B.tech 3 Cse Syllabus
B.tech 3 Cse Syllabus
B.tech 3 Cse Syllabus
R20 Regulations
S.No. Course Code Course Name L T P Credits
1. Computer Networks 3 0 0 3
2. Artificial Intelligence 3 0 0 3
3. Formal Languages and Automata Theory 3 0 0 3
4. Professional Elective Course – I 3 0 0 3
Software Testing
Internet of Things
Computer Vision
5. Open Elective Course – I 3 0 0 3
6. Computer Networks Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7. Artificial Intelligence Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8. Skill oriented course – III 1 0 2 2
Mobile Application Development
9. Evaluation of Community Service Project 1.5
Total 21.5
Open Elective-I
1. A student is permitted to register for Honours or a Minor in IV semester after the results of III
Semester are declared and students may be allowed to take maximum two subjects per semester
pertaining to their Minor from V Semester onwards.
2. A student shall not be permitted to take courses as Open Electives/Minor/Honours with content
substantially equivalent to the courses pursued in the student's primary major.
3. A student is permitted to select a Minor program only if the institution is already offering a Major
degree program in that discipline.
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S.No Course Code Course Name L T P Credits
1. Compiler Design 3 0 0 3
2. Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
3. Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3 0 0 3
4. Professional Elective Course– II 3 0 0 3
Advanced Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics
Natural Language Processing
5. Open Elective Course – II 3 0 0 3
6. Compiler Design Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7. Machine Learning Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8. Data Warehousing and Data Mining Lab 0 0 3 1.5
9. Skill oriented course – IV 1 0 2 2
Soft Skills
10. Mandatory Non-credit Course
Intellectual Property Rights & Patents 2 0 0 0
Total 21.5
Industry Internship (Mandatory) for 6 – 8 weeks duration during summer vacation
Open Elective-II
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Course Objectives:
The course is designed to
Understand the basic concepts of Computer Networks.
Introduce the layered approach for design of computer networks
Expose the network protocols used in Internet environment
Explain the format of headers of IP, TCP and UDP
Familiarize with the applications of Internet
Elucidate the design issues for a computer network.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Identify the software and hardware components of a computer network
Design software for a computer network
Develop new routing, and congestion control algorithms
Assess critically the existing routing protocols
Explain the functionality of each layer of a computer network
Choose the appropriate transport protocol based on the application requirements
Principles of Network Applications, The Web and HTTP, Electronic Mail in the Internet, DNS—The
Internet’s Directory Service, Peer-to-Peer Applications Video Streaming and Content Distribution
Networks (Textbook 2)
1. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, David j.wetherall, Computer Networks, 5th Edition, PEARSON.
2. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach”, 6th edition,
Pearson, 2019.
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Reference Books:
1. Forouzan, Data communications and Networking, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Publication.
2. Youlu Zheng, Shakil Akthar, “Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers”, Oxford
Publishers, 2016.
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Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
Introduce Artificial Intelligence
Teach about the machine learning environment
Present the searching Technique for Problem Solving
Introduce Natural Language Processing and Robotics
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Apply searching techniques for solving a problem
Design Intelligent Agents
Develop Natural Language Interface for Machines
Design mini robots
Summarize past, present and future of Artificial Intelligence
UNIT I Introduction
Introduction: What is AI, Foundations of AI, History of AI, The State of Art.
Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, Good Behaviour: The Concept of Rationality, The Nature of
Environments, The Structure of Agents.
UNIT II Solving Problems by searching
Problem Solving Agents, Example problems, Searching for Solutions, Uninformed Search Strategies,
Informed search strategies, Heuristic Functions, Beyond Classical Search: Local Search Algorithms and
Optimization Problems, Local Search in Continues Spaces, Searching with Nondeterministic Actions,
Searching with partial observations, online search agents and unknown environments.
UNIT III Reinforcement Learning & Natural Language Processing
Reinforcement Learning: Introduction, Passive Reinforcement Learning, Active Reinforcement Learning,
Generalization in Reinforcement Learning, Policy Search, applications of RL
Natural Language Processing: Language Models, Text Classification, Information Retrieval, Information
UNIT IV Natural Language for Communication
Natural Language for Communication: Phrase structure grammars, Syntactic Analysis, Augmented
Grammars and semantic Interpretation, Machine Translation, Speech Recognition
Perception: Image Formation, Early Image Processing Operations, Object Recognition by appearance,
Reconstructing the 3D World, Object Recognition from Structural information, Using Vision.
UNIT V Robotics
Robotics: Introduction, Robot Hardware, Robotic Perception, planning to move, planning uncertain
movements, Moving, Robotic software architectures, application domains
Philosophical foundations: Weak AI, Strong AI, Ethics and Risks of AI, Agent Components, Agent
Architectures, Are we going in the right direction, What if AI does succeed.
1. Stuart J.Russell, Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education,
Reference Books:
1. Nilsson, Nils J., and Nils Johan Nilsson. Artificial intelligence: a new synthesis. Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.
2. Johnson, Benny G., Fred Phillips, and Linda G. Chase. "An intelligent tutoring system for the accounting cycle:
Enhancing textbook homework with artificial intelligence." Journal of Accounting Education 27.1 (2009): 30-
Online Learning Resources:
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Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
Introduce languages, grammar, and computational models
Explain the Context Free Grammars
Enable the students to use Turing machines
Demonstrate decidability and un-decidability for NP-Hard problems
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
List types of Turing Machines
Design Turing Machine
Formulate decidability and undesirability problems
UNIT I : The Theory of Automata: Description of Finite Automation, Mathematical Model of Computer
System, DFA, NFA, The equivalence of DFA and NFA, Melay and Moore machines, Minimization of Finite
UNIT II: Regular Sets and Regular Grammars: Regular Expressions, Finite Automata and Regular
Expressions, Pumping Lemma for Regular sets, Applications of pumping lemma, Closure properties of
Regular sets and Grammar.
UNIT III: Context Free Languages: CFL and Derivative Trees, Ambiguity in CFG, Simplification of CFG,
Pumping lemma for CFL
Pushdown Automata: Definition, Pushdown Automata and CFL, Parsing and Pushdown Automata.
UNIT IV: Turing Machines: TM Model and Representation, Languages accepted by TM, Design of TM,
Universal Turing Machines.
1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, J.E.Hopcroft, R.Motwani and
J.D.Ullman, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2008.
2. Theory of Computer Science-Automata, Languages and Computation, K.L.P.Mishra and
N.Chandrasekaran, 3rd Edition, PHI, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Formal Language and Automata Theory, K.V.N.Sunitha and N.Kalyani, Pearson, 2015.
2. Introduction to Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Computation,
ShyamalenduKandar, Pearson, 2013.
3. Theory of Computation, V.Kulkarni, Oxford University Press, 2013.
4. Theory of Automata, Languages and Computation, Rajendra Kumar, McGraw Hill, 2014.
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Introduction: Purpose of Testing, Dichotomies, Model for Testing, Consequences of Bugs,
Taxonomy of Bugs.
Flow graphs and Path testing: Basics Concepts of Path Testing, Predicates, Path Predicates and
Achievable Paths, Path Sensitizing, Path Instrumentation, Application of Path Testing.
Flow Testing Transaction Flow Testing: Transaction Flows, Transaction Flow Testing Techniques.
Dataflow testing: Basics of Dataflow Testing, Strategies in Dataflow Testing, Application of
Dataflow Testing.
Domain Testing: Domains and Paths, Nice & Ugly Domains, Domain testing, Domainsand
Interfaces Testing, Domain and Interface Testing, Domains and Testability.
Logic Based Testing Paths, Path products and Regular expressions: Path Products & Path
Expression,Reduction Procedure, Applications, Regular Expressions & Flow Anomaly
Detection.Logic Based Testing: Overview, Decision Tables, Path Expressions, KV
Graph Matrices and Application State, State Graphs and Transition Testing: State Graphs,
Good & Bad State Graphs, State Testing, Testability Tips.
Graph Matrices and Application: Motivational Overview, Matrix of Graph, Relations, Power of a
Matrix, Node Reduction Algorithm, Building Tools.
1. Boris Beizer, “Software testing techniques”, Dreamtech, second edition, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Brian Marick, “The craft of software testing”, Pearson Education.
2. Yogesh Singh, “Software Testing”, Camebridge
3. P.C. Jorgensen, “Software Testing” 3rd edition, Aurbach Publications (Dist.by SPD).
4. N.Chauhan, “Software Testing”, Oxford University Press.
5. P.Ammann&J.Offutt, “Introduction to Software Testing” , Cambridge Univ. Press.
6. Perry, “Effective methods of Software Testing”, John Wiley, 2nd Edition, 1999.
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B. Tech (CSE)– III- V Semester L T P C
3 0 0 3
(Professional Elective Course – I)
Course Objectives:
Understand the basics of Internet of Things and protocols.
