c/d 2,85,000
3,50,000 3,50,000
1.5.22 To, Bal b/d 2,85,000
15.4.22 To, Bank of BB A/c 15,000 30.4.22 By, Bal c/d 15,000
30.4.22 To, Bal c/d 4,00,000 20.4.22 By, Motor Car A/c 4,00,000
1.5.22 By, Bal b/d 4,00,000
25.4.22 To, Consultancy Fees A/c 7,50,000 30.4.22 By, Bal c/d 7,50,000
30.4.22 To, Salary Payable A/c 15,000 30.4.22 By, Bal c/d 15,000
30.4.22 To, Bal c/d 15,000 30.4.22 By, Salary A/c 15,000
1.5.22 By Bal b/d
●● Double Column Cash Book: In many cases, two amount columns are maintained by organisation on each
side of the cash book. This type of a cash book is called Double Column Cash Book. It is a popular practice
to add an amount column to each side – the additional column to record the banking transactions entered
into by an entity, instead of opening a separate bank account in the ledger.The balance of this cash book
reflects the amounts of Cash-in-hand as-well-as Cash-at-bank at a particular point of time. The proforma of
the double column cash book is a under:
This type of cash book gives rise to a unique type of entry referred to as the Contra Entry. When any
transaction takes place involving Bank A/c and Cash A/c, the posting will happen on both side of the same
account (here, the Double Colum Cash Book). Examples of such transactions are: Deposit of cash into bank,
Withdrawal of cash from bank etc. For recording such a transaction, the letter ‘C’ is written on both sides in
the Ledger Folio (L.F.) column.
●● Triple Column Cash Book: A Cash book with three amount columns on each side (namely Cash, Bank
and Discount columns) is called the Triple Column Cash Book. The discount columns of each side represent
separate discount accounts. Specifically, the discount column of the debit side of cash book represent
Discount Allowed and that on the credit side represent Discount Received.
Conceptually, there are two types of discounts – Trade Discount and Cash Discount. The former discount
is allowed by the seller to the buyer for making bulk purchases, while the later is allowed to encourage the
buyer to make prompt payment. Trade discount is never recorded in the books of account. It is the Cash
Discount which is recorded in the discount columns of the treble column cash book.
Further it is to be noted that unlike the cash and bank columns, the discount columns are not balanced; rather
they are transferred to the respective discount accounts in general ledger. To be specific, the total of the debit
side discount column represents the total discount allowed during a period and it is transferred to Discount
Allowed Account in the general ledger, while the total of the credit side discount column represents the total
discount received during a period and it is transferred to Discount Received Account in the general ledger.
The proforma of the double column cash book is a under:
Multi-columnar Cash Book: This is a customized form of cash book that is maintained by organisations
where huge cash transactions take place under certain fixed heads. Generally, organisations like clubs,
schools, colleges etc. maintain this type of cash book. The proforma of the multi-columnar cash book
is a under:
2. Petty Cash Book: In organisations where the number of cash transactions are numerous, it becomes tough
for one personnel to handle and record all cash and bank related transactions. In such a case, the cash
handling is split between two groups – one group handling petty cash transactions and the other handing
transactions other than petty cash. This gives rise to a specific type of cash book called the Petty Cash Book.
This book of account records only those cash transactions which are not of heavy amount, but the type of
transactions are frequently entered into by an entity. The cashier in charge of the petty cash book is known
as the Petty Cashier, the cashier of the other group is called the Principal Cashier or Chief Cashier.
The amount of petty cash is provided to the petty cashier either on Ordinary System or on Imprest System.
Under the Ordinary System, a pre-decided amount of cash is given in lump sum by the chief cashier to the
petty cashier. When the entire amount of petty cash gets spent, the petty cashier submits the details of petty
expenditures to the chief cashier for review, and reimbursement.
Under theImprest System, the total amount of petty expenses for a particular period is estimated beforehand.
This amount if referred to as Imprest Cash or Imprest Float. The imprest cash is advanced by the principal
cashier to the petty cashier out of which the later meets all the petty expenses incurred during the period. At
the end of the fixed period, petty cashier prepares a State of Petty Cash reflecting the petty expenses incurred
and submits the same to the chief cashier. The chief cashier after examination of the petty transactions remit
an amount equal to the total petty expenses incurred to the petty cashier. Thus, at the beginning of the next
accounting period, the petty cashier will have the same amount of imprest cash to meet the petty expenses of
the period. Thus, the amount lying with the petty cashier will never exceed the amount of imprest cash. The
proforma of petty cash book is exactly similar to that of a single column cash book. Some organisations, also
maintain the petty cash book in multi-columnar format. In such a case, the credit side of the petty cash book
has pre-specified columns of the common expenses usually incurred by the organisation.
Illustration 2
Prepare a triple column cash book from the following transactions in the books of Mr.Ratanlal:
1.3.2022 Opening cash balance 20,000
Bank balance in S.B.I 26,000
2.3.2022 Purchase of printer in cash 12,000
5.3.2022 Sold goods for cash. 34,000
7.3.2022 Received from Hriday on account 32,000
8.3.2022 A laptop purchase for the personal use of the proprietor by cheque 22,000
10.3.2022 Amount deposited into Bank 31,000
17.3.2022 Mr. Sen settled his account against a gross claim of ` 24 500. 24000
Office rent paid by cheque 2,000
19.3.2022 Cash withdrawn from bank for personal use 3,400
Receive from Mr. Ratul against his account of ` 23000. 22,800
Goods purchased on credit from Sneha 24,000
24.3.2022 Salaries paid to employees 12,000
Cheque received from Sandeep and kept in cash box 12,800
25.3.2022 The cheque of Sandeep deposited in the bank account
Bank charges shown in the bank statement 300
Interest received from the savings account of bank 200
28.3.2022 The cheque of Sandeep was returned dishonoured by the bank
Amount paid to Sneha in full settlement of her claim 23,700
Books of Mr. Ratanlal
Dr. Cash Book (Triple Column) Cr.
Date Particulars VN LF Cash Bank Disc. Date Particulars VN LF Cash Bank Disc.
Date Particulars VN LF Cash Bank Disc. Date Particulars VN LF Cash Bank Disc.
Illustration 3
Prepare an Analytical Petty Cash Book on the Imprest System of Ashutosh, Kolkata from the following
Conveyance Cartage Stationery Postage Wages Sundries
Receipts Date V/N Particulars Payment
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
20,000 20,000
Bank Book
Deviating from the traditional method of keeping an additional column for bank transactions in a double and
triple column cash book, today organisations keep a separate subsidiary book similar to cash book to record all
receipts and payments made through the bank. This is known as Bank Book or Bank Journal.
Usually, big companies maintain this book where the volume of bank transactions is very high. Small businesses
may still continue to record their bank transactions along with the cash book in an additional column.
Similar to a Single Column Cash Book, a Bank Book consists of two sides, receipts side and payment side.
Receipts are debited and payments are credited in the bank book.
Maintaining a Bank Book or Bank Journal helps to ease the process of bank reconciliation. It also helps
to decrease the chances of missing entries or any mistake. Separate Bank Books can be maintained for
each bank account.
Thus, Bank Book can be distinguished from a Pass Book and a Bank Statement. These are basically the copy of
a client’s account (as it appears in the book’s personal ledger).
Illustration 4
On comparing the Cash Book of Saksham with the Bank Pass Book for the year ended 31st March, 2022,
following discrepancies were noticed:
(a) Out of ` 82,000 paid in by cheques into the bank on 25th March, cheques amounting to ` 30,000 were
collected on 5th April.
(b) Out of cheques drawn amounting to ` 31,200 on 28th March a cheque for ` 10,000 was presented on 3rd
(c) A cheque for ` 4,000 entered in Cash Book but omitted to be banked on 31st March.
(d) A cheque for ` 2,400 deposited into bank but omitted to be recorded in Cash Book and was collected by
the bank on 29th March.
(e) A bill receivable for ` 2,080 previously discounted (discount ` 80) with the bank had been dishonoured but
advice was received on 3rd April.
(f) A bill for ` 40,000 was retired/paid by the bank under a rebate of ` 600 but the full amount of the bill was
credited in the bank column of the Cash Book.
(g) A cheque of ` 10,000 wrongly credited in the Pass Book on 29th March was reversed on 2nd April.
(h) Bank had wrongly debited ` 20,000 in the account on 31st March and reversed it on 10th April, 2022.
(i) A cheque of ` 800 drawn on the Savings Account has been shown as drawn on Current Account in Cash
Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st March, 2022, if the Balance as per Cash Book on 31st March
was ` 1,58,280.
Bank Reconciliation Statement
as on 31st March 2022
Particulars (`) (`)
Balance as per Cash Book (Dr.) 1,58,280
Add: (b) Cheques issued on 28th March but not yet presented for payment 10,000
(d) A cheque deposited into bank but not recorded in Cash Book 2,400
(f) Rebate on bill not entered in Cash Book (Note) 600
(g) Cheque wrongly credited by bank 10,000
(i) Cheque drawn on Savings Bank A/c but wrongly recorded in Current A/c 800 23,800
Less: (a) Cheques deposited on 25th March but not yet collected till 31st March 30,000
(c) A cheque entered in Cash Book but not yet banked 4,000
(e) Discounted Bills Receivable dishonoured but not recorded in Cash Book 2,080 56,080
(h) Amount Wrongly debited by the Bank 20,000
Balance as per Bank Pass Book (Cr.) 1,26,000
Illustration 5
On 31st January, 2022, Sethi’s cash book showed a bank overdraft of ` 2,50,000. On comparing with the pass
book, the following differences were noted.
(a) Cash and cheques amounting to ` 26,800 were sent to the bank on 27th January, but cheques worth 4600
were credited on 2nd February and one cheque for 900 was returned by them as dishonoured on 4th February.
(b) During the month of January, Sethi issued cheques worth ` 33,400 to his creditors. Out of these, cheques
worth 27,400 were presented for payment on 5th February.
(c) According to Sethi’s standing orders, the bankers have made the following payments during the month of
i. Life insurance premium ` 3,840
ii. Television license fee ` 2,400
(d) Sethi’s bankers have collected ` 3,000 as dividend on his shares.
(e) Interest charged by the bank ` 2,500
(f) A bill receivable of ` 2,000 discounted with the bank in December, 2021, was dishonoured on 31st January,
You are required to:
(i) Ascertain the amended cash book balance as on 31st January, 2022
(ii) Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement from the amended cash book as on 31st January 2022
2,60,740 2,60,740
2022 By, Bal b/d 2,59,740
Trial Balance
(Preparation and Scrutiny)
he process of accounting involves recording transactions in the journal and thereafter posting them in the
respective accounts in the ledger. At the end of an accounting period, these ledger accounts are balanced
and now they are ready to be used for drafting of the financial statements. However, before starting the
process of finalization of accounts, for ensuring the accuracy of the accounting a document is prepared
using the balances of the ledger accounts after they have been closed. This document is called the Trail Balance.
The Trial Balance is a statement drawn up using the ledger balances to test of the arithmetical accuracy of the
ledger account. The primary purpose of drafting a Trial Balance is to ensure that there are no arithmetical errors.
However, it is to be noted that after the use of computers in accounting, the requirement of drafting trial balance
has substantially reduced. It is a columnar statement having five columns – Serial number, Name of ledger account,
Ledger Folio (L.F.), Debit amount, and Credit amount. In case the accounting happen to be correct and complete,
the two amount columns of the Trial Balance should tally i.e. be of equal amount. The proforma of a Trail Balance
is as under:
Trial Balance of …….. as on ……..
●● A trial balance is just a statement, and not an account.
●● It forms no part of the double entry system.
●● It does not appear in the actual books of accounts. It is usually prepared as a separate document.
●● It is prepared as on a particular date, and not for a period.
●● A trial balance may be prepared at any time, say, on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or on annual basis.
However, it is to be noted that the Trial Balance must be drafted at the end of every accounting year before
the preparation of financial statements.
●● If the books are arithmetically accurate, the total of the debit balances must agree with the total of the credit
●● The agreement of a trial balance is only a prima facie evidence of the arithmetical accuracy of the books of
accounts but not a conclusive proof of absolute accuracy.
Insurance ` 2,000 ; Depreciation ` 4,000 ; Cash at Bank ` 80,000 ; Loan A/c (Cr) ` 66,000; Profit & Loss A/c(Cr)
` 20,000; Bad Debts Recovered ` 2,000 ; Stock at 31.03.2022 ` 1,20,000; Interest Received ` 10,000; Accrued
Interest 4,000; Investment 20,000; Provision for Bad Debts (01.04.2021) ` 6,000 ; General Reserve ` 20,000.
Trial Balance of Mr. Sen
Dr. as on 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Illustration 7
The given trial balance of MM Bakery for the quarter January to March, 2022 has been prepared by an intern.
Expenses 60,000
Sales 9,00,000
Capital 2,70,000
13,50,000 13,50,000
You are the senior accountant of the concern and has been given responsibility to check the same and redraft it
if required.
The Trial Balance drafted by the intern has tallied, but it has some errors. The correct Trial Balance is redrafted
and presented hereunder:
Redrafted Trial Balance of MM bakery as on 31.03.2022
Adjustments and
1.8.1 Depreciation and Amortisation
Fixed Assets are purchased in the business for long-term use. During the course of their use, every year a
part of fixed assets expires (i.e., is consumed or utilised or lost) due to physical wear and tear, passage of time,
obsolescence etc. The gradual decline in the value of a tangible asset is termed as Depreciation. Thus, it can
be stated that depreciation is a part of cost of tangible fixed asset which has expired because of its usage, lapse
of time etc.
The purpose of providing for depreciation is to write off cost of fixed assets over their estimated useful life.
It is important to note that depreciation is charged on all fixed assets except freehold land. The reason is that
unlike other fixed assets like machinery and furniture, useful life of land (because it has infinite life) is not limited
to few years.
Characteristics of Depreciation
~~ Depreciation is a reduction in the book value of fixed assets (except freehold land).
~~ Such reduction in the book value of a fixed asset is permanent, gradual and of continuing nature.
~~ Depreciation is a continuous process i.e. provided every year because the book value is reduced either due
to use or with the passage of time.
~~ It occurs gradually unless there is a quick physical deterioration or obsolescence due to technological
Reducing Balance Method/ Diminishing Balance Method/ Written Down Value Method
Under this method, depreciation is calculated at a fixed percentage on the original cost in the first year, and
in subsequent years it is calculated at the same percentage on the written down values i.e. book value over the
expected working life of the asset. In this case, the rate of allocation is constant (usually a fixed percentage) but the
amount allocated for every year gradually decreases.
Under this method, Depreciation p.a. is calculated as under:
For newly acquired Fixed Asset = Original Cost × Rate of Depreciation
For existing Fixed Asset = Opening WDV × Rate of Depreciation
(v) Total depreciation on asset sold transferred from provision for depreciation account.
Provision for depreciation A/c Dr.
To, Asset Sales A/c
(vi) Profit or loss on sale of assets will be transferred from asset sale account to Profit or Loss Account.
Disposal of an Asset
When an asset is sold because of obsolescence or inadequacy or any other reason, the cost of the asset is
transferred to a temporary account called “Asset Disposal Account”. The following entries are to be made:
(i) When the cost of the asset is transferred:
Asset Disposal A/c Dr.
To, Asset A/c (original cost)
(ii) When depreciation provided on the asset is transferred:
Provision for Depreciation A/c Dr.
To, Asset Disposal A/c
(iii) For charging depreciation for the year of sale:
Depreciation A/c Dr.
To Asset Disposal A/c
(iv) When cash received on sale of asset:
Bank/Cash A/c Dr.
To, Asset Disposal A/c
(v) When loss on disposal is transferred to Profit & Loss A/c:
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To, Asset Disposal A/c
(vi) When profit on disposal is transferred to Profit & Loss A/c:
Asset Disposal A/c Dr.
To, Profit & Loss A/c
Illustration 8
Machine Cost of Expenses incurred at the time of Estimated Residual Expected Useful
No. Machine (`) purchase to be capitalized (`) Value (`) Life in years
1 90,000 10,000 20,000 8
2 24,000 7,000 3,100 6
3 1,05,000 20,000 12,500 3
4 2,50,000 30,000 56,000 5
Compute the amount of depreciations to be charged and the rate of depreciations under SLM method.
Expenses incurred Total Expected Rate of
Cost of Estimated
Machine at the time of Cost of Useful Depreciation Depreciation
Machine Residual
No purchase to be Asset = Life in = (d-e)/f (`) under SLM =
(`) Value (`)
capitalize (`) (b+c) (`) years (g/d)×100
a b c d e f g h
1 90,000 10,000 1,00,000 20,000 8 10,000 10%
2 24,000 7,000 31,000 3,100 6 4,650 15%
3 1,05,000 20,000 1,25,000 12,500 5 22,500 18%
4 2,50,000 30,000 2,80,000 56,000 10 22,400 8%
Illustration 9
A machine is purchased for ` 7,00,000. Expenses incurred on its cartage and installation ` 3,00,000. Calculate
the amount of depreciation @ 20% p.a. according to Straight Line Method for the first year ending on 31st March,
2022 if this machine is purchased on:
(a) 1st April, 2021
(b) 1st July, 2021
(c) 1st October, 2021
(d) 1st January, 2022
Here, Total Cost of Asset = Purchased Price + Cost of Cartage and Installation
= ` 7,00,000 + ` 3,00,000 = ` 10,00,000
Amount of Depreciation:
Period from the date of purchase to date of closing accounts
= Total Cost of Asset × Rate of Depreciation ×
Year Opening Book Value (`) Rate Depreciation (`) Closing Book Value (`)
2011 1,50,000 10% 15,000 1,35,000
2012 1,35,000 10% 13,500 1,21,500
2013 1,21,500 10% 12,150 1,09,350
Note: Cost of the machine (i.e. Opening Book Value for the year 2019)
= Cost of Purchase + Cost of Installation
= ` 1,00,000 + ` 50,000 = ` 1,50,000
Sum of the Units Method:
Depreciation for the period —
Production during the year / Estimated Total Production
Illustration 11
A machine is purchased for `60,00,000, estimated life of which is 10 years residual value is ` 4,00,000. Expected
production of the machine is 2,00,000 during its useful life.
Production pattern is as follows:
Year Units
1-2 20,000 per year
3-6 15,000 per year
7-10 25,000 per year
Compute the amount of depreciation for each year applying Sum of the Units Method.
Year Computation Depreciation (`)
1-2 20, 000
60, 00, 000 4, 00, 000 5,60,000
2, 00, 000
Illustration 12
On 1.1.2019 machinery was purchased for ` 80,000. On 01.07.2020 additions were made to the amount of `
40,000. On 31.3.2021, machinery purchased on 1.7.2020, costing ` 12,000 was sold for ` 11,000 and on 30.06.2021
machinery purchased on 01.01.2022 costing ` 32,000 was sold for ` 26,700. On 1.10.2021, additions were made to
the amount of ` 20,000. Depreciation was provided at 10% p.a. on the Diminishing Balance Method.
Show the Machinery Accounts for three years from 2019-2021. (year ended 31st December)
Statement of Depreciation.
Machines – I Machines – II Machines – III Total
Date Particulars Cost = ` 80,000 Cost = ` 40,000 Cost = ` 20,000 Depreciation
Illustration 13
S & Co. purchased a machine for ` 1,00,000 on 1.1.2019. Another machine costing ` 1,50,000 was purchased
on 1.7.2020. On 31.12.2021, the machine purchased on 1.1.2019 was sold for ` 50,000. The company provides
depreciation at 15% on Straight Line Method. The company closes its accounts on 31st December every year.
Prepare – (i) Machinery A/c, (ii) Machinery Disposal A/c and (iii) Provision for Depreciation A/c.
S & Co.
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.01.19 To, Bank A/c 1,00,000 31.12.19 By, Balance c/d 1,00,000
1,00,000 1,00,000
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 2,50,000 31.12.21 By, Machinery Disposal A/c 1,00,000
31.12.21 By, Balance c/d 1,50,000
31.12.20 To, Balance c/d 41,250 01.01.20 By, Balance b/d 15,000
31.12.20 By, Depreciation A/c 26,250
(` 15,000 + ` 11,250)
41,250 41,250
31.12.21 To, Machinery Disposal A/c 30,000 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 41,250
31.12.21 To, Balance c/d 33,750 31.12.21 By, Depreciation A/c 22,500
63,750 63,750
01.01.22 By, Balance b/d 33,750
Dr. Machinery Disposal Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
31.12.21 To, Machinery A/c 1,00,000 31.12.21 By, Provision for Depreciation A/c 30,000
By, Depreciation A/c 15,000
By, Bank A/c 50,000
By, Profit & Loss A/c(Loss on Sale) 5,000
1,00,000 1,00,000
Working Notes:
1. Depreciation for the machine purchased on 1.7.2020
For the year 2020 (used for 6 months) = ` 1,50,000 × 15% × 6/12 = ` 11,250
For the year 2021 (used for full year) = ` 1,50,000 × 15% = ` 22,500
2. Depreciation for the machine purchased on 1.1.2019
Depreciation = ` 1,00,000 × 15% = ` 15,000
So, Depreciation for 2 years = ` 15,000 × 2 = ` 30,000
Illustration 14
On 1st April, 2019, Som Ltd. purchased a machine for `66,000 and spent `5,000 on shipping and forwarding
charges, `7,000 as import duty, `1,000 for carriage and installation, `500 as brokerage and `500 for an iron pad. It
was estimated that the machine will have a scrap value of ` 5,000 at the end of its useful life which is 15 years. On
1st January, 2020 repairs and renewals of ` 3,000 were carried out. On 1st October, 2021 this machine was sold for
` 50,000. Prepare Machinery Account for the 3 years.
In the books of Som Ltd.
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.04.19 To, Bank A/c 66,000 31.03.20 By, Depreciation A/c 5,000
To, Bank A/c 14,000 By, Balance c/d 75,000
80,000 80,000
01.04.20 To, Balance b/d 75,000 31.03.21 By, Depreciation A/c 5,000
By, Balance c/d 70,000
75,000 75,000
01.04.21 To, Balance b/d 70,000 01.10.21 By, Depreciation A/c 2,500
By, Bank A/c (sale) 50,000
By, Profit & Loss A/c (Loss) 17,500
70,000 70,000
Working Note:
1. Total Cost = ` 66,000 + ` 5,000 + ` 7,000 + ` 1,000 + ` 500 + ` 500 = ` 80,000
Total Cost – Scrap Value 80,000 – 5,000
Depreciation = = = ` 5,000
Expected life 15
The amount spent on repairs and renewals on 1st January, 2020 is of revenue nature and hence, does not form
part of the cost of asset.
Change of Method
As per AS-6, the depreciation method selected should be applied consistently from period to period. Change in
depreciation method should be made only in the following situations:
(i) For compliance of statute.
(ii) For compliance of accounting standards.
(iii) For more appropriate presentation of the financial statement.
(ii) Difference between the total depreciation under the new method and the accumulated depreciation under
previous method till the date of change may be surplus/ deficiency.
(iii) The said surplus is credited to Profit & Loss Account under the head “depreciation written Back”.
(iv) Deficiency is charged to Profit & Loss Account.
(v) The journal entries will be :
(a) If old value is less
Profit and Loss A/c. Dr.
To, Assets A/c.
(b) If old value is more
Asset A/c. Dr.
To, Profit and Loss A/c.
(vi) The above change of depreciation method should be treated as change in accounting policy and its post effect
should be disclosed and quantified.
Illustration 15
Ram Ltd. which depreciates its machinery at 10% p.a. on Diminishing Balance Method, had on 1st January,
2022 ` 9,72,000 on the debit side of Machinery Account.
During the year 2013 machinery purchased on 1st January, 2020 for ` 80,000 was sold for ` 45,000 on 1st July,
2022 and a new machinery at a cost of ` 1,50,000 was purchased and installed on the same date, installation
charges being ` 8,000.
The company wanted to change the method of depreciation from Diminishing Balance Method to Straight Line
Method with effect from 1st January, 2019. Difference of depreciation up to 31st December, 2022 to be adjusted.
The rate of depreciation remains the same as before. Prepare the Machinery Account.
In the books of Ram Ltd.
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.01.22 To, Balance b/d 9,72,000 01.07.22 By, Depreciation A/c [W.N.3] 3,240
(9,07,200+64,800) By, Bank A/c - Sale 45,000
By, Loss on sale of Machine A/c
01.07.22 To, Bank A/c 1,58,000 [W.N.4] 16,560
(1,50,000 + 8,000)
31.12.22 By, Depreciation A/c:
- For the year 2012 1,12,000
- For ½ year [1,58,000×10%×½] 7,900
By, Profit & Loss A/c :
Adjustment 11,200
Working Notes:
(1) At 10% depreciation on Diminishing Balance Method :
Particulars (`)
If balance of machinery in the beginning of the year is 10
Depreciation for the year is 1
Balance of Machinery at the end of the year 2
By using the formula, balance of asset on 1st January 2019 will be calculated as follows:
Particulars (`)
Balance as on 1st January, 2022 9,72,000
Balance as on 1st January, 2021 is 9,72,000 × 10/9 = 10,80,000
Balance as on 1st January, 2020 is 10,80,000 × 10/9 = 12,00,000
This balance, ` 12,00,000 is composed of 2 machines, one of ` 11,20,000 and another of ` 80,000.
Particulars (`)
Depreciation at 10% p.a. on Straight Line Method on ` 11,20,000 1,12,000
Total Depreciation for 2020 and 2021 (` 1,12,000 × 2) 2,24,000
Total Depreciation charged for 2020 and 2021 on Diminishing Balance Method 2,12,800
(1,12,000 + 1,00,800)
Balance to be charged in 2022 to change from Diminishing Balance Method to Straight 11,200
Line Method
(2) Machine purchased on 1st January, 2020 for ` 80,000 shows the balance of ` 64,800 on 1st January
2013 as follows :
Particulars (`)
Purchase price 80,000
Particulars (`)
Less : Depreciation for 2020 8,000
Less : Depreciation for 2021 7,200
Balance as on Jan. 1, 2022 64,800
(3) On second machine (original purchase price ` 80,000), depreciation at 10% p.a. on ` 64,800 for 6 months,
viz., ` 3,240 has been charged to the machine on July 1, 2022 i.e., on date of sale.
(4) Loss on sale of (ii) machine has been computed as under:
Particulars (`)
Balance of the machine as on 1.1.2022 64,800
Less : Depreciation for 6 months up to date of sale 3,240
Balance on date of sale 61,560
Less : Sale proceeds 45,000
Loss on sale 16,560
Illustration 16
M/s. Hot and Cold commenced business on 01.07.2017. When they purchased a new machinery at a cost of
` 8,00,000. On 01.01.2019 they purchased another machinery for ` 6,00,000 and again on 01.10.2021 machinery
costing ` 15,00,000 was purchased. They adopted a method of charging depreciation @ 20% p.a. on diminishing
balance basis.
On 01.07.2021, they changed the method of providing depreciation and adopted the method of writing off
the Machinery Account at 15% p.a. under straight line method with retrospective effect from 01.07.2017, the
adjustment being made in the accounts for the year ended 30.06.2020.
The depreciation has been charged on time basis. You are required to calculate the difference in depreciation
to be adjusted in the Machinery on 01.07.2021, and show the Machinery Account for the year ended 30.06.2022.
In the books of M/s Hot and Cold
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.07.21 To, Balance b/d 6,73,280 30.06.22 By Depreciation A/c 3,78,750
To, Profit and Loss A/c 21,720 By Balance c/d 18,16,250
(Depreciation Overcharged)
01.10.21 To, Bank A/c (Purchase) 15,00,000
21,95,000 21,95,000
Working Notes:
1. Statement of Depreciation:
Machine – I Machine – II Total Depreciation
Date Particulars
(`) (`) (`)
01.07.2017 Book Value 8,00,000
30.06.2018 Depreciation @ 20% 1,60,000 1,60,000
01.07.2018 W.D.V. 6,40,000
01.01.2019 Bank (Purchase) 6,00,000
30.06.2019 Depreciation @ 20% 1,28,000 60,000 1,88,000
01.07.2019 W.D.V. 5,12,000 5,40,000
30.06.2020 Depreciation @ 20% 1,02,400 1,08,000 2,10,400
01.07.2020 W.D.V. 4,09,600 4,32,000
30.06.2021 Depreciation @ 20% 81,920 86,400 1,68,320
01.07.2021 W.D.V. 3,27,680 3,45,600
6,73,280 7,26,720
2. Depreciation Overcharged:
Now depreciation under Straight Line Method
On ` 8,00,000 @ 15% = ` 1,20,000 × 4 years (from 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2021) ` 4,80,000
` 7,05,000
` 3,78,750
~~ The passing of adjusting entry(s) is a fundamental book keeping and accounting process. The primary
purpose for the adjusting process is to reflect true essence of the transactions and the proper situation of the
organisation as on the date of passing of such entries. It happens to be a necessary part of the accounting
cycle and has to be built into the accounting system.
~~ The adjustment entries are passed at the end of an accounting period, and these entries usually have
reflections in the income statement as-well-as the balance sheet. These entries are not passed on the basis of
source documents like invoice, bill etc.
~~ Once the adjusting entries are complete, the adjusted trial balance can be drafted, which can ultimately be
used to prepare the financial statements, the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of equity.
1.8.3 Accounting Treatment of Bad Debts, Provision for Doubtful Debts, Provision for
Discount on Debtors and Provision for Discount on Creditors
For any business, purchase and sales are the most regular and main activity. This attracts business connection
with lots of people either giving or taking benefits of credit. Debtors refer to those entities who take the benefit of
delayed payment and creditors allow credit period to pay later. That means in each case there is a time gap between
the date of sale or purchase and the date of recovery of cash or payment of cash.
The amount which is receivable from a person or a concern for supplying goods or services is called Debt. On
the basis of the chances of collection from the debtors, debts may be classified into the following three categories:
Good debts, Doubtful debts and Bad debts.
Good Debts: The debts which are not bad i.e., there is neither any possibility of bad debts nor any doubts about
its realization, is called good debts. As such, no provision is necessary for it.
Doubtful Debts: The debts which will be receivable or cannot be ascertainable at the date of preparing the final
accounts (i.e., the debts which are doubtful to realise) is known as doubtful debts. Practically it cannot be treated
as a loss on that particular date, as such, it cannot be written off. But, it should be charged against Profit and Loss
Account on the basis of past experience of the firm.
Bad Debts: Bad debts are uncollectable or irrecoverable debt or debts which are impossible to collect is called
Bad Debts. If it is definitely known that amount recoverable from a customer cannot be realized at all, it should
be treated as a business loss and should be adjusted against profit. In short, the amount of bad debt should be
transferred to Profit and Loss Account for the current year to confirm the principles of matching.
Bad Debts Account is by nature a nominal account. For recording the bad debt in the journal, Bad Debts A/c is
debited and Debtors A/c is credited. At the end of an accounting period the total amount of bad debts may be either
transferred to Profit & Loss Account or Provision for Doubtful debts A/c as the case may be.
Books of M/s Adhuna & Co.
Dr. Provision for Bad Debt Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
31.03.22 To Bad Debts A/c 8,500 01.04.21 By Balance b/d 13,000
31.03.22 To Balance c/d 19,075 31.03.22 By Profit& Loss A/c 14,575
5% of (3,90,000-8,500) (further provn. required)
27,575 27,575
Illustration 18
On 1st April, 2021 the balance of provision for bad and doubtful debts was `13,000. The bad debts during the
year 2021-22 were `9,500. The sundry debtors as on 31st March, 2022 stood at `3,25,000 out of these debtors of
`2,500 are bad and cannot be realized. The provision for bad and doubtful debts is to be raised to 5% on sundry
debtors. You are required to:
(i) Pass necessary adjustment entries for bad debts and its provision on 31st March, 2022.
(ii) Prepare the necessary ledger accounts.
(iii) Show the relevant items in the Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet.
(i) In the books of ……………….
Debit Credit
Date Particulars
(`) (`)
31.03.22 Bad Debts A/c Dr. 2,500
To, Sundry Debtors A/c 2,500
(Being Bad Debts)
Debit Credit
Date Particulars
(`) (`)
31.03.22 Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts A/c Dr. 12,000
To, Bad Debts A/c 12,000
(Being Bad Debts during the year)
31.03.22 Profit and Loss A/c Dr. 15,125
To, Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts A/c 15,125
(Being Provision for Bad Debts transferred to Profit & Loss A/c)
12,000 12,000
28,125 28,125
In the Books of ……
Dr. Provision for Bad Debts A/c Cr. (in ‘000s)
Date Particulars ` ‘000 Date Particulars ` ‘000
31.12.20 To, Bad Debts A/c 800 01.01.20 By, Balance b/d 4,550
31.12.20 To, Profit & Loss A/c 850
31.12.20 To, Balance c/d 2,900
5% of (`58,000)
4,550 4,550
31.12.21 To, Bad Debts A/c 1,500 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 2,900
31.12.21 To, Balance c/d 3,500 31.12.21 By, Profit & Loss A/c 600
5% of (`40,000)
3,500 3,500
31.12.20 To, Discount A/c 1,200 01.01.20 By, Balance b/d 800
31.12.20 To, Balance c/d 1,102 31.12.20 By, Profit & Loss A/c 1,502
[2% on (`58,000 – `2,900)]
2,302 2,302
31.12.21 To, Discount 500 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 1,102
31.12.21 To, Balance c/d 760 31.12.21 By, Profit & Loss A/c 158
[2% on (`40,000 – `2,000)]
1,260 1,260
Illustration 20
On 31.12.2020, Sundry Debtors and Provision for Doubtful Debts are `50,000 and `5,000 respectively. During
the year 2021, `3,000 are bad and written off on 30.9.2021, an amount of `400 was received on account of a debt
which was written off as bad last year on 31.12.2021, the debtors left was verified and it was found that sundry
debtors stood in the books were `40,000 out of which a customer Mr. X who owed `800 was to be written off as bad.
Prepare Bad Debt A/c and Provision for Doubtful A/c assuming that some percentage should be maintained for
provision for Doubtful debt as it was on 31.12.2021.
Also show how the illustration appear in Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet.
In the Books of ……….
Dr. Bad Debt Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
2021 To, Sundry Debtors A/c 3,000 2021 By, Provision for Bad Debt A/c 3,800
Sept. 30 Dec. 31
Working Notes:
Calculation of Rate of Provision for bad debts — (5,000/50,000 × 100) = 10%
future accounting period, some organisations may create and maintain a provision for discount received from
the creditors. This provision account is known as Provision for Discount Received or Provision for Discount on
Creditors. The closing balance of this account is usually maintained at a fixed percentage on the closing creditors
balance. It is accounted for as under:
Provision for Discount Received A/c Dr.
To, Profit & Loss A/c
Provision for Discount on Creditors Account is shown in the liabilities-side of Balance Sheet as deduction from
the balance of Sundry Creditors.
However, creation and maintenance of provision on creditors is a violation to the conservatism convention or the
doctrine of prudence.
A. Theoretical Questions:
~~ Multiple Choice Questions
1. __________ concept assumes that the infinite life of an organisation can be split into smaller periods of
equal duration.
(a) Accounting Period
(b) Entity
(c) Going concern
(d) None of the above
2. The accounts related to expenses or losses and incomes or gains are called __________.
(a) Personal Account
(b) Representative Personal Account
(c) Nominal Account
(d) Real Account
3. The accounting equation is presented as:
(a) Assets = Liabilities + Equity
(b) Assets = Liabilities + [Capital + (Revenue – Expenses) – Drawings]
(c) Assets + Expenses + Drawings = Liabilities + Capital + Revenue
(d) All of the above
4. The book of account which records only those cash transactions which are not of heavy amount, but the
type of transactions is frequently entered into by an entity is ___________.
(a) Triple Column Cash Book
(b) Petty Cash Book
(c) Ledger
(d) None of the above
5. Which of the following is/ are true regarding Trial Balance?
(a) It is prepared for a particular period.
(b) A trial balance is just a statement.
(c) The agreement of a trial balance is a conclusive proof of absolute accuracy of the books of accounts.
(d) All of the above
6. A resource owned by the business with purpose of using it for generating future profit, is known as -----
(a) Capital
(b) Asset
(c) Liability
(d) Surplus
1 a 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 b
6 b 7 d 8 a 9 a 10 c
1. _________ are the assumptions and conditions that define the parameters and constraints within which
the accounting operates.
2. ________ is a listing of all accounts in the general ledger, each account being accompanied by a reference
3. ________ is prepared to reconcile the balances as reflected by two related books, namely Cash Book and
Pass Book.
4. The method of preparing Trial Balance under which the Trial Balance can be prepared only after each
ledger account has been balanced is called the ________ method.
5. The amount charged by an entity against the profits to provide for the possible collection loss from
customers is known as ________.
6. The___________ discount is never entered in the books of accounts.
7. The Bank A/c is a ________ Account.
8. While posting an opening entry in the ledger, in case of an Account having debit balance, in ‘Particulars’
column the words ___________ are written on debit side.
B. Numerical Questions
~~ Multiple Choice Questions
1. Provision for Doubtful Debt on 1st April, 2021 was ` 13,000.During the year 2021-22 the Bad-debt was
` 9,500 . The Sundry Debtors on 31st March, 2022 were ₹3,25,000. Provision is to be made @ 5% on
Debtors. If on 31st March, 2022, there was additional Bad debt of ₹2,500 then Provision for doubtful-
debt will be:
(a) debited to Profit & Loss Account by ₹ 16,125.
(b) debited to Profit & Loss Account by ₹15,125.
(c) debited to Profit & Loss Account by ₹ 3,000.
(d) debited to Profit & Loss Account by ₹ 900.
2. Original cost of a machine is ` 1,50,000, residual value ` 10,000, if depreciation is charged @ 10% per
annum under WDV method then depreciation for 3rd year will be
(a) `12,240
(b) `11,340
(c) `12,150
(d) `14,000
3. Purchased goods from Mr. R for ` 3,600 but wrongly recorded as `6,300 to the debit of Mr. R. In the
rectification entry, Mr. R’s account will be credited with —
(a) `9,900
(b) `2,700
(c) `2,600
(d) `6,300
1 b 2 c 3 a
You are required to ascertain the correct total of the Trial Balance.
Ans: `2,31,200
Unsolved Case
Mr. Rishan Chaudhury is a trader engaged in retailing of computer hardware items. The name of his business is
M/s TechnoLink, which is a proprietary form of business. The business procures the different items and goods of
trade from a number of wholesalers, both on cash as-well-as on credit. The primary customers of TechnoLink were
different academic institutions like schools and colleges. The books of accounts of the business are maintained by
two accountants, and at the end of the financial year 2021-22, after balancing the ledger accounts, they drafted the
Trial Balance to check the arithmetical accuracy of the books. But to their discomfort the Trial Balance did not tally
and reflected excess credit ` 37,200. The difference in books was posted to Suspense Account. On critical checking
of the books, the accountants could identify the following three errors:
(i) Purchase of four office chairs (costing ` 10,000 each) and two office tables (costing ` 40,000 each) from
Godrej Interio has been passed through Purchase Day Book.
(ii) Purchase of USB drives worth ` 26,800 has been posted to the Supplier’s Account as ` 12,000.
(iii) A cheque worth ` 80,000 received from ABS Higher Secondary School has been dishonoured, but debited
to Allowances Account.
Mr. Chaudhury, himself an honour graduate in Commerce with speciailisation in Accounting from City College,
Kolkata, himself sat with the accounts. He managed to identify two more errors that existed in the books but were
missed by the accountants. He identified that the total of the Returns Inward Book has been cast short by ` 40,000,
and that ` 1,50,000 paid for making showcases of the shop has been charged to Wages Account. However, he too
was still uncertain whether he has been able to locate the errors.
1. Develop the rectification entries that would be recorded in the Journal Proper of M/s TechnoLink.
2. Ascertain by what amount would Furniture Account change after the necessary rectifications are carried out?
3. State whether all the errors that existed in the books have been identified? If not, what is the amount of such
undetected error(s)?
4. What can be the possible reasons for which the Trial Balance is still not tallying?
s per legal terminology, the word ‘negotiable’ means transferable from one person to another and the word
‘instrument’ means any written document by which a right is created in favour of some person. Therefore
’negotiable instrument’ means any document which entitles a person to a certain sum of money and which
is transferable from one person to another by delivery or by indorsement and delivery in accordance with the
provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
According to section 13(1) of the Act, “A negotiable instrument means a promissory note or bill of exchange or
cheque, payable either to order or to the bearer”.
Note: The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, is an act to define and amend the law relating to promissory notes,
bills of exchange and cheques.
Maturity date in case of ●● In the case of ‘Bill after date,’ the time for payment is mentioned.
After Date Bill ●● Three Days of Grace is allowed on such a bill.
Maturity date in case of ●● In case of ‘Bill after Sight, payable at a fixed period ‘after sight’.
After Sight Bill ●● The period begins from the date of accepting the bill.
●● Three Days of Grace is allowed on such a bill.
Grace Period
When the Period of Bill is ●● In this case, the maturity date is calculated according to calendar months.
Given in Months ●● Ignoring the number of days in a month.
●● 3 days of the Grace period are added.
For example: – if a bill dated 4th May, 2022 is payable 3 months after date:-
= Then the maturity date will be 4th August 2022 + 3 Days of Grace
= 7th August 2022.
When the Period of Bill is ●● The maturity date will be calculated in days,
Given in Days ●● This excludes the date of transaction but includes the date of payment.
●● 3 days of the Grace period are added in this case also.
For example: - if a bill dated 5th June 2022 is payable after 65 days, then the
maturity date will be:-
=25 Days of June + 31 Days of July + 9 Days of August + 3 Days of Grace
=12th August 2022
When Maturity Date Falls ●● If the due date of the bill is on the national holiday
on a National Holiday ●● Then the maturity day of the bill shall be the preceding business day.
Example:- If due date of the bill falls on 26th January (Republic Day), then its
due date will be 25th January.
●● If the due date is 15th August (Independence Day), then the due date will be
14th August.
When the Maturity Date ●● If the due date of the bill is declared as an emergency holiday,
Has Been Declared as ●● Then the due date of the bill shall be after 1 day from the date of maturity.
Emergency Holiday
Example:- if the due date of a bill is 25th July and it is declared as an emergency
holiday, then the due date will be 26th July.
Bills Payable or B/P ●● For the person who accepts the bill, and is liable to make its payment, is known
as Bills Payable.
●● The Drawee of the bill will show B/P on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet.
Illustration 1
Calculate the due dates of the bills in the following cases
Sl. No. Particulars Calculation of Due Date
1 Date of drawing of bill 01.01.2021
Period / Tenure (month) 4
Days of grace 3
Due date / Maturity date 04.05.2021
Illustration 2
X sold goods for ` 20,000 to Y on credit on January 01, 2022. X drew a bill of exchange upon Y for the same
amount for three months. Y accepted the bill and returned it to X. Y met his acceptance on maturity. Record the
necessary journal entries under the following circumstances:
(i) X retained the bill till the date of its maturity and collected directly
(ii) X discounted the bill @ 12% p.a. from his bank
(iii) X endorsed the bill to his creditor Z
(iv) X retained the bill and on March 31, 2021 X sent the bill for collection to its bank. On April 05, 2021 bank
advice was received.
In the Books of X
(iv) When the bill was sent for collection by X to the bank
The following journal entries will be made in the books of Y under all the four circumstances
In the Books of Y
Dishonour of Bills
Dishonour of Bill ●● A bill of exchange can be dishonoured either by non-acceptance or by non-payment.
Noting of a Bill ●● The recording of the fact of dishonour of bill by a Notary Public is referred to as
Noting of a Bill. For this purpose, a fee, called the Noting Fee or Noting Charge , is
required to be paid. It is an expense for the holder of the bill and is recovered from
the party is responsible for the such dishonour.
Dishonour due to ●● When a bill of exchange is dishonoured due to insolvency of the drawee or acceptor of the
insolvency bill, either nothing is recovered from the drawee or acceptor, or a partial amount is recovered
(referred to as Final Dividend) in full and final settlement of the claim. In the books of the
drawer, the amount is debited to Bad Debts Account, while in the books of the drawee it is
transferred to Deficiency Account.
Illustration 3
Mr. X sold goods for ` 15,000 to Mr. Y and immediately drew a bill upon him on Jan. 01, 2022 payable after 3
months. On maturity the bill was dishonoured and ` 50 were paid by the holder of the bill as noting charges. The
journal entries will be recorded in the books of Mr. X and Mr. Y as given below under the following circumstances:
(i) When the bill was kept by Mr. X till maturity.
(ii) When the bill was discounted by Mr. X with his bank immediately @ 12% p.a.
(iii) When the bill was endorsed by Mr. X in favour of his creditor Miss. Z.
In the Books of X
(i) When the bill was retained till its maturity
The following journal entries will be made in the books of Y in all the three cases.
In the Books of Y
Renewal of Bills
Renewal of ●● When the holder of a bill is not in a position to meet the bill on its due date, Drawee
a Bill approaches the Drawer with a request of extension of time for payment.
●● If Drawer agrees, the old bill is cancelled, and a fresh bill with the new terms of payment is
drawn and duly accepted and delivered. This is called Renewal of the Bill.
●● The new bill is drawn for an extended time period and as such interest is charged for the extended
Illustration 4
On February 01, 2022 X sold goods to Y for ` 18,000; ` 3,000 were paid by Y immediately and for the balance
he accepted three months bill drawn upon him by X. On the date of maturity of the bill Y requested X to cancel the
old bill and a new bill upon him for a period of 2 months. He further agreed to pay interest in cash to X @ 12%
p.a. X agreed to Y’s request and cancelled the old bill and drew a new bill. The new bill was met on maturity by Y.
Pass necessary journal entries in the books of drawer and drawee.
In the Books of X
Feb. 01 Y’s A/c Dr. 18,000
To, Sales A/c 18,000
(Sold goods to Y)
In the Books of Y
Retirement of a Bill
Retirement ●● When the Drawee pays the bill before its due date, it is termed as the retirement of a bill.
of a Bill ●● It happens with the mutual understanding between the Drawer and the Drawee.
Rebate on ●● In case of such retirement, interest is payable for the unexpired period of the bill (i.e. time period
Bill between date of payment of bill and date of maturity) by the holder of the bill to the payee at an agreed
rate of interest. This amount of interest is referred to as Rebate on Bill. This rebate happens to be an
income for the drawee and an expense for the payee.
Illustration 5
X sold goods ` 10,000 to Y on January 01, 2022 and immediately drew a bill on Y for three months for the same
amount, Y accepted the bill and returned it to X. On March 04, 2022 Y retired her acceptance under rebate of 6%
per annum. You are required to:
(a) Pass the journal entries to record the above transactions in the books of X and Y;
(b) Prepare Y A/c and Bill Receivable A/c in the books of X; and
(c) Prepare X A/c and Bill Payable A/c in the books of Y.
In the books of X
(a) Journal
(b) The recorded entries will be posted to the following ledger accounts:
Dr. Y’s Account Cr.
2022 2022
Jan. 01 To, Sales A/c 10,000 Jan 01 By, Bills Receivable 10,000
10,000 10,000
2022 2022
Jan. 01 To, Y A/c 10,000 Mar 04 By, Cash A/c 9,950
By, Rebate on Bill 50
10,000 10,000
In the Books of Y
2022 2022
Jan. 01 To, Bills Payable A/c 10,000 Jan. 04 By, Purchases A/c 10,000
10,000 10,000
2022 2022
Jan. 01 To, Cash A/c 9,950 Jan. 01 By, X A/c 10,000
To, Rebate on bills 50
10,000 10,000
Accommodation Bill
Ordinary bills are drawn for some consideration – known as ‘Trade Bills’. However, Accommodation Bills
are those which are drawn and accepted without any consideration. When two or more persons, not being in
the relationship of debtors and creditors or without any value passing between them, draws bills on each other
with the intention of discounting the bill after acceptance, appropriating the proceeds by one or all by agreed
proportion and providing money in the same proportion for honouring the bills at maturity, such bill may be called
Accommodation Bill.
Accommodation Bill is also referred to as the Kite Bill.
Illustration 6
For mutual accommodation of himself and Y, X drew upon Y a bill of ` 6,000 at 3 months on 01.04.2021. Y
accepted the bill and returned to X who discounted it immediately @ 6% p.a. According to agreement, X and Y
shared the proceeds as 2:1. On the date of maturity X remitted his share to Y who honoured the bill by payment.
Show journal entries in the books of X and Y
In the books of X
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (` ) Cr. (` )
01.04.2022 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 6,000
To, Y A/c 6,000
(Accommodation bill drawn and acceptance received)
Bank A/c Dr. 5,910
3 90
Discount on Bills A/c ` 6,000 6% Dr.
12 6,000
To, Bills Receivable A/c
(The bill discounted with the bank @ 6%)
Y A/c Dr. 2,000
To, Bank A/c 1,970
To, Discount on Bills A/c 30
(1/3rd of the proceeds remitted and proportionate discount
In the books of Y
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (` ) Cr. (` )
01.04.2022 X A/c Dr. 6,000
To, Bills Payable A/c 6,000
(Acceptance give to the Accommodation bill)
Bank A/c Dr. 1,970
Discount A/c Dr. 30
To, X A/c 2,000
(1/3rd of the proceed received and proportionate discount
04.07.2022 Bank A/c Dr. 4,000
To, X A/c 4,000
(X’s share received)
Bills Payable A/c Dr. 6,000
To, Bank A/c 6,000
(The bill honoured by payment)
Illustration 7
X draws a bill for ` 1,200 and Y accepts the same for mutual accommodation in the ratio of 4:2. X discounts the bill
for ` 1,110 and remits 1/3rd of the proceeds to B. Before the due date, Y draws another bill for ` 1,800 on X in order
to provide funds to meet the first bill. The second bill is discounted for ` 1,740 by Y and a sum of ` 360 is remitted
to X after meeting the first bill. The second bill is duly met. Show journal entries in the books of both X and Y.
In the books of X
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (` ) Cr. (` )
Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 1,200
To, Y A/c 1,200
(Being on 1st bill drawn on Y for mutual accommodation)
In the books of Y
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (` ) Cr. (` )
X A/c Dr. 1,200
To, Bills Payable A/c 1,200
(Being a bill drawn on Y by X for mutual accommodation)
Bank A/c Dr. 370
Discount on Bills A/c Dr. 30
To, X A/c 400
(Being 1/3rd of the proceed received and the loss on discount
shared proportionately)
usiness organisations with the intention of expanding their operations adopt different strategies. One
of the common strategies involves the engagement of selling agents, technically referred to as entering
into consignment agreement. Consignment is a special type of transaction in which one entity sends
goods to another entity for selling the goods of the former for a pre-determined commission. In such an
arrangement, the two parties are located in different towns or cities.
Three parties are involved in a consignment business – Consignor, Consignee and Buyer. The consignor sends
goods to the agent (called consignee) for selling the same on its behalf to the buyers. It is a type of agency contract,
where the consignor is the ‘principal’ and the consignee acts as the ‘agent’. Revenue from consignment business is
recognised by the consignor on sale of the goods sent by the consignee. [AS-9]
It is the party who sends the goods to its agent for sale of goods. The consignor may be a manufacturer or wholesaler.
The consignor is the ‘principal’ in the principal-agent relationship of consignment business. The consignor remains
the owner of the goods sent on consignment basis, till the goods are actually sold by the consignee.
It is the party to whom goods are sent on consignment basis by the consignor. It sells the goods received on
consignment basis and acts as the ‘agent’ in a consignment relation. It is to be noted that the consignee does not own
the goods received on consignment basis. It is entitled to receive commission from the consignor as consideration .
Proforma Invoice
This document is issued by the consignor to its agent (i.e. the consignee) at the time of sending the goods. It
mentions various details regarding the goods sent viz. quantity of the goods consigned, cost/ invoice price of the
goods, expenses incurred in relation to the goods, minimum selling price etc. This document acts as an evidence of
despatch of goods from the end of the consignor. Its format resembles that of a regular invoice.
