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Arpm Publications Catalog 120617

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Table of Contents


Conveyor Belts………………………………….…………...2


Power Transmission Belts.…………………………..…….3

Sealing Products………………………….…………………5

Raw Materials…………………………………….….……….7

Protective Lining…………………………………....……….7

Compounded Rubber………………………………...…….9

Order Form.………………………………………………….10

The Association for Rubber Products Manufacturers is the national trade association of the U.S. rubber industry, representing domestic
manufacturers of finished rubber goods, raw materials, and process equipment. The ARPM membership includes manufacturers of belting,
hose, molded and extruded products, seals, roll coverings, raw materials (polymers/chemicals), and process equipment. Unless otherwise
indicated, all publications listed in this catalog are the sole property of the ARPM, and the reprinting or reproduction of these documents,
without the written permission of the ARPM, is prohibited. If you have questions about any of the publications listed in this catalog please call
Letha at the office of ARPM at (317) 863-4072 or fax at (317) 913-2445.
IP-1-1 – Conveyor Belt Cover
MO-1 - The ARPM Rubber Handbook™ for Characteristics and Classifications -
Molded, Extruded, Lathe Cut and Cellular Technical Bulletin, First Edition, 1994 (3 p):
Products, Seventh Edition, 2015 (75 p): Rubber It has been decided by the Belt Committee that this
manufacturers seek in this handbook to establish a publication will be incorporated into the newly revised
language which will enable engineers to express, on Conveyor and Elevator Belt Handbook (IP-1). It is no
their drawings, requirements which will give them what longer available as an individual publication.
they need, but not more than they need. To accomplish
this, we set up the “language” on the following pages in IP-1-2 - Limit of Gap Between Idlers for
the form of symbols, charts and definitions. The Troughed Belt Conveyor - Technical
manufacturing techniques, capabilities, limitations and Bulletin, 1995 (1 p): It has been decided by the Belt
problems are different for molded rubber parts than for Committee that this publication will be incorporated into
extruded rubber parts or lathe-cut or cellular (expanded the newly revised Conveyor and Elevator Belt Handbook
or sponge) rubber parts. Each is treated in a separate (IP-1). It is no longer available as an individual
chapter with its own charts and definitions. Quality publication.
conformance is treated in a separate section.
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $699.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $50.00 HOSE

IP-5 - Roll Covering Handbook, Fifth IPH-Set - Hose Publications Set (includes Hose
Edition, 1999 (56 p): This handbook is intended for Handbook and all Specifications and Technical Bulletins
the general guidance and reference of both listed below).
manufacturers and users of roll covering applications. Member Price: FREE
The handbook includes nine (9) chapters including Non-Member Price: $1299.00
information on both general industry practices and
specific roll covering applications. Chapter titles include:
General Information; Surface Finish; Care & IP-2 - Hose Handbook, Ninth Edition, 2015
Maintenance; Roll Cores; Graphic Arts Industry; Metal (111 p): This handbook has been compiled to provide
Industry; Paper Industry; Textile Industry; General authoritative information on materials, constructions,
Industrial. tolerances, applications, fittings, storage, care, and
Member Price: FREE maintenance of hose.
Non-Member Price: $525.00 Member Price: FREE
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Non-Member Price: $599.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00