Discuss the requirement of IoT technology
Introduce some of the application areas where IoT can be applied.
Understand the vision of IoT from a global perspective, understand its applications,
determine its market perspective using gateways, devices and data management
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand general concepts of Internet of Things.
Apply design concept to IoT solutions
Analyze various M2M and IoT architectures
Evaluate design issues in IoT applications
Create IoT solutions using sensors, actuators and Devices
1. Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “ Internet of Things ( A Hands-on-Approach)”, 1st
Edition, VPT, 2014.
2. Handbook of unmanned aerial vehicles, K Valavanis; George J Vachtsevanos, New York,
Springer, Boston, Massachusetts : Credo Reference, 2014. 2016.
Reference Books:
1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, Stamatis Karnouskos,
David Boyle, “ From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New
Age of Intelligence”, 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2014.
2. ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti - Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach, Universities
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Press, 2014.
3. The Internet of Things, Enabling technologies and use cases – Pethuru Raj, Anupama C.
Raman, CRC Press.
4. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting
Everything”, 1st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013
5. Cuno Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media, 2011, ISBN: 978-
1-4493- 9357-1
6. DGCA RPAS Guidance Manual, Revision 3 – 2020
7. Building Your Own Drones: A Beginners' Guide to Drones, UAVs, and ROVs,
John Baichtal
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B. Tech (CSE)– III- V Semester L T P C
3 0 0 3
(Professional Elective Course – I)
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to understand the basic issues in computer vision and major
approaches to address the methods to learn the Linear Filters, segmentation by clustering,
Edge detection, Texture.
Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, you will be able to:
Identify basic concepts, terminology, theories, models and methods in the field of
computer vision,
Describe known principles of human visual system,
Describe basic methods of computer vision related to multi-scale representation, edge
detection and detection of other primitives, stereo, motion and object recognition,
Suggest a design of a computer vision system for a specific problem
Introduction to Computer Vision, Linear Filters and Convolution, Shift Invariant Linear
Systems, Spatial Frequency and Fourier Transforms, Sampling and Aliasing Filters as
Templates, Technique: Normalized Correlation and Finding Patterns, Technique: Scale and
Image Pyramids.
Noise- Additive Stationary Gaussian Noise, Why Finite Differences Respond to Noise,
Estimating Derivatives - Derivative of Gaussian Filters, Why Smoothing Helps, Choosing a
Smoothing Filter, Why Smooth with a Gaussian? Detecting Edges-Using the Laplacian to
Detect Edges, Gradient-Based Edge Detectors, Technique: Orientation Representations and
Representing Texture –Extracting Image Structure with Filter Banks, Representing Texture
using the Statistics of Filter Outputs, Analysis (and Synthesis) Using Oriented Pyramids –The
Laplacian Pyramid, Filters in the Spatial Frequency Domain, Oriented Pyramids,
Application: Synthesizing Textures for Rendering, Homogeneity, Synthesis by Sampling
Local Models, Shape from Texture, Shape from Texture for Planes
What is Segmentation, Human Vision: Grouping and Gestalt, Applications: Shot Boundary
Detection and Background Subtraction. Image Segmentation by Clustering Pixels,
Segmentation by Graph-Theoretic Clustering. The Hough Transform, Fitting Lines, Fitting
Finding Objects by Voting on Relations between Templates, Relational Reasoning Using
Probabilistic Models and Search, Using Classifiers to Prune Search, Hidden Markov Models,
Application: HMM and Sign Language Understanding, Finding People with HMM.
David A. Forsyth, Jean Ponce, Computer Vision – A modern Approach, PHI, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Geometric Computing with Clifford Algebras: Theoretical Foundations and Applications in
Computer Vision and Robotics, Springer;1 edition,2001by Sommer.
2. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision,1/e,bySonka.
3. Computer Vision and Applications: Concise Edition (WithCD) by Jack Academy Press,
Online Learning Resources:https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105216https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103174
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List of Experiments:
1. Implement the data link layer framing methods such as character, character stuffing and bit stuffing.
2. Implement on a data set of characters the three CRC polynomials – CRC 12, CRC 16 and CRC CCIP.
3. Implement Dijkstra‘s algorithm to compute the Shortest path through a graph.
4. Take an example subnet graph with weights indicating delay between nodes. Now obtain Routing table art
each node using distance vector routing algorithm.
5. Take an example subnet of hosts. Obtain broadcast tree for it.
6. Take a 64 bit playing text and encrypt the same using DES algorithm.
7. Write a program to break the above DES coding 8. Using RSA algorithm encrypt a text data and Decrypt
the same.
8. Install Network Simulator 2/3. Create a wired network using dumbbell topology. Attach agents, generate
both FTP and CBR traffic, and transmit the traffic. Vary the data rates and evaluate the performance using
metric throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss.
9. Create a static wireless network. Attach agents, generate both FTP and CBR traffic, and transmit the
traffic. Vary the data rates and evaluate the performance using metric throughput, delay, jitter and packet
10. Create a mobile wireless network. Attach agents, generate both FTP and CBR traffic, and transmit the
traffic. Vary the data rates and evaluate the performance using metric throughput, delay, jitter and packet
1. Shivendra S.Panwar, Shiwen Mao, Jeong-dong Ryoo, and Yihan Li, “TCP/IP Essentials
A Lab-Based Approach”, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
2. Cisco Networking Academy, “CCNA1 and CCNA2 Companion Guide”, Cisco
Networking Academy Program, 3rd edition, 2003.
3. Elloitte Rusty Harold, “Java Network Programming”, 3rd edition, O’REILLY, 2011.
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B. Tech (CSE)– III- V Semester L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Implement search algorithms
Solve Artificial intelligence problems
Design chat bot and virtual assistant
List of Experiments:
1. Write a program to implement DFS and BFS
2. Write a Program to find the solution for traveling salesman Problem
3. Write a program to implement Simulated Annealing Algorithm
4. Write a program to find the solution for the wumpus world problem
5. Write a program to implement 8 puzzle problem
6. Write a program to implement Towers of Hanoi problem
7. Write a program to implement A* Algorithm
8. Write a program to implement Hill Climbing Algorithm
9. Build a Chatbot using AWS Lex, Pandora bots.
10. Build a bot that provides all the information related to your college.
11. Build a virtual assistant for Wikipedia using Wolfram Alpha and Python
12. The following is a function that counts the number of times a string occurs in another string:
# Count the number of times string s1 is found in string s2
Def count substring(s1,s2):
count = 0
for i in range(0,len(s2)-len(s1)+1):
if s1 == s2[i:i+len(s1)]:
count += 1
return count
For instance, countsubstring(’ab’,’cabalaba’) returns 2.
Write a recursive version of the above function. To get the rest of a string (i.e. everything but the first
13. Higher order functions. Write a higher-order function count that counts the number of elements in
a list that satisfy a given test. For instance: count (lambda x: x>2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) should return 3,
as there are three elements in the list larger than 2. Solve this task without using any existing
higher- order function.
14. Brute force solution to the Knapsack problem. Write a function that allows you to generate
random problem instances for the knapsack program. This function should generate a list of items
containing N items that each have a unique name, a random size in the range 1 5 and a random
value in the range 1.10.
Next, you should perform performance measurements to see how long the given knapsack solver
take to solve different problem sizes. You should perform at least 10 runs with different randomly
generated problem instances for the problem sizes 10,12,14,16,18,20 and 22. Use a backpack size
of 2:5 x N for each value problem size N. Please note that the method used to generate random
numbers can also affect performance, since different distributions of values can make the initial
conditions of the problem slightly more or less demanding.
How much longer time does it take to run this program when we increase the number of items?
Does the backpack size affect the answer?
Try running the above tests again with a backpack size of 1 x N and with 4:0 x N.
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15. Assume that you are organising a party for N people and have been given a list L of people who,
for social reasons, should not sit at the same table. Furthermore, assume that you have C tables (that
are infinitely large).
Write a function layout (N,C,L) that can give a table placement (i.e. a number from 0 : : :C -1)
for each guest such that there will be no social mishaps.
For simplicity we assume that you have a unique number 0....... N-1 for each guest and that the list of
restrictions is of the form [(X, Y) .... ] denoting guests X, Y that are not allowed to sit together. Answer
with a dictionary mapping each guest into a table assignment, if there are no possible layouts of the
guests you should answer False.
1. David Poole, Alan Mackworth, Randy Goebel,”Computational Intelligence: a logical
approach”, Oxford University Press, 2004.