XYZ Cloth Merchant
Proforma Invoice
Particulars (`)
Account Sales
Account Sales is a document which is periodically sent by the consignee to the consignor.
It contains details of the transactions entered into by the consignee on behalf of the consignor viz. sale proceeds
realised, consignee’s commission, expenses incurred by consignee in connection with the consignment, amount
remitted and any other specific communication (like abnormal loss of goods).
It is a post-sales document that formally conveys the developments of the consignment business (at the consignee’s
place) to the consignor.
The consignor records the consignment related transactions in its books of accounts on the basis of this document.
Account Sales for Wrist Watches & Wall Clocks sold by Prime Watch Dealers
on behalf of GMT Watch Makers
Particulars (`) (`)
Less: Charges:
Unloading & Carriage to godown 4,500
Godown rent & insurance 96,000
Selling expenses 12,500
Commission @ 5% on ` 26,28,000 1,36,800 2,49,800
Net Sale Proceeds 23,78,200
Less: Advance (by Bank Draft No. …. dated ….) 10,00,000
Less: Amount remitted (by Bank Draft No. …. dated ….) 10,00,000
Balance Due 3,78,200
E.&O.E. For Prime Watch Dealers
New Delhi …………………..
Expenses on consignment:
The expenses which are specifically incurred in relation to the consignment business may be incurred either by
the consignor or by the consignee.
Expenses by consignor: Such expenses are usually incurred for sending the goods to the consignee. Examples
of such expenses include carriage & freight to consignee, packing charges, loading charges, export duty, transit
insurance etc. These are non-recurring in nature, and are considered for valuation of the unsold stock lying with
the consignee, goods abnormally lost and goods-in-transit.
Expenses by consignee: These expenses are incurred by the consignee are recovered from the consignor. The
consignor does not reimburse such expenses to the consignee; rather these are adjusted against the amount due
to the consignor (sale proceeds) in the Account Sales prepared by the consignee.
Expenses on consignment may be of two types – Recurring and Non-recurring. Recurring expenses are the
expenses which are incurred on more than one occasion. These are usually incurred after the goods reach the
consignee’s premises. Such recurring expenses include godown rent, insurance of godown, carriage outward,
establishment charges, advertising & publicity, salary of salesmen, commission and other selling expenses.
Non-recurring expenses are incurred only once and are generally incurred prior to reaching the consignee’s
premises. Common nonrecurring expenses include unloading charges, dock charges, clearing charges, customs
(import) duty, octroi, carriage & freight to godown etc. For the purpose of valuation of the unsold consignment
stock and goods abnormally lost at the consignee’s premises only the non-recurring expenses incurred by the
consignee are to be considered.
Consignment Sale: As per consignment contract, goods are sold by the consignee on behalf of the consignor.
Such sales form the revenue of the consignment business. The sales may be made either on cash basis or on
credit basis. The cash sale transactions are recorded in the books of both consignor and consignee. However, the
recording of the credit sale depends on the fact whether del-credere commission is payable by the consignor to
the consignee or not. Sale proceeds are generally collected by the consignee and then reimbursed to the consignor
at the end of the specified period after making necessary adjustments like expenses by consignee, commission
due etc.
It is the consideration for which the Consignee acts as r agent of the Consignor. It is to be noted that the commission
is not directly paid by the Consignor to the Consignee. It is adjusted by the Consignee against the amount due
towards the Consignor, and is disclosed in the Account Sales. Commission associated with a consignment contract
may be of the following three types:
1. Ordinary Commission: This Commission is due to the consignee from the consignor because of rendering
of the regular activities of the consignment business. It is calculated on the gross sales made by consignee in
the consignment business.
2. Del-credere Commission: This is a commission that is payable for taking the risk associated with credit sale
of the goods, namely risk of bad debts and collection responsibility. It is generally calculated on the ‘gross
sales’ made by the consignee, unless otherwise agreed upon.
3. Over-riding Commission: This is an extra commission which is paid over and above the ordinary
commission. It is also referred to as Special Commission. This commission is paid when the consignee
manages to sell the goods above a pre-determined selling price, or exceeds the sales target.
~~ Goods sent at Invoice Price: Consignment stock is valued considering the Invoice Price of the goods sent
on consignment. Necessary adjustments are required to be made for the expenses incurred by the consignor
and non-recurring expenses incurred by the consignee on these goods. Moreover, for determination of correct
operating result, the load margin on such goods needs to be adjusted.
NB: As per AS-2, unsold stock is to be valued at ‘Cost’ or ‘Net Realisable Value (NRV)’, whichever is lower.
When the NRV (i.e. Expected Selling Price Less Incidental expenses for making such sale) of the unsold
stock fall below its cost, in that case the consignment statement is to be valued at the lower NRV.
Valuation of Goods-in-Transit
The goods which have been despatched by the consignor, but are yet to reach the premises of the consignee
are referred to as Goods-in-Transit. The ownership of such goods lies with the consignor, and at the end of an
accounting period, such goods are required to be valued for the purpose of reflecting such goods in the financial
statements. Such goods-in-transit are required to be valued after considering the expenses incurred by the consignor
for sending such goods. It is to be noted that no expenses incurred by the consignee are to be included in valuing
the same.
Books of Consignor: The accounts maintained in the books of the consignor are:
~~ Consignment Account: It is the profit determining account of the consignment business. In this account the
expenses and losses are matched against the revenue from such business. This profit/ loss on consignment
determined in this account is transferred from this account to the P/L A/c.
~~ Goods sent on Consignment Account: It records the goods that are sent on consignment and also returns
from consignee, if any.
~~ Consignee’s Account: This is a personal account that records the transactions that are entered into by the
consignee for the consignment. This account shows the money due to be received from the consignee at the
end of a period.
~~ Consignment Stock Account: This account records the unsold stock of goods that may lie with the consignee
at the end of an accounting period.
~~ Consignment Debtors Account: This account is maintained by the consignor when goods are sold by
consignee on credit basis and del-credere commission is not paid to the consignee. It records the transactions
like credit sale of consignment goods by consignee, collection from consignment debtors, bad debts, discount
allowed etc.
Books of Consignee: The accounts which are maintained in the books of the consignee are:
~~ Consignor Account: This account records the transactions that are entered into by the consignee in relation
to the consignment. The closing balance of this account reflects the amount due from the consignee to the
consignor at the end of a specified period.
~~ Commission Account: Separate commission accounts are required to be maintained for different types of
commissions viz. Ordinary Commission, Del credere Commission and Over-riding/ Special Commission.
~~ Consignment Debtors Account: This account is maintained by the consignee when del-credere commission
is paid by the consignor to the consignee. This account records the transactions relating to credit sale of
consignment goods made, collection from consignment debtors, bad debts, discount allowed etc.
~~ Consignment Inwards Account: Generally, no accounting is done in the books of the consignee for the
goods received from consignor. However, sometimes the consignee may open a special account called the
Consignment Inward Account to record the movement of the goods.
Journal Entries
Illustration 8
Agarwal of Agra sent on consignment goods valued ` 1,00,000 to Biyani of Bhagalpur on March 1, 2021. He
incurred an expenditure of ` 12,000 on Freight and Insurance. Biyani was entitled to a commission of 5% on gross
sales plus a del-credere commission of 3%. Biyani took delivery of the consignment by incurring expenses of
` 3,000 for goods consigned.
On Dec. 31, 2021, Biyani informed on phone that he had sold all the goods for ` 1,50,000 by incurring
selling expenses of ` 2,000. He further informed that only ` 1,48,000 had been realised and rest was considered
irrecoverable, and would be sending the cheque in a day or so for the amount due along with the accounts sale. The
consignor closes his books on Dec. 31 each year.
On Jan. 5, 2022; Agarwal received the cheque for the amount due from Biyani and incurred bank charges of ` 260
for collecting the cheque. The amount was credited by the bank on Jan. 9, 2022.
Prepare the Consignment A/c finding out the profit/loss on the consignment, Biyani A/c, Provision for Expenses
A/c and Bank A/c in the books of the consignor, recording the transactions upto the receipt and collection
of the cheque.
Books of Agarwal
Dr. Consignment to Bhagalpur Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 1,00,000 By, Biyani A/c [Sale] 1,50,000
1,50,000 1,50,000
9.1.22 To, Cheque for Collection A/c 260 31.12.21 By, Consignment to Bhagalpur 260
[Bank charges deducted] A/c
260 260
9.1.22 To, Cheque for Collection A/c 1,32,740 9.1.22 By, Balance c/f 1,32,740
[1,33,000 – 260]
1,32,740 1,32,740
Illustration 9
M/s Singha Traders of Surat consigned 5,000 litres of edible oil costing ` 32 each to M Ltd. of Mumbai on
1.2.2022. S Ltd. paid ` 5,000 as freight and insurance charges. During transit 200 litres were destroyed for which
the insurance company agreed to pay ` 5,000 in full settlement.
M Ltd. paid clearing charges ` 6,100; godown rent ` 300 and Salesman’s salary ` 900. It was entitled to 6%
ordinary commission and 4% del credere commission on sales.
On 30.6.2022, M Ltd. reported that 4,000 litres were sold at ` 1,65,000 and 100 litres were lost due to evaporation.
A customer who bought liquor for ` 1,500 could pay only 40% of his amount. M Ltd. paid its balance due
by a cheque.
Show the Consignment Account in the books of M/s Singha Traders.
Books of M/s Singha Traders
Dr. Consignment to Mumbai Account Cr.
To, Goods Sent on Consignment A/c 1,60,000 By, M. Ltd. A/c [Sale] 1,65,000
[5,000 × ` 32]
To, Bank A/c [Expenses incurred by consignor] By, Goods Destroyed-in-Transit A/c 6,600
- Freight and Insurance Charges 5,000
To, M. Ltd. A/c [Expenses incurred by
- Clearing Charges 6,100 By, Consignment Stock A/c [WN:1] 24,500
- Godown Rent 300
- Salesman’s Salaries 900 7,300
To, M. Ltd. A/c [Commission due]
- Ordinary Commission [1,65,000 × 9,900
- Del credere Commission [1,65,000 6,600 16,500
× 4%]
To P/L A/c [Profit on consignment – transferred] 7,300
1,96,100 1,96,100
Workings Note:
Value of Goods Destroyed-in-transit & Unsold Stock
Litres (`)
Illustration 10
B consigned 100 calculators to A. Cost of each calculator was ` 190. B incurred expenses of ` 500 on despatch
of such goods. A informed B that he had sold 68 calculators @ ` 280 each and 11 calculators @ ` 270 each and had
spent ` 1,520 on behalf of the consignor. One damaged calculator was sold for ` 50 according to the instructions of
consignor. A was entitled to a commission of 6% on gross sales and it includes del-credere commission. A could
recover only ` 250 from a customer to whom one calculator had been sold on credit basis for ` 280. All other sales
were made on cash basis.
Show the ledger accounts in the books of both the parties. Calculations may be made to the nearest rupee and
assume that the expenses of consignee are recurring in nature.
Books of B
Dr. Consignment Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Consignment A/c [Sale] 22,010 By, Consignment A/c [Expenses incurred] 1,520
To, Goods Damaged A/c 50 By, Consignment A/c [Commission due] 1,321
By, Goods Damaged A/c 3
[Commission on sale of damaged goods]
By, Balance c/f 19,216
22,060 22,060
To, Purchases/ Trading A/c [Transfer] 19,000 By, Consignment A/c 19,000
Books of A
Dr. B Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Bank A/c [Expenses paid] 1,520 By, Bank A/c [Cash Sales: (` 22,010 – 21,730
` 280)]
To, Commission A/c [Commission earned] 1,324 By, Consignment Debtors A/c [Credit Sales] 280
To, Balance c/f [Balance due: B/Fig.] 19,216 By, Bank A/c [Sale of damaged calculator] 50
22,060 22,060
To, B A/c [Credit sales] 280 By, Bank A/c [Collection] 250
By, Commission A/c [Bad debts written-off] 30
280 280
Workings Note:
1. Value of goods damaged & unsold stock
Units (`)
Illustration 11
RG Cellular of Kolkata consigned 100 mobile handsets to Techno Traders of Durgapur. The cost of each handset
was ` 25,000. The consignor paid insurance ` 15,000, freight ` 8,000. An account sale was received from Pluto,
showing gross sale proceeds of 80 units at ` 30,000 each.
The expenses paid and deducted by him were: Carriage ` 2,000; Establishment expenses ` 10,300; Insurance
` 24,000; Commission ` 85,000. The handsets lying unsold with Pluto were valued at ` 5,05,000
Pass the journal entries in the books of Techno Traders given that maintains Consignment Inward A/c.
Books of Techno Traders
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
Consignment Inward A/c [100 × ` 25,000] Dr. 25,00,000
To, RG Cellular A/c 25,00,000
(Being goods received from Jupiter)
Consignment Inward A/c Dr. 36,300
To, Bank A/c (` 2,000 + ` 10,300 + ` 24,000) 36,300
(Being expenses paid for consignment)
Bank A/c Dr. 24,00,000
To, Consignment Inward A/c (80 × ` 30,000) 24,00,000
(Being goods received on consignment sold)
Consignment Inward A/c Dr. 85,000
To, Commission A/c 85,000
(Being commission due from Jupiter)
RG Cellular A/c Dr. 5,05,000
To, Consignment Inward A/c 5,05,000
(Being stock lying unsold)
Consignment Inward A/c Dr. 2,83,700
To, RG Cellular A/c 2,83,700
(Being balance of Consignment Inward A/c transferred to Jupiter
RG Cellular A/c Dr. 22,78,700
To, Bank A/c 22,78,700
(Being payment made for balance due to consignor)
Illustration 12
On Jan. 1, 2022 goods costing ` 1,32,000 were consigned by Shri G of Chennai to his agent Shri H in Amritsar
at a pro-forma invoice price of 20% above cost. Shri G paid freight and other forwarding charges amounting to
` 4,000. The consignee was allowed ` 2,000 p.a. towards establishment costs, 5% commission on gross sales.
Shri H paid ` 1,000 as godown rent and insurance for three months ended Mar. 31, 2022.
Three-fourths of the goods were sold at 331/3% profit on cost, half of which were credit sales. Balance stock
was valued at pro-forma invoice price. Consignee reported that a customer who purchased goods worth ` 10,000
was untraceable and his balance was considered to be unrealisable. All other the debtors cleared their dues. Shri H
cleared his dues by sending a bank draft on Mar. 31, 2022.
Prepare necessary accounts in the books of Consignor, for 3 months ending on Mar. 31, 2022.
Books of Shri G
Dr. Consignment to Amritsar Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Goods Sent on Consignment A/c 1,58,400 By, Shri H A/c [Cash Sales – WN:1] 66,000
[` 1,32,000 + 20% there off]
To, Bank A/c [Expenses incurred] By, Consignment Debtors A/c 66,000
[Credit sales – WN:1]
- Freight and other Forwarding Charges 4,000
To, Shri H A/c [Expenses paid by consignee] By, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 26,400
- Establishment Charges [Loading on goods sent: ` 1,32,000 ×
[2,000 × 3/12] 500 20%]
- Godown Rent and Insurance 1,000 1,500
To, Shri H A/c [Commission due: 1,32,000 6,600 By, Consignment Stock A/c [WN: 2] 40,600
× 5%]
To, Consignment Debtors A/c 10,000
[Bad debt written off]
To, Stock Reserve A/c [WN:2] 6,600
To, P/L A/c [Profit on consignment 11,900
1,99,000 1,99,000
To, Consignment to Amritsar A/c [Sales] 66,000 By, Consignment to Amritsar A/c 1,500
[Expenses incurred]
To, Consignment Debtors A/c 56,000 By, Consignment to Amritsar A/c 6,600
[Collection made by consignee: (`66,000 [Commission due]
– 10,000)]
By, Bank A/c [Final remittance - B/Fig.] 1,13,900
1,22,000 1,22,000
To, Consignment to Amritsar A/c [Sales] 66,000 By, Shri H A/c [Amount recovered by 56,000
By, Consignment to Amritsar A/c 10,000
[Bad debt written off]
66,000 66,000
To, Consignment to Amritsar A/c 26,400 By, Consignment to Amritsar A/c 1,58,400
[Loading on goods sent] [Invoice price of goods sent]
To, Purchases/Trading A/c [Transfer] 1,32,000
1,58,400 1,58,400
Workings Note:
1. Cash & credit sales made by consignee
Illustration 13
Kunal of Kolkata consigned goods costing ` 45,000 to Quereshi of Meerut. The invoice price was made so as to
show a profit of 331/3% on cost. Kunal paid ` 300 as carriage and ` 1,200 as freight & insurance, Goods costing
` 5,000 were destroyed while in-transit and the insurance company admitted the full claim. In Meerut, Quereshi
paid ` 40 as carriage and ` 600 as godown rent. 2/3 rd of the goods received by Quereshi were sold by him.
Quereshi sent a cheque to P for the sale proceeds after deducting the expenses incurred by him and the commission
due to him: ordinary @ 5% and del credere @ 21/2%.
Show the Consignment to Meerut A/c and Q’s A/c in Kunal’s Ledger.
Books of Kunal
Dr. Consignment to Meerut Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 60,000 By, Quereshi A/c [Sale – WN :2] 35,556
[` 45,000 + 331/3% thereof]
By, Goods Destroyed-in-Transit A/c 6,834
To, Bank A/c [Expenses incurred] [WN:1]
- Carriage 300 By, Goods Sent on Consignment A/c 15,000
- Freight & Insurance 1,200 1,500 [Load on goods sent: 45,000 × 1/3]
To, Quereshi A/c By, Consignment Stock A/c 18,301
[Expenses paid by consignee] [WN: 1]
- Carriage 240
- Godown Rent 600 840
To, Quereshi A/c [Commission due]
- Ordinary Commission [35,556 × 5%] 1,778
- Del credere Commission
[35,556 × 21/2%] 889 2,667
To, Goods Destroyed-in-Transit A/c 1,667
[loading on goods destroyed –WN: 1]
To, Stock Reserve A/c [Loading on unsold stock 4,444
– WN: 1]
To, P/L A/c [Profit on consignment transferred] 4,573
75,691 75,691
NB: Discount on bill being purely a finance charge, would be recorded in debit side of P/L A/c.
To, Consignment to Meerut A/c [Sales] 35,556 By, Consignment A/c [Expenses incurred] 840
By, Consignment A/c [Commission due] 2,667
By, Bank A/c [Final remittance: B/Fig.] 32,049
35,556 35,556
Workings Note:
1. Value of goods destroyed-in-transit and unsold stock
Illustration 14
Veemal of Delhi sends a consignment of wall clocks to Anand of Kolkata and charges proforma invoice price
so as to show a profit of 25% on cost. The agent received commission @ 5% on all sales plus 3% del credere
commission on credit sales made by him. Stock of goods with the agent at the beginning of the year: 40 clocks at
proforma invoice price ` 25,000. During the year ended 31st December 2011, Veemal had the following transactions
with Anand:
(a) Proforma invoice price of 200 Clocks consigned to Anand: ` 1,25,000
(b) Railway charges and insurance on the consignment paid by Veemal: ` 3,500
(c) Advance received from Anand : ` 37,500
(d) Sales made by Anand;
(i) 80 clocks for cash : ` 53,750
(ii) 100 clocks on credit: ` 70,000
(e) Selling expenses made by agent: ` 6,250 and discount allowed by him ` 2,500.
(f) 30 clocks were damaged by the railway for which Anand recovered ` 6,750. The damaged clocks were sold
on cash by Anand at ` 5,750.
(g) Out of the clock sold on credit, ` 5,000 was irrecoverable and considered bad by the agent.
(h) The agent remitted the balance due by him by a bank draft.
Show necessary Ledger Accounts in the books of Veemal.
Books of Veemal
Dr. Consignment to Kolkata Account Cr.
To, Consignment Stock A/c [Unsold stock] 25,000 By, Stock Reserve A/c 5,000
To, Goods sent on Consignment A/c [sent at 1,25,000 [Load on opening stock : 25,000 × 25/125 ]
To, Bank A/c [Expenses incurred] By, Anand A/c [Sale: ` 53,750 + ` 70,000] 1,23,750
- Railway charges & Insurance 3,500
To, Anand A/c [Expenses paid by consignee] By, Goods Sent on Consignment A/c 25,000
- Selling expenses 6,250 [load on goods sent: ` 1,25,000 × 25/125]
- Discount Allowed 2,500 8,750 By, Goods Damaged-in-Transit A/c 19,275
[WN: 1]
To, Anand A/c [Commission due] By, Consignment Stock A/c [WN: 1] 19,275
- Ordinary Commission 6,188
[1,23,750 × 5%]
- Del credere Commission 2,100 8,288
[70,000 × 3%]
To, Consignment A/c [Sales] 1,23,750 By, Bank A/c [Advance] 37,500
To, Goods Damaged-in-Transit A/c 6,750 By, Consignment A/c 8,750
[Insurance claim received] [Expenses incurred]
To, Goods Damaged-in-Transit A/c 5,750 By, Consignment A/c [Commission due] 8,288
[Sale of damaged goods]
By, Goods Damaged-in-Transit A/c 288
[Commission on sale of damaged goods]
By, Bank A/c [Final remittance – B/Fig.] 51,250
1,36,250 1,36,250
Dr. Goods Damaged-in-Transit Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Consignment A/c [Goods damaged] 19,275 By, Consignment A/c 3,750
[Load on goods damaged]
To, Anand A/c 288 By, Anand A/c [Insurance claim received] 6,750
[Commission on sale of damaged goods – By, Anand A/c [Sale of damaged goods] 5,750
` 5,750 × 5%] By, P/L A/c [Net loss – B/Fig.] 3,313
19,563 19,563
Workings Note:
1. Value of Goods Damaged in Transit & Unsold Stock
Units (`)
Units (`)
Illustration 15
The Account Sales received from an agent disclosed that the total sales effected by him during 2021-22 amounted
to ` 4,50,000. This included ` 3,12,500 for sales made at invoice price which is cost plus 25% and the balance at
10% above the invoice price. He incurred expenses to the tune of ` 5,000 out of which a sum of ` 1,800 is recurring
in nature. Forwarding expenses of the Consignor totalled ` 2,400. The Agent had remitted the balance due from
him through Bank Draft after deducting the expenses. 5% commission on gross sales, bad debts ` 850 and a Bills
payable accepted by him for ` 10,000.
The value of unsold stock at original cost lying with the Agent as on 31st March, 2022 amounted to ` 50.000.
You are required to prepare the Consignment Account and the Consignee’s Account in the Books of the Consignor.
Books of Consignor
Dr. Consignment Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 5,00,000 By, Consignment Debtors A/c [Sale] 4,50,000
To, Bank A/c [Expenses incurred]
- Forwarding Expenses 2,400 By, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 1,00,000
[Load on goods sent – WN:1]
To, Consignee A/c [Expenses paid by consignee] By, Consignment Stock A/c [WN: 63,200
- Non-recurring Expenses 3,200
[5,000 – 1,800]
- Recurring Expenses 1,800 5,000
To, Consignee A/c
[Commission due: ` 4,50,000 × 5%] 22,500
To, Consignment Debtors A/c 4,49,150 By, Bills Receivable A/c 10,000
[Collection from debtors: `
4,50,000 – By, Consignment A/c [Expenses incurred] 5,000
` 850]
Workings Note:
1. Goods sent on consignment
Illustration 16
Mr. P consigned goods to Mr. D, his agent at Dhanbad, at cost price of ` 40,000. Mr. P’s accountant at the end
of the year drew up the agent account as below:
Books of Mr. P
Dr. Consignment to Dhanbad Account Cr.
To, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 40,000 By, Consignment Debtors A/c 45,000
[Rectification - WN:1] [Credit Sale]
- Freight 3,000
To, Mr. D A/c [Expenses paid by consignee]
- Loading & Cartage 200
- Other Expenses [ ` 800 – ` 200] 600 800
To, Mr. D A/c
[Commission due: 5% on ` 38,000] 1,900
To, Consignment Debtors A/c
- Discount Allowed 2,000
- Bad debt 1,000 3,000
To, P/L A/c [Profit on consignment 620
49,320 49,320
To, Balance b/f 19,300 By, Goods A/c [Rectification – WN: 1] 40,000
To, Consignment Debtors A/c 38,000 By, Consignment A/c 3,000
[Collection from Debtors ] [Expenses of consignor – rectified]
By, P/L A/c [Profit wrongly included - rectified] 1,300
By, Consignment A/c [Commission due] 1,900
By, Consignment A/c [Expenses paid] 800
By, Balance c/f [Balance due: B/Fig.] 10,300
57,300 57,300
To, Consignment A/c [Sales] 45,000 By, Dharani A/c [Amount collected] 38,000
By, Consignment A/c [Discount Allowed] 2,000
By, Consignment A/c [Bad debt] 1,000
By, Balance c/f [B/Fig.] 4,000
45,000 45,000
Workings Note:
1. Rectification of errors
(`) (`)
Illustration 17
The account sales received from an agent disclosed that the sales made at 10% above the price was 44% of the
sales made at invoice price which is cost plus 25%. All the sales are made on credit basis. He incurred expenses
to the tune of ` 5,000, out of which a sum of ` 1,800 is recurring in nature. Forwarding expenses of the consignor
` 2,400. The agent had remitted the balance due from him through bank draft of ` 4,11,650 after deducting the
expenses, 5% commission on gross sales, bad debts ` 850 and a bill payable accepted by him for ` 10,000. The value
of unsold stock at original cost lying with the agent amounted to ` 50,000. You are required prepare Consignment
Account and the Agents’ Account in the books of the consignor.
Books of Consignor
Dr. Consignment Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 5,00,000 By, Consignment Debtors A/c [Credit 4,50,000
- Goods sent at IP [WN:2] Sale: WN:1]
To, Bank A/c [Expenses incurred] 2,400 By, Goods sent on Consignment A/c 1,00,000
- Forwarding Expenses [Loading on unsold stock – WN:2]
To, Agent A/c [Expenses paid by consignee] By, Consignment Stock A/c [WN:3] 63,200
- Non-recurring Expenses
[5,000 – 1,800] 3,200
- Recurring Expenses 1,800 5,000
To, Consignment Debtors A/c 4,49,150 By, Bills Receivable A/c [Advance received] 10,000
[Collection from credit Sales: 4,50,000 By, Consignment A/c [Expenses incurred] 5,000
- 850]
By, Consignment A/c [Commission due – 22,500
By, Bank A/c [Final remittance] 4,11,650
4,49,150 4,49,150
Workings Note:
1. Calculation of sales and commission due to consignee:
Let total sales be ` X.
∴ Commission = 5% of X = 0.05 X.
Now, the invoice price of the goods which is sold at a higher rate [i.e. IP + 10% thereof]
= ` 1,37,500 × 100/ 110
= ` 1,25,000
∴ Invoice price of goods sold = ` 3,12,500 + ` 1,25,000
= ` 4,37,500
∴ Cost of goods sold = ` 4,37,500 × 100/125
= ` 3,50,000
∴ Goods sent on consignment (at cost) = Cost of goods sold + unsold stock
= ` 3,50,000 + ` 50,000
= ` 4,00,000
∴ Goods sent on consignment (at invoice price) = Cost of goods sent + Loading @ 25%
= ` 4,00,000 + 25% thereof
= ` 5,00,000
oint venture is a short term business undertaking jointly by two or more persons who share the profits and
losses in an agreed ratio. Joint Venture is a temporary form of business organization. There are certain
business activities or projects that may involve higher risks; higher investments and even they demand multi-
skills. In such cases, an individual person may not be able to muster all resources. Hence two or more people
having requisite skill sets come together to form a temporary partnership. This is called a Joint Venture. There is a
Memorandum of Undertaking (MOU) signed for this purpose.
A joint venture (JV) is a business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the
purpose of accomplishing a specific task. This task can be a new project or any other business activity.
Sales 2,50,000
Closing stock (5% of `2,00,000) 10,000
(`) (`)
Method I: When Separate Set Books are Maintained for the Joint Venture
As the business duration is short, the books of accounts are not very comprehensive. The basic purpose is to
ascertain the profit or loss on account of the joint venture. Generally under this approach, the following accounts
are maintained:
(a) Joint Venture account;
(b) Joint Bank account; and
(c) Co-venturers account.
(a) Joint Venture account: In this account, in the debit side all expenses (paid personally by the co venturers
or out of join bank) irrespective of its nature (i.e capital or revenue) are recorded. In the credit side, all sales
(to outsiders as well as to the co-venturers ) are recorded. It records all transactions related to the activities
carried out. The net result of this account will be either profit or loss.
(b) Joint Bank account: To record cash/bank transactions a Joint Bank A/c is maintained. This is basically the
cash book of the business. This could take a form of cash book with cash and bank column. It will record, the
initial contributions made by each co-venturer, proceeds of sales, expenses and distribution of net balances
among co-venturers on disSolution: of the ventureAll cash inflows are recorded in the debit side and the
outflows are recorded in the credit side. Final settlement of the co venturers are lastly put into this account
so that it tallies..
(c) Co-venturers account: Co-Venturer’s personal Accounts are maintained to record transaction related to co-
venturers. It is like the capital account in the partnership business. Balance in this account refer to the claim
of a co venture to / from the business and is settled through the joint bank account.
The accounting entries are normally as follows:
1. Contribution made by the co Ventures
Joint Bank A/c Dr.
To, Co-Venturer A/c
Prepare Joint Venture A/c, Co-Venturers A/c and Joint Bank A/c.
Dr. Joint Venture Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Sagar A/c (Material) 35,000 By, Joint Bank A/c 5,00,000
To, Pakhi A/c: By, Pakhi A/c
Architect fees 20,000 Unused materials 15,000
To, Joint Bank A/c
Materials 2,80,000
Wages 1,20,000 4,00,000
To, Profit on Joint Venture
Sagar 30,000
Pakhi 30,000 60,000
5,15,000 5,15,000
Illustration 20
X and Y entered into a joint venture for purchase and sale of some household items. They agreed to share profits
and losses in the ratio of their respective contributions. X contributed ` 10,000 in cash and Y ` 13,000. The whole
amount was placed in a Joint Bank A/c. Goods were purchased by X for ` 10,000 and expenses paid by Y amounted
to ` 2,000. They also purchased good for ` 15,000 through the Joint Bank A/c. The expenses on purchase and
sale of the articles amounted to ` 6,000 (those made by Y). Goods costing ` 20000 were sold for ` 45,000 and the
balance were lost by fire. Prepare Joint Venture A/c, Joint Bank A/c and Joint Venturers A/c closing the venture.
Dr. Joint Venture Account Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`)
To, Joint Bank A/c 28,000 By, Joint Bank A/c 10,000
By, Joint Venture A/c (goods) 10,000
By, Joint Venture A/c (profit) 8,000
28,000 28,000
To, Joint Bank A/c 21,000 By, Joint Bank A/c 13,000
By, Joint Venture A/c (expenses) 2,000
By, Joint Venture A/c (profit) 6,000
21,000 21,000
Method II: When Separate Set of Books are Not Maintained for the Joint Venture
The co-venturers may decide not to keep separate books of account for the venture if it is for a very short period
of time. In this case, all co-venturers will have account for the transactions in their own books. Here no Joint Bank
A/c is opened and the co-venturers do not contribute in cash. Goods are supplied by them from out of their stocks
and expenses for the venture are also settled the same way.
Each co-venturer will prepare a Joint Venture A/c and the other Co-Venturer’s A/c in his books. Naturally, the
profit or loss is separately calculated by each co-venturer. Each co-venturer will take into A/c all transactions i.e.
done by himself and by his co-venturer as well.
This method is generally applicable when the size of the business is small and co-venturers are operating from
distant places.
(a) When each co-venturer keeps record of all transactions
Each co-venturer will prepare a Joint Venture A/c and the other Co-Venturer’s A/c in his books. Naturally,
the profit or loss is separately calculated by each co-venturer. Each co-venturer will take into account all
transactions i.e. done by himself and by his co-venturer as well.
The accounting entries (considering two co-venturers – A and B) are presented as under:
After closure the business of joint venture, the co-venturer who has received surplus cash will remit it to the other co-venturer.
Illustration 21
Anil and Mukesh enter into a venture to take a job for ` 2,40,000. They provide the following information
regarding the expenditure incurred by them:
(a) Joint Venture Account and Mukesh Account in the books of Anil; and
(b) Joint Venture Account and Anil Account in the books of Mukesh.
(a) In the books of Anil
Dr. Joint Venture Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Joint Venture A/c 10,000 By, Joint venture A/c 1,19,000
To, Balance c/d 1,29,000 By, Plant A/c 20,000
1,39,000 1,39,000
Materials 50,000
Cement 17,000
Wages 27,000
License Fees 5,000
Plant 20,000
To, P/L A/c: Share of Profit 20,000
To, Anil A/c : Share of Profit 20,000
2,50,000 2,50,000
To, Joint Venture A/c 2,40,000 By, Joint Venture A/c 91,000
By, Joint Venture A/c 20,000
By, Balance C/d 1,29,000
2,40,000 2,40,000
Illustration 22
Sahani and Sahu entered into a joint venture to sale 800 bags of food grains. The business risks are to be shared
in the ratio of 3:2 between them. Sahani supplied 400 bags at ` 800 per bag and paid freight ` 8,000 and insurance
` 2,000. Sahu sent 400 bags at ` 1,000 per bag. He paid ` 2,500 as freight, Insurance ` 8,000 and sundry expenses
as ` 500. Sahani paid ` 50,000 as advance to Sahu.
They appointed Sandeep as agent for sale of grains. Sandeep sold all bags at ` 1,200 per bag. He deducted
` 21,000 as his expenses and commission of 5% on sales. He remitted ` 6,00,000 by cheque to Sahani and the
balance to Sahu by way of a bill of exchange. The co-venturers settled their accounts. Prepare Joint Venture A/c,
Sahu’s A/c and Sandeep’s A/c in the books of Mr. Sahani.
Books of Sahani
Dr. Joint Venture Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Food grains A/c (400 × 800) 3,20,000 By, Sandeep A/c - Sales (800 × 9,60,000
To, Bank A/c - freight & insurance 10,000
To, Sahu A/c -food grains (400 × 4,00,000
To, Sahu A/c - expenses (8,000 + 11,000
2,500 + 500)
To, Bank A/c - advance 50,000 By, Joint Venture A/c - grains 4,00,000
To, Sandeep A/c - bill 2,91,000 By, Joint Venture A/c - expenses 11,000
(`8,000 + 2,500 +1,500)
To, Bank A/c - final balance 1,30,000 By, Joint Venture A/c - profit share 60,000
4,71,000 4,71,000
To, Joint Venture A/c - sales 9,60,000 By, Joint Venture A/c - expenses 21,000
By, Joint Venture A/c - commission 48,000
By, Bank A/c - cheque received 6,00,000
By, Sahu A/c - Bill 2,91,000
9,60,000 9,60,000
(b) When each co-venturer keeps record of its own transactions (Memorandum method)
As a variation from this system, the co-venturers may decide to maintain a separate ‘Memorandum Joint Venture
A/c’ in joint books. In this transactions made by each co-venturer is shown against their name. This account will
reflect the profit or loss of the joint venture. The co-venturers will keep an account called “Joint venture with co-
venturer A/c” wherein all transactions done by him only are recorded.
Each co-venturer sends a periodic statement of transactions effected by him for the joint venture to the other co-
venturer. On the receipt of the above statement, each co-venturer prepares Memorandum Joint Venture Account for
determining the profit/ loss from the joint venture. This account is not a double entry account by nature.
The journal entries which are required to be passed are as follows:
To, Bank A/c [Purchase] (10,000 × 10) 1,00,000 By, Om A/c [Sales] 1,50,000
(`15,000 × 10)
To, Bank A/c [Expense] (1,000 × 10) 10,000
To, Discount A/c (Bill discounted) 5,000
To, Om A/c [Expenses] 2,000
To, Om A/c [Commission] (1,50,000 × 7,500
1,50,000 1,50,000
To, Bank A/c [Purchase] 1,00,000 By, Bills Receivable A/c 50,000
To, Bank A/c [Expense] 10,000 By, Balance c/d 80,300
To, Discount on Bill A/c 5,000
To, P/L A/c [Share of profit] 15,300
1,30,300 1,30,300
Illustration 24
Jiban and Mitrik decided to work in joint venture with the following scheme, agreeing to share profits in the ratio
of 2/3 and 1/3. They guaranteed the subscription at par of 50 lakhs shares of ` 10 each in Rainbow Ltd. and to pay
all expenses up to allotment in consideration of Rainbow Ltd. issuing to them 3 lakhs other shares of ` 10 each fully
paid together with a commission @ 5% in cash which will be taken by Jiban and Mitrik in 3:2.
Co-ventures introduced cash as follows:
Memorandum Joint Venture Account
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
Illustration 25
Daga of Kolkata sent to Lodha of Kanpur goods costing ` 40,000 on consignment at a commission of 5% on
gross sales. The packaging and forwarding charges incurred by consignor amounted to ` 4,000. The consignee paid
freight and carriage of ` 1,000 at Kanpur. Three-fourth of the goods were sold for ` 48,000. Then the consignee
remitted the amount due from him to consignor along with the account sale, but he desired to return the goods still
lying unsold with him as he was not agreeable to continue the arrangement of consignment. He was then persuaded
to continue on joint venture basis sharing profit or loss as Daga 3/5th and Lodha 2/5th.
Daga then supplied another lot of goods of ` 20,000 and Lodha sold out all the goods in his hand for ` 50,000
(gross). Daga paid expenses ` 2,000 and Lodha ` 1,700 for the second lot of goods.
Show necessary ledger account in the books of both parties. No final settlement of balance due is yet made.
Books of Daga
Dr. Consignment to Lodha Account Cr.
To, Goods Sent on Consignment A/c 40,000 By, Lodha’s A/c (sales) 48,000
To, Bank A/c (packing & dispatching) 4,000 By, Joint Venture with Lodha A/c 11,250
To, Lodha’s A/c : (stock transferred on conversion to JV)
Freight & Carriage 1,000
Commission 2,400
To, P & L A/c 11,850
59,250 59,250
To, Consignment A/c - sales 48,000 By, Consignment A/c- expenses 1,000
By, Consignment A/c - commission 2,400
By, Cash A/c 44,600
48,000 48,000
Books of Lodha
Dr. Daga’s Account (as consignor) Cr.
To, Cash A/c- expenses 1,000 By, Bank A/c – sales 48,000
To, Commission A/c 2,400
To, Bank A/c - remittance 44,600
48,000 48,000
To, Cash A/c - expenses 1,700 By, Bank A/c – sales 50,000
To, P & L A/c (profit) 6,020
To, Balance c/d 42,280
50,000 50,000
Working note:
Memorandum Joint Venture Account
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Daga A/c - goods 11,250 By, Lodha A/c – sales 50,000
To, Daga A/c- goods 20,000
To, Daga A/c- expenses 2,000
To, Lodha A/c- expenses 1,700
To, Net Profit :
Daga 3/5th Share 9,030
Lodha 2/5th share 6,020
50,000 50,000
Solved Case
1. Hyder is a producer of sandalwood miniature handicraft items having his business at the city of Mysore,
Karnataka. He has gathered that even though Mysore is a popular tourist destination in South India, Agra
happens to be the most popular destination, especially for foreign tourists in India. He was interested in
selling his handcrafted items in Agra, but lacked the resources to open a full-fledged store in Agra. So, the
only viable option available to him was to appoint an agent who would sell the handicraft items on his behalf
for a commission. With this objective in mind, he searched for a reliable agent in Agra and got the reference
of a popular business agent in Agra named Jalal from Yasin, one of his long-term business partner. After
a few formal meeting and negotiations, Jalal was officially appointed as Hyder’s agent who would receive
goods from Hyder on consignment basis and sell them to customers in Agra.
On April 1, 2021, Hyder sent goods to Jalal of Agra. However, Hyder lost all the documents that recorded
the details of the goods sent on consignment. The only information available from his office is that the
forwarding expenses incurred by of him for sending the goods to Agra was ` 12,000. Hyder gathered the
following information from Jalal in relation to this consignment:
~~ He incurred expenses to the tune of ` 25,000 out of which a sum of ` 9,000 is recurring in nature.
~~ The Jalal had remitted the balance due from him through Bank Draft after deducting the expenses, 5%
commission on gross sales, bad debts ` 4,250 and a Bills payable accepted by him for ` 50,000.
~~ The value of unsold stock at original cost lying with Jalal as on March 31, 2022 amounted to ` 2,50,000.
~~ Jalal sent an Account Sales reflecting the total sales effected by him during 2021-22 of ` 22,50,000. This
included ` 15,62,500 for sales made at invoice price which is cost plus 25% and the balance at 10%
above the invoice price.
Particulars (`)
Total sales 22,50,000
Less: Sales made at invoice price 15,62,500
Sales made at invoice price plus 10% 6,87,500
Total sales at invoice price [` 15,62,500 + (` 6,87,500 × 100/110)] 21,87,500
Less: Loading on above [` 21,87,500 × 25/125] 4,37,500
Cost of Goods sold 17,50,000
Add: Unsold stock 2,50,000
Particulars (`)
Cost of goods sent on consignment 20,00,000
Add: Loading @ 25% 5,00,000
Goods sent on consignment [at IP] 25,00,000
ii. Profit on consignment is `3,49,750.
Working Note:
Statement showing valuation of Unsold Stock:
Particulars (`)
Original cost of unsold stock (given) 2,50,000
Add: Loading [` 50,000 × 25%] 62,500
Add: Proportionate expenses of consignor [` 12,000 × 3,12,500/25,00,000] 1,500
Proportionate non-recurring expenses paid by consignee 2000
[` 16,000 × 3,12,500 / 25,00,000]
Value of unsold stock 3,16,000
A. Theoretical Questions:
~~ Multiple Choice Questions
(b) Consignment
(c) Joint-venture
(d) Lease
8. Memorandum Joint Venture Account is prepared when
(a) the separate set of books is maintained for Joint Venture.
(b) the each Co-venturer keeps records of all transactions.
(c) the each Co-venturer keeps records of their own transactions only.
(d) All of the above cases
9. Which of the following commission is allowed by the consignor to the consignee to encourage the
consignee for putting-up hard work in introducing new product in the market?
(a) Del-credere Commission
(b) Over-riding Commission
(c) Hard work Commission
(d) Ordinary Commission
10. If Kaveri’s acceptance which was endorsed by us in favour of Saleem is dishonoured, then the amount
will be debited in our books to:
(a) Saleem
(b) Kaveri
(c) Bills Receivable Account
(d) None of the above
1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a
6 c 7 c 8 c 9 b 10 b
1. A bill of exchange drawn on April 12, 2022 as payable 3 months after sight was accepted on April 13,
2022. The bill’s date of maturity will be _________.
2. When separate sets of books are maintained for a joint venture, goods are taken-over by a co-venturer is
credited to ________ account.
3. Partners in a joint venture business are called ________.
4. The party who sends the goods on consignment basis is referred to as the __________.
5. Commission is due to the consignee from the consignor for rendering of regular activities associated
with the consignment business is called __________ commission.
6. If cash sales are `25,000, credit sales are `75,000 and consignee’s del credre commission is 10%, the
amount of del creder commission will be _____________.
7. _____________ expenses are included while computing the value of stock on consignment.
8. At the time of goods sent to consignee, the proforma invoice is prepared by_____________.
9. The relation between Consignee and Consignor is that of _____________.
10. _____________ can be made payable to the bearer.
1. Explain the procedure of calculating the date of maturity of a bill of exchange? Give example.
2. What do you mean by Accommodation Bill? Differentiate between Trade Bill and Accommodation Bill.
B. Numerical Questions
~~ Multiple Choice Questions
1. X draws a bill on Y for ` 1,80,000 for mutual accommodation in the ratio of 2:1. X got it discounted for
` 1,69,200 and remitted 1/3rd of the proceeds to Y. How much money should be remitted by X to Y at
the time of maturity so as to enable Y to honour the bill?
(a) ` 1,20,000
(b) ` 1,15,200
(c) ` 1,16,800
(d) ` 1,20,400
2. Raju draws a bill on Sampat on 25th October, 2021 for 90 days, the maturity date of the bill will be
(a) 27th January, 2022
(b) 26th January, 2022
(c) 25th January, 2022
(d) 28th January, 2022
3. P and Q enter into a joint venture sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 3:2. P purchased goods costing
` 2,00,000. Q sold 95% goods for ` 2,50,000. P is entitled to get 1% commission on purchase and Q is
entitled to get 5% commission on sales. P drew a bill on Q for an amount equivalent to 80% of original
cost of goods. P got it discounted at ` 1,50,000. What is P’s share of profit?
(a) ` 15,300
(b) ` 21,300
(c) ` 18,900
(d) None of the above
1 a 2 c 3 b
to C in full settlement. On 1st September 2021, C purchased goods worth `1,90,000 from B. C endorsed the
bill of exchange received from A to B and paid `9,000 in full settlement of the amount due to B.
On 1st October 2021 B purchased Goods worth ` 1,00,000 from A. He paid the amount due to A by Cheque.
Pass necessary journal entries in the books of B.
3. Hardik consigned to Jamal of Jabalpur 400 boxes of goods at a cost of `5,000 per box and incured the
following expenses in connection with the same – Carriage `9,400, Freight `34,800 and Insurance `1,25,000.
On arrival of the boxes at Jabalpur, Jamal paid Clearing charges `31,200, Cartage `9,600 and Godown rent
`2,000. On arrival of the goods at the godown, 60 boxes were found to be damaged and a sum of `3,00,000
was realized from the insurance company by way of compensation. 240 of the remaining boxes were sold at
a total price of `22,00,000.
Jamal is entitled to an ordinary commission of 5% and 2% del-credere commission on sales in addition to
reimbursement of expenses incurred. He sent to Hardik an Account Sales together with a bank draft for the
balance due to Hardik.
You are required to prepare Consignment Account in the books of Hardik and pass journal entries in the
books of Jamal.
[Answer: In the books of Hardik, Profit on Consignment `7,13,680; In the books of Jamal, Final Balance
paid to Hardik `20,03,200]
4. Azad and Arjun entered into a joint venture and opened a fast food shop during Durga Puja festival at
Maddox Square in Kolkata. Their profit sharing ratio is 1:1. Azad delivers stock of `50,000. He also paid
carriage charges amounting to `2,500. Arjun incurred expenses on carriage and electricity charges for `6,500
and receives cash from sales `30,000. Arjun took over stock at an agreed value of `10,000 for his personal
use. At the end of the venture, Azad took over the remaining stock which was valued at `11,000.
You are required to prepare Memorandum Joint Venture Account and also other necessary ledger accounts
in the books of Azad and Arjun.
Unsolved Case
Mr. Sudheer Kapoor is an executive in a multi-national financial consultancy firm and is presently working at
Pune, Maharashtra. He belongs to a well-to-do family who were erstwhile landlords at Hisar district of Haryana.
He inherited large plots of land as a result of his family lineage. During the end of 2020, Mr. Kapoor decided to
develop a part of the inherited land and for this purpose entered into a joint venture with Mr. Harmeet Singh of
Ludhiana to develop some building sites and sell them. They agreed amongst themselves that the operating results
will be shared between them in 4:5 ratio. It was further agreed between them that any cash investment made by the
co-venturers in the venture would entitle them to interest at 10% p.a.
Mr. Kapoor decided to use five-bigha (1 bigha = 20 katthas) plot for this purpose and it was purchased by the
venture for ` 60 lakhs. Mr. Kapoor and Mr. Singh approached Bank of Baroda, a nationalized book for financing
the venture. The bank, after due consideration of the case, agreed to finance them to the extent of 80% of the cost
at 16% rate of interest p.a. The buying agreements were finalized by the advocate of Mr. Kapoor and Mr. Singh on
January 1, 2021 and the payment was made on the same day. Mr. Singh agreed to pay the balance of the purchase
consideration and registration expenses amounting to ` 48 lakhs was also met by him.
Mr. Kapoor approached Mrs. Kulwinder Kaur, his school friend, who is a practicing architect. Mrs. Kaur provided
the following detailed plan relating to the plot:
~~ 10% of the total area is to be left for roads, parks etc.;
~~ Three types of buildings were to be developed – Regular (1.5 katthas), Deluxe (2.5 katthas) and Executive
(3 katthas).
~~ 12 buildings of each type i.e. Regular, Deluxe and Executive will be developed;
~~ The sale price of each type were determined as follows:
~~ Regular – Cost plus 50% premium, Deluxe – Cost plus 40% premium, and Executive – Cost plus 25%
~~ The balance area will be taken equally by the co-venturers at cost.
Advertisements of the project were given in local newspapers and other media on February 1, 2021 and the
following expenses took place in relation to this project:
●● Levelling and ground preparation expenses ` 12,000 per kattha;
●● Engineering expenses ` 28,000 per kattha
●● Construction expenses ` 22,000 per kattha;
●● Municipal taxes ` 3,000 per kattha;
●● Advertisement expenses incurred ` 15 lakhs;
●● Office and administrative expenses ` 6,50,000;
●● Site expenses ` 2,70,000;
●● Sundry expenses ` 80,000.
Mr. Kapoor met all these afore-mentioned expenses. Moreover, it was Mr. Kapoor who took the sole responsibility
of the sale of the plots for which he was entitled to receive 8% of the sale proceeds. The entire business was over
by December 31, 2021 and all the remaining transactions were settled on that date. You, being a professional
accountant and colleague-cum-friend of Mr. Kapoor have been approached by him to do the accounts of
this joint venture.
1. What is the cost per kattha of land?
2. Calculate the sale price of each type of building.
3. Calculate the amount of interest due to each of the co-venturers.
4. Determine how much profit, if any, has been earned by Mr. Kapoor and Mr. Singh.
5. Ascertain the amount that had to be transacted for the final settlement of the accounts.
~~ Understand the different components of financial statements of non-commercial organizations, and learn
thoroughly the drafting of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet;
~~ Prepare financial statements of non-profit making organization, specifically drafting of Receipts and
Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet;
~~ Also understand the process of preparingthe financial statements form incomplete records;
n addition to recording keeping, a major objective of accounting is determination of operating results and
disclosure of the financial position. The determination of operating result of commercial form of organisations
happen to be the ascertainment of the profit earned during a period or the amount of loss suffered. This
requires the preparation of specific statements which are technically referred to as Financial Statements.
The financial statements of a non-corporate commercial organisation broadly includes the Income Statement,
Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement. However, discussion on Cash Flow Statement is beyond the scope of
this chapter. Thus, traditionally the term ‘Financial Statements’ includes only three basic statements – Income
Statement and Balance Sheet.
The components of income statements of non-corporate commercial organisations are discussed hereunder:
1. Trading Account: This is the first income statement prepared by a non-corporate trading business entity. It
is prepared to determine the gross operating results (i.e. Gross Profit or Gross Loss). Its principle involves
matching of the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) of an accounting period against the corresponding Sales. It
considers only the direct costs and direct income (i.e. Sales) for determination of Gross Profit/ Gross Loss.
It is a nominal account, and is closed by transfer of the Gross Profit/ Gross Loss to the Profit and Loss A/c.
The following items will appear in the debit side of the Trading Account:
(i) Opening Stock: In case of trading concern, the opening stock means the finished goods only. The
amount of opening stock should be taken from Trial Balance.
(ii) Purchases: The amount of purchases made during the year. Purchases include cash as well as credit
purchase. The deductions can be made from purchases, such as, purchase return, goods withdrawn by
the proprietor, goods distributed as free sample etc.
(iii) Other Direct expenses: It means all those expenses which are incurred from the time of purchases to
making the goods in suitable condition. This expenses includes freight inward, octroi, wages etc.
(iv) Gross profit: If the credit side of Trading A/c is greater than debit side of Trading A/c gross profit
will arise.
The following items will appear in the credit side of Trading Account:
(i) Sales Revenue: The sales revenue denotes income earned from the main business activity or activities.