IP-1 - Conveyor and Elevator Belt IP-7 - Specifications for Rubber Welding
Handbook, Fifth Edition, 2016 (118 p): (NEWLY Hose, Tenth Edition, 2011 (22 p): This
REVISED PUBLICATION) Belting covered in this specification covers light-duty, standard-duty, and
handbook includes conveyor belting (used to transport heavy-duty hose to be used with oxy-fuel gas equipment
bulk or packaged, boxed and bagged materials) and for welding, cutting or other allied processes such as
bucket elevator belting. The belting may be made of brazing, metallizing, heading, and scarfing downstream
natural or synthetic rubbers as well as plastics, such as of a pressure control device.
vinyl, with carcasses of textile fabrics, which are woven,
Member Price: FREE
nonwoven, solid woven, or stitched; fabric cords; or of
Non-Member Price: $425.00
steel cables. This handbook is intended for the general
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
guidance and reference of persons interested in the
selection and use of conveyor and elevator belting.
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-8 - Specifications for Rubber Hose for Oil IP-11-5 - Hose Technical Bulletin - Guide for
Suction and Discharge, Seventh Edition, Use, Maintenance, and Inspection of
2011 (10 p): This specification covers the minimum Welding Hose, Fifth Edition, 2010 (4 p):
acceptable requirements for satisfactory performance of Member Price: FREE
a cargo hose suitable for dockside loading and Non-Member Price: $225.00
unloading of vessels transporting petroleum based Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
products that are liquid at ambient temperatures and
atmospheric pressure.
Member Price: FREE IP-11-7 - Hose Technical Bulletin - Manual
Non-Member Price: $325.00 for Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection of
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Chemical Hose, Fourth Edition, 2003,
Reaffirmed 2010 (8 p).
IP-14 - Specifications for Anhydrous Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Ammonia Hose, Seventh Edition, 2003,
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Reaffirmed 2009 (10 p). This specification covers
hose, three-inch inside diameter and smaller, commonly
referred to as “pressure transfer hose”, used to convey IP-11-8 - Hose Technical Bulletin - Manual
anhydrous ammonia liquid or to convey anhydrous for Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection of
ammonia gas where the gas is in contact with liquid Petroleum Service Station Gasoline
Dispensing Hose and Hose Assemblies,
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $325.00 Sixth Edition, 2015 (11 p).
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-11 - Complete Set of Hose Technical
Bulletins (includes all bulletins listed below).
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $799.00 (Savings of $550.00)
IP-20 - Specifications for Drives Using
IP-11-1 – Hose Technical Bulletin – Guide Classical V-Belts and Sheaves, 2015 (26 p):
for Use, Testing, and Inspection of Steam Specifications for A, B, C, and D Cross Sections; Inch-
Hose (Seventh Edition, 2015) (6 p): Pound & Metric Dimensions.
Member Price: FREE Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00 Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00