2. G. Luger, “Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for complex problem solving”,
Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. J. Nilsson, “Artificial Intelligence: A new Synthesis”, Elsevier Publishers, 1998.
4. Artificial Neural Networks, B. Yagna Narayana, PHI
5. Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Edition, E.Rich and K.Knight, TMH.
6. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Patterson, PHI.
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B. Tech (CSE)– III- V Semester L T P C
1 0 2 3
(Skill Oriented Course - III)
Course Objectives:
Learn the configuration of Android Studio, SDK Manager, and AVD Emulators
Understand Android UI Components and make use of Material Design for Android
Learn the usage of Libraries, APIs and handle messages
Explore various Hybrid App Development Platforms
Acquire the knowledge of app releases and publishing and app to the play store
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
• Demonstrate the configuration of Android Software Development tools
• Design and develop Mobile Applications using Android and Kotlin
• Develop a complex android application by using apis, Libraries, and message handling
• Construct the mobile application using a hybrid framework or SDK
• Release and publish an application on Google Play Store
Module 1:
Android OS Architecture: Application Layer, Framework Layer, Libraries and Runtime, Hardware
Abstraction Layer, and Kernel
Task: Select any two Mobile Apps used in your mobile phone and note the various functionalities
and their corresponding layers.
Module 2:
Android Studio: Install Android Studio, SDK Manager, Configure Plugins, Android Virtual
Device(AVD) Emulators
Task: Install Android Studio and Configure Latest Android SDKs and Android Virtual Devices
Module 3:
Building your First Application: Understanding Activities and Intents, Activity Lifecycle and
Managing State, Activities and Implicit Intents
Task: Build and Run Hello World Application on the virtual Device and also test the app on your
mobile phone
Module 4:
Android UI components: Text Controls, Buttons, Widgets, Layouts, Containers
Task: Explore all the UI Controls and design a Student Registration Activity
Module 5:
Material Design for Android: Material theme and widgets, Elevation shadows, Cards, Animations,
Task: Design the Student Registration Activity using Material Design for Android Components
Module 6:
Navigation: Back-button navigation, Hierarchical navigation patterns, Ancestral navigation (Up
button), Descendant navigation, Lateral navigation with tabs and swipes
Task: Design a complete Student Management Application using Android and provide effective
navigation between various Activities.
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Module 7:
Connect to the Internet: Security best practices for network operations, Including permissions in
the manifest, Performing network operations on a worker thread, Making an HTTP connection,
Parsing the results, Managing the network state
Task: Develop an Android Application that stores Student Details into the hosting server and retrieve
student details from the server
Module 8:
Messages and Storage: Creating a Snackbar object, Showing the message to the user, instantiate a
Toast object, Show the toast, Add Notification to your App, Customize Notifications, App-specific
storage, Preferences, Room persistence library
Task: Secure the Student Management Application with proper hints, messages, notifications, and
Module 9:
Geo Location: Set up the project and get an API Key, Add Markers on the map, map Styles, Enable
location tracking
Task: Add your college location on maps and also provide a location tracking feature in your app
Module 10:
Authentication: Add Firebase to the project, Email Authentication, Phone Authentication, Gmail
Task: Design and implement an effective student Login System with OTP feature and email
authentication using firebase
Module 11:
Hybrid App Development: Hybrid App vs Native App, React-Native, Flutter, Ionic, Xamarin
Task: Design Student Management App using any one of the Hybrid Frameworks or SDKs.
Module 12:
Publish App to Play Store: Add a launcher icon and Application ID, Specify API Level targets and
version number, Disable logging and debugging, Generate signed APK for release, Create a Google
Developer Account, Run pre-launch reports, Review criteria for publishing, Submit your app for
Task: Prepare and Publish Your Android Apps in Google Play Store
1. Smyth, Neil. Android Studio 4.2 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android
Apps Using Android Studio 4.2, Kotlin, and Android Jetpack, Payload Media,
Incorporated, 2021.
2. Cheng, Fu. Build Mobile Apps with Ionic 4 and Firebase: Hybrid Mobile App
Development. Germany, Apress, 2018.
3. Derks, Roy, and Boduch, Adam. React and React Native: A Complete Hands-on Guide to Modern
Web and Mobile Development with React.js, 3rd Edition. United Kingdom, Packt
Publishing, 2020.
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B. Tech (CSE)– III- V Semester L T P C
3 0 0 3
(Open Elective –I)
Course Objectives:
To understand the construction and characteristics of optical fibre cable.
To develop the knowledge of optical signal sources and power launching.
To identify and understand the operation of various optical detectors.
To understand the design of optical systems and WDM.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Understand and analyze the constructional parameters of optical fibres.
Estimate the losses due to attenuation, absorption, scattering and bending.
Compare various optical detectors and choose suitable one for different applications
Overview of Optical Fiber Communication:
- Historical development, The general system, Advantages of Optical Fiber Communications,
Optical Fiber Wave Guides- Introduction, Ray Theory Transmission, Total Internal
Reflection, Acceptance Angle, Numerical Aperture, Skew Rays, Cylindrical Fibers- Modes, V
number, Mode Coupling, Step Index Fibers, Graded Index Fibers. Single Mode Fibers- Cut
Off Wavelength, Mode Field Diameter, Effective Refractive Index, Fiber Materials Glass,
Halide, Active Glass, Chalgenide Glass, Plastic Optical Fibers.
Signal Distortion in Optical Fibers:
Attenuation, Absorption, Scattering and Bending Losses, Core and Cladding Losses,
Information Capacity Determination, Group Delay, Types of Dispersion - Material Dispersion,
Wave-Guide Dispersion, Polarization Mode Dispersion, Intermodal Dispersion, Pulse
Broadening, Optical Fiber Connectors- Connector Types, Single Mode Fiber Connectors,
Connector Return Loss.
Fiber Splicing:
Splicing Techniques, Splicing Single Mode Fibers, Fiber Alignment and Joint Loss-
Multimode Fiber Joints, Single Mode Fiber Joints. Optical Sources- LEDs, Structures,
Materials, Quantum Efficiency, Power, Modulation, Power Bandwidth Product, Injection
Laser Diodes- Modes, Threshold Conditions, External Quantum Efficiency, Laser Diode Rate
Equations, Resonant Frequencies, Reliability of LED & ILD.
Optical Detectors:
Physical Principles of PIN and APD, Detector Response Time, Temperature Effect on
Avalanche Gain, Comparison of Photo Detectors, Optical Receiver Operation- Fundamental
Receiver Operation, Digital Signal Transmission, Error Sources, Receiver Configuration,
Digital Receiver Performance, Probability of Error, Quantum Limit, Analog Receivers.
Optical System Design:
Considerations, Component Choice, Multiplexing, Point-to- Point Links, System
Considerations, Link Power Budget with Examples, Overall Fiber Dispersion in Multi-Mode
and Single Mode Fibers, Rise Time Budget with Examples. Transmission Distance, Line
Coding in Optical Links, WDM, Necessity, Principles, Types of WDM, Measurement of
Attenuation and Dispersion, Eye Pattern.
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1. Optical Fiber Communications – Gerd Keiser, MC GRAW HILL EDUCATION, 4th Edition, 2008.
2. Optical Fiber Communications – John M. Senior, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2009.
1. Fiber Optic Communications – D.K. Mynbaev , S.C. Gupta and Lowell L. Scheiner,
Pearson Education, 2005.
2. Text Book on Optical Fibre Communication and its Applications – S.C.Gupta, PHI, 2005.
3. Fiber Optic Communication Systems – Govind P. Agarwal , John Wiley, 3rd Ediition, 2004.
4. Introduction to Fiber Optics by Donald J.Sterling Jr. – Cengage learning, 2004.
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Unit 2
Mobile Computing Architectures: Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM),
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), International Telecommunications Union (ITU) – T
standards, NGN Architecture, Core Network, Access Network, Wi-Fi, Wi MAX, Cellular
Networks, Bluetooth.
Unit 3
Mobility Management: Entities and Terminology, Mobility Management in GSM and GPRS,
Home Location Register (HLR), Visitor Location Register (VLR), Features of IPv4 and IPv6,
Mobile IP, IP Packet Delivery.
Unit 4
Mobile Transport Layer: Traditional TCP, Implications of Traditional TCP for Mobility
Handover Management:
Entities and Terminology, Types of Handovers, Handover Detection, Strategies for Handover
Detection- Mobile Controlled Handover, Network Controlled Handover.
Unit 5
Operating Systems for Mobile: Distributed Operating Systems, Issues related to Mobile
Computing Systems, Features of Mobile Operating Systems - Apple i OS, Blackberry OS,
Android, Windows Phone, Symbian OS.