The income is earned when goods or services are sold to customers. If there is any return, it should be
deducted from the sales value. As per the accrual concept, income should be recognized as soon as it
is accrued and not necessarily only when the cash is paid for.
(ii) Closing Stocks/Inventries: In case of trading business, there will be closing stocks of finished
goods only. According to convention of conservatism, stock is valued at cost or net realizable value
whichever is lower.
(iii) Gross Loss: When debit side of trading account is greater than credit side of trading account, gross loss
will appear.
The proforma of Trading Account is as follows:
Trading Account
Dr. for the year ended …. Cr.
2. Profit & Loss Account: The second income statement is the Profit & Loss Account. It is drafted after the
determination of Gross operating result i.e. Gross Profit or Gross Loss. This account determines the Net
Profit or Net Loss of an organisation for a particular accounting period. It is prepared by charging the indirect
expenses and losses against the Gross Profit and other indirect incomes. It is closed by transfer of the Net
Profit or Net Loss to the Capital Account(s) of the proprietor or partners.
The following items will appear in the debit side of the Profit & Loss A/c:
(i) Cost of Sales: This term refers to the cost of goods sold. The goods could be manufactured and sold or
can be directly identified with goods.
(ii) Other Expenses: All expenses which are not directly related to main business activity will be reflected
in the P & L component. These are mainly the Administrative, Selling and distribution expenses.
Examples are salary to office staff, salesmen commission, insurance, legal charges, audit fees,
advertising, free samples, bad debts etc. It will also include items like loss on sale of fixed assets,
interest and provisions. Students should be careful to include accrued expenses as well.
(iii) Abnormal Losses: All abnormal losses are charged against Profit & Loss Account. It includes stock
destroyed by fire, goods lost in transit etc.
The following items will appear in the credit side of Profit & Loss A/c:
(i) Revenue Incomes: These incomes arise in the ordinary course of business, which includes commission
received, discount received etc.
(ii) Other Incomes: The business will generate incomes other than from its main activity. These are purely
incidental. It will include items like interest received, dividend received, etc .The end result of one
component of the P & L A/c is transferred over to the next component and the net result will be
transferred to the balance sheet as addition in owners’ equity. The profits actually belong to owners of
business. In case of company organizations, where ownership is widely distributed, the profit figure is
separately shown in balance sheet.
The proforma of Profit & Loss Account is as follows:
3. Profit & Loss Appropriation Account: This component of income statement shows the appropriation of
the net profit among the partners of a partnership business. Sole proprietorship businesses are not required to
prepare the P/L Appropriation account. The net profit may be used by the business to distribute dividends, to
create reserves etc. In order to show these adjustments, a P & L Appropriation A/c is maintained. Distribution
of profits is only appropriation and does not mean expenses. After passing such distribution entries, the
remaining surplus is added in owner’s equity.
The format of P & L Appropriation A/c is given below
Illustration 1
Following are the ledger balances presented by M/s. P. Sen as on 31st March 2022:
Additional Information:
(1) Stock on 31.3.2022: (i) Market Price ` 24,000; (ii) Cost Price ` 20,000;
(2) Stock valued ` 10,000 were destroyed by fire and insurance company admitted the claim to the extent of
` 6,000.
(3) Goods purchased for ` 6,000 on 29th March, 2022, but still lying in-transit, not at all recorded in the books.
(4) Goods taken for the proprietor for his own use for ` 3,000.
M/s P. Sen
Trading Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022. Cr.
Illustration 2
From the following particulars presented by Mr. Shankar for the year ended 31st March 2022, prepare Profit and
Loss Account after taking into consideration the given details:
Gross Profit ` 1,00,000, Rent ` 22,000; Salaries, ` 10,000; Commission (Cr.) ` 12,000; Insurance ` 8,000; Interest
(Cr.) ` 6,000; Bad Debts ` 2,000; Provision for Bad Debts (1.4.2021) ` 4,000; Sundry Debtors ` 40,000; Discount
Received ` 2,000; Plant & Machinery ` 80,000.
(a) Outstanding salaries amounted to ` 4,000;
(b) Rent paid for 11 months;
(c) Interest due but not received amounted to ` 2,000
(d) Prepaid Insurance amounted to ` 2,000;
(e) Depreciate Plant and Machinery by 10% p.a.
(f) Further Bad Debts amounted to ` 2,000 and make a provision for Bad Debts @5% on Sundry Debtors.
(g) Commissions received in advance amounted to ` 2,000.
Mr. Shankar
Profit and Loss Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st March 2022 Cr.
Illustration 3
X,Y and Z are three Partners sharing profit and Losses equally. Their capital as on 01.04.2021 were:
X ` 80,000 ; Y ` 60,000 and Z ` 50,000.
They mutually agreed on the following points (as per partnership deed):
(a) Interest on capital to be allowed @ 5% P.a.
(b) X to be received a salary @ ` 500 p.m.
(c) Y to be received a commission @ 4% on net profit after charging such commission.
(d) After charging all other items 10% of the net profit to be transferred General Reserve.
Profit from Profit and Loss Account amounted to ` 66,720.
Prepare a Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022.
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Interest on Capital: By, Profit and Loss A/c 66,720
X 4,000 (Net profit transferred)
Y 3,000
Z 2,500 9,500
“ Salaries
X : (` 500 × 12) 6,000
“ Commission 1970
Y [WN: 1]
“ General Reserve [WN: 2] 4,925
“ Partners’ Capital A/c:
(Net Divisible Profit)
X 14,775
Y 14,775
Z 14,775 44,325
66,720 66,720
Working Note:
1. Net Profit before charging Y’s Commission = ` [66,720 – (9,500 + 6,000)] = ` 51,220
Less: Y’s Commission @ 4% = ( 4 × ` 51,220 ) = ` 1,970
2. Transfer to General Reserve = ` 49,250 × 10% = ` 4,925
Illustrations 4
From the following Trial Balance of M/s BJ & Sons, prepare the final accounts for the year ended on
31st March 2022, and also the Balance sheet as on that date:
(i) Finished goods stock: Stock on 31st March was valued at Cost price ` 4,20,000 and Market price ` 400,000.
(ii) Depreciate furniture @ 10% p.a. and machinery @ 20% p.a. on reducing balance method.
(iii) Rent of ` 5,000 was paid in advance.
(iv) Salaries & wages due but not paid ` 30,000.
Dr. Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Administrative expenses - Gross Profit b/d 13,20,000
To, Salaries & wages 2,20,000 Discount received 5,000
Add: Outstanding 30,000 2,50,000 Commission received 30,000
To, Depreciation: on Furniture 40,000 Add : Receivable 5,000 35,000
on Machinery 60,000
To, Insurance 60,000
To, Rent 60,000
Less: Paid in Advance 5,000 55,000
To, Printing & Stationery 30,000
To, Advertising 50,000
To, Carriage Outwards 40,000
To, Discounts 5,000
To, Bad debts 10,000
Notes :
(1) Closing stock is valued at market price here as it is less than cost price (conservatism concept)
Illustrations 5
Mr. Arvind Kumar has a small business enterprise. He has given the trial balance as at 31st March 2022
Additional information:
(1) Stock as on 31st March 2022 was valued at ` 60,000
(2) Write off further ` 6,000 as bad debt and maintain a provision of 5% on doubtful debt.
(3) Goods costing ` 10,000 were sent on approval basis to a customer for ` 12,000 on 30th March, 2022. This
was recorded as actual sales.
(4) ` 2,400 paid as rent for office was debited to Landlord’s A/c and was included in debtors.
(5) General Manager is to be given commission at 10% of net profits after charging his commission.
(6) Works manager is to be given a commission at 12% of net profit before charging General Manager’s
commission and his own.
You are required to prepare final accounts in the books of Mr. Arvind Kuma, and also the Balance Sheet as on
that date.
Solution :
Mr. Arvind Kumar
Dr. Trading Account for the year ended 31st March 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Opening stock: By, Sales A/c 4,98,000
Finished goods 74,000 Less: Sent on Approval (12,000) 4,86,000
To, Purchases: 2,50,000
Less: Purchases returns (3,000) 2,47,000 By, Closing stock A/c
Finished goods 60,000
To, Wages: 54,000 Add Sent on Approval 10,000 70,000
To, P/L A/c 181,000
(Gross Profit transferred)
5,56,000 5,56,000
Dr. Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Salaries 21,000 By, Trading A/c
(Gross Profit
To, Repairs to Machinery 5,200 transferred) 1,81,000
To, Depreciation: on Machinery 4,000 By, Discount Received 7,080
on Building 5,000
To, Rent 2,400
To, Bad Debts 2,000
Add: Further Bad Debts 6,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts 2,480
Illustrations 6
Mr. Abhay runs a small shop and deals in various goods. He has not been able to tally his trial balance and has
closed it by taking the difference to Suspense A/c. It is given below:
Mr. Abhay has requested you to help him in tallying his trial balance and also prepare his final accounts. On
investigation of his books you get the following information:
(i) Closing Stock on 31st March 2022 was ` 45,000 at cost and could sell over this value.
(ii) Depreciation of ` 13,500 needs to be provided for the year.
(iii) A withdrawal slip indicated a cash withdrawal of ` 15,000 which was charged as drawing. However, it was
noticed that ` 11,000 was used for business purpose only and was entered as expenses in cash book.
(iv) Goods worth ` 19,000 were purchased on 24th March 2022 and sold on 29th March 2022 for ` 23,750.
Sales were recorded correctly, but purchase invoice was missed out.
(v) Purchase returns of ` 1,500 were routed through sales return. Party’s A/c was correctly posted.
(vi) Expenses include ` 3,750 related to the period after 31st March 2022.
(vii) Purchase book was over-cast by ` 1,000. Posting to suppliers’ A/c is correct.
(viii) Advertising will be useful for generating revenue for 5 years.
Mr. Abhay
Dr. Trading Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Opening Stock - 36,500 By, Sales 8,50,000
To, Purchases 6,75,000 Less: Returns (34,000)
Less: Returns (13,500) Add: Rectification 1,500 8,17,500
Less: Additional returns (1,500) By, Closing stock 45,000
Dr. Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Expenses 45,750 By, Gross Profit b/d 1,48,000
Less : Prepaid 3,750 42,000
To, Depreciation 13,500 By, Interest on Bank deposits 5,750
To, Advertising 2,00,000 By, Net Loss 1,01,750
2,55,500 2,55,500
Illustration 7
Mr. O maintains his accounts on Mercantile basis. The following Trial Balance has been prepared from his
books as at 31st March, 2022 after making necessary adjustments for outstanding and accrued items as well as
Trial Balance
as at 31st March, 2022
Additional Information:
(i) Salaries include ` 10,000 towards renovation of Proprietor’s residence.
(ii) Closing Stock amounted to ` 75,000.
Mr. O, however, request you to prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022
and a Balance Sheet as on that date following cash basis of accounting.
Mr. O
Dr. Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Illustration 8
The following Trial Balance has been prepared from the books of Mrs. Sexena as on 31st March, 2022 after
making necessary adjustments for depreciation on Fixed Assets, outstanding and accrued items and difference
under Suspense Account.
Trial Balance as at 31st March, 2022
Debit Credit
Particulars Particulars
(`) (`)
Machineries 1,70,000 Sundry Creditors 82,000
Furniture 49,500 Capital Account 2,45,750
Sundry Debtors 38,000 Outstanding Expenses:
Drawings 28,000 Salaries 1,500
Travelling Expenses 6,500 Printing 600
Insurance 1,500 Audit Fees 1,000
Audit Fees 1,000 Bank Interest 1,200
Salaries 49,000 Discounts 1,800
Rent 5,000 Sales (Less Return) 6,80,000
Cash in Hand 7,800
Cash at Bank 18,500
Stock-in-Trade (01.04.2021) 80,000
Prepaid Insurance 250
Miscellaneous Expenses 21,200
Discounts 1,200
Printing & Stationery 1,500
Purchase (Less Returns) 4,60,000
Machineries 30,000
Furniture 5,500
Suspense Account 39,400
10,13,850 10,13,850
On the subsequent scrutiny following mistakes were noticed:
(i) A new machinery was purchase for ` 50,000 but the amount was wrongly posted to Furniture Account as
` 5,000.
(ii) Cash received from Debtors ` 5,600 was omitted to be posted in the ledger.
(iii) Goods withdrawn by the proprietor for personal use but no entry was passed ` 5,000.
(iv) Sales included ` 30,000 as goods sold cash on behalf of Mr. Thakurlal who allowed 15% commission on
such sales for which effect is to be given.
You are further told that:
(a) Closing stock on physical verification amounted to ` 47,500.
(b) Depreciation on Machineries and Furniture has been provided @ 15% and 10%, respectively, on reducing
balancing system.
Full year’s depreciation is provided on addition.
You are requested to prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2022 and a
Balance Sheet as on that date so as to represent a True and Correct picture.
Mrs. Sexena
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Opening Stock 80,000 By, Sales
(` 6,80,000 - ` 30,000) 6,50,000
To, Purchases 4,60,000 By, Closing Stock 47,500
Less: Drawings 5,000 4,55,000
To, Profit & Loss A/c.
Gross Profit transferred 1,62,500
6,97,500 6,97,500
To, Salaries: 49,000 By, Trading A/c. 1,62,500
(Gross Profit)
To, Rent 5,000 By, Bank Interest 1,200
To, Insurance 1,500 By, Selling Commission
To, Audit Fees 1,000 (15% on ` 30,000) 4,500
To, Printing & Stationery 1,500 By, Discount Received 1,800
To, Miscellaneous Expenses 21,200
To, Discount Allowed 1,200
To, Travelling Expenses 6,500
To, Depreciation:
Machinery 37,500
Furniture 5,000 42,500
To, Capital Account
(Net Profit transferred) 40,600
1,70,000 1,70,000
Balance Sheet
as at 31st March, 2022
Liabilities (`) (`) Assets (`) (`)
Capital Account 2,45,750 Machinery 2,50,0001
Add: Net Profit 40,600 Less: Depreciation 37,500 2,12,500
Less: Drawings Furniture 50,0002
(28,000+5,000) 33,000 2,53,350
Less: Depreciation 5,000 45,000
1. Machinery as per Trial Balance 1,70,000
Add: Depreciation 30,000
Additions 50,000
2. Furniture 49,500
Add: Depreciation 5,500
Less: Wrong Debit 5,000
3. Suspense A/c is eliminated by item 50,000
(i) ` 45,000 (`50,000 – `5,000) and item
(ii) by `5,600 (debited), respectively.
Illustration 9
The following Trial Balance has been extracted from the books of Mr. Agarwal as on 31.3.2022:
Trial Balance as on 31.3.2022
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Particulars
(`) (`)
Purchase 6,80,000 Sales 8,38,200
Sundry Debtors 96,000 Capital Account 1,97,000
Drawings 36,000 Sundry Creditors 1,14,000
Bad Debts 2,000 Outstanding Salary 2,500
Furniture & Fixtures 81,000 Sale of Old Papers 1,500
Office Equipments 54,000 Bank Overdraft (PP Bank) 60,000
Salaries 24,000
Advanced Salary 1,500
Carriage Inward 6,500
Miscellaneous Expenses 12,000
Travelling Expenses 6,500
Stationery & Printing 1,500
Rent 18,000
Electricity & Telephone 6,800
Cash In Hand 5,900
Cash at Bank (SBI) 53,000
Stock (1.4.2021) 50,000
Repairs 7,500
Motor Car 56,000
Furniture 9,000
Office Equipment 6,000 15,000
12,13,200 12,13,200
Additional Information:
(i) Sales includes ` 60,000 towards goods for cash on account of a joint venture with Mr. Reddy who incurred
` 800 as forwarding expenses. The joint venture earned a profit of ` 15,000 to which Mr. Reddy is entitled
to 60%
(ii) The motor car account represents an old motor car which was replaced on 1.4.2021 by a new motor car
costing ` 1,20,000 with an additional cash payment of ` 40,000 laying debited to Purchase Account.
(iii) PP Bank has allowed an overdraft limit against hypothecation of stocks keeping a margin of 20%. The
present balance is the maximum as permitted by the Bank.
(iv) Sundry Debtors include ` 4,000 as due from Mr. Trivedi and Sundry Creditors include ` 7,000 as payable
to him.
(v) On 31.3.2022 outstanding rent amounted to ` 6,000 and you are informed that 50% of the total rent is
attributable towards Agarwal’s resident.
(vi) Depreciation to be provided on motor car @ 20% (excluding sold item).
Mr. Agarwal requests you to prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.2022 and
a Balance Sheet as on that date.
Mr. Agarwal
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
`` Depreciation on:
– Furniture 9,000
– Office Equipment 6,000
– Motor Car (W.N. 3) 24,000 39,000
`` Capital Account
- Net Profit transferred 76,900
1,88,200 1,88,200
Balance Sheet
as at 31st March, 2022
8,500 92,000
Cash 5,900
Bank 53,000
Prepaid Salary 1,500
4,58,400 4,58,400
Working Notes:
1. Depreciation on Motor Car
on new motor car i.e., @ 20% on ` 1,20,000 = ` 24,000
2. Profit on Replacement of Motor Car
(`) (`)
` 75,000.
Additional Information:
(i) Closing Stock amounted to ` 1,20,000;
(ii) Provide Interest on drawings (on an average 6 months) and interest on capital @ 6% and 4% respectively.
(iii) Y is to get a salary of ` 400 p.m.
(iv) X is to get a commissions @ 2% on gross sales
(v) 50% of the profit is to be transferred to Reserve Fund.
(vi) Depreciations on furniture @ 10% p.a.
The partners share profit and loss equally.
M/s X & Y
Dr. Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
To, Opening Stock 3,00,000 By, Sales 8,20,000
`` Purchases 3,80,000 Less: Return Inwards 4,000 8,16,000
Less: Returns Outwards 3,000 3,77,000 `` Closing Stock 1,20,000
`` Wages 60,000
`` Carriage Inward 4,000
`` Profit & Loss A/c
- Furniture 1,000
Balance Sheet
as at 31st March, 2022
Liabilities (`) Assets (`) (`)
Capital : Land 11,000
X 59,715 Furniture 10,000
Y 41,855 Less: Depreciation 1,000 9,000
Reserve Fund 61,430
Loan 20,000
Closing Stock 1,20,000
Cash 3,000
1,63,000 1,63,000
Illustration 11
From the following balances extracted from the books of Mr. S on December 31, 2021, prepare a Trading and
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date and also a Balance Sheet as on the same date:
Trial Balance as on 31.12.2021
Additional Information:
a. Closing Stock (as on 31.12.2021): Cost Price ` 50,000; Market Value ` 40,000.
b. An old furniture which stood at ` 12,000 in the books on Jan 1, 2021 was disposed of at ` 5,800 on June 30,
2021, in part exchange of a new furniture costing ` 10,400. A net invoice of ` 4,600 was passed through the
Purchase Day Book.
c. Sales include ` 36,000 hire-purchase sales. Hire-purchase sales prices are determined after adding 25% on
Hire-Purchase price. 30% of the installments have not fallen due yet. Profit or loss on hire-purchase sales is
to be shown in the Profit and Loss Account.
d. Debtors include ` 7,500 due from Mr. M and Creditors include ` 6,000 due to him.
e. Insurance premium had been paid for the year ended December 31, 2021.
f. Depreciate the fixed assets as follow: Machinery @ 15% p.a. and Furniture @ 10% p.a.
g. Provide 5% for bad debts on debtors (excluding hire-purchase debtors).
Mr. S
Dr. Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.12.2021 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
Working Notes:
10,800 10,800
Illustration 12
Mrs. Joshi has presented you the following Trial Balance as on 31st December 2021:
You are required to prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss account and a Balance Sheet as on 31st Dec 2021 after
considering the following adjustment:
1. A sale of ` 25,000 made for cash had been credited to Purchase A/c.
2. Private purchase amounting to ` 600 had been included in Purchase Day Book.
3. The loan account in the books of proprietor appeared as follows:
Dr. 10% Loan from UBI Account Cr.
1,00,000 1,00,000
Mrs. Joshi
Dr. Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.12.2021 Cr.
Patent 32,100
Factory Shed 30,000
Capital 4,87,000 Plant & Machinery 5,30,000
Add : Net Profit 97,660 Less : Depreciation @ 5% 26,500 5,03,500
Less : Drawings [Rent of 3,300 5,81,360 Furniture & Fixture 85,000
Personal Accommodation]
Add: Net Exchange 35,000
10 % Loan from UBI 1,00,000 Less : Depreciation @10% 12,000 1,08,000
Bills Payable 86,000
Sundry Creditors 1,02,500 Motor Car 70,000
Less : Private purchase 600 1,01,900 Less : Depreciation @ 5% 3,500 66,500
Outstanding Interest 2,000 Stock-in-Trade:
Outstanding Manger’s 16,140 In hand 22,000
With Customers [WN: 1] 32,000 54,000
Working Notes:
1. Unexpired goods on Sale on approval basis
Non-profit Organisations
The organizations which are primarily formed with the objective of offering some specific services to the society
and not with profit motive only are referred to as Non-profit Organisations. Such organisations include educational
institutions, public medical organisations, social clubs, charitable trusts, trade unions, Cultural clubs like Rotary
or Lions club Religious institutions etc. Their main objective is to operate for adding value to different sections of
the society.
Features of Non-profit Organisations
The salient features of such non-trading estitis are:
●● This organization is governed by elected body or trustee board.
●● Its operation is not driven by any profit motive unlike trading concerns.
●● Main purpose of the organization is to provide social service.
●● Main source of their income comes from donation and membership subscription.
●● The funds are utilized maximum for the benefits of the society.
●● The membership process for this concern is non-transferable.
●● The method of accounting that is followed here is entity concept.
accounting equation. But, there’s no capital account. Instead there is a capital fund. The surplus or deficit from
Income & Expenditure A/c is adjusted against this capital fund at the end of the year.
Difference between Receipts and Payments Account and Income and Expenditure Account
Receipts & Payments Account Income & Expenditure Account
1. It is a summarised Cash Book 1. It closely resembles the Profit & Loss Account of a
Trading concern.
2. Receipts are debited and Payments are credited. 2. Incomes are credited and Expenditures are debited.
3. Transactions are recorded on Cash basis. 3. Transactions are recorded on Accrual Basis
4. Amounts related to previous period or future 4. Transactions are recorded on accrual basis. All
period may remain included. Outstanding amount amounts not related to the current period are
for current year is excluded. excluded.
Outstanding amounts of current period are added.
5. It records both Capital and Revenue transactions. 5. It records Revenue transactions only.
6. It serves the purpose of a Real Account. 6. It serves the purpose of a Nominal Account.
7. It starts with opening Cash and Bank 7. It does not record such balances, rather its final
Balances and ends with closing Cash and Bank balance shows a surplus or a deficit for the period.
8. It does not record notional loss or noncash expenses 8. It considers all such expenses for matching against
like bad debts, depreciations etc. revenues
9. Its closing balance is carried forward to the same 9. Its closing balance is transferred to Capital Fund
account of the next accounting Period. or General Fund or Accumulated Fund in the same
period’s Balance Sheet.
10. It helps to prepare an Income & Expenditure A/c. 10. It helps to prepare a Balance Sheet.
Finally, when the balance is transferred to Capital Fund, the entry will be:
Special Fund A/c Dr.
To, Capital Fund A/c (Balance of Special Fund)
If the Special Fund is used to purchase an asset
Asset A/c Dr.
To, Bank A/c (Cost of the asset )
Special Fund A/c Dr.
To, Capital Fund A/c (Special Fund closed)
(iii) Donations
(a) Donation received for a particular purpose should be credited to Special Fund. For example, Donation
received for Building should be credited to Building Fund A/c.
(b) For other donations received the by-laws or rules of the concern should be followed.
(c) If there is no such rule, donations received of non-recurring nature should be credited to Capital Fund.
Recurring donations received should be credited to Income & Expenditure Account.
(d) Donation paid by the concern should be debited to Income & Expenditure Account.
(iv) Legacy received
It is to be directly added with Capital Fund after deduction of tax,( if any). It is a kind of donation received
according to the will made by a deceased person.
(v) Entrance Fees or Admission Fees
(a) The rules or by-laws of the concern should be followed.
(b) If there is no such rule, Admission or Entrance Fees paid once by members for acquiring membership
should be added with Capital Fund.
(c) If such fees are of small amounts covering the expenses of admission only, the fees may be credited to
Income & Expenditure Account.
(vi) Subscriptions
(a) Annual subscriptions are credited to Income & Expenditure Account on accrual basis.
(b) Life membership subscription is usually credited to a separate account shown as a liability.
Annual Subscription apportioned out of that is credited to Income & Expenditure Account and deducted from the
liability. Thus the balance is carried forward till the contribution by a member is fully exhausted. If any member
dies before hand, the balance of his life Membership contribution is transferred to Capital Fund or General Fund.
Illustration 13
On 31st March 2021, a club had subscription in arrears of ` 28,000 and in advance ` 4,000. During the year ended
31st March 2022, the club received subscription of ` 2,08,000 of which ` 12,500 was related to 2022-23. On 31st
March, 2021, there were 5 members who had not paid subscription for 2022 @ ` 1,600 per person. Prepare the
Subscription Account for the year 2021-22.
Illustration 14
The City Sports Club of Surat had received in 2021-2022 ` 50,000 towards subscription. Subscription for 2020-
21 unpaid on 1.4.2021 were ` 5,000.
Subscriptions paid in advance on 31.3.2021 were ` 1,250 and the same on 31.3.2022 was ` 1,000. Subscriptions
for 2021- 2022 unpaid on 31.3.2022 were ` 2,250.
Show a statement showing the amount of subscriptions that would appear in Income and Expenditure Account
of the club for the year ended 31.03.2022.
Particulars (`)
Subscriptions received during the year 2021-2022 50,000
Add : Subscription outstanding on 31.3.2022 2,250
Less : Subscription outstanding on 1.4.21 5,000
Add : Subscription paid in advance on 31.3.2021 1,250
Less : Subscription received in advance on 31.3.2022 1,000
Subscription for 2021-2022 47,500
Illustration 15
The following is the Income and Expenditure Account of GB Club for the year ended 31st March. 2022:
Income and Expenditure Account of GB Club
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Expenditure (`) Income (`)
To, Salaries 19,500 By, Subscription 68,000
To, Rent 4,500 By, Donation 5,000
Additional Information:
31-03-2021 (`) 31-03-2022 (`)
Subscription in arrears 2,600 3,700
Advance Subscriptions 1,000 1,500
Outstanding expenses:
Rent 500 800
Salaries 1,200 350
Audit Fee 500 750
Sports Equipment less depreciation 25,000 24,000
Furniture less depreciation 30,000 27,900
Prepaid Insurance — 150
Book value of furniture sold is ` 7,000. Entrance fees capitalized ` 4,000. On 1st April, 2021 there was no cash
in hand but Bank Overdraft was for ` 15,000. On 31st March, 2022 cash in hand amounted to ` 850 and the rest
was Bank balance.
Prepare the Receipts and Payments Account of the GB Club for the year ended 31st March, 2022.
Receipts and Payments of GB Club Account
for the year ended 31.3.2022
Receipt (`) Payments (`)
To, Subscription A/c (W.N.1) 67,050 By, Balance b/d (Bank overdraft) 15,000
To, Donation No 5,000 By, Salary 19,500
To, Entrance Fees A/c 4,000 Add: Outstanding of last year 1,200
To, Furniture A/c 4,500 Less: Outstanding of this year (350) 20,350
(Sale of furniture) (7,000 - 2,500) By, Rent 4,500
Add: Outstanding of last year 500
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of subscription received during the year 2021-2022
Illustration 16
The Income and Expenditure account of an association for the year ended 31 March 2022 is as under:
Dr. Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Salaries 1,20,000 By, Subscription 1,70,000
To, Printing and Stationery 6,000 By, Entrance fee 4,000
To, Telephone 1,500 By, Contribution for Dinner 36,000
To, Postage 500
To, General expenses 12,000
To, Interest and bank charges 5,500
To, Audit fees 2,500
To, Annual Dinner Expenses 25,000
To, Depreciation 7,000
To, Surplus 30,000
2,10,000 2,10,000
The aforesaid Income and Expenditure account has been prepared after the following adjustments: (`)
Subscription outstanding as on 31st March 2021 16,000
Subscription outstanding as on 31st March 2022 18,000
Subscription received in advance as on 31st March 2021 13,000
Subscription ‘received in advance as on 31st March 2022 8,400
Salaries outstanding as on 31st March 2021 6,000
Working Notes:
Dr. Equipment Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Balance b/d 52,000 By, Depreciation 7,000
To, Bank A/c (B/f) 18,000 By, Balance c/d 63,000
70,000 70,000
Dr. Salaries Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Salary O/S (2021 - 22) 8,000 By, Income & Expenditure A/c 1,20,000
To, Bank A/c (Bal. fig.) 1,18,000 By, Salary O/S (2020-21) 6,000
1,26,000 1,26,000
Dr. Subscription Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Subscription Receivable (2020-21) 16,000 By, Subscription Receive in Advance 13,000
To, Subscription Received in Advance 8,400 (2020-21)
(2022-23) By, Subscription Receivable (2021-22) 18,000
To, Income & Expenditure A/c 1,70,000 By, Bank A/c (Bal. fig.) 1,63,400
1,94,400 1,94,400
Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2021
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Capital fund (Bal. fig.) 2,20,600 Building 1,90,000
Bank loan 30,000 Equipment 52,000
Creditors Salaries 6,000 Cash in hand 13,600
Audit Fees O/S 2,000 Subscription Receivable 16,000
Subscription Received in Advance 13,000
2,71,600 2,71,600
Illustration 17
JB Club furnishes you the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31.03.2022:
Additional information:
(a) Subscriptions in arrear for 2021-22 ` 9,000 and subscription in advance for the year 2022-23 ` 3,500.
(b) ` 400 was the insurance premium outstanding as on 31.03.2022.
(c) Miscellaneous expenses prepaid ` 900.
(d) 50% of donation is to be capitalized.
(e) Entrance fees to be treated as revenue income.
(f) 8% interest has accrued on investments for five months.
(g) Billiards table and other sports equipments costing ` 3,00,000 were purchased in the financial year 2020-21
and of which ` 80,000 was not paid 31.03.2021. There is no charge for Depreciation to, be considered.
You are required to prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31.03.2022 and Balance sheet
of the Club as at 31.03.2022.
JB Club
Income and Expenditure Account
Dr. for the year ended 31.03.2022 Cr.
Expenditure (`) Income (`)
To, Salary 20,000 By, Subscription 1,25,500
To, Repair Expenses 5,000 (` 1,20,000 + ` 9,000 - ` 3,500)
To, Misc. Expenses 4,100 By, Donation @ 50% 25,000
(5,000 – 900) (less prepaid) By, Entrance Fee 10,000
To, Insurance Premium (incl. By, Sale of Old Newspaper 1,500
Outstanding) 2,400 By, Bank Interest 4,000
To, Stationery Expenses 1,500 By, Interest on Investments 3,000
To, Drama Expenses 5,000 (60,000 × 8% × 5/12) + 1,000
Illustration 18
OB Library Society showed the following position on 31st March, 2021:
Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2021
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Capital Fund 7, 93,000 Electrical Fittings 1,50,000
Expenses Payable 7,000 Furniture 50,000
Books 4,00,000
Investments in Securities 1,50,000
Cash at Bank 25,000
The Receipts and Payment Account for the year ended on 31st March, 2022 is given below:
Receipts (`) Payments (`)
To, Balance b/d By, Electric Charges 7,200
Cash at Bank 25,000 By, Postage and Stationery 5,000
Cash in Hand 25,000 50,000 By, Telephone Charges 5,000
To, Entrance Fees 30,000 By, Books Purchased (Apr, 2021) 60,000
To, Membership Subscription 2,00,000 By, Outstanding Expenses Paid 7,000
To, Sale Proceeds of Old Papers 1,500 By, Rent 88,000
To, Hire of Lecture Hall 20,000 By, Investment in Securities 40,000
To, Interest on Securities 8,000 By, Salaries 66,000
By, Balance c/d
Cash at Bank 20,000
Cash in Hand 11,300
3,09,500 3,09,500
You are required to prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and a Balance
Sheet as at 31st March, 2022 after making the following adjustments:
(a) Membership subscription included ` 10,000 received in advance.
(b) Provide for outstanding rent ` 4,000 and salaries ` 3,000.
(c) Books to be depreciated @ 10% including additions. Electrical fittings and furniture are also to be depreciated
at the same rate.
(d) 75% of the entrance fees is to be capitalized.
(e) Interest on securities is to be calculated @ ` 5% p.a. including purchases made on 01.10.2021 for ` 40,000.
Illustration 19
Following is the summary of Receipts and Payments of RR Clinic for the year ended 31st March, 2022:
Opening Cash Balance 56,000
Donation Received (including 50,000 for Building Fund) 1,55,000
Payment to Creditors for Medicines Supply 2,10,000
Salaries 70,000
Purchase of Medical Equipments 1 ,05,000
Medical Camp Collections 87,500
Subscription Received 3,50,000
Interest on Investments @ 9% p.a. 63,000
Honorarium to Doctors 1,90,000
Telephone Expenses 6,000
Medical Camp Expenses 10,500
Miscellaneous Expenses 7,000
Additional Information:
SI. 01.04.2021 (`) 31.03.2022 (`)
1. Subscription Due 10,500 15,400
2. Subscription Received in Advance 8,400 4,900
3. Stock of Medicine 70,000 1,05,000
4. Medical Equipments 1,47,000 2,14,2Q0
5. Building 3,50,000 315,000
6. Creditor for Medicine Supply 63,000 91,000
7. Investments 7,00,000 7,00,000
You are required to prepare Receipts and Payments Account and Income and Expenditure Account for the year
ended 31st March, 2022 and the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2022.
Receipts and Payments Account of RR Clinic
for the year ended 31.03.2022
(`) (`)
(`) (`)
2. Purchase of Medicine
Payment of Medicine Supply 2,10,000
Less: Amount due for Medicine Supply 01.04.2021 (63,000)
Add: Amount due for Medicine Supply on 31.03.2022 91,000
Purchase of Medicine during 2021-22 2,38,000
3. Medicine Consumed
Stock of Medicine on 01.04.2021 70,000
Add: Purchase of Medicine during the year 2,38,000
Less: Stock of Medicine on 31 03.2022 (1,05,000)
Medicines Consumed 2,03,000
4 Depreciation on Equipment
Value of Equipment on 01.04.2021 1,47,000
Add: Purchase of Equipment during the year 1,05,000
Less: Value of Equipment on 31.03.2022 (2,14,200)
Depreciation on Equipment for the year 37,800
Illustration 20
The following information provided by the New Youth Club, Delhi for the first year ended 31st March, 2022:
(i) Donations Received for Building ` 25,00,000;
Capital Revenue
Actual Payment
Particulars Expenditure Expenditure
(`) (`) (`)
Donation were utilized to the extent of ` 13 Lakh in construction of building, balance were unutilized. In order
to keep in safe, 8% Government Securities were purchased on 31st December, 2021 for ` 10.50 Lakh. Remaining
amount was put in bank as term deposit on 31st March, 2022. During the year 2021-22, Subscription received in
advance ` 52,000 for the year 2022-23.
Depreciation to be charged on Building and Furniture @ 10% and on Books @ 15%.
You are required to prepare the Receipts & Payments Account, Income & Expenditure Account and Balance
Sheet as on 31st March, 2022.
1,650 1,650
Illustration 21
The following summary of the Cash Book has been prepared by the treasurer of a Club:
Restaurant Trading Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
To, Opening Stock A/c 2,600 By, Restaurant Receipts A/c 56,800
” Purchases A/c 50,400 ” Closing Stock A/c 3,000
” Add: Outstanding for 5,600
31.3.2022 56,000
Less: Outstanding for 5,200 50,800
” Income & Expenditure A/c 6,400
(G.P. transferred)
59,800 59,800
Preparation of opening and closing Balance Sheet from a given Receipt & Payment Account and Income
& Expenditure Account
While drafting the balance sheet the follow points are to be noted:
A. While preparing opening Balance Sheet
(a) At first, take the opening balance of Cash and Bank which are given in the Receipts and Payments
Account as “Balance b/d”. The same will appear in the assets side of the opening Balance Sheet.
(b) All the opening assets will appear in the assets side of the opening Balance Sheet which are given in
the form of adjustments. Similarly, all the opening liabilities will also appear in the liabilities side of the
opening Balance Sheet.
(c) Ascertain the difference between the assets side and the liabilities side of the opening Balance Sheet
which will be treated as “Capital Fund”.
B. While preparing closing Balance Sheet
(a) At first, take the closing balance of Cash and Bank which are given in the Receipts and Payments
Account as “Balance c/d”. The same will appear in the asset side of the closing Balance Sheet.
(b) All the opening fixed asset which have appeared in the asset side of the opening Balance Sheet (after
charging all adjustments), if not sold or cost, including addition, if any.
(c) All the closing current liabilities including capital fund, surplus or deficit (which we get from income
and Expenditure Account), other funds like, Donation, Entrance Fees etc. also appear in the liabilities
side of the closing Balance Sheet.
(d) Now, each individual item of Receipts and Payments Account should be compared with each individual
item of Income and Expenditure Account and the same is to be adjusted accordingly. It must be
remembered that items which are appeared in the credit side of the Receipts and Payments Account
must be compared with the items which is appeared in the debit side of Income and Expenditure and
Illustration 22
The following are the items of Receipts and Payments of the BJ Club as summarized from the books of account
maintained by the Secretary:
You are required to prepare the Balance Sheet of the Club as on 31.12.2021 and 31.12.2022, it being given that
the values of the Fixed Assets as on 31.12.2021 were: Building ` 44,000, Cricket Equipment ` 25,000 and Furniture
` 4,000. The rates of depreciation are Building 5%, Cricket Equipments 10%, Furniture 6%.
Your are entitled to make assumptions as may be justified.
BJ Club
Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2021
Accrued Interest on
Investments 1,000
(4,000 – 3,000)
Prepaid Insurance 200
(1,200 – 1,000)
Cash 7,600
97,960 97,960
Note: Advertisement expenses and Printing and Stationery which were paid in excess over Income and
Expenditure A/c are assumed to be outstanding for the previous year.
ransactions are entered into by every organisation, and it is the primary function of accounting is to
record the transactions in the books of accounts. This should be recorded in the books on a systematic and
scientific manner following the double entry system. However, in many cases double entry recording is
not followed. Such entities usually include the small-time traders such as grocery stores, kirana shops etc.
The small entities record the transactions on a casual and sketchy manner, and thus results in incomplete recording
of the transactions. This incomplete manner of recording the transactions is commonly referred to as single entry
system of account keeping.
Steps for preparation of Final Accounts under ‘Balance Sheet/ Net Worth/ Comparison Approach’
Step 1: Preparation of ‘statement of affairs’ as at the beginning & end of the accounting period for determination
of the amount of the opening and closing capital/ net worth.
Step 2: Preparation of ‘statement of profit & loss’ for determination of trading profit/ loss, and thereafter, the net
profit/ loss.
Add : Drawings xx
Less : Further Capital Introduced (if any) xx
Profit/Loss xx
Less : Adjustments, if any say, Bad debts,
Depreciation etc. xx
Net Profit/Loss for the Period xx
Less : Appropriation Items :
(i) Interest on Partner’s Capital xx
Step 3: Preparation of ‘Final Statement of Affairs’ as at the end of the accounting period for disclosing the
financial position of the entity.
Difference between ‘Statement of Profit & Loss’ & ‘Profit & Loss Account’
Illustration 23
Mr. Prakash keeps his accounts on single entry system. He has given following information about his assets and
During the year, Prakash brought additional ` 7,500 cash in business. He withdrew goods of ` 2,100 and cash
of ` 7,200 for his personal use. Interest on opening capital is to be given at 5% and interest on drawing is to be
charged at 10%.
Prepare statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31.03.2022.
Here the information about opening and closing capital is not given. Both these figures can be computed based
on statement of affairs as on 31.03.2021 and 31.03.2022.
These figures will then be used together with further information to ascertain the profit or loss for the period by
drafting the Statement of Profit or Loss for the year ended 31-03-2022.
Mr. Prakash
Illustration 24
Mr. Kanan is running a business of readymade garments. He does not maintain his books of accounts under
double entry system. While assessing the income of Mr. Kanan for the financial year 2020-21, Income Tax Officer
feels that he has not disclosed the full income earned by him from his business. He provides you the following
Illustration 25
The following information is available from Mrs. Sashi who maintains books of accounts on single entry system.
Statement of Affairs
for the year ended 31.03.2022
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
Capital 44,000 Cash at Bank 21,000
Further Capital Introduced 35,000 Debtors 25,000
Drawings (60,000) Stock 60,000
Net profit 55,195 Furniture (`29,000 – `2,900) 26,100
Creditors 22,000
Interest on Loan 3,000
Commission to Assistant 2,905
Loan from Mrs. Sashi 30,000
1,32,100 1,32,100
Illustration 26
Ram Prakash, a small trader does not keep his books following Double Entry System. From the following
information provided by him, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and
Balance Sheet as at that date:
Particulars (`)
Receipts from Debtors 4,20,000
Paid to Creditors 2,00,000
Transportation 40,000
Drawings 1,20,000
Sundry Expenses 1,40,000
Furniture Purchased 20,000
Other Information: There were considerable amount of Cash Sales. Credit Purchases during the year amounted
to ` 2,30,000. Provide a provision for Doubtful Debts to the extent of 10% on Debtors
Ram Prakash
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`)
To, Opening Stock 60,000 By, Sales:
To, Purchases 2,30,000 Credit (WN 1) 4,40,000
To, Transportation 40,000 Cash (WN 3) 84,000
To, Gross Profit c/d 2,14,000 By, Closing Stock 20,000
5,44.000 5,44.000
To, Sundry Exp. 1,40,000
Less: Unpaid exp. For 2021 12,000 2,14,000
By, Gross Profit b/d
Less: Prepaid Exp. 2022 4,000
20.000 1,44,000
Add: Unpaid Exp. For 2022
To, Provision for Doubtful Debts. 14,000
To, Net Profit transferred to Capital A/c 56,000
2,14,000 2,14,000
2,76,000 2,76,000
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Credit Sales:
Dr. Total Debtors Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Balance b/d 1,20,000 By, Cash/Bank A/c 4,20,000
To, Sales A/c — credit (Bal. fig.) 4,40,000 By, Balance c/d 1,40,000
5,60,000 5,60,000
2. Calculation of Closing Creditors Balance:
Dr. Total Creditors Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Cash/Bank A/c 2,00,000 By, Balance c/d 40,000
To, Balance c/d (b/f) 70,000 By, Purchase A/c 2,30,000
(Credit Purchases)
2,70,000 2,70,000
3. Calculation of Cash Sales:
Dr. Cash Book Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Balance b/d 22,000 By, Total creditors A/c 2,00,000
To, Total Debtors A/c 4,20,000 By, Drawings A/c 1,20,000
To, Sales A/c (b/f) 84,000 By, Sundry Exp. A/c 1,40,000
By, Transportation A/c 40,000
By, Furniture A/c 20,000
By, Balance c/d 6,000
5,26,000 5,26,000
Illustration 27
The following is the Balance Sheet of Chirag as on 31st March, 2021:
Balance Sheet as on April 1, 2021
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Capital Account 48,000 Building 32,500
Loan 15,000 Furniture 5,000
Creditor 31,000 Motor Car 9,000
Stock 20,000
Debtors 17,000
Cash in Hand 2,000
Cash at Bank 8,500
94,000 94,000
A riot occurred on the night of 31st March, 2022 in which all books and records were lost. The cashier had
absconded with the available cash. He gives you the following information:
(a) His sales for the year ended 31st March, 2022 were 20% higher than the previous year’s. He always sells
his goods at cost plus 25%; 20% of the total sales for the year ended 31st March, 2022 were for cash. There
were no cash purchases.
(b) On 1st April, 2021 the stock level was raised to ` 30,000 and stock was maintained at this new level all
throughout the year.
(c) Collection from debtors amounted to ` 1,40,000 of which ` 35,000 was received in cash, business expenses
amounted to ` 20,000 of which ` 5,000 was outstanding on 31st March, 2022 and ` 6,000 was paid by
(d) Analysis of the Pass Book revealed the Payment to Creditors ` 1,37,500, Personal Drawing ` 7,500, Cash
deposited in Bank ` 71,500 and Cash withdrawn from Bank ` 12,000.
(e) Gross Profit as per last year’s audited accounts was ` 30,000.
(f) Provide depreciation on Building and Furniture at 5% and Motor Car at 20%.
(g) The amount defalcated by the cashier may be treated as recoverable from him.
You are required to prepare the Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 and
Balance Sheet as on that date.
Solution: Chirag
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
Dr. For the year ending on 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`)
To, Opening Stock 20,000 By Sales 1,80,000
To, Purchase (Bal. fig.) 1,54,000 By Closing stock 30,000
To, Gross Profit old (@ 20% on sales) 36,000
2,10,000 2,10,000
Working Notes:
3. Cash Book
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Cash (`) Bank (`) Particulars Cash (`) Bank (`)
To, Balance b/d 2,000 8,500 By, Business Expenses 9,000 6,000
To, Sales 36,000 — By, Drawings — 7,500
To, Sundry Debtors 35,000 1,05,000 By, Sundry Creditors — 1,37,500
To, Cash (Contra) — 71,500 By, Bank (Contra) 71,500 —
To, Bank (Contra) 12,000 — By, Cash (Contra) — 12,000
By, Amount Recoverable 4,500 —
from Cashier (Bal. fig.) — 22,000
By, Balance c/d (Bal. fig.)
85,000 1,85,000 85,000 1,85,000
(iv) Last years Total Sales = Gross Profit × 100/20 = ` 30,000 × 100/20 = ` 1,50,000
(v) Current year’s Total Sales = ` 1,50,000 + 20% of ` 1,50,000 = ` 1,80,000
(vi) Current year’s Credit Sales = ` 1,80,000 × 80% = ` 1,44,000
(vii) Cost of Goods Sold = Sales – G.P. = ` 1,80,000 – 36,000 = ` 1,44,000
(viii) Purchases = Cost of Goods Sold + Closing Stock – Opening Stock
` 1,44,000 + ` 30,000 – ` 20,000 = ` 1,54,000.
Illustration 28
The Statement of affairs of Mr. R on Saturday, the 31st December 2021 was as follows:
Mr. R did not maintain has books on the double entry system. But he carefully follows the following system:
(a) Every week he draws `200.
(b) After meeting his weekly sundry expenses (` 100 on average) and his drawings, the balance of weekly
collection is banked at the commencement of. the next week.
(c) No cash purchase is made and creditors are paid by cheques.
(d) Sales are at fixed price which include 20% profit on sales.
(e) Credit sales are few and are noted in a diary. Payments are received in cheques only from such parties.
(f) Expenses other, than sundries and other special drawings are made in. cheques.
(g) All unpaid bills are kept in a file carefully.
The following are his bank transactions for 13 weeks:
49,000 49,000
Note: Calculation of Cash Sales:
Particulars (`)
Opening Stock 10,000
Add: Purchases 38,000
Less: Closing Stock Cost of goods sold, 4,000
Add: Gross Profit @ 20% on Sales i.e., 25% on cost 11,000
Total Sales 55,000
Less Credit Sales 7,000
Cash Sales 48,000
Illustration 29
Mrs. Laxmi, a retail trader needs final accounts for the year ended 31.03.2022 for the purpose of taking a bank
loan. However, she informs you that principle of double entry had not been followed. With following inputs,
prepare a Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31.03.2022 and Balance sheet as on 31.03.2022.
Details of receipts and payments:
(i) Cash deposited in bank ` 3,500
(ii) Dividend on personal A/c deposited into bank ` 250
(iii) Tuition fees of Laxmi’s daughter paid by cheque ` 4,500
(iv) Rent for the year by cheque ` 9,000
(v) Cash received from debtors ` 52,500
(vi) Paid to creditors ` 40,025
(vii) Salaries & wages paid in cash ` 9,000
(viii) Transportation in cash ` 2,750
(ix) Office electricity in cash ` 6,600
(x) Electricity (house) in cash ` 7,200
(xi) General expenses in cash ` 890.
Dr. Stock Account Cr.
Dr. Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2022 Cr.
Solved Case
Mr. M. Raja, is a graduate in Sociology who hails from a middle-class family in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. Since
his childhood, Raja intended to be a businessman like Mr. P. Nageswar, father of his best friend N. Premnath.
Accordingly, he started his personal sole proprietary business trading in coconut oil in the year 2019-20. Mr. Raja,
not being very conversant with accounts of the business, approaches you for helping him with the finalisation of
the accounts of the financial year 2021-22. He furnishes you with the following bank summary for the year ended
March 31, 2022:
(`) (`)
Balance on April 1, 2021 11,000
Add: Deposits
Cash (out of cash sales) 1,25,000
Collection from Credit Customers 3,50,000
Income from personal investments 36,000 5,11,000
Less: Deductions
Cash withdrawn for personal drawings 20,000
Shop expenses 40,000
Cheques issued to suppliers of:
Goods 3,50,000
Supplies 40,000
Cheques issued for personal purposes 55,000
Bank charges 500 5,05,500
Balance on March 31, 2022 16,500
Mr. Raja informs you that he had the following Assets and Liabilities (in addition to the Bank Balances) on
March 31, the extracts of which are as under:
3,80,000 3,80,000
Working Note:
Books of Raja
Receipt and Payment Accounts for the year ended Dec. 31, 2022
Receipts (`) Payments (`)
To, Opening Balance: By, Cash Purchases [WN:4] 3,75,000
Cash 4,000 By, Payment to Suppliers 3,50,000
Bank 11,000 By Payments for Services: Cash 37,000
To, Cash Sales [WN:4] 5,00,000 Cheques 40,000
To, Collection from Customers 3,50,000 By, Bank Charges 500
Capital Introduces: By, Drawings [20,000 + 55,000] 75,000
Income from Personal Investment 36,000 By Closing Balance:
Cash 7,000
Bank 16,500
9,01,000 9,01,000
Particulars (`)
Expenses Paid: Cash [WN:2] 37,000
Cheque 40,000
Add: Prepaid Expenses on 31.12.2021 2,000
Outstanding Expenses on 31.12.2022 2,500
Less: Prepaid Expenses on 31.12.2022 3,000
Particulars (`)
Less: Outstanding Expenses on 31.12.2021 1,500
⸫ Expenses to be debited to Profit & Loss A/c 77,000
A. Theoretical Questions:
~~ Multiple Choice Questions
1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 d
1. The preparation of Trading Account always starts with the Opening Stock of inventory.
2. Income & Expenditure Account is drafted by a trading concern.
3. Balance Sheet is prepared to show the operating results of an organisation on a specific date.
4. Final Accounts is prepared from the balances of ledger accounts
5. Receipts & Payments A/c begins with the cash & bank balance at the beginning of the accounting
6. Endowments received by a non-profit organisation are to be treated as revenue receipts.
7. Income & Expenditure A/c determines the ‘Surplus’ or ‘Deficit’ of the accounting period by matching
expenses/ losses against incomes and gains.
8. Income & Expenditure A/c is a summarised form of the Cash Book.
9. Cash in hand represents cash actually held by the business on the balance sheet date.
10. Subscription received by an organisation is a Revenue Receipt.
1 Asset 2 ` 42 Lakh
3 Net Profit/ Loss 4 appropriation
5 Trading A/c 6 Liabilities
7 left, right; 8 Liabilities
B. Numerical Questions
5. If average inventory is ` 1,25,000 and closing inventory is ` 10,000 less than opening inventory then the
value of closing inventory will be:
(a) ` 1,35,000
(b) ` 1,15,000
(c) ` 1,30,000
(d) ` 1,20,000
1 c 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 d
1. From the following Trial Balance of Shri Gurudas, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the
year ended March 31, 2022 and the Balance Sheet as on that date, after taking into consideration the
adjustments (All figures in ` ‘000):
Trial Balance as on 31.3.2022
(a) Stock on 31.12.2022 was valued at ` 9,000. In view of the constant fall in prices, it has been decided
to value stock at 10% less.