IP-11-2 - Hose Technical Bulletin - Manual IP-21 - Specifications for Drives Using
for Use, Maintenance, Testing, and Double-V (Hexagonal) Belts, Fifth Edition,
Inspection of Anhydrous Ammonia Hose, 2016 (30 p): Two-Part: Part I - Specifications in Inch-
Pound Dimensions: AA, BB, CC Cross Sections; Part II -
Fifth Edition, 2003, Reaffirmed 2009 (5 p): Specifications in Metric (SI) Dimensions: 13D, 16D, 22D
Member Price: FREE Cross Sections.
Non-Member Price: $225.00 Member Price: FREE
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $25.00
IP-11-4 - Hose Technical Bulletin - Manual
for Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection of IP-22 - Specifications for Drives Using
Oil Suction & Discharge Hose, Fifth Edition, Narrow V-Belts and Sheaves, Fifth Edition,
2015 (10 p): 2015 (31 p): (3V/3VX, 5V/5VX & 8V
Member Price: FREE [Inch-Pound Cross Sections]) & (9N/9NX, 15N/15NX &
Non-Member Price: $225.00 25N [Metric Cross Sections])
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-23 - Specifications for Drives Using Light IP-3-1 - Power Transmission Belt Technical
Duty Single VBelts, Fifth Edition, 2017 (9 p): Bulletin – Heat Resistance and Low
Specifications for 2L, 3L, 4L, and 5L Cross Sections. Temperature Properties of Power
Member Price: FREE Transmission Belts, Fourth Edition,
Non-Member Price: $225.00
1999 (7 p):
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
IP-24 - Specifications for Drives Using Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Synchronous Belts, Sixth Edition, 2016
IP-3-2 - Power Transmission Belt Technical
Specifications for MXL, XL, L, H, XH, and XXH Belt Bulletin – Oil and Chemical Resistance of
Sections. Power Transmission Belts, Fourth Edition,
Member Price: FREE 1999 (3 p):
Non-Member Price: $699.00 Member Price: FREE
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-25 - Specifications for Drives Using
Variable Speed VBelts, Fifth Edition, 2016, IP-3-3 - Power Transmission Belt Technical
(23 p): Two-Part: Part I - Specifications in Inch-Pound Bulletin - Static Conductive Test Method for
Dimensions: 1422V, 1922V, 2322V, 1926V, 2926V, Power Transmission Belts, Third Edition,
3226V, 2530V, 3230V, 4430V, 4036V, 4436V, and 1995 (3 p):
4836V Cross Sections; Part II in Metric (SI) Dimensions:
Member Price: FREE
22V-A22, 30V-A22, 37V-A22, 30VA26, 46V-A26, 51V-
Non-Member Price: $225.00
A26, 40V-A30, 51V-A30, 70V-A30, 64VA36, 70V-A36,
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $25.00
and 76V-A36 Cross Sections.
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00 IP-3-4 - Power Transmission Belt Technical
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $25.00 Bulletin - Storage of Power Transmission
Belts, Fourth Edition, 2007 (4 p):
IP-26 - Specifications for Drives Using V- Member Price: FREE
Ribbed Belts and Pulleys, Fourth Edition, Non-Member Price: $225.00
2016 (26 p): Two-Part: Part I - Specifications in Inch- Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Pounds Dimensions: H, J, K, L, and M Cross Sections;
Part II - Specifications in Metric (SI) Dimensions: PH, PJ,
IP-3-6 - Power Transmission Belt Technical
PK, PL, and PM Cross Sections.
Member Price: FREE Bulletin – Use of Idlers with Power
Non-Member Price: $699.00 Transmission Belt Drives, Fifth Edition,
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 2010 (6 p):
Member Price: FREE
IP-27 - Specifications for Drives Using Non-Member Price: $225.00
Curvilinear Toothed Synchronous Belts, Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Fourth Edition, 2015 (40 p): Specifications for
H3M, R3M, H5M, R5M, G8M, H8M, J8M, R8M, S8M, IP-3-7 - Power Transmission Belt Technical
G14M, H14M, R14M, S14M, H20M, and R20M Belt
Bulletin – Vflat Drives, Third Edition, 1999
(5 p):
Member Price: FREE
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $749.00
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-3 - COMPLETE SET of Power
Transmission Belt Technical Bulletins (listed IP-3-8 - Power Transmission Belt Technical
individually below): Bulletin – High Modulus V-Belts, Second
Member Price: FREE Edition, 1999 (3 p):
Non-Member Price: $1399.00 (Savings of $1975) Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-3-9 - Power Transmission Belt Technical IP-3-17 - Power Transmission Belts -
Bulletin - Joined V-Belts, Fourth Edition, Standard Symbols, 2006 (7 p): Bulletin
1999 (3 p): summarizes nomenclature used in ARPM published belt
Member Price: FREE standards.
Non-Member Price: $225.00 Member Price: FREE
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00

IP-3-10 - Power Transmission Belt

Technical Bulletin – Vbelt Drives With Twist IP-3-18 - Power Transmission Belt
and Non-Alignment Including Quarter Turn, Technical Bulletin - Installed Run-Out in
Third Edition, 1999 (6 p): Curvilinear Synchronous Belt Drive
Member Price: FREE Systems, 2015 (5 p):
Non-Member Price: $225.00 Member Price: FREE
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00