Text book:
1. Aditya K.Jagannatham “Principles of Modern Wireless Communications Systems – Theory and
Practice”, McGraw-Hill International,2015.
2. Theodore S.Rappaport, “Wireless Communications – Principles and Practice”, 2nd Edition,
3. Asoke K Talukder and Roopa R Yavaga Mobile Computing TMH (2008)
4. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications 2nd Edition Pearson Education
Reference books:
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Course Objectives:
This course enables the students to classify and formulate real-life problem for modeling as
optimization problem, solving and applying for decision making.
Transportation problems- assignment problems-Game theory.
CPM and PERT –Network diagram-Events and activities-Project Planning-Reducing critical events
and activities-Critical path calculations.
Sequencing Problems-Replacement problems-Capital equipment- Discounting costs- Group
Inventory models-various costs- Deterministic inventory models-Economic lot size-Stochastic
inventory models- Single period inventory models with shortage cost.
1. Operations Research , S.D. Sharma.
2. Operations Research, An Introduction, Hamdy A. Taha, Pearson publishers.
3. Operations Research, Nita H Shah, Ravi M Gor, Hardik Soni, PHI publishers
Reference Books:
1. Problems on Operations Research, Er. Prem kumargupta, Dr.D.S. Hira, Chand publishers
2. Operations Research, CB Gupta, PK Dwivedi, Sunil kumaryadav
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Course Objectives:
To make the student understand basic electrochemical principles such as standard
electrode potentials, emf and applications of electrochemical principles in the design
of batteries.
To understand the basic concepts of processing and limitations of fossil fuels and
Fuel cells & their applications.
To impart knowledge to the students about fundamental concepts of hydrogen
storage in different materials and liquification method
Necessasity of harnessing alternate energy resources such as solar energy and its
basic concepts.
To understand and apply the basics of calculations related to material and energy
flow in the processes.
Course Outcomes:
Ability to perform simultaneous material and energy balances.
Student learn about various electrochemical and energy systems
Knowledge of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels
To know the energy demand of world, nation and available resources to fulfill the demand
To know about the conventional energy resources and their effective utilization
To acquire the knowledge of modern energy conversion technologies
To be able to understand and perform the various characterization techniques of fuels
To be able to identify available nonconventional (renewable) energy resources and
techniques to utilize them effectively
UNIT I: Electrochemical Systems: Galvanic cell, standard electrode potential, application of EMF,
electrical double layer, dipole moments, polarization, Batteries-Lead-acid and Lithium ion batteries.
UNIT II: Fuel Cells: Fuel cell working principle, Classification of fuel cells, Polymer
electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells, Solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC), Fuel cell efficiency,
Basic design of fuel cell,.
UNIT III: Hydrogen Storage: Hydrogen Storage, Chemical and Physical methods of
hydrogen storage, Hydrogen Storage in metal hydrides, metal organic frame works (MOF),
Carbon structures, metal oxide porous structures, hydrogel storage by high pressure methods.
Liquifaction method.
UNIT IV:Solar Energy: Solar energy introduction and prospects, photo voltaic (PV)
technology, concentrated solar power (CSP), Solar Fuels, Solar cells.
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Course Objectives:
UNIT - I Introduction
Introduction: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, The History and Evolution of Java,
Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods, Constructors, this keyword, Garbage Collection, Data Types,
Variables, Type Conversion and Casting, Arrays, Operators, Control Statements, Method Overloading,
Constructor Overloading, Parameter Passing, Recursion, String Class and String handling methods.
Inheritance: Basics, Using Super, Creating Multilevel hierarchy, Method overriding, Dynamic Method
Dispatch, Using Abstract classes, Using final with inheritance, Object class,
Packages: Basics, Finding packages and CLASSPATH, Access Protection, Importing packages.
Exception handling - Fundamentals, Exception types, Uncaught exceptions, using try and catch, multiple
catch clauses, nested try statements, throw, throws and finally, built-in exceptions, creating own exception
Multithreading: The Java thread model, Creating threads, Thread priorities, Synchronizing threads,
Interthread communication.
The Collections Framework (java.util): Collections overview, Collection Interfaces, The Collectionclasses-
Array List, Linked List, Hash Set, Tree Set, Priority Queue, Array Deque. Hashtable, Properties, Stack,
UNIT - V Applet, GUI Programming with Swings, Accessing Databases with JDBC
Applet: Basics, Architecture, Applet Skeleton, requesting repainting, using the status window, passing
parameters to applets,GUI Programming with Swings – The origin and design philosophy of swing,
components and containers, layout managers, event handling, using a push button, jtextfield, jlabel and
image icon, the swing buttons, jtext field, jscrollpane, jlist, jcombobox, trees, jtable
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1.Java The complete reference, 9th edition, Herbert Schildt, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.
2.Java How to Program, 10th Edition, Paul Dietel, Harvey Dietel, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1.Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with Java, updated edition, T. Budd, Pearson Education.
2.Core Java Volume – 1 Fundamentals, Cay S. Horstmann, Pearson Education.
3.Java Programming for core and advanced learners, Sagayaraj, Dennis, Karthik andGajalakshmi,
University Press
4. Introduction to Java programming, Y. Daniel Liang, Pearson Education.
Online Learning Resources:
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Course Objectives:
Introduction: Database systems applications, Purpose of Database Systems, view of Data, Database Languages,
Relational Databases, Database Design, Data Storage and Querying, Transaction Management, Database
Architecture, Data Mining and Information Retrieval, Specialty Databases, Database users and Administrators,
Introduction to Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Keys, Schema Diagrams,
Relational Query Languages, Relational Operations
Introduction to SQL: Overview of the SQL Query Language, SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure of SQL
Queries, Additional Basic Operations, Set Operations, Null Values, Aggregate Functions, Nested Sub-queries,
Modification of the Database. Intermediate SQL: Joint Expressions, Views, Transactions, Integrity Constraints, SQL
Data types and schemas, Authorization.
Advanced SQL: Accessing SQL from a Programming Language, Functions and Procedures, Triggers, Recursive
Queries, OLAP, Formal relational query languages.
UNIT - III Database Design and the E-R Model, Relational Database Design
Database Design and the E-R Model: Overview of the Design Process, The Entity-Relationship Model,
Constraints, Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Reduction to Relational
Schemas, Entity-Relationship Design Issues.
Relational Database Design:
Features of Good Relational Designs, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form, Decomposition Using Functional
Dependencies, Functional-Dependency Theory, Algorithms for Decomposition, Decomposition Using Multivalued
Dependencies, More Normal Forms.
Query Processing: Overview, Measures of Query cost, Selection operation, sorting, Join Operation, other
operations, Evaluation of Expressions.
Query optimization: Overview, Transformation of Relational Expressions, Estimating statistics of Expression
results, Choice of Evaluation Plans, Materialized views, Advanced Topics in Query Optimization.
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Transaction Management:
Transactions: Concept, A Simple Transactional Model, Storage Structures, Transaction Atomicity and Durability,
Transaction Isolation, Serializability, Isolation and Atomicity, Transaction Isolation Levels, Implementation of
Isolation Levels, Transactions as SQL Statements.
Recovery System: Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery Algorithm, Buffer
Management, Failure with Loss of Nonvolatile Storage, Early Lock Release and Logical Undo Operations.
Reference Books:
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(Open Elective – I)
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to enable the students to familiarize themselves with basic concepts of Computer
Graphics and different image transforms and learn various processing techniques.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Perform image manipulations and different image processing techniques
Illustrate basic operations like – Enhancement, segmentation, compression, Image transforms and
restoration techniques on image.
Apply various morphological operators on images
Overview of Computer Graphics: Video Display devices, raster scan displays, random scan displays, color CRT
Monitors, Direct view storage tubes, Flat panel displays, raster scan systems, random scan systems, input devices.
Graphical User Interfaces and Interactive Input Methods: The User Dialogue, Windows and icons, input of
graphical data, input functions.
Output Primitives: Points and Lines, Line-Drawing Algorithms: DDA Algorithm, Bresenham’s Line Algorithm,
Line Algorithm, Line Function, Circle Generation Algorithms, Ellipse Generation Algorithms.
Attributes of output Primitives: Line Attributes, Color and Gray scale levels, area fill attributes, character
attributes, bundled attributes, antialiasing.
Two dimensional geometric transformations: Basic transformations, matrix representation and homogenous
coordinates transformations, other transformations.
Two Dimensional Viewing: the viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates reference frame, window to viewport
coordinate transformations, two dimensional viewing functions, clipping operations, point clipping, line clipping:
Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping: Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon Clipping, Curve Clipping,
Text Clipping, Exterior Clipping.