(b) Furniture (book value on 1.4.2021 ` 800) was sold on 30.9.2021 for ` 900 and it was passed through
Sales Day Book.
(c) Private purchases of the proprietor amounting to ` 200 had been booked through Purchases Book.
Additional Information:
(a) Closing stock on 31.3.2022 ` 4,00,000.
(b) Stock destroyed by fire was ` 20,000 and the insurance company accepted the claim partly for `
(c) Goods purchased on credit worth ` 30,000 on March 30, 2022 was omitted to be recorded in the
(d) Purchases include goods valued ` 10,000 purchased for private purposes.
(e) Bills Receivable and cheques from customers dishonoured ` 20,000 and ` 10,000 respectively, but
no entries were made in the books of accounts.
[Answer: Net Profit ` 7,95,000, Balance Sheet Total ` 33,45,000]
3. The following is the Receipts and Payments Account of Galaxy Women’s Cricket Club for the year
ended December 31, 2021:
Additional information:
(a) Interest on savings bank account for ` 880 has not been entered in the Cash Book.
(b) 80% of the Life Membership Fees is to be capitalized.
(c) An old gym equipment (WDV ` 20,000) was exchanged at an agreed price of ` 12,500 for a new gym
equipment costing ` 37,500.
(d) The balances of some accounts are as under:
31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Outstanding Salaries 750 1,500
Arrear Subscriptions 8,000 5,250
Advance Subscriptions 6,750 3,500
Prepaid Ground maintenance 2,250 3,000
Gym Equipments 57,500 45,000
You are required to prepare the Income and Expenditure Account of the club for the year ended on
December 31, 2021.
[Answer: Surplus ` 9,880]
4. The following is the Receipts & Payments Account of Citizen Sports Club for the year ended December
Receipts (`) Payments (`)
To Balance (1.1.2018) 2,40,000 By Upkeep of ground 2,10,000
To Subscriptions 8,70,000 By Secretary’s Salary 3,60,000
To Entrance Fees 50,000 By Wages of groundsmen 2,40,000
To Proceeds of Concerts 1,50,000 By Ground rent 15,000
To Interest on Investments 50,000 By Printing & Stationery 20,000
By Sundry Expenses 17,500
By Balance (31.12.2018) 4,97,500
13,60,000 13,60,000
Additional Information:
(a) Subscriptions include arrear subscription brought over from previous year ` 50,000.
(b) Interest on Investments includes ` 10,000 in respect of interest accrued in the preceding period.
(c) Upkeep of ground and Wages of groundsmen include ` 30,000 and ` 15,000 respectively applicable
to the preceding year.
(d) Other ledger balances at the commencement of the financial period were: Capital Fund ` 40,10,000;
Surplus brought forward ` 8,90,000; Club Premises and Grounds (as per valuation) ` 30,00,000;
Investments ` 10,00,000; Sports materials ` 2,45,000; Furniture ` 4,00,000.
(e) Entrance fees are to be capitalised.
(f) Outstanding liabilities on 31.12.2021: Wages of groundsmen ` 20,000; Printing ` 10,000.
(g) Interest accrued and outstanding on investments was ` 12,000.
(h) Depreciation to be provided on Club Premises by 2%, Furniture by 5% and Sports Equipment by
Prepare the Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended December 31, 2021 and Balance Sheet
as on that date.
[Answer: Surplus ` 12,833, Total of Balance Sheet ` 49,92,833]
5. The following is the Income and Expenditure Account of Moon Club for the year ending 31st
March, 2022:
Dr. Cr.
Expenditure (`) Income (`)
To Provisions used: By Subscription 68,000
Opening Stock 20,000 By Sale of Provisions 3,26,000
Add : Purchases 2,80,000
Less : Closing Stock 10,000 2,90,000
To Salaries & Wages 36,000
To General Expenses 10,000
To Depreciation on Equipment 2,000
To Surplus 56,000
3,94,000 3,94,000
6. Mr. Raja, a sole trader furnishes you with the following bank summary for the year ended December 31,
Balance on December 31, 2021 11,000
Add: Deposits:
Cash [out of cash sales] 1,25,000
Collection from Credit Customers 3,50,000
Income from Personal Investment 36,000
Cash Withdrawn from:
Personal Drawings 20,000
Shop Expenses 40,000
Cheques issued to Suppliers of:
Goods 3,50,000
Services 40,000 3,90,000
Cheques issued for Personal Purposes 55,000
Bank Charges 500 5,05,500
Balance on December 31, 2022 16,500
Raja informs you that he had the following Assets and Liabilities in addition to the Bank Balances
described on December 31:
(ii) Trading and Profit & Loss account for the year ended December 31, 2022
(iii) Balance Sheet as on December 31, 2022
[Answer: Closing Cash Balance ` 7,000 and Closing Bank Balance ` 16,500 of Receipts &
Payments Account ` 90,000, Net Profit ` 65,000, Total of Balance Sheet ` 76,500]
Unsolved Case
Citizen Sports Club is a prominent sports club of Nagpur, Maharashtra. During the immediately concluded
financial year, the club organised a number of activities during a year involving its members. The following extracts
of the various receipts and payments made by the club during the year ended December 31, 2022 has been made
available to you from the club’s office records:
Partnership Accounting 4
Partnership Accounting
SLOB Mapped against the Module
To develop detail understanding of accounting for changes in partnership structure and accounting in an LLP.
(CMLO 4a, c)
ccording to Section 4 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, the term ‘partnership’ refers to ‘the relation
between two or more persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any
of them acting for all.’ The persons who have entered into partnership agreement with each other are
referred to as Partners, and they are collectively referred to as the Partnership Firm.
Sometimes for the requirement of additional capital, technical support or to improve managerial efficiency, a
continuing partnership firm, in consensus with all the partners, decides to admit a new partner in their business.
Section 31(1) of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 provides that a person can be admitted as a new partner only
with the consent of all the existing partners, unless otherwise agreed upon.
This is a form of reconstruction of partnership, as because whenever a new partner is admitted to a firm, the
partnership between/among the existing partners comes to an end which begins a new partnership.
Usually the following accounting adjustments are required at the time of such admission:
1. Computation of New Profit-Sharing Ratio
2. Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities
3. Distribution of Reserves, Accumulated Profits and Losses
4. Adjustment for Goodwill
5. Adjustments regarding Capital Contribution of new partner and the Capitals of the existing partners
6. Adjustment for Life Policy.
Similarly loss suffered by an entity when there is decrease in assets and/or increase in liabilities. The effect of
such revaluations are given by opening a Revaluation Account through the following journals:
A firm may decide to give the effect of such revaluations without incorporating the changes in the Balance Sheet
values of those assets and liabilities. In that case, they have to open one Memorandum Revaluation Account. The
preparation of Memorandum Revaluation Account involves the following:
(i) Record increase/decrease in the value of assets and liabilities as discussed.
(ii) Share the profit or loss on Revaluation amongst the old partners in their old profit sharing Ratio.
(iii) Reverse the increase/decrease in the value of assets and liabilities.
(iv) After reversal, calculate profit or loss.
(v) Share the profit/loss, after reversal amongst all the partners (including the new partner) in their new profit
sharing ratio.
When the incoming partners brings in his share of Premium for goodwill then it is to be shared among the
existing partners in the Sacrificing Ratio.
~~ Journal Entry:
Bank A/c Dr.
To, Sacrificing Partners’ Capital A/c
In case the incoming partner fails to bring in the Premium for Goodwill, it is to be checked whether the
failure on the part of the incoming partner is a ‘temporary failure’ or a ‘permanent failure’.
~~ Temporary Failure: In such a case, accounting is done involving ‘New Partner’s Loan A/c’, as follows:
New Partner’s Loan A/c Dr.
To, Sacrificing Partners’ Capital A/c
~~ Permanent Failure: This adjustment can be given effect to in two alternative ways:
●● Involving Goodwill Account; or
●● Without involving Goodwill Account/ Capital Adjustment.
1. Raising of Goodwill
Goodwill A/c Dr.
To, Existing/ Old Partners’ Capital A/c
[in the old p.s.r.]
When the incoming partner fails to bring in his share of Premium for goodwill, it is adjusted through the Partners’
Capital Accounts.
There are different methods of valuation of goodwill. They are discussed as under:
Valuation of Inherent or Non-Purchased Goodwill
Sl Name of the
Description of the method Other Consideration
No. Method
1. Average Under this method - i. If profits are fluctuating,
Profits Value of Goodwill = Agreed Number of Years simple average is
Methods (Purchase) × Average taken. If profits show
Maintainable Profits an increasing trend,
weights may be used.
Average Maintainable/Profit
If profits constantly
Average Annual Profits 00
decrease, the lowest
[Simple average or may be weighted average
of the profits after
considering the trend of profits]
adjustments may be
Less: “Exceptional/Casual Income 00
Add: Abnormal Loss 00
ii. Exceptional Income
00 or Expense of any
Add: Capital Expenditure wrongly charged against profits particular year, should
00 better be adjusted
00 against the profit of that
Less: Provision for Taxation (As may be required) 00 year.
Adjusted Maintainable Profits 000 iii.
More weightage is
usually given to later
(“Adjustments for undercharged or overcharged
Depreciation or under or over valuation of stocks to be
made, if required)
2. Super Super Profit = Future maintainable profits – Normal i. Calculation of Average
Profits Return on Capital Employed capital Employed
Method Goodwill = Super Profit × No. of years Steps to be cannot be made if
followed current years’ profits are
not separately given.
Steps (a) Calculation of Capital employed OR Average
Capital Employed ii. Trading Profits exclude
any non trading income
like Interest on Non-
trading investments.
iii. Adjustments against
profits including
provision for managerial
remuneration, should be
iv. If there is any change in
the value of any fixed
asset on revaluation,
that does not affect
Annual Trading Profit.
Sl Name of the
Description of the method Other Consideration
No. Method
Sl Name of the
Description of the method Other Consideration
No. Method
4. Annuity It is a derivative of super profit concept. If super profit is Here also similar principles
Method expected to be earned uniformly over a number of years, as said before should be
Goodwill is computed with the help of Annuity Table. followed for calculating
Calculate Super Profit as discussed before — Capital Employed or
Average Capital Employed,
Goodwill = Annual Super ProfitxPresent Value of
Annual Average Profits and
Annuity of ` 1.
Annual Super Profits.
Adjustments regarding capital contribution of new partner and the capitals of the existing partners
At the time of admission the incoming partner is required to bring capital into the firm, the amount of which
is mutually agreed upon by the partners. The capital introduced by the new partner may be either in cash or in
the form of any other assets. Necessary adjustments regarding revaluation profit/loss, distribution of reserves,
adjustment for goodwill etc. are effected in the books of the firm and thus, the adjusted capital account balances are
found out which are shown in the Balance Sheet after admission of the new partner.
The partners may decide to maintain the closing balances of their capital accounts in a pre-determined ratio.
Illustration 1
A and B are currently partners in a firm sharing Profit/Loss in the ratio of 4 : 3. A new partner C is admitted and
after his admission new profit sharing ratio between A, B and C becomes 5: 3 : 2. What will be the sacrifice ratio
of A and B after admission of C?
Calculation of Sacrificing Ratio of A & B after C’s admission
A : B : C
Old Ratio 4 : 3
New Ratio 5 : 3 : 2
4 5 40 35 5
7 10 70 70
3 3 30 21 9
7 10 70 70
Sacrificing Ratio is 5 : 9
Illustration 2
X, Y and Z are partners in the ratio of 3 : 2:1. W is admitted with 1/16 th share in future profits. Z would retains
his original shares. Find out the new profit sharing ratios of the partners.
X’s New share = 3/6 - (1/6 × 3/5) = 12/30
Y’s New share = 2/6 - (1/6 × 2/5) 1=8/30
Z’s share = 1/6
W’s share = 1/6
Therefore, New Profit Sharing Ratio = X:Y:Z:W = 12:8:5:5
Illustration 3
S and N are partners sharing Profit /(Loss) in the ratio of 5:3. They admit J into partnership for th in the Profit
1 1
/(Loss) in which J acquired 4 th share from S and 10 th share from N respectively.
Calculate the new profit and loss sharing ratios of the partners.
5 1 25 8 17
S’s new share = = =
8 5 40 40
3 1 15 4 11
N’s new share = 8 = =
10 40 40
J’s share =
Illustration 4
X and Y are partners sharing profit/loss in the ratio of 5:4. They admit Z into partnership for th the share in
the profits which is given 2 th by X and 15 th by Y. Z brings ` 1,50,000 as his capital and ` 60,000 as premium.
Goodwill account appears in the books at ` 1,65,000; Give necessary journal entries in the books of the firm at the
time of Z’s admission and find out the new profit sharing ratio.
4 1 20 3 17
Y’s new share = 9 = =
15 45 45
1 9
Y’s new share = 5 or 45
Illustration 5
X & Y share profit & loss in the ratio of 5:3. They admit Z with 1/5th share of profits. He pays ` 80,000 as capital
but does not contribute anything towards goodwill which is valued at ` 60,000. The capitals of the Partners are
fixed. All adjustments are to be made through partners’ current accounts. Their Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2022
is as follows:
Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2022
Liabilities (` ) (` ) Assets (` ) (` )
Capital: Plant and Machinery 50,000
X— 80,000 Investments 31,000
Y— 60,000 1,40,000 Sundry Debtors 60,000
Current account: Stock and Trade 90,000
X— 5,000 Bank 30,000
Y— 6,000 11,000
General Reserve 60,000
Sundry Creditors 50,000
2,61,000 2,61,000
Additional Information:
(i) Plant and Machinery is valued at ` 46,000 and stock at ` 96,000.
(ii) One Creditor for ` 6,000 is dead and nothing is likely to be paid on this account.
(iii) The Capital accounts are to be proportionately adjusted on the basis of Z’s capital and his share of profit,
through Current accounts
(iv) Partners decide to maintain the General Reserve in the books of the firm.
Prepare Revaluation Account, Capital and Current Accounts, Bank Account and Balance Sheet of the new firm.
Dr. Revaluation Account Cr.
Liabilities (` ) (` ) Assets (` ) (` )
To, Plant & Machinery A/c 4,000 By, Stock A/c 6,000
To, Partner’s Current A/c By, Creditors A/c 6,000
X— 5,000
Y— 3,000 8,000
12,000 12,000
Z’s share of Goodwill = ` 60,000 × = ` 12,000
X’s share in Goodwill of Z = ` 12,000 × = ` 7,500 in Sacrificing Ratio.
Y’s share in Goodwill of Z in S.R. = ` 12,000 × = ` 4,500
Through Z’s capital A/c & his share of profit the in current A/c.
Sacrificing Ratio = X : Y
Old Ratio 5 : 3
Share of Z = th
Share of X & Y in the firm = 1 - 1 = 4
5 5
X’s share =
Y’s share =
= New Ratio
10 : 6
Total Capital of the firm according to capital contribution of Z.
= ` 80,000 × 5 = ` 4,00,000.
2,90,000 2,90,000
5,47,000 5,47,000
Illustration 6
The Balance Sheet of a firm as on 31 .3.2022 was
Liabilities ( ` ) Assets ( ` )
Capital: Sun 50,000 Property 35,000
Moon 41,000 Motor car 7,500
Loan (Sun) 5,000 Furniture 1,000
General Reserve 5,000 Debtors 25,000
Sundry Creditors 15,000 Stock 45,000
Outstanding Expenses 1,500 Cash 4,000
1,17,500 1,17,500
The profit sharing ratio between Sun & Moon was 3 : 2. They decided to admit Pluto as a new partner from 1st
April, 2022 on the following terms & conditions:
(1) Property & Motor Car to be revalued at ` 45,000 & ` 6,500 respectively and 5% provision to be created on
(2) Pluto should pay premium for goodwill to be valued at 2 years’ purchase of last three years average profits.
Such amount of premium was to be credited to old partners loan accounts.
(3) Pluto should pay ` 37,500 as capital.
(4) The new profit sharing ratio should be 2: 1: 1.
(5) Last three years’ profit were ` 5,000, ` 6,000 and ` 7,500.
The last three years’ books of accounts, on verification, disclosed the following discrepancies:
2019-20 : Bad debts previously written of recovered ` 400, credited to Debtors Account, Closing Stock under
valued by ` 1,250.
2020-21 : Furniture purchased ` 300 debited to Purchases Account,
Depreciation was provided @ 10% on reducing balance method but Closing Stock was overvalued
by ` 2,000.
2021-22 : A purchase invoice of ` 1,000 was omitted from the books and Closing Stock was undervalued by
` 1,000.
Pass the journal entries at the time of admission of Pluto and prepare the Balance Sheet just after his
Dr. Revaluation Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Motor Car A/c 1,000 By, Property A/c 10,000
To, Provision for Bad Debts A/c 1,250
Calculation of sacrificing / gaining ratio of sun & moon because of admission , Pluto.
Or, 2: 3
1,65,945 1,65,945
Illustration 7
P and Q are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:4. On 1st April, 2021 they admitted their Manager
R into partnership for 1 th the share of the profits. As Manager, R was receiving a salary of ` 60,000 per year and
a commission of 5 percent on the net profit after charging such salary and commission. It is, however, agreed that
any excess over his former remuneration to which R becomes entitled as a partner is to be borne by Q.
The profits of the firm for the year ended 31st March, 2022 amounted to ` 4,27,500. You are required to show the
division of profits among the partners.
(i) R’s remuneration as Manager
(ii) R’s share in profit = ` 4,27,500 × 1 = ` 85,500; it excess over above (i)
` 85,500 - ` 77,500 = ` 8,000 which to be borne by Q
(iii) Share in profits of P & Q
Illustration 8
A and B were partners of a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio 2:1. The Balance Sheet of the firm as at
31st March, 2022 was as under:
1,11,000 1,11,000
To, Building 1,11,000 By, Stock A/c 30,000
By, Plant & Machinery A/c 50,000
By, Unrecorded liability A/c 10,000
By, Loss transferred to Partners’ Capital 21,000
A/c s (in new ratio)
A = 9,000
B = 6,000
P = 3,000
Q = 3,000
1,11,000 1,11,000
Particulars A (`) B (`) P (`) Q (`) Particulars A (`) B (`) P (`) Q (`)
27,10,000 27,10,000
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Goodwill Weighted Average Profit:
Goodwill as Goodwill as
Partners Effect (`)
per old ratio (`) per new ratio (`)
A 56,000 36,000 + 20,000 —
Goodwill as Goodwill as
Partners Effect (`)
per old ratio (`) per new ratio (`)
B 28,000 24,000 + 4,000 —
P — 12,000 — 12,000
Q — 12,000 — 12,000
Dr. Cr.
(`) (`)
P’s Capital A/c Dr. 12,000
Q’s Capital A/c Dr. 12,000
To A’s Capital A/c 20,000
To B’s Capital A/c 4,000
3. Calculation of closing capitals of P and Q
B’s capital is taken as base. Closing capital of B after all adjustments is 4,30,000. Total capital of firm will be =
4,30,000 × 7/2 = 15,05,000 Hence, P’s and Q’s closing capital should be 2,15,000 (15,05,000 × 1/7) each i.e. at par
with B (as per new profit and loss sharing ratio).
Illustration 9
P, Q and R sharing profits and losses equally, had been trading for many years. R decided to retire on 31.3.2022
on which date Balance Sheet of the firm is as follows.
3,65,000 3,65,000
Value of goodwill was agreed as `93,000. Land and building increased in value, it being agreed at `1,05,600,
plant and machinery was revalued at `1,00,500 and it was agreed to provide 6% in respect of debtors. Prepare
Revaluation Account, Capital Accounts and Balance Sheet.
In the Books of the Firm
Dr. Revaluation Account Cr.
To, Plant & Machinery A/c 19,500 By, Land & Building A/c 30,600
To, Provision for Bad Debts A/c 4,440
To, Capital A/c (Profit)
P 2,220
Q 2,220
R 2,220 6,660
30,600 30,600
4,64,660 4,64,660
Illustration 10
A, B and C were in partnership sharing profits in the proportion of 5:4:3. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on
31st March, 2022 was as under :
3,33,910 3,33,910
A had been suffering from ill-health and gave notice that he wished to retire. An agreement was, therefore entered
into as on 31st March, 2022, the terms of which were as follows:
(i) The Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022, which showed a net profit of ` 48,000
was to be reopened. B was to be credited with ` 4,000 as bonus, in consideration of the extra work which
had devolved upon him during the year. The profit sharing ratio was to be revised as from 1st April, 2021
to 3:4:4.
(ii) Goodwill was to be valued at two years’ purchase of the average profits of the preceding five years. The
Fixtures were to be revalued by an independent valuer. A provision of 2% was to be made for doubtful
debts and the remaining assets were to be taken at their book values.
(iii) The valuations arising out of the above agreement were Goodwill ` 56,800 and Fixture ` 10,980.
(iv) B and C agreed, as between themselves, to continue the business, sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2 and
decided to eliminate Goodwill from the Balance Sheet, to retain the Fixtures on the books at revised value,
and to increase the provision for doubtful debts to 6%.
You are required to submit the Journal Entries necessary to give effect to the above arrangement and to draw up
the Capital Accounts of the partners after carrying out all adjustment entries as stated above.
In the books of the firm
Date Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
2022 A’s Capital A/c [5/12 of ` 48,000] Dr. 20,000
March B’s Capital A/c [4/12 of ` 48,000] Dr. 16,000
31 C’s Capital A/c [3/12 of ` 48,000] Dr. 12,000
To, Profit & Loss Adjustment A/c 48,000
[Profits of ` 48,000 already shared by A, B & C as 5 : 4 : 3 written back]
To, Goodwill - 36,324 24,216 By, Profit & Loss 12,000 16,000 16,000
& Provision for Adjustment A/c
Doubtful Debts
To, Balance c/d - 69,236 47,394 By, Profit & Loss 4,830 6,440 6,440
Adjustment A/c
1,52,760 1,21,560 83,610 1,52,760 1,21,560 83,610
Illustration 11
Compass, Cone and Circle are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1. The Balance Sheet
of the firm as on 31st December, 2021 was as follows :
and Cone’s share of the same was to be adjusted into the accounts of Compass and Circle. The profit up to the date
of retirement was estimated at ` 18,000. Cone was to be paid off in full, Compass and Circle were to bring such an
amount in cash so as to make their capital in proportion to the new profit sharing ratio. Subject to the condition that
a cash balance of ` 20,000 was to be maintained as working capital.
Pass the necessary journal entries to give effect to the above arrangements and prepare the Partners’ Capital
Accounts on 31st March, 2022.
In the books of the Firm
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
31.3.2022 Reserve A/c Dr. 30,000
To, Compass’ Capital A/c 15,000
To, Cone’s Capital A/c 10,000
To, Circle’s Capital A/c 5,000
(Reserve transferred to the capital accounts of the partners in 3 : 2 : 1)
Machinery A/c Dr. 3,000
To, Revaluation A/c 3,000
(Value of the machinery increased on Cone’s retirement)
Revaluation A/c Dr. 2,700
To, Stock A/c 1,000
To, Furniture A/c 400
To, Provision for Bad Debts A/c 1,000
To, Outstanding Expenses A/c 300
(Value of the assets reduced on Cone’s retirement)
Revaluation A/c Dr. 300
To, Compass’ Capital A/c 150
To, Cone’s Capital A/c 100
To, Circle’s Capital A/c 50
(Profit on revaluation transferred to the capital accounts of the partners)
Compass’s Capital A/c Dr. 2,400
Circle’s Capital A/c Dr. 5,600
To, Cone’s Capital A/c 8,000
(Cone’s share of goodwill to be adjusted against remaining partner’s
capital accounts in the gaining ratio of 3 : 7)
Profit and Loss Suspense A/c Dr. 18,000
To, Compass’ Capital A/c 9,000
To, Cone’s Capital A/c 6,000
Working Notes :
1. Total value of goodwill ` 24,000
∴ Cone’s share of goodwill = `24,000 × 2/6 = `8,000 to be adjusted against Compass’s and Circle capital
in 3 : 7.
Computation of ratio : Compass = 3/5 - 3/6 = 3/30 (gain) Circle = 2/5 - 1/6 = 7/30 (gain)
Particulars (`)
Circle’s Capital :
`(20,000 + 5,000 + 50 + 3,000 – 5,600) 22,450
Add : Total Cash to be brought in 46,100
Combined adjusted capitals 1,30,300
∴ Compass’ Capital = `1,30,300 × 3/5 = `78,180 Circle’s Cap. = `1,30,300 × 2/5 = `52,120
Illustration 12
The Balance Sheet of A, B and C who are sharing profits in proportion to their capital stood as follows on March
31st 2022:
(iv) That a provision for ` 1,540 be made in respect of outstanding legal charges.
(v) That the Goodwill of the entire firm be fixed at ` 21,600 and B’s share of it be adjusted into the accounts
of A and C who are going to share future profits in the ratio of 5: 3.
(vi) That the assets and liabilities (except Cash at Bank) were to appear in the Balance Sheet at their old figures.
(vii) That the entire capital of the firm as newly constituted by fixed at ` 56,000 between A and C in the proportion
of 5: 3 (actual cash to be brought in as paid off, as the case may be).
Show the Balance Sheet after B’s retirement.
Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2022
Liabilities (`) (`) Assets (`) (`)
1,09,400 1,09,400
Note: Since assets and liabilities will appear in the Balance Sheet at their old figure Memorandum Revaluation
Account should be opened.
Working Notes:
Gaining Ratio
To, Under valuation of Stock 960 By, Overvaluation of Land and 10,000
To, Provision for Bad Debts 300 Building
To, Provision for legal changes 1,540
10,000 10,000
10,000 10,000
To, Memo. Reval. A/c 4,500 ----- 2,700 By, Balance b/d 40,000 30,000 20,000
To, B’s Capital A/c 3,900 ----- 3,300 By, Revaluation A/c – 3,200 2,400 1,600
To, B’s Loan A/c ---- 39,600 ----- By, A’s capital A/c ----- 3,900 -----
In many cases, whenever an existing partner retires, another partner joins the continuing partners in the firm.
This situation is referred to as Retirement-cum-Admission. The principles of accounting in the event of admission
of a partner and retirement of a partner have been separately discussed. In this section, the combined effect of
simultaneous admission and retirement has been highlighted. It should be remembered that no separate treatment is
practically needed i.e. same principles for admission and retirement are followed but only two sets of transactions
are incorporated simultaneously.
Illustration 13
Gita and Mita are equal partners. Gita , by agreement, retires and Lata joins the firm on the basis of one third
share of profits on 01.04.2022. The balances of the books as on 31st March 2022 were:
In the books of the firm
Debit Credit
Date Particulars L.F.
(` ) (` )
2022 Goodwill A/c Dr. 20,000
April 1 Fixed Asset A/c Dr. 20,000
Prov. for Depreciation A/c Dr. 12,000
To, Revaluation A/c 52,000
(Increased value of assets transferred to Revaluation A/c)
Revaluation A/c Dr. 52,000
To, Gita’ s Capital A/c 26,000
,, Mita’s Capital A/c 26,000
(Profit on revaluation transferred)
Gita’s Capital A/c Dr. 1,30,000
To, Bank A/c 1,30,000
(Amount paid to Gita)
Bank A/c Dr. 1,27,000
To, Mita’s Capital A/c 42,000
,, Lata’s Capital A/c 85,000
(Additional cash to be brought in to make their capital in proportion).
Working Notes:
1. Bank balance on 1.4.2022
Dr. Bank Account Cr.
1,35,000 1,35,000
Particulars (` )
Goodwill Fixed Asset Stock Debtors 30,000
Cash at Bank 1,40,000
Less: Creditors 20,000
Mita = ` 2,55,00 × 2/3 = ` 1,70,000
Lata = ` 2,55,000 × 1/3 = ` 85,000
3. Profit on Revaluation
Dr. Revaluation Account Cr.
Particulars (` ) Particulars (` )
To, Capital A/c By, Goodwill A/c 20,000
Profit on Revaluation : ,, Fixed Assets A/c 20,000
Gita 26,000 ,, Prov. For Depreciation A/c. 12,000
Mita 26,000 52,000
52,000 52,000
Illustration 14
X, Y, & Z were equal partners. Their Balance Sheet as on 31.12.2021 was as follows :
On 1.1.2022, X retired and it was agreed that he should be paid all his dues in full on that date. For this purpose,
goodwill was to be calculated on the basis of 3 years purchase of past 3 years profits which amounted to ` 1,00,000,
` 1,40,000 and ` 1,20,000 respectively.
In order to meet his obligation, a bank loan was arranged on 1.1.2022 for ` 2,00,000 pledging the fixed assets
as security.
Further, to compensate a loyal manager Q, it was agreed between Y and Z that Q should be admitted as a partner,
who should bring in, over and above a capital of ` 1,00,000, his share of Goodwill in cash to serve as working
capital. Y and Z agreed to forego 1/3rd of their individual share of profits to Q.
Prepare Partners Capital Accounts, Partners’ Current Accounts and opening Balance Sheet of the firm as on
Dr. Partners’ Capital Account Cr.
Particulars X (` ) Y (` ) Z (` ) Q (` ) Particulars X (` ) Y (` ) Z (` ) Q (` )
To, Cash A/c (Final 2,70,000 - - - By, Balance b/d 1,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 -
settlement) “ X’s Current
A/c 1,70,000 - - -
To, Balance c/d - 1,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 (Transfer)
Working Notes :
(1) Valuation of Goodwill
` (1,00,000 + 1,40,000 + 1,20,000)
Average Annual Profits = = ` 1,20,000
∴ Goodwill = 3 × `1,20,000 = ` 3,60,000
Premium to be paid by Q = 1/3 of `3,60,000 = ` 1,20,000 and to be shared by Y and Z equally. Similarly, X
should be provided ` 1,20,000 by Y and Z equally.
2. Balance with Bank on 1.1.2022
Dr. Bank Account Cr.
Illustration 15
X,Y and Z are partners sharing profits and losses in the proportion to 3:2:2, respectively. The Balance Sheet of
the firm as on 01.01.2022 was as follows:
64,000 64,000
Particulars Particulars
(` ) (` ) (` ) (` ) (` ) (` )
By, Balance b/d 1,12,000 1,02,000 1,16,000
Illustration 16
P, Q and R were partners sharing Profits & Losses as 2 : 3 : 5. P retired on 31.03.2022 and X joined as a new
partner on the same date, the new profit sharing ratio between Q, R and X being 2 : 3 : 1. The Balance Sheet
of P, Q & R on 31.03.2022 was as follows :
1,85,000 1,85,000
X was admitted on the following terms :
(i) Machinery was to be depreciated by ` 3,000
(ii) Buildings were revalued at ` 30,000
(iii) Stock was to be written off by ` 5,000
(iv) Provision of 5% was made against doubtful debts
(v) General Reserve would be apportioned among the partners
(vi) The firm’s Goodwill was to be valued at two years purchase of the average profits of the last three years
(vii) The amount due to P was retained in the business as a loan but X’s Capital contribution should be 1/5th of
the combined adjusted capitals of Q and R. His capital would be transferred from his Loan Account,
(viii) the Goodwill would be wiped off from the books after X’s admission.
(ix) Partners decided not to alter the book values of assets & liabilities after admission.
The profits/losses during the last 3 years had been 31.03.2020 ` 20,000 (Profit) 31.03.2021 ` 15,000 (loss) and
31.03.2022 ` 40,000 (Profit).
Show the Memorandum Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts and Balance Sheet of the firm.
Memorandum Revaluation Account
Particulars Particulars
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
To, Goodwill written - 10,000 15,000 5,000
off By, Share of profit 2,100 3,150 5,250 -
To, P’s loss A/c 26,100 By, Goodwill raised 6,000 9,000 15,000 -
(transfer) By, Loan from X A/c - - - 19,880
To, Balance c/d - 25,650 40,000 13,130
Working Notes :
1. Valuation of Goodwill
Average Annual Profits = [`20,000 + (`15,000) + `40,000]/3 = `45,000/3 = ` 15,000.
Goodwill = 2 × ` 15,000 = ` 30,000
Illustration 17
A, B and C are in partnership sharing Profits and Losses in the ratio 3:2:1 respectively. The Balance Sheet of the
partnership firm as on 31st March, 2022 is as under:
4,89,256 4,89,256
C decides to retire from the business as on the above date and D is admitted as a partner on that date. The
following matters agreed:
(i) Assets revalued as : Premises - ` 2,40,000, Plant- ` 70,000 Stock - ` 1,08,358.
(ii) A provision of ` 6,000 is created against debtors.
(iii) Goodwill is to be recorded in the books on the day C retires at ` 84,000. The partners in the new firm do not
wish to maintain a Goodwill Account so that amount is to be written-off against the New Partners’ Capital
(iv) A and B are to share profit in the same ratio as before, and D is to have the same share of profits as B.
(v) C is to take a car at its book value of ` 7,800 in part payment, and the balance of all he is owed by the firm
in cash except ` 40,000 which he is willing to leave as a Loan Account.
(vi) The partners in the new firm are to start on an equal footing so far as Capital and Current Account are
concerned. D is to contribute cash to bring his Capital and Current Account to the same amount as the
original partner from the old firm who has the lower investment in the business. The original partner in the
old firm who has the higher investment will draw out cash so that his capital and current account balances
equal those of his new partners. -
(vii) Revaluation profit or loss is to be adjusted in the Partners’ Current Account.
You are required to prepare Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts, Partners’ Current Accounts, C’s
Loan Account, Bank Account and Balance Sheet of the newly constituted firm as at April 1, 2022.
(a) In the books of the firm
Dr. Revaluation Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
60,000 60,000
Dr. Partners’ Capital Account Cr.
Particulars A (`) B (`) C (`) D (`) Particulars A (`) B (`) C (`) D(`)
To, Goodwill A/c 36,000 24,000 — 24,000 By, Balance b/d 1,70,000 1,30,000 70,000 —
(3:2:2) — — 84,000 — By, Goodwill 42,000 28,000 14,000 —
To, Loan A/c 42,000 — — 1,34,000 A/c (3:2:2)
To, Bank A/c 1,34,000 1,34,000 — 1,58,000 By, Bank A/c — — — 1,58,000
To, Balance c/d
2,12,000 1,58,000 84,000 1,58,000 2,12,000 1,58,000 84,000 1,58,000
Dr. Partners’ Current Account Cr.
Particulars A (`) B (`) C (`) D (`) Particulars A (`) B (`) C (`) D(`)
To, Balance b/d — 5,018 — — By, Balance b/d 7,428 — 9,356 —
To, C’s Loan A/c — — 14,956 — By, Revaluation 16,800 11,200 5,600 —
To, Bank A/c 18,046 — — — A/c
To, Balance c/d 6,182 6,182 — 6,182 By, Bank A/c — — — 6,182
Dr. C’s Loan Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
31.03.22 To, Vehicles A/c 7,800 31.03.22 By, Balance b/d 56,000
To, Bank A/c (Bal. fig.) 1,07,156 By, C’s Capital A/c 84,000
To, Balance c/d 40,000 By, C’s Current A/c 14,956
1,54,956 1,54,956
Dr. Bank Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
31.03.16 To, D Capital A/c 1,58,000 31.03.16 By, Balance b/d 8,400
To, D Current A/c 6,182 By, C’s Loan A/c 1,07,156
To, Balance c/d 11,420 By, A’s Capital A/c 42,000
By, C’s Current A/c 18,046
1,75,602 1,75,602
Working Notes:
Calculation of New P.S.R.
D’s share = B’s share =
A’s share = ;
B’s share =
3 2 2
⸫ A:B:D = : : = 3:2:2
6 6 6
In the Books of firm
Dr. Revaluation Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Furniture and Fixture A/c 15,000 By, Land and Building A/c 60,000
To, Partners’ Capital A/c s 45,000
(A- `18,00O, B - `13,500, C -
60,000 60,000
To, C’s Capital A/c 19,980 39,960 ------ By, Balance b/d 3,00,000 1,50,000 1,80,000
— Goodwill
To, C’s Current A/c. ----- ----- 25,650 By, Revaluation a/c 18,000 13,500 13,500
To, C’s Heir A/c ----- ----- 2,27,790 By, A’s Capital A/c ------- ------- 19,980
To, Balance c/d 2,98,020 1,23,540 ------ By, A’s Capital N/c ------- ------- 39,960
To, Balance b/d 48,000 72,000 72,000 By, P/L Appropriation 3,00,000 15,000 9,000
A/c (Interest on
Capital A/c)
To, Balance c/d 91,716 40,266 By, P/L Appropriation 1,09,716 97,266 37,350
8,85,000 8,85,000
Working Note:
(1) Adjustment in Regard to Goodwill
Particulars (`)
Aggregate profits for three years upto date of death (30.09.2021) are as follows:
Profit for the year ended 30.9.19: (½ of ` 3,36,000 + ½ of ` 3,78,000) 3,57,000
Profit for the year ended 30.9.20: (½ of ` 3,78,000 + ½ of ` 3,60,000) 3,69,000
Profit for the year ended 30.9.21: (½ of ` 3,60,000 + ½ of ` 3,12,000) 3,36,000
Total profits for three years 10,62,000
Average profits (` 10,62,000 ÷ 3) 3,54,000
Less: interest on capital employed (8% on `7,80,000) `62,400
Fair remuneration to partners `2,25,000 2,87,400
Adjusted average profit for goodwill 66,600
Goodwill is the purchase of 3 year’s profit = 3 × `66,600 1,99,800
Illustration 19
A, B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses as 3:2:1. Their Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2021
was as follows:
(` in Lakh)
750 750
B died on 1 August, 2021. His account is to be-settled under the following terms:
(i) Goodwill will be valued at 3 years purchase of last four accounting years average profit. Profits were
:2017-2018 `135 Lakh, 2018-2019 `145 Lakh, 2019-2020 `131 Lakh and 2020-2021 `165 Lakh.
(ii) Land and Building will be valued at ` 250 Lakh and Plant and Machinery will be valued at ` 240 Lakh.
(iii) For the purpose of calculating B’s share in the profits of 01.04.2021 to 31.07.2021, the profits for the year
2020-2021 will be taken as base.
(iv) Interest on Partners’ Loan will be calculated @ 6% per annum.
(v) A sum of `50 Lakh to be paid immediately to B’s Executor and the balance to be paid on 1 December, 2021
together with interest @ 10% per annum.
You are required to pass necessary journal entries to record the above transactions and amount payable to B’s
Executor’s Account.
Books of the firm
(` in Lakh)
(` in lakh)
Dr. B’s Executor’s Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
Working Notes:
(1) Calculation of Share of B in Goodwill:
Average of past four years profits = ` (135 Lakh + 145 Lakh + 131 Lakh + 165 Lakh)/4 = ` 144 Lakh
Value of Firm’s Goodwill = ` 144 Lakh × 3 = ` 432 Lakh
B’s Share in Goodwill = ` 432 Lakh × 2/6 = ` 144 Lakh, which will be credited to B’s Capital A/c and
debited to A’s Capital A/c & C’s Capital A/c in the ratio of 3:1
(2) B’s Share in profit from 01 .04.2021 to 1.8.2021 = (` 165 × 4/12) × 2/6 = ` 18.333 Lakh
(3) Interest on B’s Loan from 01.04.2021 to 1.8.2021 = ` 20 Lakh × 6% × 4/12 = ` 40,000
(4) Interest to B’s Executor’s from 01.08.2021 - 01.12.2021 = ` 356.066 Lakh – ` 50 Lakh
= ` 306.066 × 10% × 4/12 = ` 10.2022 Lakh
Illustration 20
The following was the Balance Sheet of A, B and C who shared profits in the ratio of 1:2: 2 as on 31st December,
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Sundry Creditors 10,000 Goodwill 15,000
Capital A/c : Debtors 10,000
A 10,000 Machinery 20,000
B 20,000 Buildings 30,000
C 20,000 50,000 Stock 10,000
Books of firm
To, Goodwill A/c 1,000 2,000 2,000 By, Balance b/d 10,000 20,000 20,000
Particulars Particulars
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
To, Goodwill A/c 3,333 6,667 - ” Revaluation A/c 2,600 5,200 5,200
To, C’s Executors A/c 27,700 ” Sundry Reserves 2,000 4,000 4,000
(Balance transferred) A/c
To, Balance c/d 10,267 20,533 - ” P & L Suspense A/c - - 500
14,600 29,200 29,700 14,600 29,200 29,700
Working Notes :
1. Adjusted profit for 2021 (`)
Loss (12,000)
Add : Cost of MopedWrongly treated as Travelling Expense 4,000
Less : Depreciation not charged on Moped @ 25% on ` 4,000 (1,000)
Adjusted Loss (9,000)
2. Valuation of Goodwill
Total Profit/Loss for the last 5 years = `(3,000 + 7,000 + 10,000 + 14,000– 9,000) = ` 25,000
Average Profit = ` 25,000/5 = ` 5,000; Goodwill = 2 × ` 5,000 = ` 10,000
n case of death of a partner of an existing partnership business, any amount due towards the deceased partner
is required to be paid by the firm to his/ her legal representatives. This payment happens to be a burden for a
firm because it has to be paid all of a sudden, and thus it may adversely affect the financial position of the firm.
In order to overcome such a situation, a firm usually takes an insurance policy to cover the lives of the partners.
Such insurance policy can be taken either on the name of the partners - individually or jointly. The premium on
such insurance is paid by the firm. This policy happens to be an asset of the firm on which all the partners have
their proportionate stake. So, it should be adequately accounted for in case of change in constitution of a firm (i.e.
Admission, Retirement, Change in profit sharing ratio etc.) and also in the event of death of a partner. The insurance
policy matures on the death/ expiry of a partner, or on the expiry of the policy period, whichever occurs earlier. On the
basis of the number of persons that have been covered under an insurance policy agreement, the life insurance policy
taken by a firm may be classified into two types – Individual Life Insurance Policy and Joint Life Insurance Policy.
The life insurance policy that is taken by a partnership firm covering the lives of all its partners is referred to as
Joint Life Policy. It is a single policy that covers the lives of all the partners of the firm. Such a policy matures in
the event of the death of any one of the partners of the firm or on the date of maturity, whichever is earlier.
The accounting of joint life policy involves accounting on payment of the premium of such policy, accounting in
the event of reconstitution of the firm (using the surrender value), and accounting in the event of death of a partner
(using the maturity value). The maturity value and surrender value of joint life policy have a significant role in
partnership accounting.
Maturity value (also known as Sum Assured) refers to the amount receivable by the firm from the insurance
company in the event of the death of a partner or on the expiry of the policy period.
A firm may decide to terminate i.e. surrender an insurance policy before its date of maturity. In that case, the
insurance company pays an amount to the insured and this amount is referred to as ‘Surrender Value’. This surrender
value does not remain constant over the years. It gradually increases with time. It is considered to be its ‘fair value’
for the purpose of accounting.
There are two broad methods of JLP accounting:
Method A: JLP is not treated as an asset in the books of the firm
Method B: JLP is treated as an asset in the books of the firm
On payment of insurance premium on joint life policy the following entries are passed as under:
On change in constitution of firm (i.e. Admission, Retirement, Change in profit sharing ratio etc.)
The surrender value of the JLP is accounted for in any one of the following two ways:
~~ By raising and writing-off JLP Account; or
~~ By adjusting the capital accounts of the partners
On change in constitution of firm (i.e. Admission, Retirement, Change in profit sharing ratio)
Under the ‘Surrender Value Method’: JLP is considered as an asset and it already appears in the books of the firm
at the surrender value. As such no further accounting treatment is required.
Under the ‘JLP Reserve Method’: both the JLP A/c and JLP Reserve A/c appear in the books of the firm at
surrender value.
Cases Treatment
If the partners decide not to JLP Reserve A/c is written-back and distributed among the existing partners’ in
maintain the JLP Reserve old P.S.R.:
A/c JLP Reserve A/c Dr.
To, Existing Partners’ Capital A/c (in old P.S.R.)
If the partners decide to Adjustment is required to be made through Partners’ Capital A/c:
keep on maintaining the Gaining Partners’ Capital A/c Dr.
JLP Reserve A/c
To, Sacrificing Partners’ Capital A/c
Illustration 21
Naresh, Rohit and Krishna are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:2:1. On 1st January, 2019, they
took out a joint life policy of ` 2,00,000. Annual premium of ` 10,000 was payable on 1st January each year. Last
premium was paid on 15th January, 2022. Rohit died on 1st March, 2022, and policy money was received on 31st
March, 2022. The surrender value of policy as on 31st March each year were as follows:
2019 : Nil
2020 : ` 2,000
2021 : ` 5,000
Show Joint Life Policy accounts as on 3lst March each year assuming that:
(i) The premium is charged to profit and loss account every year.
(ii) The premium is debited to joint life policy account and the balance of the joint life policy account is
adjusted every year to its surrender value.
31.03.22 To Partner’s Capital A/c 2,00,000 31.03.22 By, Bank (Policy Money 2,00,000
Naresh `80,000
Rohit `80,000
Krishna `40,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
01.01.19 To, Bank A/c (Premium) 10,000 31.03.19 By, P & L A/c 10,000
10,000 10,000
01.11. 20 To, Bank A/c (Premium) 10,000 31.03. 20 By, P & L A/c 8,000
31.03. 20 By, Balance C/d 2,000
10,000 10,000
01.04.20 To, Balance B/d 2,000 31.03.20 By, P & L A/c 7,000
01.01.21 To, Bank A/c (Premium) 10,000 31.03.21 By, Balance C/d 5,000
12,000 12,000
01.04.21 To, Balance B/d 5,000
01.01.22 To, Bank A/c (Premium) 10,000 31.03.22 By, Bank A/c (Police 2,00,000
Money Received)
31.03.22 To, Partner’s Capital A/c
Naresh `74,000
Rohit `74,000
Krishna `37,000 1,85,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
henever a reconstitution takes place within a Partnership in the form of admission, retirement or death
of a Partner, the existing partnership is dissolved. The Partnership firm, may however, continue, if the
remaining partners desire so.
But if the partnership firm is discontinued for any reason, that is called Dissolution of the firm. Dissolution of
Firm – when does it take place [in accordance with the Indian Partnership Act of 1932]
1. By Mutual consent of all the partners or in accordance with a contract made by them [Section 40]
2. By Notice – given in writing, by any partner to all other partners if the Partnership is at will [Section 43].
3. On the happening of any one of the following events : [Section 42] :
(i) expiry of the term, where the Partnership was constituted for a fixed term;
(ii) completion of the adventure for which the firm was constituted;
(iii) Death of a partner,
(iv) Adjudication of a Partner as insolvent.
4. Compulsory Dissolution [Section 41]
(i) Where all the partners or all but one are adjudged insolvent.
(ii) If any event occurs making it unlawful for the business of the firm to be carried on.
5. Dissolution by Court: According to Section 44 of the Indian Partnership Act the court, at the suit of a partner,
may dissolve a firm on any one of the grounds namely –
(i) insanity of a partner;
(ii) permanent incapability of a partner to do his duties;
(iii) if a partner is guilty of misconduct that might affect prejudicially the carrying on of the business;
(iv) If a partner willfully or persistently commits breach of agreement;
(v) If a partner transfers all his shares to a third party or has allowed his share to be charged under the
Provisions of Rule 49 of order XXI of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908;
(vi) If the court considers that the business cannot be carried on except at loss;
(vii) On any other ground on which the court considers the dissolution as just and equitable.
capital, and lastly if necessary, by the partners individually in the proportions in which they are entitled to
share profits”. [Section 48(1)]
(b) Regarding Assets : “The assets of the firm, including any sums contributed by the partners to make up
deficiencies of capital, shall be applied in the following manner and order :
(i) in paying the debts of the firm to third parties;
(ii) In paying each partner ratably what is due to him from the firm for advances as distinguished from
(iii) In paying to each partner ratably what is due to him as capital; and
(iv) The residue, if any, shall be divided among the partners in the proportions in which they are entitled to
share profits.” [Section 48(2)]
Accounting Entries Regarding Dissolution
The two separate aspects of Dissolution for which accounting entries have to be made are:
[A] Realization of Assets and Payment of liabilities and [B] Settlement of the dues of the Partners,
Illustration 22
A, B and C sharing profits in 3 : 1 : 1 agree upon dissolution. They each decide to take over certain assets and
liabilities and continue business separately.
Balance Sheet
as on date of dissolution
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Creditors 6,000 Cash at Bank 3,200
Loan 1,500 Sundry Assets 17,000
Capitals: (`) Debtors 24,200
A 27,500 Less: Bad Debts Provision 1,200 23,000
B 10,000 Stock 7800
C 7,000 44,500 Furnitures 1,000
52,000 52,000
It is agreed as follows:
(i) Goodwill is to be ignored.
(ii) A is to take over all the Fixtures at ` 800; Debtors amounting to ` 20,000 at ` 17,200. The creditors of
` 6,000 to be assumed by A at the figure.
(iii) B is to take over all the stocks at ` 7,000 and certain of the sundry assets at ` 7,200 (being book value less 10%)
(iv) C is take over the remaining sundry assets at 90% of book values less ` 100 allowances and assume
responsibility for the discharge of the loan, together with accruing interest of ` 30 which has not been
recorded in the books of the firm.
(v) The expenses of dissolution were ` 270. The remaining debtors were sold to a debt collecting agency for
50% of book values.
Prepare Realisation Account, partners’ Capital Accounts and Bank Account.
In the books of A, B and C
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Sundry Assets: By, Provision for bad debts 1,200
Capital Account A :
Sundry Assets `17,000 Fixtures `800
Debtors `24,200 Debtors `17,200
Stock `7,800 18,000
Fixtures `1,000 B: Stock `7,000
50,000 Sundry Assets `7,200
,, Bank – Expenses 270 C: Sundry Assets 8,000
,, Capital Account By, Bank: Collection from Debtors 2,100
C- Interest on loan 30 By, Loss on realization:
A (3/5) `4,080
B (1/5) `1,360
C (1/5) `1,360 6,800
50,300 50,300
Bank Account
Dr. Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Balance b/d 3,200 By, Dissolution Account
,, Dissolution A/c Expenses 270
Collection from Debtors 2,100 ,, Capital Account:
,, Capital Accounts: A 11,420
B 5,560
C 830 6,390
11,690 11,690
Working Notes: (`)
1. Realization of Sundry Assets:
Sundry Assets (Book Value) 17,000
Less: Taken by B [ 7,200 × (100/90)] 8,000
Remaining at book value 9,000
Taken by C: 90% of Book value
i.e. (`9,000 × (90/100) = `8,100 – `100 for allowance = `8,000
Investments `8,000
Less: Fluctuation Fund `500 7,500
Capital Account –Z 2,000
Bank 23,500
1,10,500 1,10,500
Investments were taken over by X at ` 6,000, creditors of ` 10,000 were taken over by Y who has agreed to
settle account with them at ` 9,900. Remaining creditors were paid ` 7,500. Joint Life Policy was surrendered and
Fixed Assets realized ` 70,000, Stock and Debtors realized ` 7,000 and ` 9,000 respectively. One customer,
whose account was written off as bad, now paid ` 800 which is not included in ` 9,000 mentioned above. There
was an unrecorded asset estimated at ` 3,000, half of which as handed over to an unrecorded liability of ` 5,000 in
settlement of claim of ` 2,500 and the remaining half was sold in the market which realized ` 1,300.
Y took over the responsibility of completing the dissolution and he is granted a salary of ` 400 per month. Actual
expenses amounted to ` 1,100. Dissolution was completed and final payments were made on 30th April, 2022.
You are required to prepare the Realization Account, Capital Account and Bank Account.
Books of the firm
Dr. Realization Account Cr.