IP-3-13 - Power Transmission Belt

Technical Bulletin - Mechanical Efficiency SEALING PRODUCTS
of Power Transmission Belt Drives, Third
Edition, 1999 (3 p):
Member Price: FREE OS-SET - Sealing Products Publication Set
Non-Member Price: $225.00 (includes all specifications and technical bulletins listed
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 below).
Member Price: FREE
IP-3-14 - Power Transmission Belt Non-Member Price: $1299.00 (Savings of $3200.00)
Technical Bulletin – A Drive Design OS-2 - Alpha Betar Method for Defining Oil
Procedure for Variable Pitch Multiple V-Belt Seal CrossSections, Fourth Edition, 1991 (3
Drives, Third Edition, 1999 (7 p): pp.). This publication discusses the results of a project
Member Price: FREE undertaken to define dimensions directly related to
Non-Member Price: $225.00 manufacturing process variables that affect product
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 uniformity and seal function.
Member Price: FREE
IP-3-15 - Power Transmission Belt Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Technical Bulletin - Recommended Fits
(Shaft & Bore Tolerances) For Bored- To-
Size First & Second Generation Curvilinear OS-3 - Rubber Microhardness Measurement
Power Transmission Synchronous Pulleys, on Shaft Seals, Third Edition, 1991 (13 p): This
(3 p): publication presents the fundamental requirements of
rubber microhardness measurement procedures
Member Price: FREE
necessary to obtain uniform results.
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-3-16 - Power Transmission Belt
Technical Bulletin - ATmosphere EXposable OS-4 - Application Guide for Radial Lip
(ATEX) an Overview, 2005 (4 p): Type Shaft Seals, Fourth Edition, 2002
Bulletin summarizes EU Directive on systems operating (18 p): This publication is a guide for the selection of
in potentially explosive environments, as it pertains to radial lip seals. It is designed to highlight the elements of
power transmission belts. a radial lip sealing system and assist in the proper
Member Price: FREE specification of the element parameters. It also includes
Non-Member Price: $225.00 proper radial lip seal installation techniques.
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
OS-5 - Garter Springs for Radial Lip Seals, OS-10 - Oil Seal Performance at Low
Second Edition, 1992 (11 p): This document Temperature and ASTM Test Methods, 2005
establishes generally accepted terminology, design (22 p): The purpose of this document is to review
criteria, tolerances, and inspection methods for close- various ASTM laboratory tests used by rubber chemists
wound garter springs. in the formulation of low temperature seal compounds,
Member Price: FREE and their ability to predict the performance of a seal
Non-Member Price: $225.00 during cold temperature dynamic tests.
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
OS-6 - Radial Lip Type Shaft Seals Radial Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Force Measurement, 1985, Reaffirmed 1991
(11 p): This publication describes practices used for OS-11 - Referee Measuring Guide for
measuring radial force of standard radial lip type shaft Rotating Shaft Seals, Second Edition, 1997
seals. (46 p): UNDER REVIEW: This guide presents referee
Member Price: FREE methods of measurement that can be used to resolve
Non-Member Price: $225.00 differences in the results of seal measurements, which
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 may arise between the user and supplier.
Member Price: FREE
OS-7 - Storage and Handling Guide for Non-Member Price: $225.00
Radial Lip Type Shaft Seals, 1973, Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $25.00
Reaffirmed 1991 (11 p): This bulletin is intended to
serve as a guide for lip seal users, calling attention to OS-14 - Recommended Practice for
hazards, and pointing out ways to avoid them. It covers Measuring Thickness & Bond Strength of
the storage and handling of lip seals from the time they O.D. Coatings for Radial Lip Type Oil Seals,
are received by the user, until they become part of an 1986 (7 p):
installation process.
Member Price: FREE
Member Price: FREE Non-Member Price: $225.00
Non-Member Price: $225.00 Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
OS-15 - Measuring Radial Lip Seal Torque
OS-8 - Visual Variations Guide for Rotating
and Power Consumption, 1986 (26 p):
Shaft Seals, 1977 (31 p): The Visual Variations
Member Price: FREE
Guide is an attempt by the member sealing products
Non-Member Price: $225.00
manufacturers of the ARPM to illustrate, with
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
photographs and isometric drawings, visual variations by
location, type, and severity. This Guide is not an attempt
to classify visual variations as functional or non- OS-16 - Recommended Methods for
functional; such classification should be done with the Assuring Quality of Radial Lip Seal
seal manufacturer and with reference to the intended Characteristics, 1988 (8 pp.). The purpose of this
application of the seal. document is to present a tabulation of characteristics for
Member Price: FREE radial lip seals which, when monitored by the
Non-Member Price: $225.00 recommended methods, assure consistent product
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 quality. (13 p):
Member Price: FREE
OS-9 - Effect of Test Variables Guide for Non-Member Price: $225.00
Rotating Shaft Seals, 1977, reaffirmed 1987 Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
(9 p): This bulletin summarizes a series of seal life tests
run by ARPM member companies that show the effects
OS-17 - Sealing System Leakage Analysis
of selected test variables.
Member Price: FREE Guide, Third Edition, 2017 (71 p): This
Non-Member Price: $225.00 publication describes systematic methods of Sealing
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 System Leakage Analysis.
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
OS-18 - Environmental Exclusion Test OS-1-4 – Harmonized Material Datasheet,
Procedures for Radial Shaft Seals, Second First Edition, 2016 (2 p): The new harmonized
Edition, 2004 (13 p): The purpose of this document is material data sheet provides a standardized protocol that
to establish standard engineering test procedures for specifies the conditions under which a material has been
evaluating the contaminant exclusion ability of radial fabricated and tested in laboratory settingsOS-1-4 does
shaft seals in various environments. not replace the OEM’s individual specification demands
Member Price: FREE but provides a rapid way to evaluate the basic suitability
Non-Member Price: $225.00 of materials.
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $150.00
OS-20 - Radial Lip Type Shaft Seals - Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Terminology, 2005 (23 p): The purpose of this
document is to present terminology common in the
marketplace for radial lip type shaft seals and their
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00 Product Description & Quality Control
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Reports: These product specific reports are intended
for use between the raw material supplier and consumer.
OS-1-1 - Oil Seal Technical Bulletin - Shaft These documents prescribe parameters, test
Finish Requirements for Rotary Lip Seals, procedures, and data reporting criteria which
are often mutually agreeable between supplier and
Third Edition, 2017 (13 p): This bulletin specifies an
industry recommendation of optimum shaft requirements
for rotary lip seals. Member Price: FREE (prices are per individual report)
Non-Member Price: $225.00 (prices are per individual
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
(prices are per individual report)