Three Dimensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations: Translation, rotation, scaling, other
transformations, Composite transformations, three dimensional transformation functions.
Three Dimensional Viewing: viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates, projections, clipping
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1. Donlad Hearn and M.Pauling Baker , Computer Graphics, PHI (Second Edition)
Reference Books:
1.Shalini Govil-Pai, Principles of Computer Graphic Theory and practice using open GL and Maya
2. ISRD group,Computer Graphicsace series, TMG(2006)
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UNIT I Introduction
Introduction: The structure of a compiler, the science of building a compiler, programming
language basics
Lexical Analysis: The Role of the Lexical Analyzer, Input Buffering, Recognition of Tokens, The
Lexical-Analyzer Generator Lex, Finite Automata, From Regular Expressions to Automata, Design
of a Lexical-Analyzer Generator, Optimization of DFA-Based Pattern Matchers.
1. Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Compilers Principles,
Techniques and Tools”, 2nd Edition, Pearson.
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Reference Books:
1. Yunlin Su, Song Y. Yan, “Principles of Compilers”, Springer, 2012.
2. Andrew W. Appel, “Modern Compiler Implementation in JAVA”, 2nd edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2004.
3. Lex &Yacc – John R. Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown, O’reilly
4. Compiler Construction, Louden, Thomson.
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Course Objectives:
The course is introduced for students to
Understand basic concepts of Machine Learning
Study different learning algorithms
Illustrate evaluation of learning algorithms
Course Outcomes (CO):
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Identify machine learning techniques suitable for a given problem
Solve the problems using various machine learning techniques
Design application using machine learning techniques
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1. Machine Learning, SaikatDutt, Subramanian Chandramouli, Amit Kumar Das, Pearson,
Reference Books:
1. EthernAlpaydin, “Introduction to Machine Learning”, MIT Press, 2004.
2. Stephen Marsland, “Machine Learning -An Algorithmic Perspective”, Second Edition,
Chapman and Hall/CRC Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Series,2014.
2. Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido “Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A
Guide for Data Scientists”, Oreilly.
Online Learning Resources:
Andrew Ng, “Machine Learning Yearning”
https://www.deeplearning.ai/machine-learning- yearning/
Shai Shalev-Shwartz , Shai Ben-David, “Understanding Machine Learning: From
Theory to Algorithms” , Cambridge University Press
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Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course student will be able to
Illustrate the importance of Data Warehousing, Data Mining and its functionalities and Design schema for
real time data warehousing applications.
Demonstrate on various Data Preprocessing Techniques viz. data cleaning, data integration, data
transformation and data reduction and Process raw data to make it suitable for various data mining
Choose appropriate classification technique to perform classification, model building and evaluation.
Make use of association rule mining techniques viz. Apriori and FP Growth algorithms and analyze on
frequent itemsets generation.
Identify and apply various clustering algorithm (with open source tools), interpret, evaluate and report the
Data Warehousing and Online Analytical Processing: Data Warehouse: Basic concepts, Data Warehouse
Modeling: Data Cube and OLAP, Data Warehouse Design and Usage, Data Warehouse Implementation,
Introduction: Why and What is data mining, What kinds of data need to be mined and patterns can be mined, Which
technologies are used, Which kinds of applications are targeted.
Data Pre-processing: An Overview, Data Cleaning, Data Integration, Data Reduction, Data Transformation and
Data Discretization.
Classification: Basic Concepts, General Approach to solving a classification problem, Decision Tree Induction:
Attribute Selection Measures, Tree Pruning, Scalability and Decision Tree Induction, Visual Mining for Decision
Tree Induction.
Association Analysis: Problem Definition, Frequent Item set Generation, Rule Generation: Confident Based
Pruning, Rule Generation in Apriori Algorithm, Compact Representation of frequent item sets, FP- Growth
Cluster Analysis: Overview, Basics and Importance of Cluster Analysis, Clustering techniques, Different Types of
Clusters; K-means: The Basic K-means Algorithm, K-means Additional Issues, Bi-secting K Means.
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Text Books:
1. Data Mining concepts and Techniques, 3/e, Jiawei Han, Michel Kamber, Elsevier,2011.
2. Introduction to Data Mining: Pang-Ning Tan & Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Pearson,2012.
Reference Books:
1. Data Mining Techniques and Applications: An Introduction, Hongbo Du, Cengage Learning.
2. Data Mining: VikramPudi and P. Radha Krishna, Oxford Publisher.
3. Data Mining and Analysis - Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms; Mohammed J. Zaki, Wagner
Meira, Jr, Oxford
4. Data Warehousing Data Mining & OLAP, Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, TMH.
5. (NPTEL course by Prof.Pabitra Mitra)
6. (NPTEL course by Dr. Nandan Sudarshanam& Dr. Balaraman Ravindran)
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Course Objectives:
Understand the Concept of Parallel Processing and its applications
Implement the Hardware for Arithmetic Operations
Analyse the performance of different scalar Computers
Develop the Pipelining Concept for a given set of Instructions
Distinguish the performance of pipelining and non-pipelining environment in a processor
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Illustrate the types of computers, and new trends and developments in computer
Outline pipelining, instruction set architectures, memory addressing
Apply ILP using dynamic scheduling, multiple issue, and speculation
Illustrate the various techniques to enhance a processors ability to exploit Instruction-
level parallelism (ILP), and its challenges
Apply multithreading by using ILP and supporting thread-level parallelism (TLP)
Computer Abstractions and Technology:
Introduction, Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture, Below Your Program, Under the Covers,
Technologies for Building Processors and Memory, Performance, The Power Wall, The Sea
Change: The Switch from Uni-processors to Multiprocessors, Benchmarking the Intel Core i7,
Fallacies and Pitfalls.
Instructions: Language of the Computer:
Operations of the Computer Hardware, Operands of the Computer Hardware, Signed and Unsigned
Numbers, Representing Instructions in the Computer, Logical Operations, Instructions for Making
Decisions, Supporting Procedures in Computer Hardware, Communicating with People, MIPS
Addressing for 32-Bit Immediates and Addresses, Parallelism and Instructions: Synchronization,
Translating and Starting a Program, A C Sort Example to Put It All Together, Arrays versus Pointers,
ARMv7 (32-bit) Instructions, x86 Instructions, ARMv8 (64-bit) Instructions.
Arithmetic for Computers:
Introduction, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Floating Point, Parallelism and
Computer Arithmetic: Subword Parallelism, Streaming SIMD Extensions and Advanced Vector
Extensions in x86, Subword Parallelism and Matrix Multiply.
The Processor:
Introduction, Logic Design Conventions, Building a Datapath, A Simple Implementation Scheme,
An Overview of Pipelining, Pipelined Datapath and Control, Data Hazards: Forwarding versus
Stalling, Control Hazards, Exceptions, Parallelism via Instructions, The ARM Cortex-A8 and Intel
Core i7 Pipelines.
Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy:
Introduction, Memory Technologies, The Basics of Caches, Measuring and Improving Cache
Performance, Dependable Memory Hierarchy, Virtual Machines, Virtual Memory, A Common
Framework for Memory Hierarchy, Using a Finite-State Machine to Control a Simple Cache,
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2) Computer Organization and Design: The hardware and Software Interface, David A Patterson,
John L Hennessy, 5th edition, MK.
3) Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing – Kai Hwang, Faye A.Brigs, Mc Graw Hill.
Reference Books:
1) Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Super Scalar Processors, John P. Shen and
Miikko H. Lipasti, Mc Graw Hill.
2) Advanced Computer Architecture – A Design Space Approach – DezsoSima, Terence
Fountain, Peter Kacsuk , Pearson.
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Overview of Computer Graphics: Video Display devices, raster scan displays, random scan displays, color
CRT Monitors, Direct view storage tubes, Flat panel displays, raster scan systems, random scan systems, input
Graphical User Interfaces and Interactive Input Methods: The User Dialogue, Windows and icons, input
of graphical data, input functions.
Output Primitives: Points and Lines, Line-Drawing Algorithms: DDA Algorithm, Bresenham’s Line
Algorithm, Line Algorithm, Line Function, Circle Generation Algorithms, Ellipse Generation Algorithms.
Attributes of output Primitives: Line Attributes, Color and Gray scale levels, area fill attributes, character attributes,
bundled attributes, antialiasing.
Two dimensional geometric transformations: Basic transformations, matrix representation and homogenous
coordinates transformations, other transformations.
Two Dimensional Viewing: the viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates reference frame, window to viewport
coordinate transformations, two dimensional viewing functions, clipping operations, point clipping, line
clipping: Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping: Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon Clipping, Curve
Clipping, Text Clipping, Exterior Clipping.