To, Fixed Assets A/c 50,000 By, Provision on Debtors A/c 500
To, Joint Life Policy A/c 10,000 By, Provision on Stock A/c 2,000
To, Debtors A/c 10,000 By, Investment Fluctuation
To, Stock (at I. P.) 10,000 Fund A/c 500
To, Investments A/c 8,000 By, Joint Life Policy Fund A/c 10,000
To, Pro. for Disc. on 500 By, Creditors A/c 19,000
Creditors A/c By, Outstanding Salary A/c 2,000
To, Y’s Capital A/c 10,000 By, X’ Capital A/c 6,000
[Creditors taken (Investments taken over)
over- see Note] By, Bank A/c :
To, Bank A/c : Joint Life Policy 10,000
Creditors paid off 7,500 Fixed Assets 70,000
Unrecorded liability 2,500 Stock 7,000
paid [1/2 × 5,000] Debtors 9,800
Outstanding Salary 2,000 Unrecorded Assets (Sold) 1,300
Note :
1. Unrecorded Asset and unrecorded liability were not recorded. Any part of such asset utilized to discharge
any part of such liability and discount received there on have been ignored.
But unrecorded asset realized (debts previously written off now recovered) has been recorded. Similarly
unrecorded asset sold has been recorded.
2. Y took over creditors of ` 10,000. This has been recorded. How he settles such liability is his personal
matter. The discount on payment does not benefit the firm.
Special considerations for a retiring partner and the estate of a deceased partner in relation to debts
contracted by the partnership firm:
(a) debts due on the date of retirement/death: the retiring partner and the estate of the deceased partner is liable
for the whole of the debts due by the firm at the date of retirement or death, to the extent of their share.
(b) debts incurred after retirement: where the notice of retirement is not published in accordance with law, the
retiring partner is liable for debts contracted after retirement.
(c) deceased/ insolvent partner: the estate of a deceased or bankrupt partner will not be liable for debts contracted
by the firm after the death or bankruptcy.
Maximum of :
Interest @ 6% p.a. on the amount due to them(i.e. if the amount is unsettled, like, rate of interest on loan to be
allowed to the retired partner or the executor is not mentioned)
The share of profit earned for the amount due to the partner
Conditions :
(a) The surviving partners/continuing partners continue to carry on the business of the firm.
(b) The business is carried on without any final settlement of accounts between the continuing partners and the
outgoing partners or his estate.
(c) There is no contract to the contrary of the options contained in Section 37 i.e. share in the profits or interest
@ 6% p.a. on the unsettled capital.
Example : Unsettled capital of C ` 52,000 (Date of retirement : 30.09.21, financial year 2021-2022). Net Profit
earned by the firm after C’s retirement ` 25,000. Capitals of A: ` 57,000 and B: ` 76,000)
C is entitled to the maximum of the following :
(i) Interest on unsettled capital = ` 52,000 × 6% × 6 months = ` 1,560
(ii) Profit earned out of unsettled capital = Profit × Retired or Deceased Partner’s unsettled
Dues/ Total Capital of the firm (including the amount due to the retired or deceased partner)
` (25,000 × 52,000)/(` 52,000 + 57,000 + 76,000) = ` 7,027.
Insolvency of a partner
If a partner becomes insolvent and fails to pay his debit balance of Capital A/c either wholly or in part, the
unrecoverable portion is a loss to be borne by the solvent partners. The question now arises is that, in what ratio
they will share this loss. Prior to the decision in the leading case of Garner vs. Murray this loss was borne by the
solvent partners in the profit sharing ratio just like ordinary losses.
Applicability in India
According to sub section (ii) of Sec 48(b) of the Indian Partnership Act, if a partner becomes insolvent or
otherwise incapable of paying his share of the contribution, the solvent partners must share ratably the available
assets (including their own contribution to the capital deficiency). That is to say, the available assets will be
distributed in proportion to their capitals.
Thus, under the Indian Partnership Act also the solvent partners are required to make good their share of the
realization loss (i.e., capital deficiency). The total cash available after making good the solvent partners’ share
of capital deficiency shall be shared by the solvent partners in proportion to their capitals. As a result of this the
ultimate debit balance of the insolvent partner’s Capital A/c. is borne by the solvent partners in capital ratio.
The provision of the Indian Partnership Act in this respect are, thus, similar to the rules laid down by the decision
in Garner vs. Murray.
When there is a specific provision in the Partnership Deed as to how the deficiency of an insolvent partner is to
be borne by the solvent partners, such provision must be followed, because the provision of the Act will apply only
when there is no specific agreement.
Illustration 24
A, B and C are in partnership sharing profit and losses equally and agreed to dissolve the firm on 30.06.2021. On
that date their Balance Sheet stood as follows:
Balance Sheet
as at 30th June, 2022
Liabilities (`) Asset (`)
Capital A/c (`) Sundry Asset 50,000
A 34,000 Profit & Loss A/c 12,000
B 24,000 58,000 Capital A/c
Creditors 12,000 C 8,000
70,000 70,000
The assets are realised at 50% of the book value. Realization expenses amounted to ` 5,000. C became insolvent
and received ` 2,000 from his estates.
Close the book of the firm under
(i) Fixed Capital Method and
(ii) Fluctuating Capital Method applying Garner Vs. Murray principle.
In the books of A, B & C
Dr. Realization Account Cr.
Illustration 25
Ram, Rahim and Robert are partners of the firm ABC sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5: 3: 2. The Balance
Sheet of the firm as on 01.4.2022 is given below:
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
Illustration 26
Ram, Rahim and Robert are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the proportion of 3:3:2. Their Balance
Sheet as on 31.03.2022 was as follows:
3,50,000 3,50,000
They decided to dissolve the firm on 01.04.2022. They report the result realization as follows:
Land and Buildings 90,000 — realized in cash
Debtors 60,000 — realized in cash
Investments 5,500 — taken over by Ram
Stock 75,500 — taken over by Rahim
Goodwill 18,000 — taken over by Robert
The realization expenses amounted to ` 2,000. You are required to close the books of accounts of the firm.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Illustration 27
A, B and C were equal partners in a firm. Their Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2022 was as follows:
14,60,000 14,60,000
The firm was dissolved as all the partners were declared insolvent. The assets were realized as under:
Book debts: 45% less; Building: ` 1,60,000; Stock: ` 1,00,000; Machinery: ` 2,00,000; and Furnitures and
fixtures; ` 40,000. Realization expenses were ` 10,000.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Building 4,00,000 By, Bank
To, Machinery 4,00,000 Book debts 1,10,000
To, Furniture 1,60,000 Building 1,60,000
To, Stock 1,60,000 Stock 1,00,000
To, Book debts 2,00,000 Machinery 2,00,000
To, Bank - Realisation exp. 10,000 Furniture 40,000 6,10,000
By, Partners’ Capital A/c: 7,20,000
(Realisation loss)
13,30,000 13,30,000
10,00,000 10,00,000
4,90,000 4,90,000
Illustration 28
P, Q, R and T have been carrying on business in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 4:1:2:3. The
following is their Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2022:
It has been agreed to dissolve the partnership on 1st April, 2022, on basis of the following points agreed upon
between the partners:
(i) P is to take over Trade Debtors at 80% of Book Value ( `3,50,000);
(ii) T is to take over the stock in Trade at 95% of the value; and
(iii) R is to discharge Trade Creditors.
(iv) The realisation is: Premises `2,75,000 and Furnitures `25,000.
(v) The expenses of realisation come to `30,000.
(vi) Q is found insolvent and `21,900 is realised from his estate.
Note: The loss arising out of capital deficiency may be distributed following decision in Garner vs. Murray.
You are required to prepare:
(a) Realisation Account
(b) Bank/Cash Account
(c) Capital Accounts of the Partners.
In the books of Firm
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
2022 To, Trade debtors A/c 3,50,000 2022 By, Provision for Bad Debts A/c 50,000
April 1 To, Stock in Trade A/c 2,00,000 April 1 By, Trade Creditor A/c 3,00,000
To, Premises A/c 2,80,000 By, P’s Capital A/c 2,80,000
To, Furniture A/c 30,000 (Trade Debtors taken over)
To, R’s Capital A/c 3,00,000 By, T’s Capital A/c 1 ,90,000
Trade credit discharged) 30,000 (Stock-in-trade taken over)
Co Bank/Cash (Expenses) By, Bank A/c 3,00,000
(Assets realised)
By, Partners’ Capital A/c 70,000
(P: 28,000: Q: 7,000; R:
14,000: T: Z 21,000)
11,90,000 11,90,000
Dr. Bank Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
Working Notes::
(1) Q’s deficiency of ` 1,85,100 (` 2,07,000 - ` 21,900) should be shared by P and Tin the ratio of their capital
i.e. 7:3. R will not bear any loss on deficiency, because at the time of dissolution he had a debit balance in
his Capital Account.
(2) The amount realised from the estate of Q is ` 21,900.
Illustration 29
Solution :
Note :
The total deficiency of the partners i.e. the firm is ` 30,000. This is shared between the external liabilities in the
ratio of their amount outstanding ` 60,000 : ` 40,000 = 3 : 2
(ii) Such partner had paid a premium for goodwill at the time of admission.
(iii) The partnership firm has dissolved.
Exceptions : The partner will not be entitled to any claim under any of the following conditions :
(i) the firm is dissolved due to death of a partner
(ii) the dissolution is due to the misconduct of the partner claiming refund
(iii) dissolution is in pursuance of an agreement containing no provision for the return of the premium or any
part of it.
Amount of Refund: the amount to be repaid will be determined having regard to the terms upon which the
admission was made and to the length of the period agreed upon and the period that has expired.
Liability of other partners: the amount of refund payable shall be borne by the other partners in their profit
sharing ratio.
Ilustration 30
X was admitted into partnership for 5 years, for which he paid a premium of ` 1,20,000. After 39 months, the
partnership firm was dissolved due to misconduct of Mr. Z , another partner of the firm. Y, being the third partner.
Profit Sharing Ratio : Y : Z : X = 5 : 3 : 2.
X is entitled to claim the refund of premium paid at the time of admission, since the admission was for a fixed
term period and the firm is getting dissolved due to a misconduct of Mr.Z, another partner of the firm.
The amount of refund is
= (Total Premium Paid × Unexpired term of the partnership) / Total term of the partnership
= 1,20,000 × 21/60 = ` 42,000
This shall be shared by the other partners Y and Z in their profit sharing ratio 3 : 2.
Piecemeal Distribution
Till now the discussion was based on the implicit assumption that all assets were realized and settlement was
done on the same date. In fact, on the dissolution of a partnership, assets are sometimes realized gradually over
a period of time. In such a case it may be agreed that different parties are to be paid in order of preference as and
when assets are realized without unnecessarily waiting for the final realization of all the assets.
The order of the payment will be as follows :
(i) Realisation expenses
(ii) For provision for expenses that are to be made
(iii) Preferential creditors (say, Income Tax or any payment made to the Government)
(iv) Secured creditors – upto the amount realized from the disposal of assets by which they are secured and for
the balance, if any, to be paid to unsecured creditors
(v) Unsecured creditors – in proportion to the amount of debts, if more than one creditor
(vi) Partners’ loan – if there is more than one partner – in that case, in proportion to the amount of loan
(vii) Partners’ capital – the order of payment may be made by any one of the following two methods:
(a) Surplus Capital Method/ Proportionate Capital Method/ Highest Relative Capital Method
(b) Maximum Possible Loss Method
Particulars (`)
(`) (`) (`)
The above table indicates that Y will get the first preference of settlement by ` 6,000. Thereafter, Y and Z will be
settled in the ratio of 3:2. Any balance left will then be open to X Y and Z in the ratio of 5:3:2.
Capital :
A 60,000 Sundry assets 1,85,000
B 50,000 Cash 15,000
C 30,000
Reserves 10,000
B’s Loan 20,000
Creditors 20,000
Government Due 10,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
` 2,000 was spent for packaging of materials before sale. The realization were made on different dates as under:
April `15,000; May ` 20,000; June ` 30,000; July ` 60,000; August `40,000.
The collections were distributed as and when realized. Prepare a statement showing the distribution of cash
Computation of Surplus Capital
Particulars (`)
(`) (`) (`)
Surplus Capital Method/ Proportionate Capital Method/ Highest Relative Capital Method
Under this method, actual capital of the partners on the date of dissolution is compared with their proportionate
capital (determined on the basis of minimum capital per unit of profit) to determine surplus capital of the partners.
Surplus capital is paid first and any balance left thereafter is distributed in the profit sharing ratio. This ensures that
final balances of partners show their share of realisation profit/loss and thus, no settlement need to be dome at that
point of time.
Illustration 31
Partners M, N and P have called upon you to assist them in winding up the affairs of their partnership on 30th
June, 2022. Their Balance Sheet as on that date is given below :
July :
` 16,000 — collected from Debtors; balance is irrecoverable.
` 10,000 — received from sale of entire stock.
` 1,000 — liquidation expenses paid.
` 8,000 — cash retained in the business at the end of the month.
August :
` 1,500 — liquidation expenses paid; as part of the payment of his capital, P accepted an equipment for ` 10,000
(book value ` 4,000).
` 2,500 — cash retained in the business at the end of the month.
September :
` 75,000 — received on sale of remaining plant and equipment.
` 1,000 — liquidation expenses paid. No cash is retained in the business.
Required : Prepare a Schedule of cash payments as on 30th September, showing how the cash was distributed.
Solution :
Statement showing the Distribution of Cash (According to Proportionate Capital Method)
Creditors Capital
(`) M (`) N (`) P (`)
A. Balance Due 17,000 55,000 37,500 31,500
B. Amount Distributed as on 31st July 17,000 — — 6,500
C. Balance Due (A – B) — 55,000 37,500 25,000
D. Cash paid to ‘N’ and
Equipment Given to P on 31st August. 4,000 10,000
Creditors Capital
(`) M (`) N (`) P (`)
E. Balance Due (C – D) 55,000 33,500 15,000
F. Amount Paid to Partners on 41,500 25,400 9,600
30th September
G. Loss on Realisation 13,500 8,100 5,400
(Unpaid Balance) [E – F]
Working Notes :
(i) Statement showing the Calculation of Highest Relative Capital (`)
Particulars M N P
A Balance of Capital Accounts 67,000 45,000 31,500
B Less : Loan 12,000 7,500 —
C Actual Capital (A – B) 55,000 37,500 31,500
D Profit Sharing Ratio 5 3 2
E Actual Capital ÷ Profit Sharing Ratio 11,000 12,500 15,750
F Proportionate Capitals Taking M’s Capital as Base Capital 55,000 33,000 22,000
G Excess of Actual Capitals Over Proportionate 4,500 9,500
Capitals (C – F)
H Profit Sharing Ratio — 3 2
I Surplus Capital ÷ Profit Sharing Ratio — 1,500 4,750
J Revised Proportionate Capital taking N’s — 4,500 3,000
Capital as Base Capital
K Excess of Surplus Capital over Revised — — 6,500
Proportionate Capitals (G – J)
Scheme of distribution of available cash : First instalment up to ` 6,500 will be paid to P. Next instalment up to
` 7,500 will be distribution between N and P in the ratio of 3 : 2. Balance realisation will be distributed among M,
N and P in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2.
(iii) Statement showing the Manner of Distribution of amount available in August and September
Illustration 32.
The firm of Blue Collars presented you with the following Balance Sheet drawn as on 31st March 2022 :
Solution :
(i) Statement showing the Distribution of Cash (According to Proportionate Capital Method)
Creditors Capital
(`) L (`) K (`) J (`)
A Amount Due 37,000 40,000 26,000 24,000
Creditors Capital
(`) L (`) K (`) J (`)
B Amount Distribution as on 31st May 35,500 — — —
C Balance Due (A – B) 1,500 40,000 26,000 24,000
D Amount Distributed as on 30th June
First ` 1,500 1,500
Next ` 5,333 — 5,333 — —
Next ` 4,667 — 2,667 2,000 —
Balance ` 22,500 — 9,000 6,750 6,750
E Balance Due (C – D) 23,000 17,250 17,250
F Amount Distributed as on 31st August 7,360 5,520 5,520
G Balance Due (E – F) 15,640 11,730 11,730
H Add : Profit on Realisation 760 570 570
(` 41,000 – ` 39,100)
I Amount Distributed (Including 16,400 12,300* 12,300
Machinery Taken by K) as on 30th September.
* Includes Value of Machinery ` 10,000 and Cash
` 2,300
Working Notes :
(i) Assumption : As the firm is dissolved due to difference among the partners, all partners are presumed to be
solvent and the problem has been worked out on the basis of the highest relative capital.
While distributing surplus among partners, 1st instalment up to ` 5,333 will be paid to L, next instalment up to
` 4,667 will be distributed between L and K in the ratio of 4 : 3 and the Balance among L, K and J in the ratio of
4 : 3 : 3.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Illustration 33.
A partnership firm was dissolved on 30th June, 2021. Its Balance Sheet on the date of dissolution was as follows :
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Capitals : Cash 5,400
Atrik 38,000 Sundry Assets 94,600
Mohit 24,000
Rupa 18,000
Loan A/c — Mohit 5,000
Sundry Creditors 15,000
1,00,000 1,00,000
The assets were realised in instalments and the payments were made on the proportionate capital basis. Creditors
were paid ` 14,500 in full settlement of their account. Expenses of realisation were estimated to be ` 2,700 but actual
amount spent on this account was ` 2,000. This amount was paid on 15th September. Draw up a Memorandum of
distribution of Cash, which was realised as follows :
On 5th July ` 12,600
On 30th August ` 30,000
On 15th September ` 40,000
The partners shared profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1. Give working notes.
Solution :
Statement Showing the Distribution of Cash
(According to Proportionate Capital Method)
Creditors Mohit’s Atrik Mohit Rupa
Particulars Loan
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
Working Notes :
(i) Statement showing the Calculation of Highest Relative Capitals
Particulars Atrik (`) Mohit (`) Rupa (`)
Loan (`)
First ` 4,200 4,200 — — —
Particulars Atrik (`) Mohit (`) Rupa (`)
Loan (`)
Next ` 2,000 (Absolute Surplus) 2,000 — —
Next ` 18,000 (Balance of Surplus) 12,000 — 6,000
Balance ` 5,800 (2 : 2 : 1) 4,200 2,320 2,320 1,160
Total ` 30,000 16,320 2,320 7,160
Illustration 34
East, South and North are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1 respectively. They decide
to dissolve the business on 31st July, 2022 on which date their Balance Sheet was as follows :
The assets were realised piecemeal as follows and it was agreed that cash should be distributed as and when
realised :
14th August 10,380
20th September 27,900
16th October 3,600
North took over investment as follows at a value of:-
15th November 1,260
18th November 19,200
Dissolution expenses were originally provided for an estimated amount of ` 2,700, but actual amount spent on
25th October was ` 1,920. The creditors were settled for ` 10,080.
Required : Prepare a statement showing distribution of cash amongst the partners, according to Proportionate
Capital Method.
Solution :
Statement Showing the Distribution of Cash
(According to Proportionate Capital Method)
Creditors Loan East South North
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
Working Note :
Statement Showing the Calculation of Highest Relative Capitals
Note : There was a bill for ` 4,000 due on 01.04.2022 under discount.
Other assets realised as under :
1st January : ` 8,85,000, 1st February : ` 3,00,000 ; 1st March : ` 8,000; 1st April : ` 5,000; 1st May : ` 10,000.
The expenses of realisation were expected to be ` 5,000, but ultimately amounted to ` 4,000 only and were paid on
1st May. The acceptor of the bill under discount met the bill on the due date.
Required : Prepare a statement showing the monthly distribution of cash according to Maximum Loss Method.
Statement showing the Distribution towards Firm’s Outside debts’ & Partners’ Loan
Illustration 36
The following is the Balance Sheet of P, Q and R on 31st August, 2021 when they decided to dissolve the
partnership. They share profits in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1.
Solution :
Statement showing the Realisation and Distribution of Cash
Partners’ Partners’
Realisation Creditors
Installments Loans Capital
(`) (`)
(`) (`)
(I) (After taking into account cash and amount 1,000 1,000
set aside for expenses)
(II) 3,000 1,000 2,000
(III) 3,900 3,000 900
Partners’ Partners’
Realisation Creditors
Installments Loans Capital
(`) (`)
(`) (`)
Illustration 37
Rahul, Roshan and Rohan were in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1 respectively. The
partnership was dissolved on 30th June, 2021 when the position was as follows :
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Capitals : Cash in hand 28,000
Rahul 1,40,000 Sundry Debtors 2,94,000
There was bill for ` 10,000, due on 30th November, 2021, under discount. It was agreed that the net realisations
should be distributed in their due order (at end of each month) but as safely as possible. The realisations and
expenses were as under :
The Stock was completely disposed off and amounts due from debtors were realised, the balance being
irrecoverable. The acceptor of the bill under discount met the billl on the due date. Prepare a Statement showing
the piecemeal distribution of cash according to Maximum Loss Method.
Solution :
Statement showing the Distribution of Cash
(According to Maximum Loss Method)
Creditors Rahul Roshan Rohan
(`) (`) (`) (`)
Illustration 38
E, F and G were partners in a firm, sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1, respectively. Due to extreme
competition, it was decided to dissolve the partnership on 31st December, 2021. The Balance Sheet on that date
was as follows :
The realisation of assets is spread over the next few months as follows :
February, Debtors, ` 51,900; March : Machinery, ` 1,39,500; April, Furniture, etc. ` 18,000; May : G agreed to
take over Investments at ` 6,300; June, Stock, ` 96,000.
Dissolution expenses, originally provided, were ` 13,500, but actually amounted to ` 9,600 and were paid on 30th
April. The partners decided that after creditors were settled for ` 50,400, all cash received should be distributed at
the end of each month in the most equitable manner.
Required : Prepare a statement of actual cash distribution as is received following “Maximum Loss basis”.
Solution :
Statement showing the Distribution of Cash
(According to Maximum Loss Method)
Working Note :
Amalgamation of Partnership
As defined earlier, a Partnership firm is formed with two or more persons. But it can also be formed in any of
the following ways.
(A) When two or more sole proprietors forms new partnership firm;
(B) When one existing partnership firm absorbs a sole proprietorship;
(C) When one existing partnership firm absorbs another partnership firm;
(D) When two or more partnership firms form new partnership firm.
The amalgamation is used to be done to avoid competition amongst them and to maximize the profit of the
Accounting entries under different situation are in below:
(A) When two or more sole proprietors form a new partnership firm
When two or more sole proprietorship businesses amalgamate to form a new partnership firm, the
existing sets of books will be closed and a new set of books of accounts to be opened, recording all assets,
liabilities and transactions of the partnership.
Step 6 : If there are any unrecorded assets or liabilities, they are to be recorded.
Step 7 : The Profit or loss on relisation (balancing figure of Realisation Account) to be transferred to the Capital
Account of the proprietor.
Step 8 : To ensure that all the accounts of the Sole Proprietor’s business are closed.
Illustration 39
A and B carry on independent business and their position on 31.03.2022 are reflected in the Balance Sheet given
below :
Liabilities A (`) B (`) Assets A (`) B (`)
Sundry creditors for 1,10,000 47,000 Stock-in-trade 1,70,000 98,000
purchases Sundry Debtors 89,000 37,000
Sundry creditors for 750 2,000 Cash at bank 13,000 7,500
Cash in hand 987 234
Bills payable 12,500 -
Furniture and Fixtures 2,750 1,766
Capital A/c 1,53,000 95,500
Investments 513 —
2,76,250 1,44,500 2,76,250 1,44,500
Both of them want to form a partnership firm from 1.4.2022 in the style of AB & Co. on the following terms:
(a) The capital of the partnership firm would be ` 3,00,000 and to be contributed by them in the ratio of 2:1.
(b) The assets of the individual businesses would be evaluated by C at which values, the firm will take them over
and the value would be adjusted against the contribution due by A and B.
(c) C gave his valuation report as follows :
Assets of A : Stock-in trade to be written-down by 15% and a portion of the sundry debtors amounting to
` 9,000 estimated unrealisable; furniture and fixtures to be valued at ` 2,000 and investments to be taken at
market value of ` 1,000.
Assets of B : Stocks to be written-up by 10% and sundry debtors to be admitted at 85% of their value; rest
of the assets to be assumed at their book values.
(d) The firm is not to consider any creditors other than the dues on account of purchases made.
You are required to pass necessary Journal entries in the books of A and B. Also prepare the opening Balance
Sheet of the firm as on 01.04.2022.
Solution :
In the books of A
In the books of B
Date Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
2022 Realisation A/c Dr. 1,44,500
Apr.1 To, Stock-in-trade A/c 98,000
To, Sundry Debtors A/c 37,000
To, Cash at bank A/c 7,500
To, Cash in hand A/c 234
To, Furniture & Fixture A/c 1,766
(Transfer of different Assers to Realisation A/c)
Creditors for Goods A/c Dr. 47,000
Creditors for Expenses A/c Dr. 2,000
To, Realisation A/c 49,000
(Transfer of different liabilities to Realisation A/c)
AB & Co. A/c Dr. 1,01,750
To Realisation A/c 1,01,750
(Purchase consideration due )
Illustration 40
Following are the Balance Sheets of partners X and Y (sharing profits and losses in the ratio of their capital) and
the sole proprietor Z as on 31.03.2022 :
Solution :
Working Note : Calculation of purchase consideration
Assets taken over : (`) (`)
Goodwill 1,500
Stock 16,800
Bills receivable 5,000
Debtors 6,000 29,300
Less: Liabillties taken over:
Creditors 13,000
Loan 5,000
Provision for bad debts 300 18,300
In the books of Z
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Illustration 41
Following is the Balance sheet of AB & Co. and CD & Co. as on 31.03.2022.
Date Particulars L.F Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
2022 Bank Loan A/c Dr. 10,000
To Cash A/c 10,000
(Being the bank loan repaid)
Goodwill A/c Dr. 16,000
To A’s Capital A/c 8,000
To B’s Capital A/c 8,000
(Being the goodwill raised )
Stock A/c Dr. 8,000
Machinery A/c Dr. 24,000
To Revaluation A/c 32,000
(Being increase in the value of assets)
Revaluation A/c Dr. 800
To Furniture A/c 800
(Being the decrease in the value of furniture)
(D) When two or more partnership firms form a new partnership firm
When two or more partnership firms amalgamate to form a new partnership firm, the books of account of the old
firm is to be closed. In the books of each old firm, a Realisation Account to be opened. The accounting entries of
the amalgamating firm is same as before as they were absorbed.
Illustration 42
Two partnership firms, carrying on business under the style of R & Co. (Partners A & B) and W & Co. (Partners C
& D) respectively, decided to amalgamate into RW & Co. with effect from 1st April 2022. The respective Balance
Sheets of both the firms as on 31st March, 2022 are in below :
Profit sharing ratios are : A & B = 1:2; C & D = 1:1. Agreed terms are :
(i) All fixed assets are to be devalued by 20%.
(ii) All stock in trade is to be appreciated by 50%.
(iii) R & Co. owes ` 5,000 to W & Co. as on 31st March 2013. This is settled at ` 2,000. Goodwill is to be ignored
for the purpose of amalgamation.
(iv) The fixed capital accounts in the new firm (RW & Co.) are to be : Mr A ` 2,000; Mr. B ` 3,000; Mr C ` 1,000
and D ` 4,000.
(v) Mr. B takes over bank overdraft of R & Co. and contributed to Mr. A the amount of money to be brought in
by Mr. A to make up his capital contribution.
(vi) Mr C is paid off in cash from W & Co. and Mr. D brings in sufficient cash to make up his required capital
Pass necessary Journal entries to close the books of both the firms as on 31st March 2022.
Solution :
Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Note : It should be noted that the credit balance in B’s capital account is ` 39,000. His agreed capital in RW &
Co is ` 3,000 only. Since there is no liquid assets in R & Co. from which B can be repaid, the excess amount of
` 36,000 should be taken over by RW & Co. as loan from B.
Illustration 43
A and B carry on independent business in provisions and their position as at 31.3.2022 are reflected in the
Balance Sheets given below:
A (`) B (`)
Stock in Trade 1,70,000 98,000
Sundry Debtors 89,000 37,000
Cash at Bank 13,000 7,500
Cash in hand 987 234
Furniture and Fixtures 2,750 1,766
Investments 513 -----
2,76,250 1,44,500
A (`) B (`)
Represented by Sundry Creditors for
Purchases 1,10,000 47,000
Expenses 13,250 2,000
Capital Account 1,53,000 95.500
2,76,250 1,44.500
Both of them want to. form a partnership firm from 1st April, 2022 on the following understanding:
(a) The capital of the partnership would,be `3 lakhs which would be contributed by them in the ratio of 2 :1.
(b) The assets of the individual business would be evaluated by C at which values, the firm will take them over
and the value would be adjusted against the contribution due by A and B.
(c) C gave his valuation report as follows:
Business of A: Stock in Trade to be written down by 15% and a portion of Sundry Debtors amounting to
`9,000 estimated unrealisable not to be assumed by the firm; furniture and fixtures to be valued at `2,000 and
investments to be taken of market value of 1,000. Assets of B: Stocks to be increased by 10%, and Sundry
Debtors to be admitted at 85% of their value; rest of the assets to be assumed at their book value.
(d) The firm is not to assume any Creditors other than the dues on account of purchases made.
Prepare the opening Balance Sheet of the firm.
Calculation Net Assets taken over
A (`) B (`)
Investments 1,000 —
Sundry debtors 80,000 31,450
Furniture & fixtures 2,000 1,766
Stock in trade 1,44,500 1,07,800
Cash in hand 987 234
Cash at bank 13,000 7,500
2,41,487 1,48,750
Less: Sundry Trade Creditors 1,10,000 47,000
1,31,487 1,01,750
Add: Additional Cash bought is by A 68,513 —
Less: Excess Amount transferred to Current A/c. — 1,750
2,00,000 1,00,000
M/s A & B
Balance Sheet as at 01.04.2022
Liabilities (`) (`) Assets (`) (`)
or various reasons, an existing partnership may sell its entire business to an existing Joint Stock
Company. It can also convert itself into a Joint Stock Company. The former case is the absorption of a
partnership firm by a Joint Stock Company but the latter case is the flotation of a new company to take
over the business of the partnership.
In either of the above cases, the existing partnership firm is dissolved and all the books of account are closed.
Broadly, the procedure of liquidation of the partnership business is same as what has already been explained in
“Amalgamation of Partnership”
Illustration 44
X and Y were in partnership in XY & Co. sharing profits in the proportions 3:2. On 31st March 2022, they
accepted an offer from P Ltd. to acquire at that date their fixed assets and stock at an agreed price of ` 7,20,000.
Debtors, creditors and bank overdraft would be collected and discharged by the partnership firm.
The purchase consideration of ` 7,20,000 consisted of cash ` 3,60,000, debentures in P Ltd. (at par)
` 1,80,000 and 12,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 each in P Ltd. X will be employed in P Ltd. but, since Y was retiring
X agreed to allow him ` 30,000 in compensation, to be adjusted through their Capital Accounts. Y was to
receive 1,800 shares in P Ltd. and the balance due to him in cash. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on 31.03.2022
is in below :
for ` 1,71,000. The firm then ceased business. You are required to pass necessary Journal entries and show:
(a) Realisation Account (b) Bank Account (c) Partners’ Capital Accounts.
9,60,000 9,60,000
4,20,000 4,20,000
Illustration 45
Suchandra, Ashmita and Kasturi were running partnership business sharing Profit and Losses in 2:2:1 ratio. Their
Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2022 stood as following: (` in 000’s)
Liabilities (`) (`) Assets (`) (`)
2. Calculation of goodwill.
Normal Ratio of return = 1 8% p.a. or fixed capital
` 13,80,000 × 18%
` 2,48,400
Accounting of Limited
Liability Partnership
In the recent times, a new form of business organisation, namely the Limited Liability Partnership has been
formed which combines the features of two common forms of business – the partnership and the company.
Failure to maintain books of accounts, prepare Statement of Account and Solvency etc.
Any limited liability partnership which fails to comply with the provisions as set out u/s 34 shall be punishable
with fine which shall not be less than ` 25,000 but which may extend to ` 5,00,000, and every designated partner
of such limited liability partnership shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than ` 10,000 but which
may extend to ` 1,00,000.
Annual Return
As per Sec. 35 of Limited Liability Act, 2008, every limited liability partnership shall file an Annual Return duly
authenticated with the Registrar within sixty days of closure of its financial year in such form and manner, and
accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed. Any limited liability partnership which fails to comply with the
provision as set out u/s 35 shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than ` 25,000 but which may extend
to ` 5,00,000. If a limited liability partnership contravenes the provisions of this section, the designated partner of
such limited liability partnership shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than ` 10,000 but which may
extend to ` 1,00,000. As per Sec. 36 of the said Act, the Annual return filed by a limited liability partnership with
the Registrar shall be available for inspection by any person in such manner and on payment of such fees as may
be prescribed. If in any return, any person makes any statement which is false in any material particular knowing
it to be false or, which omits any material fact knowing it to be material, he shall be punishable with imprisonment
which may extend to two years, and also be liable to fine which may extend to ` 5,00,000 but which shall not be
less than ` 1,00,000.
auditing its accounts. A person shall be qualified for appointment as an auditor of a limited liability partnership
unless he is a Chartered Accountant in practice.
Illustration 46
P and Q are the partners of a limited liability partnership - M/s P&Q LLP dealing in electrical goods. The
following is their trial balance as on March 31, 2022:
Additional information:
(a) Unsold inventories on 31.03.2022 worth ` 5,62,500.
(b) Outstanding rent amounts to ` 36,000.
(c) Rate of depreciation on Furniture & Fixture @ 10%.
(d) Depreciate equipment by ` 67,500
(e) Provisions to be created: ` 22,500 for possible bad debts and ` 180,000 for taxation.
Considering the additional information provided above, you are required to prepare:
(i) Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ended March 31, 2022; and
(ii) Statement of Assets and Liabilities as on that date.
Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ended March 31, 2022
Particulars (`) (`)
Gross Turnover [53,00,000+235,000] 55,35,000
Less: Excise duty (1,35,000)
Net Turnover Details 54,00,000
Other income: Interest on investments 67,500
Increase in inventories 1,12,500
[Closing 562,500 – Opening 450,000]
Total Income 55,80,000
Purchases 29,47,500
Less: Returns outward (67,500) 28,80,000
Salaries 8,45,000
Rent & Rates 3,12,000
Add: Outstanding 36,000 3,48,000
Stationery charges 13,200
Solved Case(s)
Amal, Bimal and Kamal were the partners in a firm which is engaged in the manufacturing of leather shoes. Their
business is located in the outskirts of the city of Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. The partners are in this business since
1997, and they share profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1.
On November 5, 2021, Kamal met with a serious road accident while travelling from Lucknow to Kanpur after
attending a meeting with one of their customers. After being hospitalized for three long months, he was released
in the first week of February 2022. During this time, he realised that it would not be possible for him to continue
as a partner in this business and so he decided to retire from the firm. He communicated his decision to the other
partners and it was mutually agreed upon that Kamal will continue till the end of this financial year and thereafter
retire from the business, while the other partners will continue. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on 31.03.2022
was as follows:
1. The amount of profit or loss arising to the firm out of revaluation is - `39,900 share of individual partner
therein are `19,950, `13,300 and `6,650 respectively.
Working Notes:
A. Theoretical Questions:
~~ Multiple Choice Questions
1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d
1. In absence of partnership deed the profit or loss should be distributed among partners in their capital
2. In absence of partnership deed, partners are entitled to interest on capital @ 6% p.a.
3. New-partner pays premium for goodwill, which will be shared by old partners in their new profit sharing
4. When the capitalization of profits method is used then the value of goodwill on the basis of future
maintainable profits is more than that of on the basis of super profits.
5. It is necessary to revalue of assets and liabilities at the time of admission of a new partner.
6. After the death of a partner, the combined shares of continuing partners decrease.
7. Changes in profit sharing ratio among the existing partners may occur at any time during the financial year.
8. Loss on Realisation should be distributed according to capital ratio.
9. The surrender value of Joint Life Policy is distributed among all partners in their old ratio upon
10. Adjustments are recorded in Partner’s Current Account in Fixed Capital Method.
B. Numerical Questions
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a
1. A, B and C are the partners in Cosco Engineering Works sharing profits and losses at 6: 3: 5. The
Balance Sheet as on 31.12.2021 is given below:
Balance Sheet as on 31st December 2021
It was decided by the partners to dissolve the partnership on 31.12.2021. The following amount has been
Furniture & Fixture ` 2,000; Land and Building ` 6,000; Debtors ` 20,000 and Stock ` 15,000. Creditors
are agreed to forgo 25% in full settlement of their total dues. The full amount of Mortgage Loan has
been paid. Realisation expenses paid for ` 1,650. It was ascertained that B had become insolvent, and
B’s estate had contributed only 50 paise in a rupee.
You are required to prepare Realisation Account, Bank Account and Partners Capital Account following
the rule given in Garner Vs. Murray.
[Answer: Loss on realisation `19,600; Final dividend from B ` 4,400; Bln paid off to
A ` 23,850 and C ` 14,350]
2. M/s P and Co., having P and Q as equal partners, decided to amalgamate with R and Co., having R and
S as equal partners on the following terms and condition:
(i) The new firm PR and Co. to pay ` 12,000 to each firm for Goodwill.
(ii) The new firm to take over investments at 10% depreciation, land at ` 66,800, premises at ` 53,000,
machinery at ` 9,000 and only the trade liabilities of both the firms. The Debtors being taken over
at given value.
(ii) Type writers (written off) worth ` 800, belonging to R & Co., and not appearing in the balance sheet
was also not taken over by the new firm.
(iv) Bills Payable pertains to trade transaction only.
(v) All the four partners in the new firm to bring in ` 1, 60,000 as capital in equal shares.
The following were the Balance Sheets of both firms on the date of amalgamation: (`)
Liabilities P & Co. R & Co. Assets P & Co. R & Co.
Trade Creditors 20,000 10,000 Cash 15,000 12,000
Bills Payable 5,000 - Investments 10,000 8,000
Bank Overdraft 2,000 10,000 Debtors ` 10,000
P’s Loan 6,000 - Less: ` 1,000 9,000 4,000
Liabilities P & Co. R & Co. Assets P & Co. R & Co.
Capital : Furniture 12,000 6,000
P 35,000 - Premises 30,000 -
Q 22,000 - Land - 50,000
R - 36,000 Machinery 15,000 -
S - 20,000 Goodwill (Purchased) 9,000 -
General Reserve Invest- 8,000 3,000
FluctuationFund 2,000 1,000
1,00,000 80,000 1,00,000 80,000
Assuming immediate discharge of bank overdraft, pass necessary Journal Entries to close the books of
P & Co. and R & Co. Also pass Journal entries in the books and prepare the Balance Sheet of the New
[Answer: Purchase Consideration of A & Co. ` 80,000 and B & Co. ` 80,000, Total of
Balance Sheet ` 1,95,000]
3. Amar, Akbar and Anthony are equal partners of M/S. Andal & Co. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on
31.12.2022 was as follows:
On the date, it is decided to convert the partnership into limited company called Pandal limited on the
following items:
a. Land to be revalued at ` 1,50,000
b. Plant and machinery is to be revalued at ` 2,50,000.
c. Depreciation amounting ` 20000 is to be written off on building.
d. A provision of 10% books valued to be mate of obsolete stock.
e. Provision of doubtful debts made at 10% of debtors.
f. A discount of 6% would be earned on creditors when paid out.
g. The new company issue ` 12,000 equity shares 10 each credited as full paid up, such share capital
being valued at ` 1,50,000 and the balance payable is to be discharge by issue of 10% debentures of
` 100 each.
Show the necessary ledger accounts to close the books of Andal & Co. and show the opening balance
sheet of the new company. All partners are solvent and have sufficient cash resource as may be necessary
to settle the respective accounts, Shares and debentures are divided equal among the partner.
[Answer: Profit on Realisation of Amar ` 32,000, Akbar ` 32,000, Anthony ` 32,000; Purchase
Consideration ` 2,16,000; Cash Brought in by Anthony ` 70,000; Total of Balance Sheet ` 8,10,000]
4. Abhi, Sara and Parth carry on business in partnership under the style of M/s A & Co sharing profits and
losses in the ratio of 5:3:2. They have floated A Pvt. Ltd for the purpose of takeover of their business.
The following is the Balance Sheet of the firm as on 31st December, 2022:
Note-1: (In the name of A Pvt. Ltd.) Deposit of par value of 300 equity shares of ` 10 each, subscribed
equally by the partners as subscribers to the memorandum and article of association. On that day A
Pvt. Ltd took over the business for a total consideration of `5,00,000 (excluding 300 shares allotted as
subscribers of memorandum). The purchase consideration was to be discharge by the allotment of equity
shares of `10 each at par in the profit- sharing ratio and 15% debenture of `100 each at par for surplus
capital. The directors of A. Pvt Ltd revalued fixed assets of A & Co. as ` 4,00,000.
You are asked to:
(a) State the number of equity shares and debenture allotted by A Pvt Ltd to Abhi, Sara & Parth.
(b) Show the journal entries in connection with the above transaction in the books of A Pvt Ltd. Show
your workings.
[Answer: Profit on Realisation of Abhi `59,000, Sara `35,400, Parth `23,600; No. of equity shares issued:
Abhi 16,000, Sara 9,600, Parth 6,400; No. of debentures issued: Sara 904, Parth 926]
Unsolved Case
M/s PQR is a partnership business in Guwahati, Assam engaged in the wholesale of edible oil. The business has
three partners, P, Q and R who started the business way back in October 1987. As per their partnership deed, the
partners share profits and losses in the ratio of 5: 3: 2.
Even though their business was going on pretty well, none of their daughters and sons agreed to carry on the
business started by their fathers. So, during the year 2021-22, the partners mutually decided to dissolve their
business after the close of the accounts for that financial year. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on 31.03.2022 is
given below:
Lease Accounting 5
SLOB Mapped against the Module
To equip oneself with the detail understanding of accounting of certain special transactions to determine
surplus, ensure control on resources, for divisional performance evaluation or acquisition of assets through
deferred payments. (CMLO 2a, 4c)
Lease Accounting 5
lease is an agreement which is entered into by the owner of an asset (lessor) with the intended user of the
asset (lessee) in return for a payment or series of payments for an agreed period of time. It is a transaction
which gives the lease the right to use an asset for a specified period of time.
It is to ne noted here that the definition of a lease includes agreements for the hire of an asset which contain a
provision giving the hirer an option to acquire title to the asset upon the fulfillment of agreed conditions. These
agreements are commonly known as hire purchase agreements.
In India, accounting for leases is covered under Accounting Standard (AS) 19 Leases.
The objective of AS 19 is to prescribe the appropriate accounting policies and disclosures in relation to finance
leases and operating leases for both lessees and lessors.
AS 19 should be applied in accounting for all leases other than:
(a) lease agreements to explore for or use natural resources, such as oil, gas, timber, metals and other mineral
(b) licensing agreements for items such as motion picture films, video recordings, plays, manuscripts, patents
and copyrights; and
(c) lease agreements to use lands.
Important Definitions
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
A lease is an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for a payment or series of payments
the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time.
A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset.
An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.
A non-cancellable lease is a lease that is cancellable only: (a) upon the occurrence of some remote contingency;
or (b) with the permission of the lessor; or (c) if the lessee enters into a new lease for the same or an equivalent
asset with the same lessor; or (d) upon payment by the lessee of an additional amount such that, at inception,
continuation of the lease is reasonably certain.
The inception of the lease is the earlier of the date of the lease agreement and the date of a commitment by the
parties to the principal provisions of the lease.
The lease term is the non-cancellable period for which the lessee has agreed to take on lease the asset together
with any further periods for which the lessee has the option to continue the lease of the asset, with or without further
payment, which option at the inception of the lease it is reasonably certain that the lessee will exercise.
Minimum lease payments are the payments over the lease term that the lessee is, or can be required, to make
excluding contingent rent, costs for services and taxes to be paid by and reimbursed to the lessor, together with:
(a) in the case of the lessee, any residual value guaranteed by or on behalf of the lessee; or
(b) in the case of the lessor, any residual value guaranteed to the lessor:
(i) by or on behalf of the lessee; or
(ii) by an independent third party financially capable of meeting this guarantee. However, if the lessee has
an option to purchase the asset at a price which is expected to be sufficiently lower than the fair value
at the date the option becomes exercisable that, at the inception of the lease, is reasonably certain to be
exercised, the minimum lease payments comprise minimum payments payable over the lease term and
the payment required to exercise this purchase option.
Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled between knowledgeable,
willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.
Economic life is either: (a) the period over which an asset is expected to be economically usable by one or more
users; or (b) the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the asset by one or more users.
Useful life of a leased asset is either: (a) the period over which the leased asset is expected to be used by the
lessee; or (b) the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the use of the asset by the
Residual value of a leased asset is the estimated fair value of the asset at the end of the lease term.
Guaranteed residual value is:
(a) in the case of the lessee, that part of the residual value which is guaranteed by the lessee or by a party on
behalf of the lessee (the amount of the guarantee being the maximum amount that could, in any event,
become payable); and
(b) in the case of the lessor, that part of the residual value which is guaranteed by or on behalf of the lessee, or
by an independent third party who is financially capable of discharging the obligations under the guarantee.
Unguaranteed residual value of a leased asset is the amount by which the residual value of the asset exceeds
its guaranteed residual value.
Gross investment in the lease is the aggregate of the minimum lease payments under a finance lease from the
standpoint of the lessor and any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor.
Unearned finance income is the difference between:
(a) the gross investment in the lease; and
(b) the present value of (i) the minimum lease payments under a finance lease from the standpoint of the lessor;
and (ii) any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor, at the interest rate implicit in the lease.
Net investment in the lease is the gross investment in the lease less unearned finance income.
The interest rate implicit in the lease is the discount rate that, at the inception of the lease, causes the aggregate
present value of (a) the minimum lease payments under a finance lease from the standpoint of the lessor; and (b)
any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor, to be equal to the fair value of the leased asset.
The lessee’s incremental borrowing rate of interest is the rate of interest the lessee would have to pay on a
similar lease or, if that is not determinable, the rate that, at the inception of the lease, the lessee would incur to
borrow over a similar term, and with a similar security, the funds necessary to purchase the asset.
Contingent rent is that portion of the lease payments that is not fixed in amount but is based on a factor other
than just the passage of time (e.g., percentage of sales, amount of usage, price indices, market rates of interest).
Classification of Leases
The classification of leases is based on the extent to which risks and rewards incident to ownership of a leased
asset lie with the lessor or the lessee.
Risks include the possibilities of losses from idle capacity or technological obsolescence and of variations in
return due to changing economic conditions. Rewards may be represented by the expectation of profitable operation
over the economic life of the asset and of gain from appreciation in value or realisation of residual value.
Leases are classified into two types:
1. Finance lease: A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
incident to ownership. Title may or may not eventually be transferred.
2. Operating lease: A lease is classified as an operating lease if it does not transfer substantially all the risks
and rewards incident to ownership.
It is important to note that lease classification is made at the inception of the lease. If at any time the lessee and
the lessor agree to change the provisions of the lease, other than by renewing the lease, in a manner that would
have resulted in a different classification of the lease the revised agreement is considered as a new agreement over
its revised term. However, Changes in estimates (for example, changes in estimates of the economic life or of the
residual value of the leased asset) or changes in circumstances (for example, default by the lessee), do not give rise
to a new classification of a lease for accounting purposes.
1. Finance Lease
Finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset.
Whether a lease is a finance lease or an operating lease depends on the substance of the transaction rather
than its form.
Situations which lead to a lease being classified as a finance lease
(a) the lease transfers ownership of the asset to the lessee by the end of the lease term;
(b) the lessee has the option to purchase the asset at a price which is expected to be sufficiently lower than
the fair value at the date the option becomes exercisable such that, at the inception of the lease, it is
reasonably certain that the option will be exercised;
(c) the lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset even if title is not transferred;
(d) at the inception of the lease the present value of the minimum lease payments amounts to at least
substantially all of the fair value of the leased asset; and
(e) the leased asset is of a specialised nature such that only the lessee can use it without major modifications
being made.
Indicators of situations leading to finance lease
(a) if the lessee can cancel the lease, the lessor’s losses associated with the cancellation are borne by
the lessee;
(b) gains or losses from the fluctuation in the fair value of the residual fall to the lessee (for example in the
form of a rent rebate equalling most of the sales proceeds at the end of the lease); and
(c) the lessee can continue the lease for a secondary period at a rent which is substantially lower than
market rent.
Treatment of finance lease in financial statement of lessee
Treatment of finance lease transactions is very significant bcoz if such transactions are not reflected in the
lessee’s balance sheet, the economic resources and the level of obligations of an enterprise are understated
thereby distorting financial ratios. It is therefore appropriate that a finance lease be recognised in the lessee’s
balance sheet both as an asset and as an obligation to pay future lease payments.
Recognition of finance lease by lessee: At the inception of the lease, the asset and the liability for the future
lease payments are recognised in the balance sheet at the same amounts.
Such recognition should be at an amount equal to the fair value of the leased asset at the inception of the
lease. However, if the fair value of the leased asset exceeds the present value of the minimum lease payments
from the standpoint of the lessee, the amount recorded as an asset and a liability should be the present value
of the minimum lease payments from the standpoint of the lessee.
In calculating the present value of the minimum lease payments the discount rate is the interest rate implicit
in the lease, if this is practicable to determine; if not, the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate should be used.
Lease payments should be apportioned between the finance charge and the reduction of the outstanding
liability. The finance charge should be allocated to periods during the lease term so as to produce a constant
periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period.
Finance lease and Depreciation: A finance lease gives rise to a depreciation expense for the asset as well as
a finance expense for each accounting period. The depreciation policy for a leased asset should be consistent
with that for depreciable assets which are owned. If there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain
ownership by the end of the lease term, the asset should be fully depreciated over the lease term or its useful
life, whichever is shorter.
Disclosure of financial lease by lessee:
The lessee should, in addition to the requirements of AS 10, Accounting for Fixed Assets, AS 6, Depreciation
Accounting, and the governing statute, make the following disclosures for finance leases:
(a) assets acquired under finance lease as segregated from the assets owned;
(b) for each class of assets, the net carrying amount at the balance sheet date;
(c) a reconciliation between the total of minimum lease payments at the balance sheet date and their present
value. In addition, an enterprise should disclose the total of minimum lease payments at the balance
sheet date, and their present value, for each of the following periods: (i) not later than one year; (ii) later
than one year and not later than five years; (iii) later than five years;
(d) contingent rents recognised as expense in the statement of profit and loss for the period;
(e) the total of future minimum sublease payments expected to be received under non-cancellable subleases
at the balance sheet date; and
(f) a general description of the lessee’s significant leasing arrangements including, but not limited to, the
following: (i) the basis on which contingent rent payments are determined; (ii) the existence and terms of
renewal or purchase options and escalation clauses; and (iii) restrictions imposed by lease arrangements,
such as those concerning dividends, additional debt, and further leasing.
Provided that a Small and Medium Sized Company, as defined in the Notification, may not comply with sub-
paragraphs (c), (e) and (f).
2. Operating Lease
Operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.
renewal or purchase options and escalation clauses; and (iii) restrictions imposed by lease arrangements,
such as those concerning dividends, additional debt, and further leasing.
Provided that a Small and Medium Sized Company, as defined in the Notification, may not comply with sub-
paragraphs (a), (b) and (e).
below fair value, any profit or loss should be recognised immediately except that, if the loss is compensated
by future lease payments at below market price, it should be deferred and amortised in proportion to the lease
payments over the period for which the asset is expected to be used. If the sale price is above fair value, the
excess over fair value should be deferred and amortised over the period for which the asset is expected to be
For operating leases, if the fair value at the time of a sale and leaseback transaction is less than the carrying
amount of the asset, a loss equal to the amount of the difference between the carrying amount and fair value
should be recognised immediately. For finance leases, no such adjustment is necessary unless there has been
an impairment in value, in which case the carrying amount is reduced to recoverable amount in accordance
with the Accounting Standard dealing with impairment of assets.