OS-1-2 - Sealing Products Technical SP-110 - Hydrogenated Acrylonitrile Butadiene (HNBR)

Bulletin - Replacement of Bonded Piston Elastomers, Second Edition, 1999 (9 p)
Seals during Automatic Transmission
SP-130 - Emulsion Styrene Butadiene Copolymers
Rebuilds, 2000 (2 p): This bulletin specifies an
(SBR), Second Edition, 1999 (8 p)
industry recommendation on the servicing and
replacement of bonded piston seals during automatic
SP-150 - Liquid Plasticizers for Rubber Compounds,
transmission rebuilds.
Second Edition, 1999 (8 p)
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00 SP-210 - Rubber Compounding Chemicals, Second
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Edition, 1999 (8 p)

OS-1-3 - Oil Seal Technical Bulletin - SP-241 - NBR Elastomers, Fourth Edition, 2001 (8 p)
Referee Method for Correlating Radial Load
SP-310 - Polychloroprenes, 1992 (9 p)
Devices, 2000 (3 p):
Member Price: FREE SP-410 - Adhesives, 1995 (8 p)
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 SP-510 - Fluorocarbon Elastomers, Fourth Edition, 1999
(9 p)

SP-610 - Carbon Black, Second Edition, 1992 (7 p)

SP-710 - Acrylic Elastomers, Third Edition, 1999 (10 p)

SP-810 - Ethylene Propylene Elastomers (EPDM),

Second Edition, 1999 (8 p)