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2. Donlad Hearn and M.Pauling Baker , Computer Graphics, PHI (Second Edition)
Reference Books:
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Course Objectives
Explain and apply fundamental algorithms and techniques in the area of natural language
processing (NLP)
Discuss approaches to syntax and semantics in NLP.
Examine current methods for statistical approaches to machine translation.
Teach machine learning techniques used in NLP.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the various NLP Applications and Organization of Natural language, able to learn
and implement realistic applications using Python.
Apply the various Parsing techniques, Bayes Rule, Shannon game, Entropy and Cross
Understand the fundamentals of CFG and parsers and mechanisms in ATN’s.
Apply Semantic Interpretation and Language Modelling.
Apply the concept of Machine Translation and multilingual Information Retrieval systems
and Automatic Summarization.
Introduction to Natural language
The Study of Language, Applications of NLP, Evaluating Language Understanding Systems,Different
Levels of Language Analysis, Representations and Understanding, Organization ofNatural language
Understanding Systems, Linguistic Background: An outline of English Syntax.
Grammars and Parsing
Grammars and Parsing- Top-Down and Bottom-Up Parsers, Transition Network Grammars, Feature
Systems and Augmented Grammars, Morphological Analysis and the Lexicon, Parsing with Features,
Augmented Transition Networks, Bayees Rule, Shannon game, Entropy and Cross Entropy.
Grammars for Natural Language
Grammars for Natural Language, Movement Phenomenon in Language, Handling questions in
Context Free Grammars, Hold Mechanisms in ATNs, Gap Threading, Human Preferences in Parsing,
Shift Reduce Parsers, Deterministic Parsers.
Semantic Interpretation
Semantic & Logical form, Word senses & ambiguity, The basic logical form language, Encoding
ambiguity in the logical Form, Verbs & States in logical form, Thematic roles, Speech acts
&embedded sentences, Defining semantics structure model theory.
Language Modeling
Introduction, n-Gram Models, Language model Evaluation, Parameter Estimation, Language Model
Adaption, Types of Language Models, Language-Specific Modeling Problems, Multilingual and
Cross lingual Language Modeling.
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Machine Translation
Survey: Introduction, Problems of Machine Translation, Is Machine Translation Possible, Brief
History, Possible Approaches, Current Status. Anusaraka or Language Accessor: Background, Cutting
the Gordian Knot, The Problem, Structure of Anusaraka System, User Interface, Linguistic Area,
Giving up Agreement in Anusarsaka Output, Language Bridges.
1. James Allen, Natural Language Understanding, 2nd Edition, 2003, Pearson Education.
2. Multilingual Natural Language Processing Applications: From Theory To Practice-Daniel
M.Bikel and ImedZitouni, Pearson Publications.
3. Natural Language Processing, A paninian perspective, Akshar Bharathi, Vineetchaitanya,
Prentice–Hall of India.
Reference Books:
1. Charniack, Eugene, Statistical Language Learning, MIT Press, 1993.
2. Jurafsky, Dan and Martin, James, Speech and Language Processing, 2nd Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2008.
3. Manning, Christopher and Henrich, Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing, MIT Press, 1999.
Online Learning Resources:
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Course Objectives:
To introduce LEX and YACC tools
To learn to develop algorithms to generate code for a target machine
To implement LL and LR parsers
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design, develop, and implement a compiler for any language
Use LEX and YACC tools for developing a scanner and a parser
Design and implement LL and LR parsers
Design algorithms to perform code optimization in order to improve the performance of a
program in terms of space and time complexity
List of Experiments:
1. Design and implement a lexical analyzer for given language using C and the lexical analyzer
should ignore redundant spaces, tabs and new lines.
2. Implementation of Lexical Analyzer using Lex Tool
3. Generate YACC specification for a few syntactic categories.
a. Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression that uses operator +, – , * and /.
b. Program to recognize a valid variable which starts with a letter followed by any number
of letters or digits.
c. Implementation of Calculator using LEX and YACC
d. Convert the BNF rules into YACC form and write code to generate abstract syntax tree
4. Write program to find ε – closure of all states of any given NFA with ε transition.
5. Write program to convert NFA with ε transition to NFA without ε transition.
6. Write program to convert NFA to DFA
7. Write program to minimize any given DFA.
8. Develop an operator precedence parser for a given language.
9. Write program to find Simulate First and Follow of any given grammar.
10. Construct a recursive descent parser for an expression.
11. Construct a Shift Reduce Parser for a given language.
12. Write a program to perform loop unrolling.
13. Write a program to perform constant propagation.
14. Implement Intermediate code generation for simple expressions.
1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Second Edition, Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam,
Ravi Sethi, Jeffry D. Ullman, Pearson.
2. Compiler Construction-Principles and Practice, Kenneth C Louden, Cengage Learning.
3. Modern compiler implementation in C, Andrew W Appel, Revised edition, Cambridge
University Press.
4. The Theory and Practice of Compiler writing, J. P. Tremblay and P. G. Sorenson, TMH
5. Writing compilers and interpreters, R. Mak, 3rd edition, Wiley student edition.
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Course Objectives:
Make use of Data sets in implementing the machine learning algorithms
Implement the machine learning concepts and algorithms in any suitable language of choice.
Course Outcomes (CO):
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the Mathematical and statistical prospectives of machine learning algorithms
through python programming
Appreciate the importance of visualization in the data analytics solution.
Derive insights using Machine learning algorithms
List of Experiments:
a. The programs can be implemented in either JAVA or Python.
b. For Problems 1 to 6 and 10, programs are to be developed without using the built-in classes
or APIs of Java/Python.
c. Datasets can be taken from standard repositories
(https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html) or constructed by the students.
1. Implement and demonstrate the FIND-S algorithm for finding the most specific hypothesis
based on a given set of training data samples. Read the training data from a .CSV file.
2. For a given set of training data examples stored in a .CSV file, implement and demonstrate
the Candidate-Elimination algorithm to output a description of the set of all hypotheses
consistent with the training examples.
3. Write a program to demonstrate the working of the decision tree based ID3 algorithm.
Use an appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowledge to
classify a new sample.
4. Build an Artificial Neural Network by implementing the Back-propagation algorithm and
test the same using appropriate data sets.
5. Write a program to implement the naïve Bayesian classifier for a sample training data set
stored as a .CSV file. Compute the accuracy of the classifier, considering few test data sets.
6. Assuming a set of documents that need to be classified, use the naïve Bayesian Classifier
model to perform this task. Built-in Java classes/API can be used to write the program.
Calculate the accuracy, precision, and recall for your data set.
7. Write a program to construct a Bayesian network considering medical data. Use this model
to demonstrate the diagnosis of heart patients using standard Heart Disease Data Set. You
can use Java/Python ML library classes/API.
8. Apply EM algorithm to cluster a set of data stored in a .CSV file. Use the same data set for
clustering using k-Means algorithm. Compare the results of these two algorithms and
comment on the quality of clustering. You can add Java/Python ML library classes/API in
the program.
9. Write a program to implement k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm to classify the iris data set.
Print both correct and wrong predictions. Java/Python ML library classes can be used for
this problem.
10. Implement the non-parametric Locally Weighted Regression algorithm in order to fit data
points. Select appropriate data set for your experiment and draw graph
1. Predicting the Sale price of a house using Linear regression
2. Spam classification using Naïve Bayes algorithm
3. Predict car sale prices using Artificial Neural Networks
4. Predict Stock market trends using LSTM
5. Detecting faces from images
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1. Python Machine Learning Workbook for beginners, AI Publishing, 2020.
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List of Experiments:
1. Creation of a Data Warehouse.
Build Data Warehouse/Data Mart (using open source tools like Pentaho Data Integration Tool, Pentaho
Business Analytics; or other data warehouse tools like Microsoft-SSIS, Informatica, Business Objects,etc.,)
Design multi-dimensional data models namely Star, Snowflake and Fact Constellation schemas for any one
enterprise (ex. Banking, Insurance, Finance, Healthcare, manufacturing, Automobiles, sales etc).
Write ETL scripts and implement using data warehouse tools.
Perform Various OLAP operations such slice, dice, roll up, drill up and pivot
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3. Perform data preprocessing tasks and Demonstrate performing association rule mining on data sets
Explore various options available in Weka for preprocessing data and apply Unsupervised filters like
Discretization, Resample filter, etc. on each dataset
Load weather. nominal, Iris, Glass datasets into Weka and run Apriori
Algorithm with different support and confidence values.
Study the rules generated. Apply different discretization filters on numerical attributes and run the Apriori
association rule algorithm. Study the rules generated.