Illustration 1
Arun Ltd. has taken an equipment on operating lease for the coming 5 years. As per the agreement with the
lessor, it will not make any payment for lease rentals for the first 2 years, and will have to pay ` 21,00,000 in each
of the following 3 years. Advise Arun Ltd. on accounting for the lease rentals in this case.
As per AS-19, lease payments under an operating lease should be recognised as an expense in the statement of
profit and loss on a straight line basis over the lease term unless another systematic basis is more representative of
the time pattern of the user’s benefit.
The pattern of payment, in this case, does not follow straight line basis, rather it is arising towards the end of
the lease period. For accounting purpose, such effect should be neutralized i.e. the total payment of ` 63,00,000 in
the last 3 years should be spread over the entire lease period of 5 years i.e. ` 12,60,000 should be charged to the
statement of profit and loss for each year.
Illustration 2
Vishnu Ltd. leased a printing machine from Garur Ltd. for a period of 3 years. The useful life of the printing
machine is known to be of 5 years. It was agreed between the lessor and lessee that the amount will be paid in 3
instalments and at the termination of the lessee, Garur Ltd. will take back the said machine. The following details
are available in respect of the machine lessee:
~~ Cost of the printing machine is ` 15,00,000;
~~ Unguaranteed residual value at the end of the lease period is ` 2,00,000;
~~ Fair value of the machine is ` 15,00,000;
~~ The internal rate of return of the investment is 10%.
You are required to:
(a) State whether the lease is a finance lease or an operating lease?
(b) Ascertain the amount of unearned finance income.
Given: PVF10%, 3 = 0.7513; PVAF10%, 3 = 2.4868.
(a) Present value of unguaranteed residual value = ` 2,00,000 × 0.7513 = ` 1,50,260
⸫ Present value of lease payments = ` (15,00,000 – 1,50,260) = ` 13,49,740
Present value of lease payments as percentage of Fair value = = 90% (approx.)
As the ‘Present value of lease payments’ makes a substantial portion of the ‘Fair value’, the machine lease
by Vishnu Ltd. from Garur Ltd. is a finance lease by nature.
Present value of lease payments 13,49,740
(b) Annual lease payments = = = ` 5,42,762 (approx.)
PVAF10%, 3 2.4868
Gross investment in lease = ` [(` 5,42,762 × 3) + 2,00,000] = ` 18,28,286
⸫ Unearned finance income = Excess of ‘Gross investment in lease’ over ‘Cost of the printing machine’
= ` (18,28,286 – 15,00,000)
= ` 3,28,286
A. Theoretical Questions:
1. The person who undertake an agreement, conveys to another person the right to use in return for rent, an
assest for an agreed period of time.
a. Lessor
b. Lessee
c. Both
d. None of the above
2. Operating lease is a _________ .
a. Revocable contract
b. Non revocable contract
c. Operating contract
d. None of the above
3. Which lease transfer substantially all the risk and rewards incident to ownership of an asset?
a. Operating lease
b. Finance lease
c. Both
d. None of the above
4. In which types of lease expenses like maintenance, repair, and taxes are born by the lessor?
a. Operating lease
b. Financial lease
c. Both
d. None of the above
5. Short-term lease which is often cancellable is known as
a. Finance Lease
b. Net Lease
c. Operating Lease
d. Leverage Lease
6. A lease which is generally not cancellable and covers full economic life of the asset is known as:
a. Sale and leaseback
b. Operating Lease
c. Finance Lease
d. Economic Lease
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 c
1. As per AS-19 in__________ lease risk and reward is not transferred to the lessee.
2. In financial lease as per As-19 leased assets is shown in the Balanced sheet of _________.
3. __________ account is credited when lessor receive an amount.
1 Operating 2 Lessee
3 Lessee Account
B. Numerical Questions:
Classification of Branches
On the basis of geographical area of operation branches are of two types
~~ Domestic Branch: Domestic branch is mainly opened and operated in the same country where the
organisation is registered and has its head office.
Example: State bank of India and its different branches all over the India
~~ Foreign Branch: Foreign branch is opened and operated in a country other than the country where the
organisation is registered and has its head office.
Example: Dubai branch of State bank of India.
Moreover, depending on the level of control between the branch and head office, a domestic branch can be
further classified into the following two types:
~~ Dependent Branch: This type of branch is completely dependent on its head office in respect of its operation,
administration and further maintenance of its accounts.
~~ Independent Branch: It maintains its own books of accounts and records its transactions independently.
Branch Accounting
~~ Branch accounting refers to the recording and maintenance of each transaction taken place by a branch to
determine the financial results and also get to know the financial position of a branch.
~~ For the dependent branch, accounting is done by the H.O and while for an independent branch the accounting
is done at the branch itself.
~~ Branch accounting is based on ‘Responsibility Accounting’ system, where the branches act as a ‘Revenue
Centre’ in addition to being ‘Cost Centre’.
~~ The transactions between branch and head office are recorded; and branch and other parties. At the end of
each financial period it ascertains the financial result of each branch viz. profit and loss.
Some of the common transactions that are usually involved in branch accounting include goods sent by the H.O
and return of the goods, if any, assets sent by H.O, cash remitted by H.O for meeting the branch expenses, sales
effected by branch, branch proceeds sent to H.O at time intervals, Goods sent by the H.O for sale; such goods may
be sent either at cost price or invoice price:
2. Cash sent to branch by head office for meeting Branch A/c Dr.
different expenses. To Bank/Cash A/c
3. Cash remitted by branch to head office on account Bank/Cash A/c Dr.
of sale. To Branch A/c
4. Goods returned by branch to the head office. Goods sent to branch A/c Dr.
To Branch A/c
5. Abnormal loss in the branch. Abnormal Loss A/c Dr.
To Branch A/c
6. Claim received from insurance company on Bank/Cash A/c Dr.
account of abnormal loss. To Abnormal Loss A/c
7. Actual loss due to abnormal loss. General P&L A/c Dr.
To Abnormal Loss A/c
●● Additional entries (Only if goods sent at invoice price)
Illustration 1
DK Traders of Assam has a branch at Mumbai. The branch receives all supply of goods from the head office
(Assam). From the following particulars relating to Mumbai Branch for the year ending Mar.31, 2022. Prepare a
Branch Accounts and a Goods Sent to Branch Account in the books of the Head office.
Working Notes:
1. Closing Balance of Branch Debtors:
Memorandum Branch Debtors Account
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
Illustration 2
S Ltd. Sends goods to Siliguri Branch Account at an invoice price (IP) so as to show 20% profit on such IP.
Branch sale are partly on cash and partly on credit. From the following details prepare Branch Account in the books
of the Head Office [Fig. in `]:
Opening stock at Branch at invoice price 8,000 Cash received from customers 6.50,000
Closing stock at Branch at invoice price 8,500 Discount allowed to customers 20,000
Goods sent to Branch at cost price 4,80,000 Closing balance of Debtor 92,000
Goods returned to H.O at invoice price 40,000 Opening balance of Debtor 1,00,000
Credit – `6,80,000
Cash – `1,10,000
Bad debts 2,000
Returns from Customers 14,000
Sundry Branch Exp. 1,50,000
10,22,100 10,22,100
Illustration 3
Prepare a Branch account in the books of Head Office from the following particulars for the year ended 31st
March, 2022 assuming that H.O. sold goods at cost price 25%.
In the books of H.O.
Dr. Branch Account Cr.
regarding the branch, prepare Branch Stock Accounts, Branch Adjustment Account, Branch Debtor Account and
Branch Profit & loss Account as would appear in the books of C Ltd.’s head office. [Fig. in `]
(`) (`)
Stock at cost (1.04.2021) 40,000 Sales returned to Branch 6,000
Debtors (1.04.2021) 36,000 Bad Debts 400
Cash (1.04.2021) 10,000 Cash remitted to H.O 1,60,000
Goods sent to Branch (at IP) 1,98,000 Expenses paid by H.O 10,000
Sales: Cash: `54,0000 credit: 1,58000 Cash (31.3.2022) 12,000
Normal loss at cost 4,000 Stock at IP (31.03.2022) 54,000
Debtor (31.03.2022) 60,000
Books of M/S C and Sons. (H.O.)
Dr. Kolkata Branch Stock Account Cr.
To Balance b/f [at IP ` 40,000 × 150/100] 60,000 By Branch Cash A/c [Cash sales] 54,000
To Goods Sent to Branch A/c [at IP] By Branch Debtors A/c [Credit sales] 1,58,000
To Branch Debtors A/c [Sales return] 1,98,000 By Branch Adjustment A/c 6,000
To Branch Adjustment A/c 6,000 [Normal loss – at IP (`4000 × 150/100)
[Apparent Gross Profit B/fig] 4,000 By Balance c/f [at IP] [B/fig] 54,000
2,72,000 2,72,000
NB: The missing figure appearing in the debit-side of Branch Stock A/c has been considered as Apparent Gross
Profit and NOT Stock Surplus as the branch has suffered normal loss of stock.
To, Branch Stock A/c [Normal loss] 6,000 By, Balance b/f [Load on opening stock: 20,000
To, Branch P/L A/c 70,000 ` 60,000×50/150]
[Gross profit transferred - B/fig ] By, Goods Sent to Branch A/c 66,000
To, Balance c/f [Load on closing stock: 18,000 [Load on goods sent: ` 1,98,000 ×
` 54,000 × 50/150] 50/100] 8,000
By, Branch Stock A/c [Apparent Gross
94,000 Profit] 94,000
To, Balance b/f 36,000 By, Branch Stock A/c [Sales return] 6,000
To, Branch Stock A/c [Credit sales] 1,58,000 By, Bad Debts A/c 400
By, Branch Cash A/c 1,27,600
[Collection from Debtors B/fig] 60,000
By, Balance c/f
1,94,000 1,94,000
To, Bad Debts A/c 400 By, Branch Stock Adjustment A/c 70,000
To, Branch Expenses A/c [WN:1] 39,600 [Gross Profit Transferred]
To, General P/L A/c [Branch Net Profit] 30,000
70,000 70,000
Working Notes:
1. Branch expenses paid by branch
Dr. Kolkata Branch Cash Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Balance b/f 10,000 By, Bank A/c[Cash remitted to Branch] 1,60,000
To, Branch Stock A/c [Cash sales] 54,000 By, Branch Expenses A/c [b/fig] 19,600
To, Branch Debtors A/c [Collection 1,27,600 By, Balance figure c/f 12,000
from debtors]
1,91,600 1,91,600
To, Bank A/c [Paid by H.O] 20,000 By, Branch Profit & Loss A/c – B/fig 39,600
To, Branch Cash A/c [Paid by Branch- 19,600 39,600
39,600 39,600
NB: The drafting of Branch Expenses A/c is not mandatory and the total branch expenses could be ascertained
by simple aggregation.
Illustration 5
Green Ltd. with their H.O. at Kolkata, invoiced goods to their Patna Branch at 20% less than the list price, which
is Cost plus 100% with instruction that cash sales are made at invoice price and credit price at list price. From
following particulars, prepare Branch Stock account and Branch Stock Adjustment Account for the year ended on
Books of Green Ltd. (Kolkata H.O.)
Dr Patna Branch Stock Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Balance b/f [at IP] 4,800 By, Goods Sent to Branch A/c 400
To, Goods Sent to Branch A/c [at IP] 52,800 [Goods returned (at IP) – assumed]
To, Branch Adjustment A/c 8,000 By, Branch Cash A/c 18,400
[Excess Contribution to Gross Profit By, Branch Debtors A/c 40,000
- WN:3] By, Balance c/f [at IP] 7,040
To, Stock Surplus A/c [B/fig] 240
65,840 65,840
NB: Balancing figure appearing in the debit-side of Branch stock A/c has been considered as ‘Stock Surplus’ as
the problem involves ‘Excess Contribution to Gross Profit’.
Dr. Patna Branch Adjustment Account Cr.
To, Goods Sent to Branch A/c 150 By, Balance b/f [Load on opening stock: 1,800
[Load: 400 × 60/160] `4800 × 60/160]
To, Branch P/L A/c 26,900 By, Goods Sent to Branch A/c 19,800
[Gross Profit transferred – B/fig] [Load on goods sent: `52,800 × 60/160]
To, Balance c/f [Load on closing stock: 2,640 By, Branch Stock A/c 8,000
`7,040 × 60/160] [Excess Contribution to Gross Profit]
By, Stock Surplus A/c 90
[Load: `240 × 60/160]
29,690 29,690
Working Notes:
1. Relation between Cost Price(CP), Invoice Price(IP) and List Price(LP):
Considering CP=100, LP=100+100% thereof=200. Hence IP= LP Less 20% thereof = 200 – 20% =160.
2. Transactions relating to Branch Debtors:
To, Balance b/f 4,000 By, Bank A/c [Cash received from 34,254
To, Branch Stock A/c [Credit sales] 40,000 Debtors]
By, Balance c/f 9,476
44,000 44,000
●● Features:
~~ Under this method, a Branch Trading and Profit & Loss Account and a separate Branch Account for
recording branch related transactions are prepared and maintained.
~~ Branch Trading and Profit & Loss Account determines both Gross Profit/Loss and Net Profit/Loss
~~ This Branch Account follows double entry system which is by nature a personal account.Performa of
Branch Trading and Profit & Loss Account
To, Gross Loss b/d *** By, Gross Profit b/d ***
To, Salaries *** By, Net Loss (if any) ***
To, Rent & Salaries ***
To, Petty Cash Exp. ***
To, Abnormal loss ***
Less, Insurance claim ***
To, Net Profit ***
**** ****
●● Features:
~~ Under this method, a Branch Trading and Profit & Loss Account and a separate Branch Account for
recording branch related transactions are prepared and maintained.
~~ Branch Trading and Profit & Loss Account determines both Gross Profit/Loss and Net Profit/Loss.
~~ This Branch Account follows double entry system which is by nature a personal account.
●● Values at which the transactions relation to movement of goods are recorded in the books of accounts of the
H.O are hereunder:
Transactions Value
Opening stock of goods At Cost
Purchase (less Purchase) At Cost
Goods Sent to Branch At Wholesale Price
Sales by H.O to customers At Retail Price
Goods lost abnormally At Cost
Closing stock of goods At Cost
●● Values at which the transactions relation to movement of goods are recorded in the books of accounts of the
H.O are hereunder:
Transactions Value
Opening stock of goods At Wholesale Price
Goods Sent by H.O to Branch Less Returns At Wholesale Price
Goods-in-transit At Wholesale Price
Sales by H.O to customers At Wholesale Price
Goods lost abnormally At Wholesale Price
Closing stock of goods At Wholesale Price
Illustration 6
Blue Ltd has a retail branch at Mumbai. Goods are sold at 60% profit on cost. The wholesale price is cost plus
40%. Goods are invoiced from Pune H.O. to Mumbai Branch at wholesale price. From the following particulars
ascertain the profit made at H.O. and Branch for the year ended on 31.3.2019. [Fig. in `]:
Sales at H.O are made only on wholesale basis and that at Branch only to consumers.
Problem Note:
Blue Ltd. (H.O.)
Trading and Profit & Loss account for the year ended 31.3.2019
Dr. Cr.
Particulars H.O (`) Branch (`) Particulars H.O (`) Branch (`)
To, Opening Stock 7,00,000 - By, Sales 42,84,000 14,40,000
To, Purchase 42,00,000 - By, Goods Sent to Branch 15,12,000 -
To, Goods Received from H.O - 15,12,000 By, Closing Stock 16,80,000 2,52,000
To, Gross Profit c/d 25,76,000 1,80,000
Working Notes:
1. Relationship Between Cost Price (CP), Selling Price (SP) and Wholesale Price (WP)
Let CP be `100. Thereof SP =` (100+60) = `160; and WP = (100+40) = 140
2. Unrealised profit in Unsold stock
Unrealised profit on closing stock of branch = ` (2,52,000×40/140) = ` 72,000
Transaction HO Books Branch Books
1. Goods sent by H.O. to Branch Branch A/c Dr. Goods Recd. from H.O. A/c. Dr.
To, Goods Sent to Branch A/c To, H.O. A/c
2. Goods returned by Branch to Goods Sent to Branch A/c Dr. HO A/c. Dr.
H.O. To, Branch A/c To, Goods Recd. From H.
O. A/c
3. Branch Expenses incurred at — Expenses A/c Dr.
Branch Office To, Cash / Bank A/c
4. Branch expenses paid for by Branch A/c Dr. Expenses A/c. Dr.
the Head Office To, Cash/Bank A/c To, H.O. A/c
5. Purchases made from parties — Purchases A/c Dr.
other than H.O. by Branch To, Bank/ Creditors A/c
6. Sales effected by the Branch Cash/Debtors A/c Dr.
To, Sales A/c
Transaction HO Books Branch Books
7. Collection from Debtors Cash/Bank A/c Dr. H.O. A/c Dr.
received directly by the H.O. To, Branch A/c To, Sundry Debtors A/c
8. Payment by H.O. for Purchase Branch A/c Dr. Purchases/Creditors A/c Dr.
made by the Branch To, Bank A/c To, H.O. A/c
9. Purchase of Asset by Branch — Sundry Assets A/c Dr.
To, Bank/Liability
10. Asset account maintained at Branch Asset A/c Dr. H.O. A/c Dr.
H.O. and asset purchased by To, Branch A/c To, Bank/Creditors A/c
11. Depreciation when asset Branch A/c Dr Depreciation A/c Dr.
account is maintained by To, Branch Asset A/c To, H.O. A/c
12. Remittance of Funds by H.O. Branch A/c Dr. Bank A/c Dr.
to Branch To, Bank A/c To, H.O. A/c
13. Remittance of Funds to H.O. Bank A/c Dr. H.O. A/c Dr.
by Branch To, Branch A/c To, Bank A/c
14. Transfer of Goods between Recipient Branch A/c Dr. i. Supplying Branch A/c Dr.
different branches To, Supplying Branch A/c To, Goods recd. from
H.O. A/c
ii. Goods recd. from H.O. Dr.
To, H.O. A/c
15. Charging the Branch service Branch (Expenses) A/c Dr. Expense A/c Dr.
charges by H.O. To, Service Charges A/c To, H.O. A/c
16. Cash-in-transit Cash-in-transit A/c. Dr. Cash-in-transit A/c. Dr.
To, Branch A/c. To, H.O. A/c.
17. Goods-in-transit Goods-in-Transit A/c. Dr. Goods-in-Transit A/c. Dr.
To, Branch A/c. To, H.O. A/c.
Illustration 7
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Kolkata Head Office, Delhi Branch and Agra Branch :
(a) Goods worth ` 50,000 are supplied by Delhi Branch to Agra Branch under the instructions of Head Office.
(b) Delhi Branch draws a bill receivable for ` 40,000 on Agra Branch which sends its acceptance.
(c) Delhi Branch received ` 10,000 from Agra Branch.
(d) Goods worth ` 20,000 were returned by a customer of Agra Branch to Delhi Branch.
(e) Agra Branch collected ` 20,000 from a customer of Delhi Branch.
Solution :
Books of Kolkata Head Office
Dr. Journal Cr.
Illustration 8
X Ltd. of Assam has a Branch at Darjeeling. From the given information, reconcile Darjeeling Branch Current
A/c with Assam H.O. Current A/c by preparing Branch Current A/c in the books of H.O.
Books of X Ltd. (Assam H.O.)
Dr. Darjeeling Branch Current Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
NB: The Darjeeling Branch Current A/c (in the books of H.O.) Assam H.O. Current A/c (in the Branch books)
reflects the same but opposite balance; hence H.O. can proceed with incorporation of the Branch accounts
in its books.
Working Notes
Assam H.O. Current Account
Goods sent to Branch 13,02,400 Journal Entry:
Less: Goods received by Branch 12,80,400 Goods-in-Transit A/c Dr. 22,000
22,000 To, Darjeeling Branch A/c 22,000
Cash-in-Transit Account
Cash sent to Branch 1,86,500 Journal
Less: Cash received by H.O. 1,00,000 Cash-in-Transit A/c……. Dr. 86,500
86,500 To Darjeeling Branch A/c 86,500
llustration 9
A Delhi head office passes one entry at the end of each month to adjust the position arising out of inter- branch
transactions during the month. From the following inter-branch transactions in March 2022, make the entries in the
books of Delhi Head office.
(a) Kolkata Branch :
(i) Received goods from Patna branch ` 9,000 and Ahmedabad branch ` 6,000.
(ii) Sent goods to Ahmedabad branch ` 15,000 and Patna branch ` 12,000.
(iii) Sent acceptances to Patna branch ` 6,000 and Ahmedabad branch ` 3,000.
(b) Kanpur branch [apart from (a) above] :
(i) Sent goods to Ahmedabad branch ` 9,000.
(ii) Recived B/R from Ahmedabad branch ` 9,000.
(iii) Recived cash from Ahmedabad branch ` 5,000.
Books of H.O.
receiving the same from the branch, the H.O. has to incorporate the branch’s accounts with that of its own accounts
to prepare and ascertain the net financial result of the concern. There are two methods for incorporating branch trial
balance in H.O. Book:
(a) First Method
All revenue items are passed through Branch Trading and Profit & Loss Account and Profit or Loss so made (in
the Profit and Loss Account) together with assets and liabilities are passed through Branch Account for the purpose
of preparing consolidated Balance Sheet in the Books of H.O.
Incorporation Entries
(a) For all revenue expenses related to Trading A/c i.e. Opening stock, Purchase, Return
Branch Trading A/c Dr. Inwards, Wages and other items
To, Branch A/c appearing in the debit side.
(b) For all revenue incomes related to Trading A/c i.e. Sales, Closing Stock and Return
Branch A/c Dr. Outwards and other items that
To, Branch Trading A/c appear in the credit side.
(d) For all revenue expenses related to P&L A/c i.e. items that appear in the debit side
Branch P & L A/c Dr. of the P & L Account.
To, Branch (All Revenue Expenses) A/c
(e) For all revenue incomes related to P & L A/c i.e. items that appear in the credit
Branch (All Revenue Incomes) A/c Dr. side of the P & L Account.
To, Branch P&L A/c
(f) For net profit of the Branch
Branch P&L A/c Dr.
To, General P&L A/c
In case of net loss, the enry will be reversed.
(g) For branch assets.
Branch Assets A/c........................................................Dr.
To, Branch A/c
(h) For branch liabilities.
Branch A/c...................................................................Dr.
To, Branch Liabilties A/c
revenue expense and income. Under this method, only net profit/net loss will be transferred to Branch Account.
Branch Assets and Branch Liabilities will not appear in branch account and this branch account will show a
balance. The same must be equal to the difference between assets and liabilities, i.e., in other words, net worth of
the business.
Illustration 10
SL Corporation presented the following trial balance on 31.03.2022 to the H.O. at New Delhi.
(a) First Method
In the Books of H.O.
01.04.21 To, Balance b/d 920 31.03.22 By, Goods-in-Transit A/c 5,000
,, Remittance-in-Transit A/c 2,400
31.03.22 ,, Branch P&L A/c Net Profit 21,940 ,, Balance c/d 15,460*
22,860 22,860
Note: This is the difference between Branch Assets and Branch Liabilities
(`19,160 – `3,700) = `15,460.
Method – 1
All revenue items are passed through H.O. Account.
Journal entries
(a) For all revenue expenses that appear in the debit side of Branch Trading A/c
H.O. A/c Dr.
To, Opening Stock A/c
,, Purchase A/c Actual amount
,, Goods Received from H.O. A/c
,, All revenue expenses
(b) For all revenue incomes that appear in the credit side of Branch Trading A/c
Sales A/c Dr.
Closing Stock A/c Dr.
Actual amount
All revenue incomes A/c Dr.
To, H.O. A/c
(c) For all Branch Assets:
H.O. A/c Dr.
Actual amount
To, Branch Assets A/c
(d) For all Branch Liabilities:
Branch Liabilities A/c Dr.
Actual amount
To, H.O. A/c
Method - 2
In this case, net profit or net loss is transferred to Head Office Account, but treatment of branch assets and
branch liabilities will remain the same.
(a) For Net Profit:
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To, H.O. A/c with the amount of net loss
with the amount of net profit
(b) For Net Loss:
H.O. A/c Dr.
with the amount of net loss
To, Profit & Loss A/c
Illustration 11
A Chennai Head Office has an independent Branch at Ahmedabad. From the following particulars, give
journal entries to close the books of the Ahmedabad Branch. Show also the Chennai Head Office account in the
branch books.
Ahmedabad Branch
Dr. Trial Balance as at 31st December, 2021 Cr.
31.12.21 To, Sundries- (debit balance 50,150 1.1.20 By, Balance b/d 14,000
of Revenue items) ,, Depreciation A/c 2,650
,, Cash-in-Transit A/c 4,000
,, Sundry Assets 23,100 ,, Sundries –Credit Balance of
Revenue items 49,750
,, Sundry Liabilities 2,850
73,250 73,250
Method 2:
Illustration 12
Puskar Enterprise has its H.O. in Ranchi and a branch in Imphal. The following Trial Balance has been extracted
from the books of accounts as at 31st March, 2022:
In the books of H.O.
Columnar Trading and Profit and Loss Account
Dr. for the year ended March 31, 2022 Cr.
Foreign Branch
Foreign branch is opened and operated in a country other than the country where the organisation is registered
and has its head office. Example: Dubai branch of State bank of India.
A foreign branch maintains its own books of accounts. It drafts the trial balance (in foreign currency) and
sends the same to the head office. The H.O. converts the items of the trial balance in the domestic currency of the
H.O. and thereafter drafts the final accounts. The branch trial balance is converted into H.O. currency under the
following methods:
1. Net Investment Method: As per this method, all items of the trial balance except H. O. Account are
converted using closing rate. H.O. Account is represented at the figure at which Branch Account appears in
H.O. books, subject to adjustment for goods and cash-in-transit.
2. Current and Non-current Method: In this case, different rates are applied for current assets and liabilities,
and fixed assets and liabilities. For current assets and current liabilities closing rate is used, and historical
rates are applied on fixed assets and long-term liabilities.
3. Temporal Method: This method is considered applicable when exchange rate is fluctuating.
Location A domestic branch is established and carried A foreign branch is always established and
out in the same country where its H.O is carried out its operations in a country other
situated. than the country of its H.O
Nature It can be either dependent or independent. It’s always independent.
Currency H.O and Branch both follow the same currency Whereas the transactions and accounting for
for recording the transactions and preparing foreign branches happen to be different than its
accounts. H.O.
Illustration 13
SS Textiles Ltd. have a branch in Auckland, New Zealand. The trail balance of the branch as on 31.03.2022 was
as given below:
Auckland Branch Trial Balance as at December 31, 2022
Item Rate (`) Dr. (NZ $) Cr. (NZ $) Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
H.O. Account - 18,000 13,20,000
Sales 90 1,20,000 108,00,000
Goods from H.O. A/c - 90,000 80,00,000
Stock on Jan. 1, 2021 88 15,000 13,20,000
Office Furniture 80 20,000 16,00,000
Cash 92 100 9,200
Bank 92 1,900 1,74,800
Expenses outstanding 92 2,000 1,84,000
Salaries 90 6,000 5,40,000
Taxes & Insurance 90 500 45,000
Rent 90 2,000 1,80,000
Debtors 92 4,500 4,14,000
1,40,000 1,40,000 1,22,83,000 1,23,04,000
Difference in exchange 21,000
123,04,000 123,04,000
Closing stock 92 18,000 8,28,000
or effective operation, efficient management and adequate control, many big organisations that deal with
various products or services or multiple types of specialized activities, consider each product, service or
specialized activities as separate segments or units of the entities. The concerned entity in order to record
the details of segments or units rationally split into a few segments or units which are technically referred
to as Departments.
Responsibility Accounting: For better performance and control, responsibility and authority are decentralized
to each department. A manager or supervisor is assigned to each department to whom the targets and budgets are
provided for carrying out the operations. Although all departments are “Cost Centres”, all may not be “Revenue
Centres”. At the end of certain period, the performance of the Department/Centre is assessed and suitable
measures are taken for betterment.
Points of
Department Branch
Location Generally, Departments are not separated Each branch is set up at different geographical
geographically. location.
Interrelation A department can never have a branch on its A branch may consists of numerous
own. departments.
Departmental Accounting
~~ To ascertain the true operating result and efficiency of each department (department profit/loss).
~~ To compare the financial performance among different departments.
~~ To provide data and information to the management for decision-making and policy-formulation.
Maintenance The amounts of various items of expenses and incomes, etc. are gathered by maintaining
of same set of the books of accounts in the tabular or columnar format. Hence, this method is referred to as
books Columnar or Tabular Method. Accounting Department, centralized in nature, maintains the
entire records. This method is widely accepted because of it is comparatively less expensive.
Maintenance of Individual figures of various items of expenses and incomes, etc. are obtained by keeping
separate set of the books of each department separately. Hence, this method is referred to as Unitary
books Method. Each concerned department maintains their records independently. Although the
method is very expensive, large-sized firms usually practice it.
Format of Departmental Trading Account, Departmental Profit & Loss Account and General Profit &
Loss Account
Departmental Trading & Profit & Loss Account
Dr. for the year ended... Cr
Items Treatment
Indirect Incomes that could not be allocated to Credited to General Profit & Loss A/c.
Provision for Unrealised Profit (if any) On Closing Inventory, debit them to General Profit
& Loss A/c and on Opening Inventory, credit them to
.General Profit & Loss A/c
By, Balancing General Profit & Loss A/c, Consolidated or Overall Net Profit / Loss is ascertained.
Items of Income
●● Incomes which are directly allocable to a specific department are credited to the respective department.
●● Incomes which are common for more than one department are apportioned rationally over all departments.
Items of Expenses
●● Expenses which are directly allocable to a specific department are debited to the respective department.
●● Expenses which are common for more than one department are apportioned rationally over all departments.
Illustration 14
M/s Unique is a departmental store having three departments – X, Y and Z. Information regarding three
departments for the year ended March 31, 2022 are given below:
The Balances of other revenue items in the books for the year given below (in `)
M/s Unique
Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account
Dr. for the year ended 31.03.2022 Cr.
Particulars X (`) Y (`) Z (`) Particulars X (`) Y (`) Z (`)
To, Opening Stock 72,000 48,000 40,000 By, Sales 3,60,000 2,70,000 1,80,000
To, Purchases 2,64,000 1,76,000 88,000 By, Closing Stock 90,000 35,000 42,000
To, Carriage Inwards (WN:1) 3,000 2,000 1,000
To, Gross Profit c/d 1,11,000 79,000 93,000
4,50,000 3,05,000 2,22,000 4,50,000 3,05,000 2,22,000
To, Rent, Rates & Taxes (WN:1) 6000 5000 4000 By, Gross Profit b/d 1,11,000 79,000 93,000
To, Wages (WN:1) 40,000 32,000 24,000
To, Carriage Outwards (WN:1) 2,400 1,800 1,200 By, Discount Received 1800 1200 600
To, Discount Allowed (WN:1) 2,000 1,500 1,000
To, Electricity Expenses 3,000 2,000 1,000
Working Notes
1. Allocation of unallocated income and expenses
Inter-Departmental Transfer
When goods/services are transferred from one department (Transferor Department) to another department
(Transferee Department), it is known as Inter-Departmental Transfer and such transfers are considered to be as
“Purchases” of the Transferee Department and “Sales” of the Transferor Department.
Valuation of Transfer: It can be done on of the following three basis
At Cost plus Profit Transferor Department transfers goods/services to Transferee Department at a value
higher than the Cost. Hence, it is referred as ‘Cost plus Profit’.
Departments which produce or render intermediate goods/services usually follows this
method to ensure that the Transferor Department gets due credit (in the form of profit-
booking) out of such transfer.
If part of goods transferred remains in the closing inventory of Transferee Department,
then the creation of “Provision for Unrealised Profit” is required.
At Normal Selling Transferor Department transfers goods/services to Transferee Department at ‘Normal
Price Selling Price’ i.e prevailing Market Price.
Departments which produce or render marketable goods/services usually follows this
method to ensure that the Transferor Department gets due credit (in the form of profit-
booking) out of such transfer.
Actual profit earning capacity remains undisclosed to the stakeholders.
If part of goods transferred remains in the closing inventory of Transferee Department,
then the creation of “Provision for Unrealised Profit” is required.
Accounting of Transfer:
Transactions Journal Entry
On transfer of goods/ services Transferee Department A/c Dr.
To, Transferor Department A/c
Creation of Provision for Unrealised Profit On Closing Stock
General Profit & Loss A/c
To, Provision for Unrealised Profit A/c
On Opening Stock ( in subsequent period)
Provision for Unrealised Profit A/c
To, General Profit & Loss A/c
Illustration 15
A firm has two departments – Raw Materials and Manufacturing. The finished goods are produced by the
Manufacturing Department with raw materials supplied by Raw Materials department at selling price. Using
the following information prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on
31st March 2022.
Solution :
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.2022 Cr.
Dr. General Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.2022 Cr.
To, Capital A/c (NP transferred) 1,83,620 Raw Materials Manufacturing 32,078
1,85,000 1,85,000
Working Notes:
1. Unrealized Profit in unsold stock:
Profit rate on transferred goods = GP rate of Raw Materials Dept.
= { Gross profit /( Sales + Transfer)} × 100
= { 1,60,000 / (8,80,000 + 1,20,000) } × 100
= 16%
Value of the goods of Manufacturing dept. included in the Closing stock of Raw Materials Dept.
= ` 24,000 × 75% = ` 18,000
Unrealized Profit in Closing Stock = ` 18,000 × 16% = ` 2,880
Value of the goods of Manufacturing dept. included in the Opening stock of Raw Materials Dept.
= `. 20,000 * 75% = ` 15,000
Unrealised Profit in Opening Stock = ` 15,000 × 10% = ` 1,500
Net Stock Reserve = ` 2,880 – ` 1,500 = ` 1,380
Illustration 16
A & Co. has two departments P & Q. department P sells goods to department Q at normal selling prices. From the
following particulars, prepare departmental Trading & PL account for the year ended 31.03.2022 and also ascertain
the net profit to be transferred to Balance Sheet:
Department P Department Q
(`) (`)
Opening stock 5,00,000 NIL
Purchases 28,00,000 3,00,000
Goods from P NIL 8,00,000
Wages 3,50,000 2,00,000
Travelling expenses 20,000 1,60,000
Closing stock at cost to the department 8,00,000 2,09,000
Sales 30,00,000 2,00,0000
Printing & Stationery 30,000 25,000
The following expenses incurred for both the departments were not apportioned between the departments:
Salaries ` 33,000, advertisement expenses ` 1,20,000,General expenses ` 5,00,000,Depreciation is to be charged
@30% on the machinery worth ` 96,000.
The advertisement expenses of the departments are to be apportioned in the turnover ratio. Salaries and
depreciation are to be apportioned in the ratio 2:1 and 1:3 respectively. General expenses are to be apportioned in
the ratio 3:1.
A & Co.
Departmental Trading and P/L Account
Dr. for the year ended 31.03.2018 Cr.
Deptt. P Deptt. Q Deptt. P Deptt. Q
Particulars Total (`) Particulars Total (`)
(`) (`) (`) (`)
To, Opening Stock 5,00,000 Nil 5,00,000 By, Sales 30,00,000 20,00,000 50,00,000
To, Purchases 28,00,000 3,00,000 31,00,000 By, Goods 8,00,000
transferred to Q
To, Goods from P 8,00,000 By, Closing Stock 8,00,000 2,09,000 10,09,000
To, Wages 3,50,000 2,00,000 5,50,000
To, Gross Profit c/d 9,50,000 9,09,000 18,59,000
46,00,000 22,09,000 60,09,000 46,00,000 22,09,000 60,09,000
To, Travelling 20,000 1,60,000 1,80,000 By, Gross Profit b/d 9,50,000 9,09,000 18,59,000
To, Printing & 30,000 25,000 55,000
Working notes:
1. Gross profit ratio of department P = ` 9,50,000/` (30,00,000 + 8,00,000) × 100 = 25%
2. Proportionate P department’s stock in department Q
(Purchase from department P/total purchases of department Q) × total stock of department Q
= ` (8,00,000/11,00,000) × ` 2,09,000 = ` 1,52,000
Unrealised profit = 25% of ` 1,52,000 = ` 38,000
Illustration 17
A Ltd. manufacturing electronic components operates with two departments. Transfer made between the
departments of both purchased goods and manufactured finished goods. Goods purchased are transferred at cost
and manufactured goods are transferred only at selling price as is the case with open market.
Transactions for the year ended Mar. 31, 2022 are given below:
The following were the transfers from Dept. X to Dept. Y: Purchased goods ` 6,000 and finished goods ` 20,000;
and from Dept. Y to Dept. X: Purchased goods ` 5,000 and finished goods ` 35,000. Stocks were valued at cost to
the department concerned. It is estimated that the closing stock of manufactured goods of Dept. Y consists of 20%
for goods received from Dept. X.
You are required to prepare Departmental Trading Account and A Ltd.’s Trading Account for the year ended Mar.
31, 2022. Also show the reconciliation of the profits ascertained from these accounts.
Solution :
A Ltd.
Departmental Trading Account
Dr. for the year ended 31.3.2022 Cr.
Particulars X (`) Y (`) Particulars X (`) Y (`)
To, Opening Stock 20,000 15,000 By, Sales 1,90,000 1,35,000
To, Purchases 1,00,000 80,000 By, Transfer [Goods sent]:
To, Transfer [Goods received]: Purchased goods 6,000 5,000
Purchased goods 5,000 6,000 Finished goods 20,000 35,000
Finished goods 35,000 20,000 By, Closing Stock:
To, Wages 12,500 7,500 Purchased goods 2,000 5,000
To, Departmental Profit [Bal. 52,500 59,500 Manufactured goods 7,000 8,000
2,25,000 1,88,000 2,25,000 1,88,000
Trading Account
Dr. for the year ended 31.3. 2022 Cr.
To, Opening Stock [20,000 + 15,000] 35,000 By Sales [1,90,000 + 1,35,000] 3,25,000
To, Purchases [1,00,000 + 80,000] 1,80,000 By Closing Stock:
To, Wages [12,500 + 7,500] 20,000 Purchased goods [2,000 + 5,000] 7,000
To, Gross Profit [Bal. Fig.] 1,11,110 Manufactured goods[WN: 1] 14,110
3,46,110 3,46,110
Reconciliation of Profits:
The departmental profits ascertained from the Departmental Trading & P/L A/c and the company’s Gross Profit
determined from the Company’s Trading A/c can be reconciled as under:
Gross Profit of the company = Profit of Dept. X + Profit of Dept. Y – Unrealised profit in Unsold stock
= ` 52,500+ ` 59,500 – ` (490+400) = ` 1,11,110
Working Notes:
1. Value of closing stock of manufactured goods:
Illustration 18
Samudra & Co. a partnership firm has three departments viz. K, L, M which are under the charge of the Partners
B, C and D respectively. The following Consolidated P&L Account is given below :
To, Opening Stocks (Note i) 81,890 By, Sales (Note vii) 4,00,000
To, Purchases (Note ii) 2,65,700 By, Closing Stocks (Note viii) 89,000
To, Salaries and Wages 48,000 By, Discounts Received (Note x) 800
(Note iii)
To, Rent Expenses (Note iv) 10,800
To, Selling Expenses (Note v) 14,400
To, Discount Allowed (Note v) 1,200
To, Depreciation (Note vi) 750
To, Net Profit for the year 67,060
4,89,800 4,89,800
From the above account and the following additional information, prepare the Departmental P&L Account for
the year ended 31st March, 2013.
(i) Break up of Opening Stock Department wise is: K - ` 37,890; L - ` 24,000 and M - ` 20,000.
(ii) Total Purchases were as under: K - ` 1,40,700; L - ` 80,600; M - ` 44,400.
(iii) Salaries and Wages include ` 12,000 wages of Department M. The balance Salaries should be apportioned
to the three departments as 4:4:1.
Dr. Departmental P&L Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022 Cr.
Illustration 19
The following details are available in respect of a business for a year.
Particulars X Y Z
Opening Stock 120 80 152
Add: Purchases 1,000 2,000 2,400
Less : Units Sold (1,020) (1,920) (2,496)
Closing Stock 100 106 56
Computation of Gross Profit Ratio
We are informed that the GP Ratio is the same for all departments. Selling Price is given for each department’s
products but the Sale Quantity is different from that of Purchase Quantity. To find the Uniform GP Rate, the sale
value of Purchase Quantity should be compared with the Total Cost of Purchase, as under. Assuming all purchases
are sold, the sale proceeds would be
Particulars (`)
Department X 1,000 units @ ` 20.00 20,000
Department Y 2,000 units @ ` 22.50 45,000
Department Z 2,400 units @ ` 25.00 60,000
Total Sale Value of Purchase Quantity 125,000
Less : Cost of Purchase 1,00,000
Gross Profit Amount 25,000
Gross Profit Ratio 25,000 ÷ 1,25,000 20% of Selling Price
Particulars X (`) Y (`) Z (`) Total (`) Particulars X (`) Y (`) Z (`) Total (`)
To, Op. stock 1,920 1,440 3,040 6,400 By, Sales 20,400 43,200 62,400 126,000
To, Purchase 16,000 36,000 48,000 100,000 By, Cl. stock 1,600 2,880 1,120 5,600
To, Gross Profit 4,080 8,640 12,480 25,200
Illustration 20
M/s Auto Garage consists of three departments: Spares, Services and Repairs. Each department being managed
by a departmental manager whose commission was respectively 5%, 10% and 10% of the respective departmental
profit. In the absence or inadequacy of profit, a minimum commission of ` 3,000 is to be paid to managers. Inter-
departmental transfers of goods and services are made on the basis of loaded price given as under:
From Spares to Services 5% above cost
From Spares to Repairs 10% above cost
From Repairs to Services 10% above cost
In respect of the year ended 31st March, 2022 the books has already been closed and positions drawn. Subsequently
it was discovered that closing stock of departments had included inter-departmental transferred goods at loaded
price instead of the correct cost price. From the following information prepare a revised statement recomputing the
departmental profit or loss.
Spares (`) Service (`)
Net Profit/Loss as per accounts 19,000 25,200 (profit) 36,000
(loss) (profit)
Inter-departmental transfers included at
loaded price in the departmental stocks --- 32,500 2,100
(` 10,500 from Spares and ` 22,000 (from
from Repairs) spares)
Statement showing computation of correct departmental profit:
Working Notes:
Services (`) Repairs (`) Total (`)
Solved Case(s)
Pal & Co., is a manufacturer of umbrella with their head office at Kolkata. In order to expand their business, Mr.
Sourav Pal, grandson of the founder Mr, Suresh Pal, opened a branch of their business at Bangalore in the southern
Indian state of Karnataka in the year 2018-19.
It was decided by Sourav that the goods will be invoiced from Kolkata head office to their Bangalore branch at
20% less than list price, which is cost plus 100%, with instruction that cash sales are made at invoice price and
credit sales at list price.
There were not much transactions between the head office and Bangalore branch during the next to financial
years due to the lockdown induced by the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the business started with slowly but
steadily in 2021-22.
The following particulars have been made available to you for the year ended 31.03.2022:
Stock at Bangalore branch on 01.04.2021 (at invoice price) 24,000
Amount due from debtors on 01.04.2021 20,000
Goods received from head office (at invoice price) 2,64,000
Goods returned to head office (at invoice price) 2,000
Cash 92,000
Credit 2,00,000
Cash received from debtors 1,71,268
Expenses incurred at Bangalore branch 34,732
Remittance from Bangalore branch to Kolkata head office 2,40,000
Amount due from debtors on 31.03.2022 48,732
Stock at Bangalore branch on 31.03.2022 (at invoice price) 30,800
It is further communicated by the branch manager that there has been some stock shortage at their Bangalore
branch which were identified in the month of March 2022.
1. Calculate the amount of stock shortage (at invoice price) that occurred at Bangalore branch.
2. Determine the gross profit or loss made by Bangalore branch for the year ended 31.03.2022.
3. Determine the net profit or loss made by Bangalore branch for the year ended 31.03.2022.
1. Calculation of stock shortage:
Dr. Branch Stock Adjustment Account Cr.
3. Net profit or loss made by Bangalore branch for the year ended 31.03.2022 - `97,768
Working Note:
Dr. Branch Stock Account Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To Balance b/f 24,000 By Bank (cash sales) 92,000
31.12.21 “ Branch debtors (credit sales) 2,00,000
To Goods Sent to Branch A/c 2,64,000 “ Goods Sent to Branch A/c 2,000
“ Branch Adjustment A/c 40,000 (returns from branch)
(apparent gross profit) “ Stock Shortage A/c (see Note 2) 3,200
“ Balance c/f 30,800
3,28,000 3,28,000
Working Notes:
(1) When cost price is ` 100, list price is ` 200 (i.e., cost price plus 100%), and invoice price is ` 160 (i.e., list
price minus 20%).
A. Theoretical Questions:
1. In Departmental P&L A/c, insurance on stock should be apportioned based on Average Value of Stock
2. In the final Balance Sheet closing stock of a department receiving goods from another department at cost
plus 10% profit, should be shown at the cost to the receiving department
3. For apparent profit or loss (i.e. difference between sales price and invoice price), journal entry is passed
involving Branch Stock A/c and Branch Stock Adjustment A/c.
4. Under Stock Debtors System of Branch Accounting, Branch Stock A/c is maintained at cost price.
5. The objective of keeping Branch Stock A/c at invoice price under Stock Debtors System is to ensure
control over stock.
6. Branch Stock Adjustment A/c is used to record the loading on stock and on goods sent and to record the
apparent profit or loss.
7. Under Final Accounts method, profit or loss of any branch is ascertained by preparing Branch Profit and
Loss Account in place of Branch Account.
8. Under Debtors System of maintaining branch accounts, depreciation does not appear in Branch Account.
9. Stock debtor’s system of maintaining branch account is used for independent branch.
10. For independent branch, incorporation of branch trial balance is required.
1. In branch accounts, in debtor’s system, opening balances of assets are ________ to branch account.
2. A branch which keeps complete records of ________ all accounting transactions are called ________.
3. A branch which does not keep the full system of accounting is known as ________.
4. Stock and debtor system is popularly known as ________.
5. Branch account is prepared to ascertain ________ of the branch.
6. The system in which profit and loss made by the branch is determined by preparing branch trading and
profit & loss account at cost price is ________ .
7. The account prepared for the ascertaining the amount of gross profit earned by the branch under stock
and debtor system is ________
8. The account prepared to adjust the loading included in the value of opening and closing stock at branch
is termed as ________.
9. The account prepared in the same way as that when goods are invoice at cost, except that all entries are
made at invoice price is termed as ________.
10. The goods sent by the head office may be either at ________ or cost plus profit
B. Numerical Questions
Particulars (`)
Goods sent to Branch (at cost to H.O.) 4,50,000
Sales : Cash 2,10,000
Credit 3,20,000
Cash collected from Debtors 2,85,000
Return from Debtors 10,000
Discount Allowed 8,500
Cash sent to Branch -
for Freight 30,000
for Salaries 8,000
for other expenses 12,000
Spoiled clothes written off at invoice price 10,000
Normal loss estimated at 15,000
Prepare Nagaon Branch Stock Account, Branch Debtors Account and Branch Adjustment Account
showing the net profit of the branch for the year 2021-22.
[Answer: Stock Shortage ` 17,500; Closing Balance of Branch Debtors Account ` 16,500; Gross Profit
` 92,000; Net Profit ` 20,000]
2. A Nagpur merchant has a branch at Noida to which he charges out the goods at cost plus 25%. The
Noida branch keeps its own sales ledger and transmits all cash received to the head office every day. All
expenses are paid from the head office. The transactions for the Branch were as follows: (all figures in `)
Prepare the Noida Branch Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31.12.2022 in the
head office books.
[Answer: Gross Profit `23,480; General Profit & Loss `19,430]
3. A Mumbai head office passes an entry at the end of each month to adjust the position arising out of inter-
branch transactions during the month. From the following inter-branch transactions in April, 2022, make
the entry in the books of Mumbai head office:
(a) Jaipur branch:
(i) Received goods from Pune branch ` 9,000 and Ajmer branch ` 6,000.
(ii) Sent goods to Ajmer branch `15,000 and Pune branch ` 12,000.
(iii) Received bills receivable from Ajmer branch ` 9,000.
(iv) Sent acceptances to Pune branch ` 6,000 and Ajmer branch ` 3,000.
(b) Kolkata branch [apart from (a) above]:
(i) Received goods from Pune branch ` 15,000 and Jaipur branch ` 6,000.
(ii) Cash sent to Pune branch ` 3,000 and Jaipur branch ` 6,000.
(c) Pune branch [apart from (a) and (b) above]:
(i) Sent goods to Ajmer branch ` 9,000.
(ii) Received bills receivable from Ajmer branch ` 9,000.
(iii) Received cash from Ajmer ` 5,000.
[Answer: Net Adjustment: Jaipur (+) 12,000, Kolkata (-) 12,000, Pune (-) 2,000, Ajmer (+) 2,000]
4. Mr. P is the proprietor of a retail business which has two main departments which sell respectively
Computers and Printers. On 31.12.2022, the balances in the books of the business were as follows:
Additional information —
(i) At 31.12.2021, the following amounts were outstanding:
Salaries — Computers ` 250 and Printers ` 170; Heating and Lighting ` 20.
(ii) The general administrative expenses and the rent and rates included prepayments of ` 33 and ` 80
(iii) Stocks at 31.12.2021 were: Computers ` 2,800; Printers ` 2,450.
(iv) Depreciation is to be provided on equipment at 10% on W.D.V.
(v) The managers of the Computers and Printers departments are to be paid a commission of 5% of the
net profit (prior to the commission payment) of the respective departments.
(vi) In apportioning the various expenses between the two departments due regard is to be given to the
following information:
Number of Workers Average Stock Levels (`) Floor Area (sq.mt)
Hardware 18 5,000 8,000
Electrical 12 4,400 4,000
(vii) The general administrative expenses are primarily incurred in relation to the processing of purchases
and sales invoices.
Prepare a Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account and the Balance Sheet.
[Answer: Net Profit of Computer `11,471 and Printers `19,814; Total of Balance Sheet `86,663]
5. Department A sells goods to department B at a profit of 25% on cost and to department C at 10%
profit on cost. Department B sells goods to A and C at a profit of 15% and 20% on sales, respectively.
Department C charges 20% and 25% profit on cost to department A and B respectively.
Department managers are entitled to 10% commission on net profit subject to unrealised profit on
departmental sales being eliminated. Departmental profits after charging manager’s commission, but
before adjustment of unrealised profit are as under:
Department A 36,000
Department B 27,000
Department C 18,000
Stock lying at different departments at the end of the year are as under:
Find out the correct departmental profit after charging manager’s commission.
[Answer: Correct departmental profits Dept. A `32,400, Dept. B `22,950, Dept. C `16,200]
Unsolved Case(s)
M/s Jai Traders, a manufacturer of ceramic utensils has been in business for last 36 years. In the year 2015-16,
it decided to open a branch for cater to their customers in the eastern part of India. It was decided by the senior
management members to open the branch at Patna. The Patna branch ultimately started its operations from January
1, 2017. Over the years, its business gradually grew in the eastern states of the country. The following particulars
relate to Patna branch for the year ending March 31, 2022:
Particulars (`)
Balances on April 1, 2021:
Stock 40,000
Debtors 14,000
Petty cash 1,500
Furniture 12,000
Prepaid fire insurance premium 1,150
Outstanding salaries 2,100
Goods sent to branch 2,80,000
Cash sales 3,30,000
Credit sales 1,83,000
Cash received from debtors 1,35,000
Cash paid by debtors direct to head office 22,000
Discount allowed 1,100
Cash sent to branch for expenses:
Rent: ` 12,000; Salaries; ` 5,400; Petty cash: ` 4,000; Insurance premium (from 1.4.2021 to
Goods returned by the branch 4,000
Goods returned by the debtors 7,000
Stock at branch on 31.03.2022 38,000
Petty expenses paid by the branch 2,850
Loss of stock by fire 4,800
It is the policy of the organisation to provide depreciation on furniture @ 10% p.a.