SP-910 - Silicone and Fluorosilicone Bases and

Compounds, 1991 (8 p)
IP-4-6 - Protective Linings Technical
PROTECTIVE LINING Bulletin – Standard for Surface Appearance
of Elastomeric Sheet Lining Materials, 2003
(5 p):
IP-4 - Protective Linings Publications Set -
Member Price: FREE
SET including IP-4-1 through IP-4-19 and IP-6, as
Non-Member Price: $225.00
listed below.
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $1299.00 (Savings of $3200.00)
IP-4-7 - Protective Linings Technical
Bulletin – General Precautionary Measures
IP-4-1 - Protective Linings Technical for Use With Elastomeric Materials, 2003
Bulletin - Specifications for Welded Steel (4 p):
Tanks, Stacks, Ducts or Other Welded Parts Member Price: FREE
for Protective Lining and/or Covering, 2003 Non-Member Price: $225.00
(7 p): Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00 IP-4-8 - Protective Linings Technical
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Bulletin - Storage of Elastomeric Lined or
Covered Equipment, 2003 (5 p):
IP-4-2 - Protective Linings Technical Member Price: FREE
Bulletin - Specification for Pipe and Fittings Non-Member Price: $225.00
for Protective Lining and/or Covering, 2003 Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
(6 p):
Member Price: FREE IP-4-9 - Protective Linings Technical
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Bulletin – Chemical Resistance of
Elastomeric Sheet Linings, 2003 (7 p):
Member Price: FREE
IP-4-3 - Protective Linings Technical Non-Member Price: $225.00
Bulletin - Requirements for Field Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Installation of Elastomeric Sheet Linings,
2003 (6 p): IP-4-10 - Protective Linings Technical
Member Price: FREE Bulletin – Abrasion Resistance Elastomeric
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Sheet Linings, 2003 (5 p):
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-4-4 - Protective Linings Technical
Bulletin – General Procedure for
Application of Elastomeric Sheet Lining, IP-4-11 - Protective Linings Technical
2003 (5 p): Bulletin – General Procedure for Applying
Member Price: FREE Elastomeric Sheet Linings in Pipe, 2003
Non-Member Price: $225.00 (6 p):
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-4-5 - Protective Linings Technical
Bulletin – Elastomeric Sheet Lining IP-4-12 - Protective Linings Technical
Inspection Before and After Vulcanization, Bulletin – Suggested Standard
2003 (5 p): Specifications for Elastomeric Lined
Member Price: FREE Equipment, 2003 (5 p):
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Member Price: FREE
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
IP-6 - Quality Assurance Manual for
IP-4-13 - Protective Linings Technical Applicators of Elastomeric Sheet Linings,
Bulletin – Procedure for Spark (5 p): 2005 (11 p):This manual describes the systems,
Member Price: FREE methods, and the quality to establish a recommended
Non-Member Price: $225.00 quality assurance program for applicators of elastomeric
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 sheet linings.
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
IP-4-14 - Protective Linings Technical Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Bulletin - Effects of Brick Lining at Elevated
Temperatures, 2003 (6 p):
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 COMPOUNDED RUBBER
IP-4-15 - Protective Linings Technical CCG-1 - Compound Consistency Guideline,
Bulletin - Care and Use of Elastomeric 2005 (24 x 31 in. wallchart). (2 p):This guideline is
Lined Equipment, 2003 (6 p): intended to provide general recommendations which the
Member Price: FREE manufacturer of rubber compounds should observe to
Non-Member Price: $225.00 ensure batch-to-batch consistency. To this extent, the
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 guideline provides the rubber compound manufacturer
with recommendations, which when observed
and controlled, will result in reduced batch-to-batch
IP-4-16 - Protective Linings Technical variation and measured data to demonstrate batch-to-
Bulletin – Chemical Cure Elastomeric Sheet batch consistency through controlled raw material,
Linings, 2003 (5 p): controlled inventory, and controlled mixing processes.
Member Price: FREE Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00 Non-Member Price: $350.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00 Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00

IP-4-17 - Protective Linings Technical

Bulletin – Glossary of Terms, 2003 (26 p):
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $125.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00

IP-4-18 - Protective Linings Technical

Bulletin – Procedure for Use of Durometer
Indentation Hardness of Elastomeric Sheet
Lining, 2003 (5 p):
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $175.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00

IP-4-19 - Protective Linings Technical

Bulletin - Repairs to Elastomeric Sheet
Linings, 2003 (6 p):
Member Price: FREE
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Print-On-Demand Price (Members Only): $30.00
Order Form

ARPM is pleased to provide the Rubber Manufacturing Industry with various publications. Please fill
this form out and return with payment to the ARPM office. Payment must be received with the order. If you
have any questions please contact Letha at the ARPM office 317-863-4072 or by email at

Pub. Code Quantity Member Non-Member TOTAL

(ie: MO-1) Price Price
$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

$ $ $

Handling Fee 5% of Total Order $

Shipping TBD $


PAYMENT METHOD: Company: _______________________________________

Name on Card: __________________________________
Credit Card: ___Visa ___Mastercard ___AMEX Billing Address: __________________________________

Phone: _________________ Email:____________________

Expiration Date: __ / __ /__ City, State, Zip: _________________________________

Card Security Code (CSC): Signature: __________________________________

*CSC is usually the last 3 or 4 digit # typically imprinted on the back of a credit card; usually in the signature field.

OR: Make Checks Payable to: Association for Rubber Products Manufacturers (ARPM)
7231 Shadeland Station Way, Suite 285
Indianapolis, IN 46256

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