Derive interesting insights and observe the effect of discretization in the rule generation process.
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Course Objectives:
To encourage all round development of the students by focusing on soft skills
To make the students aware of critical thinking and problem-solving skills
To develop leadership skills and organizational skills through group activities
To function effectively with heterogeneous teams
Course Outcomes (CO):
By the end of the program students should be able to
Memorize various elements of effective communicative skills
Interpret people at the emotional level through emotional intelligence
apply critical thinking skills in problem solving
analyse the needs of an organization for team building
Judge the situation and take necessary decisions as a leader
Develop social and work-life skills as well as personal and emotional well-being
Introduction, meaning, significance of soft skills – definition, significance, types of communication skills -
Intrapersonal & Inter-personal skills - Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
Intrapersonal Skills- Narration about self- strengths and weaknesses- clarity of thought – self- expression
– articulating with felicity
(The facilitator can guide the participants before the activity citing examples from the lives of the great,
anecdotes and literary sources)
Interpersonal Skills- Group Discussion – Debate – Team Tasks - Book and film Reviews by groups -
Group leader presenting views (non- controversial and secular) on contemporary issues or on a given topic.
Verbal Communication- Oral Presentations- Extempore- brief addresses and speeches- convincing-
negotiating- agreeing and disagreeing with professional grace.
Non-verbal communication – Public speaking – Mock interviews – presentations with an objective to
identify non- verbal clues and remedy the lapses on observation
Placing a problem which involves conflict of interests, choice and views – formulating the problem –
exploring solutions by proper reasoning – Discussion on important professional, career and organizational
decisions and initiate debate on the appropriateness of the decision.
Case Study & Group Discussion
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Providing situations for the participants to express emotions such as happiness, enthusiasm, gratitude,
sympathy, and confidence, compassion in the form of written or oral presentations. Providing opportunities
for the participants to narrate certain crisis and stress –ridden situations caused by failure, anger, jealousy,
resentment and frustration in the form of written and oral presentation, Organizing Debates
Forming group with a consensus among the participants- choosing a leader- encouraging the group
members to express views on leadership- democratic attitude- sense of sacrifice – sense of adjustment –
vision – accommodating nature- eliciting views on successes and failures of leadership using the past
knowledge and experience of the participants, Public Speaking, Activities on Time Management,
Motivation, Decision Making, Group discussion etc.
1. The facilitator can guide the participants before the activity citing examples from the lives of the great,
anecdotes, epics, scriptures, autobiographies and literary sources which bear true relevance to the prescribed
2. Case studies may be given wherever feasible for example for Decision Making- The decision of King
Lear or for good Leadership – Mahendar Singh Dhoni etc.
1. Personality Development and Soft Skills (English, Paperback, Mitra BarunK.)Publisher: Oxford
University Press; Pap/Cdr edition (July 22, 2012)
2. Personality Development and Soft Skills: Preparing for Tomorrow, Dr Shikha KapoorPublisher : I
K International Publishing House; 0 edition (February 28, 2018)
Reference Books:
1. Soft skills: personality development for life success by Prashant Sharma, BPB publications
2. Soft Skills By Alex K. Published by S.Chand
3. Soft Skills: An Integrated Approach to Maximise Personality Gajendra Singh Chauhan,
Sangeetha Sharma Published by Wiley.
4. Communication Skills and Soft Skills (Hardcover, A. Sharma) Publisher: Yking books
5. SOFT SKILLS for a BIG IMPACT (English, Paperback, RenuShorey) Publisher: Notion Press
6. Life Skills Paperback English Dr. Rajiv Kumar Jain, Dr. Usha Jain Publisher: Vayu Education
of India
Online Learning Resources:
1. https://youtu.be/DUlsNJtg2L8?list=PLLy_2iUCG87CQhELCytvXh0E_y-bOO1_q
2. https://youtu.be/xBaLgJZ0t6A?list=PLzf4HHlsQFwJZel_j2PUy0pwjVUgj7KlJ
3. https://youtu.be/-Y-R9hDl7lU
4. https://youtu.be/gkLsn4ddmTs
5. https://youtu.be/2bf9K2rRWwo
6. https://youtu.be/FchfE3c2jzc
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Introduction to Intellectual Property Law – Evolutionary past – Intellectual Property Law Basics – Types of
Intellectual Property – Innovations and Inventions of Trade related Intellectual Property Rights – Agencies
Responsible for Intellectual Property Registration – Infringement – Regulatory – Overuse or Misuse of
Intellectual Property Rights – Compliance and Liability Issues.
Introduction to Copyrights – Principles of Copyright – Subject Matters of Copyright – Rights Afforded by
Copyright Law –Copyright Ownership – Transfer and Duration – Right to Prepare Derivative Works –Rights
of Distribution – Rights of performers – Copyright Formalities and Registration – Limitations – Infringement
of Copyright – International Copyright Law-Semiconductor Chip Protection Act.
Introduction to Patent Law – Rights and Limitations – Rights under Patent Law – Patent Requirements –
Ownership and Transfer – Patent Application Process and Granting of Patent – Patent Infringement and
Litigation – International Patent Law – Double Patenting – Patent Searching – Patent Cooperation Treaty –
New developments in Patent Law- Invention Developers and Promoters.
Introduction to Trade Mark – Trade Mark Registration Process – Post registration procedures – Trade Mark
maintenance – Transfer of rights – Inter parties Proceedings – Infringement – Dilution of Ownership of Trade
Mark – Likelihood of confusion – Trade Mark claims – Trade Marks Litigation – International Trade Mark
Introduction to Trade Secrets – Maintaining Trade Secret – Physical Security – Employee Access Limitation
– Employee Confidentiality Agreement – Trade Secret Law – Unfair Competition – Trade Secret Litigation –
Breach of Contract – Applying State Law. Introduction to Cyber Law – Information Technology Act – Cyber
Crime and E-commerce – Data Security – Confidentiality – Privacy – International aspects of Computer and
Online Crime.
1. Deborah E.Bouchoux: “Intellectual Property”. Cengage learning, New Delhi
2. Kompal Bansal &Parishit Bansal “Fundamentals of IPR for Engineers”, BS Publications (Press)
3. Cyber Law. Texts & Cases, South-Western’s Special Topics Collections
1. Prabhuddha Ganguli: ‘ Intellectual Property Rights” Tata Mc-Graw – Hill, New Delhi
2. Richard Stim: “Intellectual Property”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
3. R. Radha Krishnan, S. Balasubramanian: “Intellectual Property Rights”, Excel Books. New Delhi.
4. M. Ashok Kumar and Mohd. Iqbal Ali: “Intellectual Property Right” Serials Pub.
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(Open Elective-II)
Origin of Satellite Communications, Historical Back-ground, Basic Concepts of Satellite
Communications, Frequency allocations for Satellite Services, Applications, Future Trends of Satellite
ORBITAL MECHANICS AND LAUNCHERS : Orbital Mechanics, Orbital perturbations, Orbit
determination, launches and launch vehicles, Orbital effects in communication systems performance.
SATELLITE SUBSYSTEMS : Attitude and orbit control system, telemetry, tracking, Command and
monitoring, power systems, communication subsystems, Satellite antenna Equipment reliability and
Space qualification.
MULTIPLE ACCESS: Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) Intermodulation. Time division
Multiple Access (TDMA) Frame structure, Examples. Satellite Switched TDMA Onboard processing,
DAMA, Code Division Multiple access (CDMA),Spread spectrum transmission and reception.
Navigation, GPS Position Location principles, GPS Receivers and codes, Satellite signal acquisition,
GPS Navigation Message, GPS signal levels, GPS receiver operation, GPS C/A code accuracy,
Differential GPS.
1. Satellite Communications – Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian and Jeremy Allnutt, WSE, Wiley
Publications, 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. Satellite Communications Engineering – Wilbur L. Pritchard, Robert A Nelson and Henri
G.Suyderhoud, 2nd Edition, Pearson Publications, 2003.
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At the end of this course the student can able to: Understand the basic concepts of an embedded system and able
to know an embedded system design approach to perform a specific function.
The hardware components required for an embedded system and the design approach of an embedded hardware.
The various embedded firmware design approaches on embedded environment.
Understand how to integrate hardware and firmware of an embedded system using real time operating system.
UNIT-I INTRODUCTION: Embedded system-Definition, history of embedded systems, classification of
embedded systems, major application areas of embedded systems, purpose of embedded systems, the typical
embedded system-core of the embedded system, Memory, Sensors and Actuators, Communication Interface,
Embedded firmware.