1. Determine the amount due from Branch debtors as at the end of the financial year 2021-22.
2. Ascertain the amount of profit or loss at Kanpur Branch for the year ending 31.03.2022 by preparing Branch
Account in the books of Jaipur head office.
It is to be noted that in Memorandum Trading Account, the Gross Profit is estimated by multiplying ‘Sales’
for this period with the rate of Gross Profit (GP). The GP rate may be known to the entity or it has to be
ascertained. The GP rate is usually estimated on the basis of the details of the last accounting period. The
organisation determines the GP rate by preparing the Trading Account for the accounting period immediately
preceding the period in which the accident has occurred.
NB: Adjustments may be necessary while preparing the Trading Accounts of the current period and preceding
accounting years for slow-moving items, abnormal or defective items not fetching same rate of gross profit,
goods distributed as samples, goods taken away by proprietors, over or under valuation of stocks, omission
of recording of stocks, etc.
2. Value of stock salvaged: It is the quantity of stock that could be saved from the accident. The value of this
salvaged stock is to be deducted from the ‘value of stock present at the time of accident’ for ascertaining the
‘value of stock lost by the accident’ which represents the ‘Gross Claim’ to be lodged.
3. Contents of the insurance policy: The insurance policy includes details like policy value, average clause
etc. Policy Value is the maximum amount that can be realized by the insured from the insurance company
on the occurrence of the accident. It influences the amount of net claim that can be lodged by the insured.
Average Clause simply states that in the absence of adequate insurance coverage, the insurance company
will not shoulder the entire risk. It is a tool of the insurance company to discourage under-insurance by the
insured. This clause implies that in case of under-insurance, the insured will also have to share a portion of
the loss along with the insurance company. It is to be noted that Average Clause will not be applicable if the
policy value is greater than or equal to the amount of loss suffered. In case of under-insurance, the net claim
from the insurance company will be lower than the Gross Claim. On application of Average Clause, Net
Claim will be computed as under:
Policy Value
Net Claim ×
Value of stock lost on date of accident
Abnormal/ Defective/ Usual Selling line Items: Goods which cannot fetch the usual rate of gross profit are
considered as referred to as unusual or abnormal items. For preparing the Memorandum Trading Account, the
portion of the value of such goods which has not yet been written off, should be deducted from the Opening Stock.
If any such goods have been purchased in the current period, the Cost Price of such goods should be deducted from
purchases. If any portion of such goods have been sold in the current period, the Selling Price should be deducted
from current sales. Lastly if any portion of such, goods remains unsold on the date of fire, the agreed value of such
portion should be added with the estimated value of normal stock to arrive at the estimated value of (total) stock on
that date. Similar adjustments may be required while preparing the Trading Account of the last financial year/s, if
abnormal items existed then. As an alternative measure, columnar Trading Account showing normal and abnormal
items separately may be prepared.
Illustration 1
A fire occurred on 15th September 2021 in the premises of Sen & Co. from the following figures, calculate the
amount of claim to be lodged with the insurance company for loss of stock.
Particulars (`)
Stock at cost on 1.1.2020 40,000
Stock at cost on 1.1.2021 60,000
Purchases in 2020 80,000
Purchase from 1.1.2020 to 15.9.2021 1,76,000
Sales in 2020 1,20,000
Sales from 1.1.2021 to 15.9.2021 2,10,000
During the current year cost of purchase has risen by 10% above last years’ level. Selling prices have gone up by
5%. Salvage value of stock after fire was ` 4,000.
Working Notes:
1. Value of Closing Stock (`)
Stock at last years’ level 60,000
Add: 10% increase in cost of purchase 6,000
Illustration 2
Mr. X’s godown was destroyed by fire on 1.6.2022 when the goods in stock were insured for ` 60,000. The
following particulars are given:
Balance Sheet (Extract)
as at 31st December 2021
Additional information:
(i) Debtors on 31.5.2022, included an amount owing from the agent from sales to date ` 4,000 less 10%
commission and his expenses amounting to ` 100 on 31.5.2022 – the agent still held the said goods valued
at ` 3,600 (at selling price).
(ii) Sales (total) for the periods include ` 1,600 for goods which have the selling price reduced by 50% and also
` 6,000 reduced by 25%.
(iii) The normal mark up is 50% on cost and except the above, all sales can be assumed to be at the full selling
(iv) All the goods were destroyed and there was no salvage value of the goods.
Calculate the amount of claim.
Working Notes:
1. Bad Debts
Particulars (`)
Sales 4,000
Less: Commission @10% 400 500
Expenses 100 3,500
Illustration 3
X Ltd. has taken out a fire policy of ` 1,60,000 covering its stock. A fire occurred on 31st March, 2022. The
following particulars are available :
Stock as on 31.12.2021 60,000
Purchases to the date of fire 2,60,000
Sales to the date of fire 1,80,000
Carriage Inwards 1,600
Commission on purchase to be paid @2%
Gross Profit Ratio @ 50% on cost
You are asked to ascertain (i) total loss of stock; (ii) amount of claim to be made against the Insurance Company
assuming that the policy was subject to average clause. Stock salvage amounted to ` 41,360.
In the books of X Ltd.
Memorandum Trading Account for the period ended 31st March, 2022
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`)
Loss of Stock:
Stock at the date of fire 2,06,800
Less: Stock Salvaged 41,360
Loss of Stock 1,65,440
Amount of claim applying Average Clause
Amount of Policy
Amount of Claim = Actual Loss ×
Value of stocks at the date of fire
` 1,65,440 × (` 1,60,000/ ` 2,06,800)
` 1,28,000
Illustration 4
A fire occurred in the premises of Sri. G. Vekatesh on 1.4.2022 and a considerable part of the stock was destroyed.
The stock salvaged was ` 28,000. Sri Venkatesh had taken a fire insurance policy for ` 17,10,000 to cover the loss
of stock by fire.
You are required to ascertain the insurance claim which the company should claim from the insurance company
for the loss of stock by fire. The following particulars are available:
(`) (`)
Purchases for the year 2021 9,38,000 Stock on 1.1.21 1,44,000
Sales for the year 2021 11,60,000 Stock on 31.12.2021 2,42,000
Purchases from 1.1.22 to 1.4.22 1,82,000 Wages paid during 2021 1,00,000
Sales from 1.1.22 to 1.4.22 24,00,000 Wages paid 1.1.22 to 1.4.22 1,80,000
Sri Venkatesh had in June 2021 consigned goods worth ` 50,000, which unfortunately were lost in an accident.
Since there was no insurance cover taken, the loss had to be borne by him full.
Stocks at the end of each year for and till the end of calendar year 2020 had been valued at cost less 10%.
From 2021, however there was a change in the valuation of closing stock which was ascertained by adding 10%
to its costs.
In order to find the rate of gross profit on sales for the year 2021, the following Trading Account is to be prepared
for the same year as:
Trading Account
Dr. For the year ended 31st Dec. 2021 Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Opening Stock 1,60,000 By, Sales 11,60,000
1,44,000 × (100/90) By, Stock lost by Accident 50,000
To, Purchases 9,38,000 By, Closing Stock (2,42,000 ×100/110) 2,20,000
To, Wages 1,00,000
To, Profit & Loss A/c (G.P. transferred) 2,32,000
14,30,000 14,30,000
Rate of Gross Profit on Sales = 2,32,000/11,60,000 × 100 = 20%
Dr. Trading Account for the period (from 1.1.22 to 1.4.22) Cr.
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Opening Stock 2,20,000 By, Sales 2,40,000
To, Purchases 1,82,000 By, Closing Stock 2,28,000
To, Wages 18,000
To, Profit & Loss A/c (G.P. @20% of
4,68,000 4,68,000
Amount of Claim = Stock destroyed – Stock salvaged
` 2,28,000 – ` 28,000
` 2,00,000
As the policy amount is less than the value of stock destroyed, average clause is applicable. Here, the amount of
claim will be:
Net Claim = Loss of Stock × (Amount of Policy / Stock at the date of fire)
` 2,00,000 × (1,71,000 / 2,28,000)
` 1,50,000/-
Illustration 5
On 1.4.2021, godown of Y Ltd. was destroyed by fire. The records of the company revealed the following
particulars: (`)
Stock on 1.1.2021 75,000
Stock on 31.12.2021 80,000
Purchases during 2021 3,10,000
Sales during 2021 4,00,000
Purchase from 1.1.2022 to the date of fire 75,000
Sales from 1.1.2022 to the date of fire 1,00,000
In valuing Closing Stock of 2021, ` 5,000 was written off whose cost was ` 4,800. Part of this stock was sold in
2022 at a loss of ` 400, at ` 2,400. Stock salvaged was ` 5,000. The godown and the cost of which was fully insured.
Indicate from above amount of claim to be made against the insurance company.
(a) For ascertaining the rate of Gross Profit
In the books of Y Ltd.
Dr. Trading Account for the year ended 31.12.2021 Cr.
Particulars (`) (`) Particulars (`) (`)
` 1,00,000
Percentage of Gross Profit on sales = ` 4,00,000 × 100
= 25%
1,79,700 1,79,700
Alternative approach
In a combined form
Trading Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st December, 2022 Cr.
Normal Abnormal Normal Abnormal
Total Total
Particulars Items Items Particulars Items Items
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
To Opening Stock 75,000 --- 75,000 By Sales 4,00,000 --- 4,00,000
,, Purchase ,, Closing Stock 80,200 (-) 200 80,000
,, Gross Profit @25% on 3,05,200 4,800 3,10,000 ,, Gross Loss
sales 1,00,000 --- 1,00,000 --- 5,000 5,000
4,80,200 4,800 4,85,000 4,80,200 4,800 4,85,000
In valuing the stock on 31.03.2022 due to obsolescence 50% of the value of the stock which originally cost
` 12,000 had been written-off. In May 2022, ¾th of these stocks had been sold at 90% of original cost and it is now
expected that the balance of the obsolete stock would also realize the same price, subject to the above, G.P had
remained uniform throughout stock to the value of ` 14,400 was salvaged.
Memorandum Trading Account
for the period ended 30.09.2022
Normal Abnormal Normal Abnormal
Total Total
Particulars Items Items Particulars Items Items
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
To Opening Stock 98,000 6,000 1,04,000 By Sales 3,60,000 8,100 3,68,100
,, Purchase 2,90,000 --- 2,90,000 (Less returns)
(Less: Returns) ,, Closing Stock 1,18,000 2,700 1,20,700
,, Gross Profit 90,000 4,800 94,800
(25% on Normal Sales) 4,78,000 10,800 4,88,800 4,78,000 10,800 4,88,800
= 25%
1. Closing Stock
Particulars (`)
Closing Stock 1,04,000
Add: Stock Written off 6,000
2. Sale of Abnormal Items of goods
` 12,000 × × (90/100) = ` 8,100
Amount of stock lost on August 31, 2021
Particulars (`)
Working Notess:
1. New Rate of GP in 2021-22:
Sale price Gross Profit
Normal Price 100 20
Add: Increase in sale Price 20 20
120 40
40 × 100
∴ Rate of GP in 2021-22 = = 33.33 %
Illustration 8
On account of fire on June 15, 2021, in business house of a company, the working remained disturbed up to
December 15, 2021 as a result of which it was not possible to affect any sales. The company had taken out an
insurance policy with an average clause against consequential losses for ` 1,40,000 and a period of 7 months has
been agreed upon as indemnity period. An increase of 25% was marked in the current year’s sales as compared to
last year. The company incurred an additional expenditure of ` 12,000 to make sales possible and made a saving
of ` 2,000 in insured standing charges.
Ascertain the claim under the consequential loss policy keeping the following additional information in view:
GP for previous accounting period
= Net profit for previous accounting period + Insured standing charges.
= ` 80,000 + ` 70,000 = ` 1,50,000
GP `1,50,000
GP rate = × 100 = × 100 = 25%
Sales `6,00,000
Illustration 9
From following details, calculate consequential loss claim:
●● Date of fire: Sept. 1
●● Indemnity period: 6 months
●● Period of disruption September 1 to February 1
●● Sum insured ` 1,08,900
●● Sales were ` 6,00,000 for preceding financial year ended 31st march.
●● Net profit for preceding financial year ` 36,000 plus insured standing charges ` 72,000
●● Rate of gross profit 18%
●● Turnover during disruption period ` 67,500
●● Annual turnover for 12 months immediately preceding the date of fire ` 6,6,0000
●● Standard turnover i.e. for corresponding months in the year preceding the date of fire ` 2,25,000
●● Increase in the cost of working capital ` 12,000 with a saving of insured standing charges ` 4,500 during
the disruption period;
●● Reduced turnover avoided through increase in working capital ` 30,000
●● A special clause stipulated:
~~ Increase in rate of GP by 2%
~~ Increase in turnover (standard and annual) 10%
GP rate = 18% + 2% = 20%
Short sale = standard turnover – actual turnover for indemnity period.
= (` 2,25,000 × 110%) – ` 67,500 = ` 1,80,000
GP Lost = Short sale × GP rate
= ` 1,80,000 × 20% = ` 36,000
Admissible additional expenses for insurance claim
Least of the following: (`)
i. Actual additional exp. 12,000
ii. Sales due to additional expenses × GP rate (` 30,000 × 20%) 6,000
Net Profit + Insured standing charges
iii. Actual additional expenses ×
Net Profit + All standing charges
36,000 + 72,000
` (12000 × ) 11,368
[3,60,000 + (72,000 + 6,000)]
Admissible additional expenses 6000
Gross claim = GP lost + admissible expenses for insurance claim – saving in standing charges =
` (36,000 + 6,000 – 4,500) = ` 37,500
Illustration 10
A fire occurred on Mar. 15, 2021 in the premises of Omega Ltd. A Loss of Profit policy was taken by Omega Ltd.
for ` 80,000. The indemnity period was for 3 months. Net Profit for the year ending Dec. 31, 2020 was ` 56,000
and standing charges (all insured) amounted to ` 49,600. Determine insurance claim from the following details
available from quarterly sales tax returns:
Statement of Claim for Loss of Profit
Particulars (`)
Policy Value
∴ Net Claim (under “Average clause”) = Gross Claim ×
Insurable Value
= ` 16,080 ×
= ` 10,749 (Approx.)
Working Notes:
WN: 1 Trend of Turnover of last few years
Sales of: 2018 = ` (1,20,000 + 80,000 + 1,00,000 + 1,36,400) = ` 4,36,400
2019 = ` (1,30,000 + 90,000 + 1,10,000 + 1,50,000) = ` 4,80,000
2020 = ` (1,42,000 + 1,00,000 + 1,20,000 + 1,66,000) = ` 5,28,000
Rate of Turnover change = Turnover of the current year – Turnover of the previous year
× 100
Turnover of the previous year
5,28,000 – 4,80,000
For 2020 = × 100 = 10%
4,80,000 – 4,36,400
For 2019 = × 100 = 10% (approx.)
Thus, we observe a 10% upward trend in turnover over the last few years.
2. Calculation of GP Rate
Particulars (`)
Less: Actual Turnover (from March 15, 2021 to June 15, 2021)
Turnover from April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 40,000
Add: Turnover from March 16, 2021 to March 31, 2021 Nil
Less: Turnover from June 16, 2021 to June 30, 2021 6,000 34,000
∴ Short Sales 80,400
5. Annual Turnover i.e. Sale for the year ending March 15, 2021
From March 16, 2020 to March 30, 2020 28,000
From April 1, 2020 to June 30,2020 1,00,000
From July 1, 2020 to September 31,2020 1,20,000
From October 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 1,66,000
From January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021 1,30,000
Less: March 16, 2021 to March 31, 2021 Nil
6. Applicability of Average Clause
Insurable Value = Adjusted Annual Turnover × GP Rate = (` 5,44,000 × 110%) × 20% = ` 1,19,680
Policy Value = ` 80,000 (Given)
In this case, as Policy Value < Insurable Value, there is ‘under insurance’ and so Average Clause is applicable.
A. Theoretical Questions:
1 indemnity 2 insured
3 more than 4 Insured
5 ` 2,71,500 6 ` 37,500
7 Stock salvaged 8 Claim for loss of stock
B. Numerical Questions
1. From the following information, calculate the amount of claim for loss of stock with Insurance Company
B Ltd:
An item of goods purchased in 2020 at a cost of `20000 was valued at `12,000 on 31.12.2020. Half
of these goods were sold during 2021 for `5,200 and the remaining stock was valued at`4,800 on
31.12.2021. ¼th of the original stock was sold for `2,800 in February 2022 and the remaining stock was
valued at 60% of the original cost. With the exception of this item, the rate of gross profit remained fixed.
The stock salvaged was estimated at `24,000. The insurance policy value was for `3,00,000.
[Answer: Actual stock lost by fire `48,000]
3. A fire occurred on 1st February, 2022, in the premises of Legend Ltd., a retail store and business was
partially disorganized upto 30th June, 2022. The company was insured under a loss of profits for `
1,25,000 with a six months period indemnity. From the following information, compute the amount of
claim under the loss of profit policy.
Actual turnover from 1st February to 30th June, 2022 ` 80,000
Turnover from 1st February to 30th June, 2021 ` 2,00,000
Turnover from 1st February, 2011 to 31st January, 2022 ` 4,50,000
Net Profit for last financial year ` 70,000
Insured standing charges for last financial year ` 56,000
Total standing charges for last financial year ` 64,000
Turnover for the last financial year ` 4,20,000
The company incurred additional expenses amounting to ` 6,700 which reduced the loss in turnover.
There was also a saving during the indemnity period of ` 2,450 in the insured standing charges as a result
of the fire.
There had been a considerable increase in trade since the date of the last annual accounts and it has been
agreed that an adjustment of 15% be made in respect of the upward trend in turnover.
[Answer: Amount of claim under the policy ` 39,390]
t is not always possible by a purchaser to meet up the higher demand for goods due to immediate cash
payment. To meet this demand the concept of Hire Purchase is very popular in the market.
Under this system the purchaser (Hirer) pays the entire amount in staggered way viz. monthly, quarterly or
yearly with some interest. Under this system the goods are sold with the following conditions:
Possession of goods is delivered to a hirer but the title to the goods (Ownership) are transferred only when the
agreed sum (Hire Purchase price) is paid by the hirer.
Such hirer has a right to terminate the agreement at any time before the property so passes. That means he has
the option to return the goods in which case he need not pay installments falling due thereafter. However, the hirer
cannot recover the sums already paid as such sums legally represent hire charges of the goods in question.
The hire-purchaser, during that period of possession of goods, cannot damage, destroy, pledge or sell such goods.
He is supposed to take all such care of goods as a prudent person does in his own goods.
In case of Installment Sale, it is not only the possession of goods but also the ownership in goods is
transferred to the buyer immediately at the time of agreement.
Further, in installment system if the buyer stops the payment of dues, then he does not have the right of seizing
his goods. The differences between installment sale and hire-purchase are as below:
Default in Seller can repossess the goods. In that case the Seller does not have any other right except
making payment installment so far paid is treated to be Hiring the right of suing the buyer for the non-
charges. payment of price.
Right of sale or No right to sale or otherwise transfer the goods Right to sale or otherwise transfer the
other wise since the legal position of the hirer is bailee. goods.
Loss or damages Any loss occurring to goods has to be borne by Any loss occurring to goods has to be
to the goods. the seller if the buyer takes reasonable care. borne by the buyer.
Situation – I : when rate of interest, total cash price and in stallments are given
Illustration 1
X purchases a car on hire-purchase system on 01.01.2018. The total cash price of the car is ` 4,50,000 payable
` 90,000 down and three installments of ` 1,70,000, ` 1,50,000 and ` 1,08,460 payable at the end of first, second
and third year respectively. Interest is charged at 10% p.a.
You are required to calculate interest paid by the buyer to the seller each year.
Following table is useful for calculating interest paid with each installment :
Analysis of Installments
Opening Payment towards
Payment Closing Balance
Balance of Cash Installments Principal/Cash
Year towards Interest of Cash Price
Price Price
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
Situation – II : When rate of interest and installments are given but total cash price is not given
Illustration 2
X purchased a T.V on hire-purchase system. As per terms he is required to pay ` 3000 down, ` 4000 at the end of
first year, ` 3000 at the end of second year, and ` 5000 at end of third year. Interest is charged at 12% p.a.
You are required to calculate total cash price of T.V and interest paid with each installment.
Solution :
Analysis of Installments
Calculation of Cash Price Installment Interest Cash Price
(`) (`) (`)
Analysis of Installments
Calculation of Cash Price Installment Interest Cash Price
(`) (`) (`)
Situation – III : When only installments are given, but cash price and rate of interest are not given
Illustration 3
X & Co. purchased a Motor car on April 1, 2019 on hire-purchase paying ` 60,000 cash down and balance
in four annual installments of ` 55,000, ` 50,000, ` 45000 and ` 40,000 each installment comprising
equal amount of cash price at the end of each accounting period. You are required to calculate total cash
price and amount of interest in each installment.
The hire-purchase price is divided into cash price and interest parts as under :
Situation – IV : When reference to annuity table rate of interest and installments are given but total
cash price is not given
In such questions the reference to annuity table gives the present value of the annuity for a number of years at a
certain rate of interest. This present worth is equal to total cash price. Therefore, with the help of annuity tables the
total cash price of the total installments given can be calculated and then question can be solved by the first method.
Illustration 4
On 01.01.2018 X purchase a plant from Y on hire purchase system. The hire purchase rate was settled at ` 60,000,
payable as to ` 15,000 on 01.01.2018 and ` 15,000 at the end of three successive year. Interest was charged @5%
p.a. The asset was to be depreciated in the books of the purchaser at 10% p.a. on Reducing Balance Method. Given
the present value of an annuity of Re. 1 p.a. @5% interest is ` 2.7232.
Ascertain the cash price.
Solution :
Amount of Interest Present value
`1 ` 2.7232
Accounting Treatment
Accounting treatment in the books of buyer is presented in below :
In the Books of the Hire-Purchaser
The following methods are followed:
(1) Cash Price Method
Illustration 5
On 1.1.2017 Mr. X took delivery from Mr. Y of 5 machines on a hire purchase system. ` 4,000 being paid on
delivery and the balance in five installments of ` 6,000 each, payable annually on 31st December. The vendor
company charges 5% interest p.a. on yearly balances. The cash price of 5 machines was ` 30,000. Show the entries
(without narration) Assets Account, Mr. Y Account for 5 years assuming that the purchaser charges depreciation
@20% on straight line method.
Computation of Interest
Hire-purchase price (`) (`)
Down payment 4,000
Interest ` 6,000 × 5 = 30,000 34,000
Less: Cash Price 30,000
∴ Interest 4,000
2017 2017
Jan. 1. To Mr. Y A/c 30,000 Dec. 31. By Depreciation A/c. 6,000
`` Balance c/d. 24,000
30,000 30,000
2018 2018
Jan. 1. To Balance b/d. 24,000 Dec. 31. By Depreciation A/c. 6,000
`` Balance c/d. 18,000
24,000 24,000
2019 2019
Jan. 1. To Balance b/d. 18,000 Dec. 31. By Depreciation A/c. 6,000
`` Balance c/d. 12,000
18,000 18,000
2020 2020
Jan. 1. To Balance b/d. 12,000 Dec. 31. By Depreciation A/c. 6,000
`` Balance c/d. 6,000
12,000 12,000
2021 2021
Jan. 1. To Balance b/d. 6,000 Dec. 31. By Depreciation A/c. 6,000
6,000 6,000
It has been observed that Hire Purchase Trading Account (Debtors) method and Stock and Debtors method of
ascertaining profit or loss on sale of goods of small value under hire purchase system based on the simplified approach
are not fully compliant with AS 19 “Leases” since loading amount contains both profit as well as interest element.
As both companies and other than companies are involved in Hire Purchase Trading it is necessary to prepare the
company accounts in compliance with Accounting Standards as per Companies Act, 2013.
Accordingly it is proposed to follow the methods other than Hire Purchase Trading Account (Debtors) Method
and Stock and Debtors Method in case of Companies.
Journal Entries
The various accounting entries in the books of the hire purchaser and hire vendor are shown below:
Illustration 6
On 01.01.2019 A purchased five Machines each costing ` 1,58,500 each from B Payment was to be made 20%
down and the remainder in four equal annual installments commencing from 31.12.2019 with interest at 10% p.a.
A writes off depreciation @20% on the diminishing balance.
Give the necessary journal entries and ledger accounts in the books of A and B under Sales Method. Also show
how the relevant of items will appear in the Balance Sheet.
01.01.19 To, Bank A/c 1,58,500 01.01.19 By, Machines A/c 7,92,500
[Down Payment]
31.12.19 To, Bank A/c 2,21,900 31.12.19 By, Interest A/c 63,400
[` 1,58,500 + ` 63,400] [(` 7,92,500 -
` 1,58,500) × 10/100]
5,23,050 5,23,050
31.12.21 To, Bank A/c 1,90,200 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 3,17,000
[` 1,58,500 + ` 31,700]
To Balance c/d 1,58,500 31.12.21 By, Interest A/c 31,700
[ ` 3,17,000 × 10/100]
3,48,700 3,48,700
31.12.22 To, Bank A/c 1,74,350 01.01.22 By, Balance b/d 1,58,500
[` 1,58,500 + ` 15,850]
31.12.22 By, Interest A/c 15,850
[` 1,58,500 × 10/100]
1,74,350 1,74,350
In the Books of B
Dr. A’s Account Cr.
01.01.19 To, Sales A/c 7,92,500 01.01.19 By, Bank A/c 1,58,500
[Down payment]
31.12.19 To, Interest A/c 63,400 31.12.19 By, Bank A/c 2,21,900
By, Balance c/d 4,75,500
8,55,900 8,55,900
01.01.20 To, Balance b/d 4,75,500 31.12.20 By, Bank A/c 2,06,050
31.12.20 To, Interest A/c 47,550 31.12.20 By, Balance c/d 3,17,000
5,23,050 5,23,050
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 3,17,000 31.12.21 By, Bank A/c 1,90,200
31.12.21 To, Interest A/c 31,700 By, Balance c/d 1,58,500
3,48,700 3,48,700
01.01.22 To, Balance b/d 1,58,500 31.12.22 By, Bank A/c 1,74,350
31.12.22 To, Interest A/c 15,850
1,74,350 1,74,350
Illustration 7
On 1.1.2020, A purchased 5 Machines from B. Payment was to be made — 20% down and the balance in four
annual installments of ` 2,80,000, ` 2,60,000, ` 2,40,000 and ` 2,20,000 commencing from 31.12.2020. The
vendor charged interest @ 10% p.a. A, writes off depreciation @ 20% p.a. on the original cost.
On A’s failure to pay the installment due on 31.12.2021, B repossessed all the machines on 01.01.2022 and
valued them on the basis of 40% p.a. depreciation on W.D.V. basis. B after incurring `6,000 on repairs sold the
machines for ` 2,66,000 on 30th June 2022. Prepare the relevant accounts in the books of A and B.
D=B+C E = D×R/
A Closing Balance C F = D-E
Closing Balance (100 + R)
Installment after the Installment Opening
before the payment Interest
Number Payment Amount Balance
of Installment D× 10/110
of Installment
IV — 2,20,000 2,20,000 20,000 2,00,000
III 2,00,000 2,40,000 4,40,000 40,000 4,00,000
II 4,00,000 2,60,000 6,60,000 60,000 6,00,000
I 6,00,000 2,80,000 8,80,000 80,000 8,00,000
In the Book of A
01.01.20 To, B’s A/c 10,00,000 31.12.20 By, Depreciation A/c 2,00,000
By, Balance c/d 8,00,000
10,00,000 10,00,000
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 8,00,000 31.12.21 By, Depreciation A/c 2,00,000
By, Balance c/d 6,00,000
8,00,000 8,00,000
01.01.22 To, Balance b/d 6,00,000 01.01.22 By, B’s A/c 6,60,000
To, P&L A/c (Profit) 60,000
6,60,000 6,60,000
01.01.20 To, Bank A/c 2,00,000 01.01.20 By, Machinery A/c 10,00,000
(Down payment)
31.12.20 To, Bank A/c 2,80,000 31.12.20 By, Interest A/c 80,000
[` 2,00,000 + ` 80,000] [(` 10,00,000 - ` 2,00,000)
× 10/100]
To, Balance c/d 6,00,000
10,80,000 10,80,000
31.12.21 To, Balance c/d 6,60,000 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 6,00,000
By, Interest A/c 60,000
(` 6,00,000 × 10/100)]
01.01.22 To, Machinery A/c 6,60,000 01.01.22 By, Balance b/d 6,60,000
In the Books of B
Dr. A’s Account Cr.
01.01.20 To, H.P. Sales A/c 10,00,000 01.01.20 By, Bank A/c 2,00,000
(Down Payment)
31.12.20 To, Interest A/c 80,000 31.12.20 By, Bank A/c 2,80,000
[(` 10,00,000 - ` 2,00,000) (` 2,00,000 + ` 80,000)
× 10/100] By, Balance c/d 6,00,000
10,80,000 10,80,000
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 6,00,000 31.12.21 By, Balance c/d 6,60,000
31.12.21 To, Interest A/c
[ ` 6,00,000 × 10/100] 60,000
6,60,000 6,60,000
01.01.22 To, Balance b/d 6,60,000 01.01.22 By, H.P. Goods 3,60,000
Repossessed A/c
By, Profit & Loss A/c 3,00,000
6,60,000 6,60,000
01.01.22 To, A’s A/c 3,60,000 30.06.22 By, Bank A/c 2,66,000
To, Bank A/c 6,000 By, P&L A/c 1,00,000
3,66,000 3,66,000
Partial Repossession
In case of partial repossession, the hire vendor takes back the possession of a part of the goods.
Illustration 8
On 1.1.2020, A purchased 5 Machines from B. Payment was to be made—20% down and the balance in four
annual installments of ` 2,80,000, ` 2,60,000, ` 2,40,000 and ` 2,20,000 commencing from 31.12.2020. The
vendor charged interest @ 10% p.a. A, writes off depreciation @ 20% p.a. on the original cost.
On A’s failure to pay the installment due on 31.12.2021, after negotiations on 01.01.2022 B agreed to leave two
machines with A adjusting the value of the other three machines against the amount due.The machines being valued
at cost less 40% p.a. depreciation on W.D.V basis, B after spending ` 6000 on repairs of each of such machines sold
@ ` 70,000 on 30th June 2022. Prepare the relevant accounts in the books of A and B.
B E = D×R/
D= B+C
A Closing Balance (100 +R) F = D-E
C Closing Balance
Installment after the Interest Opening
Installment before the payment
Number payment of Balance
of Installment D× 10/110
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
IV - 2,20,000 2,20,000 20,000 2,00,000
III 2,00,000 2,40,000 4,40,000 40,000 4,00,000
II 4,00,000 2,60,000 6,60,000 60,000 6,00,000
I 6,00,000 2,80,000 8,80,000 80,000 8,00,000
In the Books of A
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
01.01.20 To, Bank A/c 2,00,000 01.01.20 By, Machinery A/c 10,00,000
(Down payment)
31.12.10 To, Bank A/c 2,80,000 31.12.20 By, Interest A/c 80,000
[` 2,00,000 + ` 80,000] [(` 10,00,000 - ` 2,00,000)
To, Balance c/d 6,00,000 × 10/100]
10,80,000 10,80,000
31.12.21 To, Balance c/d 6,60,000 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 6,00,000
31.12.21 By, Interest A/c 60,000
[(` 6,00,000 × 10/100)]
01.01.22 To, Machinery A/c 6,60,000 01.01.22 By, Balance b/d 6,60,000
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Book value of Goods Repossessed (`)
In the Books of B
Dr. A’s Account Cr.
01.01.20 To, H.P. Sales A/c 10,00,000 01.01.20 By, Bank A/c 2,00,000
(Down payment)
31.12.20 To, Interest A/c 80,000 31.12.20 By, Bank A/c 2,80,000
[(` 10,00,000 – [` 2,00,000 + ` 80,000]
` 2,00,000) × 10/100]
01.01.22 To, A’s A/c 2,16,000 30.06.22 By, Bank A/c 2,10,000
To, Bank A/c (Repairs) 18,000 By, P&L A/c (Loss) 24,000
[` 6,000 × 3]
2,34,000 2,34,000
Illustration 9
A Transport purchased from Kolkata Motors 3 Tempos costing ` 50,000 each on the hire purchase system on
1.1.2020. Payment was to be made ` 30,000 down and the remainder in 3 equal annual installments payable on
31.12.2020, 31.12.2021 and 31.12.2022 together with interest @ 9%. p.a. A Transport writes off depreciation at the
rate of 20% p.a. on the diminishing balance. It paid the installment due at the end of the first year i.e. 31.12.2020 but
could not pay the next on 31.12.2021. Kolkata Motors agreed to leave one Tempo with the purchaser on 31.12.2021
adjusting the value of the other 2 Tempos against the amount due on 31.12.2021. The Tempos were valued on the
basis of 30% depreciation annually on W.D.V. basis.
Required: Show the necessary accounts in the books of A Transport for the year 2020, 2021, 2022.
In the Books of
Dr. Tempos Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.01.20 To, Kolkata Motors’ A/c 1,50,000 31.12.20 By, Depreciation A/c 30,000
(` 50,000 × 3) (20% on ` 1,50,000)
By, Balance c/d 1,20,000
1,50,000 1,50,000
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 1,20,000 31.12.21 By, Depreciation A/c 24,000
31.12.21 By, Kolkata Motors’ A/c 49,000
(Value of 2 tempos taken
31.12.21 By, P&L A/c (Loss on 15,000
31.12.21 By, Balance c/d (value of 32,000
one tempo left)
1,20,000 1,20,000
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 32,000 31.12.22 By, Depreciation A/c 6,400
31.12.22 By, Balance c/d 25,600
32,000 32,000
01.01.20 To, Bank A/c (Down 30,000 01.01.20 By, Tempos A/c 1,50,000
Payment) (` 50,000 ×3)
31.12.20 To, Bank A/c 50,800 31.12.20 By, Interest A/c 10,800
(9% on ` 1,20,000)
Working Notes:
1. Value of a tempo left with the buyer = ` 50,000 × 80/100 × 80/100
= ` 32,000
2. Value of Tempos taken away by the seller = ` 50,000 × 2 × 70/100 × 70/100
= ` 49,000
3. Loss on Tempos taken away = Book Value – Agreed Value
= [2 × ` 50,000 × 80/100 × 80/100] - ` 49,000
= ` 15,000.
Illustration 10
On 1 January 2021, A purchased from B a plant valued at ` 7,45,000; payment to be made by four semi-annual
installments of ` 2,10,000 each; interest being charged at 5% per half year. A paid the first installment on 1st July
2021 but failed to pay the next. B repossessed the plant on 4 January 2022.On 5 January 2022, after negotitation,
A was allowed to retain the plant of which the original cash price was ` 3,90,000 and he was to bear the loss on the
remainder which was taken over by B on that date for ` 3,75,000. B waived the interest after 31st December 2021.
Another agreement was signed for payment of the balance amount.
Show by ledger accounts the necessary records in the books of A charging depreciation at 10% per annum half
yearly on the written down value.
In the Books of A
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.01.21 To, B’s A/c 7,45,000 30.06.21 By, Depreciation A/c 37,250
By, Balance c/d 7,07,750
7,45,000 7,45,000
01.07.21 To, Balance b/d 7,07,750 31.12.21 By, Depreciation A/c 35,388
By, Balance c/d 6,72,362
7,07,750 7,07,750
01.01.22 To, Balance b/d 6,72,362 05.01.22 By, B’s A/c 3,75,000
To, Profit & Loss A/c 54,613 By, Balance c/d 3,51,975
(Balancing Figure)
[3,75,000 – 3,20,387]
7,26,975 7,26,975
30.6.21 To, balance c/d 7,82,250 01.01.21 By, Plant on Hire 7,45,000
Purchase A/c
30.06.21 By, Interest A/c 37,250
[` 7,45,000 × 5%]
7,82,250 7,82,250
01.07.21 To, Bank A/c 2,10,000 01.07.21 By, Balance b/d 7,82,250
31.12.21 To, Balance c/d 6,00,863 31.12.21 By, Interest A/c 28,613
[` 5,72,250 × 5%]
8,10,863 8,10,863
05.01.22 To, Machinery A/c 3,75,000 01.01.22 By, Balance b/d 6,00,863
To, Balance c/d 2,25,863
6,00,863 6,00,863
Working Note:
Calculation of Book Value of Plant Repossessed and Retained
Illustration 11
Z sold 3 Machinery for a total cash sale price of ` 6,00,000 on hire purchase basis to X on 01.01.2019. The terms
of agreement provided for 30% as cash down and the balance of the cash price in three equal installments together
with interest at 10% per annum compounded annually. The installments were payable as per the following schedule:
1st installment on 31.12.2020; 2nd installment on 31.12.2021 and 3rd installment on 31.12.2022. X paid the 1st
installment on time but failed to pay thereafter. On his failure to pay the second installment, Z repossessed two
machineries and valued them at 50% of the cash price. X charges 10% p.a. depreciation on straight line method.
Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of X for 2019-2021.
Solution: In the Books of X
Dr. Machinery Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.01.19 To, Z’s A/c 6,00,000 31.12.19 By, Depreciation A/c 60,000
By, Balance c/d 5,40,000
6,00,000 6,00,000
01.01.20 To, Balance b/d 5,40,000 31.12.20 By, Depreciation A/c 60,000
By, Balance c/d 4,80,000
5,40,000 5,40,000
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 4,80,000 31.12.21 By, Depreciation A/c 60,000
By, Z’s A/c 2,00,000
By, Profit and Loss A/c 80,000
(balancing figure)
By, Balance c/d 1,40,000
4,80,000 4,80,000
01.01.19 To, Bank A/c 1,80,000 31.12.19 By, Machinery A/c 6,00,000
31.12.19 To, Balance c/d 4,62,000 By, Interest A/c [10% on 42,000
(` 6,00,000 – ` 1,80,000)]
6,42,000 6,42,000
31.12.21 To, Bank A/c (1,40,000 + 2,28,200 01.01.20 By, Balance c/d 4,62,000
42,000 + 46,200) 31.12.20 By, Interest A/c 46,200
To, Balance c/d 2,80,000 [10% on ` 4,62,000]
5,08,200 5,08,200
31.12.21 To, Machinery A/c 2,00,000 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 2,80,000
To, Balance c/d 1,08,000 31.12.21 By, Interest A/c 28,000
3,08,000 3,08,000
Working Notes:
1. Book value of machine left and repossessed
Illustration 12
X purchased a truck for ` 2,80,000, payment to be made ` 91,000 down and 3 installments of ` 76,000 each at
the end of each year. Rate of interest is charged at 10% p.a. Buyer depreciates assets at 15% p.a. on written down
value method.
Because of financial difficulties, X, after having paid down payment and first installment to the end of 1st year
could not pay second installment and seller took possession of the truck. Seller, after spending ` 9,200 on repairs
of the asset sold for ` 150,000. Show the relevant accounts in the books of the purchaser & the vendor.
Down Payment 91,000 91,000 0 91,000
End of 1st year 57,100 76,000 18,900 57,100
End of 2nd Year 62,810 76,000 13,190 62,810
End of 3rd Year 69,090 76,000 6,910 69,090
Total 0 3,19,000 39,000 2,80,000
In the Books of X
Dr. Truck Account Cr.
2nd To, Balance b/d 1,31,900 By, Goods Repossessed A/c 1,45,090
Year To, Interest A/c 13,190
1,45,090 1,45,090
Illustration 13
Z Associates purchased seven trucks on hire purchase on 1st July, 2021. The cash purchase price of each truck
was ` 1,00,000. The company has to pay 20% of the cash purchase price at the time of delivery and the balance in
five half yearly installment starting from 31st December, 2021 with interest at 5% per annum at half yearly rates.
On the Company’s failure to pay the installment due on 30th June 2022, it was agreed that the Company would
return 3 trucks to the vender and the remaining four would be retained. The vendor agreed to allow him a credit
for the amount paid against these 3 trucks less 25%. Show the relevant Accounts in the books of the purchaser
and vendor assuming the books are closed in June every year and depreciation @ 20% p.a. is charged on Trucks.
Vendor after spending ` 2,000 on repairs sold away all the three trucks for ` 80,000.
Solution :
In Books of Hire-Purchaser
Dr. Truck Account Cr.
Date Particulars (`) Date Particulars (`)
01.07.21 To, Hire Vendor’s 7,00,000 30.06.22 By, Depreciation A/c 1,40,000
A/c (Cost of Trucks By, Hire Vendor’s A/c (Value of 3 81,000
@ ` 1,00,000 each) Trucks returned to Vendor)
By, P & L A/c (Loss on surrender) 1,59,000
By, Balance c/d 3,20,000
[4/7 of (` 7,00,000 - ` 1,40,000)
7,00,000 7,00,000
Working Notes :
(i) Credit allowed by Vendor against 3 trucks (`)
Total amount of principal paid against 7 trucks
(` 1,40,000 + ` 1,12,000) 2,52,000
Total amount of principal paid against 3 trucks (` 2,52,000 × 3/7) Credit allowed by Vendor 1,08,000
(` 1,08,000 – 25% of ` 1,08,000) 81,000
(ii) Loss on surrender of 3 trucks
Book value of 3 turcks surrendered [(` 1,00,000 × 3) less 20% of ` 3,00,000] 2,40,000
30.6.22 To Banerjee & Co. 81,000 30.6.22 By Bank A/c (Sales) 80,000
30.6.22 To Cash A/c 2,000 30.6.22 By Profit & Loss A/c 3,000
(expenses) (Loss on Sale)
83,000 83,000
Illustration 14
On 1.1.2019, B & Brothers bought 5 computers from Chirag Computers on hire-purchase. The cash price of each
computer was ` 20,000. It was agreed ` 30,000 each at the end of each year. The Vendor charges interest @ 10%
p.a. The buyer depreciates computers at 20% p.a. on the diminishing balance method.
B & Brothers paid cash down of ` 5,000 each and two installments but failed to pay the last installment.
Consequently, the Computer Traders repossessed three sets, leaving two sets with the buyer and adjusting the value
of 3 sets against the amount due. The sets repossessed were valued on the basis of 30% depreciation p.a. on the
written down value. The sets repossessed were sold by the Chirag Computers for ` 30,000 after necessary rapairs
amounting to ` 5,000 on 30th June 2022.
Required : Open the necessary ledger account in the books of both the parties.
Solution :
In the Books of B & Brothers
Dr. Computers Account Cr.
01.01.19 To, Cash A/c 25,000 01.01.19 By, Computers A/c 1,00,000
31.12.19 To, Cash A/c 30,000 31.12.19 By, Interest A/c
To, Balance c/d 52,500 [(` 1,00,000 – 7,500
1,07,500 ` 25,000) × 10%] 1,07,500
30,000 52,500
31.12.20 To, Cash 01.01.20 By, Balance b/d
27,750 5,250
To, Balance c/d 31.12.20 By, Interest A/c
[52,500 × 10%]
57,750 57,750
20,580 27,750
31.12.21 To, Computers A/c 01.01.21 By, Balance b/d 2,250
(surrendered) 9,420 31.12.21 By, Interest A/c
To, Balance c/d 30,000 30,000
Working Notes :
(i) Total Interest = Hire Purchase Price – Cash Price
= [` 25,000 + (` 30,000 × 3)] – (` 20,000 × 5)
= ` 1,15,000 – ` 1,00,000 = ` 15,000
(ii) Interest for 3rd year = ` 15,000 – ` 7,500 – ` 5,250 = ` 2,250
(iii) Agreed Value of 3 Computers Repossessed on the basis of depreciation @ 30% p.a.
Cost (Cash Price) of 3 Computers 60,000
Less : Depreciation @ 30% p.a. for 3 years [` 18,000 + ` 12,600 + ` 8,820] 39,420
01.01.19 To, H.P. Sales A/c 1,00,000 01.01.19 By, Cash A/c 25,000
31.12.19 To, Interest A/c 7,500 31.12.19 By, Cash A/c 30,000
By, Balance c/d 52,500
1,07,500 1,07,500
01.01.20 To, Balance b/d 52,500 31.12.20 By, Cash A/c 30,000
31.12.20 To, Interest A/c 5,250 31.12.20 By, Balance c/d 27,750
57,750 57,750
01.01.21 To, Balance b/d 27,750 31.12.21 By, Goods Repossessed 20,580
31.12.21 To, Interest A/c 2,250 A/c 9,420
By, Balance c/d
30,000 30,000
30.06.22 To, B & Brothers A/c 20,580 30.06.22 By, Cash A/c 30,000
30.06.22 To, Cash A/c (Repairs) 5,000 (sales)
30.06.12 To, Profit & Loss A/c (Profit) 4,420
30,000 30,000
●● Matured Installments / Installments due on Right side of Memorandum H.P Debtors A/c as ‘By
repossessed goods Goods Repossessed’.
●● Resale of repossessed goods No recording
Closing of ‘Goods sent out on H.P. A/c’ Right side of Memorandum Shop Stock A/c as ‘By
Goods sold on H.P.
(at cost)’.
Closing balance of ‘Shop Stock’ or Godown Stock’ Closing balance in the right side of Memorandum
Shop Stock A/c or Memorandum Godown Stock A/c
as ‘By Balance c/f’.
Closing balance of ‘Stock out on hire’ or ‘Stock with Closing balance in the right side of Memorandum H.P.
H.P. Customers’ or ‘H.P. Stock Stock A/c as ‘By Balance c/f’.
Load on ‘Stock out on hire’ or Stock with H.P. No recording
Customers or ‘H.P. Stock (Closing)
Closing balance of ‘Overdue Installments’ or Closing balance in the right side of Memorandum H.P.
‘Installments Due (customers still paying)’ or ‘H.P. Debtors A/c as ‘By Balance c/f’.
Transfer of Profit earned from hire purchase No recording
Transfer of Loss suffered from hire Purchase No recording
To, H.P. Stock [at H.P. price: Opening xx By, Stock Reserve [Load on Opening xx
Balance] Stock] xx
To, H.P. Debtors[Opening Balance] xx By, Goods sent on H.P. [ Load on goods
To, Goods sold on H.P. A/c [at H.P.] xx sent] xx
To, Hire Expenses xx By, Bank A/c [Cash Received] xx
To, Loss on Repossession xx By, Repossessed Stock A/c xx
By, H.P. Stock A/c [at H.P. Price: Closing
To, Stock Reserve [Load on Closing Stock] xx By, H.P. Debtors [Closing Balance] xx
To, General P/L A/c [ Profit on H.P xx By, General P/L A/c [Loss on H.P xx
transferred (Bal. Fig)] transferred (Bal. Fig.)]
xxx xxx
Opening balance of ‘Overdue Installments’ or Opening balance in Debit side of H.P. Debtors A/c as
‘Installments Due (customers still paying)’ or ‘H.P. ‘To, Balance b/f’.
Goods sold on H.P basis (at H.P.price) H.P. Stock A/c Dr.
To, Goods sent on H.P. A/c
Transfer of purchases A/c Shop stock/Godown Stock /General Trading A/c Dr.
To, Purchases A/c
Installments matured H.P. Debtors A/c Dr.
To, H.P. Stock A/c
Cash received from H.P. customers Bank A/c Dr.
To, H.P. Debtors A/c
Expenses relating to H.P transactions (Hire Expenses) H.P. Stock Adjustment A/c Dr.
To, Bank A/c
Repossession of goods Repossessed Stock A/c Dr.
●● Unmatured Installments on repossessed goods To, H.P. Stock A/c
●● Matured Installments/ Installments due on Repossessed Stock A/c Dr.
repossessed goods To, H.P. Debtors A/c
●● Resale of repossessed goods Bank A/c Dr.
To, Repossessed Stock A/c
●● Value of repossessed stock Closing balance in Credit side of Repossessed Stock
●● Loss of repossession H.P. Stock Adjustment A/c Dr.
To, Repossessed Stock A/c
Illustration 15
Beta Ltd. sells its products only on hire purchase terms, the hire purchase price being ‘cost plus 33.33%’. From
the given information, you are required determine the operating results from the hire purchase transactions by
drafting necessary accounts under each of the following methods:
[A] Debtors Method
[B] Stock-Debtors Method
[C] Final Accounts Method
Further information:
~~ Goods repossessed (installments not yet matured ` 12,000) valued at ` 4,800;
9,78,000 9,78,000
Working Notes:
1. Goods sent on H.P. basis ( at H.P. price)
Memorandum Shop Stock Account
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To, Opening Balance 30,000 By, Goods sent on H.P [at cost: Bal. 3,96,000
To, Purchases 4,08,000 Fig.] 42,000
By, Closing Balance
4,38,000 4,38,000
Therefore, Goods Sent on H.P [at H.P price] = 3,96,000 + 33 1/3% = ` 5,28,000.
Working Notes:
1. Matured Installments during 2021-22:
Dr. H.P. Sales Account Cr.
A. Theoretical Questions:
~~ Multiple Choice Questions
1. In the hire purchase system interest charged by vendor is calculated on the basis of
(a) Outstanding cash Price
(b) Hire purchase Price
(c) Installment amount
(d) None of the above
2. Excess of hire purchase price over cash price is know as
(a) Installment
(b) Cash down payment
(c) Interest
(d) Capital value of asset
3. In Hire Purchase system cash price plus interest is know as
(a) Capital value of asset
(b) Book value of asset
(c) Hire purchase price of asset
(d) Hire purchase charges
1 A 2 C 3 C
1. The buyer gets immediate possession but not ownership of the asset under installment payment system
on signing of contract.
2. The possession and ownership of the asset is immediately transferred to the buyer under Hire- purchase
system on signing the contract.
3. Down payment plus installments including interest is termed as cash price .
4. The Hire-purchaser records the asset at Hire-purchase price .
5. Repossession of the asset is done by Hire-vendor due to non-payment of installments in due time.
6. Hire purchase price = Cash price + Total Interest
7. In hire purchase system, ownership of the goods passes from the seller to the buyer only when the full
and final payment is made.
8. The difference between the hire purchase price and cash price of the asset is known is known as Total
1 more 2 repossession
3 installment 4 last
5 capital payment 6 ` 62,700
7 Hirer 8 Hire purchase charges
9 Cash price 10 Down payment
B. Numerical Questions
1. Shiva purchased a laptop on hire-purchase system. As per terms, he is required to pay ` 7,500 down,
` 10,000 at the end of first year, ` 7,500 at the end of second year, and ` 12,500 at the end of third year.
Interest is charged at 12% per annum. The interest payable with the installment at the end of second year
will be
(a) ` 900
(b) ` 1,999
(c) ` 804
(d) ` 1,760
2. Arti Ltd. purchased a machine on hire purchase system for a cash price ` 5,00,000 to be paid as ` 78,700
cash down and the balance by three equal annual installment of ` 2,00,000 each. If interest is charged
@ 20% per annum then amount of interest payable in second installment will be
(a) ` 1,00,000
(b) ` 61,112
(c) ` 33,328
(d) ` 84,260
1 B 2 B
1. On 01.01.2019 Dola Ltd. purchased a Taxi from Sayan Ltd., on hire purchase system. A Down payment
of ` 15,000 and 3 equal installments together with interest @ 5% per annum on the outstanding balance of
capital sum are to be made. The amount of last installment payment was ` 15,750. Depreciation has to be
provided @ 10% under reducing balance method.
At the end of 3rd year the taxi was sold for ` 25,000 in cash.
Prepare Taxi Account and Vendor Account in the books of Dola Ltd.