UNIT-II EMBEDDED HARDWARE DESIGN: Analog and digital electronic components, I/O types and
examples, Serial communication devices, Parallel device ports, Wireless devices, Timer and counting devices,
Watchdog timer, Real time clock.
UNIT-III EMBEDDED FIRMWARE DESIGN: Embedded Firmware design approaches, Embedded Firmware
development languages, ISR concept, Interrupt sources, Interrupt servicing mechanism, Multiple interrupts, DMA,
Device driver programming.
UNIT-IV REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM: Operating system basics, Types of operating systems, Tasks,
Process and Threads, Multiprocessing and Multitasking, Task Scheduling, Threads, Processes and Scheduling,
Task communication, Task synchronization, Device Drivers.
UNIT-V EMBEDDED SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: The integrated development environment, Types of files
generated on cross-compilation, Deassembler/Decompiler, Simulators, Emulators and Debugging, Target hardware
debugging, Boundary Scan, Embedded Software development process and tools.
Text Books:
1. Embedded Systems Architecture- By Tammy Noergaard, Elsevier Publications, 2013.
2. Embedded Systems-By Shibu.K.V-Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2013.
1. Embedded System Design, Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, John Wiley Publications, 2013.
2. Embedded Systems-Lyla B.Das-Pearson Publications, 2013. IV Year - II Semester L T
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Course Outcomes:
Understand wavelets and wavelet expansion systems.
Illustrate the multi resolution analysis ad scaling functions.
Form fine scale to coarse scale analysis.
Find the lattices and lifting.
Perform numerical complexity of discrete wavelet transforms.
Find the frames and tight frames using fourier series.
UNIT I Wavelets
Wavelets and Wavelet Expansion Systems - Wavelet Expansion- Wavelet Transform- Wavelet
System- More Specific Characteristics of Wavelet Systems -Haar Scaling Functions and Wavelets -
effectiveness of Wavelet Analysis -The Discrete Wavelet Transform the Discrete-Time and
Continuous Wavelet Transforms.
1. C. Sidney Burrus, Ramesh A. Gopinath, “Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelets
Transforms”,Prentice Hall, (1997).
2. James S. Walker, “A Primer on Wavelets and their Scientific Applications”, CRC Press,
Reference Books:
1. Raghuveer Rao, “Wavelet Transforms”, Pearson Education, Asia.
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Unit II : Synthetic Polymers Addition and condensation polymerization processes – Bulk, Solution,
Suspension and Emulsion polymerization. Preparation and significance, classification of polymers
based on physical properties, Thermoplastics, Thermosetting plastics, Fibers and elastomers, General
Preparation of Polymers based on different types of monomers, Olefin polymers,
UNIT III : Natural Polymers & Modified cellulosics Natural Polymers: Chemical & Physical
structure, properties, source, important chemical modifications, applications of polymers such as
cellulose, lignin, starch, rosin, shellac, latexes, vegetable oils and gums, proteins. Modified cellulosics:
Cellulose esters and ethers such as Ethyl cellulose, CMC, HPMC, cellulose acetals, Liquid crystalline
polymers; specialty plastics- PES, PAES, PEEK, PEAK. Learning Outcomes:
UNIT IV: Hydrogels of Polymer networks and Drug delivery Definitions of Hydrogel, polymer
networks, Types of polymer networks, Methods involved in hydrogel preparation, Classification,
Properties of hydrogels, Applications of hydrogels in drug delivery. Introduction to drug systems
including, drug development, regulation, absorption and disposition, routes of administration and
dosage forms. Advanced drug delivery systems and controlled release.
UNIT V : Surface phenomena Surface tension, adsorption on solids, electrical phenomena at
interfaces including electrokinetics, micelles, reverse micelles, solubilization. Application of
photoelectron spectroscopy, ESCA and Auger spectroscopy to the study of surfaces.
References :
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(Open Elective -II)
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
Introduce Artificial Intelligence
Teach about the machine learning environment
Present the searching Technique for Problem Solving
Introduce Natural Language Processing and Robotics
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Apply searching techniques for solving a problem
Design Intelligent Agents
Develop Natural Language Interface for Machines
Design mini robots
Summarize past, present and future of Artificial Intelligence
UNIT - I Introduction
Introduction: What is AI, Foundations of AI, History of AI, The State of Art.
Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, Good Behaviour: The Concept of Rationality, The Nature of
Environments, The Structure of Agents.
Problem Solving Agents, Example problems, Searching for Solutions, Uninformed Search Strategies,
Informed search strategies, Heuristic Functions, Beyond Classical Search: Local Search Algorithms and
Optimization Problems, Local Search in Continues Spaces, Searching with Nondeterministic Actions,
Searching with partial observations, online search agents and unknown environments.
Natural Language Processing: Language Models, Text Classification, Information Retrieval, Information
Natural Language for Communication: Phrase structure grammars, Syntactic Analysis, Augmented
Grammars and semantic Interpretation, Machine Translation, Speech Recognition.
Perception: Image Formation, Early Image Processing Operations, Object Recognition by appearance,
Reconstructing the 3D World, Object Recognition from Structural information, Using Vision.
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UNIT - V Robotics
Robotics: Introduction, Robot Hardware, Robotic Perception, planning to move, planning uncertain
movements, Moving, Robotic software architectures, application domains Philosophical foundations. Weak
AI, Strong AI, Ethics and Risks of AI, Agent Components, Agent Architectures, Are we going in the right
direction, What if AI does succeed.
1. Stuart J.Russell, Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach”, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Nilsson, Nils J., and Nils Johan Nilsson. Artificial intelligence: a new synthesis. Morgan Kaufmann,
2. Johnson, Benny G., Fred Phillips, and Linda G. Chase. "An intelligent tutoring system for the
accounting cycle: Enhancing textbook homework with artificial intelligence." Journal of
Accounting Education 27.1 (2009): 30-39.
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Mobile Computing
(Open elective –II)
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Identify various concepts of mobile programming that make it unique from programming for
other platforms.
Evaluate mobile applications on their design pros and cons.
Utilize rapid prototyping techniques to design and develop sophisticated mobile interfaces.
Develop mobile applications for the Android operating system that use basic and advanced
phone features.
Demonstrate the deployment of applications to the Android marketplace for distribution.
Unit 1 Introduction: Wireless Networks, Structured and Unstructured Networks, Mobile Systems, 3G
Networks, Next Generation Networks (NGN), Mobile Computing in Next Generation Networks (NGN),
Applications of Mobile Computing in NGN, Location Based Services.
Unit 3 Mobility Management: Entities and Terminology, Mobility Management in GSM and GPRS,
Home Location Register (HLR), Visitor Location Register (VLR), Features of IPv4 and IPv6, Mobile IP, IP
Packet Delivery, changes in IPv6 for Mobile IPv6.
Unit 4 Mobile Transport Layer: Traditional TCP, Implications of Traditional TCP for Mobility
Management, Classical Improvements of TCP – Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast
Retransmit/Fast Recovery, Transmission/ Time-out Freezing, Selective Retransmission, Transaction-
oriented TCP.
Handover Management: Entities and Terminology, Types of Handovers, Handover Detection, Strategies
for Handover Detection- Mobile Controlled Handover, Network Controlled Handover, Mobile assisted
Handover, Handover Failures.
Unit 5 Operating Systems for Mobile Computing: Distributed Operating Systems, Issues related to
Mobile Computing Systems, Features of Mobile Operating Systems - Apple iOS, Blackberry OS, Android,
Windows Phone, Symbian OS.
Text book:
5. Asoke K Talukder and Roopa R Yavaga Mobile Computing TMH (2008)
6. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications 2nd Edition Pearson Education
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Reference books:
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Course Outcomes:
Computer Types, Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Number Representation and Arithmetic
Operations, Character Representation, Performance, Historical Perspective, Memory Locations and
Addresses, Memory operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing modes
Architecture Operating System Structure, Operations Process, Memory, Storage Management, Protection
and Security Computing Environments Operating System Services User Operating System Interface
System Calls Types System Programs OS Structure OS Generation System Boot.
The Critical-Section Problem Synchronization Hardware Mutex Locks -Semaphores Classic Problems of
Synchronization Critical Regions Monitors Deadlocks System Model Deadlock Characterization Methods
for Handling Deadlocks Deadlock Prevention Deadlock Avoidance Deadlock Detection Recovery from
Introduction - Swapping Contiguous Memory Allocation Paging Segmentation- Structure of the Page Table
- Virtual Memory- Background Demand Paging Copy on Write Page Replacement Allocation of Frames
Allocation Methods- I/O Systems I/O Hardware- Application I/O Interface - Kernel I/O Subsystem.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Ninth Edition, Prentice-
Hall, 2018.
2. Andrew Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.
Online Learning Resources:
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