[Answer Hint: Depreciation on 31.12.2010 — 31.12.2019 ` 6,000
31.12.2020 ` 5,400
31.12.2021 ` 4,860
Interest for 2019 — ` 2,250
2020 — ` 1,500
2021 — ` 750]
2. On 1st April, 2019 Gauru & Co. purchased a machinery on hire purchases system from Machinery Mart
for a cash price of ` 7,50,000 to be paid as ` 1,18,050 cash down and the balance by three equal annual
installments of ` 3,00,000 each. Interest is charged @ 20% per annum. Gauru & Co. has decided to write
off depreciation on machinery @ 15% per annum on diminishing balance method. Gauru & Co. paid the
installment due at the end of the first year but could not pay the next installments. On 31st March, 2021
the Machinery Mart took the possession of the machinery. On 15th April, 2021 the Machinery Mart spent
` 30,000 on the repairs of the machinery and sold it for ` 1,80,000 on 20th April, 2021. Installment due on
31.03.2021 was paid by Gauru & Co. on 10th April. You are required to prepare:
(i) Gauru & Co.’s Account and Returned Stock Account in the books of Machinery Mart.
(ii) Machinery Account and Machinery Mart’s Account in the books of Gauru & Co.
Answer Hint:
Calculation of Interest included in each installment.
Amount of
Interest Payment of Cash Price
Installment Installment
(`) (`)
1 3 4 (3 - 4)= 5
Cash down on 1-04-2012 1,18,050 — 1,18,050
(i) 31-03-13 3,00,000 6,31,950 × (20/100) = 1,26,390 1,73,610
(ii) 31-3-14 3,00,000 4,58,340 × (20/100) 2,08,332
(iii) 31-03-15 3,00,000 49,992 2,50,008
3. On 1st April, 2018 Guru purchased a machinery for cash price of ` 5,06,872 on hire purchase system from
Machinery Mart. Payment to be made ` 1,50,000 down and the balance by four equal annual installments.
Interest is charged @ 15% per annum. Guru depreciates machinery at 20% per annum on written down value
method. Guru paid down payment and first two installments but could not pay the remaining installments.
On 31st March, 2021 the Machinery Mart took possession of machinery.
You are required to prepare Machinery Account and Machinery Mart Account in the books of Guru.
Since the problem is silent regarding the amount of equal installment, it is assumed that the balance of cash
price will be paid equally along with the interest on the amount outstanding.
Calculation of Interest
Opening Payment of
Installment (`) Interest (`)
Cash Price (`) Principle (`)
5,06,872 1,50,000 — 1,50,000
3,56,872 1,42,749 3,56,872 × 15% = 53,531 89,218
2,67,654 1,29,366 2,67,654 × 15% = 40,148 89,218
1,78,436 1,15,972 1,78,436 × 15% = 26,754 89,218
89,218 1,02,601 89,218 × 15%= 13,383 89,218
4. Exe Ltd. purchased a vehicle for ` 2,80,000, down payment to be made ` 91,000 and 3 installments of
` 76,000 each at the end of each year. Rate of interest is charged at 10% p.a.
Buyer depreciates assets at 15% on written down value method.
Because of financial difficulties, Exe Ltd. after having paid the down payment and first installment at the end
of 1st year, could not pay the second installment. Hence, the seller took possession of the vehicle. The Seller
after spending ` 9.200 on repairs of the asset, sold it for ` 1,50,000. Show the relevant accounts in the books
of the purchaser and the vendor.
Calculation on Interest
Paid towards Cash
Total Cash Installment Paid Interest Paid
Particulars Price(installment -Int.)
Price (`) @10% Int. (`) (`)
Down Payment 91,000 91,000 NIL 91,000
End of 1st year 57,100 76,000 18,900 57,100
End of 2nd year 62,810 76,000 13,190 62,810
End of 3rd year 69,090 76,000 6,910 69,090
TOTAL Nil 3,19,000 39,000 2,80,000
5. Rudra Transporter purchases a truck on hire purchase from Sarkar Motor for `56,000 on January 1, 2019.
Payment to be made as `15,000 down cash and 3 installments of `15,000 each at the end of each year. Rate
of interest is charged at 5% p.a. Buyer depreciates assets at 10% p.a. on written down value method, because
of financial difficulties Rudra Transporter after having paid the down cash and the first installment at the end
of the first year could not pay the second installment and Sarkar Motors took possession of the Truck.
Prepare (a) Truck Account (b) Seller’s Account in the books of the buyer assuming that year ends on 31st
[Answer: Value of Surrendered Asset `29,453, Transfer to Profit & Loss A/c `15,907]
6. Ashis purchased seven Machines on hire-purchase on 1st July 2021. The Cash Price of each Machine was
`50,000. He was to pay 20% of Cash Price at the time of delivery and the balance of five half- yearly
installments starting from 31.12.2021 with interest at 5% per annum. On his failure to pay the installment
due on 30th June, 2022, it was agreed that Ashis would return three machines to the vendor and the remaining
four machines would be retained by him. The returning price of three machines was `40,500. Ashis charges
depreciation @ 20% per annum. Vendor after spending ` 1,000 on repairs sold away all the three machines
for `40,000.
Show Machines Account and Vendor’s Account in the books of Ashis and Ashis’ Account and Goods
Repossessed Account in the books of the Vendor assuming that their books are closed on 30th June
each year.
[Answer: Loss on Surrender `79,500, Transfer to Profit & Loss A/c `1,500]
7. Go-kart Logistics acquired a delivery van on hire purchase on 01.04.2022 from Ashima Enterprises. The
terms were as follows:
Accounting Standards 9
Accounting Standards
SLOB Mapped against the Module
To gain application-oriented knowledge on identifying the impact of various standards on treatment of certain
transactions to ensure appropriate reporting. (CMLO 4a, c)
Introduction to Accounting
ccountancy is often referred to as an art of recording, classifying and summarizing financial information,
which involves the use of accountant’s creative skills. However, if full independence is provided to the
accountants regarding the accounting system and practices to be followed, it is bound to result in lack of
uniformity, and in some cases may end up in manipulation of accounts. Thus, there arises a need for an
accounting framework on the basis of which the financial transactions should be recorded in the books of accounts
and ultimately make the resulting financial statements comparable. This need led to the framing of the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
the Accounting Standards notified by the MCA are applicable. These standards are mandatory on and from the
dates specified either in the respective document or as may be notified by the ICAI/ MCA.
It may be noted that MCA also issues the Accounting Standards for companies, based on recommendations made
by the ICAI. Accordingly MCA notifies such Accounting Standards vide Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules
and amendments thereto, applicable for companies including Small and Medium Sized Companies to whom Indian
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) are not applicable.
9.1.3 Convergence to Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) – Applicability and Scope
In the context of financial accounting and reporting, convergence refers to the process of harmonising the
accounting standards issued by various regulatory bodies of different countries of the world. It refers to the goal of
establishing a single set of high quality accounting standard that will be used internationally , and in particular the
effort to reduce differences between the local generally accepted accounting practice and International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS). IFRS are a set of accounting standards developed by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB). These are the global standards for the preparation of public company financial statements
The objective of the convergence exercise is to produce a common set of high quality accounting standards to
enhance the consistency, comparability and efficiency of financial statements.
There are two aspects to the concept of convergence of accounting standards:
~~ International-level Convergence: It is the process within which the International Accounting Standards
Board (IASB) and National Standard-Setters (NSS) converge their respective accounting standards into
one global set of accounting regulations. This concept of a single global comprehensive set of accounting
standards is a conceptual ideal. It would help to ensure the comparability of financial statements. Further, it
would allow companies to enjoy a lower cost of capital as a result of their financial statements being more
readily comprehended and understood. A single set of accounting standards would also ensure lower barriers
to the free movement of accountants in business across jurisdictions.
~~ National-level Convergence: This involves the adoption of the international accounting standards as
national GAAP. For example, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has converged its
accounting standards with those of the IASB. The two aspects are clearly intertwined, the IASB works with
the national standard setting body in one country to converge IFRS and local generally accepted accounting
practices, which has implications for the convergence of local GAAP in another country with IAS.
In the Indian context, convergence means that the Indian Accounting Standards and the International Financial
Reporting Standards would, over time, continue working together to develop high quality, compatible accounting
standards. It would be worth noting here that conceptually ‘convergence of accounting standards’ is different from
that of ‘adoption of accounting standards’ which means full-fledged use of IFRS as issued by the IASB by the
Indian public companies.
The Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), as notified under section 133 of the Companies Act 2013, have been
formulated keeping the Indian economic & legal environment in view and with a view to converge with IFRS
Standards as issued by the IFRS Foundation.
from the Accounting period 2016-17. The MCA has since issued seven Amendment Rules, one each in year 2016,
2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to amend the original 2015 rules.
Following is the timeline of applicability of Ind AS:
A. For Companies other than the Banks, Non-banking Financial Companies, and Insurance Companies
1. 1st April 2015 and onwards: Application on a voluntary basis for all the companies along with
2. 1st April 2016: Mandatory for the following companies:
~~ Companies listed or in the process of listing in India or outside India with a net worth equal to or
more than ` 500 crores
~~ Unlisted companies having a net worth equal to or more than ` 500 crores
~~ Holding, subsidiary, joint venture, and associate of the above companies
Phase-II: From 1st April 2017
●● All the companies that are listed or in the process of listing in India or outside India that are not covered
in Phase-I
●● Unlisted companies with a net worth of ` 250 crores or above but less than ` 500 crores
●● Holding, subsidiary, joint venture, and associate of the above companies
In this respect, the following points are to be noted:
●●Companies that are listed on the SME exchange are not required to apply Ind AS on a mandatory basis
●●Once the company starts to follow Ind AS, whether voluntarily or mandatorily, then it shall follow Ind
AS for all the subsequent financial statements even though any of the criteria does not subsequently
apply to it.
●● The companies who satisfy the above criteria in an accounting year shall immediately apply the Ind AS
in subsequent accounting year with comparatives. The Ind AS shall be applicable on both standalone
and consolidated financial statements.
●● The remaining companies not covered above shall continue to apply the existing Accounting Standards
as notified in the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
B. For Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks), Non-Banking Financial
Companies, Insurers, and Insurance Companies
(1) Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
Phase-I: From 1st April 2018:
~~ Listed or unlisted NBFCs with a net worth of ` 500 crores or more
~~ Holding, subsidiary, joint venture, and associate companies of the above companies excluding those
that are already covered under the corporate roadmap.
Phase-II: From 1st April 2019
~~ NBFCs with a net worth of less than ` 500 crores whose equity or debt securities are listed or in the
process of listing on the stock exchange in India
~~ Unlisted NBFCs with a net worth of ` 250 crores or more but less than ` 500 crores
~~ Holding, subsidiary, joint venture, and associate companies of the above companies excluding those
that are already covered under the corporate roadmap.
(ii) Provide depreciation for the year on straight line basis or account of substantial additions in gross block
during the year, instead of on the Reducing Balance Method, which had been hitherto adopted. As a
consequence, the charge for depreciation at ` 27 crores is lower than the amount of ` 45 crones -which
would have been provided had the old method been followed-by ` 18 crores.
(iii) Not to provide for “after-sales expenses” during the warranty period. Till the last year, provision at 2% on
sales used to be made under the concept of “matching of cost against revenue” and actual expenses used
to be charged against the provision. The Board now decided to account for expenses as and when actually
incurred. Sales during the year total to ` 600 crores.
(iv) Provide for permanent fall in the value of investment-which fall had taken place over the past 5 years-the
provision being ` 10 crores. As chief accountant of the company, you are asked by the Managing Director
to draft the Notes on Accounts for inclusion in the annual report for 2021-2022.
According to AS 1: “in the case of a change in accounting policies which has a material effect in the current
period should be disclosd, the amount by which any item in the financial statements is affected by such change
should also be disclosed to the extent ascertainable. Where such amount is not ascertainable wholly or in part, the
fact should be indicated.” Naturally, the Notes on Accounts must disclose the change.
Notes on Accounts
(i) Till last year, it was the practice of valuing inventory at prime cost but during the year the same was valued
at works cost. Due to this change the closing inventory was valued at ` 50 crores and, accordingly, profit
was increased by ` 20 crores (i.e. ` 50 crores - ` 30 crores) due to the change of the method of valuation.
(ii) During the year the company decided to change the method of providing for depreciation from reducing
balance method to straight line method. Due to this change, the amount of depreciation was undercharged
i.e., instead of charging ` 45 crores it was charged by ` 27 crores and, as a consequence, the profit was
increased by ` 18 crores (i.e., ` 45 crores minus ` 27 crores).
(iii) It was the practice of the company to make provision of @ 2% on sales for ‘After-Sales expenses’ during
the warranty period. It may be assumed that as a result of improved techniques and methods in production
the possibility of defects became very rare. Consequently, the company took decision not to make any
provision for after -sales expense’ during warranty period. As a result of this change, the profit would be
increased by ` 12 crores.
(iv) As a result of permanent fall in the value of investments which took place over the last 5 years the company
decided to make provision to the extent of ` 10 crores. Due to this effect the profit would be reduced by `
10 crores.
Illustration 2
Which one is the correct one? Fundamental accounting assumptions as per AS 1 are:
(a) Going Concern, Matching and Consistency;
(b) Money Measurement, Going Concern and Prudence;
(c) Accounting Period, Going Concern and Entity Concept; and
(d) Going Concern, Consistency and Accruals.
As per As 1, the fundamental accounting assumptions are: Going Concern, Consistency and Accruals.
Illustration 3
Explain, in short, the relevant Disclosures of Accounting Policies as per AS 1.
As per AS 1, the Disclosures of Accounting Policies are: All significant accounting policies adopted in the
preparation and presentation of financial statements should be disclosed.
The disclosure of the significant accounting policies as such should form part of the financial statements and the
significant accounting policies should normally be disclosed in one place.
Any change in the accounting policies which has a material effect in the current period or which is reasonably
expected to have a material effect in later periods should be disclosed. In the case of a change in accounting policies
which has a material effect in the current period, the amount by which any item in the financial statements is affected
by such change should also be disclosed to the extent ascertainable. Where such amount is not ascertainable,
wholly or in part, the fact should be indicated.
If the fundamental accounting assumptions, viz, Going Concern, Consistency and Accruals, are followed in
financial statements, specific disclosure is not required. If a fundamental accounting assumption is not followed,
the fact should be disclosed.
Illustration 4
Explain the methods/criteria for the selection and application of Accounting Policies.
The major considerations governing the selection and application of accounting policies are:
Prudence – Generally maker of financial statement has to face uncertainties at the time of preparation of financial
statement. These uncertainties may be regarding collectability of recoverable, number of warranty claims that may
occur. Prudence means making of estimates that are required under conditions of uncertainty.
Substance over form – It means that transaction should be accounted for in accordance with actual happening
and economic reality of the transactions not by its legal form.
Materiality – Financial Statement should disclose all the items and facts which are sufficient enough to influence
the decisions of reader or/ user of financial statement.
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for property, plant, and equipment except when another Standard
requires or permits a different accounting treatment.
This Standard does not apply to:
(a) biological assets related to agricultural activity other than bearer plants. This Standard applies to bearer
plants but it does not apply to the produce on bearer plants; and
(b) wasting assets including mineral rights, expenditure on the exploration for and extraction of minerals, oil,
natural gas and similar non-regenerative resources.
However, this Standard applies to property, plant and equipment used to develop or maintain the assets described
in (a) and (b) above.
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
Agricultural Activity is the management by an enterprise of the biological transformation and harvest of
biological assets for sale or for conversion into agricultural produce or into additional biological assets.
Agricultural Produce is the harvested product of biological assets of the enterprise.
Bearer plant is a plant that (a) is used in the production or supply of agricultural produce; (b) is expected to
bear produce for more than a period of twelve months; and (c) has a remote likelihood of being sold as agricultural
produce, except for incidental scrap sales.
Biological Asset is a living animal1 or plant.
Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognised after deducting any accumulated depreciation
and accumulated impairment losses.
Cost is the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the other consideration given to acquire
an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction or, where applicable, the amount attributed to that asset when
initially recognised in accordance with the specific requirements of other Accounting Standards.
Depreciable amount is the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted for cost, less its residual value.
Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life.
Enterprise-specific value is the present value of the cash flows an enterprise expects to arise from the continuing
use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life or expects to incur when settling a liability.
Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an
arm’s length transaction.
Gross carrying amount of an asset is its cost or other amount substituted for the cost in the books of account,
without making any deduction for accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
An impairment loss is the amount by which the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount.
Property, plant and equipment are tangible items that:
(a) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative
purposes; and
(b) are expected to be used during more than a period of twelve months. Recoverable amount is the higher of an
asset’s net selling price and its value in use.
The residual value of an asset is the estimated amount that an enterprise would currently obtain from disposal
of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition
expected at the end of its useful life.
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment should be recognised as an asset if, and only if:
(a) it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the enterprise; and
(b) the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
An enterprise evaluates under this recognition principle all its costs on property, plant and equipment at the time
they are incurred. These costs include costs incurred: (i) initially to acquire or construct an item of property, plant
and equipment; and (ii) subsequently to add to, replace part of, or service it.
Measurement at Recognition
An item of property, plant and equipment that qualifies for recognition as an asset should be measured at its cost.
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises:
(a) its purchase price, including import duties and non –refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade
discounts and rebates.
(b) any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable
of operating in the manner intended by management.
(c) the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling, removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located,
referred to as decommissioning, restoration and similar liabilities’, the obligation for which an enterprise
incurs either when the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during a particular period
for purposes other than to produce inventories during that period.
Examples of costs that are not costs of an item of property, plant and equipment are:
(a) costs of opening a new facility or business, such as, inauguration costs;
(b) costs of introducing a new product or service( including costs of advertising and promotional activities);
(c) costs of conducting business in a new location or with a new class of customer (including costs of staff
training); and
(d) administration and other general overhead costs.
The cost of a self-constructed asset is determined using the same principles as for an acquired asset.
Bearer plants are accounted for in the same way as self-constructed items of property, plant and equipment before
they are in the location and condition necessary to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.
Each part of an item of property, plant and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of
the item should be depreciated separately.
The depreciation charge for each period should be recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss unless it is
included in the carrying amount of another asset.
Depreciation Method
The depreciation method used should reflect the pattern in which the future economic benefits of the asset are
expected to be consumed by the enterprise. The depreciation method applied to an asset should be reviewed at least
at each financial year-end and, if there has been a significant change in the expected pattern of consumption of the
future economic benefits embodied in the asset, the method should be changed to reflect the changed pattern. Such
a change should be accounted for as a change in an accounting estimate in accordance with AS 5, Net Profit or Loss
for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies.
Items of property, plant and equipment retired from active use and held for disposal should be stated at the lower
of their carrying amount and net realisable value. Any write-down in this regard should be recognised immediately
in the Statement of Profit and Loss.
The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment should be derecognized:
(a) on disposal; or
(b) when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.
Gain or loss arising from the derecognition: The gain or loss arising from the derecognition of an item of
property, plant and equipment should be determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds, if any,
and the carrying amount of the item. Such gain or loss should be included in the Statement of Profit and Loss when
the item is derecognised (unless AS 19, Leases, requires otherwise on a sale and leaseback). It is to be noted that
such gains should not be classified as revenue as per AS 9, Revenue Recognition. However, an enterprise that in the
course of its ordinary activities, routinely sells items of property, plant and equipment that it had held for rental to
others should transfer such assets to inventories at their carrying amount when they cease to be rented and become
held for sale. The proceeds from the sale of such assets should be recognised in revenue in accordance with AS 9,
Revenue Recognition.
The financial statements should disclose, for each class of property, plant and equipment:
(a) the measurement bases (i.e., cost model or revaluation model) used for determining the gross carrying
(b) the depreciation methods used;
(c) the useful lives or the depreciation rates used. In case the useful lives or the depreciation rates used are
different from those specified in the statute governing the enterprise, it should make a specific mention of
that fact;
(d) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated depreciation (aggregated with accumulated impairment
losses) at the beginning and end of the period; and
(e) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the period showing:
(i) additions;
(ii) assets retired from active use and held for disposal;
(iii) acquisitions through business combinations ;
(iv) increases or decreases resulting from revaluations under paragraphs 34, 42 and 43 and from impairment
losses recognised or reversed directly in revaluation surplus in accordance with AS 28;
(v) impairment losses recognised in the statement of profit and loss in accordance with AS 28;
(vi) impairment losses reversed in the Statement of Profit and Loss in accordance with AS 28;
(vii) depreciation;
(viii) the net exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements of a non-integral
foreign operation in accordance with AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates; and
(ix) other changes.
The financial statements should also disclose:
(a) the existence and amounts of restrictions on title, and property, plant and equipment pledged as security
for liabilities;
(b) the amount of expenditure recognised in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment
in the course of its construction;
(c) the amount of contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment;
(d) if it is not disclosed separately on the face of the Statement of Profit and Loss, the amount of compensation
from third parties for items of property, plant and equipment that were impaired, lost or given up that is
included in the Statement of Profit and Loss; and
(e) the amount of assets retired from active use and held for disposal.
If items of property, plant and equipment are stated at revalued amounts, the following should be disclosed:
(a) the effective date of the revaluation;
(b) whether an independent valuer was involved;
(c) the methods and significant assumptions applied in estimating fair values of the items;
(d) the extent to which fair values of the items were determined directly by reference to observable prices
in an active market or recent market transactions on arm’s length terms or were estimated using other
valuation techniques; and
(e) the revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period and any restrictions on the distribution of
the balance to shareholders.
Further, an enterprise is encouraged to disclose the following: (a) the carrying amount of temporarily idle
property, plant and equipment; (b) the gross carrying amount of any fully depreciated property, plant and
equipment that is still in use; (c) for each revalued class of property, plant and equipment, the carrying
amount that would have been recognised had the assets been carried under the cost model; (d) the carrying
amount of property, plant and equipment retired from active use and not held for disposal.
Transitional Provisions
Where an entity has in past recognized an expenditure in the Statement of Profit and Loss which is eligible
to be included as a part of the cost of a project for construction of property, plant and equipment, it may do
so retrospectively for such a project. The effect of such retrospective application of this requirement, should be
recognised net-of-tax in revenue reserves.
The requirements regarding the initial measurement of an item of property, plant and equipment acquired in an
exchange of assets transaction should be applied prospectively only to transactions entered into after this Standard
becomes mandatory.
The requirements of this Standard concerning separate depreciation of parts of an item of property, plant and
equipment and concerning capitalisation of cost of replacing such parts are applicable in respect of items of
property, plant and equipment on the date this standard becomes mandatory. The effect of application of this
requirement insofar as change in useful life of various parts is concerned, should be accounted for in accordance
with the standard except that where a part does not have any remaining useful life, the carrying amount of the part,
if any, should be recognised net-of-tax in the opening balance of revenue reserves.
On the date of this Standard becoming mandatory, the spare parts, which hitherto were being treated as inventory
under AS 2, Valuation of Inventories, and are now required to be capitalised in accordance with the requirements
of this Standard, should be capitalised at their respective carrying amounts. The spare parts so capitalised should be
depreciated over their remaining useful lives prospectively as per the requirements of this Standard.
The requirements regarding the revaluation model should be applied prospectively. In case, on the date of this
Standard becoming mandatory, an enterprise does not adopt the revaluation model as its accounting policy but
the carrying amount of item(s) of property, plant and equipment reflects any previous revaluation it should adjust
the amount outstanding in the revaluation reserve against the carrying amount of that item. However, the carrying
amount of that item should never be less than residual value. Any excess of the amount outstanding as revaluation
reserve over the carrying amount of that item should be adjusted in revenue reserves.
Ind AS 16 AS 10
Does not exclude accounting for real estate developers. Excludes the accounting for real estate developers
Specific recognition criteria for recognition of fixed No recognition criteria for fixed assets are laid out.
assets are laid out.
Components approach is followed. Does not require adoption of components approach.
Requires organisation to choose Cost model or Recognises the revaluation of fixed assets.
Revaluation model.
Change in method of depreciation is considered as a No specific guidance provided.
change in accounting estimate.
Does not deal with jointly owned assets. Deals with fixed assets that are owned jointly with
Doesn’t deal with assets held for sale. Deals with fixed assets that have been put up for sale
and that have been retired from active use.
Additional costs incurred in construction of self- No specific guidance provided.
generated asset should not be considered.
Revaluation Surplus may be transferred to retained Guidance note provides recycling to income statement
earnings on derecognition of asset. in the ratio of additional depreciation.
Gain on derecognition should be considered as No specific guidance provided.
PPE acquired in exchange of non-monetary asset is PPE acquired in exchange is to be recorded at net
recognised at fair value. book value of asset given up.
Illustration 5
Machineries which appeared in the books of Dee Ltd. at ` 86,00,000 has been revalued at ` 90,00,000. The
accumulated depreciation associated was ` 28,00,000. The accountant suggested that revaluation should be
accounted for by adjusting accumulated depreciation account. You are required to discuss the treatment as per
AS 10.
The suggestion of the accountant of Dee Ltd. is incorrect. As per AS 10, when fixed assets are revalued upwards,
the increase on account of revaluation should be credited to Revaluation Surplus Account.
Illustration 6
Jay Ltd., a chemical producing company changed a semi-automatic component in an existing machine with
a fully-automatic component incurring ` 85,000. This new component would result in increasing the output by
150%. The component changing exercise required the company to dismantle a part of the machine and also re-erect
the same for which the company incurred ` 38,000. How should the costs be treated as per AS 10?
Cost of new component: As the new component results in increased output, it would result in increasing the
future benefits from the machine. So, the cost incurred ` 85,000 should be capitalised.
Cost of dismantling and re-erection: ` 38,000 incurred towards dismantling and re-erection should be charged
to the Statement of Profit and Loss.
An enterprise may carry on activities involving foreign exchange in two ways. Firstly, it may have transactions in
foreign currencies, and secondly, it may have foreign operations. For these purposes, transactions must be expressed
in the enterprise’s reporting currency and the financial statements of foreign operations must be translated into the
enterprise’s reporting currency.
The principal issues in accounting for foreign currency transactions and foreign operations are to decide
which exchange rate to use and how to recognise in the financial statements the financial effect of changes in
exchange rates.
AS 11 deals with:
~~ Accounting for transactions in foreign currencies;
~~ Translating financial statements of foreign operations to reporting currency; and
~~ Accounting for foreign currency transactions in the nature of forward exchange contracts.
The standard however does not cover the following issues:
~~ It does not specify the currency in which an enterprise should presents its financial statements;
~~ Restatement of an enterprise’s financial statements from its reporting currency into another currency;
~~ Presentation in cash flow statements, of cash flows arising from transactions in foreign currency and
translation of cash flows of a foreign operation (AS 3 Cash Flow Statements); and
~~ Exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent they are regarded as adjustment
to interest costs (AS 16 Borrowing costs).
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
Average rate is the mean of the exchange rates in force during a period.
Closing rate is the exchange rate at the balance sheet date.
Exchange difference is the difference resulting from reporting the same number of units of a foreign currency in
the reporting currency at different exchange rates.
Exchange rate is the ratio for exchange of two currencies.
Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable,
willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.
Initial Recognition:
A foreign currency transaction should be recorded, on initial recognition in the reporting currency, by applying
to the foreign currency amount the exchange rate between the reporting currency and the foreign currency at the
date of the transaction. For practical reasons, a rate that approximates the actual rate at the date of the transaction
is often used. Eg: An average rate for a week or a month might be used for all transactions in each foreign currency
occurring during that period.
(b) Foreign currency non-monetary items at historical cost: Such items which are carried in terms of
historical cost denominated in a foreign currency should be reported using the exchange rate at the date of
the transaction; and
(c) Foreign currency non-monetary items at fair value etc.: Such items which are carried at fair value or
other similar valuation denominated in a foreign currency should be reported using the exchange rates that
existed when the values were determined.
(b) transactions with the reporting enterprise are not a high proportion of the foreign operation’s activities;
(c) the activities of the foreign operation are financed mainly from its own operations or local borrowings rather
than from the reporting enterprise;
(d) costs of labour, material and other components of the foreign operation’s products or services are primarily
paid or settled in the local currency rather than in the reporting currency;
(e) the foreign operation’s sales are mainly in currencies other than the reporting currency;
(f) cash flows of the reporting enterprise are insulated from the day-to-day activities of the foreign operation
rather than being directly affected by the activities of the foreign operation;
(g) sales prices for the foreign operation’s products are not primarily responsive on a short-term basis to changes
in exchange rates but are determined more by local competition or local government regulation; and
(h) there is an active local sales market for the foreign operation’s products, although there also might be
significant amounts of exports. However, it is to be noted that the appropriate classification for each operation
can, in principle, be established from factual information related to the above-mentioned indicators.
Translation of financial statements of an integral foreign operation: As Integral foreign operation is an
extension to the reporting entity’s business, there is a need to convert all the items of financial statements as if they
are of the reporting entity. For converting financial statements of integral foreign operations, the rate should be
taken as follows:
~~ For Monetary items and Contingent liabilities: Closing rate.
~~ For Profit and Loss items: Rate on date of transaction or Average rate.
~~ For Non monetary items, if carrying value is measured at Historical Cost then no need to revalue. If carrying
value is measured at Fair value/NRV – Rate on date of Valuation is used.
forward exchange contract, which is not intended for trading or speculation purposes, to establish the amount of
the reporting currency required or available at the settlement date of a transaction. The premium or discount arising
at the inception of such a forward exchange contract should be amortised as expense or income over the life of the
contract. Exchange differences on such a contract should be recognised in the statement of profit and loss in the
reporting period in which the exchange rates change. Any profit or loss arising on cancellation or renewal of such
a forward exchange contract should be recognised as income or as expense for the period.
A gain or loss on a forward exchange contract to which paragraph 36 does not apply should be computed by
multiplying the foreign currency amount of the forward exchange contract by the difference between the forward
rate available at the reporting date for the remaining maturity of the contract and the contracted forward rate (or the
forward rate last used to measure a gain or loss on that contract for an earlier period). The gain or loss so computed
should be recognised in the statement of profit and loss for the period. The premium or discount on the forward
exchange contract is not recognised separately.
An enterprise should disclose:
(a) the amount of exchange differences included in the net profit or loss for the period; and
(b) net exchange differences accumulated in foreign currency translation reserve as a separate component of
shareholders’ funds, and a reconciliation of the amount of such exchange differences at the beginning and
end of the period.
When the reporting currency is different from the currency of the country in which the enterprise is domiciled,
the reason for using a different currency should be disclosed. The reason for any change in the reporting currency
should also be disclosed.
When there is a change in the classification of a significant foreign operation, an enterprise should disclose:
(a) the nature of the change in classification;
(b) the reason for the change;
(c) the impact of the change in classification on shareholders’ funds; and
(d) the impact on net profit or loss for each prior period presented had the change in classification occurred at
the beginning of the earliest period presented.
Transitional Provisions
On the first time application of this Standard, if a foreign branch is classified as a non-integral foreign operation
in accordance with the requirements of this Standard, the accounting treatment as prescribed in respect of change
in the classification of a foreign operation should be applied.
Ind AS 21 AS 11
Forward exchange contracts are not covered. Forward exchange contracts are included within its
Ind AS 21 AS 11
Accounting of foreign operations is based on Accounting of foreign operations is based on integral
functional currency approach. and non-integral approach.
No specific guidance provided. Option to recognise exchange difference arising on
translation of certain long-term monetary items over
the period is available.
Presentation currency could be different from the local No such specification provided.
Illustration 7
During the financial year 2021-22, Zeds Ltd., an e-commerce firm entered into a foreign currency transaction
relating to fees for technical services paid to a Lucas Ltd., an Atlanta based organisation in the USA. The transaction
was for $24,000, which was entered into on 07.12.2021. The payment for the same was made on 20.05.2022. Given
that the exchange rates are: on 07.12.2021: $1 = ` 68.80; on 01.01.2021: $1 = ` 68.95; on 31.03.2022: $1 = ` 70.45;
on 20.05.2022: $1 = ` 71.50.
You are required to:
(a) ascertain the amount at which the transaction would get recognised in the books; and
(b) calculate amount of foreign exchange gain/ loss to be recorded in the financial statement for the years 2021-
22 and 2022-23.
(a) As per AS 11, a foreign currency transaction should be recorded, on initial recognition in the reporting
currency, by applying to the foreign currency amount the exchange rate between the reporting currency and
the foreign currency at the date of the transaction.
⸫ Fees for technical services $24,000 would be recorded on 07.12.2021 applying the exchange rate existing
on that date = 24,000 × ` 68.80 = ` 16,51,200.
(b) For 2021-22:
On 31.03.2022, Outstanding fess for technical services should be reflected in the balance sheet using the
closing rate ($1 = ` 70.45) i.e. 24,000 × ` 70.45 = ` 16,90,800.
⸫ Exchange loss to be charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss = ` (16,90,800 – 16,51,200) = ` 39,600.
For 2022-23:
On 20.05.2022, Outstanding fess for technical services paid should be recognised using the existing rate ($1
= ` 71.50) i.e. 24,000 × ` 71.50 = ` 17,16,000.
⸫ Exchange loss on settlement to be charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss = ` (17,16,000 – 16,90,800)
= ` 25,200.
Illustration 8
Subhash Ltd. purchased a machine costing ` 216 lakhs on 1.4.2021 and the same was fully financed by foreign
currency loan (US $) payable in three annual equal instalments. Exchange rates were $1 = ` 67.50 and ` 70.45 as
on 1.4.2021 and 31.03.2022 respectively. First instalment was paid on 31.03.2022. The entire difference in foreign
exchange has been capitalized. Advice how the exchange gain/ loss should be accounted for by the company.
Cost of machine (in US$) = ` 216,00,000/ 67.50 = $3,20,000.
⸫ Exchange loss on payment of first instalment = 3,20,000 × ` (70.45 – 67.50) = ` 9,44,000.
This entire loss due to exchange differences amounting ` 9,44,000 should be charged to the Statement of Profit
and Loss.
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
Government refers to government, government agencies and similar bodies whether local, national or
Government grants are assistance by government in cash or kind to an enterprise for past or future compliance
with certain conditions. They exclude those forms of government assistance which cannot reasonably have a
value placed upon them and transactions with government which cannot be distinguished from the normal trading
transactions of the enterprise.
Government grants should not be recognised until there is reasonable assurance that:
(i) the enterprise will comply with the conditions attached to them; and
(ii) the grants will be received.
Mere receipt of a grant is not necessarily a conclusive evidence that conditions attaching to the grant have been
or will be fulfilled.
Capital approach: Under this approach, a grant is treated as part of shareholders’ funds. This approach is
followed because many government grants are in the nature of promoters’ contribution, i.e., they are given with
reference to the total investment in an undertaking or by way of contribution towards its total capital outlay and
no repayment is ordinarily expected in the case of such grants. These are credited directly to shareholders’ funds.
Income approach: Under this approach, a grant is considered to be an item of income over one or more periods.
This approach is followed when the government grants are not gratuitous in nature. The enterprise earns them
through compliance with their conditions and meeting the envisaged obligations. They should therefore be taken to
income and matched with the associated costs which the grant is intended to compensate.
Treatment of refund of government grant depends on the nature of grant recvd. These are discussed hereunder:
Refund of government grant is in the nature of promoters’ contribution: The amount refundable, in part or
in full, to the government on non-fulfillment of some specified conditions, the relevant amount recoverable by the
government is reduced from the capital reserve.
Refund of government grant is related to revenue: The amount refundable is applied first against any
unamortised deferred credit remaining in respect of the grant. To the extent that the amount refundable exceeds
any such deferred credit, or where no deferred credit exists, the amount is charged immediately to profit and
loss statement.
Refund of government grant is related to specific fixed asset: The amount refundable is recorded by increasing
the book value of the asset or by reducing the capital reserve or the deferred income balance, as appropriate, by
the amount refundable. In case the book value of the asset is increased, depreciation is provided on the revised
book value.
The following should be disclosed:
(i) the accounting policy adopted for government grants, including the methods of presentation in the financial
(ii) the nature and extent of government grants recognised in the financial statements, including grants of non-
monetary assets given at a concessional rate or free of cost.
Ind AS 20 AS 12
Disclosure required in financial statements with No specific guidance as does not deal with other forms
indication on other forms of government assistance of government assistance
Government grants in the nature of capital contribution Government grants as capital contribution are
are not recognized specifically recognized
Prohibition of recognition of grants directly to the Grants for non-depreciable assets are required to be
shareholder’s fund shown as a capital reserve under shareholder’s funds
Recognition of non-monetary grants at fair value Recognition of non-monetary grants at acquisition
cost or nominal value
No option to deduct the amount of grant from the book Optional to deduct the amount of grant from the book
value of the asset. value of the asset.
Illustration 9
Dee Ltd. received ` 80,00,000 from the Central Government as subsidy for setting up a factory in a backward
area. How would you treat the transaction in the financial statement of the company?
When government grants are in the nature of promoters’ contribution, i.e., they are given with reference to the
total investment in an undertaking or by way of contribution towards its total capital outlay and no repayment is
ordinarily expected in the case of such grants. These are credited directly to shareholders’ funds. So, Dee Ltd.
should credit the amount of ` 80,00,000 to capital reserve and the same would get reflected in the Balance Sheet.
Illustration 10
Big Box Ltd., a start-up purchased on April 1, 2020, a machine worth ` 44,85,000 in relation to which it received
` 7,35,000 as grant from Government of India. The company decided to treat this grant as a capital receipt. It
is estimated that the realizable value of the machine at the end of its useful life of 4 years will be ` 15,36,000.
During the financial year 2022-23, the grant became refundable as the start-up company failed to comply with the
necessary terms and conditions of the grant.
You are required to calculate the amount of depreciation that is to be charged to the statement of profit and loss
for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 given that the company follows straight line method of charging depreciation.
As per AS 12, the amount refundable in respect of government grant is related to specific fixed asset is recorded
by increasing the book value of the asset or by reducing the capital reserve or the deferred income balance, as
appropriate, by the amount refundable. In case the book value of the asset is increased, depreciation is provided on
the revised book value.
apply the Standard to borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of:
(a) a qualifying asset measured at fair value, for example, a biological asset; or
(b) inventories that are manufactured, or otherwise produced, in large quantities on a repetitive basis.
This Standard uses the following terms with the meanings specified:
Borrowing costs are interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds.
A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use
or sale.
Borrowing Cost and Exchange differences arising from Foreign Currency Borrowings
Exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings and considered as borrowing costs are those
exchange differences which arise on the amount of principal of the foreign currency borrowings to the extent of
the difference between interest on local currency borrowings and interest on foreign currency borrowings. Thus,
the amount of exchange difference not exceeding the difference between interest on local currency borrowings and
interest on foreign currency borrowings is considered as borrowings costs to be accounted for under this Standard
and the remaining exchange difference, if any, is accounted for under AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign
Exchange Rates. For this purpose, the interest rate for the local currency borrowings is considered as that rate at
which the enterprise would have raised the borrowings locally had the enterprise not decided to raise the foreign
currency borrowings.
The financial statements should disclose:
(a) the accounting policy adopted for borrowing costs; and
(b) the amount of borrowing costs capitalised during the period; and
Ind AS 23 AS 16
Qualifying Assets will never Include Biological Qualifying Assets may Include Biological Assets.
No specific definition and explanation on the Specific definition and explanation on the
understanding of substantial period of time has been understanding of substantial period of time is provided.
provided; rather, it is a matter of judgement.
Inventories which are produced in large quantities Inventories may be considered as Qualifying assets if
should not be considered as Qualifying Assets. It condition of substantial period is satisfied.
implies that Inventories which are produced in lower
quantity only can be considered as Qualifying assets.
interest expense which is capitalized or not capitalized Disclosure is required to be made only if capitalization
during the period should be disclosed separately of borrowing cost has been made during the period.
Borrowing costs in hyper-inflationary situation is Inflation in interest rate is not addressed.
addressed. If interest cost increase due to hyper
inflationary situation then the increase in Interest cost
should be written off in income statement.
Weighted Average capitalisation rate on borrowings No specific guidance provided.
should be disclosed in Notes to accounts.
In consolidated financial statements, weighted average No specific guidance provided.
capitalisation rate on total borrowing of Holding &
subsidiaries is to be considered.
Illustration 11
T&L Ltd. is a large construction company which is presently involved in the construction of a railway bridge
over the Ganga river at Patna. The project cost is ` 125 crores, 40% of which is financed by borrowing from Asian
Development Bank at an interest of 3%. There has been a delay in the completion of the project, and the project
manager of the railway bridge construction site has identified that delay construction of the railway bridge has
happened due to high water levels during the monsoon months of July to September. Ms. Sonali Mathur, the
accountant of T&L Co. has not suspended the capitalisation of the borrowing cost and reflected the same in the
cost of the qualifying asset.
You are required to comment on the treatment
In this case, the work got suspended due to temporary delay which is a necessary part of the construction
process. Capitalisation of borrowing cost would continue during the extended period during which high water
levels delay construction of the railway bridge, as such high water levels are common during the monsoon period
in the geographic region involved.
So, the treatment done by Ms. Mathur, the company accountant is correct.
Illustration 12
On 14.08.2021, Pushkar Ltd. obtained a loan from RBC Bank of ` 65 lakhs to be utilised as under:
Purchase of equipment: ` 19,50,000;
Construction of factory shed: ` 26,00,000;
Advance for purchase of delivery vehicle: ` 6,50,000;
Working capital: ` 13,00,000.
In March, 2022 installation of the machinery was completed and also construction of factory shed was completed
and the machinery installed. However, the truck was not delivered within 31.03.2022. Total interest charged by
the bank for the year ending 31.3.2004 was ` 11.70 lakhs. Discuss how the interest amount would be treated in the
financial statements of the company as per AS 16.
In this case, only the factory shed is a Qualifying Asset (QA) as per AS 16. The amount of interest on borrowings
and its treatment is presented below:
This Standard should be applied in accounting for taxes on income. This includes the determination of the
amount of the expense or saving related to taxes on income in respect of an accounting period and the disclosure
of such an amount in the financial statements. For the purposes of this Standard, income taxes include all domestic
and foreign taxes which are based on taxable profits. Income taxes also include taxes, such as withholding taxes,
which are payable by a subsidiary, associate or joint arrangement on distributions to the reporting entity. However,
AS 22 does not specify when, or how, an enterprise should account for taxes that are payable on distribution of
dividends and other distributions made by the enterprise.
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
Accounting income (loss) is the net profit or loss for a period, as reported in the statement of profit and loss,
before deducting income tax expense or adding income tax saving.
Taxable income (tax loss) is the amount of the income (loss) for a period, determined in accordance with the tax
laws, based upon which income tax payable (recoverable) is determined.
Tax expense (tax saving) is the aggregate of current tax and deferred tax charged or credited to the statement of
profit and loss for the period.
Current tax is the amount of income tax determined to be payable (recoverable) in respect of the taxable income
(tax loss) for a period.
Deferred tax is the tax effect of timing differences.
Timing differences are the differences between taxable income and accounting income for a period that originate
in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.
Permanent differences are the differences between taxable income and accounting income for a period that
originate in one period and do not reverse subsequently.
Timing differences
Timing differences arise because the period in which some items of revenue and expenses are included in taxable
income do not coincide with the period in which such items of revenue and expenses are included or considered in
arriving at accounting income.
Example 1: A machinery purchased for scientific research related to business is fully allowed as deduction in the
first year for tax purposes whereas the same would be charged to the statement of profit and loss as depreciation
over its useful life. The total depreciation charged on the machinery for accounting purposes and the amount
allowed as deduction for tax purposes will ultimately be the same, but periods over which the depreciation is
charged and the deduction is allowed will differ.
Example 2: For the purpose of computing taxable income, tax laws allow depreciation on the basis of the written
down value method, whereas for accounting purposes, straight line method is used.
Example 3: Unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward of losses which can be set-off against future taxable
income are also considered as timing differences.
Tax expense for the period, comprising current tax and deferred tax, should be included in the determination of
the net profit or loss for the period. Taxes on income are considered to be an expense incurred by the enterprise
in earning income and are accrued in the same period as the revenue and expenses to which they relate. Such
matching may result into timing differences.
The tax effects of timing differences are included in the tax expense in the statement of profit and loss and as
deferred tax assets (subject to the consideration of prudence) or as deferred tax liabilities, in the balance sheet.
Permanent differences do not result in deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities. Deferred tax should be
recognised for all the timing differences, subject to the consideration of prudence in respect of deferred tax assets.
The deferred tax in respect of timing differences which reverse during the tax holiday period is not recognised
to the extent the enterprise’s gross total income is subject to the deduction during the tax holiday period. Deferred
tax in respect of timing differences which reverse after the tax holiday period is recognised in the year in which the
timing differences originate. For the above purposes, the timing differences which originate first are considered to
reverse first.
recognition of deferred tax asset in respect of loss arising under the head ‘Capital gains’ is normally fulfilled, are
sale of an asset giving rise to capital gain (eligible to set-off the capital loss as per the provisions of the Act) after
the balance sheet date but before the financial statements are approved, and binding sale agreement which will give
rise to capital gain (eligible to set-off the capital loss as per the provisions of the Act).
Current tax should be measured at the amount expected to be paid to (recovered from) the taxation authorities,
using the applicable tax rates and tax laws. Deferred tax assets and liabilities should be measured using the tax
rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. When different tax
rates apply to different levels of taxable income, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using average rates.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities should not be discounted to their present value.
Ind AS 12 AS 22
Based on Balance Sheet approach. Based on Income Statement approach
Recognition is done based on difference between Recognises the difference between taxable income
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax and accounting income.
Applies to two types of differences - Timing Applies to two types of differences - Taxable
Differences and Permanent Differences. Temporary Differences and Deductible Temporary
Differences. This standard does not address Permanent
Deductible temporary differences are recognised to Deferred taxes are recognised only when and to
the extent that future periods are likely to provide the degree that there is a reasonable certainty of its
taxable earnings. realisation.
No concept of virtual certainty. When a corporation has unabsorbed depreciation or
losses carried forward, the deferred tax asset should
be to the degree that there is a virtual certainty backed
up by convincing evidence.
Current and deferred tax is recognised on income No specific guidance provided.
statement, except for tax that arises from transactions
done in Other Comprehensive Income or directly in
The disparity between carrying the amount of a The disparity between carrying the amount of a
revalued asset and its tax base is dealt with. revalued asset and its tax base is not covered.
No specific guidance provided regarding Minimum Specific guidance provided regarding tax rates for
Alternate Tax u/s 115JB. deferred tax assets/ liabilities Minimum Alternate Tax
u/s 115JB.
No specific guidance provided on deferred tax for tax Specific guidance provided on deferred tax for tax
holiday situations and capital gain cases. holiday situations and capital gain cases.
Illustration 13
Classify the following as Timing Difference and Permanent Difference and also state whether they would result
in Deferred Tax Asset or Deferred Tax Liability:
(a) Unabsorbed depreciation
(b) Income tax penalty
(c) Interest on loan taken from scheduled bank accounted in the books, but not paid till the date of filing Return
of Income.
Particulars Nature of difference DTA/ DTL
Unabsorbed depreciation Timing Difference DTA
Income tax penalty Neither DTA nor
Permanent Difference
DTL to be created
Interest on loan taken from scheduled bank accounted in the Neither DTA nor
Permanent Difference
books, but not paid till the date of filing Return of Income. DTL to be created
Illustration 14
Parshuram Ltd., which commenced its operations in 2018-19, provides the following details:
Timing Permanent
Financial Profit before Corporate
Difference Difference Remarks
year tax (Rs.) tax rate
(Rs.) (Rs.)
2018-19 28,00,000 + 3,15,000 + 3,50,000 40% Reversible in 2021-22
2019-20 31,50,000 + 2,10,000 + 2,80,000 38% Reversible in 2020-21
2020-21 35,00,000 - 70,000 + 3,15,000 35% Reversible in 2021-22
2021-22 24,50,000 Nil + 4,20,000 30% --
You are required to calculate the amount of Current Tax for the four financial years.
Calculation of Current Tax (in ` Lakhs)
Particulars 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Profit before tax 28.00 31.5 35.00 24.50
Timing Differences 3.15 2.10 (0.70) Nil
Permanent Differences 3.50 2.80 3.15 4.20
Taxable Income 34.65 36.40 37.45 28.70
Corporate tax rate 40% 38% 35% 30%
Current Tax (Taxable Income Tax rate) 13.86 13.832 13.1075 8.61
Illustration 15
The following information is available from the records of Vishnu Ltd.:
Depreciation charged to income statement ` 8,00,000; Depreciation u/s 32 of Income Tax Act ` 20,00,000;
Unamortised preliminary expenditure as per income tax records ` 1,50,000.
It is communicated that there is adequate evidence of future profit sufficiency. Given that the corporate tax rate
is 40%, you are required to ascertain the amount of deferred tax asset/ deferred tax liability to be created in this
Timing Difference = Additional depreciation as per Income Tax Act (-) Preliminary expenditure to be allowed =
` (20,00,000 – 8,00,000) - 1,50,000 = ` 10,50,000.
Deferred Tax Liability = ` 10,50,000 40% = ` 4,20,000.
A. Theoretical Questions
1 d 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b
B. Numerical Questions
1. Alpha Ltd. contracted with a supplier to purchase machinery which is to be installed in its one department
in three months’ time. Special foundations were required for the machinery which were to be prepared
within this supply lead time. The cost of the site preparation and laying foundations were `1,40,000.
These activities were supervised by a technician during the entire period, who is employed for this
purpose of ` 45,000 per month. The machine was purchased at `1,58,00,000 and `50,000 transportation
charges were incurred to bring the machine to the factory site. An Architect was appointed at a fee of
`30,000 to supervise machinery installation at the factory site. You are required to ascertain the amount
at which the Machinery should be capitalized as per AS 10.
[Answer: Total Cost of Machinery `1,61,55,000]
2. Mrs. A bought a forward contract for three months of US$ 1,00,000 on 1st December at 1 US$ = ` 47.10
when exchange rate was US$ 1 = ` 47.02. On 31st December when he closed his books exchange rate
was US$ 1 = ` 47.15. On 31st January, he decided to sell the contract at ` 47.18 per dollar. Show how
the profits from contract will be recognised in the books as per AS 11.
[Answer: Total Profit (1,00,000 × 0.08) ` 8,000]
Particulars Exchange Rate per $
Goods purchased on 1.1.20 × 1 for US $ 15,000 ` 75
Exchange rate on 31.3.20 × 1 ` 74
Date of actual payment 7.7.20 × 1 ` 73
You are required to ascertain the loss/gain to be recognized for financial years ended 31st March, 2021
and 31st March, 2022 as per AS 11.
[Answer: Credited to Profit and Loss Account ` 15,000]
4. On 1.4.2021, AS Ltd. received government grant of `300 lakhs for acquisition of machinery costing
`1,500 lakhs. The grant was credited to the cost of the asset. The life of the machinery is 5 years. The
machinery is depreciated at 20% on WDV basis. The Company had to refund the grant in May 20 × 4
due to non-fulfilment of certain conditions. How you would deal with the refund of grant in the books
of AS Ltd. as per AS 12 assuming that the company did not charge any depreciation for year 20X4?
[Answer: Revised book value ` 914.40 lakhs]
5. Ashima Ltd. has obtained Institutional Term Loan of `580 lakhs for modernisation and renovation of
its Plant & Machinery. Plant & Machinery acquired under the modernisation scheme and installation
completed on 31st March, 20 × 2 amounted to ` 406 lakhs, `58 lakhs has been advanced to suppliers for
additional assets and the balance loan of `116 lakhs has been utilised for working capital purpose. The
Accountant is on a dilemma as to how to account for the total interest of ` 52.20 lakhs incurred during
20X1-20X2 on the entire Institutional Term Loan of ` 580 lakhs. Discuss how the interest amount would
be treated in the financial statements of the company as per AS 16.
[Answer: Total Interest to be capitalised ` 41.76 lakhs; Total Interest to be charged to
Profit and Loss Account ` 10.44 lakhs]